fiUnaiS tiP RELIGIOUS INTEREST. I Mi?s (OJS'? t rt Y MOSI: v \t the l.-y^t Annual Cou 1 et?reo of tho >>> vn\wA Hy each eitvii., iu the South ? CuuvUna Conference. ! \STo hope overs preacher iviil ?>vko tin1; i ?...'.' o i i;. hand ,v:o?\ and tjiftt nil tito; p?i?iiit liiCtuli?vri .)t.h?r Church l^ doing for ns-, i?>\ iioiti'< iv hat KO cnn in our povetty./tii' i':'7vv!. Let us seo if thc pa-tor of rv "rv circuit v.*Al lingtoiii Ihinhioh?vilH?, L\t.. hhv.ig. Sumter. Camttcn.i i irectu il?ci Oraujobtirg, ila. h.veli, t/heoierncht. ( ) ?-pi i ri', ?tephena. *V?00 Kev .:. C. Kti.or.'on. V Kider of the riot .da iVixti'ict , will tippovtton tho 830?? lo raised On \\\k District, to ?lie vari . it'O'jit i under bia super.'. don. I". WILL inri Lt wis, r. ?:ii ;.ci vi:' Charloidoh Disirict. i .it*. Mission Commit lei ot-ttte di..-fcf \ burch he". ! their recent annual meeting it. N.:.v York i riley have carefully eon .u.h rod tho want - of thc great field We vac Irvine to OeoupVj and hopefully os Litti;iie0.000) bight hundred Tty thousand d .n.-s. In seeming th m .um. ve'.iame j.? placel upo;, thc .nen;, contri Vet jons of tl'c poor,. ra'.itfV (lilli: thc foti i titi iiutt U'ti.s of tiic i ich. \Vc .'..iv :v!l Have a shire in tiiis guat vir.d ?>lori;iii'i onterpi isei ?it?d lli? niiuiey pfiip i-:i l?ete n ?y I?'.1 sal'eli tcp n h i tis ? Ujiidi elct liai lilt ?i'iitfi. ?flhc tender viii! Con.-lilt thc forc;;t in^ article, he will ?ec t..e anipuul apportipiuHl to lie riiised v. th', 8oniii ( iirolina Cioifcrenoc. As" I "dui eiidice holii.i i;.? next session d' . 'n .-.'e:i. uh (lu .'Ith (;f I\-hrv.ary, iiO t:M.. sliop.'d he lost iii raisiiig th.; aiiuniiil .ipi? piioiicd to midi charpo. Phe last ' '.idv.ienci; year tins Conference ?lid nobly foi' the cause ?Y C>/i YUK SOi'iJ'H CAJ'O ?.J Vd COSJ'Kh'KS'o'JJi li.' hext tics.sioii of this ('?iifcrcnec Wi ll.We lield at Caiikl?h, Kelli 11th. 1 B?> I?, ItjsLop .\ iii 's pfcsidiiig. Let every pren ier, Ioho examined at this seo1 skill; bi' in:-tidly prepared un thc ! of (indy a a.-? i p. md. AH rcp?it? . d' \i^ti. .md other inatteia for the Cybl' ieiil'? ?dionUl be in rcailinesip and tho tn: sionarv in?hey col lee ted 'ti due S'ptiv Tl-f Jci?hor ii', i'bai'go .should :.>. e '..'.it ail (Lurch rcpi.-tt ra arc iVcll um h out. iu a eoilititioil to bc intolii ?tl?ic lV?v the next preacher. Let eve? ry pi;c:iciiei consult iii.i Discipline in i <;}.. {'. v.n to '.lu. dui! :. of those in chat ip; of Ctf' ilit'.i ;.?/;. MK ruo DIS i CUUHCH f: i:ULVIKI?. MANY of inc i-fcehei and incident!: con nccb 1 ivitil the. hi.aory of eariy Metho di.-nn ii-' te mitch like tii?sc iio?v hoing (di?tct? hit i ld our churches hore in haste, to meet ;)m I'nnts of tho people, iyitb out sm.di CO 10 .10 .10 it? r?o 30 \o 2 ii 40 ?l? co pi t'? io , ll? 1 fl expenditures in tinto o? m?ney. Ono hundred and twonty-tiiiH) yciu'8 ago tito Hist Motlto Ibd edifico w?is erected limier the imm?diate supervision ol' Rey. ?lohn Wesley* near l?itlb langland. The fol lowing account is given by Mr, Wesley: 00 Wednesday, Mn j f>, 1739, wo took possession of a piri e ol' ground nenr &t. .'.une'?' ChuivliA'nvd, in the Horse Fair, wheie it was designed io build u I'ooiu Sarge enough to eon tit tit both the socio tics of Nicolas HU 1 Baldwin, lind such of their ne<"|iieitit:iib'? :?s might desire Ul meet with I lie nt linville; tuc e>: pou nd in;? ?of tim Scriptures, (hi Saturday. I ?I lb j tonie three days after.) the lird stone Was laid wit ii the voice of praise and (thanksgiving. 1 bad not .at liv! tile lea-t i\|Vprc|ibhsion c.- design ol' bo?tig person ally eneaced either in th??xpi nsif'ofibo ! -vork or in tlc dir' eUitg ol it. having ap p. luted ?lever, h oilers o:i Whom 1 stij) p ?sod IhcsC I i dem- w ould fall ol'course, i ut 1 quickly foiind my nt H I like? th st ' w ith regard to tito o^eiise^, for ike whole m. hu takhr: na:-;', have stool Still bad 1 no', hame ii.i.'e'y t.? ken upon myself thc p ivan a; of nil thc workmen; sb that be j fore ? kiw, where 1 w a", i liad contrae ted it debi "1 inore than om hundred aj? 1 j lift y pond'ls ' tit tWciUy-twp days from thc lavin:/ o Ute ti: -' Mono, ami only twciify-ftvc dayj froth tim M:ro tit cy determined to hulk and procure I lie - ile. thc building wits np inclosed itiul fdic I with worshippers Their opening j ty lb h wa? furnished Hi Charles W O? loy, bogthhirig : " .Voe oj'tjio 1 ?ir n a Wak* i nv.-.O.-' rhtnv own InUaortftl streunt'! juc on ! ' John Wesley preached. Hi- text was u Marvel noi if thc World hate youl" ; How ro prA v.Ar Fatuous.- lt is ter; kiilllcuit to reason people out of any in l'Or into which they ncvei have beeil i'"a e ^ If Hniv.efsnitstn and other error of a like olinrnctor ure o\ore?me. iL wil .be by tito iid'ocu'c of experimenta I Christianity. Ab Di*, Applebee reeonth "aid in roferene? to Uoiiianisnt : 1 am persuaded, after an cxperiene ' of m Mtv years, thal thc most eti'ectua way lo r*. c'-l the ehO'pachibeiits of Vc pery, to I hi", i! .. milka, and to \veakcn ll 'influence, is to labor to spread Scriplu '?'.ni Chi ist ia tut y throughout i.he hind, I .present ti liv ir,, religion in opposilUjji t ! a cold lorintiiisiuc! ii chilling fitualisn 'and a dogtMtling supers!dion. Tbcr was ibo devoted Titonms Walsh-li was. a Ixoiiiiiti Cdt hoi m. He knew 1. J was: a fn,.ih'.".h ho loughni tb (hui peace wit ?God. but know not tho way to salVidii? j$ V':rV:t\;t?h--:ek'.;' Wsnw! 'a ?Vprbaci Ihg in '.lie streets : timi man wiis liohei Swiu lolls, one ol' tl\e cat ly Mo?h?dl> Proa et ii>rii : bis text wa'-." Conic unto in till ye that labor and are heavy kele: .tod 1 Will g '.vc \ , a rcs!." He camer he was direo'.e-l in f ie serfii ll, to the .eh .'dial-?iior belwood ti ?I at,.i mau -:1. :..;:a Christ ..I cats ; he l'oit n 1 i lc-.:; .tlo lin lite blood of t bri-*, tlie iWgivoiio. i bf Iiis sins. :.a ! Went oi\ his wey rejo ls not lu?a the trite way utiinf?ti?t i.. her errors ?' . well as Romanism ? lb on .\t vi. c. -Rey. dames Wil-ot vf J.iitu th I.. I V-si lent of the I'riinith Wcsl.'vr.n Cou'iiMOiiob, recently heidi l.'uhlin. When Udell ??..sim, a large assen idy of imdnli?i's au I trieb i-- ol' thc sobl ty. Who were biet for hieakl'a.-l in ll laigochoel room iii Great S.ililli th bl'g stree'., sai i ; '. Lei lile entreat voa. ir . h.air friends, bid to adopt the injurio! practice bf hriilg Ug out intoxicalii biak j ou y dur tn bios for y ear minister Yilki is a O?S IO in that if.ay produce sr results itnibitg bb jib Iniiihdeis and pe piri. li'you ban'mb l?tese drinks lid yoar lee.cs p. will bc well foihyou'i' fain lies, \ ?our- el ve .. Vobr luitdslers. ai society. 'lite freed people of the Sou1 (iiij?i?t md to in.itat? that old eloiitllei custom of their (Winer masters Iii ii strung dfuih told ? v| ei.ialiy to furnish at w-.1 liia;- a:.d - nell like occasion Ihteiiiperitiioe is still a ?>r?vai|ing ai deplonil h viiii in t'ois bii.ctl?.i) of tl country. OiiiiAi V'.il.f K or SAJIUAII? SC IJOOI -- Tin' HV/.'c/oncoj publishes (hbrellgfot experience of the yoillig men who a candhlatcij int cifdiualion in the Weale an ('. efe;.. ace. (?tute a uiijlib?r wo con'.v. :' fi 'I -...ugh the in -li umcntaliiy thc .nun 1 iv .??.h??'.!, Thoma > HOM-s.'i thc rcaili.!.', i ! ii dunda;, s ?litio! libral book, detaihb . i t?msP 'i ? i P.r maur, ti n 'i... . f?icv?ei), ?.Vcti. ! li?n,i>r ml ; vevtl-'O'.a.MU- in tlie fhtllC ?.?'.?'."':"?. ' "tfui'.tlnji! i ivlvev.i-i-mi io- cf eij?lit Veckt mi l r.yo.v.v.'.b.-lv < n i i? r sijintro; -tx ivinntlU mel lijnvavits; t'oriy .>'lil < i ev c<|pAvC . i"i> m.'nt V '.jilli? - i in iel'' fin '.?. l* ?ilui bt.Miii! - .'..ii'.-, not e-Sieoliii^ tlve Into--, ten itelltiv ;i yo.'iv. Man et, iv . Heaths. Uelllrtoii ' luiil> X. i.-..-. i itel exceetUiiK live into-, itu;, o ut- . uoli ?asia ipii. ' No niit'tieatton l?B?cdiii? ui?on-il'l.' name. AU loiters -ii.m?a be mun.a t" ihi>ch.v,ti.i:i. ION , i.i>ckay:i. iv- in tn ; mutiileil picas?- I ti lunn A i \ ? >e.v ri; is ht rr iinee. 1: iiiiv nore : OiUit nt: ?CHoe, v'-o Mn itu? oil? ihMr SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2% 180ft TO OUR READERS. Those, who subscribe no te foi lit' At'v vo'-Air. paying Two Hold vhs is vu VA NO lt, iv i U In- entitled t" tho jv po j' io Manuary. iiSVji. Sltiiiy pi' our Nutiiorti i suliser'.lH'i s edtniitcnccil laking th-pap.'r in SeptOinbef nial (hiohet - if atv j those shouhl no'. Wish t.' eoutimie'he paper beyond tho ijl?jj? . f ibis vo|iinji. dot tinto semi m. Ki fly ('ci i-' "Ido', u?; Uput'o their m.oov;.-s ld Hwuuy :, whit-li tinto their silliftotfp'.Ujiunvjj^i. j it* not renewed. Ail tv luv arc n debi I Us for tho paper, -.'.rudd lose itj tipie in : settling their npodnhts lo diinivh-. i^fijv. No ono heed wait for forth. : m'i -. iSHAIjfi WK ll A I ri: c.'." TIM: country has lon : 1 eon i a stale. ?d'unpleasant agitaii-ot. in ti. ( ; : ;;.:,! structure of our govcrhthi'iil'. n etlort WHj? tuatto to harmonize lu nie tue Ky gr teiii eie'.iieitts that from tlioirovi nature mu--! hp in perpetual hostility;; Slavery ! an?! iYe?doiii could hevcrjh?. biuicd i tttiy national compromiso so as > lieut ra li/.e their own pcciiliar rpialio?. and hlijiid I tic tn in H'm harinouiot whole. ?Those clhthctus of ?lise.nd e.i'ow ii to gi , gaul ie propnrt ion.-, flrencliitig :t lind in lil-'od. nul eon vitlsing tho ot i iv as I'wit li tim tread of an citrthfjliip. Thc liin of cohtciidtiig tirinics lias \L\ litislt 'od. l'Ut Hie Conflict lias hoon f. fil? still - .in another foi m. We have it passed through Um unpleasant excitet at "!' an other proistdciitial elcetiotp in hltdi old I |iriiiciples have bech - trugglitn for ne v The resotire?s of tie Counlrytive hoon , gr"at 1 v i cxlititistcii hy war, itjlnisincsis iiitefcstsj depiossed {mil loiiile heavily willi tho b?rden of cNorbitaiiiiixatiou. Thc Sotithcrii s-eeiii.m ol tho ((ntry has expi tit need a heavy penally ? its own ihdlscreti?ii iii app^iilihg to t- sword, i and h:o. losi all that was stakA in the li'Oiilliet. Tin; strife Unit has b-ii per petua ted in the cflbrl t<> reconvict tia* di-o.'ganized governmont.s of tl; South has ! eon a continued ni i ?5 l'or iii Dil 0 this section, creating an unsettled ste of af fair.-, which has preven!ol the flux of foreign population anti capital. '....(.!(".. timi bf Gciiiiral (Jrant must lie ?arded :m an important triumph to tlKiiend.-. "1 peace. We may now hope th a com bination of tho hoot talent- in th-'oiinlry will f..rin tho Government, 'b great interests of the country, cnlivorl by tile best progressive clement ot' . active mind, and holding the policy (the na tion with an even ami Steady ftsp, will put fortli their energies in lin' i ront of a strong policy of govcrniuc. Tho policy of the coitnlfyuljustcd to a solid basis, and worked it into a stable system. divested ol' alic causes of llucUiation, will permit alie gt eat uioucliiry, corninci'cial und uiuiactiir ing interests lo adjusL Uicn?scs to tlc fiiuiuciiil basis. Th? nation who obey? cd at '..ollie and respected ?hti. Mar mony established between tho IvvOeUtive and Coiigres.', no iiupodiiiiehi will exist I to Mmler th? adoption of it system <>f; foreign commercial relations thal will foster our commerce and recover the ground lost during tia- war, ?ind all the 'great invrests of the country will he Icatcftilly fostered. The government vsi>l without (ideation he tul mt ii i .stored for j the good of UH- whole cou ti try. If th" ; pro,.'u> uro disposed to cherish the hiter ? estS '. "t by: ! .-notional strife ma l" ge-giaphied (iivl : nions, which marked thc boundaries fot i ila I ional hostilities. If our eon ii try i-^, j ever again utiited in (rm affection amii sympathy, ii will ho preceded by roti.ii I te-1 chinches, and tho. triumphs of the great principles ol love and peace, which tin' Gospel alvyays imparts and cherishes. ! We ?no anxiously looking for tho time when emigrants from Hie North to ihei \ South will be tic.liol Us kindly tit tho' 'South as Southern poop.O aro a*, tito j ' . . VT . . ' ; Norm. No Southern mau is ostracized in Northern society, mid branded with! i epithet's, and treat'd with cold ness and; i I disrespect. b 'cause li n n al tim South. | ( Mercy Inch ropivs mt "tug Sont horn church ids,are recognized and treated a- Chris- i i lian ministers, in their visits to the North, but Southern sbcioly and church es treat coldly Northern ministers for tho reason that, they atc the representa-: j lives of Northern people Tho Ghhrcites should bc the iir.d lol rid Ihbinselvcs of UiesO, wicked sui un-. Christian prejudices;!U,;' "i brOtliid'ly iif* ' fection shoUbl pray fdr ivac?, abd unite' . their etl'orts to promo'.o tho great inter-; ' . -t- of humanity. If tue love vf t'hrist ? '; a; ie . -... '".? ?ip - f>eci?r.>-.,j ^ 1 d :o.i bieml tho.o he? i ts ia Christian aili c i lion. :( wi I bc in vain that ive invoke human authority t.. ipioll tie- ,;piiit of j lisi'Of. t, and ifni ld (li in th.' bonis of ? liiiriiy atol p.-iee. i'm' prof" ,m.I pi?'O-I p.'ii of i lod should sOt an example before tho tvotbl worthy of theil i m ii ? l ii m. It ;'? sonni's perfectly amazing timi stich i* ' spi:it of bitterness and apparent haired ' should rai t kio in tim bosbiiis ?f any I i v. ho claim lo bo directed hy Him w ho litis taught us. hy pre.-. ;>? and e.xaiiijile.'? 1 to love ami prav for oven our ? m imos. ? 1 It i- foo apparent th it tim barbai iShi of . shivery lias loft its Might upon the.' Churches ?hui have defended it a- a iii i lino institution, eli ri-'aod its g,cvl!i.,' and falieiiod lt pi m tho fruits of it- ?pife- i ?.pdtel toils. .No inl'mence Cdlti,. '..o'1 ii'iii c to unite our national in-j tele.-'s in ?hi; hon is of a pe:mepd hrptll erho il, and restore ll.o I nion, than a , general and powerful revival of tho work *. of (lol in every sect .joh of our country.'* Tlittl w is lom which cometh from above ,1 is first plire at:.i I hedi peaceable, aitd it i lil I lie influence of national puri ty thal. ! ( ('an secure io us tile blessings of a lier- i i mancnt. peace. i * The issife involved in lim recent wari' should bc legaided as for vol sett] mi No advantages can bo secured by per- o pctualing thc Struggle ill any form ol' in tl any section. Lot all attend to those.'!! things th: t make for peace. 'I bo Chris . ls* lian cbul'choS (d' tho land should exhibit (| .onunoiulnblo /.cal in chcri-dbng thc spirit a .d' brotherly love, and in promoting those ai revivals of primitive Indi ness and C?iris-l'< ian fellowship, tiial shall lead to llio'so * ? I mporiaiit rc-ults so needful to inti' na- ol ional harmony and the ultimate triumphs P' if tho cause ?d' ( ?llViSI. I ci -. j"ii' Mi ii'.oi'isi At.M AXAI .--Ibis Almanac, si ihhlhhcd as hitherto l'y ibo hook agonis' w il New York, is now passing through C ho press, ; nd w ill soon bo ready for w ho. supply of orders. Great labor |? ms boon bestowed in its preparation, md il abounds willi information ?in- si iori ant to evey Method isi family, at t will contain all tho latest Church . g? tatisiies. livery preacher of thc: .outh Carolina Conference, should cir*! w tillite this Almanac among his people. 1" v largo supple ha.-, boon ordered at ! ! * 'ol he AovoiAii; ollie, and can bc. se ured, as well fis oilier publications of ? re ho Methodist Hook concern, by ad- pi Irossing A. Wnivritu. ai. tho offlco of ld> pitpiir. ' ? .. noua ///.y OWN riiiXkixo." Mit. CAIN, in a ?tpl\ to ti brief P?!'? graph in Hie? ?OVOCAT?:,O? Nov. 1 ?llb OH Iiis peculiar eott?se in Hie recent numb (??pal election, boasts of having been horn free, tutti of doing his own think ing ! We presniiie it must be lo him a matter of pleasant rellection. thal he once eitjoyed au hoar ol'.virtuous free: dom. although thal was even al the time ol'hin b?rtlij whim tito pure light ofheuv on throw it-; first radiance on his ebon I>ro\v. .-ml wiall no fell remorse was ?..uaw ?nu iu anguish ttl his heart. Theil he had not hasely sold himself abd hi?birth righi for the alluring bribe held out to him by t!ie foes to human freedotti and eipptl rights. The man who sells his political opinion*' lind ihlliienee lilts noth ing it ft \vorlhy bf the human form ; lie is more a slave,hawked about in the politi eal inurkol, than he whose body only is .-.old, wilde his soul is free and ld>< eon science pun-. .Mr. Cain has often boasted Unit he d-r- ins own thinking* 'I'liis we think ito one is disposed lo deny, for wc are sure no ono wishes ihe "relit, of doing his thinking, s?>cnkiug or writing, who is at alt ac.'i'i-.iintcl w'.lh live gentleman's ca paoitv or who Kduts hi cimh . Vapid and dis? (M.ta-'ie.'t [. roilueiions tn thc AVcord. 'Pit? mau who imitates a Judas, and be trays Ute cause of. his people for money, ought to do his own thinking, and en dure the tortures of Iiis own conscience, .au.I the de. p debasement of his own ig noble deeds. .1 Cit. I KI.LS J OX LAD Y ? XI) L'. IL CAIX. IN tia- Missionahf ftecbrii, ol" lasl week, appears a letter to tho Kev. R. H. Cain, purporting to he written hy "a Charleston Iii ly," who, by some mean?, heartl tua' Mr. Cain " prolossod t<- he a Midister ol' the Cospel ol' Chris!, ami lhal l e was adie to exert a powerful in ll?o?ee on his people in this city and i: ex-? ry other paid of the statt? where lu warn known." and appear.! very auxioti thai Mr. C. should immediately set a bom iinproyitig Uve m ti niters of the peoph over Wlidin he is able lo exert Bbl " pow e. i'ul" ah iniliteiiee, Now, if tins Char I O'-', on bely bani cone far enough in liol in-p-.'.rh-i. '-he might have learned lita1 the inll'tciiliitl Mr. Cain had been a res I e.?: a<- tuid Ovj^MMiiaLJitiHK .If a i? -id-r ' !' " his ?ie<^pB>W WM I li ive years or better ; and knowing this -he mig!.! har. e spared him the humilia iiop iii' spreading before his readers tin fini I.s ol his .? powerful inlluence," in lin iiii|uyi.iiuhle contrast which she lue ; I Hi wu in rclat ?oh to t ho cotubict of Hu t'Olpreil people before ami after tho ad repl id' the admired Mr. C. in this ednv mu:.ity. Siie says: The eolbreil people of this Slab ?viteli ikey were slav es, were said by eve \V observer, both residents and ld hi nger i;|ing our eily and State, lo he Hu n pleasing in appearance, the most .matt,le dhd i v, .'ti te in manners of any ,,| In tr raye (luit (hey hail ever seen in .lia r parts of the world." { lue caged eagle is a very urn i a bl* iirj,!] 1 ire." ci.tiuiies thc lady j " a great .hange lins boen wrought in them is mini!'' t lo the most casual observer, A erv l/trge pinion imitate as far as they ac. lim worst and lowest class ol' Norlh i ii whites-those wiio indulge in noisy, io.ous and degrading eohduel- idiots, rho sl.vnil about the corners of ihe streets .oking m if they did not know what to o with themselves, living on thc hard arning; ot' Sollie poor haul-working ile, and taking out of her mouth thc oriion d' food allowed her for herself nd children. Such men are a disgrace > human rial ure, whether while or col re!, tine Would .Slippose Unit after nee years of freedom, with every fac? 1 y affordedthem to improve their minds, otter their fortunes. and seek their nd's salvation, they would merit more mn ever the honor, and thc praise once warded them; instead of which they re objects of hatred and disgust to their ?riner admir?is." I low Mr. yah) will feel when tho prop r interpretation of the lady's remarks i-itet rates lh:d organ ol' Ids in w hich is nbedd?d the large amount of talents iib Which lie is endowed," we can .arcely conceive. Ordinary mor?ais on ld bc disposed to anathematize all ballest?n ladies who could thus hood ink ti man tinder Hie guise of nd m i ra di). Hut, mu sal i siled with ibis covcrl in dilation anent Mr. C's unfaithful slew? d.ship, Hie u holy" proceeds in this sng iSllve sly ie j " .\i e i hese men Soutii Carolinians, of hom it was once said, 'they were more .omi ol' their nativo State (han even cir masters, and they aro proud enough her'; or tue they tho dregs of oilier ates come here lo be a disgrace lo our speetabie and time-honored colored ipulat ioii ?" In other words, "Are they carpe t gg- "' Another thrust, wc feur ot thc Koveretid H. II., who, according to his own statement, " was born in Virgin hi, amid thc /rec lulls of thc Shenan doah," u in Ibo ii.ii 1st ('/"-, mist?) nt' shivery !" Hy tho nay, wo thought I'hil. Sheridan- smr.c ol' whoso rough riders, living herc. :ui- included iii Mr, (h's occasional (tinta ol' Northern un worthiness- put tin' stump ol' freedom on those Shenandoah hills ' Jinl, lo continue. The " lady," feel ing, no doubt, Unit ti J e hints already given-sharply pul as tiny arc-would he SillHeiCItt to arouse Mr. 0. to a sensu ol' his Hhbrt-coiiiiiigrt, and probably deem ing his " omis ions" to he (ho result ttibro of ignorance than intention, lays down certain rules for ids guidance in future, which il is libped he will abide hy. and (bop that wretched habit of '* thinking fur himself," which lie boasts so much of-ul least until this Charles ton lady cease, tb think so well for him as she doe - iii ibo following instructions : u Sir, lhere is a gi cal Work for you to do. and with the help of Him who said, 1 Without titi, ye cnn do nothing,' 1 hopo you will do it. At lirsl. it will be neces sary to exert all the inllucnce yon pos sess, to convince these disturbers ol' the peace ?ind quietness of our city thai they make the respectable portion ol'our peo ple, white and colored, ashamed of the lund of their birth, which in former days was the pride of their life. Strive by every mean.-; w ithin thc power of a Chris tian minister, in the pulpit and out of it, to convince them thal nothing but evil can come pf t?iest? idle habits, ind.'. man ners and riotous conduct. Write Epis tles lo Hiern wherever they ure to lie , lound, ftiilhiuily tvitriting them of their ! sin, shame, a.i.d coi lain puitishit?eitt . j Persuade iheih to turn theil* attention to ?agricultural pursuits. Thousands of a icres of harrmi land in our beautiful State is crying aimi l for industrious j llilllds to make them bud and blossom and bring forth abundantly. Ld them it nile in certain numbers, and have, iii enid, i li vision uni. capable, to leach those Of them who have not boen taught in our soho,.is. Le! them make contracts, or rallier agreements, with our planters, lo assisi lltciu honestly, faithfully, aijd Steadily for one your, and thus see what they will gain iii the end of the year. They may make enough to begin in a small way fbi' themselves. They will, al jleasl, earn niOro than they do in the course they are now pursuing. Lt tl11' meantime ihey can have evening schools and 1 s-ons during recess in Summer. Von may llitis prove yourself a faithful plc to live a lill! In rc . leii'shht am! pros perous, and enjoy also it blissful (lope of llio life to come. Von will thus .-meure, l'or yourself many -.- arts in your crown of glory." Of course. Um colored people will he amused at some of the old lady's state ments and deductions. She evidently observes things through .-.pees di mined hy tears shed for Um 0 lost cairne." and could scarcely be expected to sec in many of those <. ?dh rs" Which move her wrath, th? nobility that scorned brib?n and all otho;* temptation's to overcome their conscience and betray their race. Vet, there is food foi' reflection in her rental!;-, and a grain oi* two of good ad vice : ihprcbVl i', ila- whole letter has tho unqualified approv al of the Heverend K. ii. Cain, (see last week's /neon/,) and ' breathes Iiis seul iumnts so clearly" dint we are led lo look for immediate mprovomont in those nt least of the icople whom Ito styles bia, ;i:x. GjiAXr ox IM iw ?rn AL s rr FHA', /; /.V IOWA. d im Des Moines /oyixtcr says, thal on 1m l?th i list ii ni one ol' tim most promi nent politicians of Iowa had a conversa ion with General (irani, in which the ?enera! expressed himself as being par icularly solicitous about the success of inpartial suffrage in Unit Stale. He said " he hoped llio people of Iowa, idioso soliders achieved such renown in he debi, would be the first Stute to enr y impartial suifritge through uhfaUevihg v. It had gone down in other Statis, ? ut he trusted that iowa, the bright Radical Star, would proclaim by its ac ion in November, that the North is eon islent willi i'...If. and willing to vol lill . ari'y accept what its Congress has mdc a necessity in Hm South. Thc ne ro race, by their devotion in the war, y their faithfulness when all others .ero faithless, had nobly earned the pos ession of their deprived righfs. und uroly should have it before the white ?bids whom limy helped to subdue." We commend I hp above lo those who re trying to comfort themselves with the lea thal lite Republicans have been sold i the election of Genera] Grant, and nit ho will prove another .Johnson, lioso who expect that General Grant ill wage war with Congress, or with th" constructed governments of the South, ill lind themselves relying upon thu rong man lo give comfort and aid to ie rebellion. General Grant's admin tration will sustain the sante cause and 'Ui?ipi?s ItO (b lended by his sword