If ~ * " 2 TDATDA A Domanct? of ihe A Sy PANDAIX PARI *-^AUTHOn of'rvt LAPY c///?e nORTH." HAIO J i CHAPTER XVI. Pie ?I ful c In the Hande of the Crew. steadj The afternoon brought me increased "omev i faith that the imprisonment of Fergus Kuflich McCann had practically ended the re- cause bclllon of the men forward. No doubt s,*t- i the spirit of mutiny still lingered, but w"tch without the leadership this hud ceased than t to be dangerous. Unbacked by the '"'r ?* "New Yorker's display of wealth. Liver- come pool Red and Jim White were sudden- ; wheel, ily shorn of power to control the crew, should Nor did anything occur during the , s"'lllt; remulnder of the day to lead me to re- tance Tiso this conclusion. The weather held having fair, and the men worked cheerfully. ever, ] Now that the liquor was out of them with t they proved themselves u fairly effl- tnalne clent crew, obeying the orders of the where mates smartly. Apparently the crisis there una neen passed, and the only problem oeiwei remaining to confront us was that of ^ be navigation. With my mind at rest on until t this point, I passed the hours of the lessly afternoon largely In my own stateroom, barely sleeping for an hour or more in prep- the se arntlon for the night's watch on deck, >n a(b and Inter carefully figuring out In de- waterj tall the exact course I should attempt *be ri| to follow during the period of dark- Kltstei ness. gloom Before the call to supper came, I even called on Bascom to explain to him the streng situation, but found the man stupefied Jfulsh by some drug, tnken perhaps to allevl- mast, ate pain, and scarcely capable of com- up ?f preheiullng my moaning. Satisfied that \ lin ed I could gain no assistance from him, I north left the man lying helplessly In his prefer hunk, and returned to the main cabin, ble en Vera did not appear until after Lea- My yord and I were seated at table, yet sleep, she had been on deck during the after- black noon, and had much to say relative to of inn the beauty of the ocean scene through usual which we sailed. reallzi It was a pleasant hour we passed at longer the table, Leayord relieving Olson, but active the girl and I lingering In rather idle dawn conversation before we went on deck, us see In spite of the pleasant day, and that blot 01 the sun was still visible In the west- Even ern sky, the air on deck was chill, and Just a I returned below for a heavier coat, tlnguli and also brought buck with me a cloak eyes e oeionging to tne lute communder with ne nm which to protect Miss Carrlngton. But "Ar< for a faint trail of smoke far to the "Ye: westward, barely visible as the sun shado* Bank below the horizon, no evidence "It was discernible of any other vessel In speed' the wide circle. I hailed the lookout | In the maintop, but the wisp of smoke water, was too for away for his eyes to deter- Ing a i mine the course of the distant steamer, by a although as he swept his glasses a bit split t farther nortnwuru, iLey bevmue f.icd w,?ilo and motionless. As I stared up at him, possib his voice reported: I h "Sail ho!" erosso "Where away?" a pol "About three points ofT the port bow, stump air?a schooner's topsail." denly "Very well, keep her In sight?a fish- ures Ing vessel likely." deepei Both watches were on deck, clus- swlngl tered In a restless bunch before the have 1 forecastle, or overhanging the rail, evl- of mj dently deeply Interested In observing close < our efforts to get all possible speed out j versat of the Indian Chief. The fading light were gave me a glimpse of their faces, and their I noticed that both Liverpool and 'I"* ar White were circulating freely from t^e ot group to group. However, the men niy responded readily enough to Olson's H<,nt t orders, and sang cheerily as they tailed , onto the ropes, Liverpool himself lead- I Ing the way up the ratlines and out | ujioii me mainyara us they sheeted ' Mc 7 home* I liT' i The stars began to pop out in the ^ arch of sky above, silvering the wn- ' tors, and we could no longer perceive what was taking place forward. The night shades settled about us, and the staunch Indian Chief drove her sharp ?\ bows through the black waste of sea In a race to cross the zone of danger | PBS! before the coining of another dawn. ; Apparently everything was in our favor, and I stood there, leaning against the rail, chatting with Miss Vera, our I conversation drifting Idly. i Wj It must have been after nine when j yVAjB the girl left, complaining of being chilled even in the protection of the great cloak. I crossed the deck with her to the head of the stairs, and our bunds clasped as we lingered there u j moment, the dim light revealing her face uplifted toward mine. "You are not going below, then, Mr. Hollis?" she questioned. "Surely all goes well?" "So remarkably well," I admitted, "as to rather nuzzle me Vn T uk?ii remain o;i deck until morning; not that I really anticipate trouble, but the entire responsibility rests with me." ^ls v Ton do not feel that your officer# are efficient?" | Almo, "Only within their limits of knowl- ; vp(. w edge. I like the men, and trust them, I C))1(1 { but at that they are only promoted ..j ^ from before the mast In an emergency. I tenH'e Neither possess any real knowledge of for jj seamanship. You can go to your berth, top 0, and go to sleep, Miss Vera, assured { f that the ship will be In safe hands." white "I know It will, If you remain on but m deck," she answered earnestly. *1?I fears learned to trust yon." throuj The hoars of the nirht ears me Uk , ?y.Q JHK LAX a m rftckpf about? I-JL \ ^ \ I ' White's fingers cho I | / l 1^1 I 1 less ellerce. his kne I / \ I ^ I f ioto my breast. It w 1 y j % I ^ I S who answered sullen j- i ii .. "I knocked over a lotTiT AtiantlC Leayord "growled' \l c* PI i?^ i words falling to carry S I ill [* c ftiau/n h co I wlnd. but a moment If ^ ? no further Investigii FOREST, ETC. made, Liverpool thr and lifted me to m 'I glaring Into tnlne. "One whimper fr< CHMMSBSHBHI overboard," mu port unity* for thought, and care- "Take It from me we onslderutlon. The wind held about. Come on now, \ and while the sea roughened nuthln'. There's nol hat tills slight change was not ter give yer a hand, flit to diminish our progress, or collar, Jlin." any swerving from the course With White's hand \ll remained quiet forward, the my own revolver at on deck finding little to do other tempt to break away heir routine duties, and no mem- simply suicide. The the crew had any occasion to scene from those or aft, except those detailed to the that the two men \\ There seemed no reason why I desperate, their plat I remain on deck, yet the respon- evident. The gray lij y rested upon me, and the Impor- faces, and there was of the night's run prevented my scowling eyes. ; any wish to retire below. How- "Forward yer go 1 found no occasion to lnterferu White, his fingers twl he operation of the ship, and re- collar. "It's little m d mostly on the main deck. BU>' aboard this hoo my watchfulness assured me "What do you proj was no communication passed mutiny, men." i?n rorecnsue aim cabin. men u 11 nave tr fog grew steadily more dense, war, an' we're Englls it dawn, we were steaming reck- loaded with war stufl through u thick cloud of vapor, niuny. That sort o* t able to observe the surface of ?80 come on, und st< a, dull, sodden gray, a few yards They forced me ar ranee of our bow. The dense, the windlass to the f folds swept ulong our sides, and castle steps, slid bac gglng dripped moisture onto the grooves and thrust mi ling deck planks. It was a lQto the murky depth y, dreury morning enough and, light, swinging to a b as the light of early dawn the deck above, enst thened, I could scarcely dlstln- lsh glare over the li a thing forward of the main to n,e at least two-tl However, there was no slowing clustered about, ev speed or sounding of siren. Con- some such event. V I that we were now safely to the collar, but I.lverpoo of the usual course of ships, I trance, shutting out red to take the chance of dossI- breath of pure air, L llislon. word, eyes were heavy from lack of "Well, we've got tli and long staring out through the an' no shindy," he sal night; my senses dulled by hours a gun came with him. ctlon, during which nothing un- W"1 8t*e If we enn |i had occurred to arouse ine to mate Into taking u trl itlon of impending danger. I 110 "Where's ltilly C even suspected trouble, or uny hostility forward. With the "Oh. he's asleep be the density of fog enwrapping *y ?' time to attend tned to increase, ami completely 'et the engine-room j. ut every glimpse of sea and sky. K**t control o 'the d< Leayord leaned over the rnll an' Harris better con hove me, could scarcely he dlH- un' n,e on this Job. L shed as a ninn, and evidently his buck, an' we might ould not make me out at all, for J'ke we caught Hollii lied doubtfully : want to hurt nobody 1 you still on deck. Mr. HolllsT" to. Where's the nlgi b," I answered, staring up at his "Right hyar, sah." ?. "A bad fog." "Come on, then; I is, sir. Would we better reduce the wheel In five mil 1" you fellers know yei , not yet; I am counting on open The five men sllppt and would rather chance strlk- sibling the door shut stray thun risk being overhauled I stared about into t Hrltlsh cruiser. The sun will 'e*t with me, still do his mist before noon, and mean- handling to which I we must make all the northing e<1. y?t fully aroused le." tne aiiack upon >ue 5 card his "aye, aye, sir," as I sudden Impulse, but d to the port rail. I hnd reached 1? a carefully formed nt nearly opposite the broken session of the ship. of the foremast when I was sud- warn the men aft ol confronted by two blurred flg- danger. How shou emerging noiselessly from the vague way 1 knew m< r shadow cast by a qunrter bout those grouped uhout ing In davits. The fellows must ro('B" only a few nan known who I was, and the path rough lot, typical r approach; no doubt had been niany of pronounced enough nft to overhear my con- ance, yet there was I Ion with Leayord. At least they vicious about them, on me before I truly realized w'ould obey orders wl near presence?the one gripping but now they were e\ in I Hung up In startled defense; control of their lea< her driving his flst straight Intn presslon of their fa ce, a sledge-hammer blow which oslty rather than ha ne crashing hack full length on to l?8t them I strn ck. Stunned, dazed as I was by placed a foot on the "None o* that now, , vX ' ; . fwar was (It-clnr* back there In the on So\v!l^i fortune In this veni 1 "Devil take him The point Is we're t "Lie Still, D Youl" jn wartimes It's no i Iclous attack, I made an Instant's to capture an Inlmj {le, but was quickly crushed buck, "Who told you th rellesa hand gripping my throut. "Never mlnd^ who '" * ?ald, casting r b still, d you!" muttered a r'nK ?f faces. "But voice, and I knew the speaker dltlons do not Justlf; m White, "or I'll blow the whole Now ,ook here. Du yer head off." | are ln a mighty bad etained sense enough to obey,! ter. You're merchai >'? knee pinning mo to the deck, signed on for a peac< >me sound of my fall must have la no business of yc d aft, for Leayord sang out batches. That's for (h the tog: And out. The Indli tward there I What's all tb*t American register. B^^HKtaflHHBOHHBHHHHssMMBMBBlWNSatoas>>ss>sisnMaM0> UABTKK NbJWi* FRIDAY, DEC. i r-? Boat, and your act Is mutiny ked me Into help- hl?h 8eas- You know what t e crunching hard moan to you and your mate as Liverpool Red Y?u- lf you're ever caught?" Iy: "Who says that?" K.. ??. "I t'o * and I know more of . . , t * than any of those fools who ai "rr;^: ">?'? ' to us against the ft man on board here, and It itoi* UUHUHA/1 Kof I *!**? " ? J Al"~ '* * * nai.ouvu v.ci | uci, uLiu me wnoie nunoli of ; it inn was to be | be made to swing for It. M< ust White aside got life for less than you ha' y feet, his eyes now. But I'll give you a chat "What chance, sor?" >m you. an' yer "To stand by the ship. Set ittered hoursely. now. and buck up the officers I know what we're [ talnlng discipline aboard, and an' dou't attempt ( of your names goes Into the iody forard here "An' sail the blootnln' h<* Tuke hlin by the Hamburg?" , "Of course; that's the p< gripping me, and signed for." my heud, any ut- | There was an uneasy shuf would have been feet, and a muttering of voice thick fog hid the light was too poor to enable m i watch aft, and cipher the expressions on th ere reckless and of the men, yet I felt that m; is well laid, was were wasted. Dugnn. however ;ht revealed their the prevailing sentiment. no mercy In the "Not a d one ov us is f Ing that voyage," he said grim i, sir!" growled stow yer tongue, mate." He sted in the Jacket ut me facetiously, then glance ore yer'l liav' ter at the others. "There's biggei ker." com in' to us no v than ??v..r ?. ? >ose doing? This on for." (To Re Continued ? be mutiny. It's hinen; this ship's Children take RAId.AItn'c fa, bound for tier- HOUND SYRUP willin'r'y I" ulk meuns nutiiln' tastes nice. There isn't :? >W that guff." remedy anywhe e fo?* eh ound the bulk of ,.OUKjls. hoarseness and brr < ml of the fore- a Rf>od medicine and k the door In its ^ " ?? _. i staggering down take 1 rice 2Ro' 50c aml $1 s below. A slush ho,,le- So,rt b>' a" dealers i lockened beam in f'ne.?Adv. n ghastly yellow aterior. revealing AMERICANS ACTIVE <1 ilrds of the crew, mup % * t> * x-i 4 v Klently ?>v?1,lng THE ALBANIAN I 1'hlte held to my 1 closed the en- . . ? > % .. . . . Xmericnn Ambulance Men even that faint icfore speaking a Important Part?Austrl . . Prisoners t'urse tlerinan le main guy, lads, Id cheerfully, "an* Now a few o' us -ersuade the first ParK npc' 6 ?American p forward." lance men played an importa llson?" asked a in ,b?' recent heavy fighting Albanian front. The light low; there's plen- the Americans forged ahead to him, an' we'll most impassable roads keej ;ang alone till we wjth tjlt! victorious French ek* Slmnis you , "nd ^ ae, do yer?" bearing-down pains . . r, a big, two-fisted left me entirely." and a slow drawl 9 1 1' y?d weak an .J run-down, or suffer froi 1 me here?" f] 3 womanly pains, 2 too far on this CUB down. Thnr'd he TAKFi f we turned you ai nni "fLr . Outrun | - BU | g r and I g IJ I Kullonnen, nnd ^ the wen. This Is m ??? ? m y serious affair to ln6 W003311 S 10 ' nt it thnt way, _. ? You can feel safe in giv [ted fer a peaceful I I ing Cardui a thoroug o cargo o' contra- l|l trial. It is composed c i. This yere In- Kfl mild, vegetable, medici -full o' munitions ingredients, recog e tmth, sor?" nized by standard medi be" B cal books for many yeart h ? h.Thtw'hT. II as being of great vatue i lure- II the troubles trom whic l,l, fortune. I?! only women suffer. Th lot Dutchmen, on' M enthusiastic praise ot th nutlny fer a crew V V thousands of women wh rs ship." I I have been helped b at?" I I Cardui in Its past 40 year to'd us; It's the II of successful use shout HI assure you of its genuin instances It might merit, and convince yo ny eyes about the that jj WOuid be wort! : the present con- y0UT whilc to try thi y any such action. m^djcjne for yomr trou gan ; you fellows All druggists sell it boat In this mat- wj u nuuiu^iMw. it aeanien; you've PtI m /* J ?ful voyage, and It I ft/ IJtfflHI >urs what's below VS the warships to Hl^ in Chief Is nnder' a neutral . ?' 7, 1917. on the BHBBB hat will ?. don't | r.,? Luzia> fou kill la murjrou can en have ! ve done Bce" | mzjANi me free ^ w* main- ,* not one I >J log." | oker to 1 ' j L ,v . utrrtz >rt yon P lfce Rtibf^ytoir ' ^OIITtRSCrllOASTt ... ? ^ s??Oauw? OVA fling of ?. The ? e to do- The Luzianne Guar e fat es after using the c y words 0f m cmtti yOU are not a , voiced in every reaped, yo cer will refund your er male>y. "So winked ||j| || r wages ? ^ - :.?S- M ! signed A -*~g/ The Reily ?, c i ] ' ? miles in three da ... ! \vh" h they hod plai ?n It t . ... u 1?' iter much resist h heavy fighting ore l> II O .. day when French ar n m e't 0 t nearly all of th 'i' ns. At one point the French were fort 1 nuil! pontoon bvldp RO^'' I h'.avy Are of the |Th'R completed, th? / i?|., ! formed nh a:l a d c< ; tor pod. m: ny of then Inn j three d > vi'h-rt f ,s_ I'm' os(*i' ' f.? the sa ; keep up with the ad' jt'es v ore light and t amhu wotruled soldiers for mt pan n.i(>n to transport to t on th Many Austrian pris cars <> ,j)(. French surrender) over a) slightest resistance, ling up viewed by their rapt< armies invariably strong in k pass nat|on Qf the Oermai cavalry pinme for prolonging posslb.e rep0rted that their ra 11 after restricted to meat, bt and welcomed the re than vegetables and wlr French provided therm Mil Heartburn is a syr S'9 gestion. Take a dosi In such cases. The i E3 j instantly. The bowel ^fjdily and you feel fine Ill' cheerfuI- l>1 lce r,0c HI ideaitrH in me(i,c,ne 1RUB OUT with good oil linirr the suretft way to [The best rubbing MUST LINIM Good for the A\ Horses, Mules, < Good for your ov II n i-fcs . rnl rain*, Kneumatu jj^jf Cuts, Burnt d II 25c. 50c. $1. A ARE M !' ^ f I I A -^1 >, in n hii ^ onn| h ||| e pMB e mmr 0 V|| y | | s j S d 1 J I ii | ' 1 Ijl B| I;8 - Ill l IB ES QUALITY Jj BENNE1 Ml KxoII 5 Vary, but^^cT fNE -Never/ TJS You don't have to be a magician to make two pots of coffee exactly alike \? when you use Luzianne. For i Luzianne is unvarvinc in character. , " ? ? | ever and always the same good-drink} ing coffee. But?the only way you fc , can really know Luzianne is to drink it. And that suggests your buying a can today. Bear in mind, you take no A chances with Luzinnne. The guarantee protects you to the very penny, tntee: So, get right to it and buy Luzianne <>ntenta new. Every sip will confirm your ur i(ro- good judgment and our good faith. money. Ask lor prolit-sharing catalog. lAWI^P^-cof Fee Taylor Company, .New Orleans l* ys, a distance + + + + + uned to cover ance. Most ot PROFESSIONAL CAROS urred the tirst tillery cleared e enemy nosiin the' attack ,,H J ,lEECE ""I'MDERIIUIIK. cd to build a n,'Mtnl s"rK?*>". e under the t-tfice Hours: Austrian ruts. 8:30 to 12:30 A. M. k. K-rtnn troops 2:00 to 6:00 I\ M. iu'd hardly he . ? , ... . . _ , . And by Appointment. i went two and , .. Office, 160. nod as tt was ' ipply trains t- Itesldence. 16. i ance. Casual- Otfl'e over B C. Houitb. here were few ;r,;r n 'Til Show You How 4 oners taken h\ | mm m ed without the uorns Keel Ult!" When inter ois. they wore Ever Peel a Banana Skin 1 That's It! their condem- "I should worry about thoso corns nv whom thev ?I Just put some 'Gets-It' on." Corns used to pester the world into the war. They a frenzy, enduring pain, digging, tions had been eyeing toes, tinkering with plasters I HJets-lt" t-ais V?nr Fr?i CUvcr I ?It kinds Corns (iulckly. ' DATM ""d tape, trying to fix a corn so it JTAUl , wouldn't hurt. But now no one in the world "should worry," because tent. Thnt*a thc moment you put "Gets-It" on. j It means the end of a corn. Stop them. There Is nothing In the world like linimont im i "Gets-It"?nothing as sure and cerunimcnt IS tain?-nothing that you can count _ j on to take off a corn or callus evA hi cry time, atid without danger. The ^hl | rorn never grew that "Gets-It" will H HH IH not get. It never Irritates the flesh. la ' never makes your toe sore. Just m ^Pl two drops of "Gets-lt" and presto! i the corn-pain vanishes. Shortly hi i^Ba j you can peel the corn right off with M I your finger and there you are? MH corn-free nnd happy wltn the toe Hh as smooth and corn-free as your m W I Yiftltn Vavar Konnnnad lvof/\n? did 1 it? OucHg not. 'Iments of A Oct a bottle of "Oets-Tt" today ^ I r?m. i from any drujc store, you need pay -attle, LtC ! no more than 25c, or sent on reI ccipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., on Aches* chirsKo. in. *n. Sprain*, Sold ill Lancaster and ri'iummena^ Etc. II, ed as the world's beat corn remedy j t all Dealer*. hy Lancaster Pharmacy and J. F. ibmhi I Mackey & c?. ADE GOOD TO MAKE GOOD I?SERVICE?SATISFACTION | [T-TERRY COMPANY | naive Dealers, Lancaster. S. (1. , , JL