f 1 68TH YEAR. NO. 46. PROBABLE FIGHT 01 ' TOBACCO ALARM)! ^ Reformers Believed to PI ning Campaign Similar t That Against Liquor. SOME REASONS STAT Organ of Liquor Trade S 1,400,000 Acres Land Wasted Every Year Grow Tobacco. Will a tobacco crusade follow successful effort to dislodge liqv Serious thought is now being g by reformers to this matter, summary of the country's pros given here on the subject, the lightening article being taken f the Literary Digest: Although "the creaking turn which carted King Alcohol to gallows has been turned around started hack after Lady Nicotic,' the Cincinnati Times-Star obse? newspapers cognizant of the trer dous and increasing demand for Lacco in both civ'1 and military do not seem to think that her L ship needs t'? nronare at once for ecution. "The Nineteenth Ami ment that will tear away so rr valuable lives from the dragon-cb of the Tobaeeo Devil is." the P burg Leader is eonfUlent, still * far in the peaceful future." match, please!" Is one edit cheerful way of dismissing the that be may soon he deprived by of his cherished cigar. Yet a leading antagonist of th( baeco habit warns us that "the f nleotin crusade is not to he cor ered with levity." The New Evening World agrees that "It's joke": the crusade "is, on the trary. to bo considered with found seriousness as a warning the tragic extremes of anemia palsy with which the robust insi tlons of the rountrv are men: since it became possible to w sumptuary laws Into the Oonsi tion." Such a dynamic pernor as Tiillv Sunday Is reported to 1 said: "Prohibition is won; now tobacco." Press writers note growth of such organizations as No-Tobacco League and anti-tobs activity on the part of certain li ers in such influential and mill bodies as the Anti-Saloon Lea and the Woman's Christian Tern nnce Union Prof. F. W. Ron author of the booklet, "NIc Next." is ouoted as saying that "evils of tobacco are greater t those of liquor." The Washing Post takes pains to caution its 1< era in particular not to laugh at nntl-cigaret movement, for "ant garet leagues have been formed several states, among them Ohio, the number Is growing." Antl-cigi laws in some western states hi It is has been admitted, failed enforcement. The Rochester I aid quotes a feminine campalg against the tobacco habit as sat "the fight against the rlgaret UtJ lie* i ?? v ? > mill (line n^niiim ^ n ling, swearing and other evils, rati so many women as well as 1 Indulge In clgarefs." But past I ureg and the new additions to ranks of the smokers have r stirred up the foes of tobarrr greater zeal. The Deseret Nf speaking for the dominant relitrl body In TTtah, praises Color Presbyterians for declaring fof % national prohibition of clgarets predicts, "In view of the success the tight aealnst the liquor trn that the same measure of suc< % against the despicable and dea clgaret will eventnally he chr< c.led." Antl-tohacco workers h been especially active In Indl where a hill has been Introduced the4legislature to make any toba nser Ineligible to public office. < member of this legislature voiced his sentiments In a spe quoted In the dally papers: "Smoking in all public plarea, eluding depots, all places where p pie have to go to conduct husin< as stores. barbershops and ofTV and In the streets where people h to pass. should be absolutely j fclbtted: not merely to the extent Imposing a little fine, in which atate becomes a partner In ? ? (Continued on Page I.) fHE LANC SEMI-WEEKLY. LANCASTER, S. N HARDING WANTS PEACE "TUfTfC 1M flllC TO BE MADE PROMPTLY IllllljiJ 111 llUlU % ??,. Delny I??l. Toward Botohe. OFFICERS" HE vlsm He Itegrets Secrecy at the Ian- Peace Conference. Mayor of Wilmington, o Enters Protest at Sea Washington, April 3.?Senator of Trains in Virgil Harding, of Ohio, Republican, in a statement urged the necessity for 'ED a prompt peace settlement, declar- ENTER PULLMAN 1 ing It was "Impossible longer to Ig nore the serious concern of our ays people over delayed peace." Even Those Occupied B Is "The delay and the drift have Not Immune from carried us apparently to a recogni- .. . . , , ">* tlon ?f ,h? tiolshevlst d?troyer? In "fhts 8nd PlS,",s ? Russia," Senator Harding stated. bition Agens. "Not only is bolshevlst destructive ness to be countenanced in fallen h* Russia but the world will awaken Richmond, April 3.? lor? prettv soon to the fact that Germany thugs in the guise ol ?ven ls dominant there and has expanded searrhinK for whiskey in A infinitely more through revolution rars of trains passing thr a '8 and delay than it was expected to not hesitate to i en" accomplish by force of arms." sleeping m"alters of r rom Senator Harding declared that wonien- "ashing in th the secrecy surrounding the consid- sear('hlights ami revolvei brel eration of Uie proposed league of ^oore- mayor ef Wllmlngt the nations plan in Paris was "regreta- *>as wr'tten to W.. D. Hinei and blr " general of railroads at W " as ".he original draft is doomed ro,luesting protection from v.if ?t i?.i ... ??_i_ ? v. n eral government neainsi *i o? ucic 11 nui uuuru ai rniin, lit: ?1,1 InOnr "TV. .. .. j-()r ...... inn I." I 'Mill 1MB "" 111--I*- . > tho ronKrpKa,'on has fully met the as- when the pood women of the <3pSKn,ent ?f Bethel Presbytery In tho and notion felt secure wh icco ,bree niilllon dollar campaign for i^K upon a Pullman car. hu pad- 1)PnevolPn('es '? nn indication that '? now here when they mil tant there has been no lack of interest In protector while occupying the affairs of the church during the upon lines controlled hy per_ interim. United States governme The Her. W. M. McPheeters. D. state and city enforce the p otin of Columbia Theological Semin- law. but we do not permit the Rry Pn'slfled n< ihe congregational save, the mark, to violate j,.,nl meeting which was held March 16, tlty of the home or sleeping ^on| and at the meeting the board of of the womanhood of the 1 Ja(, deacons was authorized to dispose The newspaper clipping of the ninnse which is an old build- hv Mayor Moore to Dtrecto ing and undesirably located and Hlnes, was not contain* [ In orert n neu modern building which communication from Payni and W"1 Probably be located on tho ernor Da-vi*. church grounds. Governor Davis has wrltl avo Rev. Sidney Peters, state PROHIBITION AGENTS ARE ,,on commissioner, enclosi ler- HELD FOR GRAND JURY n* ,h? leU?!" from Mayor * rnpr Payne, calling upon the commissioner to enjoin wlII ^'en * harged With Murdering .VI- men the necessity of actli leged Hootleggers Are Placed In the'r legal authority, and be- Fredericksburg. Va., Jail. "bp peculiarly tactful who ?on with women." 'ail- Woodstock, Va., April 3.?Four I ASTER C., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919. E OF I JAPS WILLING JOIN I SAYS IF MADE EQUALS N. C., Baron Makino Issues Statement rching Outlining the Position of nia. Japan as to League. Pi Italj rane BERTHS ASK FOR RACIAL EQUALITY inHi, a cu y Ladies Says No Asiatic Nation Could Jv'p^ Search- Re Happy in League With que* f Prohi- Racial Discriminations in Fa- 0,1 1 thin vor of Others. maj Ian -Charging PariB, April 3.-?Ilaron Makino, ' e f officers." head of the Japanese peace delega- ? * Pullman tlon. in a statement on the position ough Vir- of Japan, said: ow i nvade the "You ask me for a plain and espectable frank statement of the position of Ian elr faces Japan. Well. I am tempted to ask ' '' ' s, P. Q. you a question in reply: l*1 on. N. C., "Ho you think it possible for me 8'mt s. director to say anything that will not be ,for ashlngton, wilfully distorted and misrepresenti the fed- ed by those who have long and per- | ' L alleged sistently sought tr? clog the efforts v'('e rohlbltion of my country. To ascribe to her] traveling motives she has never had and to 'ran malign her at every turn? Let us, Joore was see. ( General "As to the Cnited States. Japan ] r'a 1 ivne gen- has a very sincere regard. 1 ad admin- "We owe to her our place in the of March world, that is to say. the civilized R Governor, world. Perhaps I should not altoof Mayor I irether agree to that phrase, because is doingi you know a^d every one should 1 name of know, that Japan has enjoyed a cive. "as the {ligation all her own for many ages. *' officers." it wns a civilization born of the r General highest sense of honor nlosed a "You will note here that Am^rl- eigh ting, pre- ca was the first country to agree to ajj ( e by him- niake a treaty with us abolishing vate only ae- extra-territoriality. You must re- l)lirs or men member tnat we did not ask to Join j body Virginia this first league of nations. We disrt ss of wo- were forced to do so. Perry eame sa!d. ears, but to us with naval power and forces Pnt icn were f0 compel us to open Japan to inter- who rifled by course with the western world are met their "We yielded and I am clad, as is p.tn fips. o I Japan that we did yield, because! for t ire perpe- if pas been of great benefit to ourj >en Wash- couhtrv. ] hOSp Una line." "And now we are asked a second , p(j t as a time j time to iol" a leacne of nations. L ni our clty: B?t how? As equals? If so we are hon lie travel- ready. We want to consider with t the time the preatest care the interests of all foniS st have a onr associate nations in sueh a amJ a berth Vapee because by no other policy the great r.,T, tho teaene of rations succeed, i aJ) ( nt. My Asiatic nation could be hap- ! by f rohil)ltion nv in n league of nations in which how# men, Ood.Hharp racial discrimination is main- j the sane-! ta'ned While we feel very keenly j pett| ; quarters' on ,t,(s polnt our precise position ( <>f ^ land!" I must not he misunderstood nor mis; enclosed represented. r General | arr not too proud to flpht hut m1 In the too pr0ud to accept a place of a to Gov- admlt(P(1 inferiority tn dealing with one or more associate nations. We en to the ?.ant nofhinp hut simple justice We "?* ^ prohibi- are plaf, fo ,oin tflP feapne of nong ropier |ions aT,d do our full share In the !oore and ma|nt?.?f tn^y ' ! laboring classes as Immigrants uponjfor f n ' any of our associate countries. We| \me recognize that this question is one, ;,?,i with which each nation must deall of th RE lndlv'dually and we have voluntatIMARY rily shown our pood faith hv our oh-1 Guth servacce of the so-called gentlemen si sent;1 William? agreement with the T'nited States, jnter ?r>d 'bis notwithstanding thai the; the , T '* principle is in direct contravention; |jK?.r, ncvs- of the measures adopted by the, vajP western powers in forcing the door ^ wge W of our hermit kingdom. James IT "We do not object to the proviso WOuli ition for suggested by Klihu Root safeguard- j ed I>emo ;nir h|8 r0i,ntry on the subject of in- a? th resterdav ternutional administration. His, ft^n miinatinn proposition applies alike to all cor.n-, was. W'l- tries. We want no special privi- tjrrq 2't -r,8 , ]ftpeR decfd J. Barry "What we do say and feel is that arniy d branch wp arP entitled to a frank and open rift, fop ndrnisslon by the allies with whom f.'njc1 bv sfil >vo havP foptrht and will fight for a had re frPP Hn(j civilized world and beside in on the whose s'?ns our men have died, that J'a' ard Rrv fhP principle of euuality and justice ''h'' aril pres- j8 n fundamental tenet of the Rerm or comp iPaKue. of Cfl Tor nom- "We see dtthcu'ties in the way of, Peace councils ? nermsncnt and successful opera-' nPWB' ana. wh' t,OT, 0f ff,ta league of nations unless ,hat ' vet" wan f^p contracting parties enter it with ''''T 1 ning. Pe mutual respect. Marriages of con- '",w" yor. had vpr>ience too often bre?d distrust Th< elect on d'scord rather than content- a s<*ti I uient." * new the , Virginia state prohibition agents, MAYUK 111* HALIIMU, >nly charged with murdering Lawrence LOSES IN THE PF > to t). Hudson and Raymond Shackle>ws ford, alleged bootleggers killed near Demorrnt#, NominateO. \V. one here last week, were held without ? .... . ' "Wet" Candidates Win fo ado ball for the grand jurv after a hearthe In* here before a magistrate. of ?,hrr Municipal Of and1 The accused. Harry F. Sweet. .1 i of, H. Sullivan. W. C. Hall ard W. M Ra'tlmore. April 3. Of flic Dunlevy, were ordered taken to the WID'ams defeated Mayor . 'ess, Fredericksburg Jail. tinder protee Preston for the nomim idlv.tlon of the Richmond militia com- m~vor in a warmly contest mi- pany, which hnd stood gtiard In and cratie primary election t ave about the court house during the Mayor Preston soueht renc itnt hearing. for a third term. The vote it -* "* Hams, 24.428; Preston. icco Ml ST NOT HA NO KAIMKR'fl Preston's running mates. ')n r" 11 nR w ihkiijWIIIMH Mahool. for president *e"on has Berlin, April 3.?All the Prussian council, and James F. Th ech district and provisional school au- comptroller, were defeated thor'tles have been notified by Herr greater majorities. They jn? Haenlsch. the mlnlafer of religion fused to declare their posith _ and education, that pictures of for- prohibition nuestlon. How mer Kmperor William and the for- ant was nominated for coui f,B'' mer crown prln"e may no longer be Msnt and Joseph Smith f< (*p'' hung in the schoolrooms. troller. Kvorv candidate l ave The order originates from an In- Inattnp for ci?v office* and >ro cldent In an east Prussian school, with two or three exceptii nf where the teacher put ex-Kmperor d*d not declnre himself tfi0! William's picture in an attic after defeated. William F. Tlroei the the revolution hut was ordered by puhMcan candidate for ma ??.the authorities to hang It up again, no opposlt'on The city I whereupon he entered a protest. will be held May 6. News SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR LY DEMANDS ACTION jDACTAI PRPQinFNT ON FRONTIER QUESTION I l/dlrtL ri\Ljll/LIlI ?d.. 777 MAKES STATEMENT tier Be Fixed When French Frontier is. Will Maintain Old Rates if Tele graph Lines are Restored tiris. April 3.?Settlement of to Owners, ir's frontier question eontemno ously with that of Fiance was (ted upon by Premier Orlando at HE ^ HARGES HAI) FAITH inference with President Wilson before the council of four con- , id to discuss the Italian frontier k ?l>s Burleson Has Agreed to ition. The Italian premier as*- Pay Western Union Too Much he President whether he did not t ii * * ju . .. . *?nd Raises I oils to Get the k it advisable to have an mforexchange of views on the 11a 1 - Money. problem, especially as regards Adriatic, before it is presented , ,, . New York, April 3.?Clarence H. he council. The President re- ... , .. . . . ... . , Mackay, president of the Postal 1 that be srared this view, but , ..... , . . , Telegraph and t able company, beic to pressure of work had been , , , ,, . , ins asked regarding the increase in !de to personally studv the Ital- , ' ... .. .. . the telegraph rates which went into question. However, he prom- _ , , v , ? ? effect Tuesday bv order ol Postmaso do so. .... ter-f?eneral Burleson would return remler Orlando's suggestion at a its line8#to the ,?ostal Telegraph and lltaneous settlement of the fron- CabJe company at nnce th.,f> that questions involved a Joint peace company would restore the old teleAustria. a plan which is favor- Kraph rafeg at on0(. Mr Mackay's ?y the American delegation, pro- inlervlew was as follows: d it does not cause too much de- . ... .... ., . 'The total telegraph business of In this connection, the Anier- , . . ... . . the countrv is approximately $80,boundaries commission expects , , , t.i , 000,000. This 20 per cent increase week to conclude all boundaries ..... . , T, , ordered bv Mr. Burleson means an iding those of Austria. Bulga- , ' ?. ? , _, , increase of $10,000,000 to the teleind Turkey. , ... r _ graph users. That it is absolutely VFRSFS I E \VF THE unnecessary to increase telegraph rates is shown by the faet that the ,E\ HOMMTAL. RAEEIGH | representatives of the postmaster I general now found we have been able r Claim That the Food They j to hold up our earnings and profits ire CJiven Was Not flood; Tms- ! to expectations and those earnings .... , . . .. i and profits for the year commencing res fail to Act and I liey t good and have complained that amount he has to raise the t it for some time. It seems rates. A second reason is that the there was a meeting of the trus- ' Western Union Telegraph company when the matter was taken nn i? not administered carefully iUld a hill of fare handed them for economically. Even now when tho inspection The fare seemed government is supposed to be In con ii'ht and no action was taken trol of both companies the Western he trustees. Th" nurses claim. Union has a horde of sol'?itors run ver. that the fare as shown on ning around trying to pet business hill is not what they have been away from the Postal. These solicing and as a result of the failure tors do not create any telegraph ie trustees to act the 28 nurses business and are as useless as would/ the hospital this evening. i he solicitors for a street railway. j TKn 1 - - i . iir ici? to ! rnnce to Direct the no such material changes as to reLi.,nidation of the Army's , (mlre or JllRfify an ,norease in AfTairs There. rates. The receipts and expendi' tures of the Western Pnion, howashincton, April 8.?Secretary ever, as we gather from 'heir re r will sail from New York next ports, tell a different story and that 'av on the transport Leviathan is why I say I believe the trouble is "ranee to attend meetings of the due first to the fact that Mr. Burlerican liquidation commission son agreed and. second, to the fact to direct winding up the affairs that the Western Union is not ade Amer'can army in France. Mr. ministered carefully arid eeonom>r will be accompanied hv C. W. Ically. ell. the war department's repre- what Mr Purleson 'Mends to do itive on the board considering wjth ,he profits which he is takin? -allied claims growing out of ntvnv from us we do not know. Wo -o-operation of the. various hel- do know that If we had been left ents and Stanley King. his prl-i ah ne there would have been no insecretary. ; crease in rates and no loss of profits '. Baker in announcing the date to us. As it 's now, the Western is saibne said his stay abroad Union is ahead of the game, but the I be brief lie explained that public loses $16 000 000 a year and Mention was to return as soon' we lose about $2,000 000, under Mr. e conferences with the arbitra- Burleson's award to us. Our profits board had been concluded and from August 1. 1918. to August 14, id made a few necessary Inspec- 1919 will apparently be at least $3.The secretary snld he had not 180,000 without any of the Increased ed whether he would visit the rates and yet Mr. Burleson proposes of occupation. i to ni|0w us onlv $1,680,000 of this Jl*1 amount. In other words. Mr. Burle?H .... NOT I.IKK IHRA Bon g)VM UB tx etn "? dement would pave the way to American public who are payir< r war rather than to pea e. the increased telepraph rates."