VOLUME XXIII T-r . : ? ?j < r ; - COLUMBI A. 8. a SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 1921 NUMBER 13 *Sb Irr ^rMbr?r. CHARLESTON, S.C., ^.N'i.ii.trdav, .1 >,.,>. si h. L$?o. ?KV.! H. M. CAIN, - . . Kuin-u. A J li AN sin;. . . Asiiocuu: KiiiiW. A-TU . i.r> I .WT- 1! Matt, <'?l Habit I A ,(l. li* I tnr. lioiirgAtnu u J ?cyli U J inri . ! iv?ltu{ ?feit, J. Mornwon soillli Ho M tkriiogi Siro?! lilli /I.", vi.i M ,: .'*!..!?nt. l.t. ?.-il l.'f-i.-.ulti A ? . i-.iv U .m. s \ . ",.| s .M tl? ?t, : * ! f*viii< .* b?uooiu. lo* S-v??ii,i st; N?W S'orlii P U il 1.1S H ED OK S ? T U KI i A Y S. .?it 4-10 Kiu?ijtrciitlj CU arius ton, s.e., u r Thu l;fii?)??.shiiij> Associai io i i ?fubsoript -.. l'rlo* ; 'tn** UtUtri i ,?AI. .?,, Uslj ii mltilii?*, -. I nuten *>f Aittrrtimr-.i I W*4*?.**? ? 1 .ort. v?e ;?iori.o?, (M .'?*>; ?r ??ti til I <. ?J, ut i D tf r t toil fil.Cs), tim.' J l Itt tu J mot lu tu | |>, ; *. ?' ?< li I? 11 J tu fl-. I il?* :lt?: I Pr.-?. . ? I : ? ll.; ! ? lt j : ?l j ; j V) "?.> ? ii ti . ti ia i * ' io f i? ?o ?? . to ?j ? ;? j no ? ' l Colin? I I? i t.1.. M , ?O i 70 I ?0| lio ! lin ! Alite:. ..- ii?i ? td? te Trnrly, liklfjiArlT, ??d ! ??ru.il? iOvcrilnfri. Ad tort l?r mut s conn.icu, ml? t .I 'O' - 1?.' I (toil tl ? eric mc ut : RESIDENT'S MESSAGE. ?; t. -limul tt r ?nui; ?1 *}t Ihf .,r???lil,>,it Of til? [ K I ll 11 (-tl lluli-l. I ?Mill ttl I lt**? <u ii, ,>!,(-,.,",. D i / o( il??- 1.o.uct i>.... r . . ,iil lin- I'lilrlT.iiiuiii ' (, < ou i; r ?. ? . ? I j-'til ?tc-eiii.?.?!.< of'(he Sm.itt and Hoi.st fi/" K--?? ? f Ji-'l lotit i '. A fl ?I ? lo iel" in!"! va I tin- Coitgrcs if tin- I'm- 0 ti-d S . ?i *..--? ri-olino*. i*> ti 11 ti ii ft 1 legislative labors. : 1 Ait a.i-wi-o and noli ifni l'iuviiiec'e bas abated i the pestilence tillich visited our shores, having itt ca I ti iii it itu s traci? upon some portions of our eounttyi Piitee, ?rdir, itanquility and civil nuthoriiv Itltvi been f, ra,ally declared lo ixisi throughout the whole of the United States. In ali of IhC cit?tes eivjl nuihoiity ha- superseded j11 rh cpi-rcibn pf iiiiiis,-anil thc people, li y thou v' t, .ui.t.ny licUoii, Hie i,, i.ntiiiiiiim their tiovcrn- " II. ut.- iii fil il a."u:iy mill cbpijiloie op? ranon. ' " Thi ri.lot vin ot i l of i hy I ?vi ? uno lobcer ....!.* j? jiiticil . i ri u y Kline hy e*tiil?uiatious too po wi -fbi lo tic suppic.-?eii bj thc ouli.tttry course | of juiitcljti prot ceding*! ?" md the nhihibsiiies:rt) cngihdeicd by ibo viiti me rapidly' yielding ii) j the lu io ti;-ut iii tl ut ili.es of our bee institutions ai.d io tin- kindly ilb-cis of ti li ires! ric ted social , ami comme.coil intercourse; An entire rot.na tion nf li sternal fi i ?IIL; nuist bethe earnest wish ol i vi ry pan ;otie inuit; and vye will have BC ciSnipliMied i>hr gr?iidest national neh;-.-vi iv.ent it lier., forgetting the sud in nts of the past, and renn inher ing only their insituctive leesons, we resume our > 11 iv u i tl earet-i it? a free, prosperous and int iii ii pi opie. 1 Hi- si i :) CT Ol' UltSTOKlf ??N. In my messagi of tin -Iii cl December, 180*, Congress tv Ha infoi iv.i'd o? thc measures, which liad hc-n instituted hy lin- K.ieeutivc with a view to tin- g radii i! rc* lb ra lion of the States in which lin- it.-ui ri i to u (.centred io their relations Willi the ii.:.. 11.1 t. v rnnii-nt. Provisional (Jovrr ti :r hud heel, iippiiinieii, CooVelillOim culled, i i vflrii ;- ina'.- l,i L'.-bitun's tisscmbled, njiidjU S'-i -ttl.rs ?loi Kii'iicsiliiitlivii i l. .tn ii lo ibe I c C niirOs < f the Cuittd Status. Court- 1 td ... etist ti.-h use? ucstnbiisbidi and the liii?iipil ,, n Vii..ie I a iv s put in fun?, in i.ul.f that lill w ju ..plc m.ghi cohtribiiie to ibo national me?me j, Pdilal r p. ration- bsd been renewed, and ellorts (1( wert bittif5 nt?de i" rest?te iii?m to their former condition of i ililli i -, c y, The Smus themselves had been lisked to take part in the high function of amending th? Coiistitutibu, mid of thus killie' " tioning the ixtinction of African ?lavery ns om- f, of the legitimate results of our iiitcrnccitie striig* ^ gk- ti Having progressed thus fur, the Executive |( J ), pm tm. nt found that it had accomplished i nearly nil that sins within the Scope of it? eoiisti- t? lutioniil ittiih?rity. One thmg, however, y?i |, remained to he done before the work of rcstord* ,? .ion could he completed, lind that was thend-jc mission to Congress of loyal .Senators and ! u itcprcs?iiiativis from lin- States whose people ,| had r?bellcd against the lawful authotliy of thc 'j General Uovcriiinenti This question devolved u upon the respective Houses, which, hy the () Constitution, me made the judge? of thc che. (\ tiona, returns und qualifications of thur own h min.ber.-, und its consideration at once tmgnged c lilt- iltt< iitioll of CollgU-sH. j 'I In thenicantime, (be Executive Dcpftrtiiunt-- ? no other plan having been proposed by Con- : gieis-continued its ttTorts to petfeot, ft? far a'' ?VHS p?i tlii Stitt, s, hi 1 la I* vlt-ml Ubvei innot ? U ti Hug, fr H. - .-i . -.. tiiii'.. us tin- publie ii; tifisi si i nuil (o ii ?ju i 11*, ;|.i jtiilicuil, revell?n rind postal systems ?if thti (-muniy. Willi 1,1 advice uml i .-CM m nf (h,- SfJKIt'-, tin nc.o-slii bllmt is tv (.h itpjioui'cd, nuil nppropi int ions lund tl Congie*,.- tal Da |itlVtlU'llt iif th- ir sill il il s lin pidjiVikiliiiti tbiimilid th- I'rili ml Ci.htstilu (ibu; jib its lo j ii trill tlin existente bf slui'i-ij tv i Di iii thc Unititl Sititis?i tn itv place sn!; oe lo th ii i j MT is.! iot inn, ii us i lilith .1 hy tia n tiliisitl .HIlilil? i i f S::i:.s; Mild nn (h.- isill ilav ni lb Ctlllhtt, 1$ (lit; lt ita- nt'. ...lily ilntiiiri.il tn lui Vt beciinic valid ns n pail-! tl.i liiistit uti n o, tho United .States. All ot tho States in which the iiiftirrectHln lind cxistj-d pjtthfpUy amended their t'onstitutiiin;., u, tn II uki tin m c ni,icm to thc gnat change thus t lld ted in tht lirguii?i law of thc I nit tl ; decinud null itiul uni nil tir ditiniices ami laws.it sect ssiim ; n plidliHed nil preiin.ded debts un I obligations i-uaw-d lin tin ii voluiionury purpose!} of the insuma um; und priicci(l(,tl| m giibd failli, tuth: i mu uncut pf llHil.-Uli- for lilli pl oti'i't li m ami an,, jjbl it;,m ni tlii condition of lin- colored nico. Cni>ere-s l auiiU the ( lose .f ;;., i ighih ti.m.tb i i thc s- ssl.ni thu un ?Acopt.ii -j na- ini'ide iii favor of! Tennessee, bj. the titi its IsVipi'l iii iii? Sonni.u aiul Ki ? nMI.ta- .\. 1 m a m it a it of profound i egret ihm Coi.gUss hus thus fr.r fail,,! io uJu.it to Mats! loyal Sim.:, r.- rn,il Kepiiieittalivct? fi.nu tin uihl-r Stiite?j M 'li?se. ? ii 1 Kit D tn li ts, Willi i btise ,i lt bin sst e. bad i-ligtij?. ?I inila- t cbc il to ii. Ti n J States-inbti! than iii fourth of tin- tileine it ii in ut t-; it nunn without lipiiscututM'Oi I the -mis nf tiny no ii.hi i s in tin Utilise nf K, p|i -? m I .Htivl s und ol iw t i, y min i ci.- in Si nat,, nu I ret vacant-not hy tlu-ii own cousin*; m-t by u J 'minn- nf i li-clitiii, hut hy the n fustd ni I'liiigri -s I o accept th, ir credentials. Tl.MI udin;.--i, ni, it I s hi li. v. tl, wotild han liccoiiiplisliid much tb-1 i vault Die renewal and Slrcngtbeiiittg oi' tun te- t nunns us mu- -ii -ilpili; timi ri ll.OVed sei ;, i it s i au.-i . >r (liFcdiitelit on the pin t of tho ?nhitbittiiits ol j t hose StiiUs. lt vvbitlt! hale uen.ided With tin- , i rent piin-iph- enunciated in the 1). cliuiiilon nf ; I iiuerican Indcpindeiic?. that tm m .mi.. ,oi.,i.t ;? ? Heat ti.C toil ni li nt I OMI HOI.. yet l.c ill-;. id thcright e-f repte.si nliiioii, li itbiild lui vt* > mt ni consonance with ile- t'.vpii-ss provision* i {the Constitution, tl.nt .?ettij-li S tit te -!. til I ul Vi t b ast oin- KtjpicM ii i n ti v< ." mid -".hit no S itt te ' -.il nut its ...ns. ni sil al i bl-tb piiVed (?fiis < tptiij s niling.- in thc .*?',-iinu-Tie.-e ptovisii ns -aili ileodt-d io licet! re io ev< ry stat-, and te. the' cop;, nf t vt ty .v.ate, the fight of tcprcstn tat ion i i em h ll .msc of Congress ? m.,1 MI inijiorthiil 1 ,-ftsit deeined by the framers bf Ib'? C?n'stitii- * on that thc ( quality of the .statt.- in the Nemile - liould be pu setvi.il, ti n: pill i ven by nu liuii'lld . ' u nt nf the L'on si it mon eau any .Vf a ie, ititi mi' ' s const ni, in- tleiili d a mao m Dint bullit 1, ni io- National I'VcgiuJattire. s t.i rr s or rm: nsui ibii - bet i't> - i 111 s. I lt is luis, it ha- lu . u nannied i lott ile esisih ?nee of tin ?'tat?s wa- :. tn..na!, d by tl.? rel . I- t otis nets of th' .r .. lin' din.is, and tbat th i irtirreetion having ', ;, iiiipiisst !, th, i wir; U hcitct forwaul tn hi i,i-.i nil n.111 ly ns eon- j : po nd teriitotn -. Tin lo gishitiVe, Executive ml Judicial Depnrtn.t nts bf the Government, nv., bowell r, with gnat .listii.i ti-r ss nml uni. ,rm consist! ney, ri fus. d i,? sanction an U.-M,inji nu so incompatible with Du patine of our i publican system, and with the professed Ob.* dS of thc war. Throughotu the recent legis., ttion of Congress, the undeniable fact ninkos self appuient, that these !- II political c oin m n in es arc nothipi" hss than S'tatt-a of ibis Union, .t thc very coniuoa.. . 'i - :.: nf the rebellion, each louse declared w ith u liiinniniliy tis rt mai kahn .' s it was significant, ; nat lite w ?ii wai not V vi >? :_ ' 1 upon our pun. in inly spirit of opjiri'.-sitiii, 1 or for any piirpo*e of conquest ot tiubjiig tioii | n or purpose of overthrowing ur it.tell-, riltg iv .th , ' ie rigliis or establislictl itistiititiiniii of those ' 'nie-. Inn in defend anti iiiitiijtnin the supremii- " v iif l .oiislltliti'in nml laws mude in pta ? Utilieo 11 ic i ? c> f1, iiitil io broil i vi the Union willi ititi (lie j,'.' iguiiy, 11 i i 111 b. fy i inid rii;hls!of the severwl >S'iaies i I u ll. pi. Ht d ; and Dt.it lbs St)Oii ns these ol.j els" j* ( te "???COI|ipilshen, ns Staten, were im lude.1 in Du- apportion- jd teilt of thc direct tux of twenty millions of i " ollurn annually laid upon du- United Stutts hy 1 ie Act approved .Otb August, ?86l? Cong,ess, 1 ci y ibo Arl of Match 4, lSbJ, and by the ttpp r- l'< oiimcnt of representation thereunder, also u - b ngni/.td their presence ns .Slates ;n Ibo Union; d they have, foi judicial purposes, been tlivi- ^ I' i tl into dittticts, a-* Stutts dione cnn he divid? di V, he sftiiie recv-.gnition appears in the recent leg- t' ibttion in reference tb 'i\nne.-see, which ev;- b nillv rtsts upon the facts Dint tho function o' I1 I e StHtcs wen- not destroyed by the rebellion, I . ut inertly Mispentb-d; und Dint principle is of ll purse applicable io llibse Stutts which, lik<- ? 'ennessee. attempted reiionuct' ttieii places I o a Do- Uni?n, ', t T!.t notion of thc- Kxecutivc 1 department bf Jv he Government u?on ibis subj'ct has boen > < n th. fliiy'j?f S-pivfiilKt. \s'i, lt ?as then sidciiu proclaim!il ami d, eland tl.it "lieii:ufti>r, her?tofdio, th? war will bo proH'ciitcd hut ob;Oil of practically restoring tin- Constittiti ml i?hition between tin United Stutcii ami on of tho Slims timi the people thereof, ia wbi Illili i's I Ijii t relation la or may bc suspended i|:-tlll h. .1 " Titi' ioco rhitiim .it tm Stated l?y tho Jiitlicl l)cpitrftiieiji of;|lic (lovel mont ln> h Iso hoc clear ami o?iiclusiy . io al! proi'cediligs affect ii them as vates hail in tile Supreme, ?."inuit jin Distiiet Collits III th?aliil?issi.Sn i,l'S,-!i..'i>|S Mil 1 K, plesctll. tiv.i.'s from any and all bf tin State*. thyre (a be t....rn,' ,:r. liinl of .ippit'lKitisi?Vt that p. i-oi, f>li0 iuvii??ltiyjtl will he I'li.tlu'il iv?t?i tin initvci ol legislation; for this ,a liol i;,,| hiipjii ,| wjuil th C'oiisiittttion uiul the law - are enforced itt a \ : laut ntit? faithfti: '(joniressi V.Mh Hon-,, is ma.! the 'jU'lue.ol, lin .?' "iii on j rotilill.")bil'l iiiiiililii t lions til Its bi. .? K'ii,ii.er.s. uiid"iiiii iii A -' ** vvi? 1 (iib eoii?iiri 'f* i.\ivb-thirds, expel, a iu'il:iiiht'i Win n II H 'in-or Kopi i ?etibitivii prCsents id t i rtif'.-.ite nfi l. etlttii. !i to. t> a' oijt'? be chili:! ' or n.i'.'cb'd. or, sh-mid tia re 1- arv ijtie.-tlibiis to Ids eligibility, his, rd n: iii iniiv bil reli'i'.i fm iu'vi'siigiliiti.ti to iii? ujipK punte e.mitt.'..?..' mimili i ip ?i ?i nt, a in'usl bu noon ? M h m i b ilsfiictbry to ll?v ll o.-.- of v. ?.oh li? lillis In-, .ii - 'i II?' tn1', r. that !i . i . ss, - till: t. ipiisiiil i but ttll.hllAl Mid i..-al ijii?tlili? lt it ms. If hi used adis .-nm as ;i un m'a r for wan: fdili' allegiantito '.h.- tinveti.inen;, ami rt "ino ,1 to his consiiiitii, th. y titS! iii.ii.oni-hed that none but pci-ons cul , the In illative t'dutieils .Vf tho Na!i,.:!, und tho political ptityi'i' and moral int?tt nee nt l'on.;.'s i.iv tims eil'ectivi ly mst ried m the {iiU*rc*ta ol loy. iitt,\ to tm- 11 id ruinent und litlelity tn ilm Un nib 1 pon ibis ipiestiop, so vitally .lilicting the les I? irai iou "! Un- I'm..u iii.lil the perimiilchcy of our i"un ot uoveinim tit. Hiv convictions, her, lof.tro wpfesst d. h ue iindi't^mbo no ohaiigc, hui. ?iii lii?. .onti.u v, tl , it .vrieetiii -s h is h. en epttlbiiicd hy i iii i lion ami Univ; ll tin- admission o: l iv.tl m ini er- to -eats in th,. rosi'it ?tire House . I Con -i.-s was ivisC iud exp?dient year ag.); it is no);>.-s V'"' ?'. I ' N? ' d'< t.t I,"?. If this ailoliiiiliuis coil' ,'.'"L" ?MuYi'S; ^iV'liie pies' lillie, lt is !:t*?i ill! to' : .\i !u ie tli-ni (tittil lepreientaiioii, I doyiot hat tm'' .; si i ni will be . lianne I Ibo cllblk'bf i tue. T.n year's1 hencei i: tin-.- Suies t.. tn nu :i.< 1 ,111. SI , ! S-'f Y < "i. S 1 I I !. V UK - I O lt ? l in- i'nU-titiltioll ni tl.' I'liite yt?fj?s lli.i'i.v- i( he duty of iii i'la shield lo icconittu nd to tte' con iileiadi?ii of i,'one rc.? li un '.siires rt.- hitfhit.1,1 lld^e Le' Cssary or oxpt dient. 1 ku f\V of no meas, j neni?le Imperatively tl 'minded bvj every o?ji alit tioii nt national mb rest, siiiiiid piiiicy, illili i'l'tljli juidiyv. i'll li the UI?!|>?SV?0I1 ol ?oyal I \-N "* . 11 ??" I" ' ?un? tho iiiirepri'S uti.il Mate- Thiii Motilil ?on uiiltnato thc work ot ri'stoi'jttiuii, iu|d i Nert a nost slilitinry in limbic!- in (lie ro/ctjlA.dis.hmdtli if jieace, hann .> y. ibid frutcftu 1 lei li w?iij|i| end greiilK to reinw the coiliidotic? o' iib! Aiii?l-- ' .au |iebpi?' in i he Vigiir niel stiihiliiy of tl., ir in- j titillions It woit'il himI US moleeh!-i-ly Liether j is ,t iiatloiu'itiid tiiialilo us lo shon to the world i ho inherent and ti'Ciij'orntlyo jiotver id ?? (bit*? .rnineiil founde 1 up,m the will of thc petiplt1, iitbi stabii.-hi d ?ipin Un- principies oi lilierty; justice) I md iiiiclligctii'i'i .'ur iiii ii a-i d strength mid ! nlianeed pi. isjii rity would iirelrii^ulily dem n tratc llic tiill.iey tit'.iho ilrtjiuii?iiri? msun-t lio.: nslitiilions d ru wu Iv m mn-lei otu na:; i.il h irdor? hy the tuivbiiios "f r?p?b?c.iii gov?Vii ' neill. The ndini--ii.ii o! Ibyul memliers Iroiti llic ; ir?iuity for iiivestuieiii, I ti io ibo hamil !-ol trade an i uni islry. lt w?itlil alleviate ! he pfi seni l riiubeli'd Ci-itditioli bf tbos.' Sititciij ml, by ii..Inonu: cnii?rntihu. aid in tin .-ettlenn n i 1 f IjliriHi.1 ii t:i. ni iiniv nm ultuo.u d. alni lead tn M un;..i.-. 1 plOtliiitibii ol' those sta j,h s wit h , ,ille il hi. d SO gila ill tn the tn the Wealth nf the ali,ni and the i t mmen e nf Ibo world. Now ,ld< ol etiioiprsii wanbi he opeiietl to bur pro* ie.-si\e jieoplej and soon tho ilevast tibiis o' j .ar Wbtiid b ienaiti'tl, .'iud nil tr.n'e- ni' mir imie.-tiee dillen ni i - lunn tue minti*, ol pur oimtn men A W.litNIN'll lli.llS-r CONSOI.lll.lVl is. I ii v.nr i lf >i i> t > piesi'l ve "ibo unity bf Ooffl ll iiiiii w lii?h eon-'itutt s us one pvtiplei" by restor ig the ?tni?* to tin' eonditinn Willi h il..y luid um lo the rebellion, wu should ne cnn'iou-, si, having 11-eui d mir nation from penis ol' .icatt iic'l disintcgriiliiin, we nsort tb coiisolb utioii, ami tn tim ind nbsoluie dcsp?iisihj ns a inedv I Of the niuiretice of timi!.tr IfOllbleri. he war having tcrirtiniiicd, and with it nil ne" lijton for (.liv exercise of p?iv?rs of doubtful imititiitionnlity, we should lint-ten to bring 'gisiiitibh wliliin tho botinditrit'? prescribeil by io Consiiluiion, mid to returii to tho ancient imlninrV.s rstablisbt'd by our fathers for iiii' tlitliilice of hllCCCl ding gunn nt mn. "The (Jon fbi Ullin ?hieb ni any Uno exists, nulli changed y un explicit ?.nd bli t heit lie st ol' '.he whole .copie, ;? site red I y obligiitury upon iii).'' "If, m he Opiilipll of tilt' peuple, the distribution or n?diliciitipii of thc ebiislitutioniil powers bc iii nv piiitiouhtr wrong let it be corrected by un incndin?iit in the way in tillich tie (.'bustiiii ion d?signait'!'. Hut let li.ne tie n . ii- II : by IjUrpftlton," "for il is the cusloiiinty wctip m b) vhich((Cv Governments arw deutroyed. ' NVnsh M'< I s po ko tlicst" wonl-i to Iiis countrymen, Idicii, fol lowed by tin ir love mid gratitude, li? '21 hi. wilily n tin d 'icm tbf ?tireii of publie lifo, ?lio i ip ::i lol timi::- ?rino ibo pub? of ojjl tipisfiiuljpiuil poiVcis, ibid^cherish Ibo Federal li(ii:i?jis ibu only foek of sufi 'v." were preecii II.o oy ,'i Mi fsotl a i rules . notion to endear to eb "countrymen ibo trtic principles of their , li lUtitutibii, ?od promote a Unbyn of sentiment or i iteiiol? otpnilly iiil-p:cious to theil liHJtyi -.- ami Mifoty." jaekSim held that the fiction ;1l 'lie (? io iel (torillllllflit should always be II i eily cimlincd to th ' sole ie of it- vppioprtnl? : -, uni justly (inti forcibly biged that our ij iveiiitnent ts not to bo m on; '.nod in>r our l in ?>n M i oed "by invasions of tho tights and i?. iff Ob sevciiil ?States, lit thu*} attempt.hg il i i ila kt: our (l'encrai (b?vcr.iiiiicUt stmng, wo ii at?' t weak. Its ituii sttength consista iii led* i i dividtuils and Stiles a- nint h ns tmssi 0 bi themselves; in milking itself blt, not in i- - p?it?t l, l ui ;n ?:- In m tin ne- ; lu.il in Ht COll e ol, but in it- pi'oi?ciion; not in binding the Upc i inor? closely to tin eentre, but leaving 1 it'll bi move uiliihsttiieti'd in its propeir consti niiil niln' " Those aro tin- ieiielilngs'bfrhcri .v s ! d and iicrvices have m nb th-ni illus Hii j. i.n i who, long biticti Wilbilrttwit from the - . nj rt iib , have lt it to then couhtiy thc tieb i I i ! ;! ...] . \attiple, tltlht wisdom, und their i ?iii Itisnii l)rti'Wirtg fiesli jtisptnilion from their le-soi:?. '.et us emulate the:" in b.ve of country lind i -? ti", lui tili (JoilStiitltioii amt tb; jiiwH. IXlrOiifA N I' AN SOL'NT Ml'. NT Ci rca I. Su I.? Of fra?ches, (lialiis, IHmuoml '. M i. Dol?ais1 worth to he disposed A T ?Xk I ".'?J A li KA CU, Unhout regard to Value. Not to fcc paid tor , until you know what you ure to roctire. iS plc ucl iel IiisL of ArticloH, AU to lie s o?/ al (OK U?iUw /ViicA. : C Musical Itoxea.*2<". to {,?6.1 euch i '.willi llells.vi fistlneii.2vRi to ooo each M Silver I'oapnts and coll?e Urna.. 20 Iq Ni th*U . SUV "i ii Onu: ptaliep. C" lo lOy each i.iil Sill?.. lee I'lti-lirrs. 2" to to each ?.V i Sliter Syrii|? i.'ttiiti willi Salver*. 20 io t> . theil . !:.:.( nil Ai fake Un* kow ?0 10 60 ?ll?u .'i'i'io I in/en Silver Ten S>| neus.lo io 20 itoi. '. ? I' - I abb Spoons \ lin ks. .'" io 4o it??*. .'t , i. . >. t'i ll't.'g hist' Wat.-Ii. ? 6" to KO euell ..i l kadli .-'? s. 4 to 3 . ' : ,?. Opalo,' Kinerald liar Prop* I tb ? i tlboritia liiiiini.ini Ureas! pm-2.io tn 10 M Mold K<>t? ?Uni Vi's! Wali'li ko. H 2 10 t? * I I* iib it ti I \ i.? t lt ti, li. ti ?i I hit'?. il lo 10 '. iloiVi'l - .Iit.uii Sl.i ve Vt it-.Stud:- .ve S ti* S . ? M lint;:-. 1 to 10 I 'sm t'ttli?iruia Itiinaoiiil Kings. "?to io Pi)'ii I Sets Ladles' Jewelry J rt, Cold ('to 15 ij ii " .. " ('ann o, Pearl, opal and tit lier Moues. 4 to 13 n '. ii..il IViis, Silver Kxtendon I : .j. i . ami I'eilOll.t lo 10 : . ti..1.1 I'm.-\ te il Meant trill's ?1 to HI " b.Xlensloii " li to JJ Db ai bailies'(?III \ Jet Huekles. fr to If? nioiofjr.ipli Albuins, Sewing Maeitlite?, etc., ?to A !.1C\N |)A I.I. \ CO., M a MI AC r V it Kits' A o T? S i. Iii? broadway, New Vorkt ami 2?I Kinj S'it 11, Cl.ur). sto;-.. lilitOUIIC? tiiai all Hie aluoe li-l ot ifdodj will bil soil for "'ic IH'lttir ?aW|. roi . piciiei i ii.- great sfiigitiitittn af trade li .i nubil tut big tllsiiii'i* ni Uno.i, I h rough the Ava * ' .'? ??il di'' siipi'l? ni cot tun; a larKe nufuilil' a , ajiliible .lew Iry. ornjiu.illy hiten.b il fur Hie Kn? i in ll kid, bus I ' Oh a: ..?t tm ?nie ni (his country o i Mt sr ni; soi.ii \r A.W SACUIKICB! Uittu : nu>ianees. A ll I! A N I IA I.K \ cn, acting a is for !.. )..ucip.ii lanopeun inaiiufaciurerc II .1 e r.'Mllvill Upi.II a iWvtxt (?in Appor?oiiuiciil in bi? .li? iie.l accord in;; to i ne f<.i|u\ying regiibitioiii. t i ilill.-ates nf the various .Irtich'? ure put into en . . ; s ludlseriniiiiati'ly, s. nl.il up, nuil wheil or .?...I.-'I. are liiKcil .oil without regard to fholet ind sent by mail Hm- tiliowing m? fnvoritiatii. o re?a i? t bf lin cert Hi.ilti', you --M'A ?ce ?bat y.m ?re t i:ivl . iii.I lin ll lt is al y?lll' Option to scull the dulls or.'not, Pureba-, r- tiny Uni- nhl un a (?obi M'atc? Itit.ii) m| Klug, or 'oi) ?et ul Jewelry dil out loo fe Oil-' 1 ilili o . Si?.ntl jr> Cents fur Cert lUrtitb. Tiic I iii.tyt ile f Iud Haily Coiirlfr, Mnr. ISM,?ny .'A ii, in i selected, mute varied ur fitahiOiiable ai iiil tu.int of jewell y c innot bo luutid on the c..un? etil th?ii Atrunil.de S: ('o. ari tiow diVe? lng. Mossri Arran li, ,'. i o, occupy ii high position in ?oliiniercli en. !. - a- itioit toiiliely above tin-c. mun.II Iriekcry ? tralb . rm ir statements uni) be implicitly relied c !, O!. ,- i ? '.lie character iif tin ir i:.>',ds and (he mitt i., r > I the illspa.-itl laiillt s, t speeia'.iy, iii alt |?ar(h c lin- count I y tire 11 ab/lii:; I.ult I- lite plnlil- a- asent? ..ni If atty of otu fitir r?itilers dcslr* lo interest then -eic - in il. th'\ may do su with perl'vcl eonii.lenee. inti \i Olli liisi'iiiut ||(>N'.- A rare opportunity I nilen d b.r iibtailllug watohes, cb.un-, iliauiuml rlllgi Sliver Wltre, etc., bj Messrs. A i r onlale ?V Co., nt Ni pi: ilro.ldi\ay. I'liey have au Immense stuck of ari cl. -, vnryllltj in Villue, ami nil are olfereil al uni'dolli cuchi ril? i ll -.1111. in i ntl is very fairly dune-you Ktfrt tu pike a rei I lllrntc >>f ? c t lain III l?ele elieloseil in u eilVvlopt', mid are nut roipiirtd to pay ymir dullur III it -- you are .atlsficil ? il li l be HM ldc, u li ir li will Oe laiuly ho worth iaore lluili lind ninotiiil, and univ I .- , . ,,r s? -i. All I'XColl.'lil ni.ide this of ill rest iii},' dollar, -undi) l inn -, N * i ny Keb. ll?, ISt'st. W.- have in-Miccled. at tint olin cof AI raiitlalv A- Co Agency, (oi Ivitropeini Matptifitctiirfiig Jowfllers, IA I' , if irtllti'tll nf fushlonitl.lo an,I icitiahlc jowell o ?lie liewest patleras, IVoitlso noti< eil a lHr?,e q?i? lltj ?fsilvoi plate, nail undoralaint that the tv hule i liiese newly imporltiil articles iou to be dlspuaetl mi .. navel principle, in.; ?{real atlviiitinges lo bu 11 -. ..nd ititi'i.lin,; extensivo ?iii|d0yni?ut io agent W e know tin linn itt i|lte?(iol| t,i he rOupi'Otsbl? nt (luirnu;;hly worthy ni palillo coull.leuce, and reooi un ii i um ii i' ml- i" reitd tli?lr iidverilaciuont.-^Jj Al! ion, Rflti. X 11)01. K?i i " i MI.:- '. ron 1/itHKH -Titomost eligible pfi ital ! . . lo l-l .vin..ut io. hiv beard of |or bullet i? 'J tab nf ccrlilie.Hi'S for UV?4 C reid I? i fl liislribuliau Arraudulc .s. i u. A lady ni (?ur schMiilutaiicc ha? kc uri (iiiccl'??ful in tili? Way .ti?t utily lu li I Imf her Of ptirtfi hal m 'loin,' ? good turn t" thou- lo vi li? sliC ?old tho fer till .'ales, an mil he set ii bf our advt Inna' c. .lulu us. (JeiH le Ole it call II Ki' be lb ll 8 ?nv ?Cl -N \ bun l i) SlotCtir)', Au/. Il, ikiia. lt,7 IJHOADWAY, NF.Nv " " KINO SiV, OHAItl.KSON. 1 I li 1 \\ '?Kl/S Crtb?ne? Rraiiriy (Mcil?f?tn!,) l>larrhe?,i (.J ri iii? g raina lu Mi? llbwula,] .CMsugexil 'Va/ty I rt H Vtol I ll * I'oil* 1? , ? * ? ? THU CA Ul NUT URANDY UH? bewi UM'il ?llb *lm??t ntlpnraUolcd f.ucc?i* lor lill) patt twenty yr.ni, In raaci DIARHOA, CHOLERA MORBUS, &C, ?UDO. C. IIUIlllKl. A CO.i 1'roprlnori. Central Ovpol, Hi lludloD Si. Mt? T wi TH atti M|'Jll-rKDK?rr? (,H-<'?'K88 of HU Witt L'S GOLDEN BITTERS I ll a Meet MMehkU4 -nfM.nl >( Xkt?r vtrtttM. tr . .Ula? UMU I? ?. Ik* BEST LUTT.IilU?S IN THE WORLD ? i ! Too uciolip!tct,'Clal,?p They ?till luvigoralt, mid i trent tho? They Ki >K T1FT t'.?.Kib'TSTIdil AGAINST TDK kVll. KHKKOTS til' IMWIIUl-fiUUMB WAI UK Tliey willouri Dyspepsia. The? TV i 11 euro Heartburn. They will eui o iUadaclit I hey ?ill curw J au lillie?!. They will cur? St? Sl?ku?a*. They will ture limerai Uobillly. Thoy wlllcroato a llcattily Appetit a. 77uy C'oiihun .Yo J'uuvnuut />niy. They Will Invigorate thc or^'am of dlgaatjoi ?nd uiM.luf MU'II Inereae? Ihr teiii|i?ratai? of tba body j and th? force of th,? eiicuUliiin ?#imf, Ui fad. aa a yin-ral ?orroboraal of th* lyatira, - READ THE EVIDENCES ! ! t Naur York. April 'ifi, ISSI, (ino C. Huhhrl A ("?!-(iiiiitlfmun} We har* aua lyne.I lour Hidden Hitler*, anti find timi il? compo nent purl? emilio it to the uouce of the medical pro fra?lon, Since our analy.i* IT* Intro uacil it in our practice with ?wfy latitfaelorj rotuli*. ami Hud it p?iliri?l?rly w*ll calcula^ed'to eorrpptileranKtmeul ol Ihr ili?ft'?i|te oreiiUM, lueh ai llytpepiia; lu?n liea Hiok heulnch*, cuhr, .Vc. kz. a,mi ii a luprnor tonio foi daily u?e j)) niodrrttlB quantile* for1 ?*,?? io* ?eine qf eruiituilf ni thia teller, I can confidentially asaeri that nure in? fir hi linnie if your hitler* enterad my huute 1 hnv? heurd no complaints ol dy*prp*la, kt y wile liait bveu troubled willi mitlady for jrcar\ Tko symptom! and the ilhn'uHO tutye both h it, nu,I the ni vt i ll. tlllici . ol our lamil) endorse Hie food rattMiliea of your artieU mid I eau ni.ly any lu conclusion that I Should b? happy to itite yerU?l ?v id?neo to the doiiblin?' at any Hunt Iboy may ?all ou inc. Willi mach regard I ara lour*, truly, ll. A . (J rabatn, '?\ Mt. CoUslsnt Sireel Muutreul, July ll, Ir'evt. ' Mesar? D?t ins .1 lt, ,iva Ueiitlawitui-I-I'wr lu? Ul cloran lUoiillia.l have been luuYrini aluio.l ilayifroui tevvrtd attacks of l>yapepslaj so muali iu '.bal I < n-t \ willi iVtHloulif rvtalu a meal lu nu stomach mora thai , twenty minute*- Al idiihl I vtpvrtoucsd * *rr?l bufa) lu,: ni ur ni "Xii ti.o , ??hui nf l br timi i ; .t >-*iieral?lopr?4 timi of ipirits, atleiiticil Hllh frecjuoiil h??,l.\ iii*, .dins I lirai ur dimness nf tlxbl. I Irhul fat lotti ni ,:!:...?..>? pott mle, mu? atoitiacli |'ro|iiir.\ti<>ii?, ? itii>.ui . v'..,^ ml uni llffeClnal relief, lill I ultu) f ur liottteS ul ll? tl-, | Ooldeii Hitler?, anica wktlvtt oeriod I bar* llujl Uta* troubled with a (ingla ou* of Ilia abor* ouiu|?Kilt I' ruin tb? b?n> fit thu?? llute*i hate aflorded ute, I il my daly to MprtSl publlaly my graatful tba Ow. A. Ilaucroff. A;.o*,jnUi?i aad Coll Try them and bc CO.V " .P.v ol" the # * ??ii ). wiih I'lni rlinv ,p the Sumo, it In, li I|>PV nt i Ossi ?II 11.,-. A * 111 M i . .N.vfA^ i.'. only oi del o: Hu uiivcrtisr, ?. ' T?? *v ''' heinfltl (he :| . ? i i' l j 0 I'OIIOO.t e- In ' ' . ii.ipe.< ei,n ,n|, ,, , " m ,| v ! . -I' ll Will e.-t them lu.li.nt .. :,,") ," ,, I Mill T**""T.-TV oit AU ; w iv iii] y Great Musical Establish* rn .en t. J \ittt. still ilrmiil?uM , XflH Toiti PIAUO?. ajeioiboin. Cabinet * 'i (*utiH. Hlmei Minde, Muai J.ijuk?.mid ail kimi s oi Musical hislriinionis ?ml Musl" eil Mvr?liumlltic. m iii? lo?.'?I II.. c."...* .? ?on' rotuli. Heowinl Inind iU'Iixleous ami Planus ?ii (.'..a. . bnr/uiiia, rru-i '., UM, t?Mi". ?IVS, $160, ?|7ft, *vio, mil |*fS. Sen I urtlivo |l)?llli>S t'.il C' ? ami Upi?, tilda. Tfi? liol lieu M ulet V I'luiioi. mid Mc lillico na arts ns Uti" and Uni util. liiMriiiiiouti us ar? mud*, Wai tauted Ur u, c ? tvu i, I i .m i KI ?ally i Kilned I..i vu..h. TKKI IMuM Al t?. Tue rioiiiet Witters' I'laiiOl Kl? kilowa lui amonf Uti Teri boat.- M. V. t*ain?ellst. Vs'e can apaak ot Hie met III i.f UK. HOI ur? IVntoif* f tunos fruin pe/rHmjil I no? I.-.leo. ns bullig ol Uni Tory Vso-i qUftlll>\- I lil lilian lutenist te rr. T?ltt Horne* Waters'Plano* ?ne l.ulll of Hi? be<:l tua* uiv'?l tUviovijtUlj luaauut il lilltlul lal. Adi ovule A Jont nal. Waler*' l'lutii.? in.I Milodti.il? . 'riff conipnt Wo* willi lin* iii ni nun!? ?ny rt lie ie In Ibu country.- Hom? Juin inti. Harare Wu tr rs' I'la nu Pori t's? ?rc Of frill, rich and OT?NI lour, amt powerful. -New Vt?ik Musical in floss. Dur H irtels w o.' U.Sl^.vl .Mi \\ atora' stum tin? very ?rat ?h 'uiiU'l "' Mu'ii uni lil* l lano* tu tm ('..mut in Hi? ulled .Stairs. l.iulinm's Miii'n/Itie. The lloiitcc M.ni'i >' Plano* ure of superior mao ??? (Jimmi Uni .li. Sun 1 ..il I liit.-iiau lim,iiiri r. Kin diiie ni lui.i Instruments sud Catulncueaol Stint Mu -'..' ?,*? .' ?OJ) mlisio published tn Ibu Culled binns iniiiii il inf. bl.. . I Music, a little belied, ?,t I 1- J cu n lt- per pavo. Kabballl B?ii?el, mut ?lkur booka, pubic-iked li) Uer ?.va W ?im a. ??.?/IA I ll-sBUooL URI.t., No. S.MSATU-banool. BK LL, NO. fi, CHORAL XAItT TM* ?IA???. midis : P?p?r Cerera,lure* hollara doa: Hoard, Titree Dek tttii ami .slits Couta ; dolli Ki..i...\.-.v.J ?.lil, rour Uollaie au.) I noni s Cl ii l.t. 11 KI. LS, No?. 1 uiul '2. in (Jue Volume, SU Mullara and Killy t ents per dos. CIOIU einboiacd A V-M IIOI M. NKI.L lor Public School* ??nd beniJnarLci J'jydjv/" Cover*. Three. I?k.liarH par dei. lio.i id, linn- I Killin - mid b! x i > Couta: LlolL. lour Liol 1:0 s ami Lti?lit) I enta. IHK UlllUSTlAN M l? LODI ST, n ?cw rt flviil tl*flilli and 'IIIIII' Hook. PrlCO lluro Mollara pec do* ; Uo'atd, I lue? MolUri and Hilly i eula. AXUF?CTOHT A NU WARKH?OUI A.I?1 llioadiinr, 5(. St'. ?HORACE WATERS. 'Put Money in thy Purse* Road to Wealth. H (Hill A r v 1 v H AN1) K K 1 A u L B tJqVJyjK./ AliKSTH, .slate or IViualo, ami of a ax uro tr allied to eu ns-.vi s orery toiitl, vlllaf ?-, bainle ITOfkabOp ?ad f.val'irj lUroujjlieul ibo onllre world, le |mU of nut Wittel i os, Jowolry, Rilvor ware, M vi .??ic?al lloxos A ll)ti ms, ctr. ktaerfretto peraona of good babita and fait banlne* I ij eau oloar ovar t'.'A |Hir week lu tito country, aili a % larifor aaaouat lu Ihteily collied loealialaja. No ( 'npilal 13oquii?odL? .?.?iaI?:?.- of oar Article*., to Ute amount ef M. .yt > itsr\l! for linpenl.ui, aod If not perftsi fuel., ry, no ok ?sr K.I. Semi your add ruse .If yoi a c i'i.irn lotti ef mind and tn qua i'trf .a K-Mllttl. Mlrv?ut fti I'AHKIK??X .?Ci'fc,lB w JOSI? i ACCIDENTS I Tho Original OF IIAHTFOHI), CONN. Cash Asepts, Dec. I, $585,838.12. Insures AK'niii'it Accidents froui Hiitinwiiy Horse?, AccUlphlS from Slippery .S'nlewulk?, Ausnlts hy lliirglarsi m..! Kohtiers, Kpinineil Ank)es itntl llrOkcii Limbs, Hxplbsiohs, ('oiliaions, lliiining K Drowning.' ACCIDENTS OK ALL KINDS. l'p'1'nlieit-a nf liny nmOllUt from ?000 tts 1 0,00l> in cane hitit', t,,'.ei lent, tu $.1 tu ,j.,',0 weekly ?um pi II?fitton in ciiflC ?f.il?sHhling bodily injury, and from one month to live yt-Hrs tim?, nt smnll pre miums. OLDEST AND 1IKST ACOIDENT IN 5.CO. K X l* A NT. J. O. KA nw: Ul )N, TreVt BC DNBT C UM. N i ? >Mc'y Application ?tt.:.-i tl ,J. k .f \'? I i 'l'" " I ,.,1 |"(.(