THE BIDDLE OF JJ W? YV-, ;. idovJTP1'' 'hero no man rcadu ? Ti-r> . 'tiple o! t^.l'.'.i that aro, From * '?"ny terr lr. .'io valloy's heart T . ?io light o? t ? largest star, 1 Sel wi 'io prosBiiro ol Lite is kno^ that hurd' ' ? ' &n*athe?Siier.< ? ipeath is deep, As w " oi'.l and . ..i onthe tangled way ?ct nt Iliads t> ' gate ot Sleep. M Sj. >JS*i 5 TH B CRUMPL? I,:, ?ri. ""TORY OF -A. IiOTTDLESS skies and balmy breezes combined to make the day an ideal one. Tho well known bay at Algiers was most delightfully still. Tho sun glinted down on tho white sails of a yacht lying a milo or twp out, makiug tho Ibrasswork glitter and tho pretty little |breakfast table, sot under tho awning, look most inviting. It was most charmingly arrauged a deux, and everything, from the delicate eggshell china to tho littlo rat-tailod spoons, was of tho daintiest description. | Everything around looked so calm and quiet; it Heemed almost as though ; a spell lay over it all, and.the ship ?wore about to sail iuto au enchanted city-tho brilliant blue of tho Mediter ranean, and the cloudless Southern sky, with the white roofs and orauge .groves of Algiers in tho distance, ' making upa picturo worthy of a fairy- i story I At least, so thought tho mau and woman who were leaning agains* ,? the rail watching a tiny boat whicl 2 ?was slowly making its way out t .?j them. Tho woman held a big scarh . \? sunshade over her, to .^shelter her fa f. curly head and swoet my hi lo fae l\ from the sun. . . . ?ri "Fancy, Harry," sho was langhin i [ .'just a mouth to-day since wo wi w. married! What a charming rome brance! and what a lovely idea . i (yours to have all thoso lovely flow?.'- i brought over to decorate the ship v . for to night!" The sun beat down tho littlo white bauds holding tho p uso], and ju ad o the brilliant rin ?upon them glittervagain. "We'll gin at once, as soon as he oomes," .went ou. "I think a festoon -*r yellow flowers would look i ?.'.M/a'vl over the saloon door;" i "Oh, no,?' answered her.k "\ -laughing; "wo won't begin V *l$Vo' '? *j"wo il have brrr"??^!. . :#Stli&Mf4'iuiJi '5 ut the papersjJa^^;. d?hW^Of Ms .vornan? I >Nant to let) .? W?? ? fit o'!,, and wt Vdd sitiu ? ?. fiji? aiHWH? .' ?.*.;.,. ' fe i^'WHfc 'IIP' V'-i re* rd ;the n it ii .g ttV l?p?t a ,??ap?r'^^fj i i ? i >. ur^h'ori?ymbc \% I "ii?i > . ot :?u ?h a thing." V, ' . 'roll, I am sun < ^ >(. tl..J oilier ond of tho boat 'i. ot brilliant blossoms, and an be.-"' She tall swarthy Afr. pac 'f letters and news]--. ". ?i ." .gaspou Molly, wh artis . 1 i small way; "oh, \? ions i.,.i^.s of color, whaj flowcrd!" Meanwhile tho mon basket? on board, and with hil letters, walkod table a^d sat down in chair. \ glVO :'U Hero ar.' and sit But " : flowers basket, be coav nfnllnrl i said, : on as yacht's cargo .inges, whilst . ma3S .e seat lay a rs. was an t a glor lovely carried tho Mt, Ashley er to tho ow deck iwcothcart, " he s??d, ' 'you'll i cup of toa, won't you? ? vo letters for y .n!" i Hy was kneelin t Inrying her fac> i in anotkqi : I .iway and cot : .' . r Chinois wu Harry ht ur If bef oro sh e down tc- -cakfast anC Such a pretty picturo n her whit caress and .?.<. ut V.gainst th i do como staudiii tho ser. kets <>. fl ?j: . T y tc, pel . sho. fr .onie n : tho lo' eagerly > ?oved eil; . had be ? died np wi V.-.t a bit < ? A1.1..J.V .. Otf ill! satis!..otion, 1i< 1 :^W^?|ait:. ey 4s* r?st "ovin u ' think you looL -add ei ay h: e : yo i esido the I i st iii ono an'd had to i"' i th a sigh of .1 her his cup to d'. ightful it is .v ,r; H round on the d then letting his .n, his wife; "and I i i.?ming pouring out , i h a laugh. our wife compU ji| been married , i '\ d? "you ^aro: if?fk >' ftol? of old married 10 t ; fhe answ ? alwavJhad to so HINGS TH'T ARE." We know . "?.'?t tho'^pToplems ot Sin and .Pal-i , ? ' * :? h V And tb.?> \ ;>. -> iona that load to orime, Aro the v ii .-rles looked trom age-to ago ' In the uwjnl vault ot Timo; Y?t wo I ?' o .c weary feot and strlvo Turo?; ii the miro and mist to grope And Ami vledge on tho mount ol Faith Ia tho u_orniug land ot Hope. .1 -Harper's Wookly. :D ^OSELEAF. heart! what'B the matter? no '. bad newsl I hopo?" he said quickly, "Op, no," she returned. "This is a i lor from Olga, Jind she always ru1', to up tho wrong way, somehow. 91" .-.ys: 'I presume you are having a .' . 'oct time; now tell me what is tl rumpled roseleaf in all this hap p . i?-for there must bo oue!' And I ."lght for a moment, if over ono pl.- 'd como, if it could go on like i !u8j always without, changing. It seems t mlgood to bo true," she added in a lo\Jtono; "but there is absolutely not (*? a orumpled rosoloaf so far." "i?Of dear." ho said quietly, bond dowu and kissiug her bauds;1 iuire ia no sorpout. in our Eden!" was only afterwards ho remem d tho bitter irony of Fato that . . apted those words, and thoy were * > i absorbed again in their letters aud themselves. Themeu wero down stairs in the cabin, and no ono noticed tpo tiny black adder which had crept from tho basket of flowers, and now Fh sunning himself on the deck just ' dud Molly's chair. Tho warmth .ol ;ho sun mudo him quite lively, and r,. bogan creeping about, and grad ra dy disappeared under tho chair. $ Suddenly she sat up with a Bharp jjjvy: "Ohl.Harry, something has hurt ?S y foot," sho* said; and, looking down, " \ere lay across her instep the little t lake, its head firmly fixed into tho : ilk stocking. With a muffled excla 1 nation of horror Hairy toro it off, and lung it into the sea; tho pretty white ioot lay bare, and seen through tho rent in the stocking wero threo tiny red punoturos. Mr. Astley rushed down the cabin biep ; in a mad hixrry: "Williams, Williams," L. -nUcd, "vou faust gp on shore at on ce, ul o. . - do your hear? Mrs. Astley has b<. j ' stung by a snake, go and bring a doc- j tor as quickly as ever you can." Corr. ing back he took up the huge bask ?t of flowers, and pitched them over- j board; theu, takiug poor Molly in '?i.-* j arms, ho carried her to her c->.!>i>.;: where her maid bathed her por. J- lift la foot." ?t Was swelling already, but. there was no pain. "I'll ait on, the dook until .Jfcj&j -flqe. tor CICLOS, Harry," she labfflw?j? "Pleas.jMon't worry, I dor.'.jfbejflgBit i ur.?-jng but rs-corri;1^ *-??St?;.^"c ?a-h.MI.", hs looked v?ry j 'iKcanuot say anything for some time yet;" ha eaid, after examining tho sting. "I don't Uko tho entire absence of pain. Can you not de scribe to mo what the snako or adder looked like?" But poor Harry had flung it away without looking, nud was in Buoh a state that he could absolutely remem ber nothing. Gradually poor Molly got worse, tho swelling increased, aud a 'terrible numbnesses which crept slowly right over the body, set in. Tho doctor stayed on, but more for tho sake of Mr. Astley, who was .be side himself with grief, than for Molly, who lay quito still aud quiet in-a kind of stupor iVoui which nothing could r >:i? j 'i .". About six in tho evening she awoke, uud faintly asked for her husbaud. "Dear love," sh?.- - aid, putting her arms around his nec?, ".'ry not to tako it too hardly if I-r" 1 il Harry left ? her and rushed ou deck. "Good God, Wilson," ne ried, to tho doctor, "can't you do anything^.] Let's havo someone else, let !-." his eye fell on tho nativo Avbo had brought over the flower's in the morn ing, standing talking to Williams, and iu his frenzy, ho turucd on him. "You scoundrel," he said, going up to him, "do you If now your careless ness hus killed my wifo? Ii sho dies, I'll have you thrown into tho seal" "Master Harry," said tho staid Williams, who had boen his master sinoo ho was o boy, "don't hurt tho man; he's a native, and theso natives aro sometimes very clever with medi cines, perhaps ho eau do something for my mistress I" ?God bless you for thinking of it, Williams," he said \n a broken voioe; "you tell him, you can understand his jargon," and. he wont down again to Molly. Williams explained as well as he oould what had happened, and the man with a glimmer of understanding, thought he oould see what kind of a snake it was from the wound it had inflicted. rHe was accordingly shown into Mrs. Astley' s cabin, and after looking at the punctures, nfc once hur ried away, soyiugho would bring some thing, but he was afraid, he confided to Williams, that it was too late. . Most of us can'call to memory some' time in our lives, some special hour when every moment seems a yeariand J though a suppressed excitement^ fiUSj us, yet we . seem unnaturally qoi^'* waitinjef^-waitihg-?-we kuoky )ZM Whether v?or Ufe:, or death, Whappl'^ ness ?r'n^?yy,t? f?li to our lot. : :[ ^\t?| 11 ai^j?atley . -had, been nskod wmcb \\ s the supremo hour o? his Ufe'l? \'du;^d;Vithout hesitation have said '. lis dn?--TWhen he sat beside, his wife', hod in dumb agony awaiting the i < . nra of tho man, wondering if he w ? I ! be in time, .or poor Molly ! eeorx .< to bo losing strength vi j> 1 overy breath, ami wondering, too, if 9 bo could do any good whoa ho did ?j cornel At last, after what Roemed io tho worn-out mau a porfeot eternity of waiting, the nativo returned. Hi? method seemed to Harry alnrmingl> simple for such an extremo case, as it moroly consisted iu putting a - few drops of a particular juice into the three punctures the adder bad made, but to his dolighted astonishment, as well ns tho doctor's, in half an Hour! Molly was sloeping quietly, nud the swelling was already greatly' decreas ed, while Mahomed Nani, the AM-.: i?an medicine-man left tho yacht con siderably richer than when ho carnap on to it! T It was a very palo littlo Moliy who was Bitting a week later at tho same breakfast table, opening a littlo paek ago her husband had just givon_]\eri: It was a bracelot in the -?otni o? a tiny gold adder, with gleamiug eyes of omi, eralds; and on its quiveriug tongue" .ay a crumpled roseleaf of rosy eiir arneb "How beautiful! Harry," she paid. "Thank you a thousand times, aud ave they actually clover enough to mako ouch a thing in that bazaar in Algiers?'' "These Eastern people ave consum mate masters in? the art of jewelrj?^ dearest," ho answered; "and no when my littlo wifo wears this, may always bc?the only crumpled rosel in her happiness-the solitary serp in our Eden!"-M?C.'s Monthly. Common Mistakes. It is a mistake to work when yon aro not in a lit condition to do so; to tako off boavy underclothing because you have becomo over-heated; to think that tho moro a person eats tho healthier and stronger he will be come; to believe that children eau do as much work as grown people, and that tho more they study tho more they learn; to go to bed lato at night and riso at daybreak and imagino that every hour taken from sleep is au hour gained; to imagino that if a lit tlo work or exercise is good, violent or prolonged exeroise ?9 better; to conoludo that tho smallest room in tho house is large enough to pleep in; to sleep exposed to a 'direct draught at any season; to imagine that what? r remedy eau- .?s ope to fen' iri'tuVJiu '. ly botter- i ? Lobelie . Ijii ; niants, ?o? example- .- ? '" -:i? ito ! .- oystoni, without toga .to ! '. after.effects; to eat a if y ; had only ono minuto to finish tim .meal, or to eat without an .."neti-,- or Continue after it has'baen ;? -' died, to gratify tho tasLe; to give n .?necessary time to a certain estab lished routine of housekeeping when ;' could, be much more profitably ( pent in rest or recreation. ? chat theso little mistakes, which ure so apt to bo made, will in [futtnio/ he avoided.-London Family D?'otpr. BS 1 ' A'TTo'iuio ... Paw ft; v; . . -VA brawny :?- .:n.?i -alad in hjua C;t ? j i*ton;i I . waist srA ?k;r*, 'r> ?"?'V v< fy inib a "f yIB^Kjrtf^"^ ' ,V?'! ft; '"''-' j Luau iii toro buSiuoSu, i;* r+lkor.u-ii jasual Bight," said Walter' Wide, "bht .that is just what I saw in a Tennessee wcod a few weeks ago. The female engineer's name is Annie Fables, and sko told mo she had been doing a 'full baud's' work at tho mill for six years! Five yoars ago sko decided slip could' run tho engine, and tho mill boss told mo oho had beon'ono of tho most care ful, as well as one of tho most com petent, ho had ever seen. Mrs. Fables lost her husband six years and a half ago, and a few months afterward she asked for a place in thc mill where her liego lord has been employed. She began working as an .off-bearer,' and in a year and a half was put in charge of tho monster, pieco of machiucry which furnished motivo power, for the largo circular abd straight saws.1 She has all along earned a man's wages aud has been able to support and give her soveu fatherless little ones a good oommou school education. Sho is fond of tho hard labor, and has lost ] but fivo days during her connection with tho mill, and then sho was min istering to a sick child."-Louisville Post. TlioitgTi't lils Le: Was Broken. 'In these ;aa,v 'lays, when children just beginning to i ?ip simple words paralyze their dear ma*njnas by telling them they aro "not tk?Aonly cans on tho dump," it is refreshing to nih across nu innocent soul who ki)o\.fl nothing of theso things that wo hear on tho streets. A good old mother received a shock tho other day when sho read a telegram from her boy, who is enjoying himself in the east, and r* the ?ame timo nfi'ording some amuse ment for the up-to-date members of her family. The boy, who is having a good time in New York, telegraphed his luther for more money. The father, not relishing the-touch, took the telegram homo tc the mater, who read as follows: "Had my leg pulled. Broke. Send me fifty by wire. " Tho good old mother was startled. "My poor Doy," she moaned. "He must have been in ono of those cable car things. Send him a hundred, father, and toll him to get tho boat dootor in the- city;"-Lonisvillo Oourior Journal. . Color Bllndner.s. - .-j It has- been scientifically Qp?ft that a woman's color porception;;j^e^ exceeds tho|;of a mau, wh?e'!.&?nyv! na Sl?Jt?Stf??^ ' of BmolI?r tho details ts for much however, blmd?havo :'gl\ ?ood tasto in the m iL houje go vening piexione. THE FIGHTING GURKHAS. bout the Heh Who Win ISo? . Battles In India. thas, to whoso valor wo owo the Iud i un frontier, aro >f death in nuy shape or the instinct of instant and iqucationing obedience to orders jmS euporiors, and take an actual .and lysioal delight ia lighting. It is a miar error to supposo that they aro chout casto. There aro about thir teen different caste* among them, and several sub-division in each caste. But ;jw', lexi .serving in British regiments and |WhiJ[e ph a campaign, Gurkhas do not iidioyr'their caste system to interfere ?[their comforts, and will eat ami ile? freely with Europeaua and among themselves. . They have no ob jection to taking a pull at a British soldiery's flask, and will sharo n "oha .p^?j^ith. the ?nost menial camp-fol wk^l They will gladly take a cigar Oil tobacco from a European, but ou DO account must a mau of one caste smoko in tho ooinpnuy of another. AU Gurkhas trace their desoont from tho Rajputs, of Central India, tho Tlihppas and Gurungs especially claim ing to have the bluest Hindu blood in India running in their veins. They haAfPeJho-wevor, intermarried for gon ?ft-ith-Mongolian women, s have ono physical peculiar - ir stature is below tho aver they do not wear beards, mustaches, in spite of much r attain a luxuriant growth/ casual observera Gurkha reg iment appears to consist of boys, not men. It is on record that when Lord Roberts was marching through tho Kurrara, tho Pathau women and chil dren came out to jeer at the striplings whom he was leading, seemed, to their certain death, and they only changed their opinion, when, largely owing to tho heroism of these samo Gurkhas, the Afghan army aro driven headlong from the Peiwar Ko ta!. The colonel of a distinguished regi ment used to tell a story of a Pathau who had traveled a long distance to get a glimpse of tho terrible soldiers thar, had defeated his countrymen. When ho saw the little boyish-looking Gr has standing guard at tho Bala ] . s? -, he committed ?m?ojrlo. "for verv 1 at least- P. oil ! b e the St?ry- j?%*.p~ J tf..;; .;f "wiV . tt?i food ir. cc,?'. ?iai, tract. lu th e 'small theil- action is confined to ^composition- of the oarbohy formatiou of, lactic and ni cobol , etc.1' It is Only ntestiuo that the de co in timen s and tho formation dies, and of tho different eir influence, take place, ribuuo. .To Jail For "William Ilair Cut. M. Tibbs, a full-blooded Zulu; whp?-_aoknowl edged no home and wno was dialed before a Cincin nati Judge tho other'day, was sen teuced and' imprisoned because he would not have his hair out. This is the first case on record .where [a nf?u of much hirsuteness sacrificed his liborty for his locks. But Tibbs is a Zulu, and hair to the Zulus is saosftd, Tho head adornment of Tibbs stood in tho air six inches | above his scalp, and when ho looked too long upon the wine that is red his hair never tunned nor .wilted, but lifted itself ersct in open, defiance of the Court . Tho technical.ol Jnstico Ber2 1 and to hnvj man from cinuati W gcauce e, ncoording to too much hair, e bronze gontle sent to tho Cin Tibbs vows ven bf vengeance he will wreak ui>on l^jr jailers romains to be seen. J, -r$ .M-?j_ A Few Vn\ jidromes. 'I ho palindromist io'.v'.ug dist of some p?j; ^ forward .bib, bob, t fled? did, ccciv gig, gagn*. J?* otto,pap, peep, r" refer, repaper, re\' sexes, shahs, tat, leads us to ask: with Hannah?" pu?iudromieal. name is eqiif spelled baokwi to the aboveji mark to Evo, and Na,T?aJ? Elb?.V-ir lends us the fol ed from spelled na, bab, od, dci lyc, gog, noon, redder, .or, sees, ot." This the matter ) is, also ?r?tat a8? ak o ter t? but the way io. It is a ' for it gives ffl?hn taken in ? with^V injury to ;ai^'Nand it answers ?he aprmeat. coffee and ?.'.fifi uftei t- yobi'id) ifflLi ij?M ? t?; &M *he ?mW fp; break into $fis twoi two-thirds ful)?irwith hot add the ca?e? and there would l>8 invaluable _'J??sx - . . : ... FOREIGNERS ASTONISHED iL ENORMOUS PRODUCTIVE POWER OF THE UNITED STATES. All EuropeConccrnod In the Giant Stride? Which Auiuricu Is BXaklufc Toward; Baizing the Lion's -Sitare In tho Tindo of tlie World-Koinarkat>lo Statistics.' Tho New York correspondent of tho j Sheffield Telegraph is greatly ira-' pressed with tho ovidences that abound' bf entire coutideuco in tho fiscal policy | bf the adniinistrotidn of President Mc-' ?Kinley and in tho ultimate stability of; thu conditions of revived prosperity. Writing under date of Decombor ll tho correspondent informs his English; readers of tho extraordinary progress1 made in tho internal and foreign trade1 of tho United States under tho Protcc-j tivo system. Twenty years ago dur! ! exports of manufactured commoditiosi j amounted to only about SI00.000.000,11 and iu 1889, just prior to tho enact ment of tho McKinley tariff, these ox-; ports had increased less thou $10,000,-! 000, the tptal being thou $138,075,570.' In tho fiscal year of 1897 tho figures! had increased to ?227,285,391, being! nearly 20 lier cent, of our total exports j If to this wo should add the product.of I our mines, forests, and fisheries- - in-j clading canned goods-all of whichJ employ in their production moro or? less skilled American labor, wo should! have an aggregato probably exceeding; one-third of our total exports. The freo trade readers of tho Shef field newspaper aro further informed, that "tho world is only beginning to have evidence of thc enormous produc tive power of tho United States." Tho correspondent then quotes Mr. Mul hall, the English statistician, as fol lows: *'Thero is a decided tendency in tho trade of the United States to open up new channels in other parts of tho world than Europe. There is an ex ception ns regards Germany, with which country commercial relations have made striking progress in ten years, tho ratio of increase of trade being 45 por cent. Tho increase bf trado with Europe has been only 12 per cent., while with other parts of tho world i* has been 28 per cent. Ibo declining <.';o of trado with Groat H.'jkait' V:?.?LL' :e: ery remarkable. In 1?7L i ? tho liol ii v.* auntly stood for 45 per cent, of Abie ;"'?... - *n trade of the United States, but t!ieV.\' 35 per cent in 1892-96. . Whcu ill .'"?ar in ! mind tho free trado policy 1' . >', j Britain, and tho similarity oi lu'i.;?i': ;e-i md raco of tho two countries, th'; de stine of trade is phenomenal, st. .ug ' that it is coeval with au incroase of ilealings with Germany. Al} tho South American Republics hnvo opeued ap so many 'new chaunels of trado ? within tho last ten y ear a between 'tera, lorthern and southern portions of m *.TriK-Ic;*n - "i'r ?int ?j|?r*.?-?W*rTJailI . ?v.'.i- o' Wi ?^. ?.v?itiuwrd their deal ings with; tho United Statics, while the trade between 'Great Britain and South America has risen only 20 per cent, in the same time. 1 Ten years ago British trade exceeded that of the United States in South America by 49 per cent.; at pres eut the the excess is only 21 per cent., which sho\ys that before long tho bulk of South Ameri san trade will bo carried oh with tho United. States." Attention is called to the equally surprising showing for tho internal trade of tho United States. It 1* nino times as great as tho amount of inter mungo with foreign countries. it . rose forty-nine per cont. In the inter val of fourteen years; from 1830 to 18?V1-, tho increase of population hav ing been thirty-six per cent. The de velopment of national resources is still more striking. "If we count tho working years," says' Mr. Mulhall, "as three hundred days tho internal irado will bo fonud to average forty bight million dollars daily, while ex Lornal commerco is "little over five millions. Moreover, internal trado progresses much faster, having risen forty-nine per cent. since 1889, whereas foreign trade is hardly ten per ceut. higher." It interests Sheffield to know that our exports oT iron and steil manu factures hnvo moro than doubled in value since 1890, in opito of the de jreaso in tho unit of value. The same is true of our exports of leather goods, which in tho year ending Juno 30, 1897, reached a value of $20,000,000. rho" value of bicycles jumped from 51,898,012 in 189? to $7,005,323 in L897. All this must be extremely interest ug.df not altogether gratifying, to the ?reat iron and steel and machinery in cests of Sheffield, and tho fact that nformation of this charactor is eagerly lought and conspicuously displayed jy the British newspapers Bhows with' vhot keeu watchfulness tho unparal-j eled industrial and trado develop-) jypts in the United Statos are being El abroad. All Europe is vitally cou d *:.? oho giant strides making in Fnitod States toward seizing upon on's share of trade in tho world's ets. The interest and astonish - will bo still greater when a show ng is made of yet heavier increases joth in foreign and internal trade in ;he moro prosperous fiscal year end ng with June 30, 1898. Truly STwx-Mii,-;. is a shocking statis o' Dingley law. Wo ??lull .. J a irmiug statistics in tho ninnie. Wo refer to thoso cy is to return to tho colon and become in commerce r.bjec.ts. Tho revenue has ;? fi '.-int: tho month at a' fed!.. ? on*j**'?;illiou dolli ie p rep?rate?" v '? JRttt exhausted, am iii.. - -Brooklyn (N. _,_ .- WHAT THE PEOPLEr.fc, r EC T. That Congress "Will l'n>;cct Aincrlc. :i Tj,. duBtry on thu Ocean. Among ibo monsures ' tho people have n right to expect of thia session Congress is sn act to promoto tho shipping interests of tho country, nhd to give to American industry on tho ocean tho same protection that is given on lnnd. There is apparently no great dif?? sui ty in the way of ?-providing tho de sired legislation. Tho Republican par ty is nob divided on that issuo us it is on tho money 'question. A ma jori ly in tho Sonate favors it ns well an a major ity in the Tfouse. ft is even probable that several Democrats from tho dia conat Staten would support it. i',\iu-y prospect of tho situation is th reforjo favorable for the enactment >.?;' a com I prehensivo measure of tho hind, ami thcro will boa widespread popular dis appointment if tho session closes with out one. . In tho aggregate tho amount of tri buto paid by tho United States lo foreign countries for ocean shipping is enormous. According to the estimates of experts on tho subject wc are at presc::t paying at tho rate of $300, 900,000 a year for snell transportation. As our exports increase tho freight will increase, and a large proportion ot tho profits of our expanding industries v. ill thus bo carried io foreign lands despite tho protection given lo them by tho I riff. Tbs sue . r.ji? oh wi i iV4.h?hoards of trade:: and bunin! i . . ' . ..uuim j u? throughout the" country should Petitions should bc sent to Congress urging the enactment of such legisla tion at this session. American ships, manned by American sailors and Hying tho American flag, should carry Amer ican goods to tho nations of tho world. It is folly to pay to foreigners an enor mous tribute when by developing our shipping industry as wo have developed other industries we can savo thc money for the enrichment of our own people and tho increase of tho commercial prestige of our nation.-San Francisco Call. XXero mu? T?tere. T?t??i:r. A riai?.vc That r.?ttft !?? ttcjit. "What use? is protection if American rails are sold in India?" "Do wo ncod a tariff when wc can export tin plate and trolley outfits?" Granting' that such talk has a plausible sound, it is dangerous ami disorganizing.. Certain articles can be mado hero better and cheaper than they can bo produced abroad. Each year will seo i longer list of such manufactured produc?s. The enterprise of ocr people, tho superiority of our ma chinery, thc cheapness of our trans portation, the system of international patent, rights will help us to gam on our rivals in many branches of indus try. T?nt it is not tho policy of tho Republican party to ?c^eiL the wool grower, the rice planter, the iron miner, tho coal producer, or the lum berman. Even if the factories of tho sea-coast outgrow the need of protec tion, tbero are vast arcas in which tho unrestricted competition of tho Merci 3an poon or tho West Indian coolie, would bo severely felt. "Protection to American industries" ts a promiso that must pay ono hundred cents on tho dollar, ft does not mean that the tariff is lo ba thrown overboard as soon as a few men of Ibo Carnegie type have made their for tunes. lt does not mean that tho people of the agricultural and mining ??inmnnities aro to be wheedled with ?v fow words, and thrtn informed Min they cnn fight, tho'batUe wivaout an* of tho protection which their vote lielped to win for Lowell and Pitt burg. Tho costly experience Great Britain in Bnoriflojug her ngr ?ulturn^nl^e^^^vould not be 1