?: jARLEST'>fJ, G. C., ?5 : vt'* i-r?ti y, Al a t?. ii oil, \ &Q"? ; I .rf.. H.. OH'>:?j; -. - . IkiM?it. SJ>, Vi, .IM.W.I.? - - Art.JOOIA i ii Rn ITO Ki Tijw ksc^jNSTauo'tioi'j ?.jv.r,. V-ite text oftIiis hill, i t S>.L (Niii.-iitit ?'.i' tyd.Amendment and the rtupplemchar, j V?\\ h doubtless familiar tn the litaj?r?.y ; .,-? rkudcrS (.?j* tltO /.-.i/;/-, ti tl il til'". I-llil U.V.- I t h *.?*. idleet. iu our Situ?.' polities ure lir?b?li-1 ly .yell u?i^^?tt!1, The :;ii;.t.*i I:L. i.t.i.y bili is ucidgin- 1 t" | jii.i-u^uii.iu prac,n al part rn'tin- ?Vi?:;; j ni' '/iooiii',! ' ri'.i-i ion in harmony with tito j H t ?.I i ey " rd '-'ii j, iv--i, th.- will u':'tho people ??nil tili- desuhy of the na-iou. lt jin vid?s los tin.1 i '.}? bl nu inn orviitors ; r.pecil??s thc L?ilrtO Vvit'ita V/Ili?',l\ it .-h::'l h? doiiO, lllO I (imo lor thc oloofcio.ii ni' I >cIO^MI< ? l'.?r tho j Convent mi:, ia ;i word, J ?ed all ilia* is i v- | '.vyjiirv to sot tho.lui' in. il'btiUn i; ivorgii-'j ii-i?i ?lie iSt.iu .t.?'j^or-i'iiK'iit mi .Itu bap?'* ol' e-.ual rights ?-i!'! universal sujirago. Regis. tr.irs will bc appointed ?'ur each Ch:oti?u j)??'tr?vjL, and every malo ?iiixOnl who has resided within .tho iStu'.y ooo your \?roi ?OOH . ?.-tho election to he hohl after lim iv-jis ti?ti? n, anil who is li.iii disipialifiod l?ypar l impution in tho roUylltoii or t r crime, bl ih?. tige ol' ?>yohtY-o?i? vo.irs will lio allowed io ^?u\ticc~. . -. .?Ths) CBiVai'ehiB?? viiiiially all ?ftlie h-hick. population ol' tlio|} Soul horn States, di.-.frunchirk's a j>.irt of tho white, eoniplciOS tj.o. ov?rthroiv ol'thc rebol lion tutti agrees \Yi-jji Andrew Johnson's previous touti bie^jtc-b To be inoro jmrlieular : .>'Y.''??-lt removes the freedmen, from the cpjrCssioii ami ?iijiisiiou which would result IVuin the Legislation ol'his former master. iif!??f?d-lt, confers o [.on him the high iii iyeleijro.'- of eiti/.euahip. . " .'{'?hirii-lt establishes a republican form .4 government, ja that it secures ?}io i'igot to, vote to tho majority ut' inhabitants or vu:n within the Stttt? who aro not log-ally excluded. Fourth-It o~! ?.i>li.-.l;oj the authority ?iud power, o!* tho national tjovcrumcut air, nukes treason a crime. I'}tfth-lt places within the lvu; ;V?f tlie friends ol*freedmen and th?! U.hiorith?: eoutrol ol'thc State and will doubliez, for that very reason, exercise a hene6,ce,ut in fluence ou iti'^aiuktinl- FSCOUrUrncXiou and iurtiicr development of its resources, llc iiponkibility will quiekeq aud slrengthcn i'ue tlu?u:-:imls of uolored mon how withiu i Kc ISUilo and a liberal policy will invite hiborora iu tibuudanco, and :i New South will rino l'roio the blackened mi mi whiiih onshroiid our hind, bearinu ihr same staph: produot-ious,. but di.-burdeucd nf .shivery ; and crowiiod with 'liberty, sh^ll celip:?u ill i th''it come before iu glory and groutiies?;: "flT.v^K THE UiJCJICS, This L-l tho werie always done on a ni.m ol-war jirevioioi to etigtigeiiiont, in order that no rubbish ibay inti riere v jib. Ibo free usc of the guns, iii ul (li?t thu deck?; intiy be freely traversed, ll' ever there was a t ilne when efforts should be made to "clear thc decks" of the newly oonstnicbid ?ic cessioa't.) tlie political navy nf this State, thal finie is now. lt is fast drilling into >ho waters where Hie irrepressible eonlliet is going on, it wrll.soon be one qf thc comba tantoi and its powers ol' endurance tearfully tried. To meet, those exciting moments nud pa>.n through conflict succe&s'Yd?y and ennui ont victoriously*, we need first lo come-to ?onie agreement as to our plan of aetfiyit iu. Lheui. We need to form u groat, ?c^w-d.. and substantial political phitl'orni having ?tri foiiudiillon nu the eternal prin ciples declared by the illuslrioiiii fathers, vis ; That all men are j rec M ni crpial, and ??hid -Qovorimieotts derive their.jjiist powers from the consent of the gpverii?d,;.and.'t'h?ii to udvocati; jbe.-io pi'inei'ilcs . l y c.ydry. meaUH at out command till their be a strong politioi?-pariy furinod comprising a majori.'.y of.ho vote^; limier the military bill nov in tho Stat?. Po^p^iiti?iilj piuT'^c?} y^c ?.mst ignore all rio. ?al distuiens ?uidchurKh li^iuUiric*j, forget the p:ust and live to tho preFeut apd look lo thc glorious futuro. Thii: niustbe done at once, or comruonocd at once, if w.: Aol ila scevtr^ ?u; triumph we'dei-ire, or wo M-' iy lind oiu:;vl.'.'t-fl lui. ii class, *' Saddled rtlld hrhilyd* carry ?ny our pl'Oleiiilod ii inu'ls but realj.'iieniies into phioe and power ?yid our liiii'VCi^^il.^ turnout, like tjiat n?? {he careless hii?^ndpiftii w hos fields b..d bepu slr?wn, witjii perifiieion;* V.-.r-Os by hitj enc uno* ?yljij? idepl,., . 1 need; i?Vt- Wffltf. tho iinportaneoju? poliiieal union, umftiif' (ho Colored people of ibo Slate npr. '.\y. ?find of a pnlil.ii-i>-? oi"iH.il to. which. ?di? cap subscribe, lor I ciiniio*. connive that ihcrn ijj or can be any diiTejrot>e?i of opinion ex riting aiming ourselves or. ijriciitL; nil tliese .l!<-ll..ll?. TU? Oliv t J tl OStiil tl to lui S(it f K tl 1 n-nv M as to tho method of Iii biging it ?fl -\'-:; I lyn it llm,Vnhm to lu? i ?Vv .(?. I . ? ? ' an. tit.*, it |i?.!itir'.-i- rn/* ! ihial; ti.,- ?'..-i i tili.lg li.-; jMst.v a tJioi v?li?ll 03illV?t**-iil??": ?.11 ? ..?1! ?li-' i j iii- 'IM..-- .ri! \\iv-?? i-ii ..j,if ptvtviij ' jliilitic;!! .iii:;';-, i, t'J jiiciiii of i Itt? j nv'?, 'tint.{i hud pirrpit, A inn!, i v U vdi tho / .?i-'.,- i-,;u t;,|>(. :l vcr, liii-jio hluivc ::it.l I. <|:nVr?l.v hope will ?ir?vo liois?ll' eijua? tu ? 'liv '...] .. ".;i?i i.'. ::;?d lo- p.u:, ?d?l ii s. Kui!..w .t.. \n].- diacassiott ?i-i Iii. iv collie . rn iii ..!. . l.ristM of :i iiii.itV lo whioll i'm- hhiok ii:.i.i vail coii.-'i-icntini.th ?i;.ii without prii ?tidii'? lo hi.-i ?.i:.'i\ :-? .K--.DUI ?;, ;:.!.ii,-ri'. tiiiii , .lu j..--tlor Ji.llt ul' i hi? Wu::, i i! :?.;. i : ?liV ihiv.it i??v poli ill ihe kt-pc illili th\ suhjuCt aiul ijuoUioh.? ?u?it.'iii;i t it will ?H t?l.: ?i iiji by i.?tl?..;r? and lu ll jiu-iioo liiiliij I tlslm. .lt i'li?K'1 ! : (Ml! pcojit?j nt la;-:;o illili ! S?llollld lie ?Viii*ly discussed li?. thom." A N IM;::: > :<' T?J? l'A! Al?OD"5f Oil'1!' Tho great tdtttriiy-gift o? George TV.t hodv. Iv'q... {'o* tho benefit ol' tito .South i: ; I...in!': applied fur by tho hu in: ry ones, with j am.T/.ing rapidity.. I?Jhu*::- aro on !*..?. it (oj oi.j?y thc benefits ;ii thc earliest possible I ilitu:. Tho whites, w it !. i He ir ??stuii silirow?!- ; luv.-? lind ounuitig. ave appropriating sui hil lilt Iv illili, it will all bc.absorbed ia til ..hurl i i nia. lt li a pity that a certain liait hii-1 nut hoon specified hy Mic donorforlho Ibericiit ul' I ho cn! g red y out h?'; or, that tho |.s<'icctjoiLoi' ii. limn luioxocutb tin; will of . ino donor lind' not h on thoro happy, l'y thc timo a person is t'oiind willing tu give tho duo proportion to tho colored pooplo in South Carolin:?, the appropria!?cit? will till haw Inion made, and tl loro will ho *. mt moro loft.'! if Mr. Peabody hud sedated Mr.-Viagoer, iVm. NV ha ley of (.hiv. Mag rath, lo carry out hir-will, tho colored poo ! pic might have stood a tolerable chanco they woro out and ('on federate:-', aid i u}; tho Davis? government iibovo board-and whoh a chango carno they iiiaufiilly accepted tho ?i?ualiou-ami tu- vote f'<>r (huir old ??.masters;*! and yoi, ho was tho owner ul niuo hun dred^ nud. niuety-njne at tho saino timo. /Such a num.cannot ho trusted. Wo lear for tho poor negroes' interests, il" left in ijUch hands, Giv? us au opitu foo and a fair light, and wo will trust to luck. " He who Dionis my pursw, guts trash-hut bc who robs mo of my gund name Likes thai which will um n?r?ch him, hut leaves ino poorutiti ?.i.vrahlo." Tho negro, wo trust, will- knpvv how to trent suet: canting hypo Orite?, who, .it iio:?rt, .-.re tmi:(is? to their country, and onoto.ed lo llio ucgi'O-yet. have nut tlie uiaiiiiiicsi to ?vow lia ir tnio si?tiii?.i:id--j. IJmier tia: gHrl; Of loytilty, thev sock to carry on tiroir lulai iou.-? doa I-I iugs. WITuT; TUM ?.'OUN'TJi 'Z lil'? B13?? GVIT SJL? 1S? TiiliS Ki..?..l?Nsl 1X13?Ol-* I,':; M I\TUiGKO. Amid tl?e rovoiutious iiicidoat to nation al prbgresi, there aro riw.iy.-i doulitri en tortained among tho host anti vascrit ? ! men. tis tu whether tho changua in life :uo fur (li.: hon. ivl?otlior I he iiiotc-'iiro.s, -now in their boaring? ?inti i-".:-i'lt- - will justify tho hazards in ijiior'tion. mid i uto rosi-? su momentous to thc well-being of mankind ? '.flu: fm roo aud rapid tide of Rep?bli ca unim which swept over Fr?tice' during the days of Robespierre, Danton ami their compeers, with all thc purifying rn 1 elec trifying i.it'iucuccs wdiich l/ihoity couW give to TX nation, were hut the initiatory tstops in thc great (Iratun of a people bound ing forth to a higher and moro dij/mfiod na - tional chanicter. It is true ihr?ti. crowned hoads wore dissatisfied, jieors nnd lords were disturbed, the aristocracy-that old ridic of barbaroui ages-wore di.scomflted ; h-.it,, tho people-the grent, niasscH-were eiilianohiseii. rnceived their birth-right, ami thc beautifid (joddoss of Liberty, tim mol her of us id I, waa enthroned. Conservativos of that tnr.o deplored tho diistril?vipu of government ; 'i constitu? ion al liberty/' they unid Wits fast roved ; law and ord ut- had no pince in which tu dwell, [said they, ii ut ihuy spoko for lrinmt?clvcs, not lor the people. Tiny deplored tho loss of power, place anti preferment ; wi they were opposed lo tho government cre ated hy the pnople, Dut tho rc^i'lts in Franco have proved that involutions never, go baokwnrdri. They pnrlf) and H c.-li ab i l?tate. , a nation. J.)id Fiance rink into insignifjcaiu'o nftor her in/cruaj trou-j yes? i Did JOtigland lust; hpr power audi iidJiicnco aftor ('roiuwoll hail guided tjjo behn .nf sf'ftlo and humhle.d tho proud riris locr.'u y of ibo roiilm? Did/A marica ?ink , hito, '^uuiuiiiy after- ;?b? I':??] iuicoe?sfully i ?ici lJ?o [opposing U?rta of K i ig Gen . ll aa there been degradation entail- |: .?! upon tho u.-'t'ii.l.iMf.s of tl.,. . \ylid roi-io li up in I heir n:i_-l?; and hurled iVm power, hi" II- 11 i'j M - ffi y j" iii;,i.'t! Ub?riy ?tithc ??'r?*c?ii- li ?I thirteen Stales '/ No. Tho gc.ti'.tv ot' j v I?,I>yrty which iioipired IM(r:?!< leiirv, .loi- ' iors?iij Washington, and their en! ,,. ... v. i . prepared ibo way fm- llicir de a nd i;.:.- lo| j j icliiovo ii higher iliis! ?liv. Tlnt-.u.io pri ti- L L-rpii'H \v?.?.'!i matte tho Atmnie.ris ii . iii |. di which cost ;i: uti- ?::v:i ?:!..:-., ifior ' 11. * i r | lil?oratii>h;i'ri?in ihotipjui ??.nu' t?,iglit?i?l, j VVjll j;:v?-1 . ; ?u- colored titrtti in tlio'li* liii-t '.. ' .li-' i?iji'j i?iij.R:tii'i-and wiil i'iiaiiiict tit?'ut j :1.?-..;: ..i iftl ibo changes :.;;.! iiliiiiiaioly j liriii?: t'.oiii iiito i : i v' happy ix'i.li/.alioh O?T ti'- IVOCI.O?.?, which isa prop?: :tji]?v?ie?;i iioii ' I' the b.me'.V.y (if" gnvciiimcnt .'iud po! ?th-? ? biMieSt,-V Ly -Win change i:: vari ? way. Tho canst a tit ir- I lit at inn cottscijitcttt ii;.i.II thc . : : - in* ' ii:-?-- | in?iil ol' :-i> In; ;-.' a m? ii h a* ni" cili/.oh:-, will j lio '. otded. M ht n.'sis ami ni.-a"o lions I .I! - . ." .-I .viii inca;?1.;ra iy cease--rolitiifeiice anil luu tii -.! j.;.nnl-v.'ill will be t tstaidi.'-hed rttitottj? j .-iii i-l.i- iv-cur i'.'ero.s.s being iilctitital. mir ciVuit? will -lu- harntouintiF. Tho ool < <>irl niau icciii.i; thai ho is .".t> ?mpor?nijl jj.:::-: of tho govorniiieut. will ??.':k lo site-1 lai? tho iansc: I ?et nt;a fit "?zen ?if tho Siato, I h? v.iil fe?! till titi) j - r : . ? ?? ol' a participant jin ht r ititiiiiiy. lier poUtfe?l iufluciico iii ! tho iiiitiotitii a!ii:ir:> \?il! he a m:.t(er'Ol'coil j?latil coiUiid-j.a?iou to ii titi--thc rot urn ?it I election lit y's--thi? contests lt ir oilieo-tilt Iduerous diities which will devolve nj?ott hiin as a participant in thc (r/liiry. til"?th<: whole nation will hispir? h i ia to efforts vjj'ltU'h v.'.ili addi to Ute prosperity ol' thc I I M 1 . . - t I iititiou. .! ho addition lo tho coiitincrco ol jllu: couittry is an important coii.-iitioritt.ioii. Tho four millions ,<[' pcp pk made citizens hy Congress n i ll ho encoi:r:ige;P to roiii?iii ! in. and '! jvolb-p? tito resources ?if (ho So?i h. I Their w.-ittv ! oing multiplied hy tho ri iin ji nt: ii:flm neon ol' education ?ni?) en.hrJitoti tiiout, tin y will rc.-niic a larger amount of mercan ti le interchange lor till tile coiiiiiio diiics of ira.lo. Tho result! will bo a inure general circulation of mot??..;.', a !tr_:er r.-.a^o of Lu. inc.- rotations, ii nioi?i I oxteitsivo coniiucroo and a larger rcvt'iiui t?> tho national Treasury." Tho war dcb! will bc umr.; speedily paul, tho mineral, a. well tia thc agricultural rosoiireoii of tin laud will be developed, atttl every branei of labor receive a new" cnorj?y. V? hilt politioiait.-i ws|l Uavc al?riror field iuwhiol i to labor; yet tho people will bo fa ?cnriiih?j; tho dui icu ot' citizens, and tin country will ho saved from a po.u.-uliilUy o another relioUi?u or itii??iial |!&t-?"'-'y l*" Uh, tlt^a. r^.i?:, aoeepl Ute dtr?cwiii-i vf Frc vid?uo? and do our unt ie.-.. REI? Iv -B T A ? \ ^ M ASS Ml;:iO'.L,T.i>sTa . i A laf jrc and otxtiit.-ia!-i i .. -:v : '"' w.t- Itel ?ni 'i'iiur-tav c\cutr.ji tit the Military I Iii! in Wt nt wi nih St. t-> a?lopt :t phil li i Viii I'tirth rop'.ibliciitt liar:-.'?nal take tho initteory .-(oj lor prop n ii:;.r r. jdationu for the State. Theimoeiiiit?v?as caile.l i.i ."'ii-;' Ly oliiiir'uiitn of'a c.Sininittoe awpy-n-'od ..t ?.?i vii'its moctiuti, ll. iltnlt'e .Moore; ?in LipviKti hy prayer hy Hov. ll. il. C.tit j Next ibliowo* i ric rcr.diii;.* iif tliii report ? i the comiiiittoo iy l?ov. iv .1. .V .nt--. T say the !t-?\.-;t ol* tho re J ii ?rt, ii i* "i;.; ii. hi cr?Jiiit.il)le to th - eottiitiitteo ititi! can an 1 .should 1. '. endori-ed hy every colored citi'/A ll' the Ctittt'iilttSlity. Tho re.t.lia;.-. ol' the platlbviu was i'.?Slov.;o hy a masterly speech ny tho llev. {icntiv man idiiiyorofunivo;*^;! MI/Va?ni L u: portiii^ ihorciiohit?omi o'Tcrtitl. Ilcclaimc lin i v?mal Kuliritge, lirai, on the ?ruiiiid t man's volition, stat iii?; that iiavini.' a rii'.l lo cliche Iii:; j.ur.-'iit.- iuliic and tho I Inri li would worship, il follow. <1 ?.l-o that li should exerei-o timi ritrht in th? choice < the rulers hu would i-'ei-vo. Ile. tux! OH the objections tb?iid'id pu th? ihbap.-i?ity < the blacks, and completely overthrow thei by citing their coiidiict in the late ph jaie: btru^^le. Ucclahntaiil thirdly, its thc phi reward that could he given for their ion years of sn fieri uti' and unrctptitcd toil, titi their uti waving fidelity to (he hat iontil go"! orin.?ent. Again he .'idvocafed it, heeau..?u t abridge sufl'rage was itieonipatiblc with th gCiiiutJ of rvipublicttni.iin. Fifth, Leeann union cannot? bo aceurctl without, it an cHaraetcris?d il as tho only means of th tehee hf our liberties. Ile here staled th; lilt! polit ical Cijuality here secured wan vor tl i ire re ni from siirinl ?<|tt:ttil.yahd rct^tirkc j "thai ho would sh'ttidcr if ho tiioiitrh! th measures advocated would hringthis about lest .soiiie. h?w drunken while enemy woiiP orrep t?i his lirosido^riiid marry lils daiighter lie chiscd! amid iiiiinen.ue cheering, ll' wtts Polloweil hy llev. Mr. (Jardo'/.o, win tit! t vorodi an ti ppr? ?pr ia Ci:: Hpeoeb teem i ut yiU\\ execlleul ad ??cc lo memheT.-. cj' I in i?ar|y-.'ind iibduiitlihg willi caitlin,i and i\is ni'tmiaatjng warning. Space will nut per inil iog?TC a l'ej'"!! of nil dial \.i :Uihl. Mr. < ardc/.o was .-tn-.vi del by Kev. M..I iiith'lph, wini soon eiipliVstird every o:irj . Ki- sallie* ul* wi I and ii??irily rxpref-shiii. I Me> ?rs. ? Vi.:'!;; . Mil foll * 11 it??0 in l-l"' ! ?s?f.iud perl ?Vu II! si ct-..li.-. A resolution 'I as oil. roil l>v Mr. S. I.. \U nm if pr??poi- j ;? l !.. i ali o?'a M nt, j ?oil vi/ist ion -.vi:Was : ?..??'?..I ! , :iii>iiii iiiijr, :.?(o? which s: asi- h ..ii !'..;. :nl jnuniionl boih'j piti. ll;?- Itieeiini: ' Mourned', tn meei mi (.'?iii?i'l .. iii tv mi i . .-ii .>.! I mtsil.'iy afternoon, a? ?iOehick. Ki'v. ii. il. I'aili; .-: a t1 (Inti lliit iS'h'fh] ... o I..i: ... ii, ? i i !.. iii: o . 1 .. j .. .j .Iit?.'li WM i? .*' i .-.il with i'hi'.i.'r?'i ? 11 ; J tii.^i! .Monro fiiiiioumvii s,i.*n t fin- j 'lil* crowd IiiiMi dispersed anil sil-juro sOmi'j i'ijriiiHi pio!nii:nl i:. I tic voiietsiblo hail (hal j ....td t?-i.*ch :.; ' Itoilk .1. 1'. M. K-M.h:-:. ?. I'M Haialulj i.. ! li. C. i.h?iari'.j. Kl,; ( ?an.or.o, ???iii?. J i iVtiiK'l niai V. . .J. 15 i io. iirinitf or co.MMiirTKri :iv?.? iii;;.1, INION i.::;i ::i.!'\w l'.vhi'V; .."ll ,'t n' t !i C V ItViiVl il A . WiitiiV.\r?, ti'.e iouiidi r? < \' ''al repul?-: lie ba.-ed thc .same oa the solf-cvident liait ll '. th.it ult lura ruo eroated otjual. that iii.", are endowed hy i li? sr Creator with certain iiialioiiahlo rh-his ; that atuout; tli.?*?.?: aro lil'.-, itboriy inn] lli? psirsiitt U" .-.oj-juiii ? .," .uni WtiKitr.A.-; it i - F- :i forth ia ?he " Prc amides of thc l'ov?or?l (Joust il ut ion ol''ST. that it w:..; ordained, not OJ 0\". ."er..*-, ' M.U-M or ioii.iiiitar.hs thereof; hui by " ti .nople pf tiio United SUi??s/' "ir: er?'., to lorin rt inure p?rfe?t union, ?'Ual.dirih j ust iee, insure ihuuo.Hic trahouility. ??ru vuic f-.v th? ci.in tumi (hift-inco, promote tho nouerai welfare;.'ititi (0 secure t h.-bli-, .-ito of liberty t}.>..' ?. uh .. Artitik1 ! I ."?tul'hi: root u; .. ItoiouMruo iiOii Hill " ?.'K ih'- re-i>r?:iui?:itio?i < l' tin civil poi.Vcr.-4 Ol' lin: St?l.-.- !.?t. jy in rt:hi'l i lloli all?! lui' thc I'. MV/'al :.! tl '1 IVptt VM.I titioti in Co?ttTo.s??, and NV u r.'.i ti \?o r -o.. ?!?*/.' inti.? 1 ..?'?-? lal i ve jinn ?.-ions wi.-o s l :i t ?. *r: mn 11 11 ? 11 a.-i rc vr.iitls tho ftitti.it!, jaMicc tcinj:croil willi mercy low:ird.-i thc fortin r ciictriics of tin Urtivit. ?*.?U ?.t. v...........o t.. I'tir lite pro teciioti ?f till hiyjfl citir.cn.'*, without dis [Unction of rn-", or <. !ur, or previtiVci cOti jli'iti, i:i fil? ?i?jjuyih?ni of every ri;;ht OOH I Jerrod h;. tin Ooii''*.itutioh, iitid j Wi; K-:I:AS. wi: rO;iatt? :ho ^rcsst Nalioiia' it|'pishlic:in p.:;ty, -smhrr tho ^?.ji',',/. j,},hi: j nf i>ivi:i,; Pinvidciscc, a.s ?hi- Aivihr ol int: ic?tlisti" I':.:-; loo iit'iii; thc Ital ?oil's oaro and pro";oct inn. V. That as roiuihlicau inst h ui ioiyi ciiiiiiii ho preserved,; ual.-f-.-. ihicllij.'cricc he j^tiit ,.pilly il?il'li??tl lililtillg till ria. .-;e.*, We will eli* ia.uni of out I .cg is lat ure a unit.rm syulcni nf common fii'hobM, which, shall lui open lo.ill without '? ll.H lion oi'l.L' t , Coll r? Ol' 'ravioli i < . ?iilii ?oii-- Kurll i?ystoin. io lie ll J .] .. * 1 I ? - ? : hy :t ; i lKT.il liltX ItpOII .'lil kill?! . I* pnipt r! v. VI. Tli.i! uv will Iii viii- :i iiWu?? K y?-? ? in il' puhlii- improvements, snell ." .' '" ':"ti'??a?l . aviAti; :ii:.l other works. ;u:?! also siu-h a . -(. !.) of :iW.tryiris. except l'.?r .\iUV.i ni' . . : sk s? 11 ? 1 'M'lMrtUy tn aholh'ri, rniinlv :*l iWyvor. ll ?. !ni :i :i!< ' s < L IM i i' ioi'pOr:t! piinhii I Viii. Tba!, a* ?::r?.v lain! I I? iu?|.filj?'S*| leuil i.:.'1, in iiaiko . ': i i '"n r. MI 1 |'< <>i , * i ; i l poorer,- anil ruinous. L. llie a:,t i.-ttUnral. L'Ojiitliort'inl ;.mi |-'ii<;i;il iot.-'.v. .?!' ll".'j StiitO. tho j.?0;:ish? illili iiiviliii Oui'!]'?lt ii'.v! pi'iU'? ioably ; : i ? ? *.? . i -.. ?: i ' Ipr j hy . 'Vt ', pro?. ; i..ns i.hbtihj in; ?iii iii loi j : lily ?.'.< ?op' i?.?i "I t?u> p?>or mah';- ? i o ? i .. t* i.i j y I. 'I ii::! li' - i::!. r .. ol" tin- ^!;i:y ll. - j niainl a reyhioii ol" thy '. ' . ci .io of law j !:uu:. thu rooriraiitiii'tioii OT ? li ^ Courts. 1 i Xii. That th. int .>...<.?. v. ..?,1 y , f tho j ; i , ! ol' \?\? wlnilivotiuritryi ?leihaiul j j evyn p?:i:.-ibl? ?iii?r.tnlyo l'or lin1 [???rpctuiu l?ii'ill? 'li:! ?-1 _? 1 * ?I Olili'i'li ii IM.Otl lill! ill;wl\ ' I .- 1 . ! ?rii?ac]i?:t'c?l portion ol' *>ir lylhiVv-|yiti?.?'ii.s. jami ii..il. i.i tl..- iule wt'tiiii ?sac re? 1 ii,rlit iii' ititi! <-loo: ive flamhho, wo v. iii ?....!. to Hit-; ; val y i<> olney ol' (rii?t au?l honor, Only thosoj ...ho are- ttiilv loyal', ii .ii- i amI ?MI..;!.1.-. ? icro: ji-..'0?.i\c oi'i.t'V. color, cr pr?vhiu. yoioi'itii.ii. I Xiii. Thiil vi- wUI not ?U?pjwir? any' I eamlitl t(y fur i.fliifr! iv h ii v. ill not op?rth j 'ihiloii i?: :: Iv.H'uteanii lieifcml th.- ptiuc??j?ei ,iiil6pli-l hy tho Thuin Itopuhihatti l'ai?y. ! Xl\:. Tin- c..ii-LH..rati.?ti .-I' j.i-ri.o ami : hiiti :.h\ -1 iiiahil provision hy (hf I.?*-_-?: 1 ;?. 'turi ?'i lr i li?.; i>|?ili.c? loti iVo., ?if ?ill tho :ii;ee . ? : : f? i in :t?t i Imljles* ? .i?ir. inv.?p?:cii\;o ni ! nu'o. elihu ol'1 pi'.-\ ?oil < n>l 11->n. j XV. IMyin/. np ma lovim; iVi.v: hhiyt: lor \tiPiliMii ia o.ir t:oii|i?il;?, olijoi'in-y iii ?iU'ihin. '-Vi''?'?'.f.-;' amort; oi..;.-.?.'..ul. ! ina lita: iowiirti's l?nit? iiinl yli.'irity to nil. wii j i..mr . ?..?>-. :.. i hi-M f.T..rt-t ?'.?r thc i ii'lth il ol pi'avt "inl w< pi i hy (>> all iii:r jiyti-i i pi-> nm! lor ail i ..r!y n-pr.itt-tt?i>tl iii* otic , j i.rliiw'.l .vtAt-.' in tin; Coiiyiy^soll ttic ? 'ititiitl Sill.:. j Ktl?IlUhli VSllKii 1'UB (Silo VD. T>> th' .V..'/,'../ . \\ Iii lo ii i? ry ii'icaHiirc s'.i i'i',t j'i'.i?!?i ? . liji j : i?-" hin! ri. 1. ;.'i . j>lt?>t?]?t bo pul ! i'o.lh hy ih- o ?-:o-i ? ..??.-; . ! : i : ; . i>o.r ??.ii un ! 't..;.i:;.!?!i.r nn-.l .-r!IM lin] s hy 'j lu,, nih."..--iv.. :iio\tl k ili'Lhhoi.s II yoi it : iMMi..-[.. J .olwliyll ii..i;-.:.! :;i:-: ilkfi . i';iV lin ?Jv r iht? t-v -j . t- : ;.*?. - :!i ii v 1 i;. . I i'a'r aw..y fi in".on .-ts i'.iljl ? hl.t? i.s. ::. . j tiic-o (w(i v.;ti;i:..J ' , po'.hi.'i.iii i ri jhirtial j ' to h iv?- lU'Uti ?!. y i it??.lth! r- . . '.\o ?ha' con i ?i. ni:f.:i?o?.' IV .ni t';. ir l'v.llow:5 wiityli r, thoir at tims jtjiojy nii-rit. J Jiy tho ?mV. il'c ;..>!..n i n.fo \i ilrstrv.vl I jilin ai?''? nH::i:i?\? with t'o 1 <.... . i.l'thc I :< 'i'll-' ,hki ioairii:,!::-! i!mi, ,in:..;plo?; uit'lauiii ; .-. i\ orv, w il li :A ? i ' lin p.u?ti bl iii?! htytaiot. \?y\\*\ i her '.hoy ian tl o' r.'i.l ion ?'it?ran? ami (??b.r.i i !" h?.?..::...a hy .ho o?. .? iMtichi \ j bii? fj?j:v..Vr ih. ?.I.I-. ii ::?.; ioho? v ' .?:' : ... thc . bihor t;;.;'.'.- cnlVanvhiijitf." lo'vn! ?i.ic'K.*, 11 i. jami hoth a iv loiiiiii linnlotiilir.vr :;y.'.iii::t thc ?vii?.wii ltiiv o?' ilu) html. '4 ho one ta ku.? t ho irrouiitl ot' initvcri'al siiifr:io?: i ii ch til?n!.' niliols, traitors IVooilinyii :u??I ail. 'J ho other favors ijiialifioil siifinic'C ? :-.( ht.lii:_' tho iimontnl anti tho j?< ?.r. aiiil ht.th aro Ibuinl lib'oyiitj* tin iiilluoiic?! nf a tloluni ; power. Hui cluirily h'ula us asorih ihoso cxpro.-sions lo I hu pr? "onoo nf fiitiaiu goiilloinon, al lin: Minmi ol' whoso whip in } hy'-giinii'ilay.? i li?:so now mailo .^alosnion wm o wont to t romilly with fearful approhyiisinh.i. I (?ont hmioii, i hu ry may ho many nullor tho oloinl still liku yoiirifolve? hu; tlioiv aro j many uoru who han- soon tho faiiiliu-'hl anil j lull tho iiispii'inti hoii?is . I' iViv iloin am! I who.'tro wtlliii'4 lo rut oil (ho ?ii?! man with j his deeils ami to put on tho now amr xnO net " pel it iori " for lin; n umun! inp of iheir nhl niastcrH ?m tho nJw hors;s whioji I ho S\ ilitary Itoron.sti'iioliori l?ilj oroafen". 'J'liey are too wei I oonlonl willi I ho p.*isl favor : ioi I ho : hapuol cow hilly, !:iiiiiir-hoii.sys, paihll. s inn,! iio;rj rcii'oivuil at the h?mblol I hose i;.v.:.i( leinoit., " who Uj'lielil (heir prill' eiplos al tho point ol tli?* h;iyono( " win n in placo, ami pow. .'. tu. 1 ?Vlf lol" fji? ir M,/.OIHI >i -iii. ai iou. (. i II j UM icc Iii Mr..Na.?li. wo puhti.-li tho IU??!.V.??I??: Co t. ti .\t iii A, 8. C.. M.-in h '.':.. I8t?7 ')' ij?tr?ov : -Hoar ,?ir and I it nt lier 'I'? !. . .'.jilli'- (lopiitt-li at Ininti. IMoas? timi1 m \ :t i ?vi T lu t III! a rt it li -. '1 lian Iv y ? . i I Int 1141 ? . iv . ; i -.. . i lie j tvf iou |? soo. iliHl ! wa*) ii": . ' i. i ? '. i i - ! 111 i * -1 udillUtli llr.il ?li-..'. Vil li;* H ?jil '.. I'uily. W. ll. Na-h. M' f.'r.->. /.'. AV. Ci;!tittil >'i / 7ci tii.i : \\*!.l yin.* rh-a- In jj?ivo titi.? a ji.,i.'? in Vt.lif ?::|il. i in \ c*ltT'?:> Y'.-< >'tn uhill pin-ports ;.. jU an Mvvv* Iliad, -.mt* t ? ) 11 .?. *.. ?1 : ? i ?.. I [iel it!. - in I 'ni.- rily. un M uti.lav. t in I S? h in?! (lil Now, I \\i?it I ! ' . '. ! V ! tli'tl l!.<- sin .'; ii ?'ii! Ii; I; ,1 !.. fie ( 'i;r'i?} ituiiii i.*- liiit il I. ii i r . ni ri-it sl.itf . iii'"'i( . - ? " i : i \- ivhiiii k; . Theiv .-i ir?--flit i ni 'lit* ::. il i!*.; I if r,r ti'/. ,-. ./. and I koro .nt- s.illii'.liihj;.?' within I '!: ? rcii :i '.v< ?V lint di! fri li . ll-.i i ti : j . < : ; i 'I II.?' ni'ltM'iit : in \ ni' iiv.?e? . I wotild \vi: !i . . :. .-. .?hu edi Tiif ; -.' .;: 1.1. alni Iv..?.n.'lol < nO'.-'ri.-tj |iy .\". J-" '. iv.ard.--, u'n'il adi>:.fi .!. a* pjiH'tihtr ?t. 1 !:.. 1 1 ; ii in s?;i nt, I lie'I (it'd t'.i p.'.-pnro; t hov -j.iv : > a! i . , ?.?'.i'!.;; Voil rx i. .?protI Vi .IV Vt* M. i >. .VAS II. i iil.i'MliI \. I'., Mandl L'O. Tu.': l*n:~ i.K-Ti'Hi: before (h>s Ladies Sewing i'ir.do oonni-tod willi .St. M:.!-'.- , i'hai. h. v..-..- dt?v. r. il hy tho K.?vM ]'...). Ad iiiai oii Tiioi?hi', oven i ti?; tit Mili try I ; lii'it i : ..'i'-:;?i,( 1. nf i ho hiMtr. V i i 0 MI1-,.---: y- i- h?lid!? I in a inai-fi rl\ uiari iiifr. 'I In* i.ttcntl.-itii-v. wa., .mall nwini* th.- |.r<.i'r. - . ! i'i.. fair foi- tho Mi.-i-.iitn I'rt--i.Mi lian ( 'hiirch, nf whivli tho ? ph ki; i' c*.;'.i- ., 1*/VO?JI?" ia ri t t?a. n u , tu < . _ .'. H in .i. M OK in ??'Vj kitbjocl ?. iiiu r ;v " j [Special N ?tico. I ThUotirtior .?toin; of tho M iS-ioti Pr?shy I (liriaii N. S. i fliurc?i odil'co tu.w in i'our.?o iii'ureoiioii. ia (i'ooi'.'o M Lit Wini Kiuj? ! iti?ti Si. I hil?p ?t. -A iii I. laid . it in I .Monday .-.tit rn..mi. :.t n't !... k. I A im l!% ii pro.-'i ifif'on ?t*ttl?' varii-iia I iitin itii!HHiinit.s aro liiviti-o, it i *<. thc Ir? |t,n,jty; i S'uve rn] Ch'i!.'\ *.!**. ? nf ii?hor Iii li: . II.? : V'otl if?, i -.??: '..'ip :'. . iii tl.ii- iM-r.-'iM-ii. ; A ririlt t I ?tin tn a.?.?i.?t ia (i-A'illj^ l'nr lin: I i'!i.:.fh ?ul will In? tiikfii. v.t Mit*,clor? hopo ? il?'.?t all.ii'1 ?.r.-?>.iii- in :ii-.?i.-t us in thia ! ililVfl ?O? . i I*. .1. Adau-.s. ??I) Toe rotot-.-'l ?;?!??.,'?. fi' Ny^nloi?ju-toii j -J ii 1 ? i eoi-nclntrii an- al..ni! ni'-.'.-, ni 7. i I if! n j-iint .'i-.'k r ,-i oialinii, ft ir tho pm (it?so o?* nst:ih li."*hiiit: :t ?luil'v ?nd wecklv no-^spai or iii iii? i ,. - * I Nfctloiih) Mcirtipuli.?. lt inHl.ttoiltli.it up I .v:i?d 6*;,(}:U? h?vu nii cad> h?-oh s?hscriliL'il. j ii?fOriior lUtllncV. !' .Maw-K? hiinctiH, with 1 r< !i-t-iit iif ( 'iniiio; !. hiiii'appuii'itvti C.- ftirj'? L. I litiliin (ri ii r'?d^ JUM?IJO ni'iii - 1 Vat c fur ' iii.-il i.iinty ..? SMIT-J!!-.. ., Ui'hi it ldiif. In, tho cidijst >;< i. ..'" i!. - hilo i ri.- :. tout Lin. .li, hii.-i Lita iitl?iiiil?d td. .1 tho har ..!' !l!ii..Vi.-;, j ii.-.v ?l i yOn arrivoat tho h^L-hi nf ;. ! i:l.u::i ii : I rplfi nu a hot d*y! I 't r -.?pire. ! TIM: j r ? A i i a i'?sr.v c .< ) I J J^I.:C. 'i'K i."-; t )!.' is M Kl >rS 1 v . r Oliorot'. i:t >\U'.orien. . 1* it 11 * i ? 11 ? xi .li?*"* - ' inr'ioMP ?iii c iltirntiun ?r# ,;. t ! ir. t.nr ;.c iv ???ua??'iir ('liiilvatorS' fcufdU1 I Tl? *. H'4 K tehan aiij I'iowsr t?itr?an N'?W TfllllJ. A ilt ioi iptiv? wei '?, o? IT*, jinjif ?', fuilr i!l?ictr? t. I i <1 witt, t li'.Air-if' i t 1 : ! ; .? a mi I 100 rn>.r?v .'.;<, i iii'.'Viiiiit; ? ?IM of o'tr ?.'jtlO yiirii-li?*/ of l"'ii?w?r iti?ti V,g??l!'hit? P?eJ>. hOu' trnriclirt. nf t'iv> rlioicail l- iuiitli Mi brlii tiUdiohi*. A' .. ?hr m ir? it ie?, httlh nf lt? Klonor ninl Vfiw'fir.hl?;. fm 1867. will tir itiuiiti th?criiitit ?H thc ?hi.T? ' wirK. Mallet! ftc-* l" ni'./ tu.ilun* Un met ?pt oi .'3 conti. \V ASIIHUHN A CO., Rtr.l Mt-r-'hi-nt?, MnT'ti'iiitiiiiil ll ni I. Holton, M-iirt lall??, Ttttirrotit, Ti^ritiin*, (ll?iliiiliisj Aiu-inonoi. itA?iiinc?lui, fcc, i\c, fur ?? -iii|. (?lantin,; no*? ti'rtdy. 4ili. STALL'S U^HIVALLCD Plano and Furniture POLISH! Jr ST IN ni?DUCKI), m .! hi'liiR Btlopi?fi' by all |tMitlin_i lint:?.(.< in the nnmifm-tntt lil i'innnK, 0.-Pmn, ISillmral Tiililf*. ruuiiti.tt., ! Ar. St", Kri-iv i ii?' who lu?s n ?*?*nn ?honhi Im vu j ? lotllo of thil I'oliiilt. F ?? i i tl fm Ciiiiilriti. Mttl lire vii'.l "ite full (inrthulfu? tout dit?fliii?, ill IB put tip in lintth'f M Hu ttl ii nu! i<0 run*, anti ivhvru hull*u flflici'ii int- oith-r?tl ft' < tit-v. wc u ill I" ii wiir.l pi'e'|iniil by Kuniv**. Appliciitiuiii fut Ti-rritorj ami A^rin-ii M l'l'i'ui?i/tl l?)'i JHiOWN it PK ll KI N3, f.Vn.r.t' .,/.nf< ?'?/ f.'i' f 'tlii fi >*}lt f*? No .1-0 D.-uuitt bl., N. Y.