ALLEN COFFIN, Editor. "First t>h?.Uiac?o, thou the ear? utter the trill edni in thu our."-Paul. FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. "Vol. I. SOUTH CAROLINA, LEADER, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS, WKKICl.Vi At 4.30 King Stroot, Charloston, S. C. nv T. I-JUttLKY &> CO. Subscription Price :-Ku ur Dollars a yorirj Invn rlablv lu nd vance. Kate? of AdvortisiiiR! Kur mu: Square of Ton Min's, one insertion, $*.'.- special agreement, PJiOSPKCT US ?? rou nut South Carolina Leader. A "Wookly Journal of tho Timon. Tm-: will lie devoted ti? the Interest ol l-'ree l.aburand general reform. Thc Federal Government will be sustained at all hasards; mut we hone that ?ta ultimate policy towards this State will ensure peace, prosperity, and domes tlc tranquility. That aolf evident truth, contained In lli? L>i*el?r? Dun of Independence, '.That all mea arc created equal,*' will be alead last ly adhered to. lu milliers of local concerti, it will give il* earhi'si support to nil Important publie nica su rcs amt practi cal Improvement e. Willie fearless in lt? advocacy o? the Uitfht, and frank in its denunciation ot ihc Wrongs ii? columns will never bc made a channel of coarse personal abuse, lt Will deal with principles mlbrr Dian men, mid allow Un: free ami candid discussion of all sub jects pert illili ii}; to t ho public, good. In striving to make thin emphatically a paper for the people, we confidently look lo I betti for Iii? amount of Mittscrlptiou ami advertising patronage, which its worth demands. T. HURLEY & CU. LEFT-ARMED-SOLDIERS. There are many men now in hospital, as well tis nt their homes, who have hist their ii>?lit arms, or whose light arm i-HO disabled ililli they cannot irrite with it. Penmanship is a ne cessary reuniste to any tuan ?bo wan-- a situa tion nuder the government. As an ?iii icemcnt Jo t'.ic. cl--' vf .yoc.ndcd ami di.obled soldiers herc n inned to muk every elfo rt lo Ht mcmscl Ves for lucrative and honorable positions, we i olTer the following premiums: For the best specimen of left* hand pcmuitiifililpi . . . ?300 For'lho second best specimen, . I?0 For the third best specimen, . 100 For thc fourth hc>>i specimen; . 00 Thc specimens of penmanship must be writ ten tcith ink, on line letter-paper of the ordinary aizo (eight by ten inches), and not to he less than two pages. 'I he literary part of the wink limy be Ut ?ginni or selected. Brief essays on patriotic themes, and especially narratives of the writer's c.\*pcri cncD in the service of thc country, incidents or sketches of the war, arc preferred. In till cases, thc writer munt give his mime in full, his com pany, regiment and rank ; list of battles, .in which he was enuaged, us complete ns possible j the place where he lost his ann, with the date, and bis post-ofiiee address. An inch margin must be left nt the aides and top and bottom of the paper. Should a stiOlcciit number of speci mens be sent in, they will bo placed oil exhibi tion, and the proceeds if sufficient, will be devot ed to thc publication of a memorial volume containing the prize assays, H list of contribu?- ; tors, etc.,.n copy of which will he sent to each competitor. The undersigned bus thc honor to announce that tho following gentlemen will net as thc I'OMMITTKK Ol' AWAltt?. j His Excellency lleubcn E. Fenton, Gov. of New York. Kev. Henry \V. Hollows, D. I)., President Sanitary Commission. William Cullen Hrynnt. George William Curtis. Howard Potter, i Executive Committee 'William F. Dodge, Jr., \ Hurcnu of Einploy Theodore Roosevelt, J ment, N. Y. After the nwnrd shnll have been made, the editor of The Soldier's Friend is lo have the right to publish such of the contributions us may be best adapted for publication, and the manu scripts will he bound np mid preserved us it memorial of thc bravo. Thc manuscript must be sent in on or before thc 1st of January, 18o?. Time will thus bc allowed for thc men wounded in the last battles near Richmond lo enter the lista ns competitors. Thc manuscripts must be wrapped around a .wooden roller, to avoid folding or crushing in transportation, timi must bc addressed to ?WM. GLAND UOUIINK, Editor of "Tho Soldier's Friend," No. ?'? Centre Street, New York. Ear"" Editors of newspapers throughout tho country are respectfully requested to republish thc nbovc. A SHAH? RKPAIITKK.- Mr. Wendell Phillips was riding inn railroad car, when pray what i>? tho ob ject of your life i" To save souls from hell." " May Insk whether you propose to go there to do it J" POETRY. Tllfci OUANJJWUlt OF OTJTt TRIUMPH. [The following i>oi-ni ts !>>. Miss KANNIK JACKSON. itu" first colored Iciiutlt! -trailiiatc from Min College ni Oberlin, Ohio. lt ij a creditable pro'luctlon, ami we thunk tin: friend who sum tt io II? for |itibltcitlli>n.J - f.ilmriilin: Ts tin' gniliileui of dur triumph Tin- Republic's preservation, That her iiimic is not ii byword lu tlic mouth ol' every notion ! Is it in lin.1 new-born glory Which iiroinul our country glows 1 Iii her heroes' minies immortal .' lu thc completing ol' her loes f Surely nrJi cVfl Ute whole earth Shook willi her triumphal airs, Though ?ill nations before her, A lld her glory touched til?' stars. For the pride and pomp of splendor Which the great world call ll fiord, Slliks to vanity and nothing In thc presence ol' thc (?ira.? In His power He passed among us, And our hearts stood still in awe ; While with more than Sinai's thunder Hi- proclaimed his holy law. lu thc mire where guilt had Hung us, lu the slough of deep disgrace, Struggled wu-Ile passed among us, And wc saw his ilrciiiliul thcVi Towered His lofty form above us. Frowned iris tearful, glorious brow; Dripping with thc blooil of millions Swept that red righi hand below. Arid 1,1c showed us in ihe fierceness Of His auger what awaits Those who trample on thc weak, or Turn the stranger from thc gates. Those who flaunt their banners proudly*, dalling mi the Loni of I mst!*, Knowing that tliei" praise i< mockery > And their word., hut idle boasts. Oh. wc thought to build our glory tin th' oppression of thc *.r ! Vain attempt upon your heads came I'etribiition swift and sure. Sooner build your cities . j tin Moimi .Kimi than to place Your gh?i\v In oppression ! On thc wrongs of ?my race. Ki ir the slumbering lires of manhood Shall hrir?t forth with gian' leap, Lc.ivinir your renowned republic Hut il smoking, bliickcneil heat). "~TViu>n our mun mc "fHornVy war-cloud (.'ame thc awful Voleo ul" Hud, Dare ye lilt in supplication Hands roil with your brothers' blood .' Haughtily wc answered him With empty words and frowardness ; Lol lily wc'bore ourselves - Was nm om- anny numberless ' Then tl. ? dark days cann' Upon us, (tinnily days, when un mau slept , When at Hull's l'un and at Kichmmid . O'er unnumbered slain wc wept. When wc knew in Southern fens Tili? braves' ol our warriors lay ; Marking where thc bullets rained In thc stonily ha tl (cd uv. All for love of ('luist ami eCimtrv In the trenches did they lay : Greener grows tl,?; turf, and sweeter lllpuiii thc iVIIil Howers there to-day. Then came also days of fasting, When our country bowed her head, While in sackcloth and in ashes She sat mourning for her head : For lier dead, and not licl' sins ; So our cars no victory greeted, Kor ilie was still against us - Wi- were smitten and defeated Till a great cry rose amongst us, Till thc whole land blushed with blood, At thc stubborn sin which kept .is Under Heaven's iivcej-ing rod. Hot thc i.'hmd of demil was lifted* ; Stayed the How of martyrs' blood When our country, humble, contrite, ('roping found lier nay to (hui. As from out the Jordan'-: water.** ("ame thc spotless Lamb of (?od As from heaven the lorin eternal Flashed its glory round our Lord ; So I rom out of war's red sea, Hit pt ??cd anew in freedom's name, Our ftmtitry conies willi snowy robes, And heart with holy fire allume. . Then the Lord rebuked our foes, And ull their boastful horde Fled like leaves before thc whirlwind At the coming of thc Lord. In their lin n of war they boasted, Hui thc great Avenger's breath Fell ripon their mighty men, it it tl Smote them like the frost of death. ('onie not too near thc triumph mount, On which Chill's lightning Hushes; Hut come wc in his presence chfd lu sackcloth and in uglies*. For our souls have not been sinless, Nor our hands been free from stain ; And our alta rs yet ure dripping With the blood of brothers blain. Unto (tod belong thc praises; His right arm the vengeance deals; , In the whirlwind of thc battle We have heard his chariot wheels. We have heard his mighty trumpet, Wc have seen his Haming sword, And the grandeur of our tiiumph ls tho glory of the Lord. There ore in Washington nine colored day schools, whose teachers nre supported by tuition fees. There nre also twenty-five free schools supported by Northern prit thin th ropy, and eight free morning schools,- taught by clerks in the different departments. The city of Washington, AS n corporation, pays nothing foi the educ.uiun of its own colored people FUNDAMENTAL LAW; lixtr?cts from a Spruch tlvlivircd in (ho (.'. S. House of Ileprcscniatii'cs, by lion. Wni, I). Kelley, of l'?tirisylvanio, January, 1SG5. My proposition is. thal Un; government of Hie United States was instituted to Remire tho rights ol* all thc citizens nf the country, anil not for I lie benefit of men of one race only ; mid I ktiov} liol where to look for evidence, that Vt1 ?*^f frage, inestimable to all men, io M..?-.? ?vh?i ..-.Ay bc so hir tillea ?>y education for its judicious exercise as to be nhl ; to read ide Coiislitutioii and laws of the country, in addition to the brave men, who in thc name of law ami liberty, and in thc hope of leavinj1 their children heirs to holli, have welcomed the baptism of battle in the naval and military ser vice of thc United Stan's, ?iud who ?ire embraecil hy thc amendment reported by the committee This. I admit, will bc ?in entering wedge, hy tin ?lid of which, in a brief lime, the whole mass im proved, enriched, an I enlightened by thc last com i u ii and beneficent jirovidehee of (?od, wil be qualilied for and permitted to enjoy (host rights by which they may protect themselves and aid in giving lo all others that near apprend to exact justice which ire hope to attain from tin intelligent exercise of universal suffrage, nm lite submission of all trials of law in which a eiti zen may lie interested lo the decision of his peer ?ts jurors. Let ns meet thc ipieatioil fairly. Do our insti unions rest nu complexional dill?rcncesJ Cai Wi- cclliciil nuil perpetuate them by surreudci in; thc pafiols of thc hi./tirgent district, shorn o ?ill political power, into the hands of the traitor whom we propose to propitiate by stell a sueri lice of failli and honor' Did I bul ordain on country for a single race of men ! Is lhere rca sou why thc intelligent, wealthy, loyal man ii color shall stand apart, abased, on election-da^ while his ignorant, intemperate, vicious, and din loyal while neighbor participates in milking law for his government f What ii tin' logie, (hal iii nies i" ii son the ri^ht lo vote ivith or against hi furner, liec.iuS'j it has pleased Heaven that h should partake more largely of his mother's tba of that father's complexion '. And is it no known to all of us that well rrigli forty per cen of thc colored people ol' thc South arc cloldro of white fathers, who, after ive subjugate then will, willi professions of loyalty only lip-ttec| enjoy the righi ol' suffrage in thc reconstruct! ?Slates ? ?Shall he, lliouglr1 black as ebony li hi?, skin, who by patient industry, obedience t the laws, ami unvarying good habits, lias iieci initialed properly on which lie cheerfully pay taxes, bc denied the right of a Voice in thc gm eminent of u State lo' whose support ?ind wc tari', he Ilms contributes, while the idle, rockies thriftless mau of fairer complexion shall vol iiw?ty bis c:r?iiiiigs and trilic with his life or ii tcrcsls as a juror .' Shall thc brave man wh has perilled his life, and mayhap lost limb, wli has endured thc dangers of tho march, thc cain ?iud (he bivouac, in defence bi" our Const it ut iii ?ind laws, be denied their protection, while ll traitors, in thc campiest of whom bc assiste* I i'll joy those rights, and use thom ns iiislruiiicii ; for his oppression and degradation ! ?Shall I who, in the language of my nmendiifon't, may I ?ihle lo read the Constitution of the IJnilt Stories, and who linds his pleasure in ihc stud of history and political philosophy, whose inte; rite is undoubted, whose means are ample, 1 voiceless in the councils of the nation, mid rei only lo loarrr tiltil (Uti people af free and ehligli cued America, among whom his lot linn bin cast, sustain the only govcrf^rrfent which punis es ii race because Cod in his providence gaye a complexion which its unhappy members won not have accepted had it been .submitted to tin choice or volition .' And can he who will n .suer lliese ipieslions idlirmutivcly believe th St/ u- ? JJ gnvcmiilcnts ?ire instituid among nloii tn secure then'rights, iliitl they derive Mich' powers fruin Uli i ?instill.uf liiu governed, anil that it is Mit? linty of ii people, win n any government becomes destructive ot' ihi'ir tight", ?II alter ur lil'olis'h it, ami .'stahlidi a now government ? Sir, ?mr hope for jV.'jii??, while we attempt to govern Iwb-fifllis of tlirt p'cdple of one-half of our country in vio latio'i.of M?ese fundamental principles, will IM? idle is thc hrt.'czo of summer or thc dreams of the opium-eater. Unlit may he said, - History vindicates your tlic?'?*v. Our fathers did lUc.'lti Mint the black niau should he a citizen and a voter : to deny him his rights is illogical, as you have suggested ; it woe.'Hie better ln, as Theodore Til ton nell asked, exchange thc negro lor thc Ks qtiiu'iiux, for ll;?- r'aiitte-l.-hunler, lor thc Soul ll American tribes ? Will you exchange our ne1 ?rue< for ho many Mongolians, Ethiopians, Ann rican Indians, or Malays .' 1 apprehend that the universal answer to these qUC-iions will bc in I lie negative ; because, oppress them as we may, we prize thc American negroes as next to our own promt race in thc scalelof humanity j and shall wc erect around our civilization, our privileges and immunities, a more than Chinese iva I}*! Shall America, pro lld ol her deiliocrcy, become the most exclusive of all thc nations in the aorld '. Or shall she carry her faith into her life.,.md become Mic home of mankind, thc cir! pire of ircedoin, and, by her example, the re former of thc world ? ! WATOH-NOTEB. Wie President's HxpcrinieAt- Anxiety Abroad Surprise ??/" the South - 7Viiit of the S?rth ,tnn\ Wi st- Doubtful $??Al. t'Otttigiiouv swi? ?.i?ii?.?? itor.o the attention of.i ifAtiikiug, reading, reasoning ?"n'en i-, ll .ted wiihNhe most profound interest, just now, upon one subject, the most prolific that can be con ceive.h perhaps, of questions niid problems of a political, morn!, religious and practical charac ter ; that is, "thc 1'iesidcnt'a experiment." It is everywhere the leading theme of inquiry and discussion, not only in America, hut through out Ku rope, and all those parts of Asia and Africa wheresoever a newspaper the advance of intelligence and civilization. States men and politicians, philosophers and philan thropists, teachers ami preachers, are all regard ill'' with curious and serious gaze thc spectacle of s ?relit republic travailing in thc throes of a nal ional regeneration. Among the best friends of the Unico through - eil' tiie tild World lhere is an unconcealed feeling ol' disappointment in view of tile turn things have taken, and of anxiety lest thc grund aims of a fmir VcafV Colites t blioUtd bc bullied by men who have iii ways ho isted of their superiority over the free North, not only in soldierly qualities, but in political and diplo matic ability. They have been beaten upon lite battle-field, but they wife confident of troll victories upon thc political arena, lighting w ith skilled leadership under the banner ol' State Hight*. The contest waxes hut; mid is destined to reach its crisis on tue floor ol Congress; At thc close of the war there was a universal expectation that the l'residel?t would us?; the povfer with which lie was invested to adjust thu relation:" of the rebel Stales on thc ground of a homogeneous nationality. There was no more "a South." Tin.' South, as il was, li td appealed as a confederacy, to the arbitrament of war, ami bail lost all. It confessed defeat, and was ready to take the logical consequences. It urged no claim ; il expected to be treated as it would have treated us had Oran! surrendered to I,ic; for fnch it would have forced us to submit to a homogeneous slave policy estrfbli.shed over the Union, allowing Mr. Too m bs to cull thc roll of his slaves limier th? shadow of Munker Hill. Jefferson Davis would have transfer- ?>' his resi dence from Richmond to Washington, and Pre sident Johnson, it is likely, would have had "to swing" without the ceremony of a long trial. Of course, in their view, when the armed confederacy fell, " the South," as a political power, had departed from Mic theatre of action. In thc political world il seemed that lhere was no more " n North," as distinguished from "the South," but one nation, a homogeneous union, "inseparable" forever.- lixchunije. JOHN RANDOLPH ON CONVIC TION. John Randolph was kepi from the current infidelity of his carly life bj thc memory of his mother's piety, and came nt length to n strong faith in the Di vine 01 ?gin of tho Christian system. The fol lowing incident, told by Mr. Rey, in h's ac count of the denth of Daniel Murray, of the American navy, shows that Mfr. Raiidojph un derstood what is meant by conviction of sin. Mr. Key says : I remember being present nt n conversation on the subject of religion between thc late John Randolph und Commodore Decatur, who had leif O H Mr. Murray while in thc navy. Thc hiller was ex pressing Iiis il ?Iii cw Iii? ? about tliii Universal .sinfulness of Minn's tut lu io. It sur prised him that thu very liest people! in tl?L' world .should always speak of ihctiiseivcs ai Miniers. Ho mentioned his own mother ns au instance, and then turning to inc, Mini, ''There, loo; !M our friend Murray { you Know wlidi a man li? is 5 who ever .'"Iv!- anything wrong in him ? Is it not absurd tc' think of such a man us a Mimer ? Am! yet in; accounts himself such." I windi never forget Mr. Randolph'.-, reply to this. Ile rose freon his sofa, walked toward Decatur, stood before him, and iii hui emphatic manner said to this effect ; " J. ive!! knowhow dark and unintelligible this subject appears to you, and why it is so. Hut I trust a time will co th ti when yoll will know and feel it to be all trite-true of ul!; true of yourself; when you will he solf-arrainged anti self-con detuned ; found guilty of sit? - not of the sin of cowardice, falsehood, or any mean anti dishon orable ail; hilt at least of this, that you have conferred Upon you great and innumerable fa vors, ti nd lui ve tequieu-d your Benefactor with ingratitude. This will he guilt chough to hum ble you, and you will feel and own that you arc ? ?iHIlcr." I DIES FREE. An old, dilapidated far iii-hoi! sc, in a little to ?vu in Georgia; lone .-ince ik'scited by tin o-.vtiei,, stood .k'Hohitcly hy the roadside. Woods grew rankly in the onee-eultivatt i grrden, through which here and then- n brigb (lower looked out as sometimes a star .-hine through ihc thick interlacing of forest-tree* Thc fields had been trampled by thousands o horses' hoofs, the fences were ilvstroyed, tin rooms of the household defaced i the pac rc? altai's uf home were forever broken up. The night hail fallen, anti it came doiri like it pall upon blight tittil tle.ilii: Thcr weie nt) cheerful soumis ai lung that desertei rond. The voice of laughter hail vunished ihc .sound of a child's merry song \vri? ii thin of the past. Suddenly, in thc midst of the thick ylooi that covered thc forsaken house, u light wu Seen tb glimmer; and presently a ?lark foi: passed before the linl'urttiinod wintlow ovi 'ht; hall They were not all goto . tHi/h"; tl inmates cf tittil lonely' house. In une corner of thc roon!, whit.}; was vcr large, iind neatly L'are of furniture, laid withered old negros-, who seemed to have ju escaped the jaws of death, for she was fea fully emaciated, Standing at ihc wi ii dov near the feeble light; stood a yoting giri, sew iug. " Tihly," cried a tri mbliug yo'icc; '.Iii, Aunty; von's sensible now." ..Yes. chile, I 'member* all lihout it. lient o' soldiers here wlten I w;is t?n'? sick." '.Ye-, Aunty; tley's all gone, llinugn. "An" wi,ar'.- your folks . '" "Doy's gone too." "Alt' why'- you here, chile?" ..(iii, ! .-e here bi take care o' yoe." " What! an' let. all dc others go to frei dom : "We's all free now, Aunty; don't make t difference; Could'nt I ave you to die, t how." "De Lord hi-ss yin'.' de laird give you t you needs iii ''is life, and 'tennil joy in i life to come," murmured the old negress wi a sob. "I'll git well ns fast a- I ecu, chi! an" we'll both go ?har de rest is gone." Long, weary dtiys pa.I, until at Dint o aunty .-et out, (dining upon Tildy's ann: stout stiel, in one hand, ii fit I so she bobbi ulong. Hut .-be bad. over-estimated 1 strength, Oil the third inoinin-? th? .-unk cheek and g la/.eil ive t>>'t upon it tbut ii right ?turi is half the buttle; nui! it they begin rirdif Od feturn-' ii'iy it will be et'-')- ta barry out tin ir youd reso" I ti tiona i And we beseeeb our friends who Itrivc been in the nriny, who ure ut home receiving their soldier blends, timi they refrain from per-" alluding them to indulge. j Anny life unfortunately tends to dissipation' Di inking mid oilier tidbits, ure ton c?mm?n iii nil uni)ie* ; und light, frclieXablrlc boya, led by those who ure oilier, full illtii t?tl? tidbits. Uui they cnn bli reclaimed ; they tnii ttifii o'Vir i* new leaf; they cnn soy tc the cup', .' Avaunt ! " iiutl to the tempter, " (Jet thee behind ?ile ; " uml properly started in the right way, il will be very easy foi them to keep there. We wire ill neb pleased u short time Silice a* Hie bearing and errand of a voling man win.' culled on us: lie was out of thc army, he snid, und he desired to .-tart right, enter upoii citizenship in the proper manner. His friet.dri - his ludy-love doubtless - hud requested liiir! to i/o nuil sijfi tl'- temperance pledge! We (*rivc* bini u not? th our veiierable friend, Dr.; Ike great apostlii of Umperunce in New Yorkf for wlil ck He expressen his thanks, anti star lcd lu enroll Iiis name dm ? ll g the teiiiperuticc host* lind keep bini und tn rik c him. ns bc is able ti.' be, a blessing td his wife," Iii? mother, und ult bis friends. And wc would .surest to all uuf friends, th'.-?Obliers; to go and do likewise. If tl-.ity have formed the hnbit of drinking, thc pledge will be un riid to their salvation. If they hove nut formed the habit of drinking, it wilJ be very little privation, mid t'et a worth** ex ample fur those who nrt.- not strong in resisting V-mptations. Then if they will join n churell timi come lintier religious iiiiluences, they wilt be in the way of growth in (?nice,' prortiotion' usefulness, anti hdnp'ihcssi lu iliis way they may become grioil ritir;enj* ns they haye been excellent soldiere'.' - Phreno logical Journal, MUST BE HUMBLE: j We remember that we once questioned the' I truth of Hubert Ililli'.? remark that humility ii I the fir?t fruit of genuine Christianity; A lit-" ; tie reflection will convince us that ku was right.' Tliia point is well illustrutotd in the following ! quotation-' ! Tue first lesson in Christian service is humil ity ; faith, dependence, zeal and activity afc ike second, and we may not invert thc order ur destroy ike character and end of Chris ti n n peforinunce. Pre-eminently do the sins' nf the tongue oppose our progress,' und heap up occasions froto shume and discouragement; Yon begin a discussion* tn the love of trull/ uml ike spirit of peuce, but pride of opiuioii rind impatience of Opposition mixed themselves willi the /.calo?a nilVction for n good thing und ; gendered ii strife of words, in which you dishon ored the eu usc you meant to recommend. You* proposed to elevate your adversar)' td you'f ow ri or a higher level, und you have descended below his. (Ifttii in your privat-.* and public ?lsc?tfrsc ike plji'iisiiiii sou ml of your voice lulls ymir Christ inn cunt ion. Literary or religious vanity' conies in like it torrent in your lluent periods,' una ii i> im longer Jesu?, your 'reacher,' j'"our Saviour; but self, a crowned; applauded self; that engrosses your lliohgl?t?, anti attracts youf nit', etion. Ye Thomas, ye gay, rind festive cuss" (in1 the li?i?guu?e of Artemus Ward) i? ?till about,' lind :i? day after tiny, comes ami goes the artless** ness, ef hi's actions and the simplicity, of hi-/ nature brings him tnor.-, and rn'ore," into public nonce. Murk his verdeticy, lishe c filers ft Well known book sti-'re, on main street* iii company with, one of his decoys; and casting, kia eyes" up lit thc llifllitiu-hoard, he sees there the odd mum-* ol several new book's, such ss "What wil? lie do willi itr" "(?ot oi thc depth," Stich things* ure," and the like, und stepping up to the coun* ter, he asks the shop mini, in thut bland1 voice he' is so famcous for.-" Sir.' hu vc you* ?j?t thr* woman in white ?" '. Ye-, sit." "All alone ?" ?aid the ri; I lc .*& " Yes." responded the shopman. "In llu dork r" ?lill kc inquired. " Yes, sir;" promptly replied the attendant" "' Well, nil I've g?? tb' say, uttered .the nrt* less, ns he ItfrrYctT to (he door," "you've flat it mighty nice thing o'/ it f tf?b'a by." Tl.? ?n?pmWri' u ns in a very low slate rd lost' Accounts, but it is Imped Mutt carefuV nursing* will bring hun "out of thc depths.*'-Umina House. Commissioner Swayne of Alabnmo reports tc thc Freedmen's li urea tl that the affairs of tK4. deportment arc generally sutisfactoiY.'