VOL. 2. NO. II. \s YO would t li.il men sh l.rit.ii.viM I'Ai'ia:. l'i ri i-u I 11 w i I ki.\ \ i N.... Is- Mi ; i ?m, si ia.1 r. si ai; t u.iibi \. r.v ?. M iMii: moouk. n:i;\i- ?k m in l?iTh ?.X : Three Dollar- a Year; jtity$.Ute in advance six Months.I ::. Three Monili?.\M). KATKS l i fli Al>\ Kli I'l'siNO. Ai' P.n \ i-r i\ po . i?i?s< it tiUs a -quare. l.iiiigef ailvi-rti-. nn nl? in the Htiti? proportion, l or st?iidhjg advefd-e inetit of right w , !,? anil upwards, inn ri-isti? por square; for -laui'n ; idverihe hichis ol'Six m?iiiih! <\ CBtvuiilg IjvO llliOsi #10 a year. ?lariinges, Deiiths. ih ligioii? anil l i;. : ai \ notices, noi rXOOedillg li \ ? 1 i t : < -. Il' i Vi l.n 1 ? cari? insertion. No piiliii.-ation roilee(ing upon private char UriOr will In' allowed in ohi columns, cjlhci' as adverti?enn nt or otliorw i-O? }>-..??"' No publication made Witlii?iii a res ponsible nainr. Ali lirrll.-r.l pivariirl'-ol' ihr M. P.. ( baivi? wh' ilirr iravrhng or locai, air nifi' aulli?r^ b'ol ii'ift-lii!*. l'\ 11 lt '; i i i? . ] i l?ProKT pi Solili t, \ i;..| 1 v \ M ]?-!, >\ "" ?. ' Co.XIT.UI.Xi I.. '?;tt I III l'I o,,|i Al. ISSIMI ti.. The K.alo r Th, ?-logicai Institute c-tm lisiicii mie year ago. is npiiiiig ilio m- - im portant of the ihst?tiitioi?s oS'i r w liicli llic fo-tcritig car.' of tile Clmivh -hould ho CXt?i?lt'il. Wo ri'.'o-'.nl-o it a- the prepar atori. Solidi?! t'..r Mi--h marics in the Sonili who aro not (.n!y iii-lna'U'l in illpt'iidlf hti'h?s "l" ? coinnioii educai'ma, hui. lo the lectures of ilie faculty on Church Kpli !' this and similidr schools, will he among the nio-t oil'col?VO iithbrei's calici to that ili-laiil ami h. - liightci heh). Sim c the esttiblisineiti of the linker Theological IfistittllO. tliiliy-t'lglii yoillig men, who helieve they are e .'ill el l lo the inini-try, have i'geeiyci.1 iiistfiK'titiu. \N e note with ph a-nrc t)ie proiicieiicy they liitve inaile in the branches of an i-ngli-h clir al ion ami in ihose suhjeclii which relate to the iloctriltes, eeomiiiiVi ami usages of the M, h'.. ( htirch, Thcre> f"ie. Thai we gratefully :ickm>wh C'lge the aid alrea-ly ( XteiltlOil hy Ilio Missionary Society for the support of o 'I he l?aker'i'hi'i?logicai IliMitulc ;" thai it has hceli wi.-ely h. -lowcil air! prmlolit )y cspcmicl. ami lhal w e he; ch\ < a rue-: - )y pet ition that sullicioiil appropriai lolls be coiiiinttctl for iis iiiaiiitii'iminee moil i! shall hecoine solfrisii'p|>prt?iigi Ii\-s,J. That the iilCiilhiirs (,f the Faculty mm it the iliaiiks |Of this Confer ence lor their faithful and ellicicht ser vices, J''ui'.iii>.Mi:x's Aio So, ii. - v. (.'ouiinon Schools in tgiiineciioU with tnir ( llnirches siiOiild he nurlufed w ith pa rodiai Te :ard. The hope ?? llt.ii iVeedni' n : in Ihe rising generation ; every!hing that phiiaiiilirojty can d? for the children should he dotie al the cai'liesl mdlilCIlt, i''rom every ipiarier tiiosl itrgenl roipiesls arc made for ttiiiehers and sei.Is, the entire freed people htihgof and thirst for km ?\\ ledge. ) I this coiinc lion we invit? attention t>> iho no ossitv of establishing Tr?inhi; Sohpo?si, s,>I. , ,! < xylioro liip Itii'rliiosi mii. hu i j?nui'iiUiiijr young nu n 21 nil wbitiyi'i cm hi' prepared to loach Ihc rodimi utal I'I .'nu lli --, v. huh would supply many lo calities that cannot now lui reached : ami al Ih" -am,' timo load tho people lately enslaved tho -o..ia.r to under-tan.1 Iho neee-dlv of robing upon themselves I.e. cvhri agijnoy. essential to their eieVa lion. 'I her, fore. /.'. -. '. ../. That \\e hail wit11 pleasure ?ja (Mgaiij/atidn ?:?l'llie I'l-cednieu's Aid So, |oty of (he Mi Ih (Iliuicii. IInoligli which our bivthivn in lite North pini c\ Icnd to u- tin- aid we now need and they are ready to bo-tow : and that wo regard Ihi.js a- an importali! iigottcy for the pro motion of educai ion among our people until the si?te -hall establish a system ofeoiniuon schools, open to all her youth. /.'-d. Tl'iiil wo aio glad that this Sorim v I- repiv-emed at otU'pie-eiit so slj-jii hy iis eonv-poiiding Secretary, h\v. Ih. )\ alfii'lii who, by hi- pei-ornai o',-.m' \ atioii-. may the Lotti r mil inoro fully 1. ali..e the magnitude of this I10W Wot!, to w hieh tin- t '! HI fell i- called 1 > y lh" pl'o\ ideme Oldd-d. Ih .v./. ,./. d'hat we carne-'. !y rc'|liosl the i'o-opcr.'ilioti of t|n> l-'ieednmn's Aid Soeiei \ in maim .'lining common sidld?js iu connection w ith our charge . ami Ihat we recommend the e-ialtli-himiit of Training Sell..,.is to iho early ediishlora t i' ?ti oi' -aid Soeiel v. Ih K. \\ hittenioro. A. W'eh-ter. 15. V. j'h'iii ?olph. ' Ih 111 J o > 1 1 1 11 1 hY.i'OKT of Solilil Cu;..||NA Ml--lo\ Com 1.1:1.S. I". li7.'. ,v,..s-. 'Pi.c ..'.., ,1, 0 ?,,. j hrown around oiu< |.pio ?| the .ia\- ?> -lavery arc removed, thu- having all.; dill old and \ diliig, to itidtilv liiij'lii .av id < the appi'tilc for -!rung liri'.ih : liiid, H'/dr-os. d'i.ce ate iliipl i lie : plc'd huji'i hi'thwliite anil colored, who. gi?-ed\ of gai ili ?ire ( stablisiiiug in olir pith -. .an 1 at all ilio rr.'-'i'on. 1 - in tlitvo,'liiitiiy< pla ces for liie sale of hitpN?caiiiig li'ii!-:-. llleeile-t , if which is l" i h' '. .1' 'I'll ! i/.o and impoverish our race : and. 117,. ,-, ./.v. < hp elevation ami advailco incnt a- a people ale relaided. the hapi'i i,e-- of our home- aii'i fa lip ih - dcstvoyf c 1. atal a'-oe all. Ine salvation id' stails imperilled hy the li e bf St rong drink: therefore. /o .< > |?i sum) oxaih ple : by ihi> ?ongne ami I'm- peh : (hai in [every possible way. we seek to C'ldsU tin' I si it ices through which this impetuous title ! rushes to devastino and Overwhelm ; aliti the terrihle lloOtl which ha- alrea.iv car . ' . ! ried desola'.imi to so many hearts ami hoiUes, may ho speedily and for?vei ata\ od. \{-s ,!> :''. 'Ihat we ro?oi innenii the minister- and iiienibers of our church tc rcl'rain I'roii) ihc iise of toliaeeo. lb Spectlillly siihiuiltcl. .1. A. Sasporta--. Chairman Si iih lay iSohoo?s. 1 Ki ih it or s. c. Mission ('uni i ci \. i .. j U'ticruts, The Sunday School inteie-d ! bite Of \ iial il?ip?i'iiiiicc to us. and ?>>ir people me put ai?ng Mii- idnd of loiow'o edge under (lib nio-i trying dilli, uhi, s ; Ijih cdlliiiiiU(lo woilld l? -poet lolly Sllhliiil 1 Ill? follow ing r. -o!uli..|w. ! }{, s? '/ ../. Thai wo hail with unbound \ oil joy (ho dovi m'ali of thai sysh in. which hdhjoh1 u- iho means of education, and , lino, w ilhh. Id Id.m us Ila' re??diiig of I ho w I ifl 1 ofd ! od. and ilio y?ch?sl source- of -ahisul li si inM.1 ia .; \ \\,-\i,,n. h'i - 'L Thai in v iovv of tho lad thai Ihcrc ari' in iho I.ml- ofih? S. ('. Mi-. i-ion ( ohioiciieiS a largo iulinbbf vvithou' hlltc palp'of lliii }S? School, that wo wiii n children can ho collected for . that I llj'jioso, I,'.-,.'.-,l'hai vvi: licrchy lender our Ili :ir?y limhks to iho S? S. I uh>n (>f t?o M. Ih < li it roll, for thoir liboral grants : ! Inoligli, iiinohg so many |?0r -l rainiiig every liorvoio g? t ?-hi.rein - | Thai w . earnest ly invite out i'r'ieilds ev ery w la ro to aid il.- h\ money-?pioi uri ! hook - ; mal any other S. S. facili) h -. i I /,'.n..i\v ./. 'l'ha!, as the S. S. m to the ehureh. what the nnr-. rv is to tlie pieb ald : v e svili diligently < al;ivate this de ll'ai (ment by preaching upon it ; by o:tt Idziup I he seiii 'disi a- dir. eted ia the \ discipline : hv leaching scholars til ;-?h??' ci's i ho i I ' 11 '. a I.; I ice of laboring fof t hm^ 'I'll' '-. ( lOI'l'I.UI li i o. l NV, .1. Com-.. ? A. Mima row I M.Ui? N't 11 i l o XV tit ion oji L11 Li ' i 1 iodi vi. ! land, had a sliol'l ; dbtuiho I am! cruel r.ign. Ii is not without iva on l hai she j ha- hec-u bailed the "hloud;. " Mary. 'Ijlicj i hi-t Vogfs .of lair feign wa- t l'oli'deVi, and Mie Vie ed hm- lib- a di appointed and thoroughly vgivtclii'd w.-a.an. To crown ' her i li-a|'i ?im incili and mi-cry. slib wa.-; th -'.im d to liaVC l alai.-, alter a Ih reo ; coule-l. w:,-led from h?r d.oMi'.im ao. ! ! ll had hen ic;_ ai ded a- ||ie ji-wei o! her I kingdom, and licr ahkioiy to ivi ahi ii i had bei u inb ti -e. .'.ml her lmu t iiii .'.lion , ai the I -s of it correspondingly sic vide. I A short iiuie before her ih-alh -he said : j j"l slmil the and if my hiva-l i-opeii. >1. (.'alai- wiil ho found written on no, ; : 11." Maio ii pidfipt vl.o ha- died i il db?; Icuplf di l'ili' li'o.'i tic- during' thela-1 live, .wars ooal 1 have -aid. with Cijinil truth. | open iiiv breast and y.an intere -l an :.mliuhob I lu i rlla.n tin liiiio i'j very r. w. an I even Hint in in'mli! tiuiko i.lioir cents doubly Olptivb by si.ufi ion. limiti. TwyUi.v inli|?< : i>' often bphoi' libin thirly ii tin nil Idled vv il h \ il.ii. t ! ii ci it e thought. ivlrii un aiti liiM )<*?. en it bur ami gii libido lei sii?ni, insi?mi ill'i'\iiilttsiVi,l, al lie che. It is *il)niiiwll;ti whh pf. aching m. w ii cat in;-; : t in mi ml i - u - disjjrilsiejl >v?.ili :i iirpjiisnge of pulpit pitiiuliith its Pili' sj Oliteli vy.?t Ii Overhauling* amia si rpUjjj lui liio.l'l air ilii't i n-'.tally I ? M in oilihc?ii?. Vii w.'k'i'iw oi'a greal inhny ' . hi in Ilii - i'u!!.:l:P a,' ! hi??t Obnt l? fi?iti| sy. lover Ih'p.iU "I" pruahim- lo-s ti.au |jiisij tpnljiiot'S o!" iuj hour, nml h'llVi; Uk't)l?nrlt -I'suvi'ly h-? I'uiiguod than la '.-ougi' ..a! ion. who hnvbi hull lin' :n' !' .Mm.' to sit in mui:l' i'.If- s p.ws ami l.i'.J it all. "tic grami ?ii'isf? of '.'::'. - evil is the want of ; I .ml"n-'i! i< ui in preparation. S-hih'. oil U?i' ?V- mi Inibii or i.'md id' iiithd, afe lin'a i h Jo separate tln-ir hct'tial thoughts i'roin a u>r-' to Unum selfes ami tlm how'ildered listeners >vh< Iry to follow iliphb hol us have a rol'p'rh iiO?v. A si lig io topic treated pointedly hiiiahiy. hri?tly* v\ ;i 1 carry ?oitvietibn 0 an ittldieiiOo which will nod or-it re.-lles hii'dcr the oihof kind ol' droppim..-.' T!ic pulpit may double it ; p.over am \Jji ilii'tvt' r ooivtliiu tjliiii vv ay ir it ??ii io.s .' ' , /.' ; Tito N!i)l ?lo Xi-ro ] lo.V. The fo??pw.iu spring, iihi lijtcil cither end ,.f the tick. 11< rioi -lliekcii. lin y he-dialed. The negio la calmly on the v\ave-. and. in toiies i ('(inliilcnco, told Ihoni it was their oh) hope, insistili^ tll.'d he v'.oiihl eai'rv liiei -.n'ely to i)ie stiiirOi Kof audilior,instali tliey he-italcl; |ad gathering coiirag from his sell-pus-..- -inn. ami lcali/iii ihat il '.'. a tlu ir la-t inoinoiit, tin y loo the leap, am! I Mii siioeee< led in gia-pin the :iich. Turning ouh idv io pruvei their .-ei/.iie.; hi?i. I in- hi ?'i -ie fellow si rue lOtit with strong; niii-clcs for the lam : The i apid current wa- .veil nigh resisi io-ls, I nt he wfcst?ed nuditilily wilh hi hlirdoin l'ho energy i>f de.-pa.ir ke| ilioiii 10 their liold, ami at length thei j feet touched holtom. Jiotli hldh s, wit t liie ciiiiging litllO one. wi'ie saved. .Man uiiiie--eil (his feat. It exhibited Hot ol ly a tool. Unparalleled bravery, hut wti Wholly disiiitere-le 1, us hotli ladies We| j .strangers. 11 should he added that \h i hoy leli his own trnlik. iviili his he clothing, ami three hunt.leti dollars i InoiiOV, io sink with the w reck.--Ih e. . Il', Ali'?rd, Mechanic, have worked ;i\ luiudfc jycals on the npire of the cathedral : i Strashllhi. M(M) >' uin > I j| hi * . >' a < o|" Ali io iV'i I Viriti. At ? I w a - linii::ii! mi a liiiij Itili (\. ih [Villi w.-h.-.-i! i Ih--ha'.'' Olilis theuih. Tii nigh i.oi l thi-dus y'i'itli jeiii'j yci lh?g;?i'-| Won? in pali'lios iit el bow and knee; A,iiii lit! siili Nyeiirs tlitisiili thai 1 ?.j uijoii to "I : As !u- sleep- in the old iioll?w ti;0i'i I !?. N li'Otit'liiiis w as never tile sjiOi't "li tu - la - !t Titbiigh tin- hlllloi ha- Ol? oi-oss'il hi- palli : There w I-ri- lioiii! ol' hi- Ilia ; ! iji's So brave or Ml t'.i I i As I" la --i- -mii a man in hi- w filili . 1 < : hi groat iiciift with hindim.-.- was tilled : In I In- lu jlii Iio obeyed whojwiis borii toicoiiiiitaitil: Hut I..- Ihng'd l'or Ilio lii?rhliig whh'h ihoii was sii ?lini - ' l-'of ilio inht'liiilg AvhicliliOVl is at hand. I. "I'w a-a h>n w i-.uy ni iht --w o wore al imi-; in foiif '.i'1.. ili. ii ? ii vi* wa-iitiii'M.Oh'i-i !? ' It itovi ; ' I \ysls a long w e:iry m^tu -hill un; nlOiu ' llip; i- in ai-. Ai; ! the words o f ou r prophet ih'o tin -. pl'hero art: siifiis in the skv that the darkness ihh-.Hio ! i Iu-ri aio lokelij in i iiilloss array ; , While ilio sioflii whii-h hail soottitiltily ljaa-i j IshOd ! Ili- haw a. Ojdv hastoa.-i iho tulvciit Ml'tliiv* l ?v })i11 >1 ii 111 l )<>(.*(riiioi Tliri"!i'i-i- Tilo.n. in a recent lotici' Cri un tin- Wot. in disenssing I hi' i|i(igdlph ? :' ahiiii'.siy, m< s ila- ndlOw?lig Inugniige? Tin- sentiments depressed aio uhdbiihi '. ily iliiisei'iitpr?iiineil h\ I lie rad ical par ly ni' Ilio etniiiti'v : "l ani .'U'ipiainted \\iili nearly . il Ilio repivsi'hi?iivi' radical inon ' ' i Norilij rjiiMjuaii'iteil .-'.'so. wiih llthiV ': ? iOw?i ami idtpr.iiiii'S, and I ; , y.U v. | ii'ii'i ; in liiiids w hon I say that I : - -.. .' ;. '' l\ . a- litst ingui-hed li'tnii rind Of the h'opuhlit-an ( ?.'i 1 r ij in hi \ tlrop (if ?|l0oi|. Colli: ?iitioh? It hi'griijigiliS no man hlsi pariy. ' r.xih- 'r l! hears too little ?l v. ?! l<> for eign nations to espatriate American ren egades lo i'oroieh shore.. NViiai ilicn'i i // //' initials l/h't ///<' riii'ffi it'h rs nf tin ri - bill inn sfinii bt: tlt'fiH)'tl? "f Un jtntct:')' ci ?ttti?i?l n bulini timi <>J l,-,hHnjj'"-'\ In New York Slate, ovoli a piokpdcket wlio stealk li ft eon dollars itiiil goes lo jail, oidi he VOI' afU-rwar.l. oil coining olili dot? i , (lie hailot-hox or run tor ollic?. Is (rea Il : , - a a less eiilho than jteit\ lareenv; vi 1 'Ilio radieal paiiy. thoroi'oro, lichiauds that Ilio men who lately l'ilio i li|l their hands lo destroy Ihis hation, .-hall not In- iiiyit?d tu govern it. To ;!ii-. end. it demands the to I oath, like a sword "I tire, shall guard (ho itool's -of ih - l-'eih-ral capiiol hgaiusl tin- intru sion of traitors. It deinamU that usti rjt ing slato governments shall he displaced hy' legal and valid logisiu(hroS. It ilo d iiiaiiiis (hai a Southern black man'hall jl I hol laro worse lor being a loyiilisl iliah ii i Sold libili while man for being a traitor. d J i i : -1 it < I < t li ( South. While, \vc nre ma-nmniiuomi and coti iliah rv tow aid ; lie .-e w In > won1 our lute uoinlok", cci'lnihh wo can ill l'old to bo I'd loWnrd IliOke w bo w ore our friends, tid bini iibi ' ' Ih magnanimity< ooncilui ioii, and justice ; bill is hot the grenlcsl i' IhOsijjus'l IcO ? ( an wo as a pooph) i hi lo forg?i the moo who --avoli the I,<-t ii- iOhiciuhci' (luti they pui ii.. Of <'i>i' muskets on tin ir sliolil .i -' lib V stolti I a . a living wall l)ci niri; I ',' ail?l 'ho |UV?ulv'l', thai llu'V, n Isetj nvi-il I he country at that tiiiiO. ilo y were noble follow s. and aid. "Ybii aro pocii soldiers/' They bitgl? bravely, and stood up for the oilIIIr>'s Hag. ''pur shakhn land in j< rii".- plight Sl'iii forili !u ir li.wiio.-t to pa- light, lii.til lo. .a i-n-hived 'l'Ilo ii or ilielnsolyos were savoih iiii! ? i vii-I orimi-; Siale, unjii-t, I'd ltd imi -, 1: 11 - ? i.' frocdmh'.'i trust, '?'li\ hot an- tioihiilhig m>w. itOI'ere d ie judge ol' all IhO earth Sli-ii hold ii a equal rank ol' birllii ?ii i-quiiI righi of In i adi? An i'ljiiid du-t of dl'illil, < ITood?i?i. op< ii Hum a '/rave NN"Ibi i o? every king. whore every slavo Shall oils! hi- Crow ii and ehain, '1'iil only un u remahii i 'reni e Ilm.it. then, a < hiislian Stale, Sublimely jtisj ?sUpremcdy gfeiil, w liei e man shall place no hail ( Ui any righi ol man." And when we shall ilo that, when we -hail learn to he just, t licit will God bici a Ilio clhn'is?if ti i.- naiion in a complete ,v toralion. 'i'lio in?n walks not on A ih ''ricadi soil in w hose In-art there is less of revenge, hatred, or liudice, or moie Chafily foi' llie people who fought, us long and desperately than I have ; but while 1 would be magnanimous to them, I can not l'ingoi that 1 must be just tp those w ho wen-our friends. Another fact in ?......?, ,w., ....... ..... . ? l? . _ .1 pie were kind and good l?> the South dil it ..: ali the trouble, There Were no lie sun ?jon . tei ititi Kiel's, m> burnings-; l -i! '?n y -laid til home on the plantations an i ;< Ok ear,- of the woman and the dp) dren. while nearly every nble-iiodiOil man in I he South w as in arum against us to [ici'polunte their slavery.?(/On ?-7.-.7.'.-.-, . h/'//-e.t.\-. I >p 1. 1 y'.-s ( ? l'ntil ud?'. Noi I iveitiy years ago the beautiful iiy untie iti Chicago now eal|bd NVabiisli Av enue, was a pci-fetd ipiughtiro, ( ine Sun dil\ Itioriilnp hi tho-e arn ioni day--. I wo g?ni lenien saw an Irishwoman sinking into its Ireaeherons depths. I'.iddy, With I f-l foiiglll an I temper mi-direeled, iis usu al, was sl'rii fgliiig, and at the stiliti' lime hcrtiting' wjili an unwearied tongue Hie t -e o'l'lit I misfortune. iicgaiilh-S of their Sunday suit--, the ivhlr?>iis Westerners sei to work with ff ' ' good will to extricate her : and after I !.: i pulling, pianteli her, by no iui'.'iii'. - v 11'h like form, lipOii linn ground, expecting nothing less than a blessing in ttri- inline () 'all the saints in l?iddy's ci|i? lender. ' "There noo !" -honied Ilio grateful crea II un-. '-a:nl li rid ye a cOople o' fides t? ho lli'vihg :i hj lily here on the coohl groillld, 'wilh ni \ or a - hoe to her feet. All' CiUlh't I ;, !i ye, Hie bye, lin t ye was jisl puliin' un- eel of a line a pair as yid be afther s adii', ( Itrii 1 paid si von and sixpence 1'iVfi Arridi! grin will ye? An, its lidie vcM care it'I walked homo on mv head, Faith, thin, I'll nivor ilo that sanie for yCes. i'ull 'enVoul lor me. ye dirty bla' guards; Ami didn't I jist wash me two ilfilis oti' la-t Monday lo buy I he same, anil it's tin feel deci) they are noo, and : I'll iiivcr s'irr till ye jisl pulls 'cm out 'furine nathcr, bail link to ye." It was useless to explain. Biddy would w ould not believe Ihat but for her gallant p? -, ; \ er- she would soon have been hu ' 1 ietI ih eper Ilinn liei -Iniosi I'crimps the foolish woman was no! more ungrateful 'than many who repine ut ilio gl'Old loss lbs caused by the recimt war, antl forget to begriiteriil to Cod ami the brave dc : fen.lor- of the Old blag, that, while slilvery has been destroyed, their coun try has been preserved.