The Afro-American citizen. (Charleston, S.C.) 1899-1902, January 17, 1900, Image 2

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THE ?fpo-?mFPip?n (JififfA PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 71 H ABELL ?T., CHARLES TON, s. c L. G. GREGORY, Editor, g S. YOUNGR-OOD, Business M'g r. C. U CLARKON, Agent. S/X MONTHS, -&> 7BR?E MONTHS & ONE MONTH ? -.20. S1XGLE COFJl - .55 +DrEniI9ItrQ'~.RATE9eZ1' URXISHED UPOXinEQVEST.W~~ "?? ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE OF CHARLESTON, ??S, C. AS SE0ONDCLA8S* MATTER Address alP communications whether concerning advertise ments or subscription, to the CITIZEN POLISHING CO./ 71[HASELL STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. AMONG the brightest of our exchang es is the Arkansas Appreciator, edited by our old college friend, and foimer editor of the Fisk Herald, J. Wilson Pettus. Its motto is "The Negro race the Repubican Party, and the whole people." We have no doubt but that with such a motto and such an able editor the Appreciator will give the Bear State the light it so much needs. SOME of our prominent men make a great blunder in trying to make the Negroes believe that they are Republi cans and at the same time, to give the impression to our white citizens that they are Derrocrats. It would be far better for all concerned to come out flatfooted either way. The middle man arouses contempt on one side and distrust on the other. In the homely words of Lincoln, "you can fool some of the people some time; but you can't fool ali the people all theitime.1 ' Who hath ears to hear let him hear ! AS WE PREDICTED, We caHed ujjou The Messen ger last week to call by name those men whom it saw fit to call "broken down politicians." At the same time, we expressed our conviction that it could not answer. Behold how it again begs the question: Now, we will gratify the Citizen in naming our exceptions, if it will answer the following correctly: At whose instance was the inspectors of] hulls and steamboats changed in this district ? Why is it that colored men are applying for clerk-ship in the cen sus office at Washington from this State are in most instances turned down ? How is it that tue Democrats in this State are given supervisorships of the census instead of Republicans in this State ? The above questions have no more to do with the case than the flowers that bloom in the spring. Who is to judge of the correctness of our answers ? Only our contemporary, which by its own confession in anoth er part of the same article, has no lot to cast with politics and the politicians, and is wofully ignorant of the nature of both, What more clearly manifests this than its surprise at com prises and deals, which Lord Macauley calls the essence of politics? We have carried this controversy far enough to show up the vagaries of our contemporary, which are but the rant and cant of yellow journalism. We shall truth fully answer the above ques? tions, for the benefit of the citizens of South Carolina, many of whom are still faith ful to the tenets of the Re Sublican Party, and shall some ay overcome the political pirates who have filched their rights. If the Citizen did not have faith in the ultimate tri-J umph of right principles, it would be ready to suspend publication and leave for an other clime. But there are thousands of loyal Negroes who have never yet bowed the knee to the Democratic Baal, and by the splendor of truth they never shall ! The Citizen lives for their comfort. The two Democratic inspec tors of hulls and steamboats were removed at the instance of the administration because they were not ol the sheepfold. Republican successors were appointed at the instance of the distinguished Republican Senator Pritchard of .North Carolina the strongest, advo cate of Negro suffrage in the South today. Not a man from this state, white or black, was a candidate for either office. One of the able gentlemen who is now serving was formeily ?ieputy collector of the Port of Wilmington, under Hon. J. C. Dancy, a Negro. There is not a single Negro from any state in the Union yet appointed to the census office in Washington, If there is no one yet appointed from "the President's own" state of Ohio, what can South Carolina expect ? appointments will come to those who bestir them selves. Political officers are not given away out of sympa thy, See? Under a very wise decision of the administration, the cen sus-office is non-partisan. This is one of the highest acts of patriotism. The offices of supervisors of the census are divided between the two great parties in every state save Ver mont and Mississippi. But what havej all these things to do with questions which are purely local ? Next ! SHOULD OLD PREACHERS BE SHOT. The above is the somewhat startling caption to an article in the Eadie's Home Journal for January from the pen of Dr. Watson, who is better known as Ian McLarin. The writer shows that measures ought be adopted by all the chnrches to care for superan nuated ministers and to retire them in every case as soon as !ther mental powers begin to fail. He suggests that the dead line in the ministry should be sixty years. We cannot say enough in support of such a praise worthy suggestion. Both in and out side of the church leaders ought usually be retired before their faculties decay and they reach a state of ^unconscious examples of this was John Sherman, that man of many gifts, whose many blunders in the portfolio of state betrayed the decrepitude of years. The old minister of the old school who officiates in many of our churches, has been responsible, with his dogmatic theology, for the loss of many youno; people with whom he could have no sympathy. Such mischeif should be stopped. But how to prevent it is a problem. In the first place, the old men are themselves eternally opposed to what they may re gard as a premature retirement. What an array of scorn and vituperation they can bring to bear upon anyone who has the temerity to suggest that they are back numbers can be prov ien Ly bitter experiences. So far from being shot they are ready to shoot all the young "upstarts." Of course those who will not listen to reason may find it necessary to yield to force. This brutal but effec tive solution will sooner or later be reached by Charles- ? ton. ; It is not urged that the old j horse should be shot or turned ? out to die. But he should be : retired from the track on pro- < vender as a compensation for ? past services. Otherwise his i master will lose many a race. < Our leaders are but public i servants. The people are the masters. 1 Nor would it be fair to say 1 that this rule applies univer- 1 {-ally. There are men who ? keep the freshness of youth s amid the growing wisdom of j age. While they treasure up, < the pa^t, they never fail to absorb modern ideas and adorn the living present. But such characters are as rare as a dar lin June. On the other hand, the arro gance of "ye olde gentleman," is amusing to an extent to which it is not nettling. Their impatience of contradiction and frequent recnrrence to things that happened when their ?young friends were Deevish boys are well known. We know of a prominent clergyman who preaches that man never has any sense be low the age of fifty. Before that time it is all mere flash and brilliancy. When young Bryan pushed the old leaders of his party aside and captured I the nomination in that great speech at Chicago, old politi cians were not wanting who, like Senator Harris, either sulked in their tents, called him a one dollar man, or grew sar castic at his expense in other W3y. It is fitting that whatever re forms are introduced regarding the age limit for active service should be applied first of all in our city. There is not another place on earth where so many old men hold office and so many able young men are treated with indifference and scorn. Right here is the secret of our city's apathy. Old men for council, it is said land young men for war. Be that as it may, our present de mands call for action rather than aphorisms. Here a young man must fight heroically for every inch of ground. It may be sure that the victories are sweet, But is obvious that many have been tempted to leave and go where they can win greater success with half the effort. To see the successful results of young men's work look to the great cities of the South and West, Chicago, Kansas City, Nashville, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, tell their own story. Let old Charles ton throw aside the prejudices of years and receive the bene fits of new blood and energy, ?o may it be. THAT ORPHAXAGE VAX. Among the most influential Negroes in the state today is Rev. D. J. Jenkins, the Presi dent of the Colored Orphan age. From comparitive ob scurity, he has elevated him self to his present bights through courage, honesty, strength of will, and reliance upon God. Ten years ago he was unknown to the citizens of Charleston, As pastor of the Fourth Baptist Church, one of the minor offshoots of | this great denomination, the desire became intensified with in him to do something to help the unfortunate children who were reduced to beggary by the death of their parents, and appeared on the streets in such numbers, shivering from the blast of winter. Now this selfsame philan thropy had enterred the mind of many an intelligent colored citizen before. But no one, it seems had enough of the prac tical ability about him to be come a builder.Plans galorewere formed only to fall into the disgrace of dismal failure. In stead of passing the time worn resolutions etc. he quietly gathered a few of the most wretched street Arabs and undertook to provide for their needs. He thus put himself into a position to demand help. People with a generous turn are seldom ready to look askance at those who put forth an effort to themselves. His genius for persistent agitation stood him in good stead. In asking favors for others he could neither be cowed by in sults nor intimidation. The!1 successful institution which hef* controls is a splendid monu ment to his industry. Its maintainence means con- < sinuous work. That man who 1 builds up an unendpwed insti- 3 tution must almost literally sleep with one eye open. The summer finds him in the North with his concert company. The >ther season find him dictating hundreds of letters and moving with anxious steps among our local business men. Should he abate his vigilence the re sult would be disastrous to hundreds of children to whom no other avenues of training are opened, and would throw out of employ ment about twelve teachers, clerks, and laborers. Some of his co workers are among the most intelligent young people of our city.. In organizing and con trolling such a work Mr. Jen kins has proven himself a public benefactor. He is making a sincere effort to pro tect the destitute and unfortu nate. In such work he has our unqualified endorsement. Something of character may be surmised from his work. He is physically strong, morally pure, and mentally keen. His capacity for lusinesfc may be best illustrated, perhaps, in his newspaper work. The Charles ton Messenger, with the edito rial policy of which we can sel dom agree, is his personal organ. He is both editor and business manager. It is one of the largest Negro papers in the S^uth and was built up by l im from nothing. Only those who are ignorant of the amount of mental and physical energy, to say ' nothing of finance, which are required to run a successful newspaper can deny him abilities of high order in this venture. He makes no pr?tentions of lite rary finish either in speech or writing. The simple language of the common people with household words, is his medium of expression. But his mind bristles* with practical ideas such as interest and sway the ripest scholarship. He has the knowledge which comes not so much from books as from the great school of observation, practice, and experience. If a proposition contains sense it falls with his mental grasp. If it is a cypher the most ornate flowers of rhetoric cannot hide it from his discernment. Per haps the greatest criticism that can be made of his journalism is its sensationalism. How ever, the Citizen will, in the future as in the past, pull him off the perch whenever he climbs too high. In the above utterances, we have no axes to grind or favors to ask. We believes that Rev. D. J. Jenkins, as the head of a benevolent institution which without him would be non existing, merit, the support of the public and should be as sisted in his annual fair which begins next month. Since nothing succeeds like success, all honor to the man who has won it in such a large measure. While the Citizen cannot abide ?orne of his editorial policies, we believe in rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesars. If we were required to name the most influential Negroes in the State of South Carolina, the name of Danie" J Jenkins would occupy very high place on the list. r^jgZThe Clerical \TJdion. The meetidg was held Mon., at 12 o'clock in the Tradd St. Mission room Prayer was offered by Dr. Gilbert Father Holeman reported a good, human state of things at the City Hos pital, Bro. Carolina gave his account of delightful services conducted by himself at the Old Folks Home last week. A Communication was received from the Y. M CA., asking for conference with the Union, It was noted to make this conference the special order business, at 1 o'clock, a full meeting is desired. Revs. Gilbert, W. A. Waddelf and J. E. Beard were jnamimously received into member ship. - Sermon outlines were given'and in :erestingly discussed, Revs. Jefferson, md Page were the authors of the out lines, all present participated in the discussion, Centenary; Wesly, Tradd St. Mis don and other Churches are holding ?pedal meetings in the dity this week lext place of meeting is Wesley Church. Bro. J. A. Brown will visit :he O.d Folks Home this week. Bene iiction by Rev. Waddell, members jresent: Revs. D. Brown, J. A. Brown Sardina, Clark, Holman Jefferson, Page. Rowe, Townsend, Gilbert, Seard and Waddell. A beautiful har nony prevailed thropghout the meet Subscribe to the Citizen tl afr. 8\ sion ol efiht[ cation ed thi ed Hi BolUU Comm Jews mBeAdi W. BennttVs Eloquent Effu "sinessat the Annual Banquet mer Club-yew Ideas in Bdu " CavUier Spirit Which Buin ?South-The Negro Who Imitat, armer Master and Became A Should Now Foliote {Out the M Ideas \of tho Germans and I Money and Other Things Will Mr. Chin:-' This Assigned is one of no light ?m portanc^Twe arc assembled here to celebrlfce anniversary of this society whose na?eflects the teachings of one o^ America-fa ost liberal and honest state men ChaJsumner, and in the course, of present f<Mties you ask me to respond to the toJ?S?Dess. 4 vi must say that the word is nine that confines your humble speaker t|v latitude of thought, for business irebends any and all pur suits tbac Je over our various necessi ties whichfcg profit to those engaged, for all pur* whether of labtr or muscle of mind ariought in (act any calling that bears I 0nr livelihood comes under the purvic j business: and again so broad is tlrm applicable that may en gaged in illed business that con cerns tbeirjbbors and not themselves for many o5meddle with other people's business. oitra to make it a fint duty to know hole affairs of our friends shtuld be ajed, while, our own door ways need ifee sweeping andjcleansing. But I supple purpose of this appoint ment on yoiirt was not from a facetious nature, but I? stern relatives of prac tical life as jte round daily as exempli fied by the f?r, the banker, the. mer chants, the Janie, in fact, all lines of daily pursuit* lead to the end of a com mon liviihoJAnd again, 1 presume you would wie to of?er a few suggest ions in relatif the colored man and hi? business life, tret, Mr. Chairman, that I cannot say J for him at present, bat I hope that t?w suggestions which J now offer as |the possibilities ot his future will iie received as coming from a spirit cjkind criticism or a be littlement of hpt relations to the great Anglo Saxon qzation with which he has been in cortt for 250 yars, but as being prompte* a spirit for his better ment hereat'terlere by he may place ilong in the sudful march of these prac tical times: Firyegret to say that the example of the baster has had much to do with the Nefnftingfrom business to politics, which ts made a failure of. For wHle the Stern gentleman taunts the colored manu holds him up to ridicule and scorf seems to forget that example contribifcaore to form charac ter that any othificy of life, that he too in business h?en as big a failure as the Negro has be^ politics I will try to explain* Fori- two centuries the sentiment of thekralier has been the creed this side lason and Dixon's line; The politica?ement of this coun try has always befrongest this side of Baltimore: it has Ls been the sp:rit io rule somebody to *e the affairs of gov erment and to be itleman in the sense that relief from hafcrk simply. To be a statesman, a lawfo* a doctor bas al ways been the leaj ambition of the master class-laboi bly viewed except who contributed to favored few classes: As a resul ever been f avora Q done by those ell being of the the slave Chairman, thc ts ending the last civil found the aver age Southern gentlej as incapable ot doing business as th ot being a statesma serving the trend of so imbibed the exa and under the re sweet m oreel of past were gone from him right to povernto ru he over his'religion. classes being incapat; practical and mate lett with out a resort ing statesman because his master lost the tr trial ties which have man from Germany, and all the others de land: I need not refei lar locality beyond y Charleston, to cohvin my saying: A real true chant is scarce,Thc Ge hold the power, and talave travled, not only obtain in yourJbut in every Southern one that I hwe find the old master and his sons tbefcal and gov ernors , while the foreildo the busi ness: hence the great sil of supremacy between the old master fformer slave each has been the viel purposes tn life and Negro tninks lik<* h;? ol ation consists in trying t in country or stare, just retard. For the an ticed r but vail sentiments for i posterity but pride, sentiment, and if you th show you what has oeco politicians in this South to do other business: th which and aticipations 1 strongly fixed on their age Negro was the ?fegro ob aster's habits al. at was set him, uction acts the and vocations cherished the body more, than esult the master following the airs of life was Negro becom he example ot his past indus bsorbed by the (1, Jerusalem of a fore gn any particu beloved City of the truth of native mer Irisb, Jew, all f misdirected ong as the er that elev some body g will be bis politics are s nothing to tation and e wrong PH the sons of who failed precarious c? are so tance that peritethe right even life is taken to to rule. If it were left to me, I ld eliminate from the curriculum of evcpool, white and black ihe teaching ot?c history: I would suspend teaching element \oi even Washington, Grant.e, Garfield and manv others, soldiers tn'ent and substitute biography. I wotoach thow, Jacob Astor tramped thc ti of New England and the middle baying furs which he sold at a profit art as an in heritance Millions for thorio follow ifter him: 1 would tell eua-, how eld Commodore Vanderbilt ro . he Hudson River for 10 afc picture what that has acco ling our great system of Ra I'ountry. 1 would futher ma? Peter Cooper a daily refera joy who worked in a mach inally advanced to the statio ?er, and left for those behint ill men that would learn: I City I gwould tell of If i who was a business man, an i greater monument to his rood than John C. Calhorn? lay and happier in those lit ?ing Stree road than are so ,nd teachings oi Calhoun, . )uffey, who as politicians, las lead to the destruction ,nd happy country. 1 w ile ot your GeoW. Willis or every school boy,teven Jo f Auditorium fame, who did be true sense ofjbusmess for s f all around him are ma ? pl esults of thrift, industry ?ad rould eliminate, as I ?id, ?t, :hool house the old tim .e trodoY ?aching the yonog, di? -ard thef nd heroic and substito te the je practical and industrial, ?ach business, econor ay and i_ assure you Mr. Ck orman tba e a new era emerg?? jg from the ie past. Another thing t.hat seeaas t aient among colo*?4 people, 3f; 90 across ts. and in buil s in this :ite of a poor op asd million, t school r own nston, left ' for ore to up recept Mc that utirul the >ook, pson in na' the 7. i very of n*al of bor, and will of re to keep away from the whites and not to imitate the examples of the best side of their bu LSD ess life. It is a mistake, for the Negro is not experienced, yet and they have been seperated ' under the New Era for 35 years, and the old muter thing of the Negro as kndw him then, . and not as he has improved since, bot j imitate if necessary those frieignen who do the business, ny and bring yourself in touch with them as nearly as possible soi thst they can see that yon are not so much in the abstract as politicians would have the,world beleive, and when you find those those of your own capable, lift them higher and higher in the material affairs of life as you can give them bmsiness, but be cartu 1 to give only those who have profited by the business teachings of men who have had the centuries of trial before us. And do not think that every white man is your enemy, fer in that you make another mistake for such is not the case. As you have imitated the policy of the Cavelier class in the past try DOW imitate the busi ness classes copy after Teutonic civilization the Celtic and the Semetic- for their thoa gb ts of labor and progress are quite different from the old methods of master class, for business and trade always invite a courtesy of intercourse that we do not find in political antagonism- tor politics wil antagonize, while business tends to mellow the sentiment of men one for the other by that peculiar independence which governs the wants of each, regardless of condition race or creedmen are always friends in baying and selling- in trading of any kind it is not a question of condition or color ic bdsiness but values- business levels dist inc tiona in human affairs which no other agency can: Yt is I? ft with you to to get material wealth by trade and industry ?nd political efficiency will come as the econo mics and not the sentiments control us: we nave legislatures in our South-land that pass perennial laws restricting the exercise ot capital, passing Jim Crow Car measures but 1 venture to say my friends than not one of those men who legislate that way thereby preventing thousands of seit res pecting colored people from riding in those separate coaches only when on a mission ot a eat h or some unforeseen circumstances thereby depriving the corporations of thousands of dollars income annually-own one share of stock in SBV of ths corporations which they legislate against. If they had to lose bv it they would think twice and ii*miss sentiment rather than lose the iollars which are not theirs.: Such errors will be righted after a while as the internal wealth of the southland passes into bands )t our friends in the South and thev have something to lose by sentiment. JFben he man from Main and NewjYork ha* to itay at home and find an outlet for his wealth there and not in the South: and rhen our friends South shall be capitalists md own corporations all else will be well. Jut at rhis time foreigners own the Hail loads. Steam boats and even your phos ihate .concerns, hence the patent dis egard of every interest of business which tnkes it an object of material progress, for t is a political error to^hink that in keep ag the masses down wealth* is increased, jabor and businesJ of all kinds dignify ali eople. 1 have a greater regard for the cotblack. or newsboy I see around the ost office than I have for the little white oy who stands on the corner with his hand i his pocket and says that he is white, and erhaps his father is a temporary office older or a clerk in the store of some ureigner who can hardly articulate the )nglish language, and is a slave to his tecessities and with' bia downfall goes iat superior, superlious idle boy, that ootblack is a business man, a twenty five em brush and 10 cent box of blacking is s much a stock in trade in the sense that ipital is understood as "the thousands in ie Bank cf Charleston, Do business my ?ends, do business, look at the rich North, i last and IV est and learn that business is Iways honorable when honestly conduct ed itver mind ?what it is that you o:do business,learn the axiom 'Labor and ait" and all else will be well in time. n tc Subscribe br the Uro berm Jitken, ii C ro rs ( Cl Al religions Kotice? ^ Inspiring services everv SundijV Fourth Baptist Church Palmetto 5^1 tic? at 4. p. m. and g p. m. and $1 Scboolat 930 a. m. The public is co3 invited. Rev. D. J. Jenkins, P&svK Inspiring services every Sunday # & | Paul Baptist church Rutledge Ave. sjl vices at 4 p. m. and 8 p. m. The pafcul s cordially invited. Rev. W. Wi??^ \ pastor. At Trinity and the Mt n. Trinity A Jf.E. Church, T^^** " *. m. Preaching at thelho?* A.Jf.E.(!l?m4. pl?. tbe #t Ci* A. M.KChurch,Rutledge ave,e*ch at 3. 80 and 7.30 the pastor RJI J. A. Seal. Public welcome. ' St. Johns Christian Church John ? Pray meeting 6-a. m. 1 Sunday School, 10-m. Preaching, 3-p. m. Preaching, 8-p. m. Prayer meeting, Tuesday night, at ?.jj p. m. Preaching Thursday night at, 8 p. ?1 The public is cordially invited. Hcu E. J- Goodwin, Pastor, Awakening services every Sunday ttl Ebenezer!. A. li. Church; Nassau St I above Wolfe. Pray meeting at 6. a. A Sabbath school at 9. a. m. conducted byl the efficient supt. Viss Carrie L?.| Preaching at ll a. m. 3; 30 p. m. meet ing of the Christian Endeavor Societv.l Please bring your babies come and worship! with us. Rev. J. Lucas pastor. The First Baptist Church MtrrriJ Rev. S. S. Youngblood Pastor senie* Sunday School at ll a. m. Preaching at U a. m. every Sunday. The public are invited. Religious services at the Calvary Bip. tist Church,. Smith St. near Morris, fie?. fl. Je?erson Pastor. Prayer meetin| at 6: 30 a. m. Preachiag every, Sunda? 3 30 and 7. 30. all invited to attend. DB. R. J. Dental Parl?n 422 Kl?t ST COpp. Old Stand) First Class Dentist. Prices to Suit the Times. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Sell Phone 2*62. * DR. L HUGHES BROWN OFPICBlAJ?D^ISIDENCEi L Nassau {Street, Charleston^ Office flours* 7:30 to;8:30:a.;in. 2:30 toj;5:3?p L 7 30i:to 8:30> m. BRANCH OFFICE,'97 Kr NO ST Office Hours: 9 to lu a. m 7p.Jin, ree Examinations Thursdays:49;to?W.a. a! i7pm . K.^ HAYNE. E. R. CCLLH HAYNE & CULLER, Ittorneys ? Counselors AT LAW, No. 48prinart. 2 1 iv.Mtu,.C HU Practices In;allkOouru State>ndiFedeni S. S. DAVIS ATTORNEYJAT LAW CP. I:DARLINGTON.SS. CE? TO. B. EDWARDS -, ? ST^MARK&ASPOBTi* EDWARDS & SASPORTAS, ATTOBNEYS.ATILAWS, Court House Sq., - Cbaalesten, &.*C Will practice in all 8ttt?jand Federal Coartt r South Carolina.; O. A.'GAILLABD, ?AILLARD & WILLIAMS ATTOIi N E YS| A TJ L A W. lalraers Street. .;Near|State,;|Cbar!estoD,!S- C ;Wiii;practice.lnlaft;tbe:Court8 of the State-! ALONZO E. TWINE, [TORNEY.AND .COUNSELLOR! VT Collections 'Made. ?EstateslAttpnded.ToJ PromptnessJJGuaranteed. ? ?No. 48:SPKIXO ST.! ?Viiljpractice;in alljthe?Courts.of.'tbe^U* R. C. BROWNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 48.CHURCH.ST. *~ Will State and Federal .Court? L. J. HOLLINGS, ARCHITECT AND^CONTRACTOR CHAB LESION ?j ASHLEY AVE., C S. MNORT, ? jLJYERY :.: STABLER Teams of AH Kinds to Hire, om 1621. m'SPRlSG S. GEO. P. McCLAY, FEXSIOS AGENT, r-* ce; Smith Near Calhoun St. TBesidence: 282 Rutledge Atj PROF. J. D. PARKER 3??8IC|INSTR?CT0R. Piano, OrganRand;fVoca!. ?Bes?dence :;2SV10KR1S&TREET, TROY. W- ORASDQl -Ins trac torp?n -ORGAN ANJ> FUm