A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY c OF SOUTH CAROLINA. T. HURLEY,.Publisher, No. 68 Meeting Street COL. C D. DUVAL,-Editor. TERMS, INVARIABLY 15 ADVANCE. One copy one Year, - - - $ 3.00 Ten Copies to one address, - - 27.00 Twenty copies to one address, - 50.00 Fifty copies, - - - 100.00 RATES OF ADVERTISING For one Square of Ten Lines, one inser tion,$l, for each subsequent insertion, 75 cts. A liberal discount made to yearly, half yearly, and quarterly advertisers. Adver tisements conspicuously displayed by epe cial agreement. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. 8. M. Petingfll * Co., 87 Park Bow, . Y. and ? State St, Boston : and Evene k Lincoln, 119 Nassau St . Y. 130 Washington St Boston, are our author ir?d Agents, in those places, to collect Subscriptions and Advertisements for this year, Take Cars to write distinctly the names of the person, the name of the City, town or locality, where the post-office is situated, and the names of the county and State, in order that the paper may be funy and accurately directed to every address. AU communications intended for the columns of the razz rases, or containing subscription, should be addressed :? THE FREE PRESS. Office Ho. 68 Meeting St 2 doors south of Queen st CHARLESTON, S. C. POST-OFFICE BOX, 496 ELECTIONOF 1868. for president: ULYSSES S. GEANT, op illinois. for vice-president: REUBEN E. FENTON, of new york. Subject to the decision of the Union Re publican National Convention, to be held at Chicago on the 20th day of May next. " This Government is a Republic where the Will of the People is the Law of the Land." U. S. GRANT. OUR STATE TICKET. for governor : GEN. R. K. SCOTT. for lieut. governor : HON. LEMUEL BOOZER. for adjt. & insp. general F. J. MOSES, Jr. for secretary of state : F. L. CARDOZA. for comptroller general Dr. J. L. NEAGLE. for treasurer : N. G. PARKER. for attorney general : D. H. CHAMBERLAIN. for supt. of education : J. K. JILLSON. for congressmen : B. F. Whittemore, First District. C. C Bowen, Second " S. Corley, Third " J. H. Goss, Fourth " J. P. M. Epping, At large Elias Dixon, )7 delegates to chicago convention B. F. Whittemore, F. J. Moses, Jr., J- First District. *H. E. Hayne, F. A. Sawyer, *Capt. Smalls, ^ Second District. *J. H. Jenks, B. O. Duncan, C. M. Wilder, \> Third District. *W, B. Nash, Wm. E. Rose, *Y. J. P. Owens, \> Fourth District. *Wilson Cook, * Alternates. for the general assembly, Charleston County: senate, D. T. Corbin, R. H. Cain; house of representatives, R. C DeLarge, A. J. Ransier, R. Thomlinson, W. H. W. Gray, B. A. Bosemon, George Lee, B. F. Jackson, J. H. Jenks, Wm. McKinlay, F. J. Moses, Jr., W. J. Brodie, J. B. Dennis, A. Smith, J. B. Wright, Wm. Jervey, S. Johnson, S. Brown, Edward Mickey. STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. The enemies of Republicanism are organi zing their forces all over our State. They will leave no stone unturned to find means to overthrow our party. They will not only attempt to prevent the ratification of the new Constitution, but will endeavor to vilify and abase our candidates in every way likely to secure their defeat. In this condition, it becomes us to be up and doing. Organize in every locality ; bring out every vote ; let no obstacle deter any Republican, from cast ing a ballot in favor of the Constitution, Jus tice and Equal Rights. COLLETON NOMINATIONS. We understand certain interested parties are endeavoring to overthrow the regular Republican nominations in CoUeton. The men doing this dirty work have an idea that they have a right to dictate whom the people shall elect. We tell them that they had better consider whether their own foot ing is sure before they attempt to displace their betters. The Republican party be longs to tht people, not to any "ring." SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1868. THE TICKET. The Nominating Convention has done its work. Candidates for the varions State of fices are in the field. In something less than twenty days they will have ceased to be candidates and become officers elect. Bnt let us go to work to secure for the ticket a handsome majority. Let every true Repub lican come up and deposit his ballot for the "Constitution ;" and let those words be sup plemented by the names of the tried men, who, when elected, will do all in their power to administer that Constitution in its true spirit. We must put the new machine in the hands of its friends ; of those who believe in the potency of its arrangements for the well-being of the State. We must run no risk of having the new State officers men who are opposed to the new Constitution. We would gladly have placed upon the State ticket more of the old South Carolina names, if their possessors had shown any sympathy with Republicanism?but they are yet be fogged in the clouds of a falsely called Con servatism ; they stick in the rubbish and twallow in the mud of a rotten Democracy ; they cherish the hope that help will yet come to the Jause of monopoly and privi j lege from the Northern copperheads ; they forget that the Northern Democracy have never done them any good ; that, however pliant tools they may have been in the olden days of the Southern slavocracy?when the pinch came they always deserted ; they for get that the day has passed when the Democracy of the North was made up of a fair proportion of the honest, true and in telligent men of that section ; and has now its chief strength in the slums of cities, the environs of pot-houses and brothels. A few men of education and ability show them selves as leaders, but without exception such men are thorough aristocrats in their tastes, their theories and their habits, ex cept when they have a party object to gain. While therefore, we would have been glad to welcome to our ranks those of the old re gime of South Carolina, into whom a new life-blood has been infused, it is not our fault that we have been unable to do so. They are determined to b? deceived once more, and the singular spectacle has been presented of that portion of the people of a State who have professed to bear it unparal lelled love and devotion, abstaining in an important crisis from all participation in creating a new government, and trusting its interests in the hands of those whom they affect to consider, not only unworthy to make a Constitution, but unworthy to vote. We have, however, presented to the peo ple for their suffrages not a man who if elected, will not do credit to South Carolina in his office. All are highly respectable gentlemen. Most have peculiar qualifica tions for the post they will occupy. The extensive experience of Gen. R. K. Scott, in military affairs, and his large ! knowledge of the condition, wants and in j terests of the State, obtained by his posi tion of Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, eminently fit him for Governor. But to that experience and that knowledge, must be added as worthy of consideration, his integrity, his thorough sympathy with the cause of equal rights and justice, and his well known conciliatory temper. We must give him a large majori ty, and show the country that we do not ask where a man was born ; whether he comes of an old family or a new one ; but what he is, what he has done for the coun try, what he is capable of still doing, and whether he is the right man for our use in this crisis. The candidates for the other offices on the State ticket, are well able to sustain its character. They all deserve our suffrages and our esteem. Let us see to it, that a full vote is polled for the constitution and for its friends on the State ticket. PUBLIC MEETINGS. We hope efforts will be made to secure public meetings at prominent points in the State, prior to the election. There are thousands of while people who might be aroused from their lethargy and enlisted in the cause of Republicanism if its doctrines and its theories were place before I them. They have never heard of Republi I caniem except through a press which car ricatures its exponents, misrepresents its ideas, vilifies its practices. It is our mis sion to muster into the Republican party ' that large mass of white men who were made to do the dirty work of the old pro slavery politicians, without sharing in the slightest degree the fruits of the slave sys I tern ; men whose every interest is with the Republican party, who can hope through its policy only, to become men indeed, but who formed the rank and file of the rebel army, while the masters were its of ficers. Let us have as many public meetings as possible, and send as many good speakers out as can be spared from other work. THE MAYOR. It is somewhat remarkable to note what the energy and vigor of a really competent man in the Mayor's chair can do for the city. Tnere is hardly any point where Mayor Cogswell's hand cannot be seen do ing good. And while expressions of ap probation are heard on all sides, the value of city securities to-day, as compared with their value sixty days since, tells the story in an unmistakable way. BOTH SIDES ?f' THE QUESTION, One hundred and fifty individuals ; seven ty-five geniuses?two men?three female women?two male men?one goat?two cows and one lamp-post advocate were before the Mayor this week. Cause ;?effect of the rise in the price of cotton, THE WORLD MOVES. The annual examination of the schools under the charge of the Board of Cenmis sioners of the Free Schools of the parishes of St Philip and St. Michael took plie on Wednesday, 1st instant. The exercise of the schools in St. Jhilip Street were attended by about the ksual number of visitors, and exhibited evidence of the faithfulness with which the teachers and the pupils had performed their respec tive duties, indeed the public of Charles ton have in the condition of those schools abundant reason for congratulation. It is well that in these times of poverty ^e have free schools in which the instructim and the discipline are in no way inferior those of the best private schools we havp ever had ; nay, schools where, all things Consid ered, the necessary branches of an English education may be even more thoroughly and satisfactorily acquired than in fay of our private schools. But the noticeable event of the y^ar in the school examinations, is the fuct that a large and prosperous school containing colored children only, now comes into the field as a competitor for public notice. The "Morris Street School," has several hundred pupils, all colored. They hate for six months or* more been enjoying aU the advantages of education, given by the ifcard of Commissioners to any school in the city. There is no charge for tuition, and tie in' struction is of the best kind. This was made manifest by the examination. The pupils were without exception neatly Press ed, attentive and prompt in their exercises, and evidently well versed in the studies to which their attention had been directed. Had our eyes been shut, we certainly syuld not have known that we were not listening I to the exercise of a very good school of j children of the hitherto more favored race, 1 We were forced to admit, and we think the j veriest stickler for the superiority of the white race must have admitted, that the re- I suits of the examination were a stumbling [ block in the way of him who denies the practibalily of making an intelligent and educated people of the blacks. We were glad to see that the examination was attended by a goodly number of. the j parents of the children, and by F. A. Saw- I yer, Esq. and J. D. Geddings, Esq. Both I these gentlemen by their large experience j in educational matters, are well qualified to give an opinion on the condition of the School. The Principal, Mr. T. W. Glen, requested them to present the several prizes I which had been awarded to the most merit- I orious pupils in the several classes. Ac- I cordingly Mr. Geddings performed this pleasant duty in the Primary Department, and made some felicitous and appropriate remarks, in which he expressed his great satisfaction. Mr. Sawyer addressed briefly the pupils of the male and female Departments, endea- I voring to impress upon them the importance I of their education, expressing his sense of j the fidelity with which teachers and pupils I had labored to make the school successful, J and encouraging both to press on the work j so well begun. J John Russell, Esq., who as well as Mr- j Sawyer, is one of the Board of Commission- I ere, was also present and evidently much pleased with the appearance of the school. I With the exception of the reporters, these I were all the white visitors we observed. I We regret that there could not have been a larger attendance, as we think it desirable that the community should become better I acquainted with what is doing, and what j can be done, for our colored population. j -M> j VOTE RIGHT, Vote when the time comes, so that you j and your children ehall be forever free. ! Vote when the the rime comes for the new I Constitution, that secures your Homesteads j to you for all time to come. j ? Vote when the time comes for that Con- I etitution that gives a free Education to every man's child in the State. | Vote for that Constitution that gives the j people a right to select their own rulers. j Let your answer on the 16th of this j month be to your enemes, we ask nothing J but what is right, and our votes to-day tell I you, we will not submit to anything wrong. I Loyal men of South Carolina, as your ene- j mes fired the first gun on the 14th of April, I 1861, to destroy this Country, see to it, that j you fire the first gun on the 14th of April, ! 1868, to forever place it beyond the power of I any man to dissolve this Union. j Republicans of South Carolina, the Loyal | millions of this Country, expect that you I will do your duty on the 14th, 15th and 16th I of this month. Shall they expect in vain ? Free men of new South Carolina, will you let the Loyal Scott be defeated by the disloyal Hampton, let your registering an swer, no. Men of South Carolina, be ready on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of this month to send word to Massachusetts that your soil is forever free ; and that no son of hers shall be compelled to leave your State, because he is a friend of the poor and oppressed ; go and register, now is the time. Vote for Gen. Scott, the poor man's friend, the choice of the Loyal Convention of South Carolina. A man from the ranks of the people, and whose heart is in the work, and who will care for the result, who will not forget the humane man in the office holder. THE TICKETS. It has been asserted that freedmen were swindled in some localities into paying from ten to twenty-five cents for their bal lots at the last election. Let all voters understand' that any, man who attempts to collect any money to pay for ballots is a swindler. The ballots will be furnished free of all cost to the voter. Let every true man mark those who attempt to fill their own pockets with money from such ft seur?e. THE POWER OF THE PRESS. We are on the ere of a political canvass of great importance to our State. Questions involving the very existence of the Gov ernment and the freedom of Humanity are to be decided by the Loyal Voters of South Carolina. Political opponents are muster ing, their adherents to the conflict of opinion at the ballot-box. In the intelligence and firmness of the people rests the sure hope of the country. The call now sounding in the ears of Republicans is "To action."?It means work for all?calm, earnest, and de termined effort in behalf of the principles and measures of the Republican party. In this campaign the Free Press will labor with zeal and earnestness. Having readers in every town in the State, it must be felt shaping by the intelligence it communicates and the arguments it presents, those matur ed and solid convictions, which all the clam or and clap trap of political demagogues cannot shake or modify. Moulding; calm" ly, patiently, and with the end full in view ; the impulses, hopes, and aspirations of the public heart, storing the mind with informa* tion, training the brain to thought, and in" spiring our readers for the coming fight* with the earnest conviction which springs from their well considered appreciation of the arguments and facts presented to their superior intelligence through our columns. The newspaper Press may not be as dem onstrative as the load mouthed and ranting stump orator in the exciting campaign, yet it does more than all else to determine the result of the canvas. It penetrates every where with an active, enterprising, able, and though silent, yet an irresistible power to every corner of the land. The people who control government, and shape its destinies, are those who read newspapers. The intelligent voter forms his opinion upon facts and arguments pre sented by, and through them. Then to se cure a triumph of correct principles, circu late Republican papers?here in South Car olina let all the loyal people circulate the Free Presst it is the only Republican paper in this State, and all must sustain it, the publishers were the first to fling to the breeze the banner of liberty, justice and equality before the law, they ask that all will do their part remembering that our cause is that of truth, justice, and liberty, and let every one who wishes to advance it, remember that a free unfettered Press is the most potent weapon that can be em ployed. THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL. The signs in the political heavens are multifarious and problematical. There may be, to the visular organs of some, a few thin vapors or flying clouds which they may imagine indicates a Hatteras squall or a Cape Horn catastrophe, but to our eye there is little or nothing that portends a serious or speedy conflict of the political elements. The recent registering of 149 white voters and 13 colored, in this city, may mean something that is yet invisible to the naked eye. Some profess to see the germ of a reactionary storm, the indications of a strong head wind in the late muster ing of the Democratic clans at Columbia, and the nominations that were made, head ed by the Harry Hotspur of the State, the impetuous and chilvaric Hampton. Those on the lookout at the mast head may see a cloud to the leeward larger than a man's hand in the rapid and extensive for mation of Democratic clubs throughout the State, and the clarion notes of the bugle blast that calls to the rescue. There may be something in all this, but some think that its only effect will be to rally the Re publican hosts, and keep them in line. RELIEF OF DISABILITY. It is very often the wisest policy to ac cept repentance as a sufficient atonement for political offences. The men who have inflicted deepest injury, can often do the most to repair it. The reconstruction com mittee in the House have reported a list of a few men prominent in the ranks of the rebellion in arms and civil life, from whom it recommends that the political disabilities consequent upon their course be removed. It would seem a wise as well as a generous policy to do so. The two questione that should be all-important in regard to such applications are simple, did the applicant during the war commit any act contrary to the laws of civilized warfare, and has he since by decided action shown a desire to amend the past, by efforts to restore the Union to its integrity ? The country was easily convinced that to spare all below a certain prominence in the rebellion was the wisest policy. Those above a certain rank, or who, in other words, had a large share of power and responsibility in exciting or continuing the war, were held as examples. The distinction was an arbitrary one, inas? much as those of a lower rank were often guilty in a greater degree in proportion to their power, than these who had greater responsibility. Therefore as occasion serves it is proper to allow the chief's. not other wise amenable by ill-conduct during the struggle, to secure a pardon by repentance and atonement. Their influence, when they choose to exert it, cannot but be of great value in conciliating good feeling among their former soldiers or followers, and they will form striking examples of the merciful disposition of the Northern people. It will forward the course of reconciliation at the South, by at least one generation, if the acknowledged leaders in station and intel lect will set themselves to the task of con ciliating instead of exasperating the public feeling. Some bitter and malignant spirits there doubtless are, who prefer to spend their days in bewailing the "Lost Cause," and railing against their conquerors. Let these indulge their natures to their utmost, unheeded, but when men like Gen. Long street for instance, show a desire and de termination to amend their errors, it is a wise policy to encourage them. What is chiefly to be guarded against, is less insin cere and deceitful professions be allowed to pass for actual repentance. The reward should not be too easy to obtain, nor yet too hard, and should be of special, not of general application.?Reporter. m 9 ? Remembbb, that you are not voting for your friends, but for your Country, your Children, and your Liberty. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, April, 1st. 1868. Editor "Free Press :" Great interest has been manifested here in all the steps which South Carolina has taken towards reconstruction. We watched the Constitutional Conven tion through every stage of its progress, and after it had completed its labors, we regarded its new Constitution as an admira ble piece of workmanship, well suited to the exigency, and comparing more than fa vorably with any like instrument of the other states. We are now equally anxious that the Constitution be ratified by the peo ple, and that the State start forth success fully in its new career. We supposed the loyal strength with you was not too abundant, and that consequent ly it would feel the necessity of husbanding its resources, and concentrating all its power in one, and the same direction. We felt, you could not afford, in the selection of men to carry out the spirit of your new Constitutipn, to resort to all the trickery and chicanery which are practiced in the old Northern and Western states. But if what we hear is true, we have reason to fear for the stability, and perpetuity of Republican principles, in the State of South Carolina, especially as the party will neces sarily have to encounter outside of its Or ganization, as much of enmity, and hostility as it can well endure, or overcome. It is reported here that the scramble for office has been really disgraceful among the pro fessed friends of the Republican party ; that the "ring" has triumphed, ruling out men of untarnished moral, and political faith, and dragging in others who possess neither, but who will only constitute a bur den, which the party, certainly now it its weakness in yonr State, cannot afford to sustain. We hear that the doctrine of "re wards and punishments" has been carried to sueh an extent, that good men have often been ignored for your "General Assembly," and others have been selected, who are in the lowest depths of ignorance, and degra dation. It is also reported that the more important offices, to some extent, are to be filled by the same disgraceful demoralizing influences. There is great commotion here particularly over the nomination for Con gress from the Charleston District. If one half be true that is reported of the nominee, you need not send him here, for it is very certain he would not be admitted to a seat in the House of Representatives. Thomas from Maryland was denied a seat in the Senate, not because his moral character would not stand the test of a respectable community ; nor because he had wielded the musket, and brandished the sword against the Government of the United States ; but because he had rendered "aid and comfort to the enemy," to the extent of furnishing a moderate outfit f or the Con federate army, to his son. Congress, at present cannot afford to take on any "dead weights," and more especial ly where living, vital material is abundant to fill every vacant seat. The Rev. Mr. French is here, doing great service for the Republican party. He eminently deserves, and I think will receive an appointment upon some important Foreign mission. Impeachment, after the usual embarrass ments, and delays is progressing slowly, but without doubt, io a successful termina tion. With Johnson in Tennessee, and Wade in the Presidential chair, the country will breathe easily, and freely. Let South Carolina place herself in po sition to reap her full share of advantage from the so long desired change. Yours respectfully, FIELDMAS. BARNWELL INTELLIGENCE. The Convention for nominating State Senator and Representatives from Barn well, met at Blackville on Thursday, April 2nd. The nominations are as follows : fob senatob, CHAS. P. LESLIE. for representatives, J. W. MIXON, RQBT. B. ELLIOTT, JAS. . HAYNE CHAS. D. HAYNE, REV. . F. BERRY, JULIUS MAYER. The above is a good ticket and will un doubtedly be elected. After the nomina tions a few remarks were made by N. G. Parker, Esq., of Charleston, and an elo quent and telling address to a large audi ence of both races was delivered by F. A. Sawyer, Fsq. He reviewed the policy of the Democratic and Republican parties in relation to the Southern States, and showed conclusively that the true friends of the South are in the Republican ranks. He paid a well deserved tribute to the character of Gen. R. K. Scott, the candi date for Governor, and of the other gentle men on the State ticket. We regret that our space does not allow us to give the address in full, as it was one of the best yet delivered in the State. After Mr. Sawyer concluded his remarks, Mr. C. P. Leslie made one of his character istic and sensible speeches, and the audience dispersed well pleased with the days' work. BARNWELL POLL TAX. It is understood that an impression pre vails that men who have not paid their poll or capitation tax will be deprived of the privilege of voting. Such is not the fact. Every man who is registered will have the right to vote on the 14th, 15thandl6th days of ApriL It is the duty of every good re publican to give this information to all within his reach. This impression that the payment of a poll tax is necessary to secure the right to vote on the constitution, is one of the wiles of the enemy. THE BUOYANT VEGETABLE The upward tendency of the cotton market has made greenbacks more plentiful, and financial matters shade or two easier. E]0lI gated faces are relaxing into their wonted proportions, and consumptive pockets and dyspeptic coffers are slowly acquiring ?ome of the former aldermanic rotundity. ^n street, as a fashionable promenade and retail business mart is exhibiting unmistakable symptoms of returning activity and commer cial life. The spring fashions aro budding -out-modestly, of course, at first, like the rose and tulip taking an April peep at the weather to see if the winter has sufficiently retired to make out-door exercise safe and agreeable. The brusque winds of boisterous March are coquetting with the genial sunshine and balmy?breezes of April, yet the reign of the ice king who has carried his hoary stand ard this season to the verge of the tropic?, ig rapidly drawing to a close, and the smiling queen of May with her garland wreaths and coronel of flowers is being escorted to the vaeant throne by her maids of honor. Emerging from the ruin and desolation of the past, we are pressing upon the threshold of a brighter day and a more prosperous era. May heaven speed the "good time coming." AN HONEST RBP?BLICAN REPENTS. An ex-Republican has addressed a letter to the editors of this paper asking whether he can now be received into the Democratic fold. He says that he is disgusted with the action of the Radical party, and that, as he loves and venerates constitutional govern ment as established by our fathers, he finds it necessary to change at once his political standing. Thispaper is not the organ of the Demo cratic party, or of any other party, and it is not in the power of its editors to extend to an "ex-Republican" the assurance that he will be warmly welcomed into the ranks of the old Democracy. But. there is a par ty now organized by name?the "Great Conservative Party of the United States," a party which, if not publicly organized, does already exist in the intentions and wishes of millions of progressive Democrats and intelligent and moderate Republicans, and which party an "ex-Republican" may join with the certainty of avoiding extremes, and the knowledge that he is co-operating in that movement which alone can give any lasting guarantee to right, privilege or lib erty.?Daily News, April 2. "A rascal lost, is an honest man gained." AN HONEST DEMOCRAT REPENTS. Like a vast many others at the present time, viewing the situation of the country after a terrible war in which it was invol ved by slavery, and hoping for a reconstruc tion of the Southern States upon a basis of justice and humanity that would forever prevent another rebellion, Mr. John P. Spicer, a prominent Democrat of Groton, Connecticut, feels it his duty to withdraw from tho party, give his reasons therefor, and join the Republican ranks. In closing, he says : "An honest conviction of truth and duty constrains me to withdraw from the Demo cratic party with which I have been connec ted for the past twenty-five years, and iden tify myself with the Republican party, sin cerely believing that the principles and pol icy of the latter are more in accordance with humanity, justice, freedom, and a sound public policy. And I will take this occasion to thank my former political asso ciates for the courtesy and confidence whieh they have ever manifested to me, and only ask that they will concede honesty and sin cerity of purpose in this step as they ever conceded to me in my associations with them , and I earnestly hope that they may soon be convinced that the Republican party of this day, is the exponent of genu ine democracy. John P. Spicbe. THE COMING CAMPAIGN. We are not insensible to the fact that the Democratic politicians are full of hope ; that they are^aboring with a zeal and un 8crupulou8nes8 hitherto unparralelled, to secure success in the coming Presidential election with a view of restoring the old order of things in our government, and giv ing the rebel element coqgftete supremacy as in the "good old days'" of the chivalry. We fcnow that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," and that the Republican party must organize its forces, must arouse to duty, must work with all j its energy to maintain Republican institutions and assert the supremacy of freedom. The campaign must be an earnest one ; loyal men, and women, too, must exert themselves with the full power of their might to uphold the in tegrity of the Republic. We sincerely be lieve that the restoration of the Democratic party to power at this time, with its Cop perhead leadership and its affiliations and sympathy with the rebel element at the South would virtually destroy all that was gained by the triumph of the Union over the rebellion.?Exchange. What is here said is emphatically true, and well worthy of the serious attention of Republicans. The approaching political campaign will be no mere ordinary contest It will involve issues of the very highest moment, and principles of the most sacred value and importance. All the fruits of the war will be utterly lost or finally saved ac cording as the one party or the other shall triumph. If the Democracy eleet the Presi dent, who does not know that the whole of the Government will be reversed ; that the disloyal and rebellious will be lifted into power and place ; that the work of national restoration will be obstructed by every pos sible expedient, and that all the heresies which we had hoped the flames of war had consumed will be revived in full force aud vigor ? Everything this party has done since the termination of hostilities ; every thing it hopes for or desires in the future, commits it to the policy of reaction and the support of the demands of the South. With this fact before our eyes, shall we not be in the highest degree criminal if we fail to do everything in our power to prevent its res toration to place. Obviously, our duty as Republicans is to prepare at once and vigo rously for the work of the campaign. Every where our organization must be perfected and our plans of battle carefully matured. Every city, town, and plantation of the State should have its Grant Club, and in every School district there should be some systematic means for diffusing information and arousing popular attention to the ne cessities and duties of the hour. The Dem ocrats of the North allied with the unrepent ant rebels of the South are making desp? ate efforts to regain possession of the Re public, and they must be defeated.?Ezpres*.