Tl 68TH YEAR. NO. .10. SEMI-W . COUNTRY SCHOOLS ""T ADVANCE RAPIDLY.,,,, 4 K?* Some Comparisons of the Conditions in 1912 and Those of SuccedinK Years. No' Atlan Hami: StHUUliS IN STATE whert and t # # Th GS This in Comparison With 2,635 hpM in 1912 Hut the Average At- tanan tendance Per School Has In *'nia, < 7 til creased from 59 to 82. sumni t ry o ' lurof A comprehensive report on the resalts or the consolidation of rural ^ ^ schools In South Carolina has re- ^ cently been completed by Lueco , . ... ships. Ounter. state supervisor of rural schools. The report sets forth thoi !dorpo development of the consolidated in pi Rchoois since 1 ; 1U when the rura The I graded school law was passed Iiv the For general assembly. nr rhc tuhhs which have been pre! Cuant pared in connect ion with the report | , of ta shew* that there are 1,202 rural; auppl' schools employing two or metre , 1 ilurin teachers. There are 1.162 one ..... < )t her teacher white sehoois in the state, (if J)(). the 1.2"2 white 951) were in I neuve the country. 166 were in rural vil- ....... I winte lages and 86 were in larger towns. I The average size of tlie grounds ranfM, ohout the schools was two acres, and coll,j? the ave?age cost of buildings and ,.(M.0jv equipment was $8,176. turn Of these consolidated schools. 4 04 wjlrn had separate auditoriums for com ( inanity purposes. 28 of them hat agricultural laboratories, 121 hem economic laboratories, and 61 mannal work shops. HE nr the consolidated schools. 129i provided conveyances to haul the! pupils to schools at the public ex-J "?wei pense. The average salary paid to! ovr , the drivers of these vehicles was $22.91 per mo"th. The salaries varied from $^.",0 paid in Barnwell county to $42.84 paid in Richland ^ya county. The number of t^up'ls ron-! a m veyed in the w-gons was 1 7 22 at a) sovjot cost of 10 cents per day per P?PH:!senati the cost ner pupil varied from two ,j cents per day per pupil in Plllo i j,mvpr countv to 21 cents In Greenwood! not county. to ()V I those consolidated schools 167. mpn? 2f?8 pupils In elementary grades and ,j1( an average of these teachers to the1 ^^ school were doing elementary work n The average number of years in the j, high school course In the consolidate ed schools attempting h:gh school flirn work was 2.2; the average number sj.t of pupils enrolled in the high school departments was 21 per school, nnd1 ajsn v the average number of teachers do- ... Ing high school work was one per ^ T]?.. ~' . .... ?V. ...... I - 1 ' 'that the high school department variet ,vavs from 1-2 teacher In several counties ,,rnin<1 to 2.6 teachers in Charleston conn- unarcl tv; the next highest was 2.1 in Richland connty. ........ .. . . . . monst I.ast fall II. W. Foght of the bitt roftsn rean of education asked Superin | tendent John E. Rwearingen to rec-l " ominend to the bureau some one, to Alb mike an investigation of the condl- """lor tions of rural s?'hon's in South Caro- hnth lina. and Mr Rwenrlngen r"co"i from mended Mr. Center who has been speak* engaged in compiling the data for some time. The data Is tabulated. TRO< and in addiAon to tin- tables thete ,j,j is a supplesnentarv statement show j ing the develonment of the consul!-j dated schools s in e I'M 2. Cernu The statement will be sent to Mr j T'oght. v ho is collecting statistics "re> fro!ii every state In the I'nion an a ?nrii ie Lap EEKLY. LANC; IKE ATLANTIC FLEET fU|1 HRFI I) GO TO GtlANTANAMO MlILUKLI eave Karly Next Week For Tar- DURING t Practice?Maneuvers Will He on l?arge Scale. Kill Introduc live Hortoi rfolk. V.i., Feb. 3.?The enti'6 H tic fleet is expected to sail from ton roads for Guantanamc, ? the mid-winter maneuveis CONSIDER argot practice will he held. i battle practices of the fleet four times each year, at Guan Unrislensen-. 10 in mid-winter, off the Vir- rent Resc capes each spring and fail, and Mo?*t Inir le New Kngland coast in mid- S er, were interrupted by the en- Kefore Asi f the United States into the >ean war. ... Columbia. > fleet will begin to assemble in ^ . house Wedne oads, preparatory for the trip , . ... Chistensen-Mct lantanama. A number of th ..... .. . . . lutIon from th including the Arizona. Ar in . a ? . submit to the S fl'lfl KlfiPlnn niiuu ????? " " " "" ! rewriting the ! ing repairs at the navy yarl , .. const itut ion 1 eparation for tho maneuvers . . , . i , and is in man Vn/.ona is still in a drvdock. , .. . encumbered v weeks preparations have been .. . . question is no ogress at the yard for the . piece of legisl; tana mo maneuvers. A numbe , , house and will rgets, in tow of tuns, severs ... . . .. . bv lie coinmitt { a? d ammunition ships sailel .... . ,.,i ! davs. Concern g the last week or 1(1 days , , . , .la two-thirds n s are about ready to depart. , , . 'can be muster cers declared that the in .... , ., , the resolution, is will be on a larger scaie tins r than ever before, and tha lcl b? appr time will tie devoted to long stion would target practices. Methods ,,f b^'iple .it tin 1?? ? 0 The iting the submarine will alsii e attention. The fleet will re- WOU,d ,hPn b* to the roads early in April, regulations K? spring maneuvers are sched ,uld ,ix'nP the to begin. convention, wt spring or more """" of 1921. ATOR SAYS TREASON Thc I)rchor ARS HEAD IN AMERICA publication of _____ charged with I ity or convlcte rful Organization at Work to |he publicatjor rttirow (aovormiient. Asserts was recommitb lonuis; Members Criticised. Another bill and sent to the state treasurer shington, Feb. (?.?C'riticisin. tendent of ed\ ring nore at which the Russian ler general an government was praised aminer to pre] nr Thomas, of folnrado. Rem among county declared in the senate that a uniform blanks fill organization, which he <1 u To llavt mine, was constantly at wore Thp hou8e a erthrow the American govern (hn Mann The senator said a member- ,ng Qf t<.nfh ? house was conspicuous" a 8Phoo,8 empln leeting, hut that senate rubs teachers rited him from naming him. . . \i .in Three hills i iresentnt1ve Mason, ut Illmo's ... lian ballot lav ssed a gathering, urging re, ... , ,, of these wen of American troops from Itus . .. ... ... Dreher of l?exii nd Representative Cordon. o i < o . u i. i . low unlettered and Dillon, of South Dakota of the assistan rere present. , . ,. , , . ballot. The ot want to warn the plain people .... . ate would impi is country. said the senator , . 1*1 i i than $1,000 on a powerful organization Is al,. .. terfered with active to overthrow the gov . onnient for not nt and erect a government of . ... , , . Mr. (lerald's hi hlsts, thieves and scoundrels ters to vote wa iw in the nation's capital, this gj og it raises its head, utters i'sl , . .. Another bill n nnd counsels overthrow o _ . nnce, was that avernment. ' tish, game and ert Rhys Williams, a war cor have a? 8urp, ident. and Miss Louise Mryant R.;.(J gamp (Jwp of whom recently returne, >ta|e dppartmp Russia. were the principa -rs at the gatherings. May \\o The Jlorton )I'S Wil l PHfVriWT I nlnviiiimi ..f ? IE CEKMAN ASSEMBLY (!f )2 a"' mills during tn< August, when t in ( overitinriit Taking Mean session, was pa The I'mpliivmPi I to SUIKlUI' \ II \ Opposition would not even of flu? K\t roiiiisls. th,. provisions i tendanre law. tendance four r lin Feb. C> ? In tho face of thai Intention of the extremists t<>! . .. , .. ,l phone or teleg ? the meeting of the national , ,1.1. .... I sent over the n I?1 v. the government is taking1 ... . .. , ' also sent to the military measures, both ii, and Weimar. Troops have Another bill reinforced in the newspaper j *? "''"1 to 11 ,r ,,f Itn.-lln r, ,l I......II .1 the cnmmllliin " ??ni urn vii/ <1 armored cars stand day and *" ranee. which before the reichHtag building more than 25 pi idincss to proceed to any 'he capital t ened point. the state invest soldiers' councils in the large The Judlclar; near Weimar, including Klse require all strr ITrfitrt and 'lotha, have pro orovide separati against the sending of troops white and necr dniar and have threatened toithe house and i such measures. The ftule I itoth houses its have occupied the tele- the afternoon fi olHee at Klseraeh. a movo hy lie t'niverslty i they are able to paralyze ,i j the new law sc part of the telegraphic trail ! campus which V'elmar. ( pfeted. il II VSTER, S. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ' N MAY WORK HIGHWAY Bl THESUMNER GROWING I ed By Representa- Committees Heard i Passes to Third ture and Much Leading. Is Repor CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS T McGhee Concur Proviso is Added riution Considered Begin in All lortant Legislation Same Time and 1 jembly. Other States. S. C.. Feb. 6.?The Columbia, S. C., sday received th hearings were held Jheo concurrent reso pending good roads e senate proposing to the general assembly, people the question oi hv the senate comm State constitution. The hiidees and terries. *as written in 18'.* tor .1. W. Shelor is y respects obsolete or was held in the sena ith restrictions. This mittee room. The si w the most important in the house Judici ition before the lower room by the special likely be reported out pointed by the sen; .t... A I v* 1111111 me iit-xi ie? pjood roads legislatioi ;us of opinion is that tive It. B. Belser is cl najority in the hou ): committor. Members I'd for Hi" passage of J committee were p If tlio resolution hearing also, lived by 111" house, the| "We have made or I be submitted to the Jrrrss was t?ie only general election of chairman B"lser woi following legislature ,he hearing last nigh required to frame su"l fnr a ro?pio of hou verning the calling thP committee held a time for holding the ajon. "\Ve are not lioli would be in the mah?i statement, 1 likely in the summer R Ooodwyn Hh,tt John T Stevens of 1 hill to prevent the Iiurnf>t, 0f circ nvil the names of womei nrodna* of Columbia he crime of immoral of j{()rk and oth d therefor, without QVer tllP s(atR were i of the men s names henring These gei the passage by the g' passed by the house 0f the bill providing i senate authorizes the on the question of it , the state superin- the sum of $2f>.000.0 ication, the comptrol struction of a stater d the state bnnk ex- permanent highways, pare and distribute legislation raising th< officers i system of tomobiles. changing i and reports. members of the state ? More tirade*. mission and enlargin lso Hont to the senate Two amendments I requiring the teach bond issue hill w grade pupils in al which seemed to me. ylng two or more favor. One was to 1h:?t work should < Lo amend the Austra eounty at the same - wore passed. Two second was that th< e hy Representative connect with 'he pri ugton. One would al- <'idjnin1np states. voters to name one One intorestinp fa ts in mukinp out his'at the hearinp was it her to po to the sen- attitude of the auto aso a tine of not less state towards the p the tnanaper who in- A. Wilson of Roek 1 the voter, or impris- auto owner, to'd the mpre than two years he had approached 1 11 to allow absent vo- and that every man 1 s passed hy a vote of proposition until it w him, after whirh evei of statewide import ha(1 R'Kned the petitir hy the committee on believes that if the pi forestry, wh'ch would 'bem that practios us revenue from th nioblle owner in the artinent to po to the a ??ronc suppoi nt of education. position rk in Summer. (JREENWOOI) I*A bill to allow the years in cotton ? months of June and Two Idve Kveninp he schools are not in . . , , Forces I"ruler Na ssed to third rend ins at of the chilnre Inrlev Jim npt any district fr ee, af the compulsory at which requires ai Oreenwood, h eh i nonths in the yea; wood Index and dree hill to rerttiire tele ; which have both beer raph messapes to 13 noon editions carryii Host dfrect route was wJrP neWR roporlSf ani senate. _ , day a consolidation of of statewide interest . ,. , . , and that after today le senate was that by , , , , be issued under the na on bankinp and in? . , _ Journal. The mercii would exempt not . ? daily papers will plve >r cent of the amount , a circulation of appre dock of anv hank >? , . . and a mechanical enu !np in Liberty bonds I or pronueir.R nnf of r committer1 l?i!l *) noon papers in the s set ear companies r . (|on tn the regular i? accommodations .o ' .|on a Sunday nrornli oe > was *i fiorovefl hv1 a tri-wcekly edition sent to the senate. rphe followlne will er were the ; ues's i. yunizatlon of the Ind rom r> to 7 o'clock a 1, Watson, editor: K if South Carolina at city editor: R. M N Vw.^i " i..p mi i ri?- j finior; . rv napov. has just be?-n com ; upcr; ami c;. W. (!ai | vertlHing manager. m. Ni 7, 1919. Ill niNf KAI>,D increa JlLUlllll IN THE LAH N FAVOR Department of Action on I/egis By Legisla- j"?t War < Progress ted. Washington, Feb. on legislation to ad, controversies was i () THE BII.l partment of labor, showing that the ... , inanv industrial c That Work creall(,d rapl(llv ln ? Counties at Plants heretofore Connect With work wore 8aid n,,< back to peace a enough to hold the tion of labor. The Feb. 6. Tw> con,'?rJ legislation in manufacturer*' Inve The llrst was' machinery, m-feria Ittee on roads |?mp,e,wl Of which Senu-lI>,unKin* ",nr chairman, and hon,erinr *??*' te finance com- "Tho ,l,',Mr,n,"nl Rcond was held "r *?y, ... stimulate huild'nr a ary committee ml ancment the ah committee ap- . , , , . . in industry, disclos. ite to conside 1 itortn nt wnvs of c< t n. Represent.i, , statement savs: ( airman ?.f tli - , . r .. i i. Legislation o! the senate ! . .... building and loan at resent at j country to use tl ' mortgages for collat msiderable pro-;of fr(,era, homp ,Qa comment that.; ??. |j0fri8|ntion ild make after mediate adjustment t, which lasttd government re o ftnr u-KL 1. . . .; claims crowing out n executive sot-j rescinding of war c yet ready to "The former woi lowever." builders to avail t' of Charleston most two billion <1 osk alfil(.kin.. thf. ~ i,s powers | of nations wp.s mat >o the ornpnsei , t?y Senator lieeil of ere discussed, crat who cM i'dzed nt with genera | "witehe's cauldron. ' add a provl ? volve the lTnited ? 'tart in ever** foreign compl atioi time and t! i t<> t).o Rt van arhitrn ? roads shou1 I dir.g: neipal roads of "While we were to the pod of peat ...- of The cermany and \ .sir mil. ! itions of this war, on k'lorinus dreams with South \frira t i Hie Oreen a".d ri-moti'st nwood Journal' irloho conditions ih 1 issuing after-1 cnmpllshed ;n inooi ng full leased v|mmoN u m7IT flounced yi'Stcr-i |,o\v\ |\ I. \ V the two papers' Lawrence, Mass . one paper w'V. j lonal mills in this ine. The Index-1 clown Jr..lav in onnr ik of the Iw) Htrlkft of textile wo the new paper' hour week with 54 iximately 6.on0| Pemherton nill!c. e iprnent capable operatives, were ?-W the best after tlefinite period, the tate. In add! company's plant e afternoon e(|j was shut down tint np edition and and the print work) wi,l be Issued i mills wore not open impose the o* - 'di t help ex-.lotirnal II The state boa-d P Wldeman i end arblf'a'ton offe torment. new to the strikers todav business man committee of the wc rdner, Jr.. ad sele t a coiainittee I the boat <1. 'sorption of labor | proposed indorsement of the constl d these t \\ nli,irnl fxp''d'cney should not mmon control of', be a fartMr in so sorio,,s ;1 ",attor as worj,l | amending the constitution. ports that th ' The meeting, the first held hy the t participate in'Democratic senators during the war, urkey. Senator hroke up in a roar of laughter o\er imposition upo 1 ' ' ruling of Senator Mat tin on the urk of American ! point of no quorum on the final vote, lit* just as much " w:,s announced th <010 more Din .as imposition recruit for the suit rag" evolution ins n t it is rriun heen gained in Senator Pollock. j of South Carolina, who sj? ho in its peace with th support, zed hy Senate ' - Is of ?' .> ? -u?i itio?? said priI the loss l?y vgtely that it w 1| he brought before he li? lit at ahou the senate next Monday with at least f.i! of the ' *> votes assured in its fa; peace." he ad- vor This would he one short of the peace awaiting" required two thirds hut advocates of disputes with expressed confidence that the one ia n"t the en- additional vote necessary for its hut is dependetP adoption could he secured. Unit have III tin ? h" South Sea L- IT.\ 1/1 \\S I'likl'Mlkl) To utuirters of the ...... ...... I III.Nk VI L \ \ 11 CLAIMS at ran not tie ncn yet-*- I'arls. Feb. The Italian dele cation lots screed upon a ntcmoran< \Itk -111"T 'luni which it will present to th? ffliRNCK, \ss.' prace conference, embodying tho Feb f. Xddi Italian views reusrdinc 'he dlsposicity were shut tion of the Adriatic states formerly lection with the beloncinc to Austria This memorkers for a 4S-| random will he made public after re hours pay The presentatives of the Jupo-Slavs are molovinp 1,2rt" heard by the supreme council, which ?se?i for an ir wna expected to be this afternoon or Lawrence Duc't tomorrow. mptoyinp 3.600 | * il next Mondav l?\NK OKI K IM, VsltKSTKIL * of the Pacific! It oat on, Feb. ?; Luther Hanson, ated I localise of assistant treasurer of the Market Trust company of the Itrighton disoti ceil il'-' t ton t rict. was nrroatnH l?tn 1...1 .?. - - ? ? .... ?? ? t- ? ???( ?% ?Mi i r- d its sorvhoH charge of larceny nl $171.000 from nml ?ho y?-noral the institution Police officials said >rkers ay rood to ho had confessed that ho had taken to confer with money from t' > hank lot uso in ;j?< uhtl ion. i icin t'sinie <" " *nt* resolution ?v not . dopternl in a system. ''d because a quorum was not presn banks. | ent. to authorize ini-i llefore the vote on 'he Jones proami payment hyipnsal a motion of opponents of the of reasonable resolution to adjourn wast defeated, of the summary 23 to 1". ontiaets. After adjournment Senator Jones, ild permit horn chairman of the women suffrage hemselves of ,i' committee, said the conference aeloll.irs in loans (.fKFn PI \> i o. *,w | majority of tie- conterence present ? i and therefore no quorum with which ,ou.i Again At-! 10 :l4-t "n ,h" resolution A large I majority of those present, however, l.eugtic of J were in favor of the resolution." as. The political expedh u>-v <>; acting | (in the suffrage aniendm' ' was the principal theme <>f do to whloh n \n<>'h?r ad v ,,s marked by its vc, .>incnt " argued j that tip fort cues of t1 ? nocratic Men treaties, at] I Party world he aided \ ' :Vorahle EWS SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR ?k -s STRATEGY DOWNS - Kariy VOTE ON SUFFRAGE lutioii to A. Strategy of iustment of the' r" opponents of e.|iial sun rage was st tuen t in war , . . said to have prevented a record vote Is and partiallvi ,, , in Indorsement <>f the Su-ati It. Anwas blamed fort , . tlionv siiflrage constitutional anienderns Into a state ' ment resolution at ;i conference last nation. .... night of Democratic senators. I of labor s in.. an,| means to \ft?-i more than two boui . of dond improvements, bate. Senator Jones of New Mexico.