ALLEN COFFIN, Editor. "First t>h?.Uiac?o, thou the ear? utter the trill edni in thu our."-Paul. FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. "Vol. I. SOUTH CAROLINA LEADER, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS. At 430 Kiug-stroot, dhu ri os ton, S.C., HY T. HUKTJF?Y ?fe CO. Subscription Price :-Four Dnllurs n )?r, lava rlnbly in ndviince. Tn AI?V::H Thc has thc liir'K??l clrculntioii nf any weekly paper lu HIL- Southern! States,-circulating exftuislvory In South Carolins, ?s'orlh Carolina. ti corena, and Florina; thereby reit. ilcrlu" lt a valuable inAlium foi those hil vi nc a jud? tu dispose oT. Ratea ot" Aiivortisinic: Fur one Square of '?VII I.Ines, une lltsertiol , S'-'-OO, ! for eueh subs?quent Insertion, $1.00. A liberal discount made tu yearly, half-yearly, ami I quarterly advertisers. Advertisements co nq." cu cu sb- | . liisplaycd hy special agreement. ~ Pit O S I ?K CT U S ' KOIl 'i'll li South Carolina Leader. - : t j A Weekly Journal ol' thc Tirites. T?U I.KAIimt will be devoted to tim interest of Flee iatbor mid general reform. Thc Federal Covcrnuicnt ?ill he sustained al ul! hilliards, ami we hope Ihul its ultiriial- policy Inward, j this State ?viii ensure pence, prosperity, ?ad domes tic tranquility. That self-evident li nth. ccutaliied in thc Declara timi of Indepcndeiice, "That all mell ure cicutcJ equal," will he steadfastly ndhere.l to. lu mut teri of CttKCin, ii will tfivc its earnest Hiipport lo all hilpbrtllrlt public measures ami prac;' cul imprnecincu's. 1 ' While lom less in Hs iiilvoe.'icy or lin- rlyat, nail frank In ita deuuiieiatleli of the wron;*, its eoluuix will licrer ba millie a' channel of coarse personal abuse, ll will deal willi principle- rallier than nu n. anil allow tho free nuil ouulid di-eu-sion of all nih jeetspertuildni; to the public |>obd. in striving to m.lie till-emphatically .a pipe," !"r the people, wo eoulldently look io il.ou t ir the minnon ol' siibsoiptiun ami advert i si tig1 |*?ti')iiai;i', which its WO rill demands. T. li iii.??EY wt ? i T ii K L K A ? i:n " JOB PRINTING OFFICK 43? King Street, ci-iA-RLi?^?iSr, s. c. Tue '* LondcY " bill ct! is now prepared lo ex ecute every description of Kook, Job, and ( ard Printing, in the highest style of ibo int, and upon the most satisfactory tenn-. Our numerous frit'litis w ho have not heretofore' been utile to obtain their wauk from this olliec, will now lied out facilities equal :;; ar.y eiiiiiigi h. y. FANCY PRINTING, Wc have unrivalled nd vantages ftir producir.", elegant wot k in Gold, Bronze, Velvet., sud all thc varied colors that may please the fuiicv und attract the beholder. ( ard P.rinting* Wc shall m.ike spteial i-f?o i ts to excel in this department, un i confidently anticipate a liberal share of the public pa tm migo BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, CARDS, LABELS, HAND-BILLS, PROCRAiVirVlES, POSTERS, ETC., MUSIC AND DANCING. HOPKINS lu?a emne u-rain with his usual tiih?< and ? admired nirs.,,Ile lulim! ut hi- nhl .place, No.?S7 IIKNIUKTI'A .ST il K KT. I'lhvim usual. , ?HUI N T. inil'K INS, A Colored i'rofemor. CtfAltt.ltHTO.V, Oct. '.'I. lill 3 ..i V/ I L L A R D A8MALLE Y. (hate of ?. S. Navy.) AllMY A>fl> IN'A.A'Y Ba nit i ii??' & Collection (Hijeas. 20 Ri atc SI;., New York. noiintirn. Cntnnititntlnn of Kation* for Prlsiiners nf Wnr, nml tor .Soldiers on furlough. - Fruit Money, lleitnth-s, und IV-nslons secured and pia i il. Fay, Accounts, nml Allotments rasMid, No fury Flt ld ii*, ii nil Coin missioner of Deeds. , Ci-rilllculi H ol' ...m iuilehtedncss prooitreil. ?!r All (tovorutnent ('binns promptly adjusted. Communient inns hy mall will receive i mille Jiu :ni tenthill. ,. piRK-WOUKS, TOYS AND SEO A US. .'itt 70*7 Fireworks, Toys, Sc|;nrn and Tnhnern ' ;' At IL DOSCHEU, Dce.16, 2wJl 535 Kin? Sircet. HOLMES, GOULD & CO , 32 PLAIT STREET. NEW YOKE, AND 1 188 HANOVER ST., BOSTON, Dealer? lu every vnriety of Walnut, Mahogany, Rose b . tVnod ami I'aiuted CH A M ISS UITS; S Also, all styles ur UP IH ) LS TE li El) /. ' t /Il Xi T VUE, V/hich arc offered ut Ike lowest market rate?. -IniinaryG tf j I KNIQUT & llANl)OLPU,| Photographists & Ambrolj pists Rooms, 330 Kin? Stroct, \X7ILL take all kinds of Picture* at the 7 T cheapest ratos, mid enlarge all kinds of ?mull Mures. Dec'.'l.'lin.ia 'Itesldcncc - Charlotte St., one door enil of Alex auder riroet. Nov. IS-tlm 7. 1K)KTRY. HY I AIJ FOETU? . MISI>T>: ll. This woman will thou have, And '?iii Tish her l'or life ? Wdt ti) HI love and cOinliirt lier? And ind; no other wile? ni:. This woman 1 will I il kc, Thal ..tamis beside inc tiow , I'll lind lier titian! ami dollies, Ami I ia vc no oilier li ow. MlXUSit-H. Alu! lor your li lis hand will V.ju tai.o this nice young ii; un ' Obey his slightest wish. Au I love hun ail j Ou eau j sm:. Til love him ad 1 i an, ( they hun all I idioose, It' w!. I ask t"i lilli I-, Hi- nev er C. l?s r? Ilise. MINIS . lt; Theil yon iire'niaW and wile, And happy mai you lu- ; As many la-voir .var.-', A si dollars lu- %ty Ice. \yifAT A Uti Til ti STA HS. Tell me, is each star a world. That wc sec ut yon bright sk>\ An- they |ted|iieil like out world, lu the firmament "ti high ? Teil im*, i" each star a world, They ant many that we see - Toll tm. th'iise that .lu.'.! oil t!._,il. Aro they h lings siieli ?is wc? Ted me. is each star a world, That wc ga/ii on day hy ?lay. They seem to ?niall and I right Hut ilicii, I (icy aro far away. Tell tuc, is each star a world; I would so tillich like to ktiutv, Or arc they angels' eyes '1 hat ure gazing na us so? (.), tell nie ot I hose worlds*, That is from all mortal sight, Those bright and silvery s tah-", 0, tuc th ~y woll i? of 1.ghi? Charleston, j cb. l????. Yi:sri:n. At'JUCA TO AMERICA. In HUM! liv Ofthypieeil I have hut thal for thee: Al the h air ol thy triumph Hum knowost not mo. M \ Monti d il thy livers, it chnanucil tl.y sen ; Vet nu outcast um 1 in tin '''laiiid ol ihcF fee. ' riu-lian.I the swonl s|i?il the j;.-a may not hulil; llciiitinl'Cil is the toiig?v) Which ihr war march culi irojiid; Au.! the foot tl. .t st ubi) linn when the cannon nilli il, Munt Ili'C lion) Un- spot where tho Laitol ls pollcil. Thy frleml was my frleuJ, ii ml thy foe wus HIV foo; Vet I ?i-da y nut a friend in (he councils I kilo? . In the grille mar; Inil my stuhl wita u trend nul ri slow As i Ki.' cutirse of (ho ja n(hv Illy verra nt ii bestow X ii.' hfe whloh 'twixt thy life : iul'* dart How. ll- fol iud 'inaili ihi ? ig hy Vhe traitorous crow, lo the soul m* hoc hut its country's love know. I Nor stutule, mu scripture, nor en UM-ic nee ls true. ' How They Talk. '.We who have played with the bill cits, nnd oftcti suckled life fi om thc .same bleust?," says Tho Daily 1'r ss, speaking of Freedmen, we ure tin ir tuituial guardians and friend:! lb.'..- many colored mon iii thc Vj;i>.tc of Geor gia, or ::;.;. other .Southern Stute, w", I st?y thu: lillil;.!ion i- tine: What evidence have w c th .., if Vue funner masters ate thc ? iiuturit] guiuiliuns anti fticnds' nf tho freed people, they nt t as such. W'hj is it that hlinnst every day black pciple are inurdcicd hy white nun, and thc m ut dermis co neon lcd - spirited n way - beyond app rehen sion, if they arc thc . guardians mu| fricad-.' of the freed people? Why ?M it that all the officers of tho Kn cd m en's lin renn me daily crowded by freed people, who complain of thc ilinlinncst dealings nf their foi mer musters; mid whose bodies give evidence of thc most barba tons cruelties inflicted upon them, by those who arc ' tin ir natural guardians mid friends?' Why is it (hat those who conic among the fried people to teach them nnitality ii nd indus try ; and to ns-d>l in rendering them intelligent sud virtuous atc daily insulted III some loeulilie?, their'Hvi'ri tiiieinchetl, il those who once owned t hy t.\-'often suckled life from tia- .same breasts' - nro 'their natural guardians and fi ?cuds:' Why is il thal the wive? and daughters of freedmen, tVibugh they bc chaste ns ice, 'ind pay thc mini' rails of fare that wi ne people do on railways, arc put imo filthy freight cars, nnd compelled io submit tu all kinds of vulgar nnd profit nc insulting language, ii they diire demur if thc people bf ibu South tire their natural guardians ami friends ? Why is it thal ihe freed people uniformly exhibit such unqualtlied distrust of their former masters, if they dre their " natural guardians and h it-rids ? " Why is it that the freed people have NO much confidence in the Noithcrn'people ; nnd in nil their troubles go to officers-of the Freedmen's Duren tl for re nf nnd justice-saying they cnn get it nowhere else, if their Inte masters, - those who often suckled life from thc snme b'cnsts, are their natural guardians nnd friends? Will tho Daily l' bo kind und indulgent enough tn answer these questions without equi Tocation ?-Loyal Utorymit. MISCELLANY. i From ti:?! lu lepeu lent.] RELICS OP ANDERSON VI LEE. Clara llartun, t^O il-'r Wort of Morey, nv yu.'.:; :KS II. (.AUB. In a MU i,l room on Jloor pf a building in Washington, il. (j.i I ait hie J liv? io pen , this lett? r. Nu ihtrrhr? tl au h ha cit It^hl or beauty from these wulls ; no Vun:|y gems glitter lhere ; no ex quisite shells from the depths nf the sea entrance | Iv it h their splendor of color mid ftirtn ; no birds with gaudy plumage rein ind us of nature's in?g tiiliccnee in some far-olt isle tf thc ocean. Nay, none ot' that! Ob ! pen of initie, write quietly ; o!i! yes. put hack your tears. Cease, throbbing heart, your painful pulsations; while I till the story as best 1 can. Coi :?. neme,- - let us look at these things. The liits of un, perforated willi holes, were once t days of some loving hearts so (rightfully -tilled. One lady looking al them with tears coursing down her cheeks, oxcliltt::ed, " I wotild n!v?! m.v diamonds for these." " Your diamonds could not buy ilici?," wat thc heroic answer ; of the who has d?n'e so much to ease the sorrow bf a nation. A- I said, these tables bear tho burdens of ach int: heart-;, 0;U. And still they come. Still tho mother erics out in anguish and suspense, ' What has become of my hoy ' ' Still (he wife plead i t > know of bim who war her all - whom she guvc lo lier coiiutrj to die for it, il need le-, hat not to be lust, uncared for, ami unsought. Om- hun In d letter-, a day ofteii lay itp'tih Miss Marlon's table, every one Creigh te 1 willi sorrow. Do you wonder that I sit in awe in thii almost sublime room ! ls l he theory 'ruc I hat ?puns can huger near mot tali upon cut tb 1 ll so, will they liol be here breathing over this kimi, gentle woman, to help bur in her benevolent work ' Do they nut long ;.i have those they io ved, mid who ?till wander .11 ldc asking for them, let into the secret ot their l ite ? 0,1'uo letters ! some o( them giving th?, mimes of twelve or tilteeii missing tuen, and each re i ju iring an answer to the individual who wrote* il; ami live. ten. twenty, thirty, even seront 1 dive leitet.-, ul inquiry t > guiri the inlurtiiiiiion nee led 10 reply to its queries. o! you who read this have, perhaps, si en Miss Hai ton's " Hull of Musing Men," ?ti l her request tippenden to thu: --ruli" fur iiifot Illation. Y oi muy suppose those name? are ail she has gathered, aaa wonder that she hus lid inure. You imagine .she ha? gone to the Quar termaster's d-partim-nt or .-iiu-iter-roll tor thai number. Let tl be known thal every l.ume on ihut h.-t has been taken from Miine letter ol" finn.!... which is now ot: !:!.: in lief possession, taking for the missing. Most of those letters lire fruin votnou, winer 10 their own handwr tim! ur thal of iiii ii gefit/ telling their own kto:y Of '.'ss iud .-01 i ow. lier ?.roll" way printed in June or July, and copies scu tiered ? vcr the country. It cu ii tai hs out thieu thousand names. There are many mot.! thal uro now waiting ta be pul in shape, und that will be printed us soon ns possible. This is a great wauk, requiring iii H ny bunds, and hurd, stoudy labor. Friends inust ho put icu t, thankful for what, hus been done, timi trusting for tho future. While Clara Harton live? and can woik ehe will not forget the widow m her afHtciiou, or lei ihe fa the riet s ask in vam, or disappoint the mother's hope-if il is possit). lo do otherwise. Une thing more. Let it be everywhere under stood 'Ins is ti private enterprise, begun ned wholly sustained by Harton. She receives no salury from any Department of Go ver timi'nt ur association of ihe people, and is responsible lu lite people only through her promise to du this work. SENTIMENT OF THE SOUTH. We tire glad to publish ibo following remark able letters, addressed to lion. Wm. D. Kelley, represent lilt ve ill Congress from I'ennsj I vania Mt. Ilnrringer, tho author of them, belongs ii: ono ot tho oldest and most (listing ii ?shed fain.lier ol North Carolina, und adhered, as he says self. " steadfastly to the Confederacy until it: military power was broken." Ho had a biuthcr Kuius llarrihgcr, who was ja brigadier genera in tho le'iol army, bul who is now cf the saint mind as the author of these letti rs : fJo^COKl), N. C., Deccinbor, 20. 1S??. Dkiit Sm : I take the ?bet ty td uddtesstii; you 111 my own interest al the ?nstame of Mr H?ben McDonald, a young gentleman of tin placo, who resided, however, during the war, ii Philadelphia, where he was ut college. Sly ob joel i? to request that you w ill send me any pu') lie documents which you may have nt your com nun:J. You are aware that wc tire without re presehtatioii, nnd yet this Congress is full bf in terrsi for our people. Dur press is extremed; meagre in its repolin or notices of thc doings ii Congress. In fact, wc get nothing hut from on side. Of the report of thc bends of department wc have seen nothing but thc most barren ?vu opus, limier these circumstance I hnvc adopte Slr.McDonald'g suggestion, ?nd made this per sonni application to you fur congressional fa vois. Ho bas given me snub assurances, in nd tlitiou to wiiai was already known to us of you public character, ns loaves no doubt thal my ap plication will be regarded. Pardon nie if I avail myself of tins occasion t express nu opinion or two in relation lo publt uir.iits. 1 will preface what I have rosny b frankly dr?a ring that 1 adhered steadfastly t thc Confederacy until ita military power iva broken ; bul I deemed that thc surrender whic WM inndc by our generals was nonie in goo faith, mid demanded, on our part, a cordial r> turn to bu." allegiance nnd 11 hearty acquiescent ina nntioial policy. I secrpca to myself, t len?', to reilize, :;s by n sou bf intuition,nt one whr.t thc ''"iin/i.': of that surrender made bot "> . 1 " our duly iiti'l our inicies?. Down wein .State . sovereignty .md Sute right-, bluvery and thc'\> t-luvo codi.; together with every ?bltgiUbWi pc cuniury and moral, ur. ] political conn- etd with | l'sic?cssioh. In tho rn'cni ul ut] thu ?l -c! ? i i, wc Int ci hvcomy ihoiougl !y ti it i i i> it FI I ir . . I have beeil a 'j'ii"-'. hut vari, -st mid cluv ibserver 'if event* silica: M ij las', i:rid c.miler i i.itsttuitis ni' (.i itu y thal 1 ii t nut th. :;fc w I . . ? ? bine tip '.> th?! measure of what cither oui ; ;' ' m IHM '. required. 1 titi no?. I ii relon , I-. t iii -appoint! tl that there, ii sollie I I) ?ii '.he I? i.! ii ?'?bili. IM j ruthi 1 think that dela) ha* hud will il > ?joe !. I ?'ttl in tl l?iU: ls thv -um >>l ail stiit'esitiuiish ;> ti.uchiiig Ihn hu-.ii'-?. K vt rt-1 ne? should I; . a vu Ul .'J - tlii? f.xti'Tii . nu the huinh nt al '.,; ui * 'J "j s ion,I st .ii? less ?ii- ul iht; past he l'jsl on u-; nuil thc i Mt cu; , nu the othci.of to? luiig ii delay, hst we lull iiitu a gillum iiii 11 ? t J11 \ t. bilked Ililli Itlt'li.sU? cs ?1:; !; ill ? si . --- Cit '. 'i . '? > int por tun t to national ha; iti my ?!..* i> ti -> won dds how they should h'estii'il'.; ti i>bout them. fo the Pr?sident I.:..' '. i vii-: u- nliou: j the'.' war debt at;.I th? <. n.-t.tu-. .nul A?i; chtlihciit. And ii ii ty we stand higgling about I the ter iu j which should picViiil bc* tv vt; ii th' j raices her.', ut il wc could ev et li- a', hui mon i either wi'.ti th: nation or with .'. . black ia. ! wi".!, .a', the eonecssi it: to the freedmen, ut hi:?' Hi a ..anted lol tn, both ot t!.e light ot !: -.tiibuiij I nod the righl of sitliiag'.'i Ytl tt e liavi hail n i publie tutu w.h.) liii? avowed hiuiscit bli . il'bel pi iiiotuion tu any lo tm. lavett iii'.- j ami tuodetate individual view s of '.lu- l'ionien-, ns I'tjii-i-Mil lu Mujji Stenn.-, lin,s no tc-pou?? ? licit'. 1 have liol seen th- tu published ::i a sin j gie hewspiiJM r u!li i-1 linee. It vi'111 be b ti iii -lent if Wc (jive, as 1 !: uc ? .-. soon will ?tve, au cat nest thiit lb? in 1' ita *jf ?icr?ineii unionist liri lire ubi to he In ld ;:i ptrpet uiil po litieul bondage. If we enter ?.:? tin- : Wuyj by co?icediiis; Kut?rt^ti in some j tjuiililied t.>rin, let it be a pledge that WC ? keep thai way lo the end. Whut we ?ni:: intcnsi'ly is lb; labor, ?he :u il ti ?tty, th-.- eapita!, thc ideu? of the N ut::. Iii South, u-i a resisting, protesting | uni, has erased. Conic, then, amongst us in eveiy I rbi >.( hutuaii putsuit, und you Will be die 'l'be w hole only ol" fruternati/.ation cuiiststs no? in Vankeeiising this ?soulheiit l ind. \\'-.- II. .-. giff and wc will give your system ii f.iir iriul. Ours his failed. 1 would bc especially ?:i itili d 10 lieu you ami s mi . ot y-.ur li .publteau 1 nd i li! oui i: ulst. We Will hen- yb i gladly. ? ?in:, Ji-ar sir, very truly, Js.\ &e., Vu:rm: C. il.Mt?i.N'mtn. Hon. \V. 1). IC KULK V, \Vt?,i:n:g'.u:i, 1). U L'ose )!;:), N. C., J.intiary ?. ISGt?; MY Dr.AU Siii: Your favor ut ilie 'J'' !i ult , v. uh u I nge number of documents', was rc?civtd and gladly received, .some it,?y* ug-?? Inc vvhdle taken together, brings uv inc.i-t:tably up with thc great wiirlil from winch ive tut vc been, you know, subatuntially excluded ft r lour yeats mid more. lt is ii little singular thai minds, dit?cring so widely, us 1 nib sure wc did upon fundamental principles concerning I he organic structure ol oui Oiivcrniucnt,nuil S)c{'il by a wider chasm of wat, .should have ttrtived at neatly the Millie conclusion* m respect t.) ail piitctieal .l-usiiutis. I have read your cpceehen carefully, i nd do ii'ut lind, tis you seem i to think 1 would lind, much in tl.un from ?>!,., h I would dissent 1 mn a 11 lawyer, us you suppose, bul have been in ex treme bible health for mote than three yeats ; mid while toil have been ill thc inti ve wot bl, 1 have been in the mcdUalive, and been trying luther to ke< p pnee with the advanced moral .u-nt:nu nt of the country than to make pruitt out of it* actual wu n t.s ami deulmdi. I lui ve, therefore, not had much to du with law, and f.ii les? with politics, for several year.?. Hut I in I nome confidence in my general conclusions w hi ii I lind them silHtitined hy one who has bu n en gaged actively in reducing principli s lo pun tu e for ibero cannot be a more dangt rous man than a mere abstract political theorist. You kindly invite my n? inion*. I give lin m ns bi ii fly as ! cnn, in a letter form. In it* last nnulysi.*, according to my view, lhere is hut a singh' thing M t.ich keep* the Xi,ul: and the South apart, und which must keep ur, sp.rt till wc go to you, lor you eau never come to un. Thc Northern min i is national. The Southern mind i* sectional. 'I hat is thc Mira total on both sides of tue Recount. Whi'ri 1 speak of thu Northern mind I allude moro particularly to thu mimi as organized anil expressed in the Republican putty, \i hi eh ia now dominant, in your region,and likely,I think ?3 continue destinant. Wo li iii1 v novel lit - exactly buch u porty. 'I':, nit: fedeiuls, who b'.cc- around oiir cradleol :. fahey, ivuh Wa?.hinkle:; ut their head ?elicvi indeed, ntid taught the perpetuity ol' the Hojtui ?lean a cardinal ul I ivie of political faith, i. . lucy . ii. 1 not have n Crtii hold ';:t ihn {{"eat I.- ti m ni" people, Whi ' They lu ! -d ii reai (ju i in piipiiliii ; iv, m n' ir. There was a tiiittl*. . i)lit?,itcl)\ ,ii u!l ih'ii t'-'ni:ii';;-. There wu- .. Anni i,l -i ii,-i t ? y ? h ' !| ni i -. -. The ? -i '.I'?'d.i j,.; IV; ii': . . J .-ll- rv.r;, ylv, tip n u iy l ull u i -mili -.' I > Uiii,uni ov?r t'. '. ?' iiti v, -'.- ?. . .I. .I. j?dd .II ::. diega wt;'?ni st >r living; Tl:!-, pur*) i.-vi-iy w ln.ic ?iiitnlv recdjti.t ? / '. .. li- ?. op Iv" ,,s Ur Soiirco nf power, m. ele.ii?h- ; m, . i. .w_;. a.. i.t i.t pnpiilur liol' L i.I ii udinilt' d iipiinei| ?.. under the tesolu'io; ? of '98 un 1 ''."'J ?hieb il-i.n d the indUhulubili . .I tile Union, m. ? itiitde it dependent upon ti vol.nun i l, li e IJcioociuey, iievciik |'eS.?, mo II ?i.t'.lilt iiiid. in spite ol tile dissolu hie ehtiii-i * "I i"? . i -!, '.'ie wem r.ti ?liump). lilt! Iv tt.i idyll tu o,t .iL-i?ti w ut -, und I il o s pe,: nu ly through t?.? ?eiunrioMs moonul peut. w itli a ini.-gi ving, h o a ev. i. nil . h? w hile tu s'ii? - aeioilS it,In I- th- lindel lying uiiliflict lol Iii-, mastery bot? . o t? '' I' i "ii und th', ^tutea u.'. i eoi?e Sottie tl.iV tu j tl I-- ... >.f Idood, Thjit U>,it eutt.e. Hut 111 ; vi ti- t!-.? ot personut ai.-J et* :l Iii' .i a.. Tin? .iulii;:c with that piirty, indulge tuiw a sit.: . hope ibut it m,!-' i V?; u in it? oLl ascendency, (.! .. press utteiij ulmus: otu voice tor it. ll,vie I?, then, reason to thu', wo tue to De tlie tat! of that snake which, ttl your no\Yl ;i ?meal nomenclature, you e.ill .. Cujiji rhend." KvideiicO nt tt..s is seen ;n lite tiutver-ui wist .lint the:-' may bea filial broach iii the li.-pub., .-au party upon iii - (pit ai ion of ? rcnrgiiiuzttiiiit: if the Suite*. 1'i.e hope is that the I'lcallionl .i .11 iii i?\ otf woh hon u coitstd hillie part of tl. U-.-piiblieutis, ol.o most ulli.iate, s., liu-r or littet iv tili tlie lieinoetucy. I loci iiiyS'lf no ?nil, lope. 1 ciiiiuht imt it-jjiiril I hit i-vei.'t a> cain tiitous, ii it sliotiid yee ur. 1 uni unable to un? jersttiiid w but j;iind ii could, in the end, do tho south. We want nationality, ii bi ve all wants, and Pi jet ti we must become ii-puttltcautzeiL This ,j a hy I desire that su::,e nf yum prominent Jj{,?. juhltcaiis niay come down hero. Let us nev you nul let us Lear you. They ina y come, 1 ass ur..' iou, with perfect safely, mid won hi do (tomi. Vcciiiupiiiij n g '.in m, m i ai lo i bet?re them, send is all industry, und bruins you i..i. ? jiiie m i vi i i dejiilrtm m. 1'ui.s jnoecss wi?l ?ooo tlnsettlo eui old i lea-, nit I. iii tile general lisiiilegfiiiioii, tm ti wtil luttuially tutu to thy, luist n ilion d organization m the counliy. Uiii1 o? two questions, esjieeiully. we lit'etl the -juill of SeCtlOllitlislli btokell Ul Upon to tile idtitiiii. 1'he tiisi legtitds ibo niiliounl ile lu. i lui illy any one you nu-et with lure but dui shes s.uue hiipt'i ly n ?eil of hocus-po'-u A ho h he e.innot understand or c.xphuu, thii. h it debt will be rejnidiutod. Our jmblic bodte< - otu legislatures it pd eon ventioos - have boen. ,oti obs,-!ve. stngltitly reticent on the subject, linio ?s, 1 asset!, n eieniral want of coniidenec lilt Viii (j us in the solvency of the national sort? mes. Il n mun hus tobacco, cotton, or Isnd tu ttl. he mu?! have the gold, which in imnn'di lely looked up tn lus stront* box nj?ft.iiut tho loy of universal bankruptcy; The it-suli i , hat ulule we lui vc much specie in the South, ie hare scarcely .my curr.' n y - none indeed at ll adequate lo the ilivclopmen\ of her uu ounted resources. Nobody lends gold-Ho mily pays tb hts with gu il. Tm te t? not milch unveil.i tit. then line, ev t i t Us we are ablo lu ibinin capipil ut the li t i. Thc tl-' w.l;-? laced to Us loot, is tu 1 fm'.x i ia ecus itstruet of tlie tiationn j;- c? . '