Oru Siw i HOI.ms.. Kuir.Nbs.-The j Jtforth Missouri Coard'? ninkcs tho lol lowing pertinent continent oh the present attitude of tho lluinptoh's, On'-, and others, towards tho negro: "in 11 io political market, South, tin*negro is ioal 1\ commanding high hids I'rohi polit ici* nus. - Whore Once it was thc fashion to knock :v negro down, it' lie presumed to walk upon tile side-walk whore los inas ter liaiightily trod, we lind that the once autocrat ol'the plantation, now takes oil: /tia hat to thc former Chattel, prepinato rv to coaxing hint tor his vote. "Uni these tuieieht white rebels ?ire ploying a deep game. They intend to throw political sugar-phiihs to tho ne groes and thereby try to ride into pol?. itk'al pOwor on their voles, wall, into Congress aiid lhere secure recognition ; and then having obtained this, their States, as Stales, w ill puss laws Covering disabilities to Ito attributed to thc negro to furnish un excuse tor depriving him of suffrage. "The Soulhern Stnles cfhCo back into the Uni?n, can snap their linger.*? al Con gress, so far as disfranchisement ol' the negro is concerned, and Congress viiii?t grin ami bear it. and the loyal people of lite North must suhtnil." CA I' ins.. tho Ul Kies wiiii (. nor. At the Conservative! Convention in Nashville, April Lan iinsuocossliil itt tempt was made to obtain negro delega tes hy the very men who had savagely oposed the Franchise lull passed hy t'.e Republican legislature.'770 Vnion and Dispatch, a few days before, lind said : | "Ut ns thug our whole souls ?lito it. it\ikc Ific neuro into your Convention; (? ive him a pjucoby \ oin --ide. Aye. make him a Y icc-Provident. Un him >?i sitie by side! with y otu* iTirst officer in token of eternal r?conciliai ?on and fra; ern it v." This advice was HM! (a ken ; at lest liv thc iltiegroOs. Tlic Press and Times say-: A iinember of thc Conv.ention wo?it about among the colored bystamlors and tried to coax thein te? let Iii in have t heir lia Mit si ?as del?gales to the mooting. 'Can't colite ,\hut liVk over mo. bo-.-./ -aid one. ' Ifs , io u-i trying tliitt Hide ?anie.' sttivl ano. .thor. piibyo?iOg on ld- h. el. A thad pul .his linger to Ins eye ?inti asked. '1)0 von -see lliivtllilio creen:' I ue deli ..ate bun ter at last grew desperate and a-kc 1 a (jiliei'lookiiig dailo'V foi' hi- name. .'What you want iny iiuine forr' asked jtho latter. .( ). I otjiy w ?shed to kiioU where you lise' Thc miine was givoii, ?t\hereupon a friend slopped upan lwhi pered in hi- car. ?jliic'K as lightning thc enraged darkeV iioltctl alo r !.?- iiit-nro. ?gator and said, 'l.'ok herc. lu.--, yoi jest take my linnie off duj paper. I ain't tio fod '.' The hum f >r Colored delegate's Mopped." At the W om wort li Si. M . K. < liiii'eli; on o O?iiorly aw ?iiiod lils eoin Inj.' boin.' y io greel him with every doii?on stratioti which affection could .siiggis?t. '. Tk?ir' blood an even I Choi' kepi l'util tim fatal it.essuie came (?od s lingers touched him and lie slept." The \ oiee ol'irieud-hip w a - hushed ia the presence of their -acred grief ; human sj-in put hy wa- iiieoniineiiiiiruble with the agony of (Ital heiter hour. Pitying angels hem l rom above, unseen hy 'Oyes! of ik -b. and whispered of thc sustaining grace ol' Htm. the low ly N.i/aline, who caine tn earth to comfort them ilia: wept. And lla-ii they mourned him not tis dead. Tin; rise of virtue out of cai th : W e kimw Iran-planlcil human worth, " Nor blaine wc (lentil boeutisi lie hare. Wi.! -hine lo prot'n ic hei w here." With this we laid hint ?ii bisnative earl ii to rest, wiener-1|.,. ii ump of ile resurrection ?Itali awake hun. :-||>\'i;Y. March Ith. I\?>7. efniv. gi?x. ?ai*. b" \ 1 K IN All) OK ST, MARK'S P. E. CHURCH. Tin LAIM KS or Sr. M Al! K'S '.SKWl.NCi ? llb I.K " most i i--t>?i-l lui 1\ announce d' Un I Ut Ik'i ami gentlemen Ol't'luil'h'Siim illili theil l'A I ll. for i hf bouilli ni'si. Murk's will br opened ?.'ii Kast?r Monday, April "JiNL ?SUn ai ? o'clock r. M.. at ?. Morion's Uu}hjlng*.'' Moiling sinct. luTween liuscl ntiil Phickn?y SlN'Ols, ami OotilhlUO im eigli! Silei'osslvo nights. Tho puldio ?re invited th call ami glvi us lin ir patronage in Ibis n bio \vOi'l>. A dm i--.on li? cclils. t'lilldroii IO COhtsi SP.ASON TJ( K I il S ONK DUI.LAU. T i. km- i" Lc ha.l ai ib.- door, lind Ironi lb. follow iiig gentlemen ; NV M. MOK |X?-*A> . l'A li. K?lNSK'i' i'. .Jd .ins. li, I IKK KKK. iicuilipiurUTs s.nil M lilt ?rv Disiii?i. ) (Noll Til ('.VlKllllXA ,1X1) Sin 111 * \ l ; i > 1 IN \ lull M lb A. S. C.. M areli Jl -1. 1 si.,7. S [(?KXI??.vl OisPKUS No I;] i. IN i i iMi.M.i w? i: w i rn I.I:M:I:AI. I HtpKltS No. M. liciillVjuilllCrs i l ile- Army Mai . li 11; h. lsi.7. tin' undersigned hereby a-sunics ??iiuiinhd of ibc Second Military I Hst iii t constituted by Hie Act of v'ohgroks, Public N". HS. Jd Marchi ls.;7. chi hied "An Ad lo (lie niore etllolohi r o i rnin. ut of Hie rebcKstillCi." II. lu iliii execution <>r lin- duli ot' tile i ?'imna tiding i .mi. Ma I lo maintain! li? so?hl? IV 0l';iliC inlial'iiauis in llioir person* and proj i'i?v. i" plliii-h or ?aicjo t.? lu punished a.ll disturliers ol thc public peuce ililli erliuiiiuls, the local Up il tribunal- will h. - pct milled lo luke .itu b?U> lion ol lind I ii iiU'eiidevsi os'ei piing only snell cuses a- muy I?j the Order "t" i h? 1 'ohijl?andiiig t ! Choral be rCfcred t>> a I'oinnils-ion oi" other inltllar\ li ?bunal l"r I : ial. III. Tho civil government now oxl-thlg in North < aroliua and SOiitli Carolina i- piiivjs ion:i| illili'. iijid in all respects siihjecl io ile I?. ram nm: ihittiorliy Ol'I (l? (Jiilied States.ai an> tim.'t" abolish, umdiiy. control or sip perec? l? I he. SU ine. d .oe? I law - ami municip al regulations' ii"! ine?iiis|si'eni with Ibo ? Olisl ii ul ion ami law- of tim Knited Stale-, ifr ihe proehilnatioiis ni m.. President, or w ith such r(.'giihilh Olioi d t" lie ill force;, ami. |ii liinfoiinity ihcicwiih. .hil ?lllcci's arc In r?bv ?Ut boh/cd in'(foiit kuli (iii.' exercise el Ile ir pi . pel' I'M tiffi. Mi-'j il lld W 111 Ile le -?.eel - Od ?nil pbey?ii |l> th. kdiidd'niiis. I\'. \\ Inn -\ .a an\ . ?'.ii ( lltle?i, .Magi irate Ol', I OU ii ne : le. : - cr i .;'u(ii perform au . Hi. nil uiji pi..|.il> I'l.Mjuii lid iii' sitl.ili I ri'ni mil iii' Olli 'er. w lui.!. y ?Ine a'al i lg ht ful sci lli ?M n. pcison m property chilli he dented, Hie case w ?il I..- reported Icy lli? Ko?! i iiiiinial? der t" t i.' -.- I leudijliarti I f. Vi I'ct i . iinmrn ier- w il! ean-e in be ar rested p. (sops charged w ?th the eohiuiisd u "I" < ? ?m. ?- ai;'i ollVaii c? v.Tji'il (lie ?l vi I author ities hill i.? ai'ii'St ?iii.l|bring shcli olfeilders :.. H ?al. ami w il! hold the a cen-e. I in cn-Ich roi'?iiii i.y M ilk a ii' * '.'iiimi-.-i'.u. I'l'iA'Ost i "in t ..r .-liier irilnii.al Orgalii/.cd pui -uui.t i. , orilers ti..m thesf li?tidipuirb r-. Arri'sis by military authority will Kc I (.ported jjro|viplly. The ehaijes pi'i'ieiTcil will be aeeompaui. ?1 hy ?he .-v?lem e ol? vyhieh Illi'V ai <. founded. N .t. Thy t on.maud'm,-,' (Jeuerah de-iring !.. preserve trampiHiiy and miler by inciiiis lind agencies lUOSl COIlgeilhil lo ?he pe..pie. iiiilh'dls th.- /.ealoiis ami enrdlal eo-iijieration of civil oiliecr- in thc di.-i barge "l Muir die tie-, ami dui ant ul al! gpoil i;ll?/,?ns in pi'o \ entiiigcoiiiltii'i lending toih-iurb ihe peuce . and d' t!i> i tal ilia! Oi.'eashni may M'ldoiii iii'i.s? for lin.' ex?i'c?s?iif inilliary ti ii I In n it V in mallei - oi .?; hnary civil ?u?lU?lilslr?i(ion, lin i olniuanding (ieili'iul respe?liully ilnd ??r; n?stly commends io the iieophi and iiUliimi tle.s Ol' North ami Soittll ( 'ar?.lina Illiri'Si'i'Viiil obedience t.. thentithorlty now cstablislied, at.d ?he dillgOlli. Considerate ami inicaitial csceiilioii ( I th" luws enueted I'or tlielr gov ei'i'uueiit. \'J1. All oj'.l. r- luretofore piihllsh?il to (jie i>epiiriii:ent .'i the South aie heridi,\ COIltilllll'll ?ll lolee. Th" following mimed ollleers are announc ed a- ile stall'Ol' the Maj..r (?cuera! t'oin uiiimliug : fa pt. T. \v. t lou-. ;:-th I . >. Iiifuiiti-y. Ac. Asst. Adjt. Cieii.lind Ail( 'TIONA UV OL inL LILLI:. W 1 I 11 1 liq MO taut Addition- and linpro\oinents, and Live Hundred Illustrations. (?ir, smith'- Dictionary hf thc hil.le. pub. lisilCtl in l-'.t-'t.o. and eoitl antin . in ii- lillee tjlfge ocisivo voliuiies. neal l\ .{.guli panes, i a wu lu ol' ttekuOVvlcdged.cNcclleiiooj hld it -./<.. Cost, ami -enoi.ii i\ en.ir.u ti r. lilas! pu - .em ibo Cxieiislve Circulation ot u among .ne L' I'ciii ina-- ol I Ito-.- w no U< un- anil iiee.t a I )|i.'dolUO?\ ol the l.ioie. I lie .. I empic he..-he I ilcliohiiry,' on w in. li 11 < - ; 11 ty iw o veal - ol ..lion no labor nave alic.ni, been , I ..'Npei.d.'d. ow CS ll- liligil) m a -elie,t cold ic . I...i. ell Ole pal l ol l lie I .Ule'l an I i'liilliSil n ,, ... lue ii,,.I ol -n -n a ino.ii.,,,I aOi'lllg' illciil "I LO' nhgllUil ii'Oi'k a- -it,i.nil m.i.o llie . o -111. - >?t ifiooerii Si'??hirsitijt gi-.tei any acecssjiue, i ne i..nun. Hov. .Samuel VVi Ihn mun. M. i A.. i- Weil ?it?W II ahiolig gimliuhCs ..i. i i .o. ?.??ocge - "" ". ' i?'."- ?1,'td biol, ilga I sO.iOUll'. III- e \ pi i ie. iv'-' III ls? l.i- IJ"; oie , , ?lilli ipa I ;. - - i- .a .il ol toe lao- Ll'o!? t ????>) i fled, ni Ibo icVisi'tti m O C i.isi i Or - ,i"..;ir.? 1.100 i ..... uj_, il ann royal ui'lilVO . .mien- . madel I .mi i i ..miliar Wit ii I He i le od hsof ii xicngrapti>\ : , ami ni- -m.-e.nu ni ia!. I - ..- au OlllChll > \ po u II mr ol' m e >ei ipi it! e-. LI.IV c linn a (tl'llC ; i ICill aei pla ut. ale wit ii lue u .un - ol lue j.co pie in inc ucl,i ol millhill kllOVViedge. I ne O . ui I-il I'I li,i W hielt lla\e guided ut Hie |?reji;iiallon iii lit? pi'es?iil w.n., n..v. j oi-eii : --? I. l o make every diing Intelligible io llld-o ii li? ti..?lei-.mel "nils lnigll>ll, ...el fd pi'.'iCe ....iltl a.- nc,oil a- jiOS-ji'OO "'ta lc\e! willi I oe- Scholars ix ?to ale l.tuiin.ir w lill ike Ol ?gb i ..ai language: tu nie Scriptures. ? ll. Ill conni ..- ' llb' .lO'cale-l possible j j amount o| \ ,linallie iutoliiiahoii iiipiOhe viil i tillie ol 1*0*1 \ i li ?.-nt -i/e a, cl I uni lei ;.'e co-t . III. 1<> gnat il again-', ali mililonee- lil isl ile tit I m i-t,i:iil failli ami ho e. fi) lie page i- somewhat larger titan tlt..t ol Siiblh'** I Mel iouaiy, and I lie I y pe ul a Ina vic r I a. . .. and inue Casi ix icu I. S., pain I wi 11 lu- spared !.. haine He- iiiccliilnicnl oxe en ion accurate and hoiiiiiitid, \ Jin />/.?.'e.;.. ow '? ill /.. wi *, mi-i.i..ntl, \l'l ii ll ul!; K< >d'2S I'ii'/ul vlihi) /././, s . . i'f,i I ,'r!,,,l, i'-..i*/,' fait ?ii-oh Hitit I, ?.,."'? ,:/to/ i'a ul...>K lim,il,, r.s. I /'/../' 7-.' <>F I:M il M \Utliil tX .1 A7.M 7 l'.\n:i: < <>Vi:it. Thirty Cuts. D. APPLETON & COMPANY, Pul)? j iishor.s, I bi d* 1 j? iif'oodUUv/, A'.'.T York. Send fur S|iCi'hnoU liitlllhci'si I ? Aol M-? \\ iMi n is ni evins .e. JIU ! ul S I hi', TO A ru vin Any N ci -paper aller in-, l iing thi- adv ? i li-eiiieut ,'t ino*., ami np being each iiniiiber a.- il appears, w ?ll receive a i'opy ol'tho hook hy mail p()Sl-p:iiih j Apr. bl .-lins. RARE CHANCE TO ri dil ll ASI: (? litOC riO I l l IOS. Wholesale and Retail GROCER. N.. *j-7 A asi) V, v-r lt AV, < ouxr.ii or I. v i ION - s rn ri i. Ila- idWtiv.s on band a large siipplj of HALON, St'OAlL FLOLIL . (OL I'd: H, TKA, Ai . M . Wllioh will he -..ld at low.--I imirkel price : fur ( a-h only. Yi)'" Strict illlonlion given lu e.unit ry i orders ami satisfaction gaiiraulood. UNITARIANISM! A eugeiit I realise lipon ihi- siihjc?l, by (, , Kev. ll. MAI II-IIN. |). |i. Tenth cdilimi. itii u page- Ismo, chilli. 75 collis hy mail. Le (l .,rile j by in my ?ts Ihe wriler'- be-i work;., i. j Adilre-s Ih v.lL Mallison, derscy (thy. N..I, I- No risk in -ending. TAKE NOTICE. I I ( ) PK I NS MISIC Ac. tOl'UIS'.H Ml -'lldill Ol' A I'M ll! I'! ? MK-. || -nil :'l lt!' ?.lill Minni. No. tt" ll iri !':; Sirt'i-t; < luirle-Ion. Sn. ( a. .lolIN Ti MpI'MNS. lai. li lit \ colored p??'!'?. --r lf?giilar tt?edi?hjon, ndl iiliyiidx cn-loiitei - ul lin- jUibsej'ibiMv tiri' ?nxhed t<'' iiiivoiiiu -ll li. I on; winn i - M i. nan: i.i-r. Published |h the ?'r.t.ii OnliJ uill hr mailed, In all dealer- wln> appl i . I AN I lin-: lil's IM'L'AI. 11 Kl 11 ST Kl! i\ ALMANAC I ni; ISA.7 i onlaini'ig llUinrlMil- hint- >>u Horticulture.! will h.- ni i i ' all iipplt ? i a'- who ciieliiso?it.!' a iwo oi'lli -'.11111 with I heir ail bi--- l<>l ii.wm i..\Ni?i:i: rii A SI IN. Philadelphia. C nn-vlx ania. j NATION AL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS ' AND TWIST COM l'A NY. i ll VI?'i'kUKII UV ACT OK coNnb'CSS. i . n i n IK- : M. T. MK WITT, President. \V. s. liliiKl'MTli i ii ~i Vii'i'-I'i'i'slili'iil A. S. HAHN ICS. S. corni Vloiyl'rusulciil. j{ev,.i. W. AKYOltj), < 'orro-poni?ilij; S??'iy, 1>. I.ANSINC I.AMHl. L'T. Itt: "i-.lin r Se. ty. S ii jill, 1.. 11 A lilli -. i len. Financial 1 u-pee ter. Ti i:;cipal ..Dice. S7 I l il >A 15-STI.KKT Anmr iciin Kxciiiiiige bank jiiilulhigO N'I-W York i'll j. Branch at Charleston, S.O. '.' - r.\Ti:-.'-Ti:i:i.T. IIpcii every iliiy, Sundays and lloliilay.s \., l.t. .i. ullin iii A. M.. o. ' I'.M. nuil :{ o. I I'. M. D' ! ? >-:-,-. >i ON j I ...I I. xl! mc M.. in. in : i ix rn. Iliiol'o-I pax al.l-' in ..annal \ an I .hilx . ia ca.-h xc.n . All >l"P?i-il- xviii li?' repaid xxiili in!.-I-.--! (.lue xx hen i ciiii.: cd. All lin- pruitt , la luii:.: lo th. depositor-. Kl ai'.- '.e - have Keen established in tin principal cilles n.>u: Nexx Yeti, tu Noxv Or lean-. ateI ilccOillits can !>?. tran-Idled from .eic I'.r.imh Iii ?llipllivr, XX illioiil idiill'ge ur lil.-i i alpine: |lil> hltorcsi. Invest jiiciii.S ; ie univ linnie hi -cc II rit ie - >>\ .In- I 'ilitod Stat.-. , UK u \ II.CAIN. < liail luau A.lx i-ury ('oilUIUttcc, | I'll A N< is p. i \ i : i ?i >/ \. Seel el a l \ . NATHAN IHTTKU; Match Pi I \ Vet'.ijjr ? a-h'u-r. ?l n I; c.vtEhco) o g ?cal ;?l \\0\ uic, i ur. ut' Ka-: Kay ami Y ci tion Sire?is. < 'I i : 11 '1 < ?si i >i i, ss i >u I ! i ( 'ti f? >1 i n:t FACULTY. lt KV. T. WILLAH I) LE Wis. A. M./'i'i'sirfi iif. I'roi'<'SSO?' nj' LOuijiiioji ii ml I 'Im rr li ?*olit>i. ii KV, A LOX zo wi: usn: it. A. M. /', 'i/i'ss ,r dj' Tlii'OlOijji ii i,il Ki?i'Ulii? . Pr. M. ('AMPLIS'. Lett ur,'i' o>\ IVl?jS?0l?lJ?i uml /.llti'fi Of' llrtlltll . Mr. (.'ll A li LES I'. Wo LU A {I' ll:!}. I nat i'mi O?' in Srii'nt ijir Deport* ment, Sj>riit'i ?'erm Oj' i'Jm-i a ll VV'A .>'('"//( //o'/ic ///;/ Wedii ?'sill ijj, Munit L'T ist'.T loll " Klere,, ;. Ort. ii. H7?/cr,4 " . Thursday, .Inn. 'J. \Hi\H, Mcinher- nf the MiMlioiiiiil Kpi I.KU is, M. .li oi;i: MOOKI:, Al.oN'/.o WiJisri-.n. JOSH I'A WILSON, .ISAMI'H?. WILSTON, JAM AMY I?OI.MKS KMP.II?os I.UAMir. .IACOW Mu ?.*, I NEW YORK TRIBUNE. THU I, AUGUST AND CHI'. AV EST* - - :o; N'nie. ?tli-dandhi;; lin- Wwi lim i/*'< l I'm: ?'ii'lltt \:: !IIH he.fii ?.nava- -?1 more (han DIH-<|tia ri cr. thc price will rein lilllie .ante. N? )\\ is rt ii-: ti MK TO si i>;? iiir.K KO it Tii?* (?I*CM?( 'Family \(iMspaj)rr. nu: NK.w VOKK w KI-KI.Y ls pl illl?ll till ?I hli'ji'l' doline ll|C'f nu-lely hu ai liiieresl : al-o l.lie?ai'y uiiii Scieiitllic iiileltij??pee; Reviews ?M lin' llli'Kl ?ni i K'-?iit? ami iui|i'>) lani New Hooks: llic Keller'si ?om ititi' l:tr?v eorp-* i'itrros poinleni- \ lite liltCS( ICU > IVI-UI eil hy Telt?" liih*rioli. mu? all other pan? of llic country ; a Sununarx lil till ihtpok'ttiiil llllcllijionec in 111?^ oily ami ci-eu hen-: a Sy lll < .?ii anil Slat?' I.i';ji*|?ilut*i? w it-ii in session : Kxelit SlVl' Ih-poil- Milln- I'l'Oceeiliu;; - ol' lin- I'ar llicf-'t lilli Ol'!ho A H!"ri'-an ltl-MiUlto: Talk? alion: Krui), and other IIniTu-iiltural ami Ag ricultural hil'oriiiation c?-cil!??l th i*hlinti\\ residents: Stock, l inanrial. ' allic. ?|i'y doods ami < i ii Kia I Market I ?cpo ri - : n ia ki iii; i:. Loth tor variety ami eniiipletciicss. iilto i?C'iiici'll"' "i"-' \ alu.I?IIC. ii|leri'.stinji ami in sil'liellVt Wn.M i SI I \\ s I v\ i11 i ; ? ' u11 ', i. j i. , I ??i llie u orhl. Til" Killi I h poi! - of I he Ain-.M 'nan [it M it Mit: Irm ; -' . TuV illili tlc \ ioil- Aerie illiiral l.epnrt?. i:i eae',1 niiinhi'l'. arv richly worth a year'? >i|V:-i Iption. TI: K MS. Mail .-l|li?e|iher-. -in;;ie cop\ . 1 yetti' ."?'J 11 111 111 >(. I s.-.&? til! Mail snhseribersi ( Tub? ol live.ii Ol) Tell .opie?, adirc??ed to haines ol' suh-ciT ber.?.17 .'.( ^ycilly copies; addressed lo niilmfs ol' Hitit seriher-.K l Ol 'l'en H.|,?rs. lo om- UddlCSS.Ult)! l'\\ ? llt \ i'Opj?S to one IlljilfC1.HO ll! All OS I I'll cilpV Will 'te -elli l'or eaell ilill ol'lcil. lill: Niv\V4V(>l?K SKM.I-UT.KKI.Y TIM lil NF. ls phblishcd ev ry 'IT'IMIA V ami Kit 11) A Y ami ontc?iic Newss Kselitsiv? 1,'epo?- iii*iii"?? t'i'oo^odlik^s oiihe l'armer-. (Tuh ot the A i a.-:?eai i 1 :t ^: ii tit. . : Tall?- a hoir Krllit. aiid other I lol licilltiiral ami A??'U'U? Mira! Information : Stock. 1 inam-ial. 'ailie I My io..,h am? i .'ctiehd Marko' K.poii ?vilieli are pithilshcd Iii lill: i > Al I.Y Titi IHM:. ! III: .S^KMI-W KI:KI.Y ri:n:iM al-o e'ni'-. in lin-omr-e ol'a year. Till.KT m- KOK lt oi' iiu! y;/;.s v jj.V/) I.M I:S ? l'nl'l l.M! M)Vi:i.s. hv livin- atiihn-. Tile eo-t of t he-.. alone, ?i l>oii*r||{ ?ll hool, "l ui. \\ otil'l lu- iVoin -i\ th (fijjlit ?lollar-. i'll piir.'l):i<(i| in ile- KNiil.iSll Si At ? .> ZINl'.S. iVotit vvliii'li the\ an- e.irefully lielol. lin- eo-t WOUhl Le 111 f? ? ' or lolll' (?1111' Ilia! -lilli. Now Sen- el-e eau -o niiioli eur l't'iil int eiligem-,. .m.I peViliaiH-iit lil ein i\ matter I..-hail a; so ?rln; ip a rate a- in lin ^KMI-W'KKUI.Y Ti: I isl AK. thoto uh. hei lev e in I he prilie?ple> a nd approve ol' I In character ol' T in tlMItt si: can ?neica-c it ].o\\ er and iiillilciic hy ?iiiiiin^ \\{||| ihe'n iitMi?Tlhor-i in I' Uiiii II el 11 h . |u ?t.V, will rc o i\e an extra copy tor om- v? ar. Tin: Ni:w-\< >I;K D \\\.\ ri;i ci x i: \~ pnhli-hol e\ti \ moi nii.;_r ami eveitlii?; ( Sun dav - i-No-pted i al .-;ld per year ; *;.'i Inf si> inotitli-, T'-i ni-, ca.sh in :id\ am-c. Dfal'ls oil New Yoi !., m p.. -t-? til".,-,, order pa\ aide t.. il.rdcr ol Tm; Tiiutrsi:, Ifidil} -afer. arc prelera'ile lo anv o|lti?i mo,lc o reiniltauee. Aililre-- Till'- Tltlltl'N i:. XewA oik. MARK YOUR CLOTHING! ?Tl.AlIK'S l'A NAT ISIO'.I.IIU.K I'lACII.. "Milt'li more ColiVcliicni than lok. and equally ^ooil ; - to permaiiaii?e -.ivi? jud;: i alfi' -evcrid molli hs tiial." -Am. .-l;/nrt(i i fui ist. , -luv .ihiuhlc lor inarkine linen."-CliU'ft\l j 7V//.M??! i "I.Vniarkahlc i'm- Hu- case and itoHiilM i with which iiiey can he u-ol." -1>> h'oit lr j ??MMe. ? MOiii' ol' thc ^reate-t eonvciiiciices th: i an he presen.ed to a Ito. si'keepei'.''-- ."/<.', ? h shot CV- C.'.') A'< ('.>-. I MaiiiO'aelili'ed and -old al wholesale hy The Indolihlo Pon?ilOo?, Novtlmniitton Mas AVi / ;/ i". Hill ll'./minti il. Kl.'A N K S. DA.Ml'.. \.?. ls (oinmercial J Klaec. New (?rleam-. (?cul. Ayent int ll I Houth.w e-t. MarJ.T ll. I MIHI I HAST ti ll\ W WI KOA I). ,UII!?.U*TK.ST, IH-MOKKST AND ONLY Dim;? r mn rr, io j NKW Y()Ui\ Hill.ADF.I.nu \ n \I.TI.\ioKM' w \SIIIXGTON' lt Kl I MON I) t'KTKKSMUjO WK I ?DON AND )\ H.MINiVroN, Time IhriMigh In Ks-press Train to Nf>w 1 York 11 hours ! '. Karo f*2?; : ? Tickets gund hy ?lllo'i' of thc Ihre?' follow j ?Og rollie*! : I I?KI?MOND AND WASHINGTON I?AV LINK AND HAKTIMOKK N'ol.M'Olih AND OKI.A WAUK. ; 11 : t ; r i : : i . . ? ? < i??*?>K?*if through to illly point, I Ticket - j?.i amil UNI ' S. Si so|,( )MONS. Superintendent. I7 UNION BOARDING HOUSE, (COLOKKl).) Xo.?I (AMIOIA STUKET, i BOARDING BY THE WEEK OR MONTH AT I'lli'l MOS T KKASON AULL IIATKSi il\\)VA)\ (OUI., Proprietor. ] |)Kl.l.S, W HST TIM) Y UK.I.l. I'ofNOKltV. \ I ) , K-t.il.li-lu-.l ii, IS*;. ) . I The subscribers ?-om in no to nuinufileture itt i iii-ir ??hi tmtl Well known l'onnihuy. their i ; oipcrior ll?lls for < 'hurdles Academies, Fue . j ?orles. Steamboats, Locomotive. Fire A holms, i ? ele., M?H lr of genuine ln.il metal ( copper anti . j ila composition i. mounted with their linpiov I cd Patented M on nt h ig.-?, ;m>| warranted iii i; every particular. j "'flint no substitute, ei)lia) to eiippci* amt , ? lin. for milking bells, has yul been ilbeuvor ! ..il." leis recently heeh itunoiniCcd a< the dc 2?Vi ItilOAtlWAV, Ni W YoltK. \\ ho will sdi al FoiulilOry price, and w ho, w iib lin- undersign '! cd. w ill give prompt attention to till orders ?did eoinnuuiicaiioiis; . ! For full Informal lem In regard to um- bells. '. scud t'o.i au illustrated < 'ata.ngiici K. A. ? i., ll. M KN K Ki, Y. W rsi i'm iv. Ni Y. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! .TUiis GUI: \ r tii.Mr.o'i foil vi i. MMK?SKK ? 1 i.itiu' STOMACH. i- thc discovery of lin- Invention of ( nu's - valuable ( oneil Halsain. while cxperiinenl ! ing for his own health, lt cured ('ramp in > lin- Stomach for lum winch hail before, rtnld? i 'I io nothing hm clilorohn'nt. lim almost daily losiimony from,various i paris nf thc country encourage us io believe i that lhere ?> no disease ..ansell by a disori'cr . cd stcniaeh it w ill not. .speedily cure. Physicians Indorse and Ise Ii! i1 Ministers t live Tostmoiiy to its Kllioacy ! alni IV?MII all ilil'i.i'tinil M K ivciilv? I i,IOILJS of i"ili i-i j |iei-f??rmeit Dyspopnin ! lt i s su! C fu cure Hoartburn ! f Om- dose will cu nit. Sick Hoaclacdi I. It ? nf od' hundred* ol cases, Iloadaoho and Diz/dnOflft ! ? lr -fops hi thirty minute*. Ac?dily of tho Stomach J c , ll curred s at once. Rbsing of t ho Food ! lt stops lininedinliily, s I :? ' DistroHH After Eating! One dosn w ?ll reuiove. it ''* Cholora-Morbus ! Y ?dds readil.i to a few doses 8J Bad Broath I i Will be changed with halt a hollie. rr IS PKttl'KOTLY HARMLESS!