$. i ' -"'"V ' ""*' - HI ' It , Vol 1,-. No. 14. PORT ROYAL, S. C., SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 1862. Price Five Cents. , THT NEW SOUTH. I - a | r Published every Saturday Morning by j JOS. H. SEARS, Proprietor. j Prick : Five Cents Per Copt. I Advertisements, one dollar a line, each insertion. , t? Terms: invariably cash. OFFICE: Post Office Building, Union Square. POETRY. i The Soldier's Letter. How sweet when night her misty Tell Around the weary soldier throws, . And twilight's golden skies grow pale, rv And wooing winds invite repose, To sit beside the watchhre's blaze, HP Where friendly comrades nightly come, ' ; % To sing the songs of other days, ^ And talk of things we love at home? Of those we love, who list and wait, Beneath the same benignant moon, The postman's step behind the gate, With tidings fro- a the absent one; And beaming ami!** their thoughts reveal. And love is mirrored in their eyes, As eagerly they break the seal. Bate with joy and glad surprise. But dearer yet the shout that rings In exultation. Buftaad clear,, % . To hail the messenger who bring* Letters from horns and kindred dear; And 'neeth the pels moon's smiling light 'Qfe* The soldier reads'his treasure o'er, And through the hoars of silent night, In dreams he visits home onoe mare: In dreams he aits besk^ the hearth. Afar from camps and traitor's wiles. And deems the dearest spot on earth Where loving wife and mother smiles; . And many a face almost forgot And inauy a word so fondly spoken. % bouquet de camp. ' j Wines an&liqppfis.?Muscat, minie. My dea. 'ee, a long wajrW. Sparkling Catawba, in your eye. Whisky, 29e* pcr^gallon. Do. 15, other head of barrel, $3. Coffee, that knows beans. Milk, stnrfiptfll. Sugar, heavy with pure sand. Cork's call daily at 12] P. M. knives and lorks reserved for thosojtiio come first. II. ? Barry Com wall says: "Come, let mo dive into thine eyes " 11 ins love naa "swimming, eyes," very good; but,at all events,our advice to the young woman is, for divers reasons, don't let hiWlo it. H0*night go over a ' cataract." m \ I