The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 14, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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FORMER SHERIFF COMES! OUT WITH THE FACTS!, Prominent Man Says Money Couldn't Buy Good Tanlac Did For Him. S* I ' "COULDN'T MAKE MISTAKE." "I Never Felt Better in My Life," Says Mr. Anderson. "A New Man Already." A hiuuoji cuuiu not uuy tne good ( Tanlac haB done rae and I gladly recommend It for what It has done 1 in my case," said lion. Archie R. * Anderson, ex.sheriff of Harris county, TextB. Mr. Anderson is -unquestionably not only one of the best known but also one of the most popular men that ever held office in Texas. After ' serving as deputy sheriff of Harris 1 county for 12 years he was elected chief of police of Houston. He had v occupied this office only a short time when the sheriff of Harris county r died. Mr. Anderson's friends then persuaded him to make the race for the unexpired term of sheriff, to which he easily was elected. He was honored with re-election seven different times and served the people 8 in this most important office fifteen consecutive years. Four years ago v Mr. Anderson declined re-election ( and retired to private life. He cast his lot among the people of Houston ' and is a largo property owner and f foremost citizen of that city. "I was in a run down condition," fl continued Mr. Anderson, "and had no appetite at all. I could hardly Bleep at night and did not feel like getting up in the morning I felt so tired. I had the worst form of Indigestion, suffered all the time with gas on my stomach and was continually belching up undigested food. I had to take mv roffn? ?? !??..... a gar. for when I drank it with sugar r I would belch for hours. 1 would '' bloat and swell up like I was pois- c oned and suffered with neuralgic n pains of the worst sort, and nothing ' seemed to help me except In a teni- a porary way. I just can't tell how I 1 " did suffer in the past four years and 11 up until a few weeks ago when I began taking Tanlac. ^ "When I read the testimonials of ' some who had been relieved of troubles like mine I felt I just couldn't make a mistake by taking Tanlac, and it has done even more for m# than I had expected. I began to '' feel better after taking my first bot- ^ I tie and I have just now started on my third, and I'm a different man v already. I sleep like a log now and v eat just any and everything I want without the slightest discomfort afterwards. I am glad to endorse Tanlac because it does the work, and I'm telling all my friends just what s I am telling you. I never felt better in my life than I do since taking Tanlac. I am willing for you to p publish my statement and let every p suffering person who may wish beneflt by my experience with this j, great medicine." p Tanlac, the master medicine, is sold exclusively by J. F. Maekey. ^ Lancaster; Peoples Drug & Grocery v Co., Heath Springs; C. O. Floyd. ( lforahoiv ? . A Am* ........ s y . Eating Implement f?r\Vnunde<|. . Popular Science Monthly. ETven the ordinary table ware is s undergoing changes and improve. a nients to meet the nee<ls of the hoIdlers who have been wounded. The latest Is a combination knife and fork which will enable a man to eat In comfort without having to call on ? some one else to cut up his food. 1 The knife blade is equipped with a bone handle at one end. and at the ' other it curves up and around and 1 ends In four prongs like those of an ordinary fork. Relow the prongs Is w a broad flat portion slightly dented ? in, to prevent the food from slipping off. This also serves as a spoon. In reality the Implement Is a com- e binatlon of knife, fork and spoon. ^ The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irresiitible charm?a good v, tiP Xffy complexion. Of course cl / they do not wish others ! Ir to know a beautifier } " //O^ ^a8 ^een U8*c' 80 they j pi 1 y buy a bottle of 1 < Magnolia Balm , UQU1D FACE POWDER . n ImI KMtccordini to limpid diiraioru. Improve t) MM ia noticed at onct. Soothing. cooling and f| rfrnliag. Haala Sunburn, atopa fan. Pi?1. WhtU. Rooo-RaJ. . 79c at umggtrt* or tp mall Jtroci. *' Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. ? Loon Mfg. Co.. 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y h MHHMflHHMB n 111 nut j. jiiiiej'.wiwiiw11' "|"1?" " . i*',' r FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. V Very Different Thing From Unrest ruined License. Iroenwood Journal. We are a very strong advocate ol he principle of freedom of tht >ress, but we do not believe in givng the press license to slanders and ibuse, and villify men who are ir jublic office from the President lown and call that freedom of tht >res8. In the old days In South Carolina when gentlemen settled heir difficulties In rather barba. OUS hilt ~ ? " , ... uiusi cuvciive way. o lewspuper was arrald to resort tc tuch mean contemptible tactics t( [ratify its spleen. The editor knew ull well that he would be called tc iccount, and made to show thai here was manhood enough in him o face the issue fairly and squarel} >r else be branded an arrant cow ird. But in more recent years anj toward may abuse men whose shoe.le is unworthy to bear and escap; vithout let or hindrance. We have teen this carried on almost indeti litely to the disgust of all men wli? >elieve in respectability. Men of the class, who do this tind of thing, are too low down tc lotice. To do so would put the gen lemen abused on a level with then ind so rather than get down tc heir level it is endured. Ther* vould be no use to call them to uc ount in the courts; for they are as >ankrupt financially as they arc norally. The only relief?there ihould be relief?should be fount n the government refusing to carr> uch filth through the mails. Let ers containing obscenity are de tarred and so should newspapers hat resort to public abuse and vi operation. Tom Watson's paper did all o; hese things and more. It defied he very government which guaran. ecs the lihertv nf V-' ? * ' v/ ui 1111- |)IC3B, U 11(1 Old great deal to excite unreasonable irejudice in the minds of the peo ile. In closing the mails to him not ine single lick has been made .gainst the freedom of the press '.ut there are other newspapers thai re as vile and as bittre as The Jef ersonian. The only reason thai irevents their shafts from beint ust as piercing is lack of ability "hey should be ruled out, too, and uled out promtply. Yellow complexion, pimples and isfigurlng blemishes on the face 01 ody can be gotten rid of by doetorIig the liver, which is torpid. HKRUNE is a powerful liver correctant t purifies the system, stimulates the ital organs and puts the body in fine Igorous condition. Price 50c. Sold y all dealers in medicine.?Adv. * BKRIJN PUTS OUT "FEKIJ3K" <>.('ailed German Peace Terms fir* luted in Washington. Washington, Sept. 9.?What pur lorted to be an outline of Germany's eace terms has been circulated mong diplomats here within th< ist two weeks, but has been rearded by the entente embassies and lost of the neutrals as a "feeler.' Phe origin of the so-called term* as not disclosed, but they are said o have been written by Foreign ecretary von Kuhlmann before his islt to Vienna, which since has been ointed to as strengthening the posibillty that they bear evidences 01 uthenticity. Briefly, the so-called terms wort s follows: Restoration of Belgium and Jorthern France, to be paid for oul f the sale of Germany's colonies t< Ireat Britain. Alsace-Lorraine to be Independent States. (High French officials nrently have started anew the dearmination of France to be satisfied dth nothing less than the recovery f her lost provinces.) Trieste to be free port. Serbia and Rumania to be restord. and Serbia to have a port on th< .drlatle. The Balkin question and the stata of Turkey to be subjects for neotlation. Disarmament and International olice This outline of terms, circulated dthout definite stamp of any offilal authority, it will be noted, bean 1 many respects a resemblance tc le German tenor of the peace pro. nsals of Pope Benedict, When Children Are Cross, Be Kind. Don't be cross with children when hey are cross. If they are Irritable nd ponty leave them alone to their lues by trying to divert their attenlon to some Interesting book or game f toy. Oet them outdoors to play or J walk. Take thepi for a ride. The ommon retort to cross children la In elng crous yourself, but thla only urta the chl'Jren and makea them loody and later despondent. ' ' ? I ) I Ml .t, rHE LANCASTER NEV H For H Weak ; 0 Women i , I/f In use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary ft^l letters from women, tellK4 ing of the good Cardui L/j has done them. This is 1^1 the best proof of the valne WyM of Cardui. It proves that . W/% Cardui is a good medicine , |/| for women, t K^l There are no harmful or i l/l habit-forming drugs in f/j Cardui. It is composed only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad ' 1/4 after-effects. TAKE CARD! The Woman's Ton ) - my-m You can rely on Cardui. ' lyl Surely it will do for you 1 WyM what it has done for so ? 1^1 many thousands of other 1 T/4 women! It should help. |/j "I was taken sick, . pj seemed to be . . . ," . l/1 writes Mrs. Mary E.Veste, L^l of Madison Heights, Va. . Lvl "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . r Y\ just staggered around. , WyM ... I read of Cardui, WyM and after taking one botWyM tie, or before taking quite WyM all, I felt much better. I Vyl took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take it in the spring when run' f/j down. 1 had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is thP hpei (ftnif 1 ?" ' L^I saw." TryCardui. ; M All Druggists t ii n SH(>riil> HA VK KOLIiKH > To Editor The Lancaster New We are bending every effort I and encourage the farmer in > during an abundant supply of I products of all kinds and espe is this true when we conside more staple crops, such as wheat, oats, rye, hay, potatoes This is as it should be and good. Hut there is another si the problem of an abundant supply, that is the question o trlbution. This should be do sftich a way as to give the fari ready means of disposing of hi! plus of any crop at a reaso I .profit. This side of the pr< , should be handled by the men < towns. It should be the pat I duty of the people of every c seat to see that a medium is i lished that will give a propei ance to the supply and demai food products in their county , We are now asking the fa of Lancaster county to sow a acreage of wheat and otliei grains. The acreage to be sowi I depend largely upon two tt ^ First, the amount of seed ava at reasonable prices, and secon< facilities for handling and uti the grain after the harvest. T in the first case I would suggest the seed merchants buy a I quality of seed and sell on as margin as possible. To ovei the second obstacle would it n good business for the men of caster to install a small roller , to which the farmers of the ci could bring his wheat and ha made into flour. Such a mill o hy a number of the leading bui Anns of the town should he pi I ble indirectly If not directly. present it is necessary for our ! ers to haul their wheat to Mn Rock Hill or Kershaw. Such a ( established here would turn ( trade to I>ancaster and enable farmers to make profitable u their wheat crop. More i would be produced. Better I and a more prosperous p would be the result. Is it \ | while? Yours for service, R. W. ORAEBER, County Age Optimistic Thought. The Reformation was cradled ii ' printing press and established b mlier Instrument. \ , Pa FRIDAY, SEPT. 14. 1917. 1 HO 1A>N<; AH WE KNOW. | M now we've a man at the head j S of state, / Pit by rights for the role of rule. And never yet has the hand of fate, i iTo form so strong a civic tool, ^ Lifted the like from the land of ! school! I ^ We're ready to go! ^ We're ready to serve any old f where, . p f Any old where on God's foot- I . > stool. ft So long as we know that Wood- Kl r. row is there, r\ At the head of state? r* So long as we know! 1 V I f Wait in the trench or charge with ' the steel. ta Under the sea or over it sail, O Fight in the air on qivering keel. ^ ^ Weather the worst of torrent and / gale, lf a X Care* for the hurt through havoc of of mi f hail, in ei / We're ready to go! c?r * We're ready to serve any old r\ where, II 1 Living on provender scant and H ' So long as we know WoodHrow is there, 1 The helm to wheel? So long as we know. ^^1 Yell with a will for the Stars and ? Stripes, VKR?' >fl* Whether they wave over land or at sea! German Leap at the sound when the bo'sen Alii* ^ PiP(?S! Th y Man every gun In the battery! y Quick with the rifle to shoulder or front a] < knee! ,he Ger y We're ready to go! further r a ... , . ,, the soul We re ready to serve anv old / where. t,<>r' as S Wherever the press of the foe n " / maybe. '??? y So long as we knoow that oni( "l y Woodrow is there, Aroui y When the bo'sen pipes? tween t y So long as we know ^as ("P( ry ery due iy Ready for war, yet never with hate, been a y (Jay as the birds that welcome the. jent op y spriug, tnin.s f( y Glad at the end of the useless de- From bate. into Fh y Loving of arms the jubilant ring. routine f We're wiling to bear any old thing, but witl y We're ready to go! apparen y And eager to serve any old 0f the > ^ where, trench Ty On land, at sea, or on the wing, the infa y So long as we know that- trenches Ana Woodrow is there, Germ aGXw At the head of state? shelling So long as we know! the line IIU, C. W. Hutson. ried out New Orleans. ' gion of s: 1 o aid pro- jp???i i hi . . ul ,i" i jcL f fdH<l i jrv , e \ l, the f/^>> llzing ( _J\_ oa,d | r v x jkf t that ^m/ *00i] closo that'i com.' M j^',9t, ?'>>* ft Lan- " IkM ?> btvfr ... 7% it m'll i? <* >i invigi ??nty ? ? 0 ;'.or" ?? H ? (J . Con,. wned mnkc nt. PEPSI-COLA B a the Lai 1 " lUZfANNE He knowi and sold th Luzianne. L> V of it. Ask | customers t port is favoi KWI*" i??mi?h?*? ^ try it your ?- cording to LuzUnne Guarantee: nothing to fter timing the content* as9ures y(K :mn, you are not satisfied 'ery respect, your gro- like Luziar rill refund your money. Ask for pro) Pziann he Reily^Taylor Comps L'X IIATTRK DIES DOWN fell on ; men. Aviators Continue to llonil> The <1 Hospitals ltt'hiixl Wes- nounct tern Dines. | Swedis Russian troops on the Riga cause i pparently are still impeding of th mans in their attempts at charge advances into Russia and in of mei th along the Bwkowina fron- eign c in lower Rumania, they have minis' le offensive with the Runian- of the 1 won victories over the Teu-1 (Jen lies. ' diet's id Verdun the fighting be- ^een 11 lie French and the Germans ' ' 1 down to intermittent artll- 8fty ''-1 Is. In Champagne there lias irom resumption of somewhat vto- oon,<!r eratlons In which Gen. Po- an(* orces have won successes. j "1? (,< the Belgian coast well down inders the artillery duels of a most violent nature, He ti Field Marshal Haig's guns ^|mu tly doing the major portion weren vork. Aside from the usual > raiding operations, however, intry is still keeping to the j Q an aviators continue their I Thi? i of allied hospitals behind ^?.r is. Monday night they car-1 ,f t their latest raid in the re- return. Dunkirk, where bombs which Calotm I aJt" .. *?* * . . ?/;. .an ^ last YES, sir!? every tee ouid drink J PEPSI-Cola For, you kn of this spal iu*ct-8. acid rhos- _ aril flavoring?- lOV-O ""llie IT i PKl'Sl-Cola. No J J pry in its recipe; &11 170/7 OHI . prcver blending atl J ^U. '-?ai iredientf. ? a dp u 1, wholesome ITlOK^el S WOI i>Cf, n? beneficial ^ is refreshing, as -r?> _ .... , orating s? >t I* Be your ow, ejuencl.inp Seme ~ is no substn ut hUM?1/ Cola?resenl Fine for the from the gi your ice-box ^Healthful Rel tOTTLING CC icaster, S. C. U"H. I4JIMUMIII.. UIU!VHLAI*IU i ' 7 iet\buT irocers )pinion i coffees?has mixed them em for years. He knows Ask him what he thinks him what most of his think of it. Luzianne will II by this test. If the rerable, take home a can and self. Make up a pot, aci directions. You have lose, for the guarantee ir money back if you don't ine. Buy a can today. m-snaring catalog. gcoffee my, .New Orleans ??? ? ?????h??ar i a hospital wounded five wo. Swedish. foreign office an5s that it will not recall the ih minister to Argentine beof his connection with the use e legation by the German i d'affaires for the forwarding usages to Germany. The for>l!ice asserts that the Swedish er did not know the contents dispatch, inany's reply to Pope Uenepeace proposal has not yet nade public, although work on n progress. Unofficial advices nperor William has returned the eastern battle front to with the imperial chancellor te foreign minister concerning jntents of the document. \ Knew No Better Then eloped with his wife, didn't he, m?" "Yes-?hut, you know, ?h+j t mnrrled then."?Life. . Six-Sixty-Six a prescription prepared especially \ L A RIA or CHILLS & FEVER, r six doses will break any case, nnd 1 then as a tonic the Fever will not It acts on the liver better thaik and does not gripe or sicken. 25c f :? the drop! you want it all? ny-weeny drop! ow, a single sip rkling, jumping lakes you want i get of the big th. n judge! There tute for PEPSIt the suggestion. kiddies, too ? get rocer a crate for . Or at all founts reshment n'.H i MPANY