Sew Hampshire ihn Uni. The result o? the New Uar shire eiee?i H will h . va rion interpreted, (or. like Bible re>, elections will bear many c -ustr; tiens, Wo ari disposed ?0 coi der that it shows thc radical c ??usi of tue Demcr-caratic party which we have often spoken, a tiie existence of which is unie able. The feeling toward ti partv, which nairn ailv avow < of the war and its anteceden can be changed only by the cte; est nnd most positive evideu ttrat it can bo saiely trusted deal with vigor, sagacity, a: patriotism with ali the quest to of the hour. Bui instead ot" ] : vealing these dualities, tho Dei ecraiie party has displayed a tot want of them. It has shown I the organiza.ion ol tire House i continued subserviency to its e "masters. By its elections of Se ators, and nomina:bus. as New Hampshire, to eonspicoi positions, it has indicated the toi of ir.s preferen ces. I t h as a ttei n ted to cany Ohio and Pemrs} vania upon a platibrm of r. money. It has aimed /.calons' to help itself by exposing tl offenses for which the Rep ubi eau party is responsible, hilt lias shown no serious, carnes intelligent purpose or capacity < reform or progress. Ic wouh therefore, be soi prising that should be preferred to the part which, whatever its evils, is UJ questionably that which cou mands the sympathy and suppoi of the larger part of the votin population of the [Juion, exec] m the late rebel States. To this must be aided iii conviction that although the R< publican party can not escap responsibility ibr the char ac te conspicuous positions, the event of the last few months show no only the necessity, but the pm pose, of the control cf the part by those who represent its rea spirit of progress and ? e?brm. I is the belief that the plain pre tests anti criticisms of Rep?blica] papers upon such scandals as th? whiskey trials, the BSLKXA; disgrace, and the SCHENCK: affair such vigorous denunciations am demands ns those of the Un tor L'-ague Club resolutions in Nev York; the general feeling, o which everybody is conscious that the condition of success is ; loftier tone of political mo ra lit} in administration-it is the be lief that all such signs show . health.y Republican revival which still keeps the State o New Hampshire rn Rep?blica; hands. This we say upon tue presump tion that there is some kind oj political sigiiicance in the edee tion. If there is not; if it be. as some of the papers stoutly and with perfect composure assert, mereh a bargain and sale; ii each party, anxious to secure thc first marked success of this year, sent thousands o? dollars into the State and entered into a rivalry tor the p ur chase of votes, the result ol the New Hampshire election shows only that the Republicans spent the most mon ey, aad that American institu tions are far gone in utter decaderce and decay. There is something astonishing in the half-indifferent way in which it was asserted thai tile election was carried by money, and that more dollars would have made the victory Democratic instead of Republican. The composure o?' ihr all. i:;Ui?:?i ????piles thai thc But it is none ino less au aiie-. . iiou thar, government is put \ at auction. - \.":U tins shows, iii even other U:I1I:I??(1S??:;-IO phenol eiioti d' our politics, the inipe? tive iiecessitv ot' a reform ci' tl ^s\s;em which makes it vcr while :'>v a. party to spend moir pivids??y ter sta-eess in an eh' thai. That tbe statement whit reirie^etits the New liampsbi ?polis as open markets is large anirac wc have no doubt wini ;e\*er. Nothing: is easier than :make such assertions, ami not me; ?s more susceptible o?' exa geradon linvn thc amount < ' money which is elven and snei .lor Oribe ry At elections. Bi it is alarming to see that ti : assorti n that tho covernmei Ici a State was dete: mined h j notorious lian (J can be g'enciali j made without exciting oilier th a ja lauenid and amused worral ! that any hodv should be so him ! cent as ic think it strange. Willela] salaries, rac benatc has pass?e; a bi ; restoring the President's salar : to tin1 o?d sum ol' twenty-hv thousand dollars. The sion* ? viii px'obaoly concur, and the : wo presume tba? tho Presiden [ will veto it. We suppose so b( : c. i use it is well known that h :' th ondit the oo;rvpcn*a?ion o?' th ! .> ? s . j. i i i t . i : t LVMueut Siiouiu oe iiicicasec ? And i?' the reasons were Hi?pers ? tive two or three years neo, the; [certainly are not less now; am nie would hardly wish to s u bj ec los successor to inconvenience ' which he has h i m sel f ex per ien oed i au a which he strove successful 1; j to have removed. The restera j lion (d'the oid salary is a meas, jure due to the eeneral domain f?sT? rr/Tacrci?on ano. rciui uri ?*uu ide no nu lar indignation wiri ; what is justly held to be tin jirreat social extravagance o I Washingiou. But tho prineipk i ol' low salaries for li i ir ii pub1 ii : ollieers is not a sound one. \Yhei i Dr. Franklin's proposition tua j the honor should oe tho rewarc d'or public service was discarded aad most properly, since it wonk 'have made tho go vern in en i a ! kind ol' plutocracy, the reason ol I the opposing theory should haw i J. C " [been mord (dearly apprehended ? Tile ablest administrative geniu. lit) the iirst cabinet was tha?; ol j ALKXAxmm I?AXILTOX, but he ; retired to private hie tint he i might enjoy the income which his talent could readily command, jami that he might not leave j his family penniless. HAM?L?OX I could not aiiurd to remain in i public life. And thai is the point: ought not the pecuniary condition oi high and responsible public ellice s to be such that men ol' ino iirst talent may be induced to take if.' j The various great positions of the .'government ai the presen: time j require lbr their su-cessiul and proper administration executive talon ls for which there is always 'sharp private competition bo tween great ent 4rprises o? various kiuds. (.dui we expect a man wide cam command lotty thousand dollars perin anent! v i bi his audi ty to be content willi ten thou sand temporarily? Or, again. : Cnn wc w?ude:, under such eir 'ciuustauces, that tho ability ?which is called to oublie uositioii I compares unfavorably with that which is devoted to private business?. Wise heads are sp?cu l?t in/ upon tile means ?d' attrac N- J. tine; more general iv sunerior men i into politics. Mon or. us such, na? boon lound ucl io be enough. ? The ]...;.!-.(ms (d the situation ute. jinnee:^ ii m nv. hue one of tue i cider and most clivions is thc ! honorable reluctance oh men to I sacrifice their families to thom 'selves. Elura out ol' ten clever and highminded American?, ii' : they are ashed why they take no active interest or parti in politic?, t instantly reply that thev can not j lal?ord h\ ^ ' " j Tho small extent ci' the cernir-1 j.-fry when the national govern-! ment "ont into operation, the' : simplicity ol' its 1 unctions, the; ? roll (?i' Ks officers not reaching the j P. um be* oi' servants of very many ::privat?cjnrpanies today, the' ! icedngtd' a huge tau tv in regard ; to ?he feovornmeii? mat it was. j ; as J::;j';:::s':X bclittiingly called : it. a m j-re department of Foreign j AilairsJ and the peculiar distinc-? I rion ol'the public service at that | time, were conditions very di Her-j j eui ii oui those with which we j have 1" deal, It is thc in 1erest! ? of the country to da v to tempt ' the best ability into oliicial posi tion. The favorite til cory of many worthy people that any Iaveraac American can admirably! neribiTrt thc duties ot' any ellice i II j j is not j tsti ?icd by Hie fact, rori jibe higher political posts, the ? I occupancy cf wh ich properly: 'changes with a change cd' partyj . ascendency, the salaries si: ou ld.: bc sj ii ?oral that trained ability1 ; would gladly accept them, and ' j would therefore put itself in the1 I way to reach them by participa- ; ilion in jolitical affairs; while for ?the iowvjr grades of subordinate j .and mi; isierial positions the ten-! aire shoald be honesty, industry,; and eiiiricnev. The uuestion not. ibr hov liiile can we iret LI) ?S re fi Hedi? but, how can we I B S^h^th^ -:ios{: aili 1 ?ty:_ Suc^considi-rations di) md, o?' j course, ?pply to thc Presidency, i But it plain that if twenty dive thousand dollars was a proper compensation io- the President .eighty \ears ago, it is certainly not proper now, unless there lias been such an increase cd' allow janees that the salary has been; i vin aa liv doun iou. TUE P.-.WE'I or THE 1'EUPU E'S LA.V ra*AO E.-Thc orator lausi command tile whole sca'e ul"tho langnap". f.em thc most elegant t': die mest low timi vile. Every one ? ?a- iou In? yr in ft ?reo is tin ; spnhjre ot Hie street to that '?t the a?iu.ejiiy: i Th. ? stivci mast lu- one ot' ais schools, j I Oualit "; ? tin' scholar i<> 1M- able 0? convey I his iOeaidi iiT ia terms ns sh ??rt and st rong las thc porter er truckman uses to convey: j his ? Ami bord Chcsterhed tliOJirlu tliut i without behur instructed ia the dialect of! illa- i:J alles no man could he a complete j ; muster of French. The speach of thc man 1 ??i thc str-ct is. invariably strong, nor KUI j you mead it by making it what voa call! parliamen ary. You say. -'lt he could only | express himself"' hat ho do s already b ( ?- j ter than any one can tor hi:;].-can alway j Lrct tue cai* of an audit?ncc to thc exclusion j ol' cveryh'dy else. Wc!!, this is an exam-1 pie Xltat something which each j ana was treated to say and do, he only, or j lie best, e-ita teil you. and lias a riaht to su- j preme iiufiiti'-ii so fir. The power of their j speech is ??at ir i* p'l'fc'tly a understood" by .lieve it to he rrae that wheo any rat?r ar?jue'--bar or in th-- Senate rises in ::\< t hO -.. a, ; ne ueSCeims in his lan^na^o: | that is. wjien la- rises to any height ol j th'.uudit ivpa?sior. lie comes down roa'lua- j iruair(devt' i witlit lie car ol' all his audience*" lt is the of John Bro n and of Abra-; liam hiac ?!::. one a: Charlestown; one ai j l wo best specimens of ? v tcttysia?-r. m ti C!0(|ucn:ce v.'c Itavi Vi'.. Jl:,?;>^. had in this coiintrv.-A' iiPfJO?II?, j i ? cl v o r ti s in g A g e n t s, ; io PARK KOW, New York. 4 Subscribe ! Subscribe ! Subscribe 1 ! i i PUD LIS UKI? KVMitV SAT?:;I?AV. ! i i i No. Iii MORRIS STREET Charleston, S. C. ALL KINDS OF T?s? 325 C-0 a &r> -*.""? fraarnnto. ?1 ns?n~ orr W??l Augsr and Driiis m good territory. iliic'c-st testimonials from tlie Governors of lOTviUi Arlc?nsa??; and Dakota. All tools ?war ranted. Tv. o wells foot (loop can ho bored in one day, dui one veli vrill fcmisli "wa?tT sufficient for n'-C? bead of cattle. Splendit* .work ;"i>r v.-i::tcr as well B? suiarafr. 1 ascrip tive catalogue fr e. County rirriits for said. .CUidrC?Si ?1L?, Vi' JILL AL Cilia CO.* ?H. Luui?,.ilo? A_si:.-.ct-: X'?=:V:::-;?".'VE. ) rjr ?cr* aKsir:;-f;i.m inri u?rii:?r?. They ar?-h'.jii".? f :. ::.?.: 1."! r.? ar; ?il ! i-J>Y?P! i'l '?*. ?t . ir. ..f"l>'3!. C."*.':-l'?J. sro ?>..ii.tA?.-.r.. .?.* sn Ai'RiiT'iai? an ;. . irniJi* K!T* 'i-iXS ?re i-L?!-ti w.:':i t!>. .:r.-.::.- : < f cnr.-. :art sotee I<- !".n:,:.r.: :.a? c . r v S :.. > --a < ? T-- - 1 to tr.*- rtsblie ?o R'.XASAN f TO rali T vi rs a:: : a: : - .?.:? ? ?sa* e >>b:a tyi.rt:.? li? : k:.n '.->::.? R-ars-a.ojwia. liront Lat '.ii to ci*? iii ?an ?. fi ir triai. arni Every Enmity :>-*?.?>::??' r-Tovc- :?. Dottco. f-a ?.:. !~r>e:a.-: :. VT I hr.-iciai. ''. the >vrj h. .?'.rt;::* /..:.: --?i i ...'.- > ly *r.< Clergy r.:, I '??jutrt;" ..'c.J-nin.* fi?nc<7*?rrTC _ i:xv. v. ji. K. r.irci-v. C.; ?Mo? M-:!rrr.i=i?:or Ja St. r.i?ocv-v.-? .Tun.-!??. i?r: i'.-vjiiisc Jl. ~. r:.--.-:. i"..-:,' ur? L?u:rteu L'N:TUO 5T?TU? M*a:>a.U.>?f?TAt. ; .?.r. I...! M ... L.T. 1ST?. { .'tv:: a. J?w -v ? C.-..- j j. :.. ... sr.- iii.-? thc fornia?a f?r ho . th? la?; 'oar : :. :?; i f .:*?>! icr t:- .-.i lattl vala ?i..iJ?^t Ph;'?: ita a ci -r-,-^ V. >. "arir...- .':..?: "..I. .'..4:.s .. J-A?it???ft-c*.-(?et?lciacii: **jt*a have tora. m-,aiev.^i :? ra-ria.-iira! ( ro?< .?iva.Jr.>.-:pc cf -*H*a:; i'.::;*:/, i t'tr.:. -.i;'r-T r? I?. ? a>: *..'rvl us? -:-.:?a: Bel ina*, r.o aavrr.; ti; Ut a ta!:- a f-r it. v-'t bav.t: ?x?taiacd t:-.ti fira??i* Ti-r :. a ?a< thtf?""Kvni? Bi?ttrs.';' aa:.?.:a t.r.;'? far thc c??:?! iaation i?'-'f. f rare r\c^'.U-.:-\ r,.\ vbo cr:::'.<* ia iiiwmpfjitico are tho best or tao eii?ii to Tfii::h i--.-;. :.o ?"-:. ^ !.:..?.iv T.-aic. >;:*a-iit:tt. Svraae?ic. Carsiiaitirc. r.r.-t ?li^hUy Laxativ?. T.':o ra. rte ;.ro;.ar:.-.? thea ls .tsictlv io usci'i?aaoi ?:C; tho ralcN'if :>i:ar:sav-r. Ji.Tia; ..:>...; :.';...:a ?j < ; - privat . prac ti :e; w; r>loa>ar* :a r.-j..s 6f-TT?ss?n. CoUcg? cf i's**! ciaai. ar. ?i Ja tc htvabcr Ii ..ari of lit?. !.. C. :... .:.-:.rvir?? Pref. ?r Obeu-tri;j aad Dittasts cf '.ror?'.r.. ?>:. I?aia Mod. Cc.l?i?. USA KU McliOWKLL. X. !V. Late Rr*? t. Mu. Mctt:?a! Cniiojo. !.. A. c-..\::z. M. :>.. ?rrtf.Sar??rT. Vo. Ifc?rjr.: ..?*;:'?>?? ..::.'. :a:c Uc.itJca: ?r-jii ciaa Cit ? Hospital; I.^L:> ii:- . sri. i!i.i:r.::nT :T.:WM. r.-of. Pr-rticalPharreaeT. St I.outi ."?::...-? c: I':..-..-:::.-.--. J. C HT71ITS?.I.I.. ? i. Mo?c.1 ir^hi?*.. / .r. ?lB-encr. H. L>. Tr. 0; . 1'. i.r. wro. 6. Glkicva. M. 1>. S. '.I:A-..? V ?-ai. M. 1'. C. A. \7*aa. 1). W. ."?. VV^.oX. J!. P. r. <.. KiJv.\s:.:.v. >.. o.. ?rif. Ssr-crr, Ii :..: >. -j :.:r:o J! ? :::r.i ''iXsrie. T. J.Ti57?s,:,v rx. ' T.c. i*i vsr>.. r.-of. of V: iwi:.'-y a:-.rt i>... r..... o: vVrwaia. *.''.-?iv?^o: KOSCM* rathte Rhyiiciaas aa.l ?jr?- ut. jttay 7. Tr-i'.rrr.E. M. O.. PrAf. V vria Hc-!::a .-. i Tho-?.-.: emir*. !:'.:.-.. . .-?ttte Mcrt! "' "j??). COV':r.K>?AX. ii. D.. !.-.'!l-r?r On Dio'ja.'v; f.f CiiU?rcU, l?. :::.:. >??-:.. . C :?.-.? cf V.:wo?r-?. . :!.-. ::i.r.s VASTIN?. U ;>.. Vrwf. uf ?'i.v' ?i/?;::'?:Av ?. ;?.. frof. Ciiaicu'J/ixJicia?-. Col. Un-o ..;.ara. Thor orr: ?u* -.-r?.-r to a ; :fc . ?NNO SANDI"":."?. AaalTtie?! Cacrai-t. ' Ji?S:ri\' ;?;::S''??. A ...'.; -.:ca'. Chira;?:. ?::t:::2?i:i? P!?574iciasM CbicaifO. Titc^orsaala for V.: . ll "a ? li tieri :. r a a . :hrait;*d to -J?. a:.:t rre t c:?rvc th'-a. :.> i.c tr.c t?-t a.a.c ar.-t ftiaclaa: fa? caora! ac*offe.-tn* M thc ?a! iitC ll. .Ww&syar. S?; a.. G. A. Vj.?:Mau. AaaJyt?cal JAS. V. /.. ?u>:i, U. O. (>.?:..:?'.. Prof. '7hcrai.try., Sails K. S. .V.uiN. M. T>.. y.~ C /.'.ctt. h. MCV?C?K. il; !>.. J. !'.. W ILK?;: M I).. >..a.\ :'.. >c'-. V. D., T- S: ii M I/.. It. :.t.-::.?vi. '.!. :... ?. T. K;:.:s. St D.. A. " ?.tii>s. M. !>.. ~ J. A. !!iuv M J>. Eminent Jt'JsvRieiiiiis ??^ ? :-i.-4n;t:>ti, N r..-:. who:i.Kr.*Prof<*-".-.i in cac or th*oth*r vf ti? Mo iiA: > t?t?s-*. Not.::.. : have ever h?;n ..rTcrot to thc r-a'.itj ?ta brr.c:.:^ >. : ian* vuIsahJc r?tSvtita? r.*.-a;?. J. !.. V?TT:;:U. M. !>.. J.- A. .'iva.. St, D.i Ci Ti .-:?!'.?.>. M. !).. .s. P. H- sa. H. ">., ?'. >. MC4.-u.rr; M. !>.. .. '.V. T. T.-.:;_:-.:vr.:iO. a. D.. J. J. <4?;>>. M. ?., j K la-otN.K. K, v. :-. x?*wwa- M. A. l'.HK?irv. il. U.. K. 5 '.?'..!... Chcitttit. e. \V.. r.u?a:. X I-.. ti K. Tattvit. Si. I'.. r>. VT. Mo.'.arm. X. iL. P. V. M.LBV. M. !>.. JJ. H. J,-,I:\N..>. >r. I>. S. ?.. V.-<:::??ok i:. c::i?i?ion? :?::v??:c :a::*. in ?TcfRphir:: Ta-.- !! .::.. I.;..>:? ar-" ..a :^-.- .-.a.o.i.. for :nuw-...??? a:,< i;;.<.*><. ari?-.c< tv -.a iaa.a.-iai c.. ;.-.. c. rwi-jut?t?. M. i>.. vtix :-:uK!>.. M. n., la ki> i'.s.a. SI. D" J-. ?.. i.-.-ci. X. :>., r".::;'.IO:?? ?'ItyS?Ciai?S -ii c5tst<.?:? ii. * w-?i fi..wt., M V.'. :i. Caitttw; >! ?J., !'. ?I. 'V:u..Ha. V. i>.. ?\ra. >'..? -..t. -'. i! if.-i':..-.>i>, ii. !>., Aitx? ?3r.?i?v?s?s o? OshcA-?. JV'i!."L', it. :>'.. i:; i ??.->..i Bi ?rr? Marci: WTIi ."?-.a? A. J^cjcsoj?.'; Ot-] t- tacexaAai*iCthu?. U. S?CMASCN. il. i'. 5) A. .:::.<'I.-?>r: ? .:'ropr{<-:<>i-4. ' J ir'.rvi.? <-r Ui^:-.. . : .i!, t --arr.-.:'.r..r;;:;- : .r cos: ::: I ?a?. Cfcri^afewtwhlp ?ind C :i:iiv" rirLtciVt-Sa Aa^vrr Cu., st. <-^;^"'"^^ -^V Zlitir-irAeiCd ????:-.:r--.r Ai. v.-t -V. ., - , . , ; . ii.- . . .