VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t li.il men sh^I^^-\?^,.V.. .?ain.:*. : Si lil Willi VvohiliM'i My s t bc i Rill I,:I.>T*?" v 11 : : rr i ?. o 01 y ..,':: n:j \ni ? j:\> -iwri.i;, I't'til ?S??I??> Ul.I.;si A u> A. Wf??lSTKK, .AhotJirr A ?c. IU'I . i vi ? 1 "ll iUlllK, St ii i-ir nie, bili nia - ! ii i ? ?lauipc.iu il, ?MI; 1 iii. " Silt er Ls nhl ii lill iYn i ul:; ht'. but i! vyjiiit Then ? VS iii! nt j i ti. eim- mill \\ ?iii honor* -, >M I' Olive asl.,'. :t M at!, what omi in ?lie ae .. iiiv i.i')>eHt! hoy .<-a.it. '. I Would liv? I 1)1 le J ve.:! : Kai v. UU thal > .?.-;. M titi . i li l ?i'i lib VbUii'j flie Obi naea ?\ ,\ My ?lib?1, l:M !. , " Ami nie I, v in)-\e lea: ::e,! -Ul Iii!-, -vin Thvu,v tiaitt (.-.,: poy Sylt tiitr, tl.i warmth " IM '>?. a In w y.-.-. lyre.ate '. an ! el.? jiu'tu Avnoiiriia; always oil tie' sid,- Ot'li Uli, My ie.nul .. .util - ,vw uitiiilin twa! - tutti' '1 ?io ..iii aam ii""; ins i.e.ei. w hioh I -ye e , . r be.un ll ii s hem .ia- e ci -el ; : .' : . a ..ian.le vii ii ti-li i. ib ? li; i 1 1 will 1- linn .a - - >>il '.ikaita ii Ul i>b.i?- oyo twill i.e luv , .-.-a-an: tai Te !: aia .' amt lic.iit. A Mil W . :ll 1. iiii.| yoi 1 . Wi.lb : ASH? tl: i. I -viii :- I. ! , a. ..ii iji.i *':i'' !'v!! !' ; ?- .< fe I .'- ! ra ' li. a 1 by i t . ill \? it! ira VA [vera iii! i - :- y..: I l.iji'll'J' ?jj'i uiii-t.t"? .. -a aa,! !. pi tittle r>\t-- ni) a, ! ii,! ...!.! M J !n?ily tle-n nuts! <(!... Lia r a thy tiritiiiiiihal ny the laiton . o at. :. ti li, ?! in u liljra ?ti ht- ; ?liv vi u) . . l-l' .'... hi d.Vys ! aV-d-d a.! n, *?..:. .- ; ney ii??oh : .tarot hiv ?. >. l e i ?iii Wibi'h willi) iii slaiw iaa i Al. i lal '..'Mot-.ly will lau.v, ...., uj\iit<) ' "Uie. UilU \\\U. y.fi .Nil ' lift i r ?t?' tu' i li ls, \. li i ' ! ?ii li ?a .rf ia.'.li .| Volo ii , eonV 111- e\ m-'il''!!' 'll i's \ .Hie btu Unir, i i am i lilly \ i vi- I, 'V'liini lilt ! ' a- ti::. ( o; - a the ir..,., ii- li " lieux ai>>. r. He b. - ti n?a,'' Iii" oiid fi Tl e Gold Rep A i iii r. 1 .! latm s'ill 'h::.ls ilia! ai tba? ..lim- of li lo; v. hi;-)' ;;'j}r.? the !" :t!i:ios m'ox'.-aoie - : i?\ a iii,ol) u :. i\ '<:<( I'. iv (ino -'a,nhl h.- tau-.h- t?? lui ve a bm- v.- ' :,! '! :'-: this s'lo tfili'U to tuny, lol' til li 0 Ls. the must proolojis vii!, i'. I'iii'iltl,'. 1. '? .? ala!-.I. ?llid il Wilie I j Ultim no i.-.'t will ah) mu b la info il t hiiiii? ot ti', to lae irai'Vil.il uniiroyyiiivVii ? :' i. alibi ... poi e ithilit'y. \- ( 'hvUtiiui ; day 'ir.-., nmtr. I .1 - liai 1 uothhur moro einliest ly t ii ti n iii revolve a i-i - *. ""l,1!^ tnt <>i a Winch; vd lu e.r.bia - ilie \? i.-'u lo low (lol hrh I eil wi:h n Ono Ta I (in I VJ SJM.I. Timi liih?! ha-, o I,-.-.,: ..... ! nye ?'...- <>!' Iln-ni I'm? N on b . vest. - n Vtiyoerite !m hm\i what bob ! m-. ; ihytf? sii^ostty? th- tmlu- : (jiifciioii.u ii jj 1 ?Miior 1 ?e.- rotim -1 o.t- ' lt wa-- ibmb?e-t iibl na'a- i-.a e.J thai lie' hi'si a :!a ' :ir--'a !.! --I liv nil a:; ? ,'. ie ?' -av ' win. liail hui ('ne . iie.-i . li?1 to i - m i?ro.-onto(? ' io. mv nv.'ho". ?. \v; :'.... hlile A 1 ,m'- - -i,! ... . a.- tl ii oin of nil iihyi - who .vein ami hmieil ! pcaiev. quiohly then I- vohippefl r-uu .. ;;.,,'? j, m.; bin . S- - :, an oiie luis hi?.StJ ihlii?T in a pai'CV Itml o.ne.o.lei ;. ? ail. .'.. 1 ' aiola';..a !" -o. |?. a,,! in.t?y think-, see and hear nothiii'!'. .Voir, however. Whim .'t ai he ha . so Halo i" liiyo?i loi* (.?<..it i liai i' 1 w aikial ?In- ..iu'iM -, I Jaiaied i \, ry m;..--a ,\ i- -eat eely wau ? h while !.> ii.v.-.-t ?l. ll' he :!).:. -".'lien tu;uro a ' ai.ia-' nie. lt piiliied lani oni\ ht^lior eiiiltiWT.iiuhs, -m b as ?ire ??.' that ni- ii ?-li eil I w. ar tl.-.'." ?...' ...<.....- -voithy ol' Und'.? jrr.-at i-a ti i ii, ilieii nh iiiii'?il ef .-ih-i in (heir t.e.el:? an ! : -t .!T ; a; -J , Web c.u|.!u,,' timm for (ioil, bu! lin-yield ii' jib ?'ti'Hy tloo? Vail'.ty n.'.-l ad one. thal 1 r.-.il bi- lillie ln\ ilStlliiiii w ot.ld i.e so ; n-i.r ni lieu:.! le .''? '.?ah: it -,\ oulil b??Tar more ' . ..- ?'..'<.>},' io ', thal ii >v?juir )..-'.; b -? i; I -.-o the i, ,l or liVniibii; i: w.?i,.,l s-.-arei 5\ h,.nm li'iiirs ii'ul iniiuues. o'uh-r. Ja lai r, ;.- hi.- rens<>iis i- will hy : i-i Moil may wear waiehes buri-..I in their Ith' I i-i le; tho.-e Woi'k w ho iadi worh b.'ter j o.-y.-is, b u they inn-: be.--; b\ the . ie-k tluut liti His foiildo etlV?r|,s, ii; n ?i tr i I * ?-. | lliC:(ihiiych i'?W??i', aiiil tlie elbe'!; oil thl: lill il i'l'li , v, ord-, ins piitt'oioo ol elm tit y eapiiot ai mum; !.. nr.hl he rc-u bu ed by th. .-un. Wlib.se; |g anything in ii W?lling ?ne a;;?r('^a??! ot roi,rsc (O d ha.-l'ised IV ni .-let iiii\ ; und mat; i,-a\.:,'.\ .-it .ei.--a-, Sbitiio devii helps him riils ;lo uo?hi?ij? inore 'han m.do- il.?u.....-: oh t-?w; :.'-? inasier ot !.' due. t?. ri iii his tim- .ani-diaU whieli, as the siiuiow s lab. Cb. !. a.id lb". . a! . .. -in,- - i h.- iaa.-i.--i ,.f !: idiitli indichtc tim position Ol' in- tiniyor.silh laroo piiri piTiili ehureli. 1; is a horrid ho t m unno li-iit. llOrc, altij. hs ii rejUlilioti (>| lalo t.ninnie. 1 hy limb in ( nri-ti in oars, mi! linn-.' lite; l i I tlid not ih-.-n Iliink ol but wo nh:?i awake. i',-n talen'..- -eatterti I li i?--illly1 iilOliiilit? Wt'l'l' Very (lilVeronti. I aai .ar t"li individua;- eau in Mi'iim ie*(,oel iitooii -on;,' before ibo watcli-Oakc\ I placed yiehl inoie than len laient- e, u-< n'raied lu lin pen knife for awhile in my li-hi yesl oiio, If ail (bii-ii-m- wore liiisV loi" GOtl, .pocket - I li?, left wa- re.-eiy?il for S?>liielh?|i? ea, h lOihe nt lit?* i rn ld- tibiliivi ila-,hm eh botiev. Alan ohrric hil watch where hi- Would m on, i hieroase lier pbwyr an hund heai't I?. Kaitl I to inyse'i', and I here i- p. ;,in j re;| fold. Thc .;' ao- workhe.- bm ibo w ubin rtiiil w ilhou:. I cdiild hot f?friiin from ; ,\ a-;,-ol'power is w iib the liiasses; tb - ? !.> tehin^ my eoinpauiou-w hal inado nt"-o Inp- i|i|.-iii au- .-p>a kin-:, hut tho s iimuiet in py, hilt j did hot make ail known, and -aid tom,- m-.- an- siloii ; ibo rieh and able are iiiySiei'lbilfily that, on dcr:ite nieaiis have would open their cye-s and eal- Wli?il they not learned ?ts yet lo lit ii e limo ;he I..nd heard somcihinir ? lilol) eoitbl - peak fps' it sin i. Ilelbro i he millennial eau reiicii ii - m.om ide. Then 1 ran away before (hi y ' .ml I ask wltal lliti eoii.-fteriitiiiu and itetivit?es ol Ihoeiiureh it was. ma-: he-,.-no n::i,er-ab A hilpti.sui ?if lin Christinas eve caine, and tho ft si.tJ tap., r.- lu?liuii i-tlo-wan; nf, the hour. ni,. Clod 1 wei'b iijiiiieti. When th?'fol Iii- ijooi's Wi-re jet h fall, pe-dip. phm-ou-p. .; i.li : "I .\ hotoh Jbsii? nido h\Q Vv'Ii o i o, \-. :i?:.'t! ?i :Vi'i-("l. .'..' ' : "'.'.:: < y "ti ' IV? j O? .i ; h-terni ot boin,;- I ri':i!i'il with limn.vo:m> I''1 ''"-?'"'?i.vi-i p. .:iM-e-- vim i ./. .-, minist..,- ?j,oviUl ||,i tie.itcl willi 1'' ?. I ! Ie ol i;. in sl>Oil ma > t'1'-' ' '? ,; ! ul J you want him ft ho yOjjr ?ri-ml. ' x . '. tji I ; I l?iye i|i conbul o o O'' hil 'i , mc approach toward ?y hui .?'"? Avaiii !. ! i.i.-. I ?eihtl.jj liol .. v.m.l. ' oiii-t.itjfi Von are the hosie ... | h- ' " " '' : 'v - ' ' . .'. i : ?' ' e.'- ene limn you; V* arj< :..?.>. i -' : "'-i i.oi" tie? Imbi i-.?.nl 'm a e.-.'. I w hitor.-- tia I' t<> see a v? i aa-' . :.; >? .. nil J : i y to ?hr. mi II foin ! ? ?rn ?> i; .l-su;; le i own wm',,, w hp Won j . . , - ' u.-ms ranks him nila-l army. Voil ?ii: ?: ;. I thin.; ",,r ;,|o her pu luv. in \yliioii ' M - alii ..? m li-lu. \ tm ' t'i. ''y -.? mie |i.ul iml I. .en a lire I'm immlhs. \ - ? nord |iri.\!l(o,)y. h P '. icyi'tnl : .. lem: -i e w ollUl l.a\e w i leum, ti to lim kil.it . ... :i; . me. un; I v.a-ihe minister., ami tie. i yV..'ol> mid ?vn'n.o w;is iirnio f io jrnoil |Viv inri I ploml n> I .oi.*' . -Aio.P' wo eon M iityimiii|Vnt!ti|ie itiitlnhj<>) ii. "/hi y oh .ter. . .? ?ji.iiv- i eil oilier, hui : in-wi- ine\,iiii.!.:e. ? lia?! il .voi p'.! i uirii p: -.noimory i-eunds Pom lin,! biisy I slow; ami -o.m. willi a spinner an-1 a s I/.'/ile. i'ijh . ... ..." ' iii*? I. was hih .1 w i??, ||,,; ...|,, ii ..raj nle I . . ...!:..'. .? ::i ' -i-i-' iP.'tiou pvcryaiid (lil: -appel ??u sp. ?ii. email., i- : .? .. yv|m ..-i. i ttl o .ir.- /.M. a foal m ?i,,, chummy-coi . iw ays thjiil; ni'yyjiai -.-a..(.... i ha1. I ia-,-. a ; tumahty wit h ymir ii|y w iii rm noa i lum my ' tiiiuh')>).; .ml hi - c ills vVjlj hi' p'-a -a;:f. r le 'l ine. ne. ijiul -.i hiv w ails, il I coull! -ne p.. ;.. >.. trill hi* enif.;- a; .en a ph-a-mv !" him oi'|i i iii' ii :. iv !." j a.ni m! a (lioai'i. . i p ... > i ; .-rn iii. : then yob lu- j-:i .- -wiatt hamthv lall? upon a ' ihiu ? ?i a:-- d fie rem : -. wh?! ? \\:.;\ io uilul-'mr-i ami pe<>p|.- a-ul the : ' '. . ?.'..'< s'a'ii. A ?..i| maav will iioi i'.ke il. A '.I'itl- . * ' :. 1 i . . - -1 . 1 . ? . ? ? .mt'-. 'Otj liuinv will nii.iatei|,rel il. I .-'i.tH not ...?w ;. n. i lr-ow I iiniii iiy\v oi-eai.i'ire;. injl -n ,a i> .1 at aiiytlun-. I jiiiviH wr??f uiill ,...\. i'.- i e. aw ay. Ap lie.a.- '. ? o I ii,lo ilij <...?. ?il. to -late -nine thina- illili eii?ihejot^yi1. \-,ti. aa .e.' a .'h . ....-,' . a . p.. Pe .-tat al. atti ho.ain-e | holiove 11. ?Vine le.v .t a.ise.i iteart, :! ml help tiiei" yinjl; inen are lopj ott! ii lin- prot'-ssloii .i 'i' '. ':'.'-'. i1'' -a ti (Iii S ii H- t...! I its nitlelt hlli?r iii' paor ??av. lint liv l.f .'Up. I i io p'. t'a' i,-imo ?h. I lo.- I v. I hoi i o j : i st , ||,,.v Pave to .a.ntelll .w- I iijiVe, Y'os, [h I.va ? ill Ut tali asl ;-, . ai ' ; l..,au-e I In-la-v . that le. tuiii np ni, I know i hii-i's hw - lui? injiih a. ? ii'v- . a.vp. ? ..'mut wily pul hun.M'h* in the wav .'.. i ' : . - i ?Ol ny; ?ti y the iou ; in] . . ! 11 - .. v. hi ii ha\ ?. so . .vervrow ti w hal wa s u-. .1 I:' I - ..Illili '?'.'?. " a"1 ' ' p-'-t'Oapt -, lho\ inni Iii lite e.. - w la.'taai i *. 'i.i . - la::::;. ?"'ll -'..:,.i'I" '?.. | p. :.. ;li ,? ai ?uh ? III .itl. aji'icl to ri-i w:li 1 i e ' _ .?....i.... '.'. !' the jiiilfe-:-! ?|| P'the fat .rh! . v al.v ' ' " I '"'ii''. Tho people..inly min Un 1: :".:;'!T a : ';;:;.' ;.;>- wiat.-*,-'' - . i - v.inio iitin otto i mei Old. lori v -. ears. . r i'ijjl tili'lll h ?W ie-'.l-ha- ilOlpi'tl Voit! ? ..! ha- -tli-v will liston vla-i v. ??1 w. I. pa. I'M (ukoihi: hi ? mn tlof h raia- 1 I think I w ill im) e.. .mt ... .:. a. ? - 11.1 - aln-i iiooa." saii a lienta : e.I li'lrplii W o'. SaMoiT !l. i'ilell, ro . :)'ti iiie wintlow'^ In? threw hi- hun.Ile .;?..". theta!.'-. aii.iy.iiwiii.Pr. ilro|? hi S.-.i ally um-in : whih1 lilt1 siioroil I - (i. Uv nial 'o\ Ii- little ilaii.jliler t i ea s.in iay--> leio'i. Sei-hui' hi-' s Viii iii., iii Viii st..? SM 1.1 . A] , mt .?oim: w 'uh I Imm. pa V" ? io lo -ia . mv .lear, li ls .?io r..i?. wei." '. |. 1 : hil ;;o W till lltein ! I've pol my ii . i li. aa ! . an -..on take them i-uuinl." \' .l-.; lt's tiii* el int' any one io jjfo ' ? V.-1 ni"-: top at homo, nil t?oai ." i ph .-ton 11 l'y l'iie iv ?plo will want their |r:U'll li,,,., oai'ii.-i'iuo, :..?, , ,ay r. Teil ii a - j mt " I'M'M u-> tm ira, ??a. have t..'.l 5- n. ir- . ! ' 'fyV'i'ol shnihii' pleas yonijuorril tho ll. who h.o ",aile von wh mav bl-? , '"" "'"'' !'' Tim little o Irl -tavletl. : vour wool- t.- tb.- fr,MntVu'ti'ii a -a-..,] ilre - -. ba' w !.> la oe. tao . litib- X- :h"'.i'.:l.:. liioki'il very liiiliappy. i ia j oilihl isiletl upiiii l.-r. tjavii h?r ? ! r.iei, iiii P .13 lo ?'.ll Vi si ti il . i-h. .! li rom..!, ami went 1.io, hi I ie t liink ,\.-r?v.,ik ia tin- raiii ilia! :in>?riiunii l saaieln ' a -oui p. m I he ?aw s ol' ?lehn ..? lui-1' m. litiii'l. Ani th" m iii i a! il wa- .lo rn >:.- - .v. N. 'fi l!i:v. ,1. I'. W. W'AK?. liilks bra:- ; -.s/en! way itl.i.u' Ijio I ?ii i'll - pl pt op.o e. ia? es::-' pa-?..mal .- .!'-? ol' their m'mi-: a's an 1 ihm mlop! iiietlioiis willoi) t ike ii." li-;:!-: ai li. V i i il ? a - e\'-n *!)i !'..,. tho wannan a! .. ., , . whoso. -io' h ui willied -.? lOirn' was n. tho preacher, ehenl ni- '..sit- ol ai bemili . , , theiio'i mn'in;; mi'SiH iVlieu ihy.i'hih irsi ml ii milt rn lorniioi ni air i wu --'ils. li I- i In lim I?!fy, imae than hi ino e -'?. ipi . u it , a ih|i ,-e "m., lima!, o',-:-.l i ailina I - loo loianal. Ai'lil i' i- nm I- .. h.V lile Im-ie--.. hu host thoh: is hone, lt i.- iliil mini-.er l\ho il >i iii I Uti lunn lim pia. . ill' Jiu kilo kor. i'ho lope e. ' - la-lel.o, lo l r 1. i * I J p--: 'i an obi tt-biei..-I l^etl -feaj'he a ?. - \'.;i- rmllHl la l' lit ' k. Ula -Imls abmil to '.'iiim-hher -eihy -ml IIO.'KI Ipi jiri ?ii?riilily. ')iie kn.Voi; tl'-im la .1 lea . a J. li . aoe a.Mi!, niai ...ail:, tlhtil. t j .'- A' I'h'.ihi am. .ya:: e. -ho -.ippi- 1 I Iii: iVlp .'-im'' . WM-' '".VT.lori!!!! ebb I ilisat'il lier an-'i .'. -.h- took lae li a.:t. rea i:. ul ..m lei i'ii. hil n> ? i i ri -1. ami i he no> ? Sa I lill Ioii her joylui siol'.v 1" lb'' bul i i??ri.liimr. I ?nity in .lni? tihi? lllui'r ?. ..?".l nvili-r. |',,1 r"| ., bab- .?, ?'. ban.l. arinia! w ii I. ; ami .i ib..:- |- :.arn o ihn my. my . all mai ' ,. t.-1,i,M-jv :l |;I :,l|(| h,.in lb-- bm nin-, am ja-'.l.v b.?. I will, i iii|'i> haieis au.! tbriuiil ^voluil iVohi i?Vt?iitt^iii^ (li iilli. ,.?,,-. Oiloc I loniiil lour peoph- a hi mi a, | ?_ ^^?^ . ta'.b. . tCh fi OKU ii, ft ip 1- I'IMV a' -..:.,- Rospotl.silliliiy. thina'. I saw a! a '.-haie--lin-I nil ii. I h.okeil !iiii?ilt ?iniil I ilis.sOvoiiil tho bi,ii. . "pa .!,.'A >^iir lliiitl bi Virginia lia.I br-n .-a.ll, ai.i thea .haw it l?o'.n its Jiiithi : pbo-e. put it im-'utjne. Mo Was a man ..I' In-: |>i?iich ? | ?? ~ - io. .s m aniy w hitii If ol I li il ?^ ? .?nhl tam ?rloihiUily i. io! 1 ?. ei-i -e In- ?i,,.i o pm it ho- j i1 ol. .'ti in his Wallis ii i'r?oiitl i ono nisi ra l in,) hin wimi'i' h- collhIlih .. lt. ! ut I tc.? w. him. but ia vain ; a - olien in (in cali, i ath. r than ow n up bio- a man. < ?ut e. 'w ..uhf ur,?o bi- IVioiul lo take lin- -," ?a p..,. I ili-K iic-l ..-l inia'-c' in ll iiiiaiil '.-bis-. ' ?:'ht-~s K aim < Mi. oeea-imi (lie hitf! a- I came imo tin parlor, am! I ?inund tnt a.'i'f'c. yieii n. him, mal,,s they waiko. M lt wit!. Ihe ooiPra.-l bel w i i ii tie nu.ii ol'j Kp t o, ba r toa et her lh<- bar-keeper saiil i lile itioii'inj'-rl.t' 'iel lim b-- "I lin- (?ii. M "''C. ni? n. ?? ?nit w ill you have';" . wustlu ?(.ply. been (he n^ult 6f?toilisliMsi in tho. i?t?rtorto (hoghisscs vyori; itli??l. hiul tlii'?\vii iVIrniis iii? Spanish troops lirai tl toy aro a fruid tn bani ready Inpledge c-unt oilioi'ip roUOw-hd venture ouldftlio io iv Iis? The New York toni otoi riid friendship, wiieii lie paii^'d lind brig donny ( lin k. Wit li anns ami tinimiiiii ? hH inloiiipcrato friend : 1 li?jit, had been s?lpil nf Nut-vitas by die titi N<>n-. if I drink tid-' glass and heehiiie a thoiitlosi and a load bfarms for the v-nvern nridlk?ii'd, viii! y,.|i lake tin) Vio-puii ibijity '.'" ; nunn it -ins. a's,> ?Vo?> li:t- ijiil'eli States, had Thc ((vtitjktii 1 !.>, ked at hin-, ivtih Severity lihou ?'tijiinre'd be di,- fiisltVgOutib and -aid : . .. .._._ *' S"i doiiti that irhiis." ' /-..." r? . .. w *. r\ ,, , . , ... u t>n. li dior s Viows ni urn nt 8 Admin I, yvas set d.owib and hit t-Wi ival'it llawiit . , ,. .,, , . , . i Utra ? iori. . ...i .ut faying a word. . Oolite linihlpp-ii knolls tho ijvvful odnset j A I . pin ier ihr tie- Now York //- mid nar tptoiioos nf thc first plans I livpii in lits <-w:i rat' -a cotoer.snti"ii iv ilk (jihmral Initier, on ma.?in.-- ior hipinr he binn vvilimg i .> ?!*.-plhdulea? tl ll ii tr i, ol' tvhioh t In- following is au .unu- lin- ii -pon-'iloii: v ot' another heciniim J *-,KM !U'f : ..rdni?kifr.d. IMTViiitiiit In vio?" these i'lit'ls,1 ?e.iie Wii?il il" th.- ipn sti .i! w. j.u! tn ev ry ! rn!, v. ?i i! d', yon think ? hum's course will be dealer a.* Ih' a -h'.- for his in-emt- and pay - hi- to ,\ ai ii ?I,.- fane, : ? - ? ni'i.iy, ..Arey.ut tvilliug t" n--iuue the ?-'i s't ih i m i: i h- - -am.o nmn are imw i1 pi : : ? i i, .1 ; i y '.. " |?,o-, m.i ii y willoi Say. if: pa'tmg 'lotnral i inuit "ti tho shoulder, and tue I vii of nudley did murillo; ?h'l'akh back fondeayorhig to vin lira to their purposes, t,io noemi :"- -(,'kristian iS(eri?./?\i ti.ifupih iii ile la ,oi a.- ne, \ il, ;v ety hint tho l.otjldaiiii lias gone against <->!' ii-:-- te. t tn-1- pi-i 'tiny, hiiil by ti liv i've fiinpsiiiid majority, whole 1 parishes util ..'oil,.- him a single vote lintier I Inn lieux enli boin - loi-.c, , . ...... n.e.-o-thl.v l-.o,?... hotv h,!-.;,! M?e'.-r. i r'''-n 'r CN(';'tc(! ,lK'rL'' Si iii thiel inti.i'ih-this ehnnnliig s-enjl, ?AvhOl'C thousands ol' Ib-Jitiblu.'uli votes were A. ripsonii i ileetlnit usiis iidr, j throw;-, before. wi!l inp el bini and lite Ko . ? - . publican patty tn iki titi-. 'I'hc New York In tho bescrt. and beim ,ni i)etii<>i?i:it.-i nil! get .-iome com Till'ltUare the vao" "I'va.mdds tba, htive! -ml If ^'f10, ,Mi ?" ?tolled .?m.. ; tho river upon vvh'.t'h M.s was "T n'h,l,;"-; 1 !,:""' ^^'f I hmk to seo , h i :, i, , . .. ., , i , ino notion ol da' netti mlmtntKtfrui?tt'raulvat eta.io ii m iiiiaiiiv-. the saute saiuh deserts ,, . , . , . i * ' , i , * , ' , ., i ti pon all points raised a till set t led b v I he war. (hi'.u.h vi !m li la- hd lu- IICOpU'5 ai,.', timi, ' ,..'.., , , . ., , , , hut conservai Ive nuoii hiaiice. vi ?ibu Ili;r-phu Os ivheiothiir lloOk? wel'O lcd 1 , , . , , ? . i , , . ., , , ... i , Itl'.I'DUIiat ti lia! titi von t unk. ( ?otu ral. tn ilrhtk. I lie wihl and tvaiidevhiti itihes ul , . , ... . ? ' wi.i he dum- b, l ..'i-ros- III relation tn l hose A i-ims. iylio, uinii.satid.s of vears imo.ding out I . , .. , ,. ., .. e ? ,, i, . , i States wileri! lhere have been disorders iii In lll'll tu tho vvihle:m--s. are r- pfe.-enied , . , . , . .. , . i ,';.-.. , , , i l?e bite OlOOtlOtis.' ? .y theil1 ih'sceinlants. uiiehiingOd. who now ... , . , ,. ,. , , .', ,,, , ,. (ii?Nii Itt-ii.p J- ?'Minio doubt Jhal hr draw v. atm ti .un tho d.-. p w ed -..| dun lure-1 , , . .., ,, ,. ? , , every snell oilso ?r<)inpt und Vigorous inea hitlior.> tt l li the. skills that liavo hever??anOr- .,, , , . .. ,,, ., , ,. . , ,, . .,, sure* wm ho (iiketjilt) corroo! thcovil as well cd then lasluoii. I bc. ArahSvgatllei I iii willi . ., . , , , , , ,.. , , in over: um ;. w hat has h-. en done as in pre (heh 'guids ti h< I Shot'P a rou nd tho well lo\ , ... ... .. ,, .. ,. . ij. , .. ' veining snell iocouiionops lu tho fut in e. t\o i . i a.i tue li.'eol etphill ot thal tllsttillt ,'-v .'.'> .. , ,. . ' I fdrtn br govt-riinicnl, iitul I hat gov?i'ii?noiit \k in:,i tin' ?and ot the i? Obie ut tho l.a>t. .., . ,. ... , . , 1 ' , , ., ! neither repttbilctUi in torin nor laet where lin- ii et uri; ol that seoho w..u d be an il- . . ,. ,. , .'. . ? overv eleetm- eamiot dismiss his political list rill uni ol Arab dally bte tu tin- N lillian . '. , . ,. , , . , opinions, and cast ln> veto mut wed and tin ,nw neve ibo pii'seiit i-f nu roi' 'lithe i? i .., i -i . .- . i . 1 controlled lilli r m violence. Iniitmoalioii, pa.-t.-- s.r .s. J ?itt,'!, i'. ' , , ' .," , 1 t in eats, or ptirehasii. Hu- coiuracts every tvitOli' made in the South fur tho einpluy TliO RoV?jution in Cu ha. , .? -.; .oes on the condition that Ihey i: is how moro than" a imiulli dim the | nU<:l" dom v-?lug if their nuntors so i., pioiim e-oi i ?ibp liavolioon U?;itni-1>- ?;'l^iro(U aro tis nuti-ti imrohasos of mon as . ' i. l evoliillomiri iiiiii eiiti'tu|i. \\\ tho | wvX '' 1 '"' l':1 ' h.e-es li mu t In: attelimi-blotrk a ?ivnih.hi? Spat'.l.di ipiujii have been e.rn-on-, ,v-v :" - bv'm'o. Nu member of Congress .... ie.-, . .),,,.,,. .ene-m-h. ve tu en ''hi;-ti-.I in atty (lislilct where such means ilu'iiU and' thc iiiptiireeffli i: sjiP in fui: \ "'(l V!U '"1 i,*1,?i'l,uly. gilip '.Ila tliiVttr. h.i-, become a war enndueted . , , ., . . , 1 -An !lli!."i< [iiiner says (luire i- a mitti in true nuiitarv !a-mmi. A provisional g ;V- , . . ; . . . .. , , ,, hr Olnov sq duty thal the assessors nut lum eminent lins boon est ab!\shod at Lav anio, a' , . "... known as real estate, ibo head ol tvhh-h tue V rna .-i- ..a Aguilera: and < 'arios ? otipedos. i'm lir-t a rich planter. | -eiUior, ileiOi'lblhg a clitti eh in Min and th- second a distinguished laivver 1,,'"?;'' ^:,-vf: " velvet cushion* in our Ih.tan.o. 'J'lioiigh ?argo s?aye?it)!iU.rs? they 1 l>liw^ i ^e ?L'n't go iii I?>i style, 'lim Intlo. t an; h.nit in favor ol'the abolition hf -lavel.v. ; ?U'1'SOU has (?ie so.'!i.yd SO.lt. S un ? tiielit.i -.Mi-i' pei s.rn- of wealth timi In- ! Tm- min "fin".; ump dales from .-nine (Imtieo 'm Ka-t'i n ? 'lilia arc t'inb:irk.(,l in tile ' Viietiui hm;-.'. ih!oii|i:itniii i- I lie arnmv nf the moVouiiiiit ? -" 'h ' i''-tn eli th i ' i- a silt h'liinl poem, inwliicii .Mo.iuiiln i i-.i:.';'o . liai" ilbeiii! iii i> ? ile.' liuVil i- rcini'seniod a.- iishlng toi-liiou, -.av.-on tho coii-iit'tmi thai tiny -ni", a'e.i iii'j ii. ni I iiiilligliis bah io '.lie !.; :c a'mi bli-ino.,;, i .a.m.:: Un' md. ?. ;iii--nee t.fi.uh.i. and inn f iii - ! rev ; hu' th.' i dmr. be -.-.id, gave him -.li Ihe ".?i'?'il'a inls aro. t.< he fnimil a v-v- .?o!j ? bc I"! ::i the nat.di hook. dilti'pipjMirfinii bf negroes, who light chu I'M j .. yy?,vin,,hi (nice lost .di patioticeii'ltli age..io!;, hy the,?de of theil foriitcr UlilsL rsi .j ,p,;; u j^jdj ,l>i)k(>ll "p p, In 'h.-in-nr/ent ra uk < a re al-, several lum ^ !;,,(, ,u,(, .. AVhv (|f, yo" sp(.a,. $ div.l icieiiin li.iiiiiuicaits ttiio litiVe gti.tyi. | ;."up.|iv;, ?ir? indep! I tun doing thc boni I grut in the civil tyiirs oftluii r.-puMte. ;,nd. ^ ,!(".,",. ,(l ,,, pip j strange tu -ay. a uiunher of y.mn ". ertjoli' ^,., l% , , his ?bilin-n ami say ? " I nevci ?Ind iiili!,;i:to v onmn. win. lund' and !-'. p.p ?^p.,,,,, | n, ,,,y pp,.. Thai look and [ their nlil-do ts like old soldiers. Sm.f j flutl sj>eeCh I ?.av c mw . r t.-igottcn." ll . Woiili'll. i! i- sai'L heloi),:: lo the b0.it | i';. . .. . ?:; .n. i. .- nil! '\. ni.,, -, muk'"! ii i tl n *. i i >e an ' " ^ iui'ii?t'-r nf ?i ?Sepltd.i t luiti'h eiicO . o',f.-r- i le di - * .-,.-' .. i lis who i-li't-p iii the midst nf his ,.. .., I on Mc t,::i!:. So peusing in tile laud ul the l ui-' '. .'. !:'. :iI''' I"'"-!" i'i'i?Wbiit moiioioiioiis . : , ... : 1 ?low nf Ids o.-Co:'v. In- bi'o'li' fi'ithwith lld.-: ? ?. pe; .o-.:,' ;i ( b I f< -. dlfii'ji and cleat', hill. Vel'i .delibi'i tie . Ul itielr !".ld, f- and li 'rovi-iei?d .tunta prop. lin nt lu \'.i.-i umiuu ;.. von ih m-aud mon. . inf Iii il ! . itlinriti"- ai'- t|t|}-.rljt li'ia.e." ' | iililti piiii'si it. The liilest o- mm: - frpui li ava na, du . ? l."h. tal- thal Ile "oii'i'iUiiolii ti'' ,i'd h . ..'... .'ind cur.- .1. a nv ilik ..' ? t in ; ? .! .-tallier- in the llbliijC, -p n- tnvtil .-. I didiiii iiuii'ry you for ymir \o have none. And I didn't olhvcil iholl-ami Strong -were t.i.-uv.pai Mai,/ mille, he -i I ar..' lo.ee ..f i:;-..;-, ,;! biafr.t ve fm- ymir i".mty. thai Hm bail em ;rogtltloii ? im sec. Am! if you have m .e. 1 liai-' ma lc Im! a - air barvaiu!" iyhd -.-..rc mily tlircc li.ul.es distant, iii?. j Spaniards. ItiOtiiiiihiO; win- ibro-.t ing (pi bal , i ?cutio-?ti the . : reels t'.?r protection. A ?.emiai.- - A geiiHeimiti imee : 11 * 1 to Kuvvlsnd irdih San'iag" rcjidtl ihat a ltd'ge I ?rec bl |pM. " 1: is -i\ti-fm- y.-ars simo I h'eai'flydti in-t|rgoiil- wei.- within fiitit m.h - iii' timi punch, and I lie .-.cilium was well Werth .'' place un tie- Hill, lif at pimp' ap. ? ;.: - Io uu.mbt ling. You ii-maikctl ?lull ""ir "? pen 1 hat p' '. ' ai'i"!. for il ls S ii id tba.' hlpidi'etix p!e are v-iv SiUl'.'tuilisli iilioill tho m-'inier of of (tiiiilllcs iliiil clo.-ired oui loi' .ituiiaio?, The ;) elefgyiaaii in pi eaelihig, Imt yoii theii a i icmilu-'.on i- t epi.rtt-tl tn iii-hiihieiisti nil tdoiiii pod. ' Siipposing mi" is hon ian g a v\??l rend, the ooifsL and ti slgnllliatul eiy foi' aid froid \ cxpccliiig io tec ci vii a legjicy, would you ! he I. nit ed St . di-n-'mm ha- ip.- ^-ispel." "