FAMILY CI HOLES! \ \Y \ > ; -, ? ... i '. nit l.?rt . I- \t \!l \'. I. CdMlin; r take. I (ion child ijV sbfrovi. All i- oi'di ; \l v idi i'"- (li.*.' : i.opk mo: ibr (lie iijisio i l:tolu.'o\\ "A-tin di'jjv.-'il*y tv.tigti? -." Child ?u* gt i. i'. ?! " t?i?s <\ i?r d its >\.' Ilio " Trabsieiil scOtte ,sf I r.itiden! pain . Think, oli ihMik. h! v NrhP fibovje Ihia . Couiiliosii world;: a ;. lori .in iboh ! There an- ihiUideln ij?v. jij< ji;ilih;j l'\iy the ('liO'yll -Oil- "i l >'|l J l '. ; i .. c <;OUli'ol'l lake. Ilic i. ', ',!.! 1.1'- ii.ev. All is .ad. i'".| weli i r iheji : Look UOt lo , Itti Mi kiiitl? III UTOvi A- fliy day-, tlfv sl?'v'ii ;lli -iciii h?j?* Mimir.Us' IV w ti: -. ?F?u Tv ;, . ?li (io-beli. M..--.. live i?lolil ;- . . '.e.,! together lliat al the ci..-e t?|'oavll diiv. i:i llioir ?-?li .do-.'.".-, the;. Wijtlld deV e ?V hour from nine Id leu lo :. ?oijectl b|' prayer lof ihidr ?ii?N'iiV?rleti ihUdrein \\ itliin s:\ immti. ; lit. v somi ami a daughter ni' one ?>i' ; he: a., anal > ! >e ni" ilio children ol elicli . 1' tie- btlii : si vyoi bronghl Inebri !. ai. i pili i: ly p-.'o;V>-ed liiiiat it>. Family Economy. '1 i> ni'ibim: which g'-ifs -o ini (ov\ a :. 1- placing vomiti pe. pio l>iiyt)ti(l ijie rendi . !'i'<>\m l \. a* > c<.amin in tue iiiiiii agent. 'it iti' Ih?ir ihiiiicsilio tiU'airs. Il matt- f.s iit>i whether ti inali l?iritisli little j or nun h lor hi - iViniily, ij'tjiero be a eon-1 tinnal leakage il?;the kitchen, or in (he pallori il run-, auay. he m>t how : and that ileimiil ji'ns'iV, i-?ieS M?.n ." like the hoi-clcceh'.- daughter, until in 1 I iivC noi ah'iir ii>; Al \ .- . ! i I i.ivr j. ,t ai-me i'u- m\ s'eliV -uhi a beautiful ilovvor one (air itid'iiilllg, usili lifted lo the-un its et e t sjiarkliiig' with tlcvulrop-. ] livelli,', aiou f. I- !:i\-e! i'. Mortai- come si'iiil gliAtl oli lue. ami 1 rojdh? my fragia.m e. ani g-> av,ay lu i11 r than ' they eiiiiiei l,o.rl miui-'.er lojilicir pere, p iiohs ila- healilirill. I ;{?\'0 lo (?ii> ina his lionev. and to the iiiseel !.'- f..., ? j | help !.. i'ioihe Iheeaiilt in ! i ; un -I li', e imi alone ivij. i?^se?lV' -aid a ! w id?,->p:,ea'iing 1 ree. "I give a happy home to a hundred li\ing fi ii.. : 1 giani s?i).port to the ,i\ing temirih. 1 the vine : l al?-..-!, ile- upxi. im Vapours! in the air : I spretai a weleoiiioi sluu|iiw; l'or urna ami beasi ;and I ino help lo , mke .arili bt-an lilul." I live noi ah.i.e n i my . if." '..ibi a laughing naauilain ;i-.ami.-;. i iviuivi thai ?ny 1. llillie IO' the ocean i- sniall. 1 ul still I am luii-lmiung lo i-ajay il iheiv. And I lr\ lo ih,, ail ihe good i ca.i . :i mV Wiiy. The (ree an i tia'daiviTr lov^ lil.\ bank-, l'.'r I give ;h. t.i !';; iiiidi iidufisii lileiil : and even the ;. ra-.-. vvjjiieh I'tads ihy ililhimiee. ha-a grem r hue. Tlli? iipi? iKtvvs tiii'? life iliid h-d'i -iu' - in iiiy wa ters, though I idi le ? * m 1 \- h -ilvcr (iireatl ; ue.-n and iiiiihiiils seek tliy brink to iissiiag'e iheir lliirsl, and enjoy the shado'.v ci'tlielrce vvliieli I nourish, i livm.1 alone for uV\ '. If." I live noi alone lor mv -eh'," sitnl :: brigiit-liucd bird :.- he -"; nd upward in to the air. ".My song- sire a ble -ino- p, man. I have m < n the | ..or man -ad and >V lid I. Iieillt <'r do I hey reap, nor gather int.. bai us : vel my iicavonly j'VdJl?)' f?edoih them. Am I noi heller than ?,\. \ /' .".mi the loo); <>f gh.oin ('hang?t 1 to i ne (,f .in ej fui ne.- s ami ?iope. I l'nc not wholly for iny-elf." I live no; .done for inysell', " should be t he language of ev cry I hinkihg. fidleeU ing mind, Jl i- the lati^iiii^e of tiut^f t:uiding lo the on!\ j ath-of ha| pine -oh eafljl. and preparing tiloson! !'..r uiiai!oy? / d Idi-.-' (li'roiigli'?lil "ihc inca- ui eh - eiuinri/i;r i f elornii v." II?J in ?- !'< ad in--. 1 ONOlv knew a man. l?ohi-tt S.. who was the youngest -.m in largo family. For some years la- resided al luauo. ?Inai by Mio vloatli < in eireumslai . ' 1 Invalilo ? I ?a Veliino aghiil forti o?nniior i l! home. liiMi?i i W|is ii ijliiol doiiijostio iihiii. \\ ho was noi fond of vravhlliiig, id' tin' on.-diu'd > ?iange cd' soeno. llial hi [>ti suits involved, Ihtllio whs a ( Iui -- (I; ':. a n-1 iheroloiv ixlliiW if w as l i-llt ' ( h aril at'ai hih ?I.? his dili\ in ihjil stillo ol lif\ t::!;.i whi?li it i - ' ple.r i : < .. ! lo ,-all him." I wa-., ilia.di s? l. il !. ij'n solini lU'Ts Ihat ho ; iyioj : ': - i I lih.??li r. in viInoli he '. \v 11*> kindy Ilio ijtiiei way ir. ?vlii? li iiiy IliVi lir-i hitiioi io pi.-ed. wij? i titidh? !::'.'. 1 :i? itisi 1 l'oli \ pry iiilioh Ilio f.!;i..-r...|;, i ; we I alwj=ysha\o a -w, t i la-iiii na iimv : i > io in\i ! hiavi'ii?y l'ai!; .1 l?- V\ imre' hi; I am in (air mi li- > land? ilieie i- alwav - (.aio wieroj'lpliioc that li;!! rail itiy ?toiiio. Theie ! tliink p? \ oii?iif iUI viti' {Uiiily engaged in pl ay er tilld jaiiiso ? lliri'o in -;>:;;l I Onil fiib?l y- li a!*. Udivo .t r .ii-lai:!. I olili Irei \,e anfibie in C in i-: .'. -r.s. W hal 1 ?;!itniltj ilo j svilii -. '.ha'!'. : :; ! a pl::. i,'ofwor-di?l) ing, ih l'ori i : di pi..; . r t. a; j. \ li '..i i. s pi :\ di go t-> fool ' ?i!;..' w. ary pilgrim-, iti' !;. .m-eh---, svilii- i ?hdvi'd lidi fir lidavenlv IV.;;..a's earth ly mai; h?iis aro > |>i li !<> u.-. ! lo lias j'ih.?| misei in una t us there,'Iddilessi tisi ladini h onr l-.l 'or llroihor. -av--. i( Aylioiio-' evi r 1 w.i or ihlt e aie gid?iOl'eii !o_e',la r in My name, (iure ani I in the niiilst." i (.>li. w ' -.w t et an ! e. .?ide-eeiid'.ii'.. \n o; ds. < -o. then, fellowdr?velli r. on the hlesspil rest of He!' S?hhaih. t-. Ili-, House, ami ! reali.:e the ioe?i?ig : ? N? mure a -ran .-r a gr.e-t. iiiil li\o a eliild a; homo. T?lftl 3 ? ; : ; ?'!' I. ov. I ill, A l?AM t i \i:ki . \v:i - a learned ami I liliali (Mei nu d miiii-t.r. Ile wiolo a ji'oiijnt?idai'y ?li the l>ihlo. Ilo wtis horii Uli III h.lid. d'heieh. an ar.eedoje told' idfliijn in hie yotUltiiii ty, and while' ho Was at w?.lh tia re, a pie, e of ehdh wa- waitted 1<> !., sei'il out whieh wa ;4iiifi of the i|ii:iii|ity it ttit'i'hl 1" he : hut ' lite ma-ter ilKi?lgld il idilllii (io liia-lo the h . gth hy a little stretehingi He llnao ii] on itnrollei] ilio e'.oth. taking hold of one i ad of i; hiinspit', and iiie hoy al tliti other. lie then said. Pilli. Adam, pall." u I caiu.ot. sir." Why." said : !:< r. lie. ::.!-e il is ' /, sir," suhl Aiiani.' and he retusod lo pa';;. I poll this the ?Uiistor saiil Unit lie woiil'i noi d<> for a lim n niannlaeliner, and seni him home : hut ihat hoy hebaiht' the 1, aiiu d P, v. Dr. ( liirke. and the I'riyi'id ;!' the l;)iik^i.?'?i; h-o-V-exi The *iriot j prim'pie ol hi tie ty in Ids youthful :igi,'? ?ii.still?i gieaii'i" alo raSoe powt-r its hi alii'i0 an i-(fei'ii:ai antidote fui' diseases . :: .;:::'..'a i- it pult d lo l'ine. Siali a re :. I r- sin c!\ Waai. W rdiiij ?etely ih:- tiniiij'i?uml \x ili do il ha - hoen pl'e\eli e\]'el iliH'iti "il In.' : ol I he W or-t i t?i !" he foli nil in Ita- follow le.: iollipltl)u?s : S-folilia. Sej-olidoll- .-\\ t 11 i.. _ - ai.d S,,|V-, Sli?il l>i-ea-e-. PinifihS. Pu>',i||e-'. I'd. 1,-he-, i'diipii?il.s.'.Si Aiilhonv - PirOi l?os'c or l'.ry -ipi h?. fi ilei-or Sali U?ii'Illii, Smaltii Iledili liniawoi Iti eie. ,sifj/iti?.ib? I'? .e/ ?' '?' / - i i-Npolirti froui Ih-- -\ -l. ni l.y the p'idloitgi 1 uso ,.f ih';- Sar -apai?la. al.ti the pali?ul i- leli in obl?i l'inni live Inalili. / '..,?('. /)/.:< ((.si ,s,ilro i-aii -ed iiy S.-i nfula ili (liidd.I, a ad are lli?s otnu -oou i un ti l<\ ' li.Nlm i ol '-ai iliii. In. noi disi'iinl iIds invaluable uieilleine, lieeaii-e Voi! liiivo iiee?i impo-i d upon l.y .-tdiielliuiij preteudlliii io he Sar-apai illa. while il y'vi is. iiol When \ mi liiivO Useii A) i n - t in n ami noi till I in n. w ill ymi know the v|rlIli - of Sar-aparilla. f or ininule par diettlar.-. of the di-ea-e- it elllt'-. We refer Volt io Aver's AiuialOaii Aimanao. wliicli the i alieni helow liaint'd ?vill lurui-h . rati-ih ad w la. cidi l(*r il. A ylilVx (\VTII.\Ki l(' l'ili-, l'or Pie in re ol t <.sli\etiess. .liilindiee. I )\ -pt'pshp lndi"e? I t l.Ol?i l>ye|ite|y. l'oli -l'in.." ii. Motti Inolio. Pile-, l:heiimaii-m. I Ica) Ihiiril ilrj-lng fr?lli 1 )i-oi dei ("I Stouiaeh. l'.?n.or Mm hid Ina. lionJjf Ilio Itbvvids. Klinuleiioy. Loss ol Aji JKil?ti)., J.i.if lompia'u.?. Iiii.p-y. Worms timi!, Mom ' .a., i lor a I i r l'iil. Tltey are -urna- ? .1. -o th:,; the .I S?n^iivedoilU i--. ie.-m p" -. !::;. . and :'.e\ aro Ilio hesl \ | > ri- ;.i ... i i. " ' -r ai! ih' purposoii of a ; i ' ^Prepared h\ d. '. Avi n.vt.... l.i.w.ll V .-..-tin'l ..' ! l ' ad l'rmj'u'ol . r lsfAKS MALSANI ?K \\ ?A) CIIKURY lm-. hceh used lor lioaih Mall .i < Voi in \ . u il h l he most astonishing ? 11? ? ? - ? in clllili;.';. C OUgllS, < oMs. I Ioar elle ... Sol'0 Tllloat. Inlltienza, \\ hdopthg Coiigh, Crotij), I.iv ei' CVnnplnint, liioiidiilis, Dilli.ailiv of IjlVsitlling, A -i luna, ami every alfeetioii of Tla- 'l'Indili, luillgs and C'liosl. < i >n -1 MITIny. w ?li. li < an ic- oifiuiiro \ i. lim- iliun nn\ ntla r ll-ea-e. ami wlileli Imillo.s ilio - Kill ni' iii.' i.Mi\ sjoluii :.. a a'.'i extent lli?in mn b?tor iiiahuh. nln ii. 1 iiii.hs ro 'i ins it km ki i% : a It- ii all others pro) |. liii-liiM luiii. AS A MKDK'ixK, i.'ap?h in i.t.i.11;p. si li ? i n I si; in it iti r. sai-i: in its ?ipiiitA i u?\. it is ( \sr/?/\iss!:i> ! vliih- a - a preparation, fro ii'tim noxious { a-; i ? di-nt . p >i o i . or min. ?-.i 1-: uniting Ivt'il, -.'ii'ii.-i' ;ii;i| in?l?ie?ld\i!ow |?dgo ? chiil i. UiHMV till tlial j> viiinaid;1 tij the v<'!>oi?l*l? 1 dii^ilmn IViti ili!.' .-la-- di-.-a-e-. il i /.Vf (>m r.\n mu.i: : al i> liii'ddt it. limiI its inal ijiv?lyo.?s ilio : ii ral otilldemo of the public, sk\ Mm li ni a Ti ii I : I :. m. i>.. i Herman. X. Y.. u lti.'- a- follows' j? i i r Mi's ?"1 Wu |> 4:*lt?-:iiisV; dVi's anivcivial s?itisiaoti?Ml. It m ian-: i'miv I ''.di '.\ lOoseililig ami eloaijshig tin an-: -. ?i al n lug ini ? a lion. Ilius rcii|bvhig ii. - ru?i.-o instead of dr\ ing up I lie <><>iig?i an.I ia\i r: (l?1 'Misi' behind. 1 obiis?ilef the 'al-fjilil a- -.'.I.".I a ^ any. if im! tin- t?t?M' 1 'diigh : ;' (!:.!;,< wjili w iil.-'i I am at-pianile." I XJ11 s< d ii i I < < i Tostit ii ?iiy. ! 'i'liiii iti'.v. PnAKi i- l.oi'.i't i i. Pa-a i- <>fdie ; ..nil' < Ti itti oliai t'hureti; i trldgcjiorl. P.I.ii...1 mia. .P.n. 1. |M.|. < ii ut ?. nun : I ? - i : ~ : 11 ?-i- il a .Inly wlileli i l.\vi? io -utfei hm litiuiaiiilj id l>< lir testimony | -tli.' virtues of Int. Wisriii's IIai.saM oi Vila) ( 'iiidint I lia\i< ii-?iI ii -when i havi- ? >e0:i>inn for any remedy for t'OugUs, l'old?. | r SofC Tlifoii! for many year-, ami lioyit'l', n a - ? : i _ 11 in-tan..', ha- il failed to relieve aid ."ire mo. I have ffe<||i?ntlv lie'en very tOavse oil Saint.lay. ami Ibbkeij forward (i) | in. delivery of i \\. -erinoiis on t lie f ?||ow hi" lay with Slid fliisgivii) . Itili h\j a lil ral ff-Ilio i hi Haiti no hoar-eness ha-JHWhi-ii'l\ ioen reinovoth it I iti I have proaott^Kviilioul lilUculty. ^ I oahiinciid il t>> my hvetUi?ii in Mie mini--( ry. and lo pilhlie -peaUer- o. nerally. a- a t iiitahl : eiiloil.V for die hrom hial iro ihle- to I vhh hW i .1 e J.eell'iial Iv i \po i .1 l.'mirely ilns,ii|ii'?jc?h I -eiid yiiu tjiis h|Mi-; lioiihil, whieli yon afe al iili?l ty m u.-o in my Wiij ypn ehensc, p. rhap- the ! . - not all*-. ', idi p?i'.miis aiikp; hilt ilalway einoyi's my li.-ar-ei;.--. and fu-ine fdi' ttie liiuhVier'.- h.n-i woi?.'ni:: ?I iy the ! \ < ry ir?ly \ em -. I 'i:.\n. i- I.? ?i:m i.i. I'hli'lhrl' I HS'ol U'it ?<1 'l\>sli Aloiiy. \l!!l ii;t.i>, Mo.. April _?>. Piti. de--r. Si;'i ii \V. I'ov. i.i. ?v ? it. j ii iith'iin.;ii : ->e. iiig niun- rou> eenifieate 'i tue Maine l'afni?r eudiii'.mig the niehhs of hat l>i eat hiillg Ih iiiedy. \\ is i'a h'fs i'.Al.-' -AM I I Wii.l? < lll.Pl.'V. I am iialtiecil. iij|i I iaUe groai |iloa.siii?' high'higijit?hli?lj.v .. the hreili eiii'i' il iii'ohinpli; liOil in my iiiilih . I \ .?r I Sit '.. I 'in '.ii'.: 111.- -uiiuner of i tial ar my soil. Il< ury A. Afplior. now Po-t iiiyijot* til l-'iiii liehh Soiiieisi't ( 'oiiniy. Mo., .a- iit?iiild'd W'ilh -pilling oi Mnoth ?'oii^lii ! vvakue- of lin'igs; ami -mueral deHlily. -o a'uoh so jtiai ..ur faiuily piiys.iehin di elai^il jiiii :.. have a - i \ i:i> ( ossi M l-1 los." ; do w :. - lindit a., .li. I i i t ai meni for a ittiiit .. r of mom h -. Lm i ooeiveii i|o lioiipiit from ; !. At lengl In1 fi olii ilio soiieliilllpli of.hilii' . 'a' ami . ilar-. I wa- iialiioial lo puroliaso tiii< iiotiie of \\l>fAh'S PAl.sam <>l ?vi lit) < ll!'.i:i:V. vviiieli U?iielitoii him - ' illli'll thai 1 Olttiitliod an oilier bottle, wjlioli a a -b n l iiiiio ri'siiirod him lo liis n-iial -lale if heallh. i Iliink I caii safely recdiiuiieiiil hi- feiilody 10 oth.-i> in like roiidiiioiii for it j -. i ibink. all ii piirpoiisio hp?T??K Cula i lii'x(? li i \; i i o itti: ini: TlMl'.S ! 'fhe ali?v?- -ta'emeni. gi'hileni?in i- my i'iiliiu'.iii'v idlei'iiig to you in favoV * it* youi P.a'. -ai!!. alai i- al > our ili po-al. A - ever. your-. AM'ia:w AnC'Hldt. 1*1$ICR OSE DOlJtAll A 1iQfT.LV:. }>\?Y.\'\ lli??i ItV Sl'/rii w . |'0\VhK a son. I> 'I'jitl iiost S l'Iti a r. P.o-ios, ani? 11 it; - via: I'.v all i.Ol- i -' 1VAHK VAX SKWINC? MA CHINKS. I'riee: Phtili lini-n. ^?? ami S?n : - w iih eM ra-. >' I''. i" S H'o. 'fhe only fu-i Oliiss fa eliseti ami w arranted inaohiiie -ohi b -s than '- "." |?Uiiin john l>. < LAPP, AMAI'. Inn TitlvMON i. Po.- ioN. PP.. ral n i in - lo dealer-. *, ;,)" fhe new \inolino Kinhroldery doift |... or.h r. j TI te I 51 li rriioii^ ?M I c I NOW READY Ol-' TUT. : ?.MWER: LIFE i>T One Volume. Price $2. ILUHU & MOUGI I TON, PUBLISHERS OF standard .ii;VKSihK and .mis C/KU a n l'.< u s 1u ioks. no Till liltoo.Mi: m, Xiw Yoijk, PUBLISH SIX MONTHS AT Til K aa7 ."li-3."IT? HOU SE \v iti r ABRAHAM LINCOLN /.' ) /'. /.'. I . IU/WX / /:/:. a i: i /s r. I Vol. IGmo. Price $2 Road What the Press Says: II.- wa- inon- than a pamor. for In- wa a rollili mi' human nature: ami lie studied the character ol' ilio ili-tia^ui-lu i| -nhpi-i (if ni- ait until Iti1 lKiOaini'lliurouglily ac<|ti;dnt i ?I w it 11 it. ? \\ 111 : ? I -11 i: (. A/i.i 11:. it pr.-eni - tin' groat man at limilo, ill ?lio ?Vooi>-\\ill. Mr, ('arpcnlei' ili.-lu'- up lii- liilr?. plain itt?l with all kinds of -.nice-, we bave hhi) itlnllC, Idle, ami hii -y. in hi- i abiu.-i. pcaoi'iihliViinil anfiijioul.s Iio, a- jlliljii', -i-ltlii'i'. lawyer, i aib-piitler. irili?of Torresi ami I toot It ; aoior lum-ilf. angry father, I he iudillgciil liu-baml. Ibe ?$(0 ry-tl'llor ... In fai t, what the honk din - mit tell of Mr. I.incubi i-probably not worth In i 1 tu" lobi."? N iw VOltK V.\n:i:-s. CARPENTER'S BOOK is a mxm. II ?K I) cv MOl.TiirrON, riMMiisiikus. I.V.i liuooM k Siuia.r. Ni;w YOliic, sitS'l UV MAIL. l'?fcTAOji l'Ali', i Olt t wo Doi. l.AliS. Ao'tM i ts Wmi((M? ALL OVER THE COUNTRY to SKU, 'I'HIS HOOK A LIBERAL DISCOUNT MADE r IMI IS IXI II l' IN l '. A Wc.U\ Journal, published ovorj Thurs day in New 1 ork, and circulated ia every Shite nl'Ui? Union. Kdilod by TilliODOMO TI LTON. I'lii - .Unii uni advocates, to (ho best of il < ability, every Slrii?-!>lht?i. Moral Reform ol' I lai Tini?, il i tikes adVaueed views ol' Pol ities, L'oeonstrtiellon, and Kquul lights. It 'adioVos in iln- I Velaration of halepeialeiiee. and steadfast l\ endeavors ?oe?iivorl Ilia A nicr'nan People l?(hositino faith. Ii respect Principles, ami. for Ili? sake of those, ci'ili el/.eS Sii'lt and M??SlU'Os. Il i- L'adi. al in it_ aim-, inipnl-o-. and eiterjiios'. Ii- palesare i inieheil by coiitribiilions frolli ili.' b?st know ii aii'l bost-iovod Writers in Atnorlenii I .il? rat nr.'. Il- li inaiai dopai 1 nielli Is th? w<>rU <>f many pOliS, all having mio f^iviii [airpbso ibo I'HcVtuioii of Maii. n hits roi?; u|iir correspondence fr?itl Porci?it P?iiu/rios aild from ini]?.rialti |ioiti|s in tin- L'lihcd Sillies-, At presetil, il has ti Iriivoliiiiff coi4* respondent in thoSoiilh, who make- week I v reporis ol (he condition of Ih? L'chcltinits stai. -, li publishes every week a Sermon by ilio (l?v, iloiii'y Ward ?ioeehOr, lakon while fresli by a siiort-hahd reporter. Ii has a special doparlineni of ('oinitiel'eial ami Pin?m-i?i Iiiiolll*?ei?0o, Which, ii is b?lieved, I- se?oild to I li it of no Journal in Ainei iea for pains-iakhi" accuracy and uoknUxvlod?!.etl ytlhiy. It dOVotoiS a llb?f?ll Ooril0l\ every Week, n. ih" y-.iui;;- i..1I.-. by fin ni-hiiiy. a Cltiidroirs Column, containing both auiuso iaoiii ami Instruction. Ii publishes a Onrc i'lll lli"<-l ol all tin- N. U- ol the Da\ 1.1.Ill Sci nlar and lhdl?Kais~,i>ivin : Uy Mail, ."-j .".ii iornil iaiiiibo: ^. in a.l. : i * ? *" '! "o " *'_' tiller:! month-. ?| 50 ".J " ah or a months. Delivered hi New York or P.rooklyn. I.y . airier. M e. n!- per year :i.I IiIi >11:11. il by IIKNL'Y ('. IIOWP.N. No. ,'. Itoekltutii -t reel New YorK, GET THE BEST ! PltlN?J? & (JO AS PATENT MKLODEONS. AUTOMATIC OKGANt?. and St'HOOL ORGANS iibllTV l lliH sAN'U NOW IN l Sii. I'.vi u\ lNStl.1 mum W.m515an |t;?> l'.u; l'i\ i: Yl'.aUS, No ehar'.'e for hoNlin>' or shipping. I'aia |om_r. - and I'ri'-e Liu -en: <>n application. All ?.ni ?rti and eoiiuiilinioatlolis sliotjhl be addressed lo F. P. WHIT5NC, s7 pillion Si.. New York. Dobbins' Electric Soap* A CRBAT DISGOVERV? Timo. Momy. Labor, Clolhos, and Woimn Sii V?i. I ! W 11 ii 'fui - So ve a < it i i.i ? ( ' w Do Tur. Wash in a LAnoit PamUA '. 'I'o enumerate all lie- advautay..'- of usiti# Ibis reinarkabh' soap would require il lar^o s|?aee. We only a-U lhal ev?ry fiun?ly giv" it one fair trial, confident thai the rost ill will be highly -ali-fa.-lory. j li i-u-ed by eiuiimr into -n ail 5bavhr#s aiid dissolvili?- hi libi water ; ilnn soak ilio I elodie-ni Ilio -ml- live lo len miti 'e-; then a Utile band rubi'ini:- ivill iiiakc (beni as ?l?an a- hours of hard inal bine nibbing w ould do w iib oi dinarv s:ap. j Kull direction- itooiStnjanty oitoh bar, j Poi: CLKANINO PAIN I' il Ints no oqiial, as ii leaves lite paini brighi and .elo-.-y. re ?pilri?lj? no brush. l-'ni: WASllINti PLANNKLS, OASI? M l'.ll PS. WOOLLKNS, ole.. i<,is Invaluable. Il make- Ih? hands soli, ami white, and will noi injure the ino.-l delicate fabric. It is used wilh enlhc satisfaction in the fa mil ics of Lev. Al.l'lir.nCoOK.MAN, Lev- S. THOMAS, liov. Ih l.D. Piamiai. Ih v. A. M ansiuc. and many oilier inembers of the Philadelphia I Conference, to w hom wo refer. Please try il. Sold by i;k. FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS THE HOWE LOCK STITCH. Til I:sK WOULD-liKNOWN101 ) skwixc Si Arii inks ||< ; < ?imtuh 1/ ///< in'ijlirsi pi'cuiikon ?t (he ii (i/7(/'.\- / <</ \ x. (ill, o..w Arc ic|. l.rati il l'or doing ilio best work, us ili;: a marii smaller needle l'or diesarne (bread 1 bau any other machine, and by Ihe introduc tion oi ihe niost approved machinery, we are now alile lo Jfiippiy (he vei\V hysl machines in die vyorld. Tlios? machines are made ni our le u ami spacious Pa?lory nl Ih'liigi'port; ( ?im., ninler ihe immediate supervisioa ol' Ihe President 01' (ho (.'ojnpauy, PI.IAS IIOWK. .II!., (lie original inventor oft he Sew ing Maehine. They are adapted lo all kinds o|' I'amih Sew ing. Army ( lothing, and to (ho use Of Seainsircssos. Dress Makors, Tailors, Manufacturers ol" shin-. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks. Mantillas, rhuhing. I lats, Caps, Cor bel-. Pools, Shoes. 1 lai ne->. Saddles, Linen (foods, l.'uibrellas. Parasols, eie, They work eijiedlx well upon .-ilk. linen, woolen and colion gomb with -ilk. eoitou or linen thread. Th'ey will soiiin, quilt, gather, hem, l'eli, eordi Inaid. hind, and perforiti .every spCe?eS "i M'wiug. making a beautiful and period siiteli, alike on both shies of Ihe articles sow Lai. The siitelii invented hy Sir. IIOWK, and ntadti on this Maehine. is ihe mo-i popular I hikI durable, tout nil iSVikith/Jlacfn'nfsar&sl?.kt /'. i'( /m//(. I nurifih ini'i ii'i / f/oMUlOl >/, ii'.l'.l IlKOAUWAV, I ni;. I'.U'KIII Sr.. X. Y, iiunis. CLERGYMEN lilrni?iie.l with If lie Illusi raUMl IMirciiolo^leal Journal; d. voiiil to Edntology, Phy.-iology. Phi'oii , tdogy, riiy-iognoiny. I'h-ychology. ele.--at ; < lull rale-, si ..'tu a year - Single N'o.'s 21) els' ; To ol lu i -, a year. Premiums, ol Melo ilcons. Pianos, SovV'uig Machines and Hooks are en by S. R. WELLS, Publishor, 389 Broadway, N. y. ? " our mum folks l'il brimful of delightful enlerlahiiiicni for juvenile readers-, -lories, fables, charades, rebuses, enigmas, and exquisite wood engra vings, li i- beyond t'oiiiparisoii ihe best jv V?llilo magazine ever published.--Hulf.i > P. \ press. livery boy and giri in Anieriea should hiivi) it. Tkh.MS : Two dollars a year : Single >[ Specimen Number, JUeelitS. every saturday I- eiiiletl froii) (he rleh and wide held bf our ri nl foreign literal lire. Prom (he immensi? storehouse of lingll-h and Co tfu.ontal maga zines and papers (hern have been taken the Choicest sitoi'l stories, thrilling advoulures, OKCjiiisito poems, historical skiaolios, soieiill flo iirdeles, raey essays in biography nini criliei.-ni. The selections are all lipide with the object of meeting; the lastes of American readers.? I'hibi /??/'?Vi r. Trial.-: Single Xuniber. 10 cents; s.", a year. !t!CKNOR& FIELDS, Publishers, ROSTON