THE REALM Hats For Sprlnc and 8 a rum or. Fashionables of Paris are now be ginning to think of summer hats, 'eiyaw* will be, as usual, universally .worn, and the novelties are very charming. Among tho new ones aro ! Cr.EATION OT VELVET .AI?D TUM IB. ?ian .t in is is '? . ch f ur the effect ia charming. A uov.? uer of ?sing tulle ie to Voling* layers. ?ne over Ji., uer, un quito either ? -1 IW^^ ss* ti., .i : . g$*s?sti . i of a berat -. ?th ',;..>. loose .."-..of h4 tulle sV-narote, Uko th? I- ".ves f > a brok, o' i o?oh oue edged ;.it?x v. iryj jv^ow ?.tin rib hjt. (.: a row of .ian;: rcs or it nail Uct?c< 3. In Pa .'ls fiow?. r -ti i'm. ?ed hats .vud bonnets ar tdr??dytli a", and wm - < plosely pished coarse sf-raws in ell ?hades. Finely nowa straws, Panu ^jnas, Leghorns and manillas will also be worn. The coarso straws, how ever, will be deemed the most ele gant for toques and bonnets.. Tulle will prove a strong rival of straw during the early part of tho coming season. Even now the nsw models ar^p built of tullo and velvet. ; Chiffon and tullo are also employed for deep plaited frills to soft velvet crowns, and 'gay blossoms will doubtless be exten sively worn in the early spring. Large open roses are the most fashionable. 'Felt hats and toques have entire rns made of them. As is usual in iaio winter, viol?is aro all tho ;o, and the provident dame is now ing a fresh noto to hor winter hat i tho shape of theso delicate and tut ifni flowers. ti iris* Cost um? in Light W?lfilit Serge. Hiatovcr number of more elaborate |to gowns the growing girl's jay include, ono of sturdy iode, is essential to her jell-being. The model ?uble-column illustra tion, is of light ?'al blue and is lack braid. But md all the now -as. cashmere, lio waist is a the centro id the full poke, which is to form slashed jht strip 3hown with crinoline, fraist proper, cov ets. Tho snugly, nt the lined throughout, but uuBtiffenod, and is triminod with two rows of fanoy braid. To ranko this costume for a girl of eight years will require two and one half yards of forty-four-inch material. Styles in Sashes. , Sashes of all kiuds and conditions aro well to the front fia fashion, aud tho now ribbons aro more beautiful than ever. There aro Roman stripes, checks and plaids, with satin bordered edges, and flowered, ' corded, and watered ribbons of nil kinds. Not, chiffon, and laco sashes will continue in favor; but it is not alono sashes for the waist that swell tho list. Tho sashes for tho neck aro quito as con spicuous and moro generally worn, for all women seom to Uko tho long silken cravats around their throats. They aro mado of liberty gauzo, chiffon, aud thia silk, or.of Swiss, with hemstitched and lace-trimmed mids. Tho newest of these neck sashes is a scarf of net with au elaborate laco pattern at tho ends and an edge all around. They range in price from $4 to $15, and aro really very elegant. In smaller things fo?- the neck thore is an unlimited variety. Short bows and knotted cravats of puro white lawn, withknifo pl&ited frills on the ouds, aro added to an array of lace knots and neck frills which are ]yt youd-description. r New Mat?'rt;?lfi fnt Spring TTcar. Among tho ne v u ..ater?ais th?B spring aro several woavos%i>f erepon, which are not intended for- anything but mourning wear. They lofjk as though part wero made of crape, ?Jid thon of OST?.kO. shirrings of silk and wool. They ave also to bo seeu with a sort of blistered surface, resembling matelasse or quilt ing. They are always of a deep black, not a blue black, and wear well, but are among the expensive materials. However, as they do not require much trimming, they are not so expensive as might bo-thought. Noveltisc in Suttons. In fino buttons for bodices and jackets some handsome novelties are shown in celluloid, jot, steel and por celain. The latter are especially love ly, and often look like miniatures, so exquisitely aro ideal heads painted upon them. Latest Spring Bionse. The bloused fronts open over a plas tron of white satin or of a silk which matches one of the colors in tho plaid of the waist material. These fr aro hold together by cufflinks thro" button holes. The revers ave f GOOD ROADS NOTEES. , Prodding Turnpike CoiMiianle? A law hos been passed by theMiolnV gan Legislature requiring the j tura? pike companies-in the State-l^f?^^ struct, reconstruct, repair and niaih* tain their roads in good repair, at d of the same material and in the sanxo manner as required by .their; charter, within six months after the passage fha Act." If they fail to comply wi the law, tho roads are to bo consider as abandoned, and no furthor toll bo charged on them. --- . ? i ? Hoir. It Helped tho Former?. : ' .'Tho beauty of goo%i roads empli lied ?aturday," says r. tho C??b?^. (Ill:) Herald, "'when the' farmers;?t Itiverside aud Ellington ' townships came to town with loads of hay ard atraw and nvoduqe, and the farmers fft other townships had to stay at hon)p. The Riverside and Ellington township farmors came to town via tho Loount street telforded boulevard. The far ors of tho othor townships had to liv main at home, because the roads w?lo too muddy. To start meant to ?le mired, and ao no start was made. Ai all because of lack of enterpriser providing good roads." < j I'oivor Kcriulrod on Gnuie?. : American highways have dften doub ly followed the old Roman model, aid run straight ahead regardless of ob staoles. It seems not to have occurred to our road-builders that less power is, expended in going three miles around a hill than ono milo up it, cr that it is easier to cut down a hill o lice than for all travelers to climb it thou sands of times, or that no heavier load can be hauled than can bo drawn up the steepest part. To attain higher levels the precipitous sides of hills have been scaled, requiring* extreme grados, when such could have beeu avoided, and moro circuitous courses, not materially longer, would havo ar rived at the same spot with less ex penditure of energy. Mountain roads can be kopt in order only with extreme iliftjoulty. The work oh them, tho timo aird- ^unnecessary energy wasted iu surmounting them, and tho half loads that only cainbeji'aulod on them aro sources of great and" constant loss. In foreign countries every effort ?B made to keep grades down to> four per cont., that is, a riso of four fe ot in every hundred, as this has been shown., hy experience to bethe maximum on whioh loads can bo advantageously hauled, and even it necessitates tho; expenditure of as much energy in ono mile as in traveling three on a le vol, ""'hat but one-third as heavy a load be drawn. A.s tho grado increases lubOvjOAt"! ' : \ areoi? Lage tho labor in &?Ivo(f"% i>: . -p. nxcessivft tha^ xiinuni of ttu ?oet nseTlh g*^??? fS?V;U8od abroad for mountain g38 dud on this less than one-half ?vm l?e hauled of what is possible at < four an a hundred, and but one-sixth a^^nuch as on tho level. / > So little attention has been paid to thi3 subjeot hero that a riso of ton in one hundred ia often found , o?; main roads which ' are constantly^najad^by heavy traffic, and even twe?yie; and ?fteen in a hundred aro by no means uncommon. This is wrong. . The courses of old roads could he ?lightly altered iu many uusos Lo tu?ir great advantage, and in other casen now roads could be laid out." Thffae points ought to be thoroughly looked into be fore making hilly roads permanent by macadamizing thom.-L. A. W. Bul letin. t,f Vf hy State Aid la Necessary. In .nddressiug tho Maryland Stato Grange reoontly, General Stone spoke of conditions which may oxist in other States as well. He said in parti "Ifindthut tue question of State aid is eliminated iu -Miuylaud ? hy a constitutional prorls?pn \wb4oh .' pro hibits the use of State-funds for' such a purpose. Get u]i .a sentiment s iron g enough, and amend yoifrConstitution, like other States are doing. It is a vicious system that requires localities to keep up the roadsA," It is a work that concerns t State, and is Roadsju'o of vi Blookade your and to-morrow s oatt er. Tho b are equally aharo thoy must assist in the whole question, the cities, roads to-day, " ll begin to d roadB es, but of con struction before thpn can reap tho ad vantages. "About thro$: erty interests o found in tho cit dbrporatioUs.'li Bonting about; public, this di Mf. paringi This ht States, ical ai The ths of ?toiQ. t>rop country are "to be nd held by the bo farmers, repre irth of the prop een endeavoring a for the whole 'osult is obvious. The much, abd'bad roads !jW i^vwher??v >A m-?ur - P-I'.^es^. stronr .c?;.'?iciS.T\?jAU liHi iu of ta it )pre er. of < proved to be an ecoifom*; n healthful way of wbr$$ y^'prx satisfied thatMary^ employ its short-tern ,nd ?3n.n?o'c}f Correction in ?ia. \? ty, ..'id deliver road fifty sou ts'a ton in any State pour legisla ryland is en lation as any th..Yon must lom to >u caVfc tell moral or ronds, -without moro taxes on farm ?roperty. , ;3*'Third-Ton want an officient ?tato' supervision to make sure that (be now money spent on roads shall ac spent to the best possible ad van Wi.' .^"Fourth-You want to make sure for the future that all property, and di tho people interested in or beno ite d by good highways shall contribute meir proper shat?? toward building ind maintaining those roads." Endurance of Xloriet. -v.Tho "Vedette, the regimental journal jf the Twenty-first Lancers, gives an interesting account, of a march carried jut between Cairo and th o Bitter Lakes ind back-205 miles in five days. This ?vftH? done to" ?est the relativo merits of ?he three classes cf horses in uso in ??he' r?giment, namely, Arabs, Walers [brought from India by the Seventh Dragoon Guards), and Hungarian re mounts lately suppliedyto the regiment. The Arabs were six to ten years old, the Walers fourteen years and upwards ind the Hungarians four to fivo years old, "rather young for such a trial. The verdict was that, oven allowing for ago, the Hungarian horses wero decidedly, inferior iji breeding and stamina; and the Waiora, though in a more temperate climato they might bo superior to tho Arabs, under tho pre vailing conditions of service in Egypt, "with short rations and plenty of saud, long periods without water, and tho temperature nt 130 degrees in tho Bhade," were decidedly inferior tp tho Arab, which, in a desert march, showed itself well able to carry the British soldier, with his impediments. As the woight carried was nu average of nearly sixteen stone, the marches were decidedly good, namely, thirty-five, fifty, thirty, fifty-eight and thirty-two miles per day. Ono Arab, three Wal ers and eleven Hungarians wero ' 'laid up irr the sick lines" after tho trial. London Sketch. Tile Locality of DiseftBC. - In an interesting article on tho areas of disease the London Saturday Beview remarks upon -the consensus of medical opinion that diseases in general have their local habitations some, like tropical animals and plants, living only in tho tropics; some, like consumption, gradually spreading over the whole earth, while others, like leprosy and smallpox, are by de grees becoming limited in their dis tribution, possibly tending, it may be, toward extinction. On the other hand, however, there are regions to which diseases have never reached, for instance, on tho summits of high mountain rangesI and in tho circum polar snowfields of the earth and air and water are as barren of tho mi orobog fflBBfrjWE QS they arc of animal life. CTpfwint^ in the Review ad mits t?pfc|^^?rtnntry iiko Britain, ^ixiek^vw??i^nlfor- many .centuries, anti wi tffiffi^liMt circulai on of popu - lation, uPaffiffiVJbe doubted that every yard of surfaco contains the germs of the more .common diseases, and the native oft some newer land, brought over to Britain's shores, falls a victim to its plague-stricken soil ; but by gen erations of a destructive elimination Britons have become highly restraint to their native diseases-yet not fully io, for cancer and'consumption, two of the most common scourges, still hold powerful sway. ,-. M Australian Fever Cure. ? ?'What's that fired grave for?" isked the recruit. "Fella all sick; weather bad and judgery no good down 'bout Womba. Plenty rain one time, fella catch cold; plenty fever this time ; by'm-by fetch'im onga that place," explained Warrigul, is a litter emerged from a wurley of he camp, and the sick man was borne o the curious grave. The doctor valked in tho rear. Thrusting his hand into tkp long litch, to tost its warmth, the doctor tignaled to lower the patient into it. Ie was then covered from neck to oot, feet and all. His head alone ested above the dirt. Sergeant Dal on explained: "The blacks put fever patients in ho ground like that, and steam tho ever out. They say the earth Will Iraw off tho evil spirit, and then fill im with life." "Electrio ourrents, by Jove!" The next day the late patient was lobbing around like a three-year-old. -Outing. .,; .-_ New Bicycle Tires. The ingenuity of inventors has been xercised to tho utmost on bioyclo ires that cannot he punctured in the rdinary way. Various combinations f springs, plates and rubber have cen made, and tho number of de ices registered in tho Patent Office a this line runs far np into the thou and.' One of the latest models shows aeries pf spring plr'- :*3 nnderneath .: allT-i, f.Vi pV?/S ? ino cov.' ed v iib. ix envy /.tuber casing., lt is claimed li?t'a greater amount^ of elastioity ia ecured with much loss danger of in ?ry tb tho rubber. 'In passing over cry, rough auria, er, tho eprings yiold > sudden presViirv, and thus insure lore safety to t ic .ooro fragile outer ?rtion,-New Y ?rh Ledger.. k ? ?.j. recline th? '. The fan ci fal m;i? metimos to ont rt ^^sp^meense, ,i ?^ingj olin Milne <$<$Vot nd quivers t&raf n j Mj runthrough s rocky frainefcytm. l?Sg?ttMBffic6 e?y; apb when watched .'. iimfcWspcciulftf nn s tr nc tod ahd; OXC? Flh'srly delicate nparatufl. Professed tilno $gfj|rt8 THE CHRIS' A dist?uctivoly Christian flag will roon bo adopted by a large quimber of cburobos throughout tho country with out regard to denomination. "Buttons on which the flag is conspicuously shown aro already being worn. Last rally day at Brighton Obapc?, Coney Island, n well known Christian worker had been nunouu?ed to muka au ad dress. Tho chapel was well lilied and when tho time for {ho address hud como tho speaker failed to appear. Tho superintendent of tho Behool, C. C. Overton, aftor apologizing for the abaonce of the sjieaker, was1 obliged to take his placo. Tho subjoctof his talk was "Tho American Flag." On tho platform was a beautiful flag, thc gift of Jumes H. Perry Post, G. A. Iv. Mr. Overton dwelt upon tho. principles for which tho flag stood, the devotion of its followers, tho loyalty, fidelity and constancy which should bo shown by Christ's followers. The want of a Christian flag impressed Mr. Overton, nnd as be told the writer, "the Chris tian flag appeared to bo floating in tho air as I was speaking, and I gave tho ...... tVordsby FASNY J.CROSBT. f- KUI. J. 79s 70. -* Tile .ChrUl-ian Flag?- bs . b The Christ:lan Flag! cn - fa The .Thrift-."{'aa Flag! Cod bi lone free Seos, To, ev . 'ry clune ar. j " m Thn Christ-inn Flag! on . fer Till all the wide ere < a God ?peed its S?o - rious , m li - sinn Ob, ajiyi it bear tba mes. sas Aid all . tho world o ? ai . ted, eborac. J r i ? ? liv Andf let the voice of ?il - Hons CrOWS ami." CtV s\..*?Why fe it,'' asked awn7 tue inquisitive i ono v'that a rooster craws, and o crow . caws?" It is trno that nroost?>bpsts, but uoboriy over heard of ,?'er??f o'T'Ow ing. Thia is a question tb?fr^Bh??jd occupy tho attention til tho Bcientiflj A woman, porhaps, c| I nco n description of it then an , as it stands upon our platfon . I believe it was an inspira om beaven of a banner tba; triumphant over the wor?l Tll ?'ag is most? symbolic. Tho gron: ? t white, representing peace, puri' .l id innocence; in tho upper corn >t i >\&blue square, tho color of tho -.r-doudod sky, emblematic of bea-. ^ , ti: i homo of the Christiau, also a syo)Dol ' * faith and trust. In tho eentrelof ';?o bino is the cross, tho en sign and cb" -'sen symbol of Christianity; the ero.- j: red, typical of Christ's By oby sect of Christ's follow UL -so tho flag, and it is ?ph iblo to all nations. It no K< rood or denomination. Miss Fa. ry JCrosby, tho Christiau poet, ha. writ . n tho words of tho hymn an R. . "untiugton Woodman tho music aere 'cproducod. Neither tho Hag, nun mr music has been oopyrightciu and di are dedicated by M". Overt? .) to t? 3 followers of Christ tho world o v. T.-J. -ookln Eagle. Mrsicb7 J., .\SU? T 'XQTON x:ooH^?.] blood, eta can equally stands 1 i '- lion, WJ ccrd U Torii> lt . ?fi?, ' ( 1 it, ARJ ocr and oVr .? . Cain-A . ?oa Up - #on ttl fold >. Es**, With ear - nest hearts w?j "Cooa ?ill . and peace to OnT lov-Jnj Sar_. tow p Aaa ?hau) .U. >ua ?Sk. peag'u \ ? The joy -^ial elraia. 'pr? ? tong limro In Cool; ?efl, Hot. j The thermometer neema to fall degrees Jvhen you walk into a room. /Yellow is an advancing o-J ther?fo/o a room fitted up in y^ will aplicar ^mailor than other hand, blae of