H. JUDGE MOOEE, Editor. Vol. I. First the blad?, then the ear, after that the full corn in the- ear/'-rPanl 0??E DOLLAES PEE ANNUM. :< .CHA.RLESTOISr, S^TTJRI)A.Yr MABCH 31? 1866. i USTow. 26. PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS, A.t 430 King-street, Charleston, S.G., T. HURLEY & CO. Subscription Price :-Four Dollars a year, inva -iablv in advance. ? To ADVERTISERS.-The LEADER has the largest circulation of any weekly paper in the Southern i>tates,-circulatin& extensively in South Carolina, dering it a valuable medium for those having goods to dispose of. Kates of Advertising: For one Square of Ten Lines, one insertion, $2.00; for each subsequent insertion, $1.00. i A liberal discount made to yearly, half-yearly, and quarterly advertiser*. Advertisements conspicuously j .displayed by special agreement. .Being d?sirions of extending the circulation of tfce LEADER, we have been induced to offer thc following Hst \ i of premiums, which Is in every way worthy the attention j of those who might desire to devote their attention to j canvassing for clubs. 1. To any one sending us the names and cash of ?me j hundred and twenty subscribers, we will present one Horace Waters* Splendid Organ, jell mg tn New YorK for $150, 2. To any one sending us one hundred subscribers, yith tlx; cash, we will present one of Horace Waters' Splendid Melodeons, ?el?ng in New Vor* for $115. S. To any oar seeding us seventy-five subscribers,wish the ca-h, ~c will present one ol'Leavitfs Sewing Machines, netting rn Boston for 90 dottars. 4. To any one sending us forty-five subscribers, with tl e cash, we will present a Holmes n hand prime qualitv of OAK and PINE WOOD, CYPRESS S Ul N OLES and GK AV EL als??, Hay and Grain at market price. Will attend to the purchase or sale of any Com modify, and is General Faetor ior Cooper, Ashley and ?antee Rivers and precincts. Orders from friends in the country for the purchase of Cotton Seed will have prompt attention and despatch. Charleston, Feb 22 STEPHEN J. MAXWELL. If?CEIVED BY "CP H EA R & FEN \flCK, IX a Boat-load of COTTON from St. Helena Is land. Also just received, 20,000 SHINGLES. Dec 23, tf, c*?) AAA A YEAR made by any one with $15 v^ JjAJxJKJ Stencil Tools. ?o experience neces sary. 'ThePresidents, Cashiers, and Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse the eircular. Sent free with samples Address the American Stencil Tool Works, Spring field, Vermont. SAWYER'S Crystal Washing Blue. EDWIN WEBSTER & CO., Sole Agents for the City of New York, No. 32. PLATT ST., (near William.) Thc quality of this Blue is unequaled Being purely vegetable, it will not injure the fiuest fabrics, and dis solves so freely in water as to entirely prevent stains. The quantity in each box is much greater than many other kinds of blue put up in boxes. One small box is equal at least to one quart of liquid blue. There is no danger from freezing, as in the case o? liquid blue. With our patent box there is no waste, and no acci* dent can occur as the blue is used without ^removing the cover. For neatness and convenience it surpasses all othei kinds of liquid or box blue. Janl3,lml5 For sale by all Grocers aud Druggists EVERY MAN HIS OWN PRINTER. Lowe's Improved Printing presses are the best and cheapest portable Card and Job Presses ever made, and have been ?warded Silver Medals. You Vil? find a press a source of pleasure and profit by printing for yourselves or neighbors. Many persons are SAVING AND MAKING MONEY by using one at their homes or places of business A comfortable living may be obtained in any city or village, with a small outlay for press and types. The press is so simple abov or girl of twelve can do com mon and fancy printing with ease. Cards, bill-heads, labels, receipts, circulars, etc., can be printed at a trifling expense. Price of Presses: $10 $16 $23 and $30. Price ot Printing Offices, including Press : $15 $2S $40 S48and $<1. Send for a Circular to the LOWE PRESS COMPANY, s " . - 23 Water Street, Boston. All information as to the above to be obtained at this office. Dec 24,ly,}2 ATTENTION ! Masons, Odd Fellows, & Mem bers of li. L. Aa IWILL send a Solid Gold Masonic or Odd Fellows' Pin on the receipt of $2. I will send a Gold Plate ?. L. A. Pin on the receipt of 7? cts.. I will send the Memorial Medal of President Lin coln, giving the date of his birth, inaugu?! and assassination, suspended by au American flag, ior 50 cents. 'AGENTS WANTED-To whom especial induce ments are offered. B. F. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweller, 208 Broadway, N.T. Parties desiring the above can leave their orders at the Leader office. 15 3m 15 POETRY. THE ItAVEJST. BY EDGAI* ALLEN POE. Once upon a midnight dreary, as 1 pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgot ten lore While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, .As of some ons- gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door, " Tis some visitor," I muttered, " tapping at my chamber door- Only this and nothing more. Ah, distinctly I remember- it was in in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor ; Eagerly I wished the morrow-vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease pf sorrow-sorrow foi: the lost Lenore For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels nailed Lenore- Nameless here for evermore. And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each pur ple curtain : Thrilled me-filled me wit?i fantastic terror* never . felt before j So that now, to still the- beating of my heart, I stood repeating " 'Tis some visitor entreating entrace at my cham ber door- That iff it, and nothing more. Presently my soul grew stronger, hesitating then no longer, " Sir," said I, " or Madam, truly yous-fo?giveness I implore, But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you"-here I opened wide the door, Darkness there and nothing more Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before, 3ut thc silence was unbroken,, and the darkness gaye no token, And the only word there was spoken was Che whis i>ere4 word " Lenore !" This I whispered, and an celia BM&rmured back thc j word " Lenore !" Merely this, ?nd nothing more. Back into my chamber turning, all my soul within mc burning, Soon 1 heard again a tapping somewhat louder than before. "Surely," said I, " surely that is something at my window lattice ; Lef my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore- 'Tis the wind and nothing more. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, lu there stepped a stately raven of the. saintly days ocf yore: Not the least obeisance made he, not an instant stopped or stayed he, But with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber ?ioor-rPerched, sat and nothing more. Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy in to smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the fbunte nance it wore, . Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, *? art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's . Plutonian shore-Quoth the raven "Nevermore Much ? marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear dis course so plainly. Though it answers little meaning-little rele vancy bore ; For we cannot help agreeing that no living hu man being Ever yet was blessed with see'ng bird above his chamber door Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his ; chamber door. With such name as 'Nevermore But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour, Nothing further then he uttered-not a feather then he fluttered, Till I scarcel} more than mutter ed/ ?Other friends have flown before, On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before, The bird said 'Nevermore. . Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, ?? Doubtless," said L, ? what it utters is its only stock and store, Taught from some unhappy master, whose un merciful disaster Followed fast and followed faster, till his songs one burden bore Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy bur den bore, Of never-nevermore." But the raven still beguiling all my soul into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust, and door, Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous. bird of yore- What this grim, Ungainly,ghastlt gaunt and ominas bird of yore Meant by croaking *? Nevermore/' Thus I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable i expressing? "Bo the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned^to my bosom's core ; This and more X sat divining, with my head-at eat e reclining On the cashioa's velvet lining.that the lamplight gloated o'er,. She shall press ah nevermore ? Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer, Swung by angels whose faint footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor, " Wretch t" I cried, "thy God;hath lent thee by these angels he hath sent thee Respite-respite and nepenthe ficom the memories of Lenore ! Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore." Quoth the raven Nevermore. " Prophet !" said I, "thingof evil- prophet still, if bird or devil ! Whether tempter sent, or whether- tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on the desert land enchanted. On this home by horror haunted-tell, me truly I implore Is there-is there balm in Gilhead-tell: me-tell me, ? implore I" Quoth the raven Nevermore.' .? Prophet L" said I, "thing of evil-prophet still j * if bird or devil ! By that heaven that bends above us-by that God we both adore Tell this soul with sorrow laden, if within the distant Aidenn, I It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore-- Clasp a rare ; and? raidiant maidea whoa* the angels name Le ! nore?" Quoth the raven ?. Nevermore." ?? Be that word our sign oi parting, bird or fiend I shrieked, upstarting \ " Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Flatonion shore ! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken ; Leave my loneliness unbroken !-quit the bust above nay door I Take ;thy beak from out my heart and take thy form . off my cfoor !?*" Quoth the raven 'Nevermore.' And the raveny never flitting, still is sitting still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my cuaav ber door And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's, that is dreaming, And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor And my soul from out that shader that lies float ing on thc floor, Shall be lifted-nevermore ! COMMUNICATED. Articles inserted under this head ar?- written by correspondents. We shall be glad to publish com munications of merit, but do not hold ourselves re sponsible lor their sentiments. Our correspondents are respectfully requested to send us more legible manuscrpt. We may be unchristian, but we must at leajt insist upon an i for i, and dotted at thar. KDISTO March 21, 1866. Mn. EDITOR-Sir, will you please permit in your most worthy paper a few lines from your friend in regard to our personal rights. I think in time that we should come forward to the world and claim our rights as men of honor. We haye fought as men beneath our country's flag, and if any white man in the South can say that we should not obtain by our services, equal rights before the law. AU we wish to ask of our country as freemen, and I have reason to thank the Almighty that so much more does at this time exist than did one year ago. We have no home - no shelter- nowhere to stop - not even as well ojff as the fowls of the air. We are tiAned out on the world to live or die. But I all I can say is that we must be industrious, j and work with skill and energy, bear our lot patiently, and live before the world like men who are worthy of the priceless boon of liberty. Allow me to say a word in regard to the dis tinctions of color. There is nothing like an equality existing between the white and colored. But, as a soldier of the United States' army, I, with those of my regiment, have done our duty as friends and supporters of the Government. Our brothers have fought and died on the field of battle; but it seems that all our fighting has done us but little good. Our politicians and leading men seem to be doing but little for us. Our trust is in God and our own good con duct. Let us convince the world that we are worthy to enjoy the rights we ask for. and in the course of time we will get them. Please examine tte case carefully before you bring in a verdict against us. W. W. SANDERS, * Company H, 35th Eegiment, EDISTO ISLAND; March 26, 1866. 1 hope soon to be called a citizen of the U.S., and have the rights of a citizen. I am opposed myself to working under a contract. I am as much at liberty to hire a white man to work as he has to hire me. I expect to stay in the south one year after I am mustered out of service, but not to hire myself to & planter. I have seen some men hired who were turned of! without. being paid. They try to pull us down faster than we can climb up. They have no reason to say that we will not work, for we raised them, and sent then; to school, and bought their land, and now it is as little a?- they can do to give us some of their land-be it little or much. ?< Mgixov R. LISTON, CO H, 35th Regm't. WATER?O?O, S. C., March, 26, 1866. MR EDITOR-I am glad to see your indepen dent journal place itself upon the firm basis of equal rights. In the Emancipation Proclama- . tion of President Lincoln, irr 1863, he declared I to the people at large that slavery should be i forever abolished, no more to exist within the ! limits of the United States ; and that there ! should be no distinction in regard to color. But j there is a difference in regard to color, and ever j will be. I remember well at the battle of Honey | Hill,, which lasted seven hours, and the gallant j 3ith Regiment, led by their gallant Colonel, J. j G. Beecher, fought as bravely as any upon- that ( bloody and well-contest d field. At that par- j ticular time and in that particulr fi>ht there was I no distinction in-regard to color. That was so ! in battle, but it is not so now.. If any man believes that there is no distinc- j tion in regard to color now, let him approach j the cars, or enter a hotel or a steamboat, and he-j will be set right upon that matter. There are j many white men, natives of the so-called sunny j South, who say the colored man won't work ; I - i but ali- we require of them is to give us a fair j chance and living terms, and we'll show them who ia behind in the great race of thrift, indus try, and economy. I begin to think that I have left home and friends far behind :~ and many mothers, wives, and sisters have wept with sor row for their husbands, sons, and brothers who ? have been engaged in the service of their coun- j try. We have been1 called upon to go forth toi the battle-feeld*, and. have cheerfully responded to the call^ and refused no sacrifice for the good of our country. I am further gratified to see that the old stain j of prejudice which has existed among our j downtrodden race is fast dying out ;. and that j there is now a union of feeling existing which did not exist when the gallant 35th Regiment first entered the service. I am pleased at the unanimity of feeling: and sentiment exhibited by our brethren who meet in council to- devise ways and means for the elevation of our race. The dawn of a brighter day is breaking, and the ?hade of the dark night of slavery is fast receding. Please remember us to the ladies,. whx> will bless us for the noble cause ir* which we are engaged. May the time soon come when the nations shall learn of warr no more, and peace a?d quiet shall everywhere prevail. Sergt. H. D DUDLEY, Co. K. 35th Regt. . GEORGE'S STATION, S. C., March 26, 1866. MR. EDITOR-Will you be so kind as to al low me a small space in your leader, for the . promulgation of a few thoughts. This is ra ther a narrow strip of land upon which I work. I hope soon to have elbow-room in which to exercise my powers. I feel like there is a good time coming, when not only the soldiers of the. ?U. S. but all citizens shall enjoy the rights of American citizenship. ButT can say that Co. j G., 35th Regiment, are doing now what they '. should have done long ago, and that is to get 'an education. We can boast of a first-rate teacher, and I hope that God will bhss him,, and likewise our captain. We are enjoying our selves here very much, and dividing our atten tion pretty equally between the useful and the ?ornamental. This js a small place, but it has grown considerably since our arrival. The day is coming when George's-station shall have a prominent place on the map of South Carolina. It has room to grow, and I hope it will improve the opportunity. We may be here for sometime* yet, and perhaps longer, for anything I know to the contrary. I will try to keep you posted on the most important matters transpiring in this rising inland town, which, is soon, I am told, to be promoted to the rank of a city by brevet, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Sergt. C. W. PUGH, Co'y G., 35th Regt. AN ANECDOTE or WEBSTER.-The Worcester West Chronicle, a local newspaper lately started at Barre, Mass., relates the following anecdote as coming from the lips of a venerable compos itor employed in its office. "Just after Webs ter delivered his reply to Hayne, the firm I was then at work for bought a Tevised copy of the manuscript in order to publish that and Kayne's speech in a bound volume. One day, as I was at work upon it, Mr. Webster came into the of fice, and, walking up to my stand, with the i proof-sheet * in his hand, said -? Young man, I j (I was a younger man once than I am now) j how do you find the manuscript ? The Wash- : ington printers make great complaints about it.' j * Mr. Webster, your manuscript is rather ob- i scure ; but then I consider your diction re- j markably sound/ Mr. Webster looked at me a ? moment, and theil put his hand in his pocket, ; and giving me a dollar, walked out without j another word. But 1 had to spend that dollar ? as soon as he had gone." I _ | a ??_ A large rn, eeting was held in Baltimore last week to approve the action of Congress. The meeting assembled in the Front Street Theatre, where Lincoln and Johnson were nominated. The spacious building wa* densely packed, and great enthusiasm manifested. Senators,Caswell, of Maryland, Trumbull, of 111., and Nye, of Nevada ; and Representatives McKee, of Ken tucky, and Francis Thomas and J? L. Thom*!, of Maryland, and others, spoke. PRESIDENTIAL PKOCxJttJfi??.. SixAonths ago Andrew Johnson wrote the follo^Ag letter to his newly made provisional governor, of Mississippi What is h& saying to day h,_ * EXECUTIVE MANSION; > "asKington, D. C., Aug". .15, 1865. > Gov. l^m. L. Sharkey* Jackson, Miss, I am glad to see that you have organized your ?ate convention without difficulty. I hope flat without any delay your convention will aPetid your State constitution,.abolishing slavery, and denying, to all future legislatures the pofc-er to legislate that there is property in man ;Aso. that they will adopt the amendment to th|Rn$titution of the United States abol ishinyslavery. If you. extend the elective fran chise to-all persons of color who can read the constitution of the United States in English, and jtrue their names, and to ali parsons of. colotfllio own real estate valued' at not less th an ?50, and pay taxes thereon, you would comjRteiy disarm the adversary, and. set an ex ample the other States will follow. This you cat do with perfect safety;, and yj}U thus place the southern States,, in reference to free persons of. colonjflpon the same basis with the free States. I horflaud trust your convention wi'i do this t and, m a consequence, the Radicals,, who- axe wild ujpon the subject of negro suffrage, will be completely foiled in their attempts to keep the southfti States from renewing their relations to the Unon, by not accepting their senators and representatives. ANDREW JOHNSON, President United States, The eyuer^s-tone of the old capitol wa? laitL by GenSai Washington on the 18;h of Sept. 17.93. Tris-building was set on tire by the Brit ish ..i theW-arof IS 14, at the conclusion-of which, it W8S rebuilt. The wings were added in 1851, on July slthe anniversary, of the Declaration of IndependJpee. Under the corner-stone cf the addition to the Capitol, Mr. Webster- deposited a paper in his own handwriting, containing the following sentence: "If, therefore, it shall be _ j hereafter ths will of God that this structure shall fall frommes* base, that its toundation.be upturn ed^ and the deposit beneath this stone brought to the eyes-of men, be it then known that on, this day the Union of the United States of America, stands firm-that their Constitution still exists unimpairil, and with all its original usefulness ry, growing every day stronger and fin the affections of the great body of [rican people, and attractiug more and ?admiration of the world." Just ten this was uttered, the Special Session ss of July 4th, 1361, was convened for ise of taking measures to put down the greatestJCml War in the world's history.. 1 THE MILITARY. We Ave no clashing now between the civil and th?military authorities. Maj. Gen. Daniel ? E. Sicajps, commanding department, is firm in the I dischafe of his duty, and is deservedly popular, j Gen. I)evens,. the commandant of the post, is j deal?n? out justice with an even hand within the I limitsif his jurisdiction, and has, by his affable manure and courteous deportment, won golden opinion from all classes. Maj. Gen. -Scott, Com missioner ot the Freedmen's Bureau, has but lately come among us, but?' he has already exhib ited a degree of firmness and impartiality in the discharge of his duty, which cannot fail to. com mend ftim favorably to all parties. lu the main, we mOT consider ourselves peculiarly fortunate in thos?? who have been selected to exercise mili tary ai?thority among us. UN*>N LEAGUE OF AMERICA. reports of nearLy two thousand councils ghout all the States have been returned,. and all of them have adopted the following resolutions : Resolved, That these Councils have full con fidence in thc majority of the Senate and House ! of Representatives, now- in Congress assem ' bled, ^nd in the measures which have been pre pared by that majority in regard to the restora tion of the relations to the general Govern ment of the States lately engaged in rebellion against the Government of the United States. Resolved, That the members of th?se Coun I cils of the U. L. A. do most heartily approve j of the action of the loyal members of the Con i iiress of the country in their passage of the 'Freedmen's Bureau Bill ;, regret most deeply ?the veto of that bill by the President; thank ! the Senators who voted to pass the bill over the [veto, and decline to join with tne Woods, Pry iors, Voorhees, Valiandighams, rebels, and pot ! sonous Copperheads, in rejoicing over and ! approving the veto. ; Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be I published in ull the loyal papers in sympathy * with; our Order throughout the country. When are we to hear from the Order in this State.1 THIS BEAUTIFUL WOBIJO.-Ah, thia beautiful world ! -Indeed I know not what to think of if,* Sometimes it is ali gladness and sunshine, and heaven itself lies not far off. And then it chang es suddenly, and is dark and sorrowful, and the clouds shut out the day. Tn the lives of thc sad dest of us there are days like this, when we feel as if we could take the great world in our arms. Thy come the gloomy hours, when the fire will nofburn in our hearts nor on our hearths ; and all without and within is dismal, cold, and dark.' -Every heart has its secret sorrows, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. t; Aw ! how duth you like mymustathe, Miih. Laura ? " lisped a dandy, to a merry girl. "Or Yery much. It looks like the fuzz on the back, of a caterpillar."