VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t li.il men sh 1 111 ?; vin I* UTI;. I ' I iii i -111 i ' Wi I KI i \i S iii. \&i Nil ir is.. Si in i r, si: us < M Hoi \. nv ii. .it-ne.!-: Mpoi?ih; I icu.Nts oi M issi l?irno.N : 'i'llrec Dollars ii Year ; [i?iyilhhj in iillvithee. six M..mil-.i ::. 'l'lirci- Months.I .Op. tV Ail .'< itch to lh< kiUhi-kvr I'iib-1 Usher, should >? vb'd (ii '' (VniWc.s'/O/i j Idi'ocaU . I .. ? 'X l1 ( it?rlcston, S. t.. l?.N'l KS l oi: Ah\ r.i; I'IMM,. Ailvei li-mn nt - will be inserted :;t i lie hit C of" SiivicxTv-Vivi; cr.s rs per squarci Thc , ??price "t" i ? * 11 lin. - of llrcvier lypii constitutes a sipiarc. I.Otigor .".dvrrti-. ninii- in die kain?' pr.'p.'ifu??. l'Y?r -lauding ?ni veril sc hient ol' l'iglii weeks ?iud hjwiit'dsi inn (?r.x.rs per square; l'or -landing iulvcrti.se nicitts ol'six moiilhs and upwards, luUTi , i rs i - per square : payment iii OVi?ry instance Ill ing required in adv tihOe. I'rdicsdoinil and business Cards, m.; ex ceeding live lilies, Sin a yeti ri Maniilges. Deallis, K. li_ri..u< and l.ltehiry notices; uni exceeding live lilies, id F ld oi-lxis ' ? adi in-i l l hm. No pnlili.'ai nm reden lng upon pi I viii?; ?-liar | arter Will lie all.iWrd ill Olli'' I'oilllllli.S, cilllC?' lis advrrli-rnirnt Ol' o'ln rwi-r. j, rJ '" No publication nutdi! willum, ix res- . ooiisihlc iiidiie. 11 Ail liren.-i d liieaeliersoi il,.- M. ]]. i hutch >VilciiiCr iriiveiiug dr tocal, tut' our author- j ?/rd ttgclii -'. i-.. 1 11 '. i ' i nLT '1' i n .< >j< >'_r ; i Many of our rotuli rs arc interested in ? tho Pudo r Theological 111-t i l u 'n- in this l ily, ii'lid UiU'W >. l?'.?iiiiitn ul" it:, mari. success ami interesting exercises. The iVleiidii ol' ed dc ii I 'nd' uinohg the hpUnvd peuple W ill l'C plr.i-r.i tu 1? lil li that ll similar inst j tut ipi i lin* lo'eei.i started hi j (?Cdt'giu* Tl ic following is an ace. uni . >r sonn' ol' its i i t's I exercises ld Nprihorii teacher- : A theological schobl Ls ijusl heilig open ed liere for colored llaptisi ministers. A building IS t<> l'C etvr'.ril I cy-a tn i-1 iy . lllld a profc-.or fri lin til: North i- to tnki charge ; hut al pre-cut thc school is simp le a voluntary organization of hrctluvii. meeting together for study, with such help tts titey can get. They have asked Mr. Price to take charge, ami he hus proposed lo me lo a-sist him. 1 made my l'tr-t visit lust night, thy good friend Miss P.urt ?ieebl|ipiiii\ tm.r me. The school is hohl in one of the churches, and hoing inore than a mile away, one of the "ministers" hilled for us with his ?wirhor.se ao l buggy, W e Incl sollie in teresting talk with him on thc Way con cerning the new ami w'ondcriu! lu'ospools opening Indore him ami hi- pcdp?o, 1 asked how he fell abdul i'otimj, ami hr replied I hat he was very thankful ami happy to ?nive tho privilege, I told him there wne thousands ol' well-educated gentlemen in knglahd wlid did uni pos sess this privilege, nt which lie seemed greatly surprised. Ile said thal I he ir fathers and grand fathers had looked and prayed for such :i day as this, but had died without seeing it. and woundup with the remark, "This is the Lohrs doing, ami it is marvelous in our eyes." Tying the horse to a (ree he assisted us to alight, and we were soon in thc midst ol' our scholars. 1 had taught night-school before, but noverjusl this kind of school, lien: were about folly ministers, ol' dilleront ages, from lilt! white-headed father in Israel lo the young licentiate, every one with a hook in bis hand, abd eager lo studV, They greeted us warmly j and when i said 1 hoped limy would hot have any object ion to being taught by ladies temporarily, limy replied unanimously (hat they should consider it on h'O?O)', School was opened by piavcr, and one Of tho lin tiin n ralle1 !]'.,? r<>||, aiel 111. I .Miss ll. ami I buckled on our nillioraili nd tl rossel loll rsci vcs t.. th,- work .fen lightening this body of divinity. lt (duelled nie much to see a rbiv o youngministers, overs oho with a pfiiiia in hand: heeuliaies, I presume, il..M wenn Miss li. iook them in lian.I. am afterward attended t.> a Third Roiidci class, while 1 took edin ige of u largo chis: in the I'reediuen's Second Render, I h tho front sent was a venerable old man evidently nioj'O accustomed to tlie spiiidl or the hpO than to a Uok. 1 lc lu ld il llj to tile ga-, 1 .orion ?d a phi r id' ,*s|>eOk" o a neighbor, and limilly succeeded in read dig the hr.-! (iVo j.ai agraphs ol'tlie oj.cn ing lesson: I confess I full some dolieuc.) al correcting the old gdtilloimni for th. misplacing of a letter or two. or tim dis regard ol' th..- commas and periods, pict u nd him in Ihe pul j ul gi vi eg 1'iill ven to his native elo.pieiiee. urging his un converted brethren io hinno td .losnS, o going down io (he fixer .-ide to adminis ter tim rite of baptism: and 1 almos fell as if 1 were oilenng an insult to hi: gray hairs. So |,,., h?wOVOr ; hi: face brightened up ea. h time I correcte? him. and :m he evidently enjoyed it I be gan lo enjoy it to.>. lint now? pi.-ture. if \ on can. o mints t> rs' sp< Hint/ class.' Imagine my feeling: ?rn I called on ihe Kev. .Mr.-t? spell w-o-rd-d, and tho Kev. Mr to spoil h-c-a-s-t-s ; a dillieult word, hy the-way. holli lo .-pell niel pronounce and o\cr v\ Inch every one tripped an. fell! I took oeen-ion lo enliven I ho spell nig with 'various little dissertations o| ibo nature ami peculiarities ol' tim lim: li.-di language, the d.-ri v at ion of words ..to., with winch they seemed liig?ity jill j?My.?w i.... . .... i* .... spelled, ii was proposed by thc Kev. Mi -thal they should read Ihe Hrs chapter ol' Revelation, and I readily coi: sc ii i cd, advising tha| oifh should r. ad i adi-tinct. audible vhu'c, -topping al th i>ihl of each verse for tlie l'est loOritieisi Sly advice was followed, and prpVcil V.I rv acceptable in its rpsults. Tim piisR of tin- chllfeh ascended Ui0 Slops hf tl pulpit, opciie ; the p n.d.nous Ki'.m. pi on tile ?.spec-," and proceeded slowl but fundy, rea l, pan-dug, ?tOeOldil (d.agreement, for tho criticisms of h brethren, an.'.--ala- foi" lliO dignity man--of lu's sis!, r loo '. Yes. there iv rn* way t>> escape thc leSpdiisibiiity ; f once il w a-clearly my duty lii cOi'rect t preacher, -landing', too, in Iii- ow n pl pit i There was no h< -itation on t part of Iiis brethren. ( rilmi-in- show? cd d..w n lice;y, and i was appealed as Umpire. Voil said ".sanctilicd" I .'signified, d ied one. alluding io l?i? 1 verse; von said ..//'.? thing-" instead './/CM thing.-," cried another, nderri lo the lld. Tho worlhv pastor stood bilked, ami submitted himself ivitli low liness vvdi worthy bf imitai ion. \ wound up our exorcise by i'epOaiii Simultaneously, nil tlie hard words in I chapter Alpha, ( Ihiega; liphc-us. Sm na, Thyatira, dc. 'luis recitation was particularly aeee ftble lo all the -tu.louis, for OHO; Ol' primer Itociilhit?s had previously wi pored to Mi.-s H. : '.Miss, won't \ [Moase give me a Hil ?Ve lesson, foi' ll call on nie to preach sometime.-, und m nj h I y ti') U u/i on t?o i'-ords.'" j All thc theological Sllide?lS seemed ? islied with their teachers, ami passe I ' vote ol'thanks, w ith a re.piesl Hud I .would continue their .-erv ices. 'The same good brother drove us ho chatting pleasantly and inti lligciith the way. ; per the ( iiarlesion Advnc?b The ( !(>tl lil Ky Al i VC \Y'e Imar of enlhusiiisiic meetings ing hold in thc dillerenl Districts, wi i Republican organizations are being h cd. and thc people exhibit a purpose mistakable lo (lioso who have sworn i rule or ruin." Tho (logs lil the ma are being driven out : tis true they s and show their tooth, but there is a tailing ol' their power to harm w j gives COthfort to those who hil Ve so I bCOti Stthjccl to the fear of dogs. I i people jiro rising in (heir i : i i .* I . !. tho i ular \ nice i, Significant. There1! a-nr ? anec iii tho air o vi n. liv erv ? I ? i i > . ?,; I n-i ? ?kens nililoii action. Crowds gather ll? hoar an.I !.. .io ; I,? ho iiisl rn. iel am! (.. llo . termine. U,\pr< >sions solid an.I (>ot?*>ii ?-< nm i?'oni (li? gr.-al deep of* soltlOid purpose, which uLtko (ho ?neo strong, weak-kneed : the always liphstful, dOuhl fiil : lind (ho iiKsiiiii|>tiv?.1, cautious. Tho freedmen aro Imidin:'; (hoir ? ar !.. lim advocates oi'iroo ami i'.|ii:ii privh lo n s ; io thc .ir.'arali-ms of th.-ir 10:111 hoo-l - their rights ami ry sp? ihi'ilics. with delight. Thc Millitary lii-OouslruC ,t?.>u Hill has already haili limn lip in hope, and. as one. Uley will show hov, wort liv tliey have hemi to receive the ! rm-! j-ihe iV.'iheliise so deservingly Cohforrcil ilpOll (limn. Th v are no! 1.1 he duped, although ev?ry invention will ho applied t 1 accomplish distraction and division ', in their ranks. I d'hivats have'alr. a ly hoon llhldoi liai, ' thanks to thc koen-oyoil \ igilame of I he ( i rmral ('omtndiim' (Ito 2. District, pi'o 1 visions aro made which will relieve ma ; nv a dependant physically, and cause him t?i h.?conic an imle?U tiilititt inenlaliv. \'ot Ors, that uri- lo he. have h allied, i Unit Contract- do no( control their opin ions, however inlicit 'tho ulvin/s in th iiiubii (>/t'ulhtj may say to the contrary. They have suddenly iliSlaivered that they can think for themselves and -peak what they think -in fact are free eut i rely. d'he count ry is ali ve with hurilCsi ?11 ijttiring ; men want to know thc whole of the great maller which blanchs Tue cheek s of some, irritates armi ocrace ami rejoices lim hearts of poop/e ; white-, as w eil as black ai e bi cal liing freer look ing more cheerful and mont milly proinis vass. Radicalism prevail-. There arc t!io-,e, oliee the I00U of tim Slav eoeraL and the Seceder, that How oU'-Sleveil Stevens iit. ileiiiiiiihjat tyits, of snell as would sink th? ship if tiley coul l not command i:, Ih niocraev l:\e tlie h prosy is>hiliitthd and lie who dares defend it m in .bingci ? if thc verdict, ..traitor to huhliUtit \ iilt" National unity." Depend upon it. i lie country i- a! ri'.dit and will -end forth Stadl an ex pro's sion of loyalty as Will ooh Villon tin -.heming- m i rccoimil cd non-oohfornlist to the lorie or niai.ii ol" . vents, tim! ol. tilings have pavsbd a why and a new pi ? der of relat? 'm1 exists. At nu v P..r tim Adv?cale'. 1 A ?mi-- m-viug of the freedmen wa hold :i Ihiiiihgjon ?ti the evening of I li hilt instant; Although lin- weal i er wu unfavorable, Ihe house wa crowded : OyertiOwing. Chaplain NVi.ttcnibro wi (li? prim- pal speaker, and delivered 01 ofhis characteristic -.pec hes, which vv; ciilhu-ia-tieally received by theerowih au ?iitorv. A fiel* dosci'ibihg Ihe two ai tagoiiiStic partie:", (the Reihiblicaus tit Dcm. u ral - i he reihtest od those who 1" ' longed to Ibo former party lo rise, win instantly, every one present sprang io ii feel, and :i voice replied, *'Not il Dein erat in the lipase," Am. her voice csciai ed,"l es, thmc are two on! in Ihe hall Kev . Isaac Krockehtoh) followed in short speech, in which he ably ndvocal .-mil defended the Republican doclril 1 Mr. Iltiinhird, and olhers,spoko, dooli ?hg themselves fairly and squarely on I I nion Rcpubliean Rial form, which \v ; read and unaiiintOnsly adopted. At I ! close of tito addresses, Hie following ro| ihuions wore ?mi lo the house and una i niiatsly adopted : ! /,'. .s ./ced. Thill as citizens of Darling) Dis; riet. we do bel ehy pledge on IS el' to stand by each other in upholding ? j defending ?10 gieat principles of Hie h jon Republican I'arty pf South Carotfci and thiil wo do cordially and carinii adopt thc platform of that parly, asTi ? Sdi (Ot) and hil ?lied al :i public meet ir i " Charleston hy lim people of timi ci'. I Ites?lvfidi Tlial we will rcmcnihotl - adage, "United wo stand, divide* \> 1 fall ;" and usc our every cmleav I ; hiing abotil perfect unity of ti< ^throughout Ihe District, so that wita not he .;.'-?-,.;!. .! di' (he g?pnoil ; i ... .i and pris ?lr- - M :\ mi n .. /i'r.s .,'..( ,/, That hvufy lix nil . shill) h used I" instruct, caution, an I cnhbUrag Ihe people in tin- discharge ol' lb ir dji ties, Mi thill none max s:i\ al 11 it? lunn o election, -'ur were ignorant o; .mr duty. -'/p'.(/. Tinii we nominate, ?did mp p. 'i I. a, our candidates lol' <>;.;. .., those ?iud those duly, who, we are fully ??et! sitaded, are true to i>ur inte:esl \ ?tut wi! hei'oine tie' i'ailidiil exponents ol' ever* I? .yal principle of government ? hqtwv?d) Tl hil we (?otitiiiiliiiCiite yiitl thc. popple of tlie sur roil lid i i lg Districts and stimulate I ! ii? i Ii t.. a ?oneci l ot' a. tim in tlie coming . yeui .?. to lite end timi otir hllbris may I.sucCemini. /irN'./n il, 'Thai hy tlie help hi' i lim ii la ordninetli right and justice, ive v iii | r. ? vail, an i show ourselves ivortliy the I nisi So graciously Coi i Iii led in tr-. /? MVI/. Thill a meeting f >r tllh libiii ination (il'oliic?rs for Ihe permaimnt or gani/.alioii (if lite I nio.i Republican partv nf Darlington DistrieR lie calle I a: t he earliest possible date. litmhid, Timi ihe speaker, ll. 1'. W liiltenioie. receive our sincere thanks i'..r Iiis nillo ami instructive midies i l'or tliC Adv.-eatr. ) A mass meeting ol' thc eili/.om <.t lollli's Island was held at tim t amp Lr round on the RU|i instan'., f-r lim .inpose of adopting tlie Union Ropuhli .an jdat lorin, ttliij hearing tin1 addresses )f the Speakern. \\'0 had invited Kev. Mr. Villi 1 lom. and ?.tilers, ol' your el IJ . .ii address the inoctihg, hut ihi'y were irevcnted from attending .>n aeeouni id ll^^ienieney ol' the We llher. hneelihg was organized hy c ding pl'ivels to the chair, mid loi|iie:t f U'Al^.?IX ? a i 11 ?ixi '.'? net as seero I Alter i flo i.|>ei.,..^ .. . R\l r.(! ail hird malea veri impie.. siiyTutd appropriate ad ir. a: i'm- pli ?j >f which tile platt".rm wits lea l an 1 adopted with grillt l?nahlniiiy. There were ano.;! liv Li hundred p.r-ou > pre sj ni. L'Verv one ol' whom voled lo adopt the pitlll'orni, au i pledged I heirn elvi lo suppiirt the dod Ul lie's and principi?is cin liodiild in it. 'lite meeting was altogether ihithiish a lie an?i harmonious, .and ili? gr??tes! order illld g ?'I feeling prevailed. Voil hiliy rest assit rei i timi .john's Diam! is lili i illili and will stand shoulder t>> sluillliler willi li:.- great UliiOn Republi Ulh parly North ililli South. eSi: IHe j Ci IM 11 lg1 i!u' 1 >. \ U I . We wa re in v er among ihe admi?vi s ol' Joshua Soul.-, lately senior Rishop dil' lie M. Vii. ('hiirtd#.S6lliii; hut WC believe hat his frieiuls should reselle lits rcpula uni from the foul slander which a cor aipl press recilcs above his grayo; >oiti;heri) papers sa\ timi lid diarod lin! icitlinicnts ol' his eplh'aghos-- was with UtiOlliC-r R|s?lOpS, vVe. We '.nive said In-. losition was far I'rOm satisfactory, and ?0 WC still say, but while every man inn and now in illili Soul her ll Upiscdpa .v. was a febol in liCiirt, a rebel in sylih ?aliiy. I'.'mh .p Sonic hoed Ihe old ling ind the Constitution loo Weil lo join heir vituperations, or assist in any wav vtiy Iii. ir wicked maehiiml ions. Ile vas deeply grieved ivhch McTyOro ivas vriiiilg . ra/.v plu?ppies ieraiust our gbV i'limcilt, and Marvin wa; in lim rebel auks ; he did m>. share i'm' treason of i'm colleagues, We have not joined in any iiioiiiori.il emires for I'dsllop Sollie-there W?S Hough ol' mistake :uul mi -chiel". in his ile to sadden any heart, and errors lbj rhieh posterity iiiust condemn him, bul re (loni believe Ihe old man ever gave lis ap loval to treason, or went to his :ravc with thc blood-guiltiness of a rebel pon him. ll was sad enough that he, .Northern 'oin and reared, ever became even the polugisl of the W(.rst system of shivery hOWli lo history ; timi lie ever lent llie illhlCliee ol' Iiis great name lo the mad Cheines ol' men who ineiini secession in SM ; thill he thus did hindi to simpe ml render potential, Ute causes which ventilated in secession, bul wc cannot ' .'?? 'tint In* iii.li.Kfil lo those grave inis la !.-.' liio ?ih ci' ii. lilu'iati'ly sahel inning l! mousier ci?iiih of ille eentury, lite i1 Noiith?rh r hellion. i- I-.ol them leitvd i Vii ? jir?oii I wig un sentlied ; lei thrill iojivo niio virtue itn taintcd : Iel them linne history one . inti ('til record ; Iel llieu'i hot wrung lite . im nu,.ry d?Vioshti.'? .Sohle hy ?nsisldig that - he was Uii'ir fe|h)W-i'oh?|iiral(iri I heir fol I |i?\V-trail> willi them Vi ry far. hut tv ti cannot i.iiiieVe that he soiihdcd, with i thhtii, tm- liri.th lione.'ith the ijcoji?sl . i h j it h i 'fi II I a my - - the sh nigh in which un I I'ejiOtUahi I i'd ads wallow. ?l I!' -?i .|,/,v/.V|/r, . ( > i ; :. < '.'itt.--'" in i\j?i lintis ii Iii I H lM iSrVOiii'i. ? Th.- ?nih!.MI..,. ol Hie M. K. ( 'hurelt, is ii?i?iig mitch d'or tie- loyalty ami i'ljtlal righls iii the -wat West. Tim (Va//' I .1 /.-o,vi/, (iii! dished at Si1, ?.?.io's says: u Oiir posh ?oil in reipi'onhe to human i righi s i-, well hiniwt!. ami wc shall give I our out it o i ii tinonee lo frei"dotti i n t lie f? ? lure a- in ihr [itisti W c have no ilotlhl j of Ihr i'os?it ol' lim pending canvass. Mi 'mri will put the hallot in Hie hands ?of the legro w luther the government ile Imaiiils it or liol. We hope Congre--.; will pa-- a jaw giving suifrnjjfo to all men in j every State long holme snell heiiightcii ? region ; m: ( "onneet?cul can lieeoiim li nly j civtli/.e.l. Missouri ami Kansas will not m e i the spur ol' Cimgrc.-sioiial ?id thom tl?>lis. Tile people w ill do righi. Wi kiipw thal our elidreli needs no urginj. in a muller ol' (his kimi. The ijUCstidl i- already settled witli us. ami the eldin ' wcighl nf the h. dy in these two Slate; ? will In'?giveil for Iruth and justice nov lis it was tor linette ami mir country he ', Uer. Treason ls utidntililodl.i .-hocket i al negro sliding", hui il win reeciv 1 wor-e'nno, Kn ii..... i,irs I ie fort; il gels il .elf eittliroiie.il again. Wc like Hies providential hiljti.sinicnts. When th Soul!) iiiteUipted to forge chains wide 1 would hold forever their slaves, the Coi pf heaven fid yd lo his poor freedom ; am now tie- law ol' e.?ui\a?euls demands tha h.- -hall have the hil I ti ii. Wc have se\ mal '.'one- allhiucd our faith in (ind iii i lhi a t hiter in tin se in liters, ami wc ha v nod.>uht ol' iii,- ht i iii ly ol' his award I Th? sliglli reardon ol'a little nicrccntir -pol in Nevi K.uv.laml whine noyer \i had i nil? -1 i independence ol' character w i ohl\ lid cid '. fy lli? di ;gu?( of thc Wes! ami her majorities for justice will app: ? the deccii cd relic's w ho trust in ( 'Oniiei ; Cn ni. line coil<[ant, earnest idlorl to ri 'con '.nut th,- cou ut ry, Norlli anti Sditti oli the principies ot' eternal justier, wi lie prolltailie for :.ll coueertled. We --ha ?lo our part." Tin1 I io\ >i il >1 it 'ti ti I l? riy i ?lu- Sst >i 11 11. There i-- mu.-li meaning in (he eidlui ?isdic?'institliol1 iii wdik'h th.- Uepubli?: ! party is indore 1 hy (he ho al elemeiil j Hie Solitll, Tiles ute Lol lii-po.-.ed have any hali'-..ay w.uk in ijie dialler reCoii.st niel ?oh. I'i'tie loyally i.- in ear Os?, iiinl doe- liol iphr id esl 11 Illings 1 their ri dd name- ; it is only the coin jtioliallv loyal who un' afraid (hat ll ii'titt- Iveplthlioan will i ?(ii *iiil sollie .som live soul horn earn. 'Ihr inyal ma---, who ?ire ihoving in the great work off ?.ni eotistrueliot) now going forward in I iinrecon-t ructcd .'?dale--, have I io UI ly gallantly thrown thc ham.cr of thc gre Hcpiihlican ^>ai ty to the hrce/.e. ami a nul il y rail\ing around its stitntltud. The splendid ami patriotic reen n?tido hy this great ])olitical orgauizatii J in siamling hy tim ( lenora] (?ovorhiiu1 With au inlle\ih!c resolution, in oarryii forw iinl profound measures ol' -tate.-in: ifillip to ii successful issii?, ami Hie po erlul aid given hy it in lt milly overthro ing and pr.-ti at i ng thc tnosil gigan rcocllloti ol' ancient or modern tim should eoniinand Hie respect and ch lengc the admiral uni of every cam mau.'' Thus spake the convention recen held al Haleigh, North Carolina ; and same sentiment has prevailed where Hie loyal people in those Slates have - ntithleil to express their \ iowa. This is \vis(*;; tliVf? i-; hui olio gTciii loyal pttrty in tho country, aiul thal, i-i lh,-)>:n! \ ivpio.sonTed hy tho. (IniilintUtl inhjoriiy in ?on^resii. li is io the RC |ptddh'an i ?a ri y alone Ihat tho Smith cnn lot IK for ni i .o restore their torfe! teri rc? talions in (he Unitin, 'rite name h an honored om-: thc parly is a loyal one ; ll'i prim iph?< arti Know n and c tnblishcd; the people (if thc North ami Xorlwost have approved ii We wish thc work ol' m?.raniv.idg thc Republican party in the s. .ut 11 ( iud speed, firent lt. ?,?1.1 ?.-. .Jiu. MAN. 1? H mun a vi?iii ihe helter lol lil- liehe- ami his gains? for his aei es ami his | ill! ace- J lt" lils ininosl ije.ht i< callous ? I s a niau a vv hil lim h el I Cf ? Ami il a man - in? w hil thc better Kot1 his collers ami his mines. Kor hi? plirple ami line lim n, Ko'r hi- vineyard-- anil his vine?. Why do thousands henil (lie Knee. Anil eringe in mean servility, 11' n. nian'r. no vv hil thc heller? ls a ninn a \i ?iii tlc worse I- or a low ly diesS ul nigs ? Thohgli he <>wii< nu lordly rental, ll' his heart is kind ami gentle, I - a niau a vi hil I he worse ? A ml il'a man's no whit the worsn l or a poor ?ltd lowly stand, Ki?r un eil i pl,l. u\ en pucket, And a hraw'ity, working hand, Why du thousand* pass him hy, W illi A cold amt scornful ev e. ll' a mau'* un whit thc worse? < >ur lius'sihn Pu reit a.so. i i Vi?/ did tc* purch??e //ns vast and desolate royinn f Wind are iee (joiiuj to 'tn with il? In answering the li ist we. must deal principally in negatives. Thu sale w as nut made because wc wanted land, lt was not liecauso itussiti wanted money. There must then he sumo un known reason : something diplomatic, lt is priilial.lv a sialcgi' move and no one as yet has guessed thc secret. MK Sew ard propounds riddles. 'Miks pd reliase? is ?i political conundrum and we give it np. 'I'u what usc may this territory he applied? lt may he turned into a haven lor disappointed politicians, and take the place ot that mystical Salt Rivet' tliOtlt whose head wal- ts hscil-up politi ?al hack-- have lihou wont lo gather. Why not send thither all the Nashyiles ind Yallandingliaiiiuiers, together willi Kdriinn lo Wood and the rest. W'e should ie rid ol'them al hut little expense, and hey would doubtless \,v happy, ns llie rrepressiliie negro would not care to l'ol ow them to such high latitudes. Trite lure arc K.sipiitnaux there, hut they night he rendered useful nilli subservient o lim higher race, and might even in ?nie take the phtcc ol' the lost chattels, low unhappily freed and enfranchised. A'e duty need our Russin as a refuge fdr ?xiiot 1 traitors, who having tried Mexico md Bi*:i/,?l, and hi ing disgusted with tile introit id' improvement in those empires, nay wish a place in sonic more serene uni -eenie region, hcyoiiil thc reach of ?ailronils and telegraphs, newspapers iud schoolmasters. There tiley eau lie el alone.- Central Advocate, ( 'an wo trust (ho Ali'io.'in!' (!encrai Ki >k in his recent speech at he anniversary ofohr missionary society aid: "I remember in Ihe curly months if lMio, w hen thc army of the Union in he Mississippi valley was endeavoring o climb up 'some other way' to Vieks iitrg. Dial J wa.-, attached to a large force ihich was penetrating thc centre of the dale of Mis-issihpi. On a Sabbath evc ititgi thirty or forty sfcttincrs loaded witli loops w en1 anchored stile by side for the light. The deep, overllow ing river Btret hed far out, imp on the decks of those learners sal len thousand soldiers of the nat Northwest, willi their faces turned OWli.ril ihe Jami ol' the reocjlioii. The lars looked down upon us cpnolijV, the night moon .stole out, and the scene van hv?ly, I remember I hat ( liah.lain J l arc, .1' Iowa., a soi l ol'.rla.plain-uiohief for the loops, i had thc honor lo command, nouuteil on tl c pilothouse of thc sten ner, commenced singing with his