Missionary record. (Charleston, S.C.) 1868-1879, April 01, 1876, Image 1

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1WBW-BW-OB-- W Punished by T??; rn;; TS??\<; ASSOCIATION OK T?IK SOt'TJi CAliOLTXA A XX L'Ali COXKlvt? JiNCE OF TiiK A. M. E. Clll'Uf.'.li. No. Iii MO lilt IS STEKKT, puarlestou. S. G. IM CHARD Ji. CAIN. tia; KP ED.TOII: .;>><?ri.vit: L!'iTi'i:> : Kev. Ti. Ii. Williams, Kev; M. l?: Saint.*, W. E. .Iviiiis?n, " S. C. C<- -eloy. *. l?v?ij.r. i ?..TUT. - C. V.'. Mbss^ll: IV. M. Th-.n.as. S:ii:i. Washington; ? H. IX Edwards. ?* Paul II..k'?Vi-so?. AU cvi?in:*ti::?i-ij?r?!i< ?mist bc addressed to ??. Ii. ('.iii!. < ii:;;-i -r..:i, S. < *. Nothing Lost. ar v.-. KICKXKIX. Thc sea and a ''"-y were ?>ut one day. Each in his own mood of thought ?r piny.; Tho boy liHkkhtjr vlf from tho l--:i>r. I??utr shore; Thc sea streachiitg ont there pcrandly before. The sea was wearing a pleasant Wk, Uunning into cove, inlet and nook. Tho gay; sporting lad M soc ami meet, As ho ran nions with nimble feet. Pebbles and such fais prrasped in his hand;, ile"*! culled an<l gather on thc bnght strand : They wore treasures ci."?co for pots :ii home, Eur Jane an?i Johnny, too y?;unic ty roam. Thc sea fondly eyed the prescbcis store : Tuas his. he hud ?irown i: up <>;' yi.ro; S> said tire awful, ueep^un rating sea. -. Give.up tho treasures, JJ:ive lItem to tue," And there, so Pii*ar?gley. joined fate and fun, T<> do thc fixed tii 1 rithat ni!i>t bo ?: ?:io Ah. boy-' Obeying, how luitho v.as he Casting his pebbles hilo tho sea. Xow thought "f the babies the thnuglulcs? lad; Ami tor his playthings all v.--:ie h.-'s sad : Murmured ?ioi? the deco, far-sounding sea, " Diizlhlg. safely i'll keep ihe::: fot l?ee." The sea and a ship vere out one day; Tlfcs^M;'. well freighted, sailing its way: Tue sc^ as always, sc- full .>f moo 1>. Said. .. (jive. <:ive to mc your pearls and goods, " 1 hare fi? chambers, capacious made; Itt t'iicia from far <.!':' ruy spoils I have laid. Chattels, merehan lise . .:' every cltmej i'::: there layhii: ly for the coining time." The ship o'ertaken hy st orm and fear. Kuli .-..>..?;! pays tributefar-?etedied and dear, "Mil creak . .;" cordage and wild fury; (i. "i> and pear's she drops into tile sea. The deep-OUTspre:id ??f (?od's love :'.!:'i power Swells high everywhere; swells every hour; That L>eep celestia! forever doth say, ..My souls (rive ute back with me to ?tay. .. Front nie db they e??me forevermore.; My depths i:f: iheui i:\> !-> thi> world's shore; For I'fc. thou, ceasing here long to bc; (.?Hove not. O man, I'll keep it fur thee.-' Of; sec::; things dripped as into thc sea. -, ".> S.:-*, j.v..^.:.-. wi Tua. 11^. . They're caught.-our treasures,- and safe be stowe? I. On the breast of earth, the breast of God. -Monthly lifc?ic. i iiurdi GI ?ie liol? lories-. 'mt: IIACA NOT ALWAY?, TO TI::-: SWIFT T??: ?ATTLI-: TO XII :-: .STRONG Slvtt.M'.N :;V E. lillAD? BACKUS. At the l'rotes?at?t Episcopal Church oil the Hedy, Apostles, e^ruerol Ninth avenue j nilli;.Tu:ciii'V-eij:]i? street, yesterday hf?r:t- ? vivs, the r-.-i-T elect. Kev. K Bnidy Buck- ! us ibrtnaily cn'tered upon his work ia the . parish uno ...eettptcd tho pulpit. Tile text ; Uas take:) iruin liie tr?mh chapter ut" Keele- ? si;i>?cs, eleventh verse-liThe race is-not; to the>wi!'t ijnr tlie battle to tiu: strouji.*'. Titese words, said tbe preacher Set beibre usu tr ut li e'eariy eoti?rtiry;to the worlds opinion, lu the wtsue::! o'' men the nice is to the switi and the butti-: to the strong:, j Looking itere aa?.! there about u< in busi- : nos. primate and in public liie, we see nic-ti neting hiruv!;; up<>ii this principle, the con-; wrse ofthe text: The desire ot' risihg; aU vtuicin cr, a??i lev i og*, is common and one that chieSy h'oks to physical forces and human j agencies ipr success. Titeyoung man spends j yours iunttint: himsolf to be a ^wiit run-1 uer in tte race .?:' life, iti some elegant pur suit, ia some trade or proies^ion. And wliv; Because he would outstrip ail campet it oi^ j and seize the garland bf wealth and ofiame i Ibr h iuiSuU. because, like the Grecian ath-. lete, he is confident that thc race is to the . swift. Many of the world's statsnieir. its : martial heroes also. L?ve m>t under estimated j the material forces within their reach. They luve even sought to iniiuence and ; control thent to advance their own cuds and j aims. Does it not seem strange, then, that ; our text affirms that to be a truth which is j opposed so hugely to our own observation, ; to thc wider range ofthe world's history?;: At Srst thought it would so appear. Iii the j flash of youth in the pride of temporal ? prosperity, it is, indeed, a difficult inattor , ibr us to change our views in ngura to that principle upon which we hive solong;! acted. Yet tillie and agc often produce this j very result- Where sali-aggrtmaizementl has been our aim, where our hopes have ; been placed upon the riches, pleasures and applause of this world, there has ar. lust ; cuuie to mun)', perhaps in failure and disap- ? pomtment. the growing conviction that pos- j silly, after tJl.ihe race is not to the "swift . nor the battle to the strong/'" l>ut upon the ! authority ofthe Word of God we may sure ; ,.. i? . . ... IN *J-^V^' ? ,V ' ,, .f.v !''''-.'.;' ";' ' J.J, . . ?"'i'K.'i THOU CANST NOT THEN BB FALSE TO AFT MAN." . VFEB. g ?022? New Series No. 940. - Volume LXXL - No. K. ly believe that our text establishes for us a truth which holds good at every period nf life and under all circumstances-vcs. and through eternity.. Although human wis dom may judge differently, this wisdom is by nature contrary to many other truths of God s words. Yet lier?ni is revealed to us tho i'aci that in point of the truest and urnst permanent MICCSSS in that which is nure, noble and spiritual, in that which outlives tho lapse of time, "the rac?is not always t-.> tito swift nor the battle to tho strong." The preacher said the words of the text were not always to bc taken literally, that honest endeavor and earnest. Work in the cause of Christ were Decenary to com plete success. The apostle said:-I cnn do ail things through Christ, which, strength ener h nie."' Likewise wc also, haviuggaiu eil the one thing needful, the faith and fear of Cod though a Saviour crucified having i'Uind the love Of Jesus so tender and watchful and forgiving, having heard ana heeded tile voice of the lioiy Spirit pleading with our spirits, who shall say. th.TI, ?hat we shall not be,swift in the pur suit ot*go?>?l, and .strong in tue battle with evil. Though friends forsake us. though we be stripped ol all oar earthly posses-ions, ve;, with God's help, we sha!: bemorothan conquerers; we shall fight the good fight; we shall attain unto the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus. Finally, we shall need to lie Patient and prayerful. We may sow and water, but it is God that gives the increase. We can do nothing without Him. As lie is so patient toward us, why sho.u cl we despair if Iiis chariot wheel tarry a little, if his favoring hand seems withheld for a tune Surely, as Ile prom ised after ve have suffered awhile ile will make us perfect-establish, strengthen, settle us. To His throne also we shall of ten need to hasten, to lay before Him these our common anxieties and regards, praying the Ford of thc harvest to grant unto tis ail increase of grace, to bear the burden" and heat-of the day. to multiply, perfect. and gather into Iiis hpjritnal gainer thc tTu??s ?j our lauer. ~ ~ ~ Broolitvn Ta&eniiele. SERMON BY KEV. T. DE WITT TALMAC.E ON WOMEN'S ?MCUT? At the morning service Kev. T. IX; Witt Tal mage announced before commencing tile sermon that the Frosbytevian General Assembly of the United States would be held in the Tabernacle, commencing .May 17. The delegates will number about iitKj clergymen. 'Flic Presbytery v.'ili continue in session for fifteen days. Ile requested the people of the congregation to make suitable preparations ?br entertaining the delegates at their houses during their stay in Brooklyn. Mr. Talma;:-.' look for his textr--%SojC.cod create ! mau m his own image; in the image o: Cod. created he him maie and female created he them''-Genesis. !.. 'll. God made man and vvomaiforspoei tic work and to move iu particular spheres -man to be regnant ia his realm, woman to be dominant in hers. The boundary line between Italy and Switzerland, between England and Scotland, is not more thor oughly marked, than this dividing line be tween the empire masculine and the empire feminine. So entirely dissimilar arc the iieldsiu which God calls them that you can no more compare them than you can oxy gen and hydrogen, water and gras-, trees und stars. Ail this talk about the superior ity of one sex to the other sex is au ever lasting waste ot ink and speech. I deny to man the throne intellectual. I deny to wo man tl;e throne affectionah No hu:.?an phraseology will ever define tim spheres, while there is au intuition bv which wo know when a tuan is in his realm, and when a woman is iu lier realm, and when either cf them is out of it. No bungling Legisla ture- oughtto^attompt to make dciinitieii or to say this is the line and that is the line, .dy theory is that if a woman wants to vote she ought to vote.nnd that if a man wants to embroider and keep a house ho ought to lu: allowed to embroider ami keep a house. (Laugter.) There are masculine women and ejfeuiiuate mea. You have no right to in teriore with any one's doing anything that is righteous. Tho question of capacity will settle fihallytbe whole question-this whole subject. When a woman is prepared to preach she will preach, and neither confer ence nor presbytery eau hinder h. r. When a woman is prepare ! io move in the high est commercial spheres site will ??ave gieat influence on exchange, and no boards of trade can hinder lier. Heart and brion eau overfly any barrier thai politicians caa set up, arni nothing can keep her i??ck or keep her down but the question 6t incapacity. There are women, I knew, of*.\iOSt un de.-i rabie nature, who wander up and down the country, having no homes offcheir own or forsaking their own homes, triking abeu' their rights, ami we know vTy well that they themselves are fit neiin??K '"etc nor to keep house. Their missioW^:.. io hund?ate thc two sexes at 'A thought o?' what any one ot'us might bectuie. No one would want to live under the l.tws that such women would enact, ur t,to ha^e cast upon society, the children that v.ueh women would raise. The rights tupft Women can have they already have in their possession, lier position in this country Li not one of commiseration, but ol congratulation. She sits today on a throne so higi/'.hat all thc thrones OD earth piled on top oj each other would not make for hora footstool. Away ?down below this platform or. which she I stands arc the ballot box, c ngregatioiial '? assemblages and legislative halts. Womcu j always have voted and always"will vote, j How many VACA lhere have J-een in high j political station who "Wouir^have been ? insufficient t;r-sta::d the t?st tc^-hich their : mural principle was pur had i; not been for a wife's voice that encourage^them to do right and a wife's prayer A hat sounded : louder than t?ie clamor of part? uship. Thc :ranJ absorbing right that Wi.OIA.V HAS IS TO MAKE Ur! IE HAPPY. That realm no ore has ever tfoputed with her. Oh woman! thank God yt at you have a home, and that you may boJhappy iu it. ? Bette: be there than wear Vitoria's coro . net. What right does woman v-ini than to l ile queen in such a realm"' ito eagles of heaven cannot fly across tint dominion, j Compare wi.h this work of tricing kings ; and queens for God and eternity how ins'g uilicant seems all this work if voting for : Aldermen, Common Councilmen. Sherill's, : Mayors, constables and PrJidents. To make a tP?_ and noJjle^VQi^^Sucll aj I ' na ?e CftiTi?u !.i ino y^SSS?a^^fff?^^LVC^ how many thousand would you wane ol rliose people who go in the rc uni of god lessness, fashion and dissip?t io a, distorting their body nu:il in their monstrosity they [ seem t > outdo ths dromedary ami hipopot I annis! going so lar toward disgraceful appa ! rel as they dare go so as not. to be arrested [hy the police; their behavior a sorrow to ' tho good ami a caricature ol the vicious,and : au insult to that (iou who made them I women and not gorgons, and trampling cn down through the godless lile and a frivo lous lite to temporal and eternal damnation' Oh, woman-! with the lightings of your soul strike dead at your feet ail these allure ments to dissipation and to fashion. \our immortal soul canuot be fed on such gar bage: God calls you up to an empire and a dominion. Will you have it? i Oh, give to Gr, i your heart, your best energies, your culrurc. your refinement ; give \ ourself to : Him for this world and tho next. I Moody & Saii&ey. There were three meetings at the Hip : podroine yesterday-ono at eight o'clock A. M.. (?neat three V. M. and another at eight. P. M. at each of th-.se meetings ; Messrs. bloody aud Saukey were present. Ai tho morning meeting there wore seveu thousand people present, most of them men. who listened to Mr. Moody te!" thc story ol' Jacob, his discourse was good, but did not seem to be as Well relishes as the ser mon ol' tin- Sunday sp .ko of Jhmioi in th jissnuHago scag toget'iC] now :=o wei! known, ami "Jesus Loves Mt services lasted i'll a quarter irt-t niuo, and thou the inquiry rooms were ?pened and were kop; open nearly all day? The num ber of young converts made yesterday ex ceeded that of any day since the revival commenced. At the three o'clock meeting in the af'ternOou there was another tre mendous crowd; nut a scat in tho vast hall was vacant, and ninc-teuths vf the occu pants were women. The services opened with tho singing of the sixth hvmn. ; There were ninety and nine that safely lay in tho shelter of the fold'"' This, as usual, wa.< sung by Mr. Saukey, solo. Alter the singing Mr. Moody spoke on the text. "Seek first the kingdom of (rod. and ail tilings shall be added unto you.'' ile sud that if Christ was to C me on earth te dav such was thc spirit woolliness and money getting that pervaded tho people thai some one would ask Him io be made i <L Secretary of War and amodier Secret ar}; I ol' State. He had no doubt but there j would bo iv man who would ask to be thc ! Secretary ol' the Treasury ot' Heaven, His ; sermon weis explicit and to the point. He ! .showed plainly thc path into which the ; country was running through its irreligion ' ami U?bcltetj and uiadc an earnest appeal . t<> his immense coa'jcreiration to como under ;.\\e :....,,'._ : v.-v ?,:... vf : , ! most impassioned ourbursts aa said; "Ia there any one here who wishes to lind the ;]|y?g??Qm of Christ? If there is let him stand up.'v Away in tho rear part of che hall ti colored maa stood up and said .'lam herc.''' Ile was followed hy a number o? other men. colored and white; in quick succession until about 150 wore ca the iioor, Mr. Moody, calling out mean while, '. Ls there another"' " " Is there another? " Nearly ail tliosc who rose were, appa rently, men who earned their living marri; and were earnest in what they were doini:. Thc services closed with the singing of the seventy second hymn, "Take the name of Jesus w'ah you.'' The same sermon was repeated in the ; evening before even a larder audience, for j there was not oren standing room in the i Madison Avenue Hall. Thc platforms were filled with ladies, who assisted Mr. Snakey in the singing with a great deal c 1 eathusiarm. Vynen Mr. Moody came to that part of Iiis sermon where he asked any one who wished to be prayed ibr to stand up. one by one in all parts of the hall, ground iioor; galleries and lobbies, persons kepi rising, till about 500 were on the iioor. Then he made au appeal to all present to pray to God that His blessings tvould flow down ou this mission and that all who asked His help might have strength j . enough lo Staad up and bring others to j [Christ. When the general meeting was; j over there was a young mon's meeting held '. in the Fourth Avenue i?ail. anda boy's; 1 meeting, in whbh about 300 lads {rom I _rweive to sixtoon Vfirs j>f aire, were pres- ! t ent in room JJ. ?ur. .uuuuy auuuunceul that the meeting ibr ministers Would be held ou the 20th and oOth of this mouth, DJ which all the clergymen in the country j were invited, and that he and his confr?re j Mr. Sat?key would leave New York on the 2Ulh of May---V. Y J braid Tlie M?vm company. CINCINNATI, March, 1S76. SIR:-Thc project of a company of Americans to take commercial interest in j Africa has been mooted. There are many ; reasons why Americans should bc first, in- j stead of last, in taking advantage of the | Opportunities ottered by such a vast conti- j neut, embracing as it does uuc-quarter Of j tho habitable globe. The disposition of the ! American people has made them renowned | : as navigators and explores. They aro always \ rcaoy to seek in distant places for resorees I not found in there uw-i land. Neither firirid nor torrid zone has staved thom in their search ibr wealth. The deve?opedmeut of oar own country in times past was only equal by our com nier eta! enterprise and foresight abroad, j The incubus of debt and the lust of trad 1 ina ships has thrown this country far behind j ! iii thc race for national aggrandizement outside of the United Slates. Kv cry enterpaise, therefore, which seems j ! to open new fields io any eiass oi' Ameri- j cans should be cucourogeil. ; The continent of Africa is rion in all the ; productions of nature necessary for the usc ; of man ; crains, fruits, and vegetables, an imals, and materials for mating cloth, the the preseious stones, the precious and use ful metals, lt has water communications ' internal and lateral, and it holds a popula- ; tion which could be developed to take rank : with, the cultured peoplotof any portion of j the globe. Other nations have long before this ac-1 quired territories in Africa of immense j extent, and year by year are extending; their sway further toward the interior j There are already 3,500,000 waites in; South Africa, and the diamond and gold \ fields are attracting erowds of immigrants, j Europeans are domesticated on all the ! shores of Africa, and explurers crossing even ; tlie equatorial regio ?s arc appearantly aa j longdived as if they had remained at home, j The culture of cotton, rice, and sugar- ! cane, and the mining and tue forging of' metals, would enable our colored people to become as rich ia that Continent as tho self- ; made mon among uv Intclligecce. wealth, and enterprise will' T E H M S : One Year S2 in a?ivane?; S/ix Month* S<? Sin-.'!?.- < 'on;: "> cents A 1 > \*K HT I S ? X ( i K AT KS. ir''ii:..r: . ! ino. ? ~ luv. \ ? mv. j G ih->. j 1 yr. ?: ! $ H I $12 { ? : 20 S i 15: ! 18 j 8? in ree ? Four 1*2 Five j B S?>; :U) i t olmas ? 4< ) IO j IS I 30 j -45 22 I ::o I 45 ? 0? 30 j -lo j 50 j 7? ;'>i.; ' 45 ? I'.? i 8? To Si i I '.m ; 12V Ali advertisements cash", l?usines?" advertise ments 15cents per line each insertion These terms arc strictly adhered to except bj special arouii?ement?". soon command respect for the people, whether they bc black or white. There is now a chance for our colored men to g-iiit tho respect and admiration, not ouiy ut thc white-i of this country, but of all other na tions. They have only to .say that ??avery shall cease to exist, and it will perish from the face of the earth. They are strong enough to accomplish ii. backed as they .vu .!... bo !. . -i< > vv-h. !.. country. Tho v.-1.ire p?cule of tia.-; country are anxious to mike money, aud the colored race here can take them into their pay to gain their ends, just as the Japanese have done in hiring Jbr eiguers to perfect systems of improvement io arill their troops and furnish them with ship?. locomotives, aud machinery. The united service of the two races in moncv muking "enterprises would do more than anything else to di-sipate prejudice oa both sides. Should this company be pushed to suc cess without their aid, it will be little to thc credit of the colored men of America. it is not to their credit that slavery ex ists in Cuba. Brazil, and Africa. The English ure freeing Africa, not Americans ot* either color. While they are thus curryiuir civilization find religion to thc souuern part of Africa, lt is no less true that they are there erecting a State, which, iu time, will equal the mother coun try in population, wealth, and resources. They are repeating there the programme of Lidia. Australia, aud Canada. .Many ot both races, white and colored, in this country, arc at this time out of em ployment., and the avenues to promotion in business are lilied to such an extent thur, an abundance of the best material is only waiting for opportunity to engage in any thing winch r remises them emplo\ment. This state of affairs is likely to continue. Among colored people in this country the few profession open to them are over crawded, and eveu the most intelligent among them are compelled to engage in occupations little suited to their tastes or abilities. ?a Alie C'??re? pc'.^To JU tins country have developed the very highest qualifications of civilized lite. They are intelligent, brave, religious in thought-domestic in habit, and easily organized. Opportunity only is wanting for them to become, as a people, distinguished. They are twice as numerous as the thirteen colonies at the time of the Revolution twice as numerous as the Kgyp :ians. and are capable of accomplishing as great results as either if their attention is directed to the continents of Africa. Why should Americans neglect fair pros pects, such as are there offered, and especially our colored citizens, fitted by nature and education to carry civilization and Christianity over so vast a field? The missionary should go wher; commerce makes the way easy. Your own knowledge will give you facts for cousideratiou iu counectioo with this matter. The preposition is to organize a company, un5er the laws of Kentucky and the constitution and laws of the United ?tates, to trade in Africa, to secure trading posts and concessions, to open now avenues uf trade, and f> use the means of the com pany so formed to establish steam lines, or to build lailroads. or to foster the cultiva tion of pro?'able products, and to act in such a manner in Africa as to make the company rich and strong, and to carry out the desires of the American people in that direction, and to enhance the value of the stock of the African Company in every possible w.ay. Thc proposed amont of cap ital is set at five millions of dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars, each share to entile the holder to a land-warrant fora hu. 1 od acres of laud; the holder* of sh; 's to have the preference in the em ployments and nominations of olfiees un der the company. Thc scheme is by no means a project of colonization, but simply a business arrangement, by which money can be made by some energetic aud capable colored people, without detriment to their compatriots, and with benefit to the natives of Africa. We would be gald to hear from vou, in regard to this feasibility and desir ability, at your convenience, liesdectfully, LUDLOW AVJONES, B. W. ARNETT. In France it is likely the state of siege will be raised. The government is no longer opposed to it and the .Republic ap. perantly is sufiicieutly well established to allow the widest liberty.