W rTtfl? H^O I **t * _ WWLAI 1 appoint. Jimeo Crni (ci?w> Mwwa mma? rford,of tho| And any trace of .ftC It. And hero I ] in a letter t Frtdaj o Gov. Hammond, of granted to f 1Urcb 17, 1922. Andrew PUkons by the Congressman ore Carolina's Claii PA.HT 111. i'artnn'a History U the en which the North Carolina ti teltew. It was. published in 1 1*160. and is not acrnrate a? Demon's Defense of j n of Jackson's Birth wriltou a history of M le upon county, and at pape 188 radittou 1 it has a picture of the L 869 or cottage. It is 20 feet ! to real cahiu with a door, two wi it | county of Lancaster, I vfllW South Carolina, my ti I attorney for me and ti IfMCICC n,y U8(? to ask. demai: cover, nnd receive ecklenburg money, debts. duoa. of volume whatsoever which at McKemoy owing, and payal hy 16, log on r(>ceipt thereof sufl Utlows. nnn ... in the 8tate of produce a record ue and lawful torney from Jack n my name for reying it away in id, hup for. re- od In uancaster co all Buma of 2d day of Januai or demands shows you the abe e or may be of the witnesses bio to mo. and Parton, because ] dclent Receipts, positively that O of a power of at- South Carolina son himself, con- ituge. January 1792 and record- "Conscious a unty. S. C., on the ty and propria y. 1793. And it regard to Judi olute unreliability grateful to my relied on by Mr. legislature of tie says not only South Carolina, en. Walkup says islnture of othe , doted at the Herm- govornor ol 13. 1843, he wrote: the iniaup h I am of the IiiteRrl- within the I 'ty of my conduct In At the tlni ^e Hall, It la truly line betwec ' feelings to find the this nolnt h my native state, or biased < , uniting with the leg- had dlrecto ir Htatea in thoae high connecting r North Carolina under prehuntdon that it lay jouuds of North Carolina, n of JurkHOii'n birth the >u the two provinroa at aut. In 1764 Gov. Hull d that a atralKht Hue u KUin tree on Twelve to*; at proof on this Qiieatiou toveral other* to which I w attention. Ills conclusions i ?t on tin* alleged Mtntenn Mrs a mid-wife w hars be- | dren. If the story is iirquuifinrra, ano fliHC vhich room an({ jn my name mak was used Oliver and more ] in, kitchen make over and conve e back was Qray by lease and r which the oient title in fee simpl vemey had ot i;?nd situate, lyinc know how Mecklenburg county, I were chil- \0rth Carolina, and true. Mrs. nr TwnK'o names ror mo mat tno old mai ;e. excopt. and land thore. but I particularly to that all these pec y unto Shared there scouted the eleaae a suffi man ever had any le to 2 00 ivcres all a myth. And 3 . and being In the record over , In the state of signature that bo on the waters Rives the lie to t f 1 n rl n />4 /azhaw crook should bo tho lino until an aprood ho roachod. In 177s ottlriully aprood to. and rooinont tho land whorod then livod was shown 1 Carolina torrltory. und trrnally granted to Craw t fere the statement wns mat o'her words. Mrs l,eslie was IK08 before the original v ?rsy as to the line from tl at Twelve Mite creek to thi at Waxhaw ereek had been < and Mrs l.athan had been < {east since 1RR3. according testimony of the folks wli de. In Jackson was there with dead in making McKeincy and hii contro- prohnhly two or three chi te gum Mrs. Jackson and two bo> a stone old Mrs. Cousor. if we settled: tradition, all in that sr lead at when this distressing pe to the on?when Mrs !,riod came promises. In witness v he mother hereunto set my har officiate at my seaj the 2Rth dav unit v? vi r v uuu ? Jin m Ik necessary to this country. Thei ?es do ns fully that Jackson wont t or could do doll. Ho hollered resent, hereby It untrue. They ng all that my man had no land, fully do in the and I show It la u thereof 1 have him Mrs. Jackoon id and aflfived after she hurled ' of November, he repudiated that n?- n|>iriiu u?i tivfi v.., my n?uvn so people told him picture ropr?*s< to eehool at Wad- of the Americ I it till he found to me by citize told him the old when it wan r? He heliered it by the United t ntrue. They told in trust to my went hack home with directions her husband, and Py country n< 1 in his own text nrnrn .in event Hiiue, wun in*< mrKf j n>iu, mm ^ntlnc unfurling ! for Home y? an banuor presented ; of North an nn of South Carolina, into a ron ?fuao(l to bo accepted ; detlnitely f] itatoH annate. I leave j between* th won. A. Jack won. Jr t polnta. On that ahould our hap- 8-mtle liue i)t ho blessed with 1813 the i nnt 911 tar fa v ?i tn ?.? II v I \<>VOrM flfltll i.MI ovp. In L'oimnlHHionorB and nur>int>'il l>v thn two stat?>K ?'n'ir .statements: ana one stated that he had hoard (c fousar make the st at em en h td Ifeeu dead possibly 7E? She must therefore have bee *?r>i 1 a ih.t 1 witness i Andrew's birth. Now S:ii ) Mrs. mony as brought down b it. who, is that she wont with hor years ! night to this littlo cabin, a n dead off people to overflow In r. i ) what ' ent at the birth of anothi ier say to the human race. I James nnioog the country Scotch n dead pie myself, and instead r oh . I X? e 41. 1 rah's tosti-ijn tiu> year of our Lo v tradition. Andrew .Tack mother at |n the presence of? Iready full Ahram Boyd, lo he pros- ? ?r addition south Carolina. Lane was raised Abraham Boyd car -Irish peo- ,in,j made oath that h ?f brinuinp anrt snw Andrew Ja< rd 1702. How can history h son. (I,. S.l thotr mouths? (/ The Chnirmnn. gentleman has oxp Mr. Stevenson, aster County: ask tinan'mous c ne before mo and extend my rc e was present The Chairman, rkson, of the tlon? (After a ps e accepted out of pectod. ho will Lpplausn.) war or ond of Tlio timo of tho each of said a drod. value to that p Mr. Chairman. I city or state fi onHont to revise presented who marks. hy his countryi Ih thero objer- have boon the iuso.) The Chair fonse of his cc I at tho closo of the j ran. blazod tho conillct prosont 1 of tho lino, rtlrloq of Inostlmahl<> | InndmnrkR atriot roaiding in tho | plantation i oni which thoy wor?> j ford in 177 ahall ho adindqod I on this ma riPn, or tho ladlos. to and It Crm moat valiant in do- of South ( untry and our coun- I piiatlon of out. nnd in ado a map This map shows tho alone tho lino. On tho granted to Robert Crawr? two houses woro shown p, those of J. Crawford *ford. In 1820 tho state 'arollnn hoqan the comn series of maps of the told him while they were s ?i>ftpth'er in the McKemef toon h?* was born in that house. l*i it on says that Jackson. I) ln? wan-born in South (Varolii that "fte did not know any bett knowing where he was brtrn. Fmtk'rte'r says, if we belie* that '.Tacksnn did not know wl niniMFU | vuiiuiril Ml I mill (IIP IIP leepinR! to attend occurrences of se that oren where there w:is an Now, of ro.?m, the children tha elieved at the place were always aa. but from home. And it is p: er. not surd to think thnt Mr James knowing the conditions t re him. at the McKeniey house, si iere he I taken her llttlo 7.v?or.nir ignnornood county of Davidson h that kind. Morn, in the territory abundance states of A.merica. t belonged r|Ver Ohio. sign. seal, sent away ?>dge the within powt itently ah- to James Crawford, < s. I.eslie. nf Lancaster and S liere were Carolina, for the uses lould have therein contained, and I a.. I - ,nd district of hears none, of the United Exhib south of the (Report of the II and acknowl- sion of South ?r of attorney General Assembl of the county Una at the re itate of South and purposes "The roots of th I that he, this in the past, and nt try's rights." It A. Here aro se Istorlcal Commls- Jackson that Carolina to the South Carolina ly of South Caho- of the spot in ? gular session of on stood the h< Mom the folio o present lie deep fered: jthinc In the past Jn 1843 Air districts of en statement* from pervlslon ol he was n native of American r As to the location for surveyli South Carolina where- l-nncnster ? duho in which he was Hovkln. a i wlnp evidence Is of state a reputation. lost Kendall one of Jnrk??n'? b the Htutp undor tho pur Robert Milln. the proof 'iiplnoer. The contract lit and mnkliip a mnp of liHtrict wn* Riven to .! rntive of thnt section of rid n surveyor, of wide HIh mnp fixes "Gen. A. irthplace" on tho Craw bbfn. and hence Parton b credited one or bis most ui witnesses because be evitientl not Tjfeliere Faulkner. ir Fa ww right. that Jackson knew be tfhs born, the folks who b down the tradition merely whicft place Faulkner sntd J said he was born. So we c iaa dis- jiIour to be an incumbrai laterial the way of everybody tlv ty does simply an old wives' fabl* tulkner There Is another thine where want to call attention as t irooeht berance of traditional foreot which Gen. Walkup four ackaon neiRhborhood and upon \ ;an not ton bases his history. II . unu^ui^i deponent, sinned his n ire and In ness thereunto at the pre. It is Abr *. Sworn to December to which I fore me. o the exu- jno. Simpson testimony Recorded January ! id in that ? vhich Par- state of South Caroll le savs on * ninifi ns 11 wit- is dead to the man Hamo timo. how the present < aham Royd. it is.' (Stubbs.) 26. 1792. be- ? "A people who I , J. L. C. C. to record their hlui i, 1793. have the virtue to is worth recording nu. County of Connor.) who would learn jnckson'B clos< ;amo to bo what ?jn fact, so cl son's occupatio president be w iave not the pride son's political < tory will not long uw "power bell make history that aH a member o (R. D W Jackson's perst visors, was con ' . # . , ford plnntn pst personal friends I .... . . , map ma do one that during Jack, . rection In n of the office of .... . ?_ _ _ publishing ! as credited by Jack- ' . ... . . the map to opponents with being ...... _ hack that ilnd the throne and. r w..t . i . given wan e f the little coterie of _ mal friends and ad- ?n ? ra* temptuouely referred year (*820 ition exactly where the under Cen. JackHon'a di1R4 3 placed it. Itefore Mr. Mllla aont a proof of Con Jacknon. who wrote the birthplace thereon orrect; thnt he was born .'ford place. In the aarne ) Eugene Reilly, "sur placA a finding on the test! is Faulkner because Parton 1 repudiates Faulkner's ata a;?,l says that Jackson did no wJ??re he wag Horn. He c? cm ,e^ by. It contained a *n 1*20 chat Jackson regard- of Pblladr site of his birth. The legislative 1 engineer, ueuneaiea a senator district, differing n'? map as regards landplacing "Gen. Jackson'* exactly where Uovkin Mr. James Thowaldson. Iphia, presented to the Ibrary of South Carolina the other witnesses. John Lai son 'of Sarah, who says she ed the birth at midnight whc 7 rears of age (p. 54 of Pi testifies that soon after Jai father died Mrs. Jackson left ' ""tf creek to go and live wit Crawford in Lancaster d South Carolina; that on her vs than, a This rumor failed to i attend- history, because Mr. Part in only absolute check on it and 1 arton). it wag contrary to the tr ckson'a ertheleRs, people in thi Twelre still tell It and believe I h Mrs. they do this story as to h listrict. MrKemey's. Mr. Parton ray she "the old people of that < Ret in his 227. Given under my on had nn ficial Beal at Hancas found that day of February, 19 2 nth. Nev- (Official seal.) P it country CM*! it. just as Mr. Hammer. Will t ?s birth a* yieid? aayB that Mr. Stevenson. I w oi^munity Mr. Hammer. I des hand and of- cither state that h ter this 16th mattor of doubt c 2. North Carolina. I aul Moore. partial and accept *k of Court. point* to a well the gentleman South Carolina as Jackson himsel ill. clared that he wu ire to ask the Carolina, and actui ?o- evidence given is birthplace ia a firmed by four ir that it was In flrHt cf these ia Jut the most trn- ]and made to able evidence all the governor o -defined spot in scCth Carolina his birthplace. tatlon so pri f repeatedly tie- acres, and lay is born In South wjth the line h illy fixed the spot I 1 on that map la con- a bunt of J; earlier maps. The appointed I i a plat to a itrant of to draft res Robert Crawford by bodied In f that province of significant ? in 1775. Tho pisn- -with bo inted contained 6 20 tion an(j rJ) alonn Wnxhaw creek. hlstory or t etween the provinces jiniana, hav In. nM J C.... * U f>??? arkson. A committee was jy the general assembly olutlons of thnnks. Erotheir resolutions is this itatement: many themes of admiralUsoB >f gratitude in the he general, we, as Caroe a still more happy rea caned at the house of Oeori Kem6y. and while at McKeme wi? taken sick and Andre toom. and. as soon as she wi to travel she went to Cra* Lt know where my feelings to ai favorable an oppor kson said that emporium of my i Carolina, and yet prevented hy signature, and from designating t what lie know can seize it." To the rommitto uld like to aek for the celebration i. Walkup did July by the peopk 'afj myself of no A tunity to visit the < mtive state, r ?m my engagements he period when I e of arrangements of the Fourth of i of Charleston in mother fOR the benefit and protects u~re on of our dc ? K^mey's. Parton thereby ( its Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Lathi without them he can do r Then to increase the contrf Parton brings up one Chariot who is said while in the f have said that he took the . family to the burial and th reyed them to the res'd liscred- 'Kz 10 one snaren ur an, and denced hy the power < lothinc:. wh'ch I hereby submit, w idictioti record in Lancaster coui j Ftnly, l?rtnR recorded on Jnnuai lesh to r?r the reason that Cra? Jackson 'n Lancaster, and even en'con- tract of land It was so u ence of to whether It was In Nori ^ eol (nn tKot if av. as ?*vi- | not make an investign >f attorney j nesses. about one-th rhich is on j South Carolina? nty. S. C.. \ir. Stevenson. Go y 2. 1792. not? rford lived Mr. Hammer. And as to that overwhelmingly furn ncertain as mony that has been u th Carolina Mr. Stevenson. Yo ?art%a ? m 41 tion or 18 wit- 1831, President Ji ird living in letter dated at Wai 1831: ntlemen, I ran "A neressary at ties of my office m I did not they the gratification, ish the tosti- in paying under s ncontrovorted? a visit to. the ntatf u can not take pride in calling n u*knon wrote In n j JL, HhlnRton. Juno 14, msl w tontlon to the du- _ iunt deprive mo of I should have had chf uch circumstances I da > of which I fool a , lyself a citizen by ixjoiujiH witn cnecKing accoi tailed the Protectu Check Syst ith this System, you can write a certain amount and then xk by tearing it at that amount k, no check can be raised to a h Q at our bank and kt us da tfWM fn T#> 2m Cm. .fl V juts, we nave em. t your checks protect your That being lgher amount. aonstrate this George McKemey where Andj noon afterward* horn (see This contradicts the states Sarah Latham, the most nan quoted witness, and also con Jaraee Faulkner, both of wb that Mrs. Jackson returned home, and while moving Twelve Mile creek to Cn ew was""' v?'v?iu? .v p. 55 >. host to record the pr ment of f?rney in Lancaster con lerooslv P?*rton Bays (p. 49) that trMlIcti ?P reached the conciliate iom gay Andrew Jackson had i to her -aas? ho had searched I I from 'o Anson and Meeklenbnr iwford's " he had searched some cmintv Ha miffht ?any mure oi my nme. >wer of at- o??n. Walkup Rot inty. 8. C vita, but what were u Gen. Walk- affidavits as to what >n that old J am os Faulkner and lothlng be- and old Mrs. Leslie the records said, and all of them a counties: 15 years, and most In Lances- ggt You trace it bac have found I i~ J? - LMI VII. up 18 affida- Tn a letter to J .?sy? Eighteen Charleston, anothi Sarah Lathan, Carolina, dated al i Mrs. Cousar eetnber 9, 1832, h and Mr. Ptnly "If the Union had been dead you heart and hai of them 50 or have laid down, k to those Ave preserve the U&toi fi triurK t iro ohin frnm # oel R. Poinsett, of ?r native of South t Washington, Dote wrote: party unite with nd In the text you you will not only n but save our nahot ruin > ?< At*. * mm w J AV AD 11VC W All i BQUALLY PRACTICAL FOR V DDK AND PAY ROLL X ^ H| yptoctu C neck*, BH icputuuiis. OCKET, slopped witii ner sister, m Kemey. and was there deli* Andrew (p. 54). So the tv material witnesses produced ton are contradicted by Par Ms other witness Finly. ai story is discarded as being ta^ to the removal to the Cra The most reasonable then ra. a?c- ? ? rered of something that would ! vo moat him; and if he h.i by Par- ,nn,? fnr evidence as to ( ton and Jackson's birth in l.ancq id their '"stead of where he di inciden- *',e People who had a i?ri wford's. Carolina. he would have ry ia to denrft corroborative of ( there. (See HueM. vol. -- | ui>u|>in i urj il? ? have Inter-1 teen people In 1858 si id searched | ^ad been told by p< the place of ^ heen dead, all of tl ster rountv than a half center d. amon^st ! who had l?een dead :?i do In North tradict people who spi fonnd evl- living knew the facts our case j want tr^ show yo 1. pp. 22.1 wi^ ?. ?? :ntM what thev Krace Into whirl *ople who had loaders have att ipni. for more her.*' ir, except one. In his prorlani *> voars. lo run- JO, 1S32. anent* nke while many convention of Si used this lannuag hi how unrelia- "Fellow ritir.en UfAtlxiK eloto lot mo twtt i her trennonable : empted to plunge ntion of December , the "nullification" autli Carolina, bo e: is of my native 1 ,,, nnldU > / gB w TO THE adopt Parton's statement u Jackson went to her sister, off, from the burial of her 1 and that sister was Mrs. C ft.was possibly a mile and t two miles from the gravi Mrs. Crawford's; it was 2 1 farther to Mrs. McKemf Tompkins' "History Mecl lat Mrs. .11 ) not far ' Husband, The power of ?ttorne rawford. *ow*' i half or ; POWER OF ATTORNEY eyard to JACKSON TO JAMES C -2 miles To nil to whom these pi ?y's (see come, Andrew Jacks klenburg county of Davidson an -* * I. ln?| | im?i i?l I v ?*i it'" wnn. states that Andrew y in as fol- had any ,and Thfi did Just what ha did \ ANDRFW was born?ho did n RAWFOUD. rlpht placo. esents shall I have put in her on, of the attorney executed by d district of son In 1792. in whlc] tnrv r\t the nnr> Shnrpd Hrav 9fll wrMi. ? ail\il|i r??. ?!.V, IVI. uir ii"i i Jackson never as the First Maul i trouble Is bo mon country, not as to whore he alty of its laws, ot look in the that a fnthor w his ct^ldren who e the power of to certain ruin." Andrew Jack- Acain, in a 1 h he conveys to dated at Washir (1 nrrni nf InnH ho u'rntn* I I 11 I V <1UMIW|||^|| > IMI , JM Istratn of our comto incur tho ppnhut the influence \ ould exercise over m he saw mailing etter to Poinsett, iRton, January 24. county," vol. z. p. so u sume that she did go ai says, to her brother-in-lai rar off, to wit, James Crawf there Andrew was born. There is another view should be siren here. Mi Tompkins, of Charlotte, N. 1HI 1 as- | OTOIU, IU wa?? Win j Parton United States of Am v's, not of the river Ohio, send ord, and Know ye that for causes and consideration which unto moving, I have m r. D. A. tuted. and appointed, ai C., has presents do make, con IWJ - ? erica, south In Mecklenburg conn Is greetings: linn, on the waters divers good creek. , That is the is me there- took up. just on tl lade, consti- North Carolina, nd by these Parton and Walku stltute, and no such land, and ty, North Cnro- "I repeat agaii of Twelve Mile aire in that the land hla father arouse and sustt ie line, hut in the constitution save my native s p say there was grace that th< they could not brought upon hei i my pride and de- p| Union men may iln the majenty of and the lawa and tate from that dlsb nulllflera have Lmmm r." IRST NATIONAI Lancaster, S. - BANK C.