CAMDUK GAZETTE a ,. AD AYJ) MEItCJUsiUbE ADVERTISES. V.I, v CAMDEN (8. C.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 86, <880. Ul ? _ tNa*p. "?' " ' ^ PUBLISHED WfeEKLY BY JOHN CAMBRIDGE. Jfcmt.? ? thiieb dolla*? p?p annum, pay able in advance ; and in all cases where papers shall be delivered at the expense of the Editor, the price will be tub a fcoLLAKs and f&ttt 6?ntj. No paper disooniineck, but ai the option of the Ed itor, until a|i arrearages are paid. jfttvertiiemcnfii net exceeding twelve lines, inserted throe times for one dollar, and twenty-five cerfts Co/ each continuation. If no directions are givfn with an Advef tisementit will be continued till forbid. . 1 Jfcnry SoZ an A ? lBiU^r William Yaughan. J i it appearingtotlie ^mli?*r&n court that Henry Sonq? te*i4cp fceyondtbe limits of this atate U is ordered th*l hcd appear tn the said caH< on or before th*3 first day pf February nrttt, and on " * J. * MtWer *?**'?? SumtertfUe, J una. S3, 1890. T 'a11**1 ,f 1 ?' ? a SQRKKL HO K SJS UULiiv tnirreen handi high, two years old next spring both hi* hind feat white?valued at fifteen dollars. William Johnson, J. P. |paster dist. S. C. 10th Sept., I S*Q, ' " "? ?' " * ?*">'1 ? , ' ' *i "i i >?< ji'1"* An Kstraj, ff|| TOLl.El) before me on 2d September, 1820, by Elijah King, of Lancaster dis trict* one SORJWyl MARE, 4- feet 10 inches h?flh, fo M Mrs old next tpring, all her feet whttQIHaU snip on her note and tome saddle ttiftm on her back ? val ued at forty-five dol lars. William Jahtwon, 3. r, ' L?cuM?,diM. S.C.SepMOth U30. 1 Wateree Plantation for Sate , | ?()N A l-ONG CREDIt 1 i'THR Ettaie, known by the mm of ocky branchy constat* of Ids I acre) of AND, ascertained by reaurvey, alfuate on , the Wttefee River, eight mile* above 3 Camden, having nearly Ave hundred acres of clcared Land, and about the same quanf tity Of an excellent quality for the culture o4 Cotton, remaining uncleared. This situ ation is reinarkal^Sfcealthtul, and has on it ^ ? ?? Ok V W H BU^n iv r., ? , ? _ ^ r one of the beat OffiHards in South- Caroli na, ; ? ? ?ALSO? from fen to fifteen young NEGROES, fiitherto attached to tiie estate, they will aolrion reaaorable terms to responsible ,p\irrhaa?ittr ' ' >!??> ;* persona disposed topurchase, will make Jheir applications to J. i ARTJiR, Com, Eg. Oamtjcn Dittriet. * Camden, Oct, 5, 1810. ? ao2?~tf ; ' ? >1 "I Notice t8 hereby again given, to alt persons in* dehted to the estate of the late Reuben I. liorton, to make Immediate payment and all persons having demands, will please pAaenttbem tame duly attested. m H. Hullard. September 7, 1 830, 7 1 ? . ?r NOTICE. ?* H11 persons indebted to the estate of John fy* ar?, deceased ; are requested to make immediate payment. And those having demands against the same are required to render them legally attested, within the time prescribed by law. Apn Spars, Mmfa. yfk r? Notice* , . ALL persoka indebted to the estate o Samuel Smyth, sen. deceased ; are re i quested to make immediate payment. Ami ^ those having demands against the same are required to renderthem legally attest* c4, within the time prescribed by law. 20 Dollars Reward. STRAYED or Stolen from the sub scriber on Monday night the ?5th ult. two HORSES, one a sofrel with a white spoi ou his forehead and marked with the colisr : the other a dark brown *ith a white spot on his forehead and a snip on his nose. A reward of ten dollars, will given to any - person who ill delivet or give informa * tion of either of the above Horses to ti e Subscriber in Camden. ^ - ??* ' ? ? > a IUvbecca Smyth, Kx*rx . John Smyth, David G. Leigh, y*? June 1 David Miller, IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John Morton , ^ ' vs. ' > Case iff Attachment. - David Brown* J WHEHE.\S the Plaintiftafy this case did, on the tenth day ofc May, lft the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred , and tore nty? file his declaration in the Office of tms Honorable Court against the De fendant, who is absent from and without thel limits of this state, and has neither wile Dor attorney known ^ithin the same, up or/ whom * copy o\ the sajiddeclar ation, vyit' a ruie to plead thereto, within a year and a day, might be served ! It is therefore Or deredyin pursuance of the Act of (he Gen eral Assembly in that case. made aud pro I vided, that the Defendant do appearand . plead to the f aid declaration, on or before tfaci eleventh day of May, which will be in 'ill# y ear of ?ur 'Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyMme ; otherwise filial 1 and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him* Xhom&a P. Evans, c. c? P? Office of Common Picas, ?Jfcershaw District, May JO, isetX ! JPML. ,1 i .imi i i i m . a V. i > i( J JNTHh COMMON 'iPiLEAS. ' WUHam JVfcre*.,./! .-v/* ?;.t {, i ?C*#$ in Attachment. 9^1 Jane*. $ . u VVHKRE\S the Plaintiff in thU case did, on the l3fth day ot ^pril, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, (He his declaration In the Office of thl* Honorable Court against the Defend an?/ft tie is absent from and without fix; limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said declaration, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a day, might be served is It is therefore , Or dered. in pursuance of the Act of ttfie ! General A^mbly in that cave made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and pftad to the' said declaration, on or btfore this 18th day of April* which will be Ip the year of, our Lord one thousandeigty hundred and twenty-one, otherwise 6na) and absolute judgment will then be given and awirded against him. Thomas P. Evans, c. C. r. . Office of Common Pleas, Kershaw District, April IY, 1*190, IN THE COM MON PLEA8. Will* Alsobrook, S ? ' j V. > Attachmtnt. . Arthur Booker, J WHEREAS ftte Plaintiff in thie caw did, on the 1 4th day of June, ih the yea t of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, file his declaration in the Office of this Honorable Court, against the De fendant# who is absent from and without the limits of this State, 'and has neither wife nor attorney. known within the same, upon whom * copy of the said declaration, with ? rule to plead thereto within a year and a day, mifent be served : It is therefore Or dered, io pursuance of the Act of the , general Assembly in that case made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the 15th day of June, which will be in the year of our Lord ene thousand eight hundred and twenty -one, otherwise An*; and absolute judgment will then fee given and awarded against him. Thoirtas P. Evan*, c. c. p. Office of Common Pleas, Kershaw District, June 14, 182Q, r- PRINTING, ' i .Neatly executed attheGazctte-Office, fc# 00 lew terms. L- * Notice. ^:, ^ ALL persons indebted to the Mate t>( James. BlakbmkT) deceased j are reqiieat* ed to make immediate payment. And those having demands against him, are request ed to render tMm legally attested, within the time prescribed by few, to Thomas P '* Evans or myself. Mary Blakeney, , jldrn'rx. Janus Blakeney^ dee/ January 30, 1820. . ' 97? tf ? T * 1 ? ,>? . JS'otice. a . ' <. v? ?> ' A, ' - \LL persons having " any demands 'against the estate c?f Job* M'Nihll, de ceased, are required to ^present their ac counts properly attested/ within the time prescribed by law. Those indebted to the estate are requested to make immadi ate payment to John NaW11 or myself. L dffe M'Niell, - . Rxr'x March 23. A;;' 305? tf < - ? ; ? ? . ? ? ? M ? IN THE COMMdN PLEASE South - arqiinay Lancaster District. . , Johu Montgomery,! ./*lead t* the declara tion, on or before ^he fth day of April, which 'will l>e in the ye&i of our Lord one^ tliousat^l eight hundred, and twenty-one, otherwise Hnai absolute rtjd^mem WiH be given awarded agallitRftitau" r^v William Vl'kt'nnrt, o, fc. F* Office of Common 'Pleas, ^ :v anr aster District. April 5th* 1830, IN THE MJAlJViON PLEAS. A , v ? , SoUth-Carolina , Lancaster District* ./ ??-. Vv ?... " * t (j. ? . i' 'jfgl * James Blair, Ciarnisheel **., in possession, r ate tm JtPac *>*. f num. William Howe, Jj s .WHEKEAS the Plaintiff in -this ts?sc. did on the 5th day of Aprtt* in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, 8 be his declaration, Jn the office of t he Clerk of this Honortkhle C ' ourt, against the Defendant, who is4 absent from, and without the limits of thk?t#te, and hath neither Wife nor Attorney known within 'he same, upon whom A copy of the said declaration with a rule* td plead thereto within year and a day, m?gbt be served. It is therefore ordered, Uvpursuance of tbe* Act of the General A&hnbljr of tit# said State, in such case made knd provided, that the laid Defendant do ftppeM' and plead to the said declaration on or before the 0th" -lay of April, wltkb will be intheyeaijof "our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty -one, otherwise filial and, absolute judgment will be given and awarded against v,?m. * * ' - Willwm M'Kennt, e. c. r. ClerV's Offite, a nc aster C DUttict, April ?, 182?. ^ IN THE GOMMfO^ PLEAS. South-Carolina? Lancaster District. ttimcp Blair, Credit in S J possession, I Can pn Attach w f ment . William Howe* J WHEREAS the Plaintiff, In this tction did on tHe 5th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand jftight hundred end twenty, file hie declination in the Office of the Clerk of this Honorable Cofcrt against the Defendant, who is absent from, and without the limit* Of this State, and liath neitlier Wile nor Attorney known within the utne, wpon whom * copy of ^he said . declaration/ with a rule to plead thereto, | within k year and a dey fright be ae^red. It la therefore ordered, in pursuant of tHe Act of the General Assembly of the said State, in such case made and protid- ) ed thai the taid Defendant do appear and plead to the fcaid declaration, or or belore the 6th dfty of April, which Will be in the year of our bordoie thousand eight hun dred .And twenty -one, otherw ise final and absolute judgment will be gWen and; aw titled. against him. William M'Kenna, C. C. P. djftee of Common Pleat* 1 unc a* tcv District, A/iril jft0t TBt&. ft O TIC E. v ALL tenpns having any demand- a gainst the estate of D. Builryy deceased, of Lancaster District, are requested to present them before the 18th of October hut, otherwise the) will be precluded*? likewise, all indebted to aaki estate, lire ix> quested to settle the Remands. Robert Cuniagbamj JMru'r* " A*. ^ - i, . , 1 . i i?i i i ? I ? ? ? ?.U n n IN THE COMMON PLEAS. John Gooch, 1 . i vs+ s. Jtttnthment* J esse Hood l WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this ta*e did, on the 14th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight* hundred And twenty, file his declaration hi the Office of this Honorable Court, agaisst the Defend* ant, who is absent from afid without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, ?pon whom a copy of tbc said declaration, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a day, might be served : It is therefore Or deved*. in pursuance of the Ac$ of' tb# Genena 1 Assembly in that case made and provided* that the Defendant appear and .plead to the said declaration, on or be fore the 1 5th day of Jua*? which will be in tfee year of our Lordotic thousand eiftht hundred and twenty-one, otherwise- finai and absolute judgment will then be Tgjtttm and awarded against him* Thomas P? Evan*, c. c. r. Office of Common Pleas, Kershaw District, June 14, 1S20. - IN TBE COMMON PLEAS, Sumter District . Gcotge U A/'Ccu/vj A v Mat hew F. JVatler, #"? jFpre^n JtUdlh* ::v- i >v%* < .V/'Jwfc1 ';.r JameM T. Wat ton , JL .. v | WHEREAS the PfetntifT* in this cane did, on the 1 6th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eigfcft hun dred *bd nmetefe' , fite fbeh ^Ntrtttoniii the OJRce of this Honorable Govrt, against the Defendant) who is absent from and without tile limits of this State, and has neither wife tool* attorney known within t ne 'same, upon whom, a co? of the said de claration, wit h a rule to plead thereto Whh-j in aye*?.and a day, might be served : It is therefore Ordered, in pursuance of the Act of the General Assembly ,in this case made and provided, that the Defendant do appear and plead to the said declafMoh.on or before the 1 7th day of October, which wiH be in the Tear of our !~ord one thou* sand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against f. ,, 1. 0. MATH18, C. C. p. Office of Common Pleas, ' * Sumter District, October 16, lft)9. , t 1 1 7 - rr^i - A - , m^ TTTr - ? ^rA"^TrrryTf> IN EQUlT?-e Bill for An injunction. Niger Vvnn, J . . ? . - It appearing the satisfaction o* tn? Court, that Roger Dunn l**whjlMJut o* the State* It i? therefore ortlflWi#?1 JJ do appear to the said bilU 'first day of January next; and in dctaujt :t hereof, that the said Bui be taken pr?* fftnfMuift; ' " ' - ' v' .1 ? ;? J. Carter, Com, ifr iuirc.. . . .. IN THE COMMON fWSAS* o)m uiucifw, tile his declaration in ^ the Office of this Honorable Court, against the Defendant, who k absent ifoqi sod without the limits of this State, an***; "f1* therefore Ordered, inpuieuancc of the Act of the General Assembly in that case made end provided, that the Defendant 6b sppeir end plead to the said declaration, on or be* 'iore the 1Mb ^lay November, which will be in the year of eur Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, otherwise final end absolute judgment will ttaFtargiveil awl awarded sWnst him. Tiiomas P. Evans, C. C. P. Office of Common Plow. Kerah^flUtritt, Not. H, 1819. IN I HK COMMON PLEaST Jamc Callahan, J **?* W- ' WHEREAS the Platati* in ' dixit on the 2oth day of January, in th* s rsasw office of this Honorable C ourts agafrat the Defendant, #ho la absent frpnTand without the litniits of this Statr, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the aame, upon wtom m topy of the tfrid da* clai ation, with a rule to plead thereto within a year and a day, might be aerraBt It la therqibi* Ordered*inpm?uanfcfc of/ the Act <4 the General A*a?*?M? i- ?*-* . ' lL' *lL 11 .a-. t n?v ?-Ai>ijyiU^ K|paf1w Zaddock Perry , ") *?? J-Case in Attachment. MmUhrw Hood. J ? WHEREAS .^10 Pl?intiff jn the above , case,^ haying this day filed hit declaration in the Office of the Clerk of this Honorable court, against the defendant, who ia*?beent $ . troxn and frkhouffr the limit* of this fct?te? j and hath neither' frlfc ?N>r attorney know? within the name, upon whom a copy of the said declaration, with a ruletopWsd there to, wilhin * year an* a day fWgbibe served s /i.KIt therefore Ordtred,ThSt the sfci d defendant do appear and plesd't? fhe said a declaration, on or before the sixteenth day f of* Move ml>cr % Which will be ip Oft year oC our Lord one thousand eight hundred and t wenty~-Oth*rwise flrial end absolute judg? ?!' men* will be given and awarded fegaiipt hhn, ' j * WiUiwn M'Kem*, c.s,T* Cleric* OlRcoi sncaater District Nofetnfeer f5, 18l?. _ 1 7/1, ?*? *1 An Estra Totted before me the SMhof May f *20, by Jbhn Johnson of Cherterfield district, one Black HOUSE, about thirteen "bands high, has some saddle spots with * swtib tail, trots and paces, valued at sixty dollars* any person claiming said h orte,+fr #