?. : g I % \ ? . \ " ?_ j S 3RD wcmld that ineu"??il?d ?o|^you, do vooven S^QJ?K^. , r ?-*5 . CHETO S, MAY ll, 1867. 1 A*?> "L?TEKARY Sl??^ JPCBL?SHED \V?EEKI.Y ?T-No., ISS. MEET -Ti I i!*" J " <* : " . INO STREET, SEAR CALHOUN. BT H. I JUDGE MOORE. i t TERMS) OF SUBSCRIPTION: Three Dolhirsja Year; payable in advance. Six Months.1 75 . Three Mbttths.1.00. . j All letters to the Editors or Pub lisher, should, be directed to *v Charleston Advocate, Lojc-K-Box 109." Charleston, S. C., Single\Q0\)\e9 of the -4(Zroca?e may be had at Mit. Howard's tin store, under our office at ten cents each. RATEfij FOR ADVERTISING. Adyertiseruijats will be inserted at the rate ?of SETKXTV-FfVE CENTS pe. square. The .spaoe-of ten lilies of Brevier type constitutes :& square. Lj>ngv*;r advertisements in the game ?p*og*ort ion. For standing advertise * >nient of eing re%tHPe?j lu ad rmi ce.' Professional; aud Business Cards, not ex ceeding fe?e?jies, ?10 a year. Marriages, deaths, Bet'urious and Literary Jiotiees.Jiot'esteeditigfive lines, FIFTY CENTS veach inserrkwf .' ?i? advertisement or otherwise %3F* Xt> publieatvwi raaadti "wit boni a res ^onsihle name. All licensed;preachersi>f thf ALIC Church .whether traveling ordeal, ure our author ized awn ts, ! 'genatod WiteonVs Speech, On Friday* of last week Senator Witooi spoke to a very lareen secured by Hie Consti tutioi of thej?nited States, and are here after to be secured by the Constitution of the States. They toidi us when, at the opening of tbe war, we; proposed to put muskets in to 3'our hands that you might light for the old flag bf the country, that the ne gro would ik>t fight. [Laughter.] We knew better |thau that. We remembered that it was 4 black man who, standing in the trenches on the heights of Bunker Hill, shot down Major Pitcairn, the Brit ish commanjder, as he led the storming party over j ?those fortifications. [Ap plause.] Vj~e remembered that whei Colonel Logyard surrendered Fort Gris wold, in Connecticut, saying in reply t< the,*#uesticfn, %%Who commands thi Fort ?" "I ?id, but you do now," am WAS run rbijough?he body by the BritisJ commander, a black, soldier shot do wi Shat brutal bftieer, and fell to the eartl with thirty-*hree British bullet? m hil I rv. j th in that; and, lot me tell you, that ev erylKxly else knmv you better than yo r masters did. 7Ve people way up in New England knew you a great deal better than your masters ever knew you, and we knew your masters better than you ever knew them. The relation of master and slave is an unnatural relation ; one always tries to cheat the other, and ther, generally succeed in cheating and de ceiving each other, more or less. "VVe knew you had the instincts and feelings of men, and we put the musket into the hands of black soldiers, and made their wives and children free. One hnncUed and eighty thousand of them fought foy the country, and thirty-t wo-thousand of Uhem are, to-day, in soldiers' graves. They told us that you were not fit to use thc ballot. I think the men wbo can use the bullet, can use the ballot. (Cheers.) We put the ballot into your minds io give you power to protect you r heads : to give you power to defend your rights ; to give you power to dem and schools for the education of your children ; and now let me say to you never vate unless you vote for the country th?*t uiiade you free-. Reg ^^Hfc names ev?r.v a:an of you, who has the right to "do it. Vote for a un"ted country ; vote for the old flag? vote so ^our liberties wm be eonsuromatet' hates, growing tait of thai past relat?:<>n. Xever say or do anything to provoke ? war of ra<-e^. Do not ha Ivour old masters. No body of men. I since the world Inoran, have ever been ?punished as they ha\'e been in tin's great j contest . Their great feaders-where are chev to-day? Where are those proud, haughty, domineering, gilled men, who left the Senate and House of Representa I ti ves, turned their backs on tl?eir country ! aud raised the flag of rebellion ? Defeat ed, some of them dead, sonto of ?bern in j exile, their ideas all lost, their ?mr^oses ?bafried, every object of their lives ?ons, 1 never to come back again^and their namfe^ recorded in th^ history^o/ th&terribte ! T striae of the last four y?^^^gro A darker and. darker as we pass sway from the era of slavery, and as the countn ! advances in prosperity and . glory, and becomes, as we believe it will become, the foremost nation of the globe, so that all thc world will have to look up when it wants to see the great Republic, lt is a terrible fate, and God knows I would not lay any headier burden upon any : j portion of the human family. ? say to ! you, always vote in the fear of God-al [ ! ways remember that the ballot is a sa - j cred thing,* given to you for a holy . ! purpose, and not to be trifled with. Use p j it for such purposes only, ami by God's blessing you will do in your day and gen eration a great and glorious work for ! your country, your State, and yourselves. j I I do not want to see a black man's s ! party, nor a white man's party in this i j couutrv. On the contrary, I want to see ilmen follow where their principles lead, i and 1 know that the principles of the r black men of Charleston, and of South I j Carolina? lead them directly on to the Republican platform, where they.&i vindicate thefr^rincip??s. ^Cheers,) J hear from certain quarters advice SQ you Dot to register your names - to stayl tm; the plantations, work^ ;?tKt get A litfc& I advise yo^w^^ erny of the black mas ?i tbe; .^Mt? man, and of all the dutr ^ ftmiff. i a l vise you to save your moP ov; iind get homestead?. Your bornes may be hum ble, but the law extends its protection over them, a^(1 wiU sh[M your. wiv?S and your children. Isa*i got lands, and, when I say that 1 not mean that tho Government has if . v m its power to give you farms. We have got 45,000,000 acres of land in the rebel States. We have divided those lands into eighty acre lot, and you can, if yah choose, buy those lots for a dollar ami a quarter an acre, and make home steads cf them. There are'enough for 300,000 families. Then there is a vast public domain at the West--.eight or nine hundred millions of acres. If you wish you can go there and occupy that land Phe country has opened it to you-but we cannot buy land here for yon and tax <>ur people for it. And, ii the people ol South Carolina honestly, faithfully, in the right spirit, comply with the terms and conditions of reconduction, I believe that the Senators and Representatives elected by this State will be admitted in to Congress, (if they can take the oath-r and they must do that), and the whole controversy will be settled, i w?i say another thing to you. Millions of acres of land in this State are uncultivated. ot cine?sta a?u^o^'^?f'-i^r?^"!^ j^tp Carolina are under cultivation* 'T&e in terests and the needs of the landholders xviii compel the sale of ir.?horis?T it?res of these lands. The ago of the great J plantation has passed a-vay, the age of tho. fa:m basc?me. If you save yous noneyyyou can get lands,get homestead.* establish schools, educate your ch ?dre; . improve your own condition, contribute to the advancement of your State, and he renown and glory of your country. No people, sine? t < rn >>. tiing of wc - ion, have a better recordthan-you 1 la: \ i T h the old flag ?f vonr countrv. Whenever von had ai. >p;.orfun?ty y ;u 1 ? tic Union soidle;. .ou gui le ! hitn, you nursed hin?. \< *:?u] l>v vour country arid.your country d-enders, and tie name of Abralam Lincoln lives rn your hearts to-day. [Cheers.]' While that terrie struggle was going OD, some of our publie mer were in great apprehension, lest there should 1M? risings hete and bloody execu tion. Wc old abolitionists did not have [any such fear, tor we knew you better, j Patiently you bided your time, you j frosted in God, \ou were faithful to friends and neighbors, hopeful and trust ful, and j our country at last lnadc^ yoe j fteey and you were worthy of freedom! Yc*?*?, M u ij?K?tij?iy?? 'fi'?'f f ?'"ff vxyfr ct^i? ?p^jS it has ?iven you the ballot, aim now vou can liety reconstruct South Caro^ lina. Union Repnblicanism- in Camdon. On Thursday evening, April 18, quite a number of the loyal and ?uiion citizens of Camden and vicinity, met by mutual consent, at the house of Rev. Harmon Jones, to take steps looking toward fail in^ into line with the ranks of the Union Republican Tarty of South Carolina. Prayer was offered by Rev. Munroe Boy? kin, alter which a temporaray organiza tion -.as effected by the election of a chairman, and by the unanimous en dorsement of the resolution " Thavyv? I do form ourselves into a body to be ! known as the Camden Union Republican [?Club." After thc sense of the meeting [had been called out by brief, but elo quent, patriotic, and pointed remarks 'from most of the-gentlemen present, a j committee o?thirteen was appointed to j prepare ?Preamble and Resolutions .to jb?Jbseiited nt the, next meeting. A te $ ??)(lors]\tg 4iThe Platform of the cKepuijiiean Party of South Caro ls* ii ii ani ns aw sly and enthusiasti HB?rred. Adjourned to meet at the I; E. Church, on Monday Ai ml 22, m ayAp?I >>, 18C7. o?th?s meeting were to If?^j^r?at?ib?e and Resolutions, to ef fectiJ^ermHneut organisation by the eIeetfep*'of a regular I>oard of Officers, and|i?iion]in?te candidates for delegates j to tl|i^tate Union Republican Conven tion^ ;be held at Charleston, on the 7th? of 3??y 18G7. This was a very large and k* wH& a\vake " mass meeting. The am ple eifureh was full to oveiii? ?wb<.>.'l a? A' ?tiroFourteen, and by thc lalo Rccon snfrlion Bill, for thc remodeling of the ..i Spowers bf the states lately arrayed i in Ts against the Government, which v?ilsafes eq al rights to ail of its eiti :?^f regan iles-? haifof Divine Providence in thc control anJfverru?ing of thc a?fairs and destinies of5?ions, and more especially, in the gumnce and direction of the wisecoun eibfnd just legislation of our National Cypress. JI That we welcome with gladness aiiWatitude^ the successful passage ol .^tian's Military Reconstruction Bill, aslfoeasure w.hich will lead to the civil ^pW^litical regeneration and salvation PjyR-x'--1 <-r??i?y,'7.;. ...'""^ "?. That we adopt flic PL?tro#? *o^ tgJtJmon Republican parry of .South Celina, as adopted by a late meeting oflfte loyal c itizens of Charleston. 4'. That we will semt at least two j deifgates to t?ic State Convention to be he!( at Charleston, on the 7th of May IS'; ". ] . That we do hereby organize- our self es into a body to be known as the O iden Union Republican Club, by en !dcn ins; thc a hove preamble and resol u I ti(J s, and signing our names thereto, j I. That said preamble and r?solu-j I ti(i 5 1H3 sent to the Charleston Advocate j ffori?blicatiou. . gtie above Preamble and series of i^^iutions were ratified and ac opted njdst enthusiastic and prolonged ap plause, and 300 names were affixed there to. [he following permana nt Board of offi was elected: resident, Justis K. Jillson, ice President, Amnion Reynolds, chairman, Frank Adamson. Secretary, Frank Carter, Trustee, Dan Carloo, i I Treasurer, William Deas, . Executive Committee, Isaac McLaugh ! ti?. Edward Carter, M a i ch Martin, Sam ucl Thompson, Hardy Kennedv, Charles j Chestnut, Lawrence Chestnut, Andrew [U^pihbU^ Sabey Bip wu, Alfred Ker-j "shaw, iskac^c%> A^S?^1BK^^^'':\V^ Thc fol)owmg j^rsOiis:'virei*e nominate as candidates*? for . delegates to ?ie I Cliarleston C?nventioa. Rev. Harmon Jones, Frank Adamson, Wyatt Nauden, and Justis H. JrHsnn.i Aeo:i laboring for nearly two }rears in this state as mission ary of the American Baptist Home Mis sion Society, brethren representing va rious Baptist Churches in S. C. ass:m bled in the Morris Streit Charca, May i ? * , /Th* -obiect of tiu m jetuur. was ty consider the expediency of or???;?;.! an Association. After the usual religious exercises it was resolved to go into Con vention ; upon which Rev. I. Brockenton was chosen President and Bro. J. C. P.iwley, Secretary. The following Delegates from the va rious churches were present. * Morris St. Revds. J. Lejaro iirVl E. Lawrence ; J. C. Fawley, Licentiate, and Deacons W. Dart, J. Washington, J. McNeil, E. Carter, 13. Carter, S.Col lins. Cavalry Church, Rcvds. Chas. -Smalls and W. Carr, Brethren T. A. Davis, George Russel, J. Bee*, Columbia,-Rev. Kami. Johnson, Bro. II. Dobbins.. Chester,-Rcvds. B. Humphries and S. Sanders. Camden,-Revds. M. Boykiur II. Jones, B. Lawson. Hilton-Head,-Rey. A. Mercheson, Bro. N. Bruin. Beaufort,-Revds. C.Gfeen, P. White. In addition, during the ession there were present, Revds. C. U. Corey, E. T. ; Winkler, G. W. Goins, L. Cuthber , and j A. B. Woodworth* who oc asiona ly I made remarks and" offered suggestions. ! After mature Supplies, 3: Number of Menders, 4. Re ceived by Baptism. Received by Let ters, 0. Dismissed* 7. Restored. in the fol ioing form ^i./riu?? oL^rma^ii, 2. ^???i)er of Teachers, nt?rte ?hxl ?rnale ; 3. Scholars,, mule and female*; 4. 'gain-* during thc year; ?. Books in library; C. ! Papers, 7. Days of meeting ; 8. Int?r?t-j ing notices.. Resolved* That we cordially invite our I i brethren of the various colored churches j in the State to send np Delegates to the j A sociational session io beheld in Ches-) ter on Nov. 1 ?.. Resolved, That we earnestly urge up on our ministering brethren and the churches to exercise the greatest caution j in the ordination of ministers, so that no j person unfit to teach may be invested with the solemn responsibilities of the i Christian Ministry among us. The President of the S. C. R. R. Com-1 pany in response to a communication j from the Convention notified the body j that clerical privileges would be granted to all ministers^ *rith the usual Creden tials of ordination. I. Brocken ton, \ E. Lawrence, > Committee on W. Dart, ) Publication J, O. Pawley,---Swretary. : An Illustration of the way. in which the* Colored Peo ple are &oiii? to Vote. ' . The following passage occurred be , tween a rebel preacher'. Dr. Burrows, aner" I the colored people in the meeting recent j ly held in- Kichmond, Va. by the Conser vai i ves or oligarchs, with the liope of in-r I vrh?tiras preijent assures us that the report .below is correct.-Dr. Burrows tested tl? . colored people of Richmond, and fourni i them unanimously against him : ! Rev. DivBurrows, formerly of Connec ticut, bui now and for the past fifteen vears n bitter advocate of slavery, had the most unhappy experience of a?h Be made the closing speech, in the close of which ?he following occurred : "Will you vole for ne?" asked Mr? Burro v&. k?\o; never," said the colored men.. '-Will you vote for Mr. McFarland ?" "No." said the colored men. -Will you vote for my friend, Mr. .Johnson?" he continued. "We won't," was the reply. fc* i\ 4')1 t 1I/UJ<...\>.*JI?) j*ou oto AO X i\rr?t von to vote?"said the doctor. '.Xever." answered the good loyajSSS. " W?ll \ou vote as^r. McFarland, or Mr. Johnson, or Mr? Daniel wants you to?" he ag^fci inquired. , "We will not," was the response from, the entire colored audience. Here the doctor seemed to lose hi? heart, and he backed down as if ont of breath.-lie gathered strength and said :; 4kPerhaps 1 put the question wrong ; V\V now ask your will yo&vofce as any man, vvants you ?" J "WcUl vote? foi our rig^"^ reply. The President Views? The Washington correspondent of thc?" Inde pei tdv> t says : The President ha* no faith in the ne gro. Ile believes that his old master will know how to use him-if not now, then hereafter, when the South is delivered' from martial law. Hence the President's acquiescence in the reconstruction of the .South under the congressional pian. Ho hates the phin, but wants the South to obtain representation in Congress by any. means that may oiler. Whether he- ex-r peets tho Soi it li to go back to partial* suifrage hereafter is not know n ; but ho takes no pains to conceal his disgust at the idea of universal suifrage. Some lime ago a distinguished Northern editor 'tad a long discussion of the question of ' manhood s^il'?-ge with tue President. The editor found him to be illiberal,, ig norant, prejudiced, ami;obst?nate. For, instance. the President argued against universal negro suffrage because a ma jority of the colored people- are ignorant.. " WelL suppose ? admit it," replied tjio; editor ; i; what have you to say of the> tbreigners who come over here in such numbers? Will you apply > our "educa tional .test to them?' To his surprise,, the President shrank from his own logic He would not apply the- saaaae sul? to? white and blacl?. . There was biting sar eaf jn in the dosing remark of the editor.. Said he, ?* Yoi? may* be able, sir, tp. satisfy your friends with such 1 gie; bnt; an editor would expose himself to th# ridicule of his readers and his cotempo raries if he wen? to follow your example.. So. when I announce myself, as in favor of suffrage for all white men, I am compelled to admit that I do not oppose suifrage for all black men !~ Tb? saan* actually occured at the White House since the year 18G7 began. 1 give but a small part of it, as 1 heard it described bv a person who was present. Perhaps it is well for the country that Mr. John son, with his sentiments upon Recon struction, is a man of narrow intellect _ and small influence. I I For the Advocate.] The Columbia Meeting, j Me**T Editors. Looking over the pa I pers to glean wtrat news I could fiad in I the political world, my eyes were soon 'fixed upon an article headed, "Mag?.