The people's recorder. (Columbia, S.C.) 1893-1925, March 19, 1898, FIRST EDITION, Image 2

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CG ER, BRIGHTER, BETTER ' REDUCED RATES Sfy? I ADVERTISERS 1 ?' Tho Colored rioyl JW Carolina only t -OA? rt/i:Acii-i- j South ? .JL. uaronnn uuiy through ,T $ THE RECORDER, i c****** w-^ $J * Ono V..:?r J > ix rno?l ri ^ ? *********** fc***i***-?*J , SUBSCRIPTION: ? .... sur/i *( ... .HT, ? Vinxts Months - - - - J? * IN ADVANCE, *j ?}.-'JIM twite at of Hep ubi ?can PriH^iplca FOI 'NUKI? IN URIS. NIX- IIOI.MKS, i'lihllsiwrs._ M E D, TO, Stats ??fiinL . WBM MBO. Army and Navy Registepublishes This Information i WHICH SHOW THE CAU Of the War Preparations Made inc: the Past Few Days i! I UNITED Sill Rids for Shot and Shell Opttncdt-Tor l p- ? pctlocs fer Key WOSI-LTIIO New / I War >!:ip MadO Up--Nor,th Carolina ls ?it (?ia l??visioii of tl:/o Knst, aud ?South Carolina In thc VJulf l?MvIsIon. Missouri and Texas, Departments Abolished. / Tho Army aud Xavy R/egistor,- in its isauo of tho 12th, 'says: i "Tho Reg ister is in pOBsoBsicn of information, tho correctness of which it inns no rea son to question, that certuim ovidonco, gathered by tho jbourt ol inquiry at Havana, has eo;;.6o in af semi-ofltcial form to tho President frona two promi nent members of tho bo;ard. Tho in formatiou has beon in th? han^s o* 'bj President since Sunday a adj:' ?.?...'? i for tho occasion pf.\iii? hujofual ?ciivity^ during tho pres int ,wcok.j JS^fAlCha :nfo2'm: ition is tbJLt . the >'&ino gj deslroj'od Vuy a government Bubma I miu?, plo .nted in di?fana harbor deliberate!.y crplo'"^fc^ M*" < :' >ly moored iu thj'e vicinity of tho milt?, and that the explosion occurred ut(a moment when the ship had beeu opportunely carriod by wind and tide directly over tho mino. These facta have been hinted nA" and written about j in dispatches Havana and Twa- j drid, aud atjioug tho varied statements made th"/ actual conditions havo been j touebvd upon, but nothing authorita tive" has been pormittod to escapo from ' tho court. "That body is understood to have completed ita work, but nothing is like ly to bo officially promulgated in regard lo its findings)-for a week or more. There ia obviou's reason for such notion, ho objects of which cannot bo defeated by independen t newspaper statements. There can be ono outcome of such a report, and preparations for tho iuev itablo results' uro hoing industriously aud indefatigably prosecuted. Tho work of the week shows that the gov ernment at / Washington appreciates t!io sit nat i . md will bo ready to meet what has NV ceased to bo a mero emergency >KJ?KI> EAST. Ncr.rJ ' i lie Itcgitlar Army to l?o ..tit tt> lim Atlnntle. on - - (Special). - Subsian I wholo regular army of tho ktatcs will bo brought to tho Reabra: d with all possible fain.-,. a?jtio roo ps vent Ohle, thou star ali c'n a War Depai for tvanspo made. T'I: aol io rvnlry, artillery and iu .1 moved to for!? in tho At ilt' Status. Only sufilciont ie loft iu tho West to pro saible Judian uprising. ?bilizo tho twoiity-four ned soldiers are in pro wiil bo issued by tho nt as soon as the plans on of the troops can be f tho authorities fur or . conclu ' evidence that tho gov er ut hus n,! Minced beyond tho stage of paring . trouble as a precutttion ai . easure. ow anticipates troublo a: xpcctii i. ' ho annual appropria >or trans) tionis wholly insutti IOVO great body. Jt has udiifi.i i "oforeto draw upon 'ilioui . ;once fund for this >a3 oetn iiec Command au ja by the Ul . Bids for Sh ta War Depart Ibids for one ol lt and shell foi riven, incl mb [tiles, and dei Ihells. that Gen. Merritt Hilary forceB sont I States. ?d Sholl, t at onoe will largest orders ivy calibre guns armor-pioroing iercing and tor rin; WAK M A P. H/'. J;. tors of tho Array, Adjutant Njci" ?'? Oflico, Washington, March hi< ', ..Vj?. ,'Tno following orders bato been ro qeivod from tho War Department and ...or the guidauoo of alt coucernod: War Department, Washington, March , ll, 1608. By direction of tho President tho foi- j lowing changes are niado in the terri- | torial limits, designation and hoad- I quarters of geographical departments: ] Tho Department of tho East willem braco the Now England St utos, New i York, New Jarsoy, Pennsylvania, Dola- i ware, Maryland, District of Columbia, I .West Virginia, Virginia and North Car- I olina, with headquarters at Governor's Island, Now York. ti. A department is hereby established to bo known as the Department of tho 'Lakes/ to consist of tho .States of VYis . nsin, Michigan, Illinois, ludiaua, . Iii ' Kentucky and Tonnesso, with i j. t 'quartors at Chicago, HI. h. .'ho l>?t)arliueul of Dakota willi emera.'-' I' . "tes of Minnesota, North ! Dakota, c.. I ?Vota, Montana and so ! much of Wyo:' . md Idaho as is em i braced in tho liHowetoue National - Park, with headquarters at St. Paul, i Minn. 4. The Department of the Columbia will embrace tho ?State of Washington, Oregon, idaho (exceptso much of the latter as is embraced in tho Yellowstone Natioua1 Park) aud tho territory of Ala'ska, with headquarters at Vancouver Barrar-ks, Washington. 5. The Department of California will | embrace tho .Slater, of California and Nevada, with headquarters at Hau Frau C?BCO, Cal. 0. Tho Department of tho Colorado j will otnbraco tho .States of Washington, (except so much thereof ns is cm- J bracod in tho Yo' atone National . Park), Colorado omi Ulai) aud tho Territories of Arizona aud New Mexi co, with headquarters at Douyer, Col. 7. The Department of the Platte will embrace tho States of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas aud Arkansas, the Indian Territory and tho Territory of Oklahoma, with headquarters at Omaha, Neb. 8. A dooartment ?B hereby estab lished lo bo known as tho Department of tho Gulf, to consist of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- I bp ma, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tixas, with headquarters at Atlanta. The Departments of tho Missouri aud Texas are hereby abolished. The roc- j I ords of the Dep?rtmeutof the Missouri I will bo transferred to the Department ? of the Lakes, and these of^ the Depart- 1 meut o? Texas to ino Bopartmentof tho Golfs Maibr C., .al ."ch :? '. Brcm^eJaj. v ?Hhi?aM V .. -.Yr" ."r^the Uepa.. rment' of the Lakes, and Brigadier Gen oral William M. Graham to' the com mand ol:,the Department of the Gulf. Tho officers of the several staff depart ments now on duti' in tho Departments of Missouri and of Texas are assigned to like duties iu the Departments of tho Lakes uud of the Gulf, respec tively. Tho transfer required under these or [ dors ia necessary for the public service. lt. A. AnnER, .Secretary of War. By command of Major General Miles: H. C. COURIN, Adjutant General. Talked Peace. On the 112th tho now Spanish envoy Don Luis Polo y Bernab? in presoutiug his address and his credentials to the President expressed tho hope that he would bo able to cement more closely the friendly fooling between tho two com: trios. Pr?sident McKinley replied, saving ho would do all in his power to "draw tho two countries moro closely togothor uua friendly footing." Ordered From Fort Riley. Orders received at Fort Kiley,' near Junction City, Kan., dirocted tho send ing of three batteries of artillery to tho South. Battery B, of the Fourth Ar tillo^', Captain Anderson, command ing, will go to Fort Monroe, Va. ; Bat tery F, also of the Fourth, Captain Taylor, goos to Savanuah, Ga., and Battery F, of tho Fifth, Captain Paley, to Now Orleans. Torpedoes for Key West Harbor. Tho steamer City ot Key Wost, from Miami, has just landed two car-loads of torpedoes and torpedo buoys ut Key West, Fla. Theso will bo laid in this harbor. , % Strength of tho Spanish Navy. The Liberal givos the following as the r resent strength of the Spanish navy: Protooted ships 17, unprotected 21). gunboats 80, torpedo boat destroy ers 14, torpedo boat* 14, tran?'" rta ?r?. Loan of $00,000,000. The American Embassy in London has received information that Spain bas raised sixty millions for the purehasoo? warships and that this amount was so cured from a London bank. Plenty of Ships Available. Tho latest from Washington says an oflice will ho opened at 2d Cottntlaudt street, New York, nt which owners and ?gents for ships will bo invited to make thoir proposals for turning over to the navy such vessels SB aro of value for war purposes'. Tho naval officials say there will be no difficulty experienced in obtaining all the vessels that aro de sired as there aro hundreds available. Finishing Up Cannon. At tho Washington gan factorj'"there are now in varied stages of construction no less tlian 150' guns of formidable character, on which work is being done night and day, with a viow to their early completion. No new guns aro ho ling started; but th'e entire ell'orls of ? kttffrfc^tiiiitfill ll"v"Uil" *? finishing thozft naval oJHcer ?aid for probably 30 moro auxiliary cruisers, should so largo a lloet bp found ucees* Kurv to supplomout tho regular var ch ipa. VfiZAt -. ," s?r Perfecl?ng Plans to a- ' O Tro^?f^ Tho government '<.' irf' (jfC'i|?^*i plans for tho inov. ... of tr . wtti?'P coast defoneoH, ord .. for wL -Ofj?K?i' been issued by tho "War IJcj.crtrm?nt X; and published. A conforouei .vas I bold at Washington by v.?fro j scutaUros of tho following railroad;. 'o an ango for tho transportation of ligo artillerymen and their accoutrements: j Tho Atlantic ('cant Line, tho Southern i Railway, tho Seaboard Air Lino and tho Chesapeake und Ohio. Florida's Stato Troops. From all reports coming into tho Ad- '< jutant General's oihco at Tallahassee, Fla., and letters from commanders of companies, it ia loamed that tho Flori da Htato troops aro now recruited up to tho full loeal Btandard, with oilers of enough mon to put three thousand moro in tho Held in a week. In Tampa aud Jacksonville especially tho war fover is ? strong, and ibo commanders of com- I pani) there, both infantry and artillery, report oilers of hundreds beyond tb air Deeds. t^paiii Will Not Provoke War. Madrid -(By Cable)-Tho view held in oiliciul circles is that Spain will not provoko war, because if she did, abo would find herself isolated, but if America gives tho provocation, Spain will not bo alone in tho struggle. Tho general opinion is that iu tho ovont of war, Hpain will not need to attack j Americnu territory. It will Buffico her to pursue a war ot privateering. As America's commerce is noveu-fold greater than Spain'p, American inter ests would stiller most. War would be madness, bonoliting neither nation, and good 6onso, therefore, counsels peace, ?Working Day arni Night. At Wilmington, Del., the powder work? of tho V). 1. Dupo?t-OoNemoura Compauy is nov; working day and night on a government order for hexagonal powder for the big guu9. Tn addition some of the buildings'aro being en larged and additional machiuery is being put in. The daily capacity of the works is said to bo 10 toni of hexa gonal powder. POLLOCK'S PLATFORM. Ila l?.*ucs Ap, Adilrera ff* tht 5>o . ocr?ey'- - i fi .. * ji?JIaii- ->T' rr'. .wk., o'. who io ono of the ton or more candidates for Dr. Strait's placo in Congress, has issued tho following platform: To tho .1 ?emoeraey of tho Fifth Con gressional District: Believing in rota tion iu oilicc, not only in respect to men, but also in respect lo thediifcreut sections which uro represented by any odicer, and believing lhat Chesterfield county, which has never had' a -native boru representative iu Congress, ia en titled to somo consideration at the hands qi tho other counties in this dis trict, Fn?reby announce myself a can didate for Congress from tho f>lh Con gressional district, subject to tho J.'ein ocratiu-primary. 1 shall stand upon my i*ee?>ni made in tho General Assem bly o? -'niuli I Y.V'dom duriug ibo past tour ses.">i??n*? ?'f ihist nody, ?.??. hereby declare mv uiiejiam:-.- tu iii. lonicipiea Bet forth ni i!i". I iftnocriit ?i t ii..'1-ji?i aa adopted nt i .icu i ? t favor tue fr???: arni nu ieiitc-1 coin age of ^ i . . > . ;'>:? !; .?!?! ?\- '. l.t i .ii.. . i-i' ?<> to i; 'be r?i .-.-.i ? ? i!?? aroh?dtivc lax of lu pei' cens. < '.i the is.? ne o? ? 'nu luniks; an asicitdrntsit'.<. the ? "on i inn ?on of Ibo ?. nilo l States | erantnuthc us sesm.'iit and eollection o! an income tax; the ifstrlct?on of tho tar ill'so that it will o*:?y provide snuieicut revenue for the e. oii-jinic administration of tho government; tho curtailment of tho extravagant ami outrageous appropria tions for pensions amt for rivers and harbors, and tho destruct ion of tho shameful and mi?ona system of gamb ling in futures, hy which the aHect of i Lo law of supply and demand on tho price of cotton and other agricultural products has been doatroyod, and by which tho gamblers of Wall street have hoon enabled to i?x*tho prico which the toiling receive as compensation for their labor to a largo oxtout. i THE COLO UKI) MILL. Plckunlnnles Learning to Manipulate the Looms. The colored cotton mill at Columbia, nays The Register, will be opened for work about April loth. Several looms have been gotten into position already, and half u dozen pickauinnies about in yenm nh; are industriously learning tho d '*"...-. . -\ hetvr*'*'. n ' ". irp" and, ' IvypJi ' and "combs'' ' vis.'" The ex pert mill men tou^' : thom declaro that they mako apt sein..ara and leam the intricacies of tho looma readily. The question of the negro's capacity being sottlod, tho next which suggests itself is his "stickability. " The negro is, as a rule, musical and musio loving, sentimental and sommons, faithful to others b?it negligent of self, and his cup QI happiness is easily filled. But the' negro race has made wonderful strid?B in recent yenrs# and baa "assimilated; many of the ia a||{i^^ir?iatwiatio'of the "Yankee,^ tbo term whioh host oxpresses the bus tle and'., vigilance of the average ' Anfc*i ??aii citiSepv'. v / ? Tho negro is more andpj?to becoming to^npprecTatothe realities of lifo and of the future,land it is ?prob?ble that when thisi*wouuo tor employment is offered to ?.?S^kwill bee its advantages and otmk;;)^S& J If th^^usb^BjJi?l?ri of tho haili ia d the negro's by tboso o of surcos pas ._ essential 'or Reports That Auto; omy Sn i!t?!.>a IK ii Kulin re- Preparations for K>cfotiCO Cioin?; Kor wa rc! Rapidly. ishington.-(Special. )-"Wo aro ired for war," says Hon. John H. socrotary of tho navy, "l am ? mted in saying that wo can obtain a'I tho warships wo want." ?Io added, "Several war vessels can become ours at an hour's notice. Wo hive concluded our plans for trans feruling merchant vos3els iuto armored pV.ipn, but wo will not tako possession ol thuin until tho nocessitj' for thom arises. Wo arc fully prepared for war." ,Tho United States has bought tho battleship "Amazonas," which will ho trannforrod and placed nuder tho American fla^ as soon as arrangements cnu bo completed for turning her over to an American crew. ?-?pain has bought tho Chilian battle ship "O'Higgins," and the Spanish flag Will bo hoisted over her within a few days, when sho loaves tho Tyne' This is stated ou authority. Senator Proctor mado a report to the President on tho 14th declaring that autonomy in Cuba is a failure and that thu A! aim) waa destroyed by dosign. Il?? ca'led at thc war department. [Jibe dovolopmonts in the Cub', atiqu have beon confined <"". V, .uo pvst few dnyB to the coutipu . of ac tive preparations maire by t.i_- war aud navy dopa* : nts, preparing for u pos M' : ..' ";< . ith Spaiu. .>:i4io negotiations with Spain h- ... been practically suspended eiuce tho Maiue was blown up and with re HI >WJI as a commerce destroyer, Ix Ho marino rutber than to luivo a .nd only tba very floe tost ot t .. has inst bean ordernd In com:; (3bo ! me. ser Col card to tba general, question, Cubau freedom, l??ve not been renewed. 'tho President \>as hopeful a few months ago that b3T tnis timo negotia tions would bo brought to a head. Tho blowing up of tho blaine interrupted these diplomatic negotiations. Unless the report of tho naval board I of inquiry is hastened it will beimprac-1 ticubio for tho President to bring* the i controversy to au omi during tho pres- j eut session of Congress. Roth branches , aro rushing through nesessary legisla lion for tho jiin poso of early adjourn-1 mont. They will lot tho President set- ? tie tho Cuban question. Tho Sch;?ghticoko Powder Company has received a rash order for a hundred tons of powder from tho govcrumont. The works aro tl.e largest for tho man ufacturo of powder in this country, A big consignment of shells for sub marino mining has arrived at Kev Weat. Fla. \ The work of transferring throe hun dred artillery laan ordered to Sundy Hook began on tho 14th. Preparation^ were commenc ed early nt Forts Hamilton arid Wades worth. Dozens of eight, ton and twelve inch steel rifles oreT at Sandy Hook rAfi (\xr for mounting. . When engineers are through ibo fortVncution will oo among the strongoBt in the world. All tho women audwd^djEca.under IC. vears of ago have iMMliil ll tired from tho Hook. A hundred maso^^?fc?enters, nnd other machines are pgtwqpAn tho ad ditional quarters for\ jT?f? a Katiti Fire lrtT*ei Tn a firo at Now York lodging house, five men death, and tweq.ty''' ti cut?d^ rv* Bryan Talks in At| Hon. Wm. J?? Brja^ np? ?(ia., in th0.a^d^?m i?V His address wal alohgdSL^ argument. Distinguished McnjjP general William nehr Redondo, Cul., orftbe mig away peacefully iu.ihe pi his son and daughter, 1 Cai'l L lloseoxaus, and several friend family. Rosecrans had a ni in tho civil war. He" served ter to Mexico audjtf?a JU Col don. Will i airi' G. Mackey j at Alexandria, Va., aired.M born nt portsmouth, and wal of tho.'- secession conyou^ against secession, '*?'. ] Bowery ned .to ly ros iauta, Bpple. ino of its died pass. ice ofs (Anna r GRAIN IN If ARMERS* HANDS. 120,000,000 Musit?la of Wheat, 783, 000,000 Corn, 272,000,000 Oats. The consolidated roturas of tho dif ferent crop reporting agencies o? tho department of agriculture made up to March l show tho wheat reserves in farmers' bauds ou tliut dato to havo hoon tho equivalent of 22. '.) per cent, of last 3'oar's crop, or about 1'21,OOO, OOO bushels. Thia iu '):$,OOO,OOO hushols in excess of tho farm reservo reported ono year ago, but tho result of tho special wheat investigation mado to tho depart ment hist, full would indicate that tho crop ol' 1800 was larger than tho depart ment had reason to believe at thc tinio. Tho proportion of tho Crop ol' 1S07 shipped beyond country lines is GO, 7 per cent. Tho corn in farmers' hands a3 osti muted aggro-^ulea ?.-!*,OOO,OOO bushols or 41.1 per cont, of lust year's crop, as ; against 1, hil,000,000 bushols or 51.0 pol ecat, on hand on March 1, 1K;I7, nm' 1,073,000,000 bushels or 10.8 pur cajtj ou March 1st, ISUii. j Tho proportion of tho t' :} crop shipped ont of tho couu'.y /boro grown is estimated 21.?5 t ?nt. or about 412,000,000 bushel- ' no pro portion of tho total crop uaulnblo is estimated at HI!. 8 por r ,. Of oats thore aro asl. atod to bo about 27*2,000,00' bushels, or 88.0 per cent, still in t ??t?ra* hands, as com pared with yr' 0?0 bushels, or 4-1.2 percent, on jh 1, 1807. Tho pro portion of crop shipped beyond county li* . . j estimated at 20.2 pel ee ut. y . Thc Rticiny's Slti|is*Comliig. A special dispatch from Cadiz, Spain, announces that tho Spanish squadron has sailed from that port. It is under stood that tho Spanish warships aro go inij to Porto llioa, where they will wait tho orders of Captain-General Mancho. Enthusiastic crowds of peonlo gathered to bid farowoll to tho war vessels. tUISmtt C0I.TJ3IDI \ ir mission being to prey upon an enemy' plat'O In titi? fighting lino. sl?o lias triplo bu ocean greyhounds caa escapo her. Tlio tisslon.) Ii Ii Y AN ANI> MMCINIJKY. Their Romes to Rc Reproduced nt Omaha Exposition. Senator J. M. Thurston, chairman of tho Senate committee on Expositions, rcceutly BUggostod that tho McKinley homo at Canton bo reproduced as tho Ohio Stato building on tito grounds of ibo trans-Mississippi exposition at Omaha. Tho board of man agers approved tho idea. Tho build ing when constructed will bo used as a placo of reception for Ohioiaua and it is proposed to exhibit there in many mementos of tho late cam paign, avoiding, as fra* as possible, anything savoring of partisiauBhip. Noting tho action of ibo hoard of man agers, tho friends o? William .T?nnings Bryan lost no timo in putting a pro position looking to tho reproduction of tho Bryan homestead ut Lincoln. Tho board of managers have unanimously voted authority to tho buildings and grounds depart mont to allow tho spacu for such building, making a proviso, as waa dono in tho McKinley homo stead, that tho exhibits bo nou-compo titivo and not for balo. Reward for Lynchera. Governor Atkinson, of West Virgiuia, has ottered a reward of 32.70 for tho ar rest and conviction of tho lynchers who hanged a negro named Bailey at Brain well, in that Stato about a _mouth ago. Millionaire Joel Killed. "Wool' Jool, tho South African mil lionaire, nephew of Barney Barnato, was ahot and instantly killed by a man named Feldtheim. Tho murdoror was arrested. Mining Millionaire Dead. E. O. Ilassick, who located a famous Colorado ?ilvor mine, and by it bec -. . a millionaire, diodat ! .- :\ :. A Kansas I '< : I. In tho United States Supremo Court nt Washington, an opinion hus been I handed down by Justice Harlan, in tho case of tho Missouri, Kansas <t Texas l'ai I mad Company vs Charles bor, nlKrming the constitutionality 'dity of .tho Slate laws of 'biting tho transportation eall'octed with Texas or a civil actio? infraction of . FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Proceeding* of Until tho Senate and House Pnyl?y iJny. THE SENATE. ?STII DAY.'- Tho Senate passod tho emcrgoncy bil!, carrying Sisy.OOO for delicieucies. und placing at tho dis posal of tho President Sob.000,000 for dofeuco. Tho voto hy which tho meas ure was passed was unnuimm; bis short, sharp and emphatic woro delivered in favor of tho bill, each one being simply a ringing during tho roll cali upon too of tho measure. Xot only 1 Senator present register 1 favor of tho bill, but for cv mendier tho authoritative ment was made thal if ho w ho would vote nye. Bacci meut to tho Hawaiian antic?:t. : was under discussion duri! ccutivo session of tho Sen Tho amendment provides treaty shall not become opel ratified by a majority of th? '.ho Hawaiian islands. ''rn DAY.-Tho Senile tro ' ? "ss of real importune jo d tin*V. "Monday. li? IC DAY. - - P .p ing its ; Hirco hours, tho !S '. .1 pas?-? sideral do number -?j ''. ' ^'V ... general calendar, * \ ono authorizing tho Kixty iccli?s , cae ' 'aye, " passage evory de in disent Minco rescnt mend treaty 0 f.X oday. t tho 1 until .teru of ted no ld ad in of a con , ' . -om tho ui.j number struct :<ui-pf eight now revenW" cutterfe1 lot exceed ing nu aijirregato of $l,02.*i,00t>. A resolution odored by Chandler, of Now Hampshire, authorizing tho oommittoo on naval allai rs lo send for persons and impers in tho courso ol' thu investiga tion of tho Maine disaster was adopted. Among other bills passed were: 'J'o increase tho ponsiou of Mrs. i .ot it in. Tyler Somplo, a daughter of President John Tyler, to 830 a month.V UlST 1>AT.-After tho of nu merous bills from tho calendar, tho Seunto began tho consideration ">f tho measure providing for n^ tioual R3'stem of quarantine tie beyond tho reading of th was accomplished^ ??omo desul discussion occurred on an amendm but no progress v eral bill. Ainonj. tho following: T< sac?la, Alabnma . road company to the Alabama rive, WJ v Ala. : to establisb ?IHRV* nade on tho. bills pass .horizo tl TounosB t a bridge Wilcox Pitch of the Cap?:Jwfc. minctpn_lt. '.' ' ." ,<f-j,ouoyrtTextend ti tho .soi) odd all but a South and resorted to excoedj iiHes of tho mail service, tho plan being to adopt tho re) turn postal card of tho United Economic Compani'. THE HOUSE. 03n DAY. -The House de . .ii ' ' ^elf to routine business. Tho le";'. at ive, judicial and executive appropriation bill wont through its last stages in tho adoption of tho liual conference report, and tho remainder of the day was con sumed in tho consideration of the Sen ato amendmont s to tho indian appro priation bill. UlT't DAY.-Tn tho House tho Senate, amendment to thc indian apprcp**'"**'*ii* bill was voted down. Tho naval ap propriation bill has been practically completed hy tho ll cuso commiltoo ou naval affairs, save as to tho question of incienses in tho navy, dry docks and armor plate. Thorn have boen fow changos from tho estim?t os, aud tho bill will involve in tho neighborhood uf 830,000,000, asido from new vessels,dry docks and armor. . (ifrril DAY. - Tho bill to pay tho Bow I man act claims, aggregating $' ?') : i0 for stores aud supplie* furnish*."' '.Le Union army during tho war, was K O.oro tho House until ."> o'clock, hut beyond completing tho general debate, litilo progress was made. ( >f ehiiins in the bill fow como from the dilatory tactics were to provont progress with tho bill. ? In a speech favoring the bil), Mr. (Jib- : sou, (Bop.) of Tounessee, said tho claims wore distributed ns follows by Stntos: Alabama, ?0; Arkansas, W; (?eorgia, 42; Illinois, 1; Kansas, '5; Kou tueky. r?0; Louisiana, 22; Maryland, 70,j Mississippi, LOU ; Missouri, ?GI: Nerv York, 1; North Carolina, VJ; Ohio. 2; Oregon, l\ Pennsylvania, 4; South Car olina, '2; Tennessee, ISO; Virginia, (>'>; and West Virginia. '1(5. Tho l-l ouse then adjourned until Monday, I'IUTH DAV.-This being the second Monday of tho month, .it was given over, under tho rules, to tho considers Bon of business relating to the Dis tr i of Columbia. The District busiue1 was concluded at4:35 p. in. A few ato bills were passed and at fi o'cloci tho House adjourucd. li?Tir DAY.-The I louse agreed to coil sider the bill for tho reliof of heirs of the Maine disaste. ibo poatoflleo appropriation was takeu np in tho House, h way. During tho general del post?nico bill, member:, advantago of the latitud committee of ibo whnlo tho Union lo discuss questions aud tho di covered a wide raug? The g; Prawn, the '. . ii and ene jt was ever ned noise in the bis! ls now tho v'c toward with COM ble is Just In/gii day ns though bel'' every great Pure, maud a pire. P ls no po o le< ion vi