n - The \ Lanc :aste R Nl iWS I ? * 69TH YEAR. NO. 82. CRISIS IN POLA IS EXPECTED S SEMI- WEEKLY. ND LANCASTER COU ;OON COTTON 74 PF LANCASTER, S INTY NEW RATES GO R CT EFFECT AIICI1 . C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 192 INTO IRISH SITUATI 1ST TFNSE- FYPFl ? ? \ 0. ION IS WAR VES PT WAR RDITKl SUBSCRIPTION S2.0< SELS ORDERED 1 PARI P CHIPC 9 A YEAK KEEP AWAV Armistice Negotiations D and Polish Delegation Sent Back To Warsaw RUSSIANS NEAR WA delayed Statistician Hare Gives Is Condition July 25, Con w. With 73 Per Cent Last RSAW 54,000 ACRES PL mm 'w m w mmm m mm'w m m mm* mm This As Tariffs Not Ready and ipared Not Prepared To Pu Year. Fares' In Forc< ANTED MONEY FOR UNCI 'W A MW MAVMM ^ Mi mm M Railroads General Civil Conflagi it New ed By British At !. Battles Rage I .E SAM NOTHING IS SA1 v* ITilll M^MWM M MkSm a#ion Fear- PONZI FAYS CLA i Small TO MANY >aily. ? I-Oil# Une Still <>ut*id 7g NOW Am' Closed Fo t _ A vi iJbriJAj kJMMMM kJ Invcstors SEEKING T( e When Office \ WESTER 1 r slK"t r?di r a rkiwrkM, ) LAND N UNION T 1IV1UI Americans There Have lie en Intimation That The At Their Own Kisktiovernment Set Up Al cow. en Glv- Condition In State Ih y Stay Cent. Coin|wred With 71 ?Soviet On Same Date I>a?ttYear^ t Mos- Per Centajje Indicates l.UOO.OOO Hale* In State. \ V 77 Per Increased Revenue Of Per Cent. OO Annually Will A ?Present Treasury Aa Result Yield of vance Through War On Fares. #100,000,- Policemen Are Knrt^ed Leerue To uen Mem! Of Ad- ForeeH nnd Feeling Ta\ Paid In Hitter?llepri*al? pect?Hl. in uonioi I By ntln- BOSTON, Aug 5.? mt* Of Their t'ie comPany, headed t : In Island 2l> Wh?8e a,,eKed eign exchange are unc re Kx- S(ate investigation, w today after another i Investors, with the .. J they would be opei tAOLL n -The offices of ? y Charles Pon- ^ _ *iitions in for- government Des ler federal and Effect Upon Sc ere rlo.nl la.e can Mon< ill day run by announcement tied tomorrow IS AGAINST AMI ti miiuni ires To Know >uth Amerijpoly. ERICAN LAW All adviceB indicate that tn Hon in Poland, from the Pol ed standpoint, is approachini sis. The PoliRh delegation. whl< to Paronovitchi to negotiate : ^ istlce, not only failed to obtal from the Russians, but was sf to Warsaw by the Soviet autl e sit ua- ' rt?|ii?ri insueu uy i>. ish-alli- agricultural statistician of g a cri- reau of Crop Kstimates, tinll Department of Agriculture ch went condition of cotton in So an arm- ''"a on July 25 to be 77 pf in terms normal, an compared with >nt back cent, on May 25 and 70 pei iioritles, June 25. 1920. and 71 per > 1? f? 1919 thn Inn-vonr nvc 11. naic, *? AU^. the Bu- freight rates and passenge Led States be made effective on Augi ?, shows stead of on August' 20, foi uth Caro- fares and August 25 for 1 >r cent of iffs. railroad officials hav< 68 per ed. cent, on At the same time it was cent July that the American railroi iruirn mi ask the P.'lrinTI in 11 r.'Hhvn o.?rtew uunu.>, auk, !> ?n r fares will Irish situation, which it 1st 26. in- Ing more intense, may I passenger general conflagration at rreight tar- are expressed in respons e announc- here. At the present th< ly no civil law south c announced river, except that admin ads would publican courts. v rn m ni ia. ft I u nutfmaf n>l ( h<>rf the Boyne wjj0 hatj come there d listred by re- Jor tj1(, return of tin reading in a morning t in full con- ? who dcBiro to rn(,tl Four IKfrtroyers Ai ere closed for IMrect Orders Of J f investors was and Guard Harl t of hundreds Would Connect H urln* the day |o A ?ir funds after newspaper a * Act inn Under President Wilton tmr Entrance? iritith Line Barkmfrica. "wno (ii'nianuea umi me en obtain a mandate to take u negotiations. This will deli the beginning of the armisth tiations until tomorrow at tt est. Meanwhile the resistance rolish army, which apparent been stiffening, has again rein IIHHiinrS ?* - *?p peace July 25 being 75 per cent, ly ev^n A condition of 77 per cen ce nego- 25 indicates a yield per acre le etfrll- 227 pounds and a total p or approximately 1.300.0( of the Ihat '8* ,he Anal out-turn ly had ,arKer or smaller according ixed un- '"l'0118 hereafter are better than average conditions. *] 8ionei*H for permission to t. on July new rates effective on trai i of about from the United States to roduction ion. 10 bales. Decision to postpone tt will be into effect the advance c ? as con- thorized last Saturday by or worse state commerce commissio rhe pro- dates announced yest make the 60,000 and 80.000 ful nsportation British soldiers in Irela the domin- are being reinforced dai riving from across the le putting a result, there are more barges au- more stubborn battles 1 the inter- troops aftul the republica >n from the who for a time had thlr erdav was way. There nave also h v.? ?*??.? w? statement by the puhii ly equipped meriy employed by 1 nd, and they lliat tj1(. company ?'?? ly by men ar- AJl claims were pui channel. As lt was announced, th frequent and jnK returned to h between the (jay notes which n volunteers. lurP(jt and princli IBs their own ppr cent, interest ,een more ar lolty agent, for- WASHINGTON, A I'onzi, alleging stroyers are patrolli i Insolvent. to the Miami. Florlc cl in full today, orders from Prealder e principal be- 'vent,'by force if nec oldera of 90 1 jnK 0{ a cable the We had not ma- j graph company is hi pal and 50 \ Harbadoes. u Hritisl being paid j the West Indies. ug. 5.?Four doing the entrance la, harbor under it Wilson, to preessary, the landstern Union Tele iving laid from ti possession in * I cier mo iremenaous pressure Bolshevik nrmies. Warsaw, which the Russians are now miles distant, seems criticall; aced, if not doomed to captui Americans remaining ther received official intimation tl stay at their own risk. Coincident with the serioi ui lilt* from ('uct,on 'ast year was onj.. bales, whlie in 1918 it was v men- ^ales am* 1.237.009 bales I Acreage and condition ai re. . ed by counties as follows: e have , Acreage Condi 1920 tlon County ? July 25 us mill- Abbeville _ 62.000 79 1,422.000 reached today after tariff 1,570,000 the carriers had informed In 1017. Thorn, general counsel fol e report- elation ot Railway Kxecu it-would be impossible to Condi- blanket schedule^ ready tion gust 21. Under the ordei i June 25 commission the new sche 76 be filed five days before tl experts of rests for carrying anus I Alfred P. literature, as reports tt f the Asso- tial show. It is oxpecte* tives that of these arrests will inr have the government succeeds in before Au- "drastic measures" in t rs of the commons next work, dules must Reprisals by policem aey become diers on villages suspe on matured notes. I and seditious that he had paid out i > courts-mar- run, which be 1 the nymber ficPS onP week aKO, b Tease If the was solvent and carrying its j,|enty of money to me he house of Hoards were nailed and doors of the offlt en and ttol- police placed on puat cted of har- ? ?* *onzi estimated \ British cable si (3.500.000 dur- has been chartered Kan on his of- Union company to la ut insisted that en(j of the cable wb that there was nect with a British c >et all demands, the Barbadoes to So I over windows the state departmer es toniKht and today that the Brltli d as a preeau- \ been asked to inforri 0 for their classification ter: 78 ess the shipment passes thi 77 than one group before ci 76 lino in which case the int< boring men responsible chedules to against the armed for a, officials crown, are also expect* ?rs will pay police being particular!' new tariffs er the attacks made on rltories un- members. In the me rough more Ssrnn Peiners. in carryin rossiqg the campaign, have virtual! ?r-terrltorl- county of barrack?. T1 u?u, n won rAiiionicu, for attacks lng an(j entering. T ces of the been unable to force t >d here, the doors were dispersed / aroused ov- cujty, apparently rea their fellow readlness with which antime, the met ant| by the eageri ig on their ^or|J to buy up claims, y cleared the A number of confer ley arp now t0(1>v hpt??*n ugaiuni ure??- j the ship that such a 1 hose who bad jn violation of Ame heir way to the icial8 explained that I without dilTi- niticance in the fact ttfriired by the w*s British; thai all all claims were the only cable craft ness of specula- American company chartered. enceB were held j Work on the cable I a rwl aista nf. < < * * landing would be rican law. Offithere was no alg- : L that the I ie probably was . J available to the. < when she was ft > from Barbadoes A 4 wnicn it nad oeen nepcu wou Van ainxHttDrnamt wff.i > jp.. . ?f hostilities was due to a ml '** standing, according to Iho coi of the Russian Soviet autlioi wireless dispatch received her The latest communication fi Soviet suggests that negc both for an armistice and f< Ito liol/l In Mlnolr Woflnooilsv iu cume Cherokee __ b2,000 81 igh ** >!* *.??? *TT " launder- 'hestcrfield . 64.000 80 itention Clarendon _ 69,000 77 rltieB In Colleton 35.000 76 e today. Darlington - 72.000 79 om the Dillon 61.000 77 ?tlatlod8 Dorchester _ 32,000 71 sr peace Edgefield _ 54.000 78 80 al rate, whieh Is to be a< i n Canadian railway*, 1 72 will apply to the interstate 74 commission for authority 78 the new charges effective 76 portatlon from the dpmini 70 United States. , Jvanced 3.1 j turning their attention t *a? ?jM,- ^ houMa. lviid a namtx > commerce have been buraed dur to s make ten'days. Attacks on > on Trans- stations for the purpose on into the explosives have been st< in* bean established tli flee was imperrtllinK th< to country fjcials without d> ment. P?n?1 was cl?' bt of tbrte torney General Allen ing the last getts for more than* coast guard n^ht, but neither wo of capturing statement upon the c< >pped. It hav- m at this prac- CANpj^ATES ? lives of sea- ^ __ . ..... f? . - wus ucguu mt rum: F>!fnU^Ml?v?lop- ago the Western Uh seted with At- plied to the atate d , of Massachu- executive permit to an hour to- Miami, but officiate uld make any had been delayed P< inference. log of the Intarnatii lion congress, calh SPEAK I Washington Septemt _ I A Df4?I.I.' At mer. kobm um m ion company "arfeparm.it tor . I land tn wire at / # aid action on it f / nding the hold- | >nal com monk*- I id to meet in >er 15. ? 1 it asks that the Poles send nation to Minsk invested witl necessary credentials to neg9i peace. The Poles contend thi be physically impossible for comply with this proposal. While the Polish delegates tracing their steps homewan r itimeia _ _ oo.uuu i a i a dele- Florence r _'74.000 78 i all the, Georgetown 11.000 76 tlate for Greenville - 104,000, 81 it it will Greenwood. - 77.000 76 thenj to Hampton 28.000 71 Horry 19.000 78 1 are re- JCeraJiaw _ _ 65.000 77 1 from l->ancastec - *54.000 74 _ 1 Qiiranu 1 A7 AAA QA <- JfiWJSL LAUlSfi U il. STOLEN AT DI l'?. IN TtlUaNOTC ,4; . ? ? 70 Mrs. W. M. Fllxhwm I/cmh 75 Possessions While 1 7$ For Trail*.' TO * men, who couid not be w rine dangers except by SPOT Homes of coast guards % |igr vr p mune. however, and a 9 ' ' thbse have lately roceiv In /act. it is commentei *? Valuable xrelana is sate at preset Waiting either be used against can movement or that m rarned of ma- AT ?101*15 WE J these guards. DAY HOI are not im- . number of RaJn Ye?terdny Pn ed attention. Pro|n Holding Merti J. nothing In ,t that might ?A? TradctrUI the republi- The county candldt ight assist it. at Hopewell, Wednesc bis same T% r'7"" iTZ T explained, now has j) picnic cable righte in Braz ? ' American concern * vpntfd Tbcm struct a direct cable ng Scheduled United States to Bri e Today. stated that tb%Amer desired to know bef itea will speak (permjt to the Weate: lftV August 11 ^ 1 n v vhntkof* jinyany, ? ws? | a monopoly of 1 Ulan waters. An \ icoiieB io .eon- I ) line from the I nil and it was I loan government I ore issuing the I rn Union com pa- I a ' jtaranovucm, wncre ine cui "with the Bolshevik! orMed so ly, the Bolshevik troops.rite i t everywhere to be pressing t tucks mvtho.entire hatUe 1 in the Kast Truss! in front on tf to the region adjacent to I, in Galiela. on the south. InsTde. tlie tzviAtr Ti.tltle . .tto j li. S 1 IfrCIll'U ?porta that bank diamonds. J *)0'nP moved to Knglantf do business same day the Camp Di: id and neces- veterans will hold the shipments of picnic. The rain yesi itutions. have ed the holding of the authorities tiled at Hopewell. Ti e lorries that union promises to drat lit. This has and it is planned to . reserves a?*e pirnie. The candidate I. the same time will inei .. MV, | % IIC ?? * ? xie Confederate lnto by that compan ir reunion and jsb concern, the Wes lerday prevent- pany. c<>ntrol|?hp th? m^etinp schod- j ba,j0os to Brazil, w< ho soldiers re- monopoly, v a larpe crowd j jn connection have a basket tbat at the fortlicom ?s appearUiP at communications conf rease t | crowd theorv i>f tnternnttoi UftCU IVUl VUIVIW y with the Brltitem Cable cora? line from par- 1 Juld add to this . it was asserted ? ing international tress, the whole *?:i 1 anmmnnl/te. roies are; nurriouiy pyepari fenses. , LONDON', Aug^fi.?The lion of.Warsaw by the Holshe been fixed for August 9. saj patch to the LondoTi Times* fr liu quoting a wireless dls^a ceived by the National Zeltu ng doTHE STATE HIGH1 COMMISSION IE oooupaviki hn? COME TO LANC1 rs a dig* - , ' om Ber- WiI, H<> Kntertalnod Here tcto round Will Ixtolc Over ( ing. , Inllo lln..l itrA xr several small bracelets. < WAX ring, two diamond broocli \ TO antique locket. inmpp Fulghum left her lOliiiA moment and when she r< was gone. She immedii Trthlght the alarm and the detect Tiar. of the Coast Llna at o . work on the case. The t ? a In IHjMin crowds sa " ?. an.l an street* at r.Ufct. hnpodii - frightening nervous pe bap for a S,lcht0sl provocation, a sturne,] it Rtam' '?lly by, .seemin atoly gave t^la^ Interference mipht ive bureau ,h,n* ore serious. ju? nee began n'Kbt, 'be curfew hour hief ?? vet ?,emen'8 stream awe ther nn th-"> aT,(' "l day is looke ijp traffic and Today the candid rsons on the Tradesville. nd the police HRSTKR PIjArFr,'0 fj \ realigns < ltO|? AT 12,: lead to some- NEW ORLEANS, it before mid- coromprcja| cotton cr< . the orderly ROn of 191;).20 whlc| l> to their J ? !?? nlnnoH o # 1 9 d for"*" " i # tious was to bp f>\ar dates are at .... xar iliiteront 'oni pontine] isting in the past. Ill < OTTON There were report Iimmhi HAl.Ks tor th<> Western Unl< Aug. S.?The''18 PPication for a sp for the 9f?a- ! department roqueste h ended Satur-,tho contract with t KiQOAn (concern also be file nined 4,in a very at" from that exIs today that afon company filed permit the state d that a copy ?f he British cable d and that the WASHINGTON. Auk. 5.? ! desperate plight of Poland ei ed In dispatches foreshadowl imminent fall of Warsaw ant of the proclamation of Polk ters of the governments, the of the United States t'oward t development" of evonta Jo Ku A ?v?A * %vi m*M ATlth the The state highway rdi nphasis- which Is-holding a meeting Ing the Hill today will come to ) telling' from that city and will be < ih disas- ed at a luncheon at the Olyi position The commission will take he swift the "Charlotte road." wftlcif rope to- a part of the state system I has not been apprehendet nwnlaslon, bureau ia in possession In Rock which may lead to the 1 Lancaster the stolen bag and the c entertain- the thief, npla cafe. secretary of the IS men" repre- ChanRe. This crop 1 the conflict. iarger than expected Ion at a mo- wllh a cr0p iast year ?f these hare and n.907.000 two y? States and Total consumption f was counted at 12, - against 10.600.000 1st f by H. G. Hes-i compan>' had ?"efuse< rpw Orleans ex- Information as to tlx 1 was somewhat tbe department, and compafres While there im a of 11.640.000 between the United ears ago. Pacific coast of Sou for the year ble communication 735.000 bales country and Braall it vpar AnH 15 I only by way of Lot 1 (o comply. No " : la was obtainable direct cable lino States and the tb America, eabetween thie is possible bow tdon unless the day encaged the .serious co . tlon of officials of the govern ' # % f ? Despite appeals' to the States governmentt>y Poland It# minister. Prince Ln at the YORK. Aug. 5?J. 81 rille Beach, namaker. president of I orn% in Ala- cotton association and ler bag oc- Mathlfe. noted woman oi mer. of Gadsden, Ala., meeting held at Tlrxah east of here, in tbe in r*>*rvroiv . kkshiiay 282.000 two years ago IIO 8l'( * EfiS BUmption of Americi kottowe Wan- creased to 6.634.000 the American 4 566,000 bales last Mrs. G. H. tw0 yours ago. ator and far- /pj,e total quantity addressed a r|eij over from last y? , six mile* at e.086.000 bales, terest 0' the smaller total than mc >. Foreign con-! message* are sent t ?n cotton Jn- jand relayed overlant bale* against jliae to Braill, officii and 4,867.000 ito ^ Preferred a* It means of faster and of cotton cat;- ^ c?mmunlcatlon. ar I* estimated Some official* exj * somewhgt whether there i >*t cotton trad- S 'nK permit* for the o the west coast I. A direct cable Us said, Is neefe would afford a probably cheaptressed doubt tores a law req airlanding of cables ? from the neutfpl position i at the Beginning of hostllit tween Poland and Russia. ' + . No Cotton Oil jyvldcnl "N-E^W TOaKr Aug. 6.?Tt : * .of d tract ore oftlyf Amerlcat Oil c&npaay toda? decided clare yqr ?n aaeumed Charleston, chairman; C. lea*. bft- op, of Rpartanburg; A. B. Li Columbia; R. Ltgon, of Andi . ? a. Rent*,'of Varnvllle; N. 0 1 '/"of Roc* <1111; Frank Mann ie board of BeHnattsrllle. \ Cofon i Attending the meeting i)t to do- ?111 are (jpvntj engineer H common tar, T. T^Wllliama, cbairaa o. Hear- NEW YORK. Aug. 5angley. of there are. 64,000,000 gallc erson; W. key In bonded warehouses . Walker, ted States, a dwindling of ing, Jr., 000,000 gallons since Ja when prohibition became in Rock according to John F. Kra . H. Kes- al prohibition commissi an of the announced todav that American uetton assocl ?Officially, Approximately 10.000 1 ini of whla- business men and their in the Uni- attendance. ' abqu4 16,- Vpon'recommendatio auary 16, dent Wannaraaker. a r< > effective, Introduced and adopted mer, fetter- the purchase of the 1 oner. fie ground with the idea o , mnra 4* atlon today. erg f0r_ A ye formers and ry_OTer waft 6.844.00(1 wives were In yeara ago jt waa 442 n of Presl- First Rale Fron ^solution was SAVANNAH, Aug. providing for bale of cotton of the 'Irzah picnic arrived this morning f holding an- will be sold tomorrow ?r ago the car-!,n the United States 1 bales and two t,oned ** *? tM?- ?u' 2 ooo flolals declared er _! there was such a lai 1 (Jeorgia. The oitlers from 5.?The first which resulted In tl season 1920-21 tng assigned to patr from Tifton. It j limit off Miami wei r at public out-j said, after reports 1 i, but wbra qutffr- N te department of- , nphaticalty that v. the P-enidenf ie destroy ere beol the three nrile re issued. It was lad reached the stock until tie prices of c< tier anXnodll b?sln*? eo , 11*11 be 1*prir nomslj ?> r W i - . * < mmoM- board of county commlulon mdltlona T. Storanc, J. H. Wttharato? K * ' ram Stoalo. * ? i' " erg; John mltg would be granted to >n end HI- deal In whiskey in large la this vicinity. ^rfffaod 4 tMrf/i -* are dooinM. and tin i w?v.jrv.- naii meetings there in persons to of establishing * 'r?e i quantities world-wide trade for A cultural products.. & lt tho malorltv