A LIVE PAPER npW 1 Jl 1 r A LIVE TOWN iL a 68TH YEAR. NO. 22. SEMI-WEI ???????????? RAISE MORE FOOD "T . SAYS COMMISSION Knffli y United States Should Take Inir tiative to Forestall a Pos sible Shortage. Ashe was kl] when a CONDITION IN EUROPE BA1) train 01 , turned rose 3? Strong Demand .for Staple deati; ] Products and Prices Will injured Be "Steady and at a High Level." engine. f The Washington, Jan. 9.?Recomraen datlon that the United States tak ' . noHcenr ' the initiative in formulating an in- , ... .... ^ ni mo* ternational program of agricultural production for the entire world to forestall a possible serious shortage t of food, feed and fibre in the next , , . . sided ii few years, was made to the depart- trnjnrn( ment of agriculture by the commis- ^ sion sent to Europe last fall by the , .. , .... ed thei department to study conditions. McPow The commission said condition found in England. France and Italy ' 'hr^e f indicated a strong demand for staple ^ n|^ agricultural products of this country such as wheat, meat, sugar, cotton _ .(.rp and wool and that prices will be "steady and at a high level," if there 1 is reasonable provision for shipping | fertilities and a co-opernflve elTor on the part of the allied governments ( ?,,sl ' to organize for production and dis- Oren trlhutlon. Fearing that many American farmers now will revert to their usual profitable crop systems, which were pjro modified at serious disadvantage to 8a(iors assist in the emergency of the wheat pnrt j^t shortage during the war, the com- Wjth cc mission urged new steps to prevent reRCUe j possible disaster. Qf Hend "The commission believes that un- breakei usual risks of ov6r production should gmdierf be assumed by wheat Importing na mocks I Hons which would be the sufferers ^nvs n in case of under production," the the nrl report said. bound , "We would suggest that steps be tr00p? taken to have the nations now as- Then sociated as belligerents with the Pr fnr I'nited States determine as accurate- ?rounfj< ly as may be. not later than May, This 1919, what will be the world's needs pjp onf for wheat from the 1920 harvest so 0f that appropriate steps may be taken tbo toW to insure an adequate supply. A h0|?,tlnf slm'lar arrangement might well bo Hb|p considered in reference to meat sup- Capti plies, sugar, cotton and wool." taJn An interallied council, with the third r secretary of agriculture as the mem- wag jn Per for tne United States was suggested to consider the proposal . HUNS AH the countries will need to lm- ' ' port large supplies of livestock pro- U1 ducts and farm machinery. The commission Included W. O Thompson, president of Ohio state university, chairman; Carl Vroo-J Draw Id m n O ual otonf A ?? * l MODitivnui OVVI Ciai T Ul aKI ICUI" I lure, and David R. Ooker, cotton grower, HartavlUe. 8. C. I,ond BERI IN GOVERNMENT IS treason PREPARED FOR TOUBLE admiral showing Cabinet Has Alllwl All Agencies to fore l,o Resist Probable Spartaean At- tion "l tack?Have Troops Ready. comes a member Rerlln. Jan. 9.?A government from a official has Informed the corre- j which 1 spondent that the cnhlnet has allied , keeping all agencies to the support of law' The | and order nnd defense of the gov- Une wl' ernment. I and the "If the Spartacans attack us.", in the f said the official, "they will find us marine . prepared. We have all the troops , got The Spartacans also are arming and adding making the roval stables their head-! think), quarters. A spacious apartment In ' inscript) the former chancellor's palace has perlal < been equipped as a Red Cross room. .|Rb whl ,to any RXPI/CWIOlf IN PITTSBURGH publish KIM/KT) OVER trt PERSONS Pittsburgh. Jan. 9.?Between 16 I'NAB and 20 persons, mostly women and, Rlcht girls, were killed and more than a p."actlea score of others Injured here when a falling 1 terrifflo exnloston wrecked a film ex- Ing the change building In the business dls-i James i trlct. Eight bodies have been recov- turned ered from the ruins. Firemen re- on the port that many other bodies are bu- shoes, rled under wreckage. j warded 'i V. '" I ie La EKLY. L lWAY FREIGHT ON PFAf UDA KILLS TRAINMAN lljfll ? GE1 n Creaaninn Pinned Ilenenth J ie Wlien Train Plunges Into itjr Switch and Overturns. Wilson " chai ville, Jan. 9.?One trainman Fo lle miles south of this city. The p L. N. Creasman. fireman, th : Walter Green, brakeman Plan V. A. McDowell, engineer Are an was pinned beneath th Ame mishap occurred when brakes thbound freight train No. 52 paris, to work while the train was part8 0 ling the steep grade of Salu- r,va, of intaln. The train plunged c|a) de,( fety switch No. 2. overturn ment or i locomotive and five cars. preB he victims of the accident re pre i Asheville. The two Injurec 8amo B, ;n were brought to the mis ration c spital here where it was stat- tprma b r condition Is not critical. con8ljju el hast a fractured shouldo Alrea een has a broken knee and bePn m. Ingers crushed from his left proposa ^ recen't a SOLDIERS TAKEN FROM STRANDED SHIP a leadin of the the var [iuurdN and Sailor* Complete terested t Task of Itescutng 2,r?00 quite df dl and Wounded Troop*. tlve na one by Inland, N. Y., an. 6.?Weary by I",eu manning the atranded trans- 'ormcr irthern Pnclflc, who shared ^ n'on ? ?ast guards and the crews of P'a11 ns ships In the unparalleled task has n,s' Ing safely ashore through the are be,n 8 2,500 well and wounded HPec'a"p i. Climbed into their ham ground* free, for the first time In four f anxiety over the safety of Lord my of veterans homeward a broad from Europe. The last or the saMon c aboard went over the side thus fa e was promise of fair weath and has the removal of half th finite tf t?d vessel's crew. Genei undertaking will he a s'n\ 'lar lln? ' compared with the delicate mainly lowering helpless men fron ?*f such erlng decks of the liner and Goth r them aboard the hospital careful lace a mile off shore. thorltlof iln Connelly reported to Cap- regardei eriing, chief of staff "of the M. Fh laval district that his vessel French excellent condition. else em itfelaila. THOUGHT TO SAIL tration. P THE THAMES RIVER ties for Itlsli Admiralty Has a (irrmui leagues Include ing Showing flcrman Hub. and oco: narine Before lx>ndon. united t cress. The i on. Jan. 9.?One of the now bet ftd possessions of the British lsts as t ty Is a German drawing Ident. si C a U-boat in the Thames be- fundamt ndon with the famous inscrlp- and prei 's Kommet ein Tag" (There form. C i uuy i. 11 was ooiaineu Dy a aamenra of the admiralty intelligence league, source and by a method nations British naval officers are stid which w secret. power a picture shows a London sky- Also. Ih the houses of Parliament lnfluenc< dome of St. Paul's cathedral, the lea? oreground is the German suh- with th< flying a large imperial en- the grea On the conning tower are ers wou illors facing the sky-line with their str inched fists menacing raised heir heads. On the deck Is Anoth sailor in the same pose. corning ine under the picture Is "Un- to be ei ?ot vor London" (submarine America London) to which the officer national I the picture not refrain from rious laj "Itch denke nieht."I don't oped an It Is announced the picture, as trust* Ions and all but with the Im- )n inal^n replaced by the Brlt-I opment te ensign will bo reproduced ties, newspaper that desires to| It Is i It. I tlors wl ~ ' lished a LK TO SOIVK MYSTERY. ext?,nHlr< nond, Va.. Jan. 9.?With p lly every cjue so far obtained1 form thr o solve the mystery concern-] f>bo dec woman found dead In the ninst be Ivor a week n?ro, police here pen, their attention to following Repor ense by means of the Rlrl's lzntion 1 A description has been foi- . to a New England factor7 (Oo NCAS1 ANCASTER, S. C., FRIDAY, JANL ;e architects place/ r TO BUSINESS LICENS and Others Begin Ex- Good Roads nges on Definite Terms Legislati r League of Nations. Fro VG SOME HEADWAY HOLD ME Iritish and One French Recommenci Have Been Presented and Highway Being Compared By Compose* rican Specialists. Congress Jan. 9.?The return to Columbia, f President Wilson, the ar- inR an all d Lord Robert Cecil, the spe- state highwj Rgate of the Rritish govern- of legl 1 the league of nations, and the approach fence here of Leon Bourgeois eral assembl; nch representative on the night by the ubject. marked the inaugu- Paign commil >f exchanges on the definite n?i call for y which the league is to be proaching se* ted. Bembly of an dy considerable progress has issue, but as fide on the various tentative 'nK to the pa Is put forward, but in the 1920 sess bsence of the President these A change t taken definite form, as It is commission h ted he personally will tak from each c< g part in the final formation be appointed plan. Meanwhile, however the three sei ious governments chiefly in- engineering i are presenting outlines i ? South Caroli (finite form. Clemson coll Ilrltlsh plans of this tentr- commission, i ture have been presented - legislation, w I.ord Robert Cecil, the other to appoint ai tenant General J. C. Smuts of its engine minister of defense, of the the power to f South Africa. The French ulate and ma formulated by M. Rourgeols highways, c< a been set forth, and these seat, such h g compared by the American structed and its who are preparing the cai"e of the t rork for President Wilson; deloped upon nri. ^ i.t *_ *% Thia onm T nit- r irncn ruin. ? vx/.... Robert Cecil's plan outlines l"?tructed to I and comprehensive organl- construction it the league of nations, but highways an? r It Is In the general terms 8pssion of th not yet been reduced to de- hopds would srms of enactment. an^ the estln al Smuts' plan Is along slrn necessary foi >s, but more general, and :s ?'* a'ter pro' a thesis on the advantages tenanre of th a league of nations. The leglsla of-these plans are receiving to pass s?ch study by the American an counties of t i and. It. Is declared.'both are rtl,r'ng 1919 1 In a most favorable light construction >urgeols* plan, embodying ttheir county point of view, while general. a,so he madr braces a number of sppclftc county, whir! iiu-IuutiiK ?o.npuln.-.i y ami of a s,ate hig restriction of excessive ar hy the conn and international tribunal Pcvision. the terles of sanctions of penal- or> ,n the ev? enforcing observance of the ma(te whereb decisions. These sanction an>' way to variotts diplomatjc. Judicia highway systi nomic measures, whereby th< c?8* as s"ch lations may enforce their de- ovont be ehtl The legish Vmerlcan viewpoint, as It is ra'8e the am ng formulated hy the special n,np with IS he groundwork for the Pres per horse seks to reach an accord on an<1 tnotorey mtals on which all agree P?wpr for m ?ent them In simple working cense for def )ne of the chief of these fun- ma^e ?f par Is is the formation of a "censp of trf which will embrace all the ^he centn of the world but not one decided that 'ill establish any balance of sue cou'(' h< mong a group of nations. hor- fh care is beinp taken that the to defln: i of the various nations in | of highways ;ue would be in accordance!system : eir size and importance, so over and ma t powers and the small pov- t,on- The hi tld have voice according 10 he p*Ppf,,pfl inding. hold hearingi For Small Vntlona. W,n b* Rivfin er feature especially con 01188 'n detal small undeveloped nations is " s *? ',l0'1 Htabllshed, according to the n plan?a system of inter Sees trusteeship whereby the va- Columbia, rger nations having a devtel- aeon so mmv d stable civilization will act launched and *es for the society of nations hot air that I *ing the progress and devel- nresenf move of undeveloped communi seriously unt ference of rej recognized the league c,f na- Tr,fferson hoti U have to have some estah- and saw the ind permanent seat for its on the faces 8 international work, and v'pH known i leal conviction is taking "When I s it this seat will he Versailles Coker. of Ha lsion rs to this, however. Charleston, 1. > the natural outgrowth of bin. A. R Ca ?e conference. # Greenville, T ta that the working organ Spartanburg might he located In Holland known bnaln ntlnued on Page Right.) (Contln ? I rm rARY 10, 1919. VDTOMOBiLE ''v >E $1 PER H. P.... / Committee Will Ask lira fa P ?? T?? I-V viiaiif^c l(tA ?m 25 Cents. w Mem man ET IN COLUMBIA PXpP ? befoi Is Also That State V<' leiirr Commission Bj to b 1 of One From Each caus . .x. . A me tonal District. M ingt< S. C.. Jan. 9.?Follow- Wr,t' ay conference with thCi*'" ^ ly commission, a pro- l>ut islation to be asked at * ing session of the Ken- ,on y was agreed upon last wan' State Good Hoads camLtee. The program does P:it^ the passage at the ap- "l'nl ssion of the general as- P'"1'*1 enabling act for a bond 1 ks for legislation look- ^f'nn issage of such an act at 'vi,n don. Boyin the present highway "n ' io as to include one ungressional ?listrict. to 'nK ' i by the governor and lator professors of civil ,>n,P it the University of na. the Citadel and reasi pge will be asked. This under the proposed new l'1 ould t>e given the right Bruc id fix the compensation aPen era and employees, and ''pr lay out, construct, reg- fa" intain a system of state f innecting every county inari ighways to be so con- autl1 surfaced as to take raffle which may be de- kno^ i them. pers nission would also be Boyinvestigate the cost of ?' B of such a system o P,a'r 1 to report to the next t^esi e legislature what state P?ve be necessary therefor, lated annual license tax | FR r the retirement there- ^ riding for proper maine said highway, iture will also be asked Pass acts as will enable the he state to Issue bonds and thereafter for the of highways with'n lines. Provision would p( ! for the return to any a^er 1 constructs any portion j,nni hway system as laid out mission, under its su <>nz., > cost of said highways: f p , nt of a provision being jr(>n, y counties contribute in the construction of the j)p^n| pm, such portion of this rove] county would In that tied to. r iture will be asked to ' "P'1 nial license tax. begin- ' 1 v 20 on motor vehicles to ' oun power for automobiles P?5,r cles and $2 per horse >,>ar! otor trucks and the li- j *? ? . . ! rpnn iters to $f>o ror each handled, and to fix the fatl" tilers at $10. fer il campaign committee Mi inasmuch as no bond is-i l'118 i ratified until N >vem-'j ^ort e heat course would he he w Itely map out a svs*e->4 the < and have as much of Munt is Is practicable taken hint. Intalned in good conn - Mr Ighway commission will Presl 0 visit each county arm 1 Juni< s at which the peooTel'uner an opportunity to ?: *- from 1 the system as it ap 3:.10 county. these place Determination. Pa" S. C., Jan. 9.?"I have ^ rood roads movements! result in nothing but ,,row really did not take the ment in the state very il I attended the con- Mr nrcsentatlve men at the move el on Friday afternoon ^ey determination written Nout of those men " unifl n i alroa ?outh Carolinian today, nw men liko David H rtsviile, R. G. Rhcft, of w > \j. Hnrdin, of Colum ^ rter and O. P. Mills, of of th Victor Monteomorv r?f wore and other equally well 'he 1 eaa men. profoaalona P?v brlfle tied on Pape B.l pope News SUBSCRIPT >TON MEANS TRIED IpREC TO HIRE RED BUCK ' "LUi ted 11 im to Write Article* LAI I bout Cotton Favoring tierman Government* In CabI Valu ashington. Jan. 9.?Gaston B as, testifying before the Over, committee, told of some of his riences as an agent of Hoy-Ed ENER( re the war. He declared that he red his connections when he . led the Germans were prepared egin unrestricted warfare be Simp e he knew that would involv Aflfec rica. r. Means said he came to Wash tion i an to try to enlist services o prs for Germany and saw H. Washi ryant, and tried to employ him 1|)g pm could not. Theodori wanted him to write ahout cot j?arj8 Ti and he asked ir the German an(] |sgu ted him to misstate facts for ?w00( i. He said that he was in sym- lhed in executive session where porni|(tP 9 might be found, saving ^ej]jTie 0f j rnment should have them. " himself. \NK HUNTER IS DEAD , "Int U played s FTER ILLNESS OF WEEK py and the conn field. / Ml Away ^ cxtcrxlny Afternoon ?.,fj()n tl at 5:4(1 at lli.s Home on trnl will Harr Street. an(1 ituh thus arr stimulati ank W. Hunter died yesterday try that noon at 5:40 o'clock at hi sequent p on Harr street, death bein ; forms, to pneumonia following infiu "His Mr. Hunter had been-ill a lit-! izcd hv , uo'-e than a week but almost affection the first his condition was re- and emt pyterlan church, the Masonic. "Actin >r and Woodmen lodges and al services will be conducted the residence this afternoon at A mar o'clock under the auspices of (]irouci,0 > lodges. Interment will take af w.,vh; in Westslde cemetery. Thejn0on wh bearers will be A. J Gregory.i ,Q(te an Pardue. Willie llendrlx. Perry! unjted li ey. I.atta Hood. Dr. R C. thp bHd( n- a recent family tl Move to Heath Springs. Jy mpmj and Mrs Krnest Caskey have contract! d to Heath Springs Mr. Pas The cen has been appointed carrier o*? Rev. J 1 e 3 from that pikstofhce and has I The hi dy entered upon his duties. Walkup, ?"? Mrs. Wa I 'amea-Shnte. To? nc Carnes and Miss Hat hute daughter of .1. D. Shute, The C e eastcn nart of the county. Pauline married Sunday afternoon a Miss Kui h/imA r* t tKo KeHI a'.? ~ K?v til HIV I/I mv n imiumrs wrri* TfM Mr. Bloodaoe ofReiating. The Young, and groom are well-known and Winthro lar young people. eora. j ' COTTON TODAY k AT f 28 T-2 CENTS NON $2.00 A YEAR [DENT WILSON IDS ROOSEVELT ed Proclamation Recites able Services of Dead Ex-President. ;y and initiative Life Characterized By licity, a Vertue and an tion Worthy of Admiraiind Emulation. npton, Jan. 9.?The followelamation on the death of a Roosevelt was cabled from lesday by President Wilson ed at the state department: ilrow Wilson, President of ed States of America, oclamation. To the peoule fnited Slates: jcomes my sad duty to unofficially the death of Theoosevelt. President of the States from September 14, March 4. 1909. which oct his home at Sagamore Hill, lay. New York, at 4:15 in the morning of January In his death the United as lost one of its most disRd and patriotic citizens. I endeared himself to the y his strenuous devotion to erests and to the public inf his country. resident of the police board five city, as a member of the re and governor of his state, service commissioner, as asecretary of the navy, as *ident and President of the States, he displayed adminpowers of a signal order ducted the affairs of these offices with a concentration and a watchful care which d no divergence from the uty he had definitely set for 10 war with Spain, he disIngular initiative and enerdistlnguished himself among inanders of the army in the ks President he awoke the i the dangers of private conich lurked in our financial nstrial systems. It was by esting the attention and . ng the purpose of the counhe opened the way for subnecessary and beneficent reprivate life was charactera simplicity, a virtue and au worthy of all admiration ilation by the people of estiir.ony of the respect in is memory is held by the ent and the people of the aLnim, i in) nereny direct flaps of the White House several departmental builddisplaved at half stafT for a f 30 days, and that suitable and naval honors under orhe secretaries of war and of be rendered on the day of ral. this seventh day of Janthe year of our Lord one nine hundred and nineI of the independence of the States of America the one and forty-third. I row Wilson, he President, < L. Polk p Secretary of State." Oelainey-lti allium. riape of unusual interest, ut the Oarolinas occurred sw. N\ C Wednesday afteren E. S. DeLanev, of Chard Miss Ethel Rodman were a marriape at the home of p's mother. On account of bereavement in the bride's le wedding was private, on?ers of the families of tbe iir parties being present. >mony was performed by iV. Moore. ride is a sister of Mrs. R. N. of this rity. and Mr. and Ikup attended the wedding Visiting in Chester. K OU or I I.noivi ur|MM in nnj-3, .VI1^C> Marlon, of Lancaster, and irenla D-onnan of Richhurg. enf guests of Miss Rosa M>ss Mi ?-lon returned to I> and Miss Drennan to Chfi I