Thf 68TH YEAR.' NO. f>:J. SEMI-WEEKLY. BURTON MASSEY AND s 1 < " BABY WERE KILLED : < ' " >?iv nuicai :inu I lie >" """ older child, a hoy six years old. is ,on on ,h" "x'' severely injured. have had ail tin Mr.. Massey was returning to Itoek! f>x'M,r' ,orl"?rati llill from Marion county when the, ' ""''d f'tr. '1 accident occurred. The road leading I,' ,u ' sP?t from Cnreton's ferry to this city ' ''' not dc crossing the Seaboard railway a few yards from the point where the Sea- ||()\\ \|{|) \V hoard passes under the Southern railway tracks. The high concrete supports and a deep cut shuts off the view of the Seaboard tracks almost |'j|V| |,, < entirely. Mr. Massey evidently realized that the train was approach- Two l?riv? ing a few seconds before lie reached nniei, the crossing, however, and attempted to stop the car. as an examination of the scene ot the tragedy revealed Indianapolis, the fact 11hat the automobile had Wilcox, of Itit skidded r.o before the train seventh annual crashed into it. The cowcatcher of stakes race of ' the freight caught the car just as it 1 ",r speedway h crossed the track. throwing Mrs. I tanco being 5:1 Massey down a steep embankment| ors? Arthur Thu and hurling the child several lent I coco, and a nice away. TIip automobile draguoil were killed 00 two others wort yards before the train was brought | As a result o to a stop and was a tangled mass of wins a prize iron Mr. Ma sey was not thrown I thousand dollar* from the ear until it had been ear-' the lirst ten d ried down the traek over 20(t yards. |>ri/e winners ti The infant was caught in the wreck-! named: Ileum eil ear ami remained there until res- ley, HePalma. I cued by trainmen Mr. Massey suf- Chevrolet and fered a broken leg and arm and in- Wilcox and ternal injuries. mates. Wilcox Catawba is nine miles from this ,|u, contests aj city, and physicians rushed to the WHV mark and scene of the accident as soon as the throughout He news was received here. Mr. Mas- ?or a (jro chanp sey was still conscious when medi- occasion to take eal <1 id reached him. but died before',.... i ... - .-I .! o removed to the hospital, knuckle |jjs lie realized that death had called mi|,,s an hour him and asked the physicians to 11 ? records t cease their efforts in his behalf and ... , , , speedway were Hive then attention to his wife and , . . , ,, , i de I'alma tor l children. i . . .... . . . , , ! Long stays in tl Mrs Massev. when hurled from , , ... I 1 he Italian dm the car, struck an iron stake, which ^ out of the rutin out an ugly Rash in her leu. A gash , , r . . . . >>' terrific speed was tilso cut in her forehead and her . . finish sixth spine was badly injured, as an examination by the physicians reveal- Arthur Ihiur ed. She and the two children were reassei brought to Funnell's infirmary in u hen his this city. An operation was per- "n 'v 1(1 formed in tin attempt to save Mrs. Kr,ss<,(' 111 '' Massey's life, and her recovery is SN'1,>n found. 1 very doubtful. The infant passed a fractui away at the hospital during the ear- ri,Hhed to a l,os ly part of the night. operated on imi The freight train which struck Houis l.ecocq i the automobile was going north on Handinl, were In: the Seaboard. It was a long freight, their car turnei carrying 4 1 cars, making it difficult The accide for the engineer. \V I) Ferguson, of north turn and Abbeville, to stop the train quickly, over three timer Mr. Massey was one of the most pinning both di prominent citizens of Rock Hill Haj clan under It. was a contractor, doing road con- The race was struction and grading. He was rc-J sensational ever from inspecting a road steering knuckles construction job in Marion county two cars turnin when he met his death The grad- riouH injury, ai ing at Camp Jackson. Columbia, was haust pipes kept done by his flint. from start to fir Surviving Mr Messey are his fa- timing device wa ther. Henry Massey; his brother, car. pulling In ni Frank Massey: and one sister, Mr" caught the wire \V. M Dunlap. all of this city. The Its connections double funeral services were con- the last .lb miles ducted from the First Presbyterian no fjmP w church Saturday evening at o'clock out. not more t by the pastor. Rev. r . \\ C.regg. The remains of Mr. Massey and the H,'Parfttink ih< infant were laid to rest at Laurel-' man The rental wood cemetery. | was proportionate ? Serious KH'i Mrs. Massey and Six-Year-Old S?ys?spot Son Hadly Injured Hut May Recover. Columbia, s. _____ Wannamnkcr. American Cot to CAR SKIDDED FIFTY FEET ,i ? excessive rains Accident at Catawba Junction h,,%" ( arolinu cotton Thursday Afternoon Which ously iiurt it ii Cost Life of Prominent Rock "in South c? Hill Citizen. bo n,oce88nry, to portion of the < ttatnaker. "Mui Uock Hill. Juno 2.- Citizens of s(jlU, ,s rottinK this elty were shocked by the news tj)(, ren?ninder r of the ratal accident occurring at ,,u, Cfinf|,tloI1 is Catawba Junction shortly before ? or |OSS,,r ,,xt, o'clock Thursday afternoon when an ,ion f|) (tl), 0fjer automobilo containing Mr. and Mrs. acres an, jH>jnu Huiton Massey and their two small .. ... .... ... . ... Mr. W annum children, of this city, crashed Into a .. i r . . . i ,u ,n a statement I through freight train on the Sea- . ..... .. Russia init prar lioard Air Hine railway. Mr. Massey ... . - ropean eountric died soon after being struck and tlte . ., , , . , . ton are in com voungost child, a baby about a vear , . , . . .. . some time, wit f id, died Ihursday night at the hos... . .. . . , at ion promoters pital liere, where tlie injured occupants of the car were brought for " *1!,s treatment. Mrs. Massev's condition ^ nnnamaker. . - \ < LANCASTER, S. ( ., TU IMPOSSIBLE CARRY ~ ... OUT TERMS TREAT M't, Wiinnuinukcr * ? Demand (iniHs. "More Than German People C? Bear," Declares Count V< June 2. J s. BrockdorfT-ltantzau. president of the 11 association, lias is,t deciorim that the GERMAN PEOPLE SHOCKE of the past 10 days r ruined the South .... .. .... ... iiv * kiKiiiu .lUllilM <11 U crop and had surl- * * i other states. mantis Made I pun Them I iroiina it is going to (he "Victorious Violence replant a vet v great .. . ? ..." ... Our hnemies. Top, said Mr. \\ Utah of the crop in tltis and grass is taking Washhiivton. .lune - Hernial 1 it In other states although realizing that she tut the same to a great- m:iko sacrifices to obtain peace, nt. I have intormu- convinced that the execution of t t thut hundreds of ppa(.,. treaty as drawn "arr mo abandoned. than the Herman people can heat laker also declared Count von l<* o( kdorff-Uantza issued that "not only head of the (Jet-man peace deleft tically all of the Ku- tion. thus sums up the attitude s that consume cot- the Herman nation towards the pi munication for quite posed treaty of peace in a note h the export corpor- the allied and associated powe i." outlining various (Jerman count* etl out," said Mt. proposals. The Herman note, (i that these manufac- liverctl to Premier Clemeneen quietly buying cot- president of the peace conferent hanges. and as they Thursday, was made public by t derstandiiig with the 'ate department oil that credit will be The Herman delegation now hoi my have secured fhol In ''s liOte, a licrtti that it will Ion. They Irive do- fuse to sien the present treaty b lay luiying cotton." declares on the behalf of the n< matt na' 011 titat "even in Inn nei ... ...... ..... . Justice for her 1h loo sacred a thi ILCOX \\1N> to allow her to toop to achlevo c?| ,K MJTO K.\< K ditions whieh site 1 annul 111 d take to carry out Exclusion of Herutany front t kuiMiitI01111I Contest. of nations, the note asser is ami a Merle means tliat in signing tin' pea , . trealv ?i....1.1 1 in iviueii. a "decree for its own prescriptiu nnv it- mi n death sentence." Juno 2.? Howard Tito Herman people. tho noto sai lianapolis, won tho' havo l?oon disappointed in tip intornational swoop- "ll"P? r?r I10"00 o|- Justice which h inn milo.s at tho mo- horn protuisod" and stand "aglias is timo for Hp di- the doniands made upon tlioin 4:21:7;".. Two driv- '"victorToti vuliiiec of on; 11 irinan and Louis Lo-| uiies hanician. It Hamlini., Outlining us counter propo ;a inu tho contest, and Herman doloiation neri'. to i injured. durtion ol Hermany's army ai f His victory Wilcox ndlllon that G< rnt my of $20.One. Kiftv admitted Immediately to the i waft divided among ? renounce Herman? rivers Among the ROVere,Rn H:' "s lo Msnco , "n;,i nisi,od in the orderhnd Po8en* but i,s 10 aU other te,'l ... GouX, Guyot. Al- tor,es whlch i8 on I led up Chevrolet, Vail, G. to glvo nH"Olple of self-det< PI ! niina'ion applicable at once, is as I 'd: to suhpi'rt all Herman dotii Thomas were team-, . . , to administration hv the loauuo assumed the leatl as . _ nations not under German mandi iproaihed the hall- , .... tory and to make the lndemtn drove consistentl.\ payments as ret|iitreil hut had two stops, once , .... amounts that will burden tho (! 'e, and on the other man taxpayer no mere heavier tli on gasoline, oil. wa- ... . , ., the taxpayer ei the most lieavil ;iir a loose steering , burdened state among these ropi average was 87.12 . , ... sen tod on the reparations connm sion. or tin* Indianapolis The note declare* Corm-mi shattered by Ralph i willing in pool her eiitito m?'r< ha Iho first -"ii niib'8. j In.,rj?(> wjili that of the a ^ < ?< ia t? tie pit. however, put powers. Neutral parlicipat on ,u?r almost entirely .||(. jn,|n|ry a- to r? p?>11 sil?i 1 it \ f inp ami It was only |p4? war is asked. that ho managed to \ t s Till \ \> It \ MiKli man. driving a car TIIKIH I'I \< I Tl ltV nbled himself, wasl i?hp long awaited presentation machine turned over, Auatrlans of tin- terms und no the rare had pro- whk>h ,,loy may h;iVP ppa

BSD AY, JUNE 1919. SUFFRAGE QUESTION Y TO COME UP TODAY w. | Aclivilio in Already Adopted by the House| I m ana supporters Are Looking to Senate. Washing ______ t h? Caiiaiiz I) FICHT LEAGl'E COVENANT nuo TX't. I present r > 'i' a .... ,. . , \ hi' h lias i e- Peace treat v. Wire ( ontroli , : : nir of rI??n }v and I-u\ui> Tax Repeal ionai pre of Will Re Considert d During' ^s, 'r'' . It ion was pa the Week. 11,y this com ???? Specific \v jy, Washington. June TI? -ut- ''' iPt frn?e amendment. the peace t ?aty ' tesident 1 is tinil legislation for the return of M,1S' ( he teh'Kra ph and telephone lino* to pit- S>*" ' * re vate operation tire snhjeets expected ' to hold the center of Interest during '' iu, the week in congress. Meantime iolls l,i,r,''M :a- work will continue on the routine j1''' of appropriation lulls antl on many, x o- collateral subjects that are in the' ^ '";l '"T:| to hands of committees j munitions a is. The resolution for submission of ' ampuit >r- a suffrage amendment to the states. :,ls le- already adopted h> the house, comes, rn,1s' ' ' lu up Tuesday in the senate Its sup- ' arranza s | *e. porters, claiming to hold pledc - tor l,v he more than the necessary two th :d. ' vote, win seek : roll cull us soon a*; 'id. Villa e. possible. Opposing senators haw in- blunt 'hep e-1 Ulooted th y will not IptofpoRe pat -! ',:I:"" wduh iutI UaLiuontary obstacles, and adi aiesl'*'r;,ss; A:,s r- of th< amendment an pr- di< ' j; !l ' hoi-">d, j t hat by lie lay n i : lit w > una n u f- . '' ~1' "' ' ill-1 coil}'r< is concenn d. r- I inhale "ii the j. ice tn.r \ Mi ^ 1'!' ' "IT'' | its lea: ie or nations cow mint. be- ''-N ay n ho ; mi aim t . soon a th" e\ti a - 51 nd lornied is, nn as mbled t o w < >. -1 ao, i- ;??. '"L * ''n' eontillll. ' ! i |||)!- ahilitv ,1 . j I, .111-' wh> HK: before tli.- <>n> 1 ! the siiliji . t Senator Johnson, Ke- pints of >'s. I publican. of California, wil' op. n the !>??iirn in tl ir ' .li-oussii n with a - -pooch tor hi- t"- i- ' ' herml I lot-on a , department *""?> '. the e t" for 111" ->i.t. t m( in.. ir, o ill" flu it l ainlii) n' an'! ainm os, ii..- league of nations flnht is rwittiril* Olflclali hot if oil a; th" most likely to en- st a ml why I n satioiial development in th. |..r 'rnops itotlt ty future. While the debate has i . .m ;' n assent I inl proceeding without much sin. * of on5l P^int. tr- organisation on elthei side, manyMh* troops i > < i nn i .1 im M!: I'' iili'l'S II ;i VI (|c . i ' " i " V ' velnped decided indication- that ibis " 1 ' 1. a! 'G-1 fproffI'iim would not I ?nk continue. r*son V' is- Some rOlieret < JK'Iion is f\pi.' iiupi ih>' leauite opponent .mi! il n ay ' K ,l1' s" " I ' i' during iliis week. ' '' '''' 4 v 1,1 One plan suggested is the it* ulu ' ''* ' il . .> i . free to i ft in 1 lion <'t another roiinil robin ilar I i . thai <1 rawn up <1 it ring tli > laM st - -1 '1 '' l,r| slnn. to notify the if*rtpis* conferen oj " ' of the strength of the opposition ,n ' i senate beforo the treaty la si- a >1111 i and sent h? for ratithat n \n TO |*|{( Is i -1 lion < '' .t to' ' nipt to adopt re lotion i*i the \ppr?>\nl of i?l Date it i ! f ileinandln t! ' ' O Mercalltil i,. leu. oe covenant he seperated trom sj, >k the remainder of the treat} so tiny n-|ean he considered, ratified or re- \i-w York of | jeefed separately. tlonal Merci ! So far. however, neither if tie e fp,s] |o proposals ha taken i the |u\ur> t..\ r,n,, among n sei tion of the war revenue hill . ml j That the probably action on tie ia-olilti i. f >r ; >U)|,| specia r investigation of war department \-j ,Iinrnve itie v ?I penditures will In considered mi tho trono o?>nrlus; l floor, along with Mm agricultural tp- company propriation loll and it> rldo present a tin- led n < ' ' * P?'id. Mm ? ret the coming year will bo h Id. to rt,"P?B0 of _ the A mo rira t ,1 Mrs A el vn Cunningham and si: llolgian Hag . - t.?r. Miss Kllzahoth Sowoll, p"iit tie Transpor Sunday In Charlotte. ran corporate tews SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR another reign of ,.?i7~n7 terror is begun - by bomb plotters [,n !?>? - Aithoup'i |joml? Intended for Attorneya government of Mexico' , . . Ccneral Maimer Kills ti?i"J> ;i >*?*;?i a to by the s of oprr: 'ion p the Another Man. ' volationury > i ] H? proclaim .,?ri-vii? u,f,,.. kksmh-nck is wrecked sident. and Francisco ary of war. little uLteu I, , , Several Other h\plosions in ml to mtoi in. ' inn g ivi'ii ' it ry. Difl'erent Sections Do Considerable Damage to Moines to his powei were given airanza t,y (he United of Prominent Men. fctober IB. and again last ? i. it was learned author- Wa8hington. June 2. Hudtcal " ^agitators tonight apparently at1 ,,,, ' "'l'''1 ,M '',K"| tempted to inaugurate another reign lnrly of hie duty to pro- of torrorIgm throughout the counans and American prop- try through the planting of Infernal {machines near tli" residences of n the collection of arms. pr6mInent mon. rid monev a year an., for WilM|1 a f(.w mim|tPS aftt>r lho ... which in the opinion PXp,osj(in of a .it the door of here now has grown to Altoim>v <;on,.ra| Palmer's residence he gravest menace towlfh |h<} kinjnK of ono man> inwer since Villa was de-j pvjll(>Iltlv ,n planting the the government fore- .; ,(omb v>,.n> V(M, |ro,u i?i ' win or, i la Boston, Pittsburgh, Patterson, N. notified l is followors to , ;inil rI(V(.land U1 sinillar atciop early, as the t,.IU?Ki I begin as soon as the _____ """ T,? ' ' '' for Wa hington, Juno 2 ?Attempts ?. Unusual activity watt I Uje of Alt0rhey General Pal .nehnut northern M* \ fm>(. W|.r? , thrmlBh tho planfin a limilli hhli wr l .all all , ... ' . .. .. i-MUM u 1: . ?rt hin of 11, elothiny of o ? t h< M"> can , , ... tli- ii a .1!' !. r wa said. iiid .-at? , t I ?V ? 11 *. ' ' I * ' I < (1 that In' v r 11i\* flail total revemn from ; 1 .... ... . ... I ln? n oi t In ;j?los .m \\ as t In lit st t'mii- niont 1.- ? I , . . , suihrieiit t halt ' indow plas lit ti i-11r11iii ? to nflieial hp . . |. suii'ur. r a M. k on rani si'M it to tho Mcxinin ttoas- . ... .... . oi :ii I'. i hot;." i h?-? r? lonoo iout irit.ofto.otto oi o ... . . oi S nalo sw a . t to \ .I*;' ma, acn t'arrnnza tail x.0U" m \l 'vo' to t ait oi tha nttorne> . r? hi it l- nllt. lal'.n r- iii'tioral. was not l> ! v dainape-. a littRi supplv oi arms . , .... . Police picked tip lull wih In t nut toll at < h liualiua. . . of <-l..thinp oi tho man k.llotl a eopv . a to unable to under-! ... .. ... , .. of II. n Words, a radical im/. it> did not iiiovo thus" . . , liCfttii-n I'1 s. in i nr . ftim i?|th i in*forc \ 11 la men had , "11 , , the report ut an exph.-if n at tho ded in a lar- - tone at , ' Villa - popudiritv anion -1 AI1,M '' H.,m1o,i. , explained here by his,in ,{os'n ' rl,,,s,,rt "^'orities to ..J fear another widespread bomb ne t n tin captnri re. .rntly 1 " ?" u tor the surrender ol t e *lm"ar that wWch r:uli,>:il> al" 111, ?,id!.-s. .1 the men.! 1 ,im>" *l?"'"Kh about .. .ii month a-o. isotiod 1 lie oIIu'ts. Pi. , iiers ! a* in realized . . IIOMK <> V ROSTOV .iriii.i ere conscripts and as ne , weapons, they wen ll\ KXPMMIOV n to their bono it thevl Boston. June 2.- The hone or ,1? r word oi h. a r tie.'-1 ; ' " " > "? ??f tho . . , Rovlnnv municipal emivl 11 arin- availed him agn.n. 1 W ivne street wa- severejj datn!M\C ('()>!!?!NF '"N' unknown ' * I origin shortly hclon mi.It it lit to)'{ DISSOIA I', nmI i v w the time. judpo and hi- tamily s ili- ors lato J P. Morgan, will from tho residence of T'nitod States if tho stockholders at Ditrict Judge \V !l Thompson lato g next month appiove, tonight, damaged tho residence of to soli to a Mritish syn-j th jurist ami oilier housos in tho '.l itish owned ships and j vioitiitv Tho honios of throe promcorporation It is then i j ii i?n t business men ot tho city wore distribute all the assets! damaged by the force of tho explointional Mercantile Ma- sion which occurred on the porch of tho stockholders. ic .1 I'anadv's residence in tho stockholders who will fashionable highland district. 1 meeting June 16, will . inb is considered a fore sp n\|t IAPI (islttS IN" in The li?iuid.ation of. l.wr Mt.iri' win invoivi- lit*' pav-| ritishiirgh, I'a., June 2 Short111 f^.ii.ftoii.n nt in on-- |\ before niidnielit a: l a f,-w miner rent bonds Hi the, ut.-s after th?? hiehland '.i.-trict ovin 1!'4 1. but til jf i i t plosion anothot Itunili vj isi n oc| ? nr .I in the \\c 1 on ! di trirt. s.ilo of 'hi* Mrit i?h ton i;, lone- ?ere l>.> 11 > < n a --I ind imatinr Tr.o.uoO inn-, \\ \\ s?hr.?\ i inspn of tho Uout ? 1 - > itttit.??11 it wi I tin ri'a u of in i migrat ion It to, was company will havo '.-ft thrown fmrn hi- bid The Sibrav -dx liners operated b residence i-- located inros t'c street i line, two under tin- fr,.1n where the explosion occurred, and three of the Atlan- and police authorities express tho I company, an Ameri . . ? on (Continued on Tag? Four.)