\ ALLEN COFFIN, Editor. First the blade, tlien the eat?, after that the full corn in the eaiW-Paul, FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Vol. I. SOUTH CAROLINA LEADER. PUBLISHED ON SATUBDAYS, WEEKLY, At 430 King Street, Charleston, S. C. BY T. HURLEY & CO.. Subscription Price -.-Four Dollar? a > fcar,inva r:abi;< in advance. Bates of Advertising:: For one Square of Ten Lines, one insertion, $2 00; preach subsequent insertion.SL00. A liberal discount male to yearly, lialf yearly. md - irterlv advertiser1*. Advertisements conspicuous ly displaced bf special agreement. PKQSPECTl'^ FOR THE South Carolina Leader. A Weekly Journal of the Times. ?..;K LEADER will be devoted 'o thc interest of . Lahor and general reform. rh? Federal Government will Le sustained at ?ll ami we hope that irs ulpfrtHt*- policy to yards . ?:.?-p will ensure peace, prosperity, and (tomes tranquility. ?.hat self evident truth, contained in the Dfdara 5 of Independence, c*That all ui*-n arr created wiii he steadfast Jv adhered to. [n matter* of local ponkeen, if xviii srife ffatrarue* , rr to all ian? ?rtaut ??uh!io measures and pructi ;.;?.; .ivt-in-nts. ., : iru ss iii its advocacy of th<^ Ktght.aud ni irs denunciation ol the VVr??n.r, ir." rolumos ri i. r h<- made a channel of roars?' personal .>.. i; ui!? deal with principie- rather than men, ??luir t!*e free and candid discussion oj ;,ll >ub . : lilting to the public good. ,t ?riving to m*ke this,emphatically a p.per for ;*ople, we confidently look -o them f ?r tho ne??: of ?ub worth demands T. HUUL?Y & co. POETRY. &&BBATH BVsTfl^a TVVILil3ii \ ?et?r? Uul hour of sweet re .ose, (}:' hallowed thoughts, of love, o ' ?raver! i ove thy deep and tran pvt c ose. Forail the Sahbath dav is t tere. Each nure desire, each hi^h re inest. That burned l?efore the tem >?e shr ne, Tiie holies, the fears, that move I the breast. Ail live again in ight i .c ri nc 1 love thee for t..e erv. ! ? ow pi?n she l*st around the c o-ing 'ay Those golden lines those xvreat ;s of snow, That light and [?ave ti s g orious way ! Through them, Fve sometimes thought, the eye May pierce thc unmeasured deeps of space. Ant! track the course where spirits fly, On viewless vvings, to realms of bliss ? love thee for the unbroken ea'm That slum hers on this fading scene. And throws its kind and soothing charin U er " all tl e little world within." It trances every roving thought, Ye; sets the soaring fancy free f Shuts ?rom the sou: the present out. That ail is musing memory. I love those joyous memories Fliat rush, with thee, upon t!ie sou: ; Tacse deep, unuttered symphonies, riiat o'er the speil-bound spirit roll. Ul the bright scenes of love an I youth Hey ive, as if they had not fled ; .lad Fancy clothes with seeming truth, The forms she rescues from thc dead. let hoher is thy peaceful c'ose. For vows love left recor le 1 there ; Hi s i? the noiseless hour we chose To consecrate to mutual prayer. Fwas when misfortune's tear.ul coud \\ as gathering o'er *hr brow of heaven, Ere yet despairs eternal shroud Wrapped every vis on hope had given ; IT?. , .?nen these, deep, purpling sha les came lown. In sortene 11 nts, upon the bids, We swore t ?at, whether fate should crown future course w.th joys or rds, tether safe moored in ?ove's retreat, Or severe ? wide bv mount and seil, Hiis hour, in spirit, we would mee;, And urge to heaven our m itua plea. ) *,ell me if this ha lowed hour Still tin ls thee constant at our shrine, >ti!l witnesses tiiy fervent prayer Ascending wann and true xvi th mine ! hitfrfal through every change of woe, heart still flees tq meet thee there ; ? r -ul 1 soqthe tins weary heart to know Fiiat thine responded every prayer. ":ten tor the Leader.] TO MISS MARY S-S. : '-ought, a flashing thought, and then a move I fought it fair bespoke the act of love ; ^:en, as 'twas wrote, his mandate Neptune gave th wrath unmoistened to his suborned wave said: ? Hear, all ye 'therial m'mioned host:" I: brave Ulysses sank himself as lost, m to his aid, Minerva, bright did reach * saving hand, which lilting, left a breach ' ixt him and a watery grave. Sol, iken as a thorn, as 'twere, to die, ng a gentle, vivifying touch, . the soft, blushing peta.s (envious much) ~e gay dahlia, waiting witching romes, ist, unconscious of .ts charming blooms, ^kening man, the gracious gift imparts ; -: latent greatness, true unveils its heart COMMUNICATED. To the Editor of the Leader. THE POWER J F EDUCATION. MR. EDITOR - Encouraged by an artic!? in your paper, the 11th ult., signed J. H. K., 1 am induced to follow his example in adding rn] m;te to the general good. This being my firs effort. I might joyfully exclaim in the language of a learned doctor, who is even now in oui midst, ?? that I. too, am a man." It is a trutr thar is generally acknowledged, that the edu cated mind, and even intellects that are but partially developed, pr>ssess over the nneducat ed and undeveloped marked advantages, from th?- simple fact that they can grapple with., hold and dissect the various topics of the day; ob tain the o-.huons of heroes and sages of the past upon all the varieties of subjects extant : and, more than that, they can at pleasure hole coiivtr-jp with the prophets. sainTs. and martyr? of early times, ?nd even with the blessed Sa viour himself, when their hearts fail them ami fl.eir faith is waning. Thi- is certainly a ?real privilege, or;'; that cannot be doubted, and f blev a high r civilization th tn thi> tn which We liv.-, yet we ?ye fll'l) ;iiiv t-? ?? ir int r .>.>.. an 1. with open eyes ait(| ? and-, aie read) to cater? at rhe firs- oj>portini rv ih-tt ?if r?. it??If ip pur favor ; wid it is a . u< ral certainty, by man iff-*Hr .10?. M at we hold .<. >H\ a i><) ttion unions! m?-n, and tba: we are ! - in d *<> a ? igh place on the Udder of fain? if ut- Cll'lv MU" to ours? iv S Mild I" 'UH' ->.n,?rv. Wh" ha- ?he audaei'V 'o doubt . ? c a-- i ?ion, when "h taeT ?VHS mad - evideii' >iv u? in th . nff-.r-. <>f rh?-- nation fr?.in th?- com ni ueemeiii of 'i,t t.roubl?-s which have just ?>:? -. d ovr u< ? What vnnu ig ?h?- ordinary itmuin* <;t h nin<. though of lit?I?- learning aftd v n rh*?n?b 1 ?is -kin be a? black a- ebony, can inoti"i'l- ?-, ?U 1 passively vi"W the . ff,-et- oj v e mightv changes that have h.-en brough . hon! iii this conn ?ry within the pas* four years, without exhibiting som?* lif'-. Did he not with nroph.? tic vision se?*, thouuh he -poke "nt, that he rUi'?n billows which threatened destruction .?.al] wt* hin it- reach*, seemingly tv-t ? ven r(? ?.:?ar?? tba? goo?! old ship of State, whn;'ill liv--?., and of which he i. fairhless p'lot who tjrtht not "J hi.'* re^ponsibilirles nor of the account to be rel! ihre?! to til?- Kotg of kings bu? only of seit aggrandisement and in .?-d:ni'?i??t-*ritig pl<*a-ine and intoxicating draughts to his numerous w..r ? -hippers. which b?salas! b?en metamorphose?! imo bitterest poison. Arise, ye sluggards of rh? 19th cen?ury. I ?ny arise! Do yon not know that ?/ou hav"j?ist been a vaken fr?>m a rjrenrn ?the length ?*f which Rip Van Winkle's cannot -rv be compared ? Do you ni?t realize ?he fact that I 'he earth has made many revolutions since you I wer?3 aileen? And do you not know that th" overseer's horn is hun?; upon the wall, like Oid Ned's fiddle, and that slav ry has yielded up irs la??t breith and ??one to *. that b >u-ne from whence no traveller r? turn?." div.*sted of all its royaltv and power, regretted by none savf a few antiquated disciples ?.">f an ob?ol?ite id-a : Beautiful thought ! magnificent inspiration of the divine will ! in disenthralling the human heart from the greatest stn* ; that enables the mind to dive into the deep recesses of thought, and the tongue TO harald forrh to rb? extrem es? corner of the universe the glad tidings nf rp. demption ; for the last sacrifice has been off red for trip expiation of our sins; and Elijah bas again implored, and God hath showered upon the parched earth rains of blessings to the son of men. to ?he utter confusion and dismav of the prophets of modern Baal. F'?r the erv of suffering humanity will no longer behenrd, and the henrt-brok-n mother no lonuer made to weep over the ??raye, upon the altar of he:r heart, of the living dead, ?hus makins a wreck of God's noblest handiwork. And to y>u who have just escaped fhu general ruin surrounding this temple of antiquity, get up from among the brickbats, the virtue of whose mortar has at last expired. Shake off thy garments the dust of a feudal age. for the midngbt revel's no longer heard ; rh? tournament pissed awav, and the noble daring of garnered and golden knights have vanished like dew before a sum mer's sun." There's no longer need for high ! battlemented castles, deep moats, and assassina tions; for virtue is safe. Come view the sun of liberty, as he rises in glorious majesty, pene trating into the remotest comer of this broad land. Look how he invigorates and gives new life to him who had been a slave; who no long er drags along, but moves with an elasticity astonishing to behold. His feet seem scarce to touch the earth, his fingers to have ceased to come in contact with what's not his own : for then he was a double compound with the al kali of slavery to create affinity; but now that that power has been overcome, he dare? to call himself a man. An?4 he, too, who had hitherto thought himself free has at last discovered that there was behind him a wail, from beneath whose shadows he could not escape ; but when the camera of a false existence was thus sud denly removed from before his enfeebled sight, yea even he realized the fact at once of a new existence ; for he no longer felt the chilly bia* of a winter's wind, but basked freely in the d rect rays of the sunlight of freedom, crying 4i thanks be to God and Abraham, who a truly the Father of all his people," that I i longer shiver in the cold, my daughter no lon er the barrier of protection to the virtue of h more favored sisters ; bur, standing erect, wi his head towards Heaven, and, with uplifte hands, realizing with amazement the enervatin and rejuvenating influences of f-is newjy ai quired birthright, and thar, too, of which 1 was so unju>tly robbed-the rights of all mai kind. And now that we have recovered from tl electrical of shock our sudden transition, let i seek to elevate ourselves intellectually, morail and religiously; let us wqrk day and night, necessary stretching evry nerve, seeking ir struction from every source, and turning even thing to account, no matter how insignifieai that thing might appear to be, thereby add ii to our stock of knowledge. It will surely ? some future day ?well and expand according i our susceptibility of impressions. We migl with candor ask how is all this to be accon plished, since all of our time is occupied in ge ting a living, and that living, too. but a scant one. But have we forgotten that we are men and, as men, we are necessitated by the peculm portion in which we are now placed, to giv the lie to those who are never tired of assertin that vve are not, and, more than thar, weelo m expect ro receive the full tights and privilege of American citizens, since bv foree of eircum ^tances they haye been made to see their errol by discownng a certain document which ha b-en accidentally mislaid, ?hat drelares all me free and equal. IJow ate we to exercise thus rights: Need we no pr.-pardon to that end Are we not ?o be respected in those right* ? I) the ignorant masses of any counfrv chum th ropect ot the retined classes? Certainly liol It matters n<>: what rights they enjoy, the; j have no place in respectable society, but ar low, vulgar, and debased. But let them becom enlightened-, and voij'U s e them climbing up sU'fe by step, to what before seemed to them in surmountable height?. O th..' power of educa non ? I' lias broken down prejudices whicl a?es of ignorance had huilded up, ?t has top pit'tl over Popery, it has toppled over monar chy ; it has toppled over slaver}- ; am ?i' htst ir will have to tripple over all th? enemies of the coloied man. Sea how mud can be done by patience, industry, and close ap pica ion Benjamin Franklin, the great philoso pher, the mun who electrified the world hy bringing lightning down from the heavens, thu? proving the truih of a supposition that light ning is electricity ; thereby conferring a lasting benefit upo.} mankind, ana* an honor which will last as long as time upon the then infant Amer icau Republic. Elihu Burritt, the learned blacksmith, who worked from eight to ten hour? every day, and in seven years mastered seven languages. And last, buf not least, is Andrew Johnson, our present chief magistrate; like the former, a self-learned man, whose clear and far sighted st&temanship is far beyond the reach o? tire-eaters, whose prayer is that he might turn ihi* beautiful country, with all its wealth o? happiness and liberty, which is in store, over to the Philistines. Thus we see that a gord deal can bc accomplished by a proper exercise of our :aeulties and by a strict adherence to economy, in all its various senses, postponing no duty that should be immediately performed, having a time for .every obligation, even though that time be short, and but a very little can be accom plished in that allotted space : yet do it proper ly, hy ve it finished with despatch, having it as correct as possible; thereby declaring that we . wive faith in our ultimate success. For the seed ? hat's in embryo tgjd?v will to-morrow germi nar? and become a nucleus, from around whose circumference will radiate the perfume of the -?weet flowers of human greatness, an intelli gence almost divine. And more particularly in these times jseflucatton necessary, for the intelligence of the masses is essential to the perpetuation of liberty; consequently at no p.-riod of the world's existence, save this, thtu the pt)wer of learning was felt. It thertfore becomes the duty of every individual in this country, without regard to condition or color, to acquire some knowledge of the prm?iples of the Government under which they live. The causes of the appirent phenomenon of many things natural, b\ the which they might r-'dure ro the wants of ewry-d.ty life, those thing.-, w hich now app. ar only ornamental and super fluous. Th?" now ignorant mechaeie would (hen understand the principles on which the work depends, sharpen hu inventive genius, giving to bin,; the power of improving upon ihe ideas of others, thereby giv'ng a tone and char acter to his craft, not to be entertained where practice is denied the light of theory. The bricklayer, for instance, should understand the [laws of gravitation and cohesion, the house j wife that of affinity and evaporation, and, fur- j rhermore, the result cf the proper development j of tho>e faculties which exists in every mind, I in a greater or less degree, latent, would be great, inasmuch as its power would not only be felt physically and mentally, but it would j hare a marked influence over the moral charac-1 ter of the people, raising them to positions of j honor, proflt, and trust, th,us implanting virtue : in their hearts to the expulsion of vice and all i its attributes, thereby clothing chastity with j the mantle of truth, and enhancing the beauty of female lovliness, not to mention the effect it would have upon the leligious complexion of} man. Ol how pleasing and profitable must ic j not be to him who can at pl-asure transport himself, as it were, to regions beyond the con ceptions of him who little dreams of such a place. Can he not view from any giyen point of that vast eternity which is above us, thc hand of God directing the per etual motions of that immensity of worlds. Can he not unravel seeming impossibilities. Has he not en*erred into the profound abyss of speculation in quest of cause and effect, and has he not been suc cessful in his untiring efforts to enlighten the great mass of ignorant humanity, by reducing supposition to fact, revealing its minutest workings, thus demonstrating their real exist ence as actual parts of the material world. But we need not go as far as that ; nor wander off to regions of etherial bliss. There is an ob jet hire greater than all else-man. What a wonder is he, the noblest work of God ; and yet it is but yesterday-what ? that he had been raised from the level of the brute, God's im age a piece of merchandize. Tush ! away with such gloomy thoughts. That brute is to be educated ; he is to be brought back again to his primeval state ; he is to show and reflect from his countenance the light of intelligence , he is to be lifted from his low estate, and raised to the standard of an enlightened age; he has got to du it himself, as no one can, or will, or wishes to do it fqr him, as it is more preferable to them that love him not to see, yea, to help to j.ush him down the yawing gulf pf despair and degradation. O wonderful combination of i he mortal and the immortal ! Man's a study, a never-ending volume of woes and misfortunes. But why definir of. man's disgrace, when ile who now sitteth at the right hand of the Father was spit upon ; and it hurt him not. Then we see that our condition is not deplorable. If we help ourselves by putting our s' oulders to the wlutl, Hercules will help us. Then our friends will give u> their aid in this our time of need. We should make an effort toward enlightenment for more than one reason, the greater part of which is, that such. a peqple in *ueh a condition should be found in a country that would scoff at the phiiosphy of a Ptolemy or a Confucius ; therefore seeing the condition of affairs, and that it is 44 sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish,,? we must make an ef fort for human libeity and universal education. I'll hammer at this again. PETER. LETTER PH05I TENNESSEE. Mn. EDITOR-What we need at this lime is a unity' of action, a consort of feeling, a good purpose with a strong will, perseverance, resor lution, independent prospective ideas, and then I am inclined to believe tl;at in twenty years hence our position, when thrown in the bal ance, wjil not be found wanting. Thank God, the manhood of the colored Americans has been tested. The indivisible spirit for freedom amid the valleys and hills of San Domingo found its equal on the new continent known as North America. It may be remembered that on the 9:h of January, 1861, that gallant old ship the 14 Star of the West" entered Charleston haroor on an errand of mercy to a starving garrison, but was compelled to heave to from the effects of shots from Forts Moultrie and Pinckney, and finally left the harbor without accomplishing the object for which Government had commissioned her commander. On the Sth of February, 1861, Mr. Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Southern Confederacy, and on the 12th of April the batteries of Charleston opened upon Fort Sumter. In a few minutes the clarion voice of Major Anderson was heard amid the schund of his trumpeter's bugle, 44 Caunqners, to your posts.'* Doubtless, they rallied as men never rallied before; yet on*the 13th Sumter was compelled to surrender. That rag of trea son and rebellion floated over Charleston. The hearts of the loyal people of the country were moved, white and black ; the issqe, or rather the challenge, was not accepted squarely by the loyal people of the North at first, and they fal tereel between two opinions: first, some wished to preserve the rights of the States (State Rights) and to prevent encroachment thereon by the general government; the second (by an other party) was willing to do anything to al lay the conflict, save an abandonment of prin ciple, to give peace to the country and allay sectional agitation. But. with all their ?dans, they received despite. Colored men, North and and Soufh, were treated with the most bitter malignity. The South wanted freedom, by which the r^eh could govern the poor whites and with an iron hand and unprincipled rnind rivet forevir the chains of slavery on the black man, made pernicious and unjust decrees, any thing rather than laws. They repelled against the general government to carry cut their ! schism, not knowing-and, if knowing, they did not heed, that there is no rebellion possible against the true sovereign, the people ; and I how can the people be rebels against them selves? Rebels are they, North and South, who create iniquitous privileges for themselves at the people's expense. They have in gone-by days by stratagem and by force subjected us to their rules, which have now been broken, and the peace disturbed. But in disturbing their peace, we accomplished the will of God. which is always just. Yes, the slave-master had struck the parici dal blow which no physician could heal. We met the conflict manfully ; let us now have no more of the old endurance. Ask for no com promise. Our rights demand in respectful but | I j earnest strain. But. Mr. Editor, this principie I must bp fought out on the line known in mill? j tary life as the echelon, and, in thc words of i Sir Thomas Moore wh' n he was ascending the i scaffold, I pray you see me safe up. and for my coming down let me shift for myself." ? how glorious the day and important the theme j Think no effort too great to preserve peace, the foundation of all good; support others that they also may suport you ; pat'enee gradually softens the rudest asperities; suffer nothing to exhaust ours; irritating language and provok ing vivacity let us bury in oblivion. Be like the vine, whose juice is sweeter the stronger the soil in which it grows. He who gives wise counsel, prudent warning, or useful instruc tion at the proper time gives that which is more valuable than gold; ant} sows the seed for the nourishment of successive generations. Knock, ! whether it be one, two, or three knocks, at the ! doer of Congress next December, and there present our grievances to the general govern ! ment. Let us ask the friends of humanity to I help us ascend the ladder of Equallights. We ! are yet at the bottom, or first step-Faith. Ask them in the name of all that is dear not to prove recreant to the plighted fa;*.h cf the I sleeping heroes, the widows, and orphans, and j those who yet have arms in their hands, to car ?ry out the principle of Dv?ruoeracy, to maintain j the union of these States as an inestimable ?blessing, second only to the freedom of indivi duals and the independence and dignity of the States, which it was cjesjgned to secure and per petuate. Our faith is well founded upon the broad principle we assume-" Qod is lov^." Ill ?rni nated by the light eternally shining in the bo som of the Infinite Being, we discover that which neither passes nor changes-Truth im ! mutable, and on this line let us fight it on to j the second step-Hope. Have we a hope r Up on the plighted faith of the Government, in j 1863, the ranks of the Union army were re pleted,-- when we left our homes and the dear ! est ties of nature, betook ourselves to th? tented field. That hope has not yet forsaken us : for we believe i: ends, in fruition. Hope spreads her wings in immensit}*. We feel the sacred impulse of her motive* power. Upon this ground, then, are not ail men equal by nature? Amid the disadvantages we have labored under,-every avenue closely tyled against us, both mechanically and intellectually,-we see that we have an organ of our own. AH nf us hope that it may stand the fiery ordeal of time. 1 Who, then, can say that our cause is hope less r though we are admonished by sympa thising friends (would-be) that "liberty means work," etc., we believe that liberty is subjected to the general condition of order; we believe it has its limits and its rules, not in human pre scription, but in divine laws. We acknowledge but one piaster, and he is found in the letter CV, and faithfully we know He holds the scale of justice in equal poise. Our motive is a good one, our aspirations but the spontaneous pro duction of nature. If we ask for our runts, we receive it rTQt as a privilege granted us, but as an inherent right. Human laws must bi made according to the general laws of nature. Upon this doctrine we will weigh anchor, hoist our sails, and home ward bound, Truth at the helm. Justice our captain, and the deader for odr pilot, we will, with a few more head-winds, a few more tacks, arrive safe in the harbor. With a high hope for the success of your paper, I remain, a common soldier, H. J. MAXWELL, U. S. A. FORT MORTON, Nashville, Tenn., 2-5th November, 1865. CHARLESTON" CORRESPOND^ ENGE. [From the Christian Advocate and Journal.] ??hall we be represented in the next Congress: This is the absorbing question that is now upon every lip. It is now certain li? at no one promi nently identified with the late rebellion will be able to pass muster before a republican tribunal. President Johnson has repeatedly expressed an earnest desire to extend to us the blessings of self-government-the government of our people by their own laws and their own civil magis trates. And he has also frequently stated the conditions upon which i+lone he can help us to our wishes, and obtain for us the much desired boon of civil government. He has told us ex pressly and repeatedly that he cannot fcelp us if we send to Washington, tlios2 who have m?de themselves conspicuous as politicians or soldiers in the recen-t war against the government. The time has been when we coull dictate terms to ?? the powers that bs" at Washington, with some degree of impunity ; but that time has passed, never to return. We appealed, for the. settlement of our difficulties, to the arbitra ment of arms, and staked our all uo m the un certain and varying fortunes of war, and lost ; and now we must abide the consequences, and submit, with the best grace we can, to the terms that the victors see proper to accord us. But' still our beariu.g U proud and haughty, even in defeat ; and that overreaching, restles?, defiant spirit that plunged us into a bloody, protracted, and di-astrous war, is still i aa. pant in our midst ; and secession is rearing its hydra head, even amid tho ruin and desolation which its own mad policy has wrought. Like the scor pion, when begirt with fire, it turns its venom upon its own vitals, and with the madness of the suicide stings itself to death. We cannoc consent ro give up our dear and long-cherished idol. The treasured memories of the hallowed past tre sweeter than life, and stronger than death ; and stan ling around the grave of slavery, and looking upon the pale li Ineamentsof its coffined corpse, we sirain our longing eyes to catch a glimpse of some sign of returning life. But decay's defacing lines ate unmistakably drawn > and when we would say to the inanimate clay, "Come forth!" the only j response from the dark and dolorous caverns of I the tomb is, "Dead ! dead 1 ! dead I ! !" The ?last sigh which was breathed in the deaths j throes of our fabled Confederacy-the troubled j dream of a disordered mind -was a wail, not i for life, not for home, not for hope, but for the j loved and lost "institution/' the pledge of Got] j to his favored people ; boasted, badge .of the legion of honor; the partition wall that divided " the chosen few" from the "outside barbarl I ans." But. alas ! the partition wall is broken j down, and the inner temple, the holy of holies, is I thrown open to the Gentile world ; and it ap pears of a truth that God U ijo respecter of person?. I We are sighing for our lost Eden, our African Eden; for even Paradise would be a dark and drearv desert without the M inevitable negro," and he an inevitable slave. But we have eaten the forbidden fruit ; we have sinned and fallen from our high estate; we have passed its cher [ ubim-guarded gates as criminals and outcasts, I never to return again; and henceforward, by tho j sweat of our own faces wc are to earn our bread ! and not sweat, as heretofore, by proxy, and eat ! in propria person cz . The ne?ro was our country, our whoie.coun try, and nothing but our country ; and cotton was the king that ruled it, before whose throne we purposed, in the pride and arrogance of our hearts, to bring al! nations to their knees. But ah, what madness! wha? infatuation! Our country-the negro, is gone from our avaricious grasp; our king is deposed, throneles3, crown- , Uess, ami scepterless ! and the surrounding na tions, the outside barbarians whom wo propos ed to rule or ruin with our little vegetable kin?, are to-day free, while weare sitting clothed iu sackcloth and ashes, amid the tottering pillars and crumbling ruins of our once proud and im perial southern temple, from whose sacred arches and consecrated halls we had determin ed that the money changers, amd those who oought and sold slaves should never be driven. But in an evil hour, prompted by ambition and vain glory, we madly grasped at more than be longed to us, and lost what wc had. If we had j been content to rule the negro only, we might ! have succeeded for a time longer at least ; but 1 we sought to rule the white man too. \n our hot haste for dominion, glory, and power, we foolishly killed the goose that laid the golden pat/. By a wise and prudent course on our part, ; we might have cherished the viper in our bo soms for another \ alf century at least, perhaps longer, though it was on I}' a question of time, for the "institution" was doomed of Heaven, and would finally have stung itself to death, lt was the secessionists of the South, and not ! the fanatics of the Xorth, that emancipated the slaves. Had we not insisted on continual agi tation and forced the question to the arbitrar ment of the sword, the Xorth neither had the power nor the deposition to meddle with slave i ry where it existed. They only intended to circumscribe it to its present area, and prevertt the admission of any more ?lave states. With the southern states represented in Congress, the requisite majority to effect the Constitutional Amendment never could haye been obtained, j We locked the citadel and gave the key to the ?enemy. .We held ail the trumps, but playee} i foul and lost. ! The experiment of secession is final, and will j never be tried again.. The government whicfc j we sought to overthrow is stronger to-day, and stands higher abroad than it ever did before, j for it has proved its ability to sustain, intact, its integrity, in the face of one of the most gj.r uantic rebellions the world has ever known. Thc problem of the capability of man for self j government is wrought out, and no one can, j henceforth say as many have said during 'he , war, that popular government is a humbug, and that we should have to fall back under the pro tection of a monarchy. There is no other na tion under the sun that could have sustained j the shock of such a revolution as we have juat passed through, with as little injury.. The Re public is now a fixed fact-a permanent and . ? reliable establishment, based upon the experi once and wisdom of nearly a century; and not a rickety fabric, a political puppet, to be put up and knocked down at the bidding of ?,ny dis contented faction. NlJ?SCD. Charleston, S. C., N *v. 17, '- -"T-T'5TT' nw. _j_ TUB B.IH?FOOT/??. LITTLE OXES. - Two little ragged girls went by my window jun now, their scanty garments ftuttenngin the wind but their little blue hands were locked in each other, and thc elder lifted the younger through the wow-drift It was but a short time ago that i [ passed the same children on Broadway. One I of them had rags round her feet and a pair of ; broken shoe?. The other was barefooted, and she looked very red, for it was pinching cold. ?.Mary," said the other, in a gentle voice, "sit down on the doorstep here, and I will take off my rag3 and shoes. Your feet are cold, %nd you shall wear them tbs rest of the way.*' i ...