-_- ^-,---- iinri-inin M.!!!! And a soinowhat prominent individual | u l'b is himself under henvv I?OIMIH to ali svyer tho charge ot' ooinplh'tu in tho mur i ?lor ol tho '..?.nenie' Uaniioipii, has tupi, 'ho hal'vlihpml to pa!.'?sh an address to' tho executive, tinville!.;;.- slid nut her j outrag??* and thhlUidbal victims, Asa* ilissov o:j?o?no ovidoti?o ol' tho ileterhyrhs?i ttott or journalist io morals, it tnav bo mentioned that this covert tliiviit oirhsb sassinatioii '.?a- booti published and re published iyithoPt a word ol' censure bi dissent. d ho turbulent condition ofullairs ?ni the localities to which I have ealled your aitontion cannot mid must not hr lo?pj?f tolerated. A {TOvoriimout unable to oh foive its laws and protect ?ts citizens i.? a mockery ami ?\ shaun pH.'f.?t?pb I he scorn ami contempt ol'i ls ?ppovopbp tm 1 iinv.oithy thc eoh'idchc? ami support oj' ?ts Iriemis. lt cammi administer jttsilce thnpigh its courts, or coilecl its revenue hy taxation. A remedy l'or those mils. Nyhiclt strike at the ?bandatam o!' the : State, slupbd ho promptly applied. Thc j law mtist he made sUpr??nO; Tho most nrfogiini nii!-l ho taught to dhpv its h.-. h?sU i the humblest assured Ofils pro- j t Cet toit i j SHA 17 .Vc ..s ; A Woianv MAN.-Warren A. Snead, ti colored man who did good -erviie for' tho v ithmus' party at tim lat, Muumijml i lt edon, has Csiabl?shod llinisott' ill tim cfirpentcr's trade, at No. Smith streeti where ho nil! navbe luj?ei'S I'l'olii his friend*. Snead is o:um.|' (lioso colored' nun iv po ileso rye well .-ti thc hands ol're- ; .-IH'etahlc peopie, and lo- >h..ind ho libb pally pittrb ni ibid. Wepuhlish below his card of thanks for a late testimonial : .V CAill>. 1 hoi e take this opportun it v ,.;' rei ll rib 1 ' inp my heartfelt thanks t.. t ko cit bams of ! Charleston, and to my whit . friends fdr b their kind consideration of i'm' services ? that 1 re ii lore, i during the late Muhmjjiai , coldest; I can assnrpt?'cin that ! vvpsT. ? romptc.i pilly hy jip! duty that I ..wc io;1 lily native State and oily. I eau itsspfo ! thoth lilia whenever the oppoituniiy ?.??- \ leis 1 will he tonnd fprt'iipisi in the ranks, . striving to restore thi- city t. ?ts ion,,er , pi'o.-i la ity ?.ml res-atc it ftoih fpr? igii mis nile. In doing -p I only claim ?of mv- .' Self the privilege ..; exerting niysoll' in hobab" of a P. e and honest . ?t v ?ovorn- i thoiit, U'.\i;ia x A. >N:.AO. The rd.ow. ox. o?)t tho heal, is pom i I he /killi) .V mil we bisott it yrati- r for tim henoib of all concerned. Vet we !_ cannot Ibr! tho lifo of ni .?ic? Udnii the v municipal lilcition lui-, io do with War- 't ion A; Snead's o-taMi diin..: hin. pdf in h tin; carp.-n'or's trade, br why Warn-u A. ?a Spoil l's having done mi > 1 servi.'i; :'..:. tho a *. ('time: -.* ;?:'.:".;. " . g'p. i - abu a p.- . ai i ar ; claim oil the lib na! p it ron ii,* of "re- fh spec*.aloe" pe.?ok'. Til-.' o' 't's; h pVeyo'r. , .'? wi'di a pm tv iP-oybitditV api pi-'i pd.,-ll -; spirit which all hirg.-h.-.i..??.. 1 a i '. s.;.-'- o lie Sont horners ni i-t .ie-pi-e. s'o.ipn ti? ? ih'Ughl in tilia kind nf a Ivertism^--.'!.- i ging into its eniatmi.- 'dm ipv.no of o Vt rv ' unfortunate eulorel ni in ivi'.ii o'.; iso !<.'! make an ass of him-elf al tin- lal..- ehe-'' ti a: in jpippoiilng tho inveteran etihppj - ! of his race, i'oi; tibi pp?'pb-i> of ?xbgpilbV- i ?ny iti|! own inoaUn?^s au I -nhs .rviea.-v. ! .Mr. Snea I in iv ha a v worthy m m" an i a go?l carpenter i'oi1 alight wt I kn .>.'.'. . hut. if ii..- sa ,j',< ?his ploans of .u'. ny i mr bis biPinois bo foro Um pilbil-; ?a- Av , servos to bo st;!l wh it die party he Inhal - ed so weil for c >n-i.leroi . im when (his ' city enjoye i its .. lohnet' prospofi \ ," ani when "foreign tuisriile.' as he styles it. bad not yet enabled Iiiiii t > vip.o ipvely?" tionoer. mtmely-a thiiiV). DO YOI.' I'AKi: A Xl-: W'S PAP fill A\i> PA V POP i f i Tl ici value ol' :t peal n.-.-paper in thc fainilv cannot bo overi'itte.b Daniel W ci?- . ?-ter. in :i discussion on the inilu?pcc ot tile pro-s, spoke as folio.vs : "lavery parent v\h>st' soil is away froth home, at school, should stipple linn with a ncw-papor. I ?Voll rc tn etil ber 1 what a marked (Villeroncc there was be (ween those of my sehuplihate.s who had j and those who had not ace, ss io news paper-. The ti rsl were always .superior ? to tho la-t in debate, eompobtion. and , poe. oral int ell ige noe." du: SopjiiKi.s WOKK.-One of thc teachers of our Aid Society, who has a! great sacrifico labored among tho freed men ever since ike emancipation, writes ' to tho (.'orri'.sponding Secretary : Our Freedmen's Aid Society ought to have :i thousand loaiohcrs In ?he South. If our friends at hume could realize how much tiiesc people ma d instruction, now anxious they are to receive P. ami how rapidly they improve under it, I am sure your treasury would speedily he libed, i May God move the heartsypi' Iiis people, who have tho moans, to ?bi in cultiva ting this, thc niu.-t promising missionary Held on tlie face ol tile earth ! Tm; CONri'.sir.i> Ebi'.CTiOX,-The Mu-, nielpal Election Protest ease came t.. an end on Saturday heh. Thc decisi?n , was that the election was ?beyal. Thc ease will bo brought before tho Supreme Court, from winch a different decision is expected by tho friend? of just icy. .UV/iz/wS; AT rn:: CAPITA... Oh thc 2nd inst., itt thc House, .Mr. I toso tuan introduced :. bill to regulate Ih? pi'nel ico ol' incdi?ih?; .Mr. Turner, I Van-ern!, introduced resolutions for (ho general I'oinpvul <>f disabilities, lo foried; Sr.x vrtt.- After n i?riof debate to-d tv. tin motion of Mr. Corbin, tho Sonnte rbvi solved thai it li th I no authority io eic-: :i I.lenten-.nt OovorilOl' in pince pf I?Op/.*j cr, resigned. Mr. Venn;.'. Venator from Abbeville, was announced prescht ami roddy to tpiulify. lits credent hil*- were rel.Med. to tlio C?niinittoo pit Klcoiion -. who ;iskbd and obtained time lo preparo fa ir rb port. I Mr;. Weigh! pdri'uht?bd ti bill amenda-j tory of an act to csiahliidi a Slide Police. 'Pli? bid authorises I lie ( ,'o\el ubi j* lo ?jp cieiiso tub foi-.--- whenever necessary; ddio hill poo i. ? i j i o for tiie transient sipk pijor of ila- Slate wa-, passed, and ibo title ?j'hahged io an act. Tho Presidential electors casi their vol, - for < traill mid fol lav: (yob. Sto'.hrand Wjib olootbd tb carry tito voie to Wasbingtolu ! j AFr.lI/:s AT M Ali IOX. rnosci:. rs io- i ?II K. V.. mn: :?. M A mox. Nov. 201 iii l.Sb8. I >I:.\K I)0(rrOi;-Wo have jusl closed a ? :-?us Thanksgiving day in old Minion - th.- tiro dav of the kimi tba! wa- ever ! observed hy the colored people. Servi ces were held at several ol' our vii hie. o idiurohes. 1 attended sci -, ice a: the M. K. ( huieh. 1 am linpjiy to say ?hat the lay was highly apt.r.'ciatod by our [bib! pic generally hero, who wore early at ' .huivb with titbit1 children, am! a- ibo mstoh Kev. .1. li. .Middleton. relVried :o ehil.iges that h.-td cdiiio ovbf eur laud n thc hi-' !ot?r your,*?, tile people wept i oi joy. mid ihankod (.5 i iii tiiat wo could! .voi>hi|i lliin ululer our own vino and (hg ii --, tlbiib daiiug to molest or milkt' tis ? I raid. Since the Jutti election our b-\*t\ '/?..ii'!.; b.avo qUieti'd down ?onsJdbrriiilv?? rimy say that Con. tirant will make a1 jood deliidi'i'.'ttlc provident; and they aro ibid that Seymour and Pdair wa re not de'eted. lt remind- me ol' a fable 1 ead in times past of a fox and sour '.lapo... Tberti will have to bo -..'.rio lone, however, than tho chriton, tis! ii--ic lb-is i-cen a wilful mm dei commit '.od .'.re hy (Mle while mall on !!;,- po"--m of iiotj.ii.d-, simi>lv b?banse ho gavli t,-li (oby bl a ph ob.; rate's bonn io. favor eobn-.-d man. Th" per-on was Wa'V-? oil ?i nd as-a--inn i e. I near bis. o.ve house. tili nb- tVrptju r. a boy of piglitecib dan- j I'itiiisiv wounded; T|h'o l?iurderor. howj ..a .-. i- safely en.-iain cid in jail. At thc rpo nt oh ctiph iiiiiiiy bfotir edi ired fi i.. n.is iv,;;' pt ev i-nled ti ..nu Vtdihg ?y tin. at.- o.' the Uompi'ia'h'. At Little i.iok. where wo have but fe vi' Ih-puhli ?au-, t'.u-y we?o a'.iieo-t entirely pu vent . 1 from v..!-;ug. There b ing but .-ne i? -ptn -?icaa appoii:t. ? i a- ii a nager, pie I)bnio?r?its y?tod ns sidled their v.him--. Al a.: itiu r p di -, Ari' 1 > om- ot' ti.o mami }oi ; wa-, thi'calenc I. abd bad to ho loi hod np to sa-, o hi - life Ile wa t hi'Oatc?cd l'V ?'?ie doini llo.'.g. I pig g ca - .- M-n aller lirotight it) thc pei bv thc ( bir Church h is hoi li mig hi i iv opp.-soo. th:-; year : bu' tho o who opp..-ed us aro is-ginning lo joai'li (lia! thc M. li. ('burch j tri a fixed fact in tho county. Mon who -ix months since wobul liri, vii tis out of; tho coin:! v. tuc how foremost in scouring our piople a piuco of worship, th? lei tiny between ccu' church and lin- Pros-- ' bytorians hpic is somewhat friendly thoo having' donated us a largo-md. amt j om- of their ii il lither a piece ol' lam! Oh which to eil cl t!ie .-anio. Wc I nisi that all of our people wpl soon bo sheltered duri'.!"" linn s of worship. Wo learn thill Brother M. i-s closing np a bargain for a piece of lund loi' a ch,.roh and school h?ttse at Mar'-- li'.ulf. whore wo hop.- toi have a church erected at an carly (lay. Wo shall need means, however, to assisi ! ii.- in building] and hope we may bc ona- i bled h? re ?jQu / .///.. ??x rit??/?iiics. tin. .....'.rec that wi' liav.' .mr lull sluifi "i* libuhlbn ni (lu? Sm!'., bul ?t .,0Vm dididttli lb tu ,"va|. ly amona :t pr.-mdmod am! lai-aiihleil people. Tho ch uti li has been o'? luca toil in!" la h,o th?orie* and I ii i tor prejudices, wiii';: haye horne theirfruii in ictudlion, T|io practical .?iicslion ol' lin1 prc-.cat t'.::i'' i- : I low can those ll.ebi'?eisi lie ciiam-ci. and tim-e priu'dituos removed? Mow shall loyalty by brought lo tithe robt and iit'bw vi s non dv ?MI Southern $oii? Happily, there i.s (,, lids very simple ?Vhd pi-.in an-".cr. vi;-., by emitting to I he South acor.-taut ami hmdtht'u? tide nf !.>>a! cmiai.cion. 'j'h? saine iiislru nui'lality t'dul sb lapidiv creates loyal Stale; ia thc We .1 will -t iaiiu? lo li local ly ia Hui S.auh. Wdidiout lim little ,'mii ar-iti.'ii t'mn we have had the iir-i slips Ibwmvl rei'pnsinu'thui (? mid hardly have l een lah. a siiieeOsshiilyi. Lei ii be ho creased, rs ii mai bc a Inindivdfpld : idhi b'ci ne d ini other chie tor our national [roubles. No: a tithe hf tho I ai ids in Hie South arc r.'alk occupied;, Let Northern men buy lin ?-?. hinds abd sot I li' upb;U tl?ohli, an.i in nine cases mit of ten they will have il-mc much helter fur themselves than if they had "ono lo th,- ?ar Wost. bia- Soadi a.ls capital, manufactures, am! ad kiiid-s of-Idilcd labor. The N/brlli irotii hld' ttbunilitiici? can supply th?se w.'dils? arel mutual bcbolii will Ive thc re stlli . 'I hc \ a-i hilno|;'ii| wea;;1! of ?ihejSoiilh lies a'.mo.l wholly uie!"\cl..p. !. while Northern mea art; besongl.i tmc with iheii' ski'd and capital aie! take it. al fa Is:!.m.-iy h|iw plie.-. Why -.vd! liol obi North'-iu pcojile ma -t ny I lie ept'd'agoiito c.mc an ] seiylVir iln'insi;'!vc.s lia invito,? titi 1 Ihul is open hcf.-rc thom) The iarjbii por?i.'ii cf t!i" Sbutji t - as ijuict t<> day ins ?h?ir ?ma ipllci Itoiiics ia tm Nbj Un And tin a 'dc -'.a,ucl remember tlifit mniaf: lion chirjia; saintly with it.' If our people w. add !>::' di-mi-- their feats and n*^ kidd ivy .-ide ami c. imbim. in I"; dues-? inS-romii'..'. WoU?i -a iel lhe pre indice- that m cv di \ ide t imo:. lb d?.re fill bcacii! - w ill pr i hi ? ri, ciplimvd gbbd fOo! big. I-dy.- i-eli./ols : ml loyal nows pahcr-wil, follow Sh iitltci'b ena j rat a ti a-; na! urai ! y as cliycl f. ll c. s cm;-e : ami with ?such agencies can any dbe ?1 ul: dud bvait;. wall i ave a healthful e. row Ta '; Many d' I fie Nm'li arc now -landina aloof ubi', v. ai: ina ipr tia- W tdd Ly. dl-Vait- 1 of ?iii fm'.-k il.ev wrii continue lo ba- bii'sd! .??.'!: :!: . viiror tltev luv.v <: nv lil d. \ .-!..i-d a !!i ' lc-m:.vc- of the West, .md da y will lirilii! lolUu?? f..r llicni ...-hes. tic wh"!e S"lilil nil! I li" uk tia-ni, .in! im.- biilhiipii ! . md .!(.- w i!l beat an m d. Aa c'inarali"ii that lei: .: ; villi d capiia!. iu-iii-tr. . ?:.'\ by. toni Ire ?:-!i"n!-. is bilb'r limn "an anny iyilh banner-." If tia- Naii.m?i ( > >..,?! imaail would isp'.'tid in m.c.euaa.ln ' lullijiijathiil and ii: ie .'ri d ? a'. rpi i-c- if. iiiy Sjiiliild'i lithe of ibo mof.iiy ii ti?Ay compeiiicd li -pen ! in lailii.try i'C.-i i'tlilji, w c -la.inli Jilt Vi? peace and pin-; tait\ in al! blir hbr .lets. A M/>"/'.i.-V/v /'.i)7.V(? .i MM:i:i \(n ri:/:. " A oentlem.in of Nev. Havan bfdeto i a wcd.iinii .-nit. r.nion.i: whicii v,a-:i wliiti satin vest, tin thc bridal bveiiilig. ai t'ne ctorjivbtan was leayiiig ihedbbi'i ila oeillh.'ltian ip'ok from a pocket of his \c.-', and slipped gr.'ib?fiu?y into ihe pa'i'siin's hand, wbal Ito Slippos .1 wa- a ill) rn".,', that 1m hajji pat there for tim purpose., The honeymoon lim! hma passed, wliei thc brid?grooin bad oeca'-ion to dm I agil iii,foi' a paity. Iii-, hrjuul v?iif, ;|ii< pit lt I ll g hi.S ; li hi?? r.ii ildo lt ?"K'lil'l pilla ?mit, io Iii:- a,icat liorrori llic id?ntica! ban! ?note which lie sappo ml mont lis he fon aladdcind tub liearl o',' tim Wtii'tliy cu irate. Gi'chl wie. I io- cc n-tcrr.at ion of th pitrties ! NVlial i'ouid lie have given Hu I par-mi on lind iiicctisiph V I lo ascertain 'cd. tim iiext 'iav. timi lie luci given hil la strip of satin two or three inches lon;_r which thc tailor had icu in I'nc pocket o 'the vc t. Itxphinhtions and a heart, j laug ? follow ed." \Ve lin vii kiii)W*n worse mistakes Ilia j this to bc imniu m >>"! )>".>J?>ttj muri'tug fectt, iviiii'li havo nb! been explained s well. Wi' kiiow a nnnisler iyhb spen ?.some two dollars in travelling expense jin reaching tho place whore, tin? ?iuii'ria1 recciVcd a- jhitch tis D strip c I sat ?ii two ?iloli?j? ?oiig in payni?ni iv ON penios or SIM vier-:. Th,, imtlisler WllO oaiihot work for mdbim-. lind pay hisowii expenses is n?.; adapted to meei iiic ivo/^s orUio'timos. .V/.s v/.').v.i /,' ). MOX/'' ). A' tit - ?isl Annual Conference ol'tin.} Mi Ri Church, Ind I in Charleston! Mic I iv.!'liiii?j> l;liU;rs wore instructed ID n.j.? 1'oltlblK ileedidihg I., t!,(.?,- hos, ?,?,|.,. litoiit, tim jnnoiiitl ?>;' mhtsiomiry mopey !.. lu' tais.'.! |?v oat'h circuit in thc South < "ais lina ( \mleionob, \\ c h. pr oven preacher will (uki* Hie ?"a:'or in han.! ,,/ "".,.,, i ..."j i|mt .,?? tI 0 bil??ial mohibei's will co..potato in lil": in- inc amount ?issigiied lo cadi eircuiul Wc piop'ost: h. fiiisti )?ls2()0 U,iH Vc:?r.? WOO on ihe Charleston Dist rid anti; on tito Klpritln bislrtet. la t every '. <>uo rciiicinbcr itali tho old ,h.hn Wc-lev i Vh}h<:h pvo.;/o(7ro^o^.ooM/.,7.o>t;,! tho S. f. Conference this year, or ju d j '. ?. '. (? < Ute iitnoiiiit. wo propo-e to rb-e Ipi lite ( o nora! Missionary liva ?us y. i Let its show our approoialion ofilltut lin; oki .Motlier ( hiirch ??doing lorita, hy doing what wo cnn in our poverty./in' j nitr?'lii?si Dei us .-,00 ?filie pa-tor ol' everv oin'?it w?p. mot conic to C?aiif?r* euee. a*. C.lindon, britigiiio lite l'oilowing ti i no tn tts Apportioned I ? ? them lo rai-va vi/. : ( 'hai-r-stoii Cjty, - - - $1'2:> liotiiifor! ( 'ireuit, - - - pi (.'ooj'cr Uiver. " ... ii,y .lohn'-Island. . ?ul .Stihinierviiie, ... po | Mt. Holly, "... l? Kingtree, ... .|o Kl. iv ".,-. ..... .p) .Marion, ? - - - lo Darlington, ..... ,00 . keraw, .. ... :;n I'iUlll. UlSNillo. "... ll) IA indi hui li, .? ... .).v Sumter. ..... ?u (anti len, '. ... .ai (ircciiviilc, ..... i'.Q t)rany;clutr?, ... pi liarnv.e'.l. .? -lo (.'luvtet lie hi, ... ia ( h o, ..... 10 Si. Stephens. <. - - - 1.'. jV.Mll ? hr ol' tho ii ihc8ii0t) Ko\. .1. C. Ktm-r-ou. K l?'{< a id i Dist riot. v. ii! nppi '.,. ho rai--, i on hi- District, l>? l?io. villi inti! ciicitil-i nuder his supervision. T. Wi l.t.A ito l.i.ivii Khb r ol' I ion h'Stou I >i-ti RA R v N o i i p i : y. 'ur W .mo 01 I .<>i? i11 -1 s Kit : it - iii-;-?",^ lioiisd i .'.non. ? i ti I I uterpietatioii ( 'on Hiileriui and I Ihe-t 1 ate-i. Uv R.vd. I had foti I ly. TIM New York : ( arl lint & I .atiabar.. This Wpik i- admirably eah?la'i >\ lp ?ti?'prd t!:" yt itt ni!; Milden) ol' ibo ibbie jiisi t'.o know 'edgy whielj is ndttph'il hi gi Vi.? b;e'\-a-od iiiibreSI and prnlil lo ibo study --I the Scriptures, h ihi'ows light iiil Vvjiai hight o' bel-w |S(J -. i 'll oll-CtltV. j itiid \'-:ii help s? .-tr- la.'.'bon t|te lilith .Mini j !;onlidenoe j I' the rea h-r ol (lie W.,rd ol | rkj and tybi ' ii, ?::: t !'.-?. amply roAvjirdott l>N its p'.-ru if.ko'ji't iS'l''*! i'.N i t'.'.N to Ti!i:;rv-tin- Ti?iv?ti i ld ri ol'u Vpitlh I'rdiii iheCtiUiili'Vi it. Ti .1' . T.-mptation , ami Atlviiiiis'tgt;;?. Uv ?. I ..lilley. Nt'lb Yolk-, (?trit?n eV iauahan. Tbl.- vahutUle Worl< :- ir.e expau.ion o| , a h- .! 1 ?(? i'u-1 i v,-i i 11 hv th:- author at l-i\e t.r l?iil. I .bm lon. iitiiorn lite Vining Men's i'hri dian Association ; -md Dr. Wi-.- !i wisely leeoiiiiuciiiled ii - pn I ?li- ? ca I iou I iy oui' ?otik AgeiiVf?, tor the hon-? j dil .-i' \ mei ieaii rcitdei's. d ue (.li.'ii'.ielc'r pf.li.f'p.h i- ber.- sid 1 lill ly and ap??r.-pri lately Irawn as tho libiiicl tor thc roiling i .mano' tho pit'scnl si sermons, Ihcibiote^ do not (011:0 undo' bis eye hi'foi'e being piibicd. Wc do u'ot copyright lliese s?rtpiiibs, . and, ihorel'ore, woithi gladly urg?s all pa a ' p?i's to reprint llicin, H ls our purp011 " 1.pos? with ail otiririighi Ihedootrim il of what might ealled .'' copyright gos >r'pel. Wc 'h.'dl, therefore, codi mb. I? prill', (lu sv .sermona .'-.>. Joli*' vi Wo foi MIHI ?iijv good oatt lu- d<>iio in (his way. tl" oin; iVlOni.lsj wail! a wi.K-awaKv reli (jiotis ?.aper, umo uai ian, and full of in toro-flinj? mat lor. I ho Itii'gesl piipor in th, worhl, i. t HMM,, - M.', ;.. ? i,.,,,y J.; (.],,;,! I 1 IW?< Uow. f...r r: ebpV of thia pap.?, onchwiht; IO Oopt-i, a ixl ?va. I .and oxain in?1 ii Ihr thoms?'!vi's, Hopkins lino Como ! d liaVr.' the plo!|??iiro nf is?uiiuimdn ;'lo inv . pattpim ?ultl ni..,i,ls. ,,r ol.:,,!.'..!..),, iinji ! ?d I"""" ??l?flln. timi will ai h(h;i'Uifi>i'? iv M:,S.S().N',S IX Ml'sir. nu I n-\ .I.,,art incuts .mooted willi mi- lint'. Mv school Ls |i( my Old sluiUh Nu. ??7 Mian lolfa sO'coi. .'OlIN T. HOPKINS. A <.<>' < 'o il s Ulli}) i i v< _T?iO fi)?jiiw||i;? ::..!;,.!,.. ,',,,", ,;, . p.lW,,MI ?.?.>/.'. W.H.?. ?>f An:. -Jiiih. ls.;s. win |M. ioiilU.i i::!. l'OsiinS?' to I '"ll Milli ni i w . nlUovr? . i .i M ; ( .? IM i -i ,.\? i -\ i'<. ilio>?- IriiuhU'?i willi !.....{ - ; I.l.l.o. :? liona, an-1 MinflO'l Complaints. I ? aa i:i?l|sidi;nll(iil?ly ri'Ooouni'hd lin' i'io scrlp?idi ol' liov. KihviirVl \ Wi'-mi. nf w??. i hi i ivstni ig. Killy's I dimly. N. i .. io I,... a .au o rotiiody. i Ita yo tiothiubt ai al! l/tiu Um nu lli, ii.?' siivi'd un who's lil'.-. Sh" M is IjfiVon lip hy tin- hosl plivsicittn as beyond Us skill ; i niid Slr. Wilson's I'l'ini'ilV onrt'd h-v. I>\- tin? ' .i.-in T "f Chu). 'Iliis i nv ?cript Ihiio.ih ho itiiiiiiiii'd ino ol' 1,'ov. Ihiw.ud A. Vilsoii. \Vl|ihii|ishii|'?-, Kiiigjs-( 'dtpcy, N. Vi know j ol scv, lal i|tliol' institu?es whoro llb? ouu dy i has oiled Cd ciu'i'S iif l ia:: ilisoiiscsAvliibii hailhij tho l..-t modi. ,d a?hioo. Nw all' who I,ave luau' complaints, or evet think ('on^iunpii'iii ha - seized iipoii dieu), t?o my I advice, il' ymi waa! any oildi lean, Ipili stool ai ono., as ?io. ve. ami yon w Uin-ver rogrCl il. ,i. N. I.|jt'v. i Po'siOll. MliSS. iel J J\. i ~~ , ? ?M$$ in gnnnvnptVi !? lln> Humor ol 11 r.Niti 11. I.OXMI uank- , , npt. ( h fly whom a IVIllipn lor Auiiimaii'ti Uli ihVnki'llploV wa- li'-d on tin -.!'.M 0:.v ol" , IN inti I'l- IUI' I i ' 'U UT or 1 Hi. ll . I:J. s i A l l ' -, t'Oli Tl il: OISTUK'T ?1 SOI "I'M i \ CO!. IN A. , lu the matter of III.MIV ll. I lo NX I ii. ri j ll ihinki'hpfov May. A. I'. ?S??S, in Siihl t omi. I tynifc rupt<>. , J i Tins |S TO oiVt; Nonoi'.. fha; ?'ii ?WX\) . da\ "I" N"V.. A. H. Is'js. a Warrain tlMUk J rn;.:, v w .--. - issin d au aiu-I i'm- Ivtalo < '?''ny | ll. Ihiiuii't. nf I li a nj' Parish hi i lit41 ,'f,,i , i lili?i?otiil?-?? ami StatC nf Soiitli < ?tl'ot.W Iii) ha- Lo.-a a'.liud'.:. "! a l?aehnip!. ?nJ pWll, I Pet ii h m : thal lin- paVinClil of a uv lf> ?.)? I Ihdivciv nf lUiv Property lii.'Ipii.ulijA' ^"Vl I iiiiiikiHipi. toi,"mi ijlr iVrlil's itC * ho .l.ai ai No. VJ lh'?>!Ul-t''.. , '.WfjV: ?',.. :'.Mo U. it.t'avp?i.t?r. ?. '.i>-i<;"l;.u rn? *.'...^,,",Tv^;:,?;ri 1 . ! J i<;i! .a-i...... -M,-,, I #-i ru * wa .ort.-c* wruv. ? T? ; r t c.-? .-vr-~v ? rr- ? ? ??._Ji 1 ' Headqtioricrs Doparlntonl of ?h?ii?ii, ( "na i.n v;; i i no \ ? 11 n's () y \ i I SM \. i. \ . li. ?-. n ?y ; SP, \l.ld I MiOPiiSA? S .viii I; Jj, 'a: l|)is iitlh'li liulil (?_? Vi. I?,.min';' lilis for li l.'MSIIINi; MA l ldMAly,,/' "l Erecting n Brick Locirjc 0(??nq . :il th .. N'ATI ON \(. < KMK??'IK? ?.-'I < T\{ I ?Ni I '.. S ? .. aoe -rdin.v lo plan\p... 1 ellieatiolls lo lie -l ea ?lt till.' o|lh'i,|' ,?u. i j Chief QiiarU'i'in?sier, Ailaiitii; iiabin I" .: Ouario: i ila -?or i hiirio^iou. S. <\ \ 'I li" livni! ? o.piireinoni - n di ho o.s.,.,1, I I'rOpliSuis -h'Ulhl lu? in I i ?o v? i-,-.'},J ,,,. .|.o till .. l'ropo.-?iis for I'.r'u k I...if .?' aiiiij ?iddros>,"d to / il. SAV'N l'Ai. Poi-, ib o ami t?. M. I ISVA ? . lil t iy M. Oi'pt. bf iArotiih.I i I ibo o ?it. ?50.-VV?DJ rs'< i d O ll N Yi . ADA .N? j ) i '.i .s l.-ave io- ?ni'uvm hi- fricn'^uil ibo j I ) public aea.-raliy. thal bo bas luttup lt." j . ?-: alili-hniait TSO. :?:; b:.-i. i n.-? v. in a '.oat anil obiiif !?? p'-Ciiso l:is oro?!- al>lj Hilldcr do in ooiii!<.ila!.! ', u> nie: it a lair iuii'v id piliiiio ititi ronnoc, ? " I Awarded ll?o PVizd M. .bil iii th Puris Exposition, 18(17. 'V /. COLLINS ?5: GO'S .vi*-.-. iOo.S. ?I?ST-STEEL Pl?lS. M IM l'A' i l iiiiii in roi.biN.s ,\NU .\.rrs...,t-:", ilu -o li.." - aro made by iHuirliig iiidhl te,, Xtid in'?' Iron rn,mid-. limy al'C I liol bi'dilVli-UipciCd, ar..mid. ami po'u-iie.l. Alli seeti.in cm lib ropliu'eil a! ?illy timo hy a Hu IdlCitte. in* d' il"' l'oint i- \vt?i'n u ma\ pc ri l.v ivcldinV to it ?I lll'W piciv <>t Mool. i i renia r-. Blv?iijj mil hil?niialibii. ^ciu ?< all apidiciihts. Aildvi'ss ' 1 COLLIES fe CO., ?tbiii i??.?m 'jIii NN' uri: ^' ^?'-w N otsK Pii3'i?e?j the Blood "r jij?l,? !.> ?>VtW*'? ? r< . I ?vl.r.rr. -gr? 8TERE0SOOP1O VIEWS, j ALBUMS, CHR?MOS. & K, T, Anthony & Co., )i tjjvltr (lio ; : I r ? -1 : : i ? ? : i ,.r I|,? j-.;, tOilNVO ;1S i,} y jp ; |," their <>\\ a publ?cale :. Id'aC'liri- jtiiij ino . I,'I! loi i. \\ " publish ..vcr Kpi jj 'I'llci! Moren ioiittt/i Vi. . ?....'..a: th. r ? N fi lil' . !' stereo>t:i)ji|-;a, W-:t I'..in!. < lilia. V.-a-.an la, (.'tiltia, .KitglHjiil, le.udmy . M athnmlh ? av ('?.lilr.il Pa:!.,. 'I'la ?H..n l'a!! . Creal V. . .:, H-iuvaa ni-. 1 '('law arr, 1 ii?t:mtan?-, H -, .Vow <;r.'n:'.|... fin- Am!.-, .la pan; .v<\, ?v-?.. .ve. I....,, i . ..I'.iV. W:'l'!l't,,.,}.i.,1Vi Aft ctnbraee a la--<> a - ol'Wm I ai? I a nd, ti. W li,'?!!!,V',,tn'; ! SwilLo'l'Lowl ? ... . .SdviizrHnhdi Kin.;.-. Pt i 'ai'.,. < I'.l l is, 'Oughiiid, Soot laiid. I rein lui Wales. Kninpcij, < ?BI imbil A'l-tli.M." Itaiv, Sp.'dtl, Tuilotfi -., SI. ( ?,,11,1, 'l'i talion. V}x#?\ I ?nineo, Tyrol, Ib'ivnlani'.int. i' ontaiiiiiidyatiy Contpotgno, NTo.r.?itillos', Naples. Koine; A .>,*>,? ALSO. ",,K i'AN,w,?i'"nii.;ili"),P;i A new and hU?tlsi }y j,,,, r,.Mil,., ,, ? . , Wei s :.,XV- act.iy.ali?l .^sorhiiciit, ? 'i - ;..1 .1 x Kto - m Sa (zci and ih<> 1'";;"'- Kn^tditl, .Scollail i. Wit l? S1' w i' KKK. ? s c ?p p i*j s . Wi? inimuftu mro vere Mrgeiv, ana . -? a: .?... <(,i,,|, of .>,, t,t\t*' ffy/c- tu tho l >'*'.*/. Oil Painiinff?. ai icdciitii their cd'." 'V1' i'hpoit lurgobvooui it'-, bondon. ?' I.l'.KS TN < illT'lcll So, >( ]c?; ?XTKA EA RI, Y PEAS O', ,.|V. ... p?r ?Iiilo, :.t "Mi ... -ail or ibgiul, r e::h. a V I'.I.'N I i PM?.d' \ - -?-i f moni ?> ..Mli'd'.N and ITl.l.b Sbb/'S . tar V.X1I1A KAttiiY IMiAs. )V0 believe auuot be e\? elb d in ipiatilV. iuid' O? br ti* , v i??ir??ci- titat. ahjV "m ma.rk?l. y AK NI e- C.AKDlvN I MCi.i'.M KN ) ^ (Jf ?iii kind - i'ti ANf. iloNldd'-!' ami' the. Y ?Ttili/evR Vi < idabtjotcs i'ttrn't stied on applCiU'.mV. .] o 1 \ M Y A N O f- R ? I LT i \l BOS Adrhaptiirai W .aeluu;-e and .-- i d S'. ite, .>.; Kt i.P N > rai l r, TH?. WW WORK ?0MP?ETE ! \ . i Vi ?-i Vii lt ilC.s ll IS Ti il, V Civil/, Pe: t :t a . AM? Mtl.tTA'ttV) "'' Tho Bov.ihovn Rebellion /.? ..o ' /.''?./'<.',?. rpllls i-oittpb >. Ibis ;:''?'at N;aional w<>rk. ' > j it i-. h\ ?ar. the inosi uNhaiistive and -al ' iViiciorx "i' ail tho mu rath Cs ol' die lal? < 1y.ll *! vv'itt*. b ha-i Ht'' ? n?l"r-emi'nl ?>t' numerous I i jOv?riiors. .Menib. rs ?>'t Cei'M'is-. l auiiu nt ' '. O Hi ccrj ?ibu Civilians- li I . .i;i blel, ibc diily . History ot' ihe War wi vi by ot the na in c. e|Sdidi,?y Agents-*, of s'eili \)S K.js|J?re.ss to ait.e -'?ehba-'- ?"'t iceelpl pl" pri.-e. vi ' : lu muslin -j 1 indin?. S '.'?"? pei vi lil ino ;. In l.eatheri $ 1^10 ; pi i \. 'hmo-. Aiitlj1 a , ' V, M. ll. lilt KINlii r t'. inah . eau readily reaii/e 'r. 10 per da i in inking 'bone j foi lb Yhi'y ?Wx ?'?''' ? -.oimni-- i"H- ?dieu cd, and osel'isive terrOor - ??ivein 1" ''"i rent ar ol partlenl?ii':' ?dthcS') ! "f' 1 Wi, ll, I'MdU' T. baal d er. <>?. I iii ll.