The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 14, 1917, Image 5

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"snow local hews rr; OF GENERAL INTEREST s~~ visit Rev. a two preach RECENT HAPPENINGS IN Ta^idson C CITY AND COUNTY. their day t< recollection Mlee Cop Doings of People in Which All for several Sections of Lancaster Coun- ?f ,the \ . A A 1 A AM Springs B V ty Are Interested. Co lfJ aRal of her mar We have a beautiful little city. Miss Rut and let's see that the streets are a Position v kept clean. Mercantile Mm Qnl Quite a number of people from all a^er bavin parts of the county were in Lancas- raer w'fh r ter Thursday shopping. return t . 0 _ She will be We never knew how many fall ^achey, gardens there were this year until 1,11 extende< we heard so many kicks about the %vent earli dry spell. 8ch?o1Quite a men who h{ Miss Alma Duke Jones has re- ? ors expect turned to Lancaster to resume her . .. Among the music classes in the Lancaster High names Sch?o1- Ira Mackey Hallard. Great crowds of ladies and gentle- Miss Flo men are attending the Hook Tourna- mu today ment In the Mackey Opera House throat, this afternoon. Mrs. Nar ? nell's Infln On account of Jewish New Year Mr. and M. Poliakoff will be closed on Mon- llill were i day and Tuesday, September the Thursday. 1 7?n ?*wi 1 ofv. ** ..VII ?uu VUVII. mr?, Hi. ?o? nccompanie Miss Jessie Lee Rlackmon left motored to Thursday for Kilsimee, Fla., where visit their ! she will teach tlie coming session Miss Rut the Kissimee High School. few days ?o? school at A The cool snap is a good sugges- Mr. Tom tlon for fall, and we have heard Sydney, Va from several sources that there was Rev. and a slight frost Wednesday morning. I Mcllwain w , ?o? j few days rt The local cotton buyers were of_ | Mrs. DuT fering 20c per pnupd for cotton this Crenshaw, i morning on the local cotton market, j father, Mr. Watch the local news column for the| Miss Loll local cotton market. I v'"e is v's' 0 j Mrs. Sarah Mrs E The store recently occupied by the Columbia Tailoring Co. is being re-i^1'3 u'' modele<l and Mr. R. R. Riddle is to ^as 1,eon .. . .... . Fennell s 1 move in as soon as the building is ? ? . . . Mr. Brun a finished. . . _ ^ lough from with his pa U. L. Cook, representative for the ^()hiey r Paramount Motion Picture Co., was untoerfl an(; In the city Wednesday booking pictures for the Star Theatre that were j^r ?ar taken on the European battle field. eamo home ? before ente v A good many farmers visited the flon nt News office the first of the week, ... . .. . .. Iina this s? and most of them state that fodder pulling Is a thing of the past. The vld8^n th,g farmers have turned their attent'on . , Messrs. ( to the fleecy staple. . TT v ver and Hi Mrs. J. O. Porter gave a surprise j Rrh??l party to her two daughters. Misses ^ Caroline and Joe Lee, who like sev- r?" * eral hundred others, are due at ,PI Wf , Winthrop on Friday, 14th of Sep- ^r' tember. Punch was served during 'av np 80 the evening. Lever the 8 Born to The Lancaster Red Cross has four ver> Sept. hoxes of supplies ready to ship to Atlanta. This makes the second TO TIGHT shipment that the ladies have sent off. A list of the contents of the boxes will be published in the next Exports to issue of The News. OOO in ??? Against Sheriff Hunter and Chief of Police street Orr were summoned to Rock Hill Washin i Tuesday to be witnesses for the .. , ("11 jg f>XOrr State against Joe Walker, a white 4. T ... ? the admini man. charged with retailing liquor. . , ^ 4 4 . . W11. control as i The grand jury found a true bill .. . ..... I application against Walker and trial is to come I ... I will uuderj up later. K vestigation. The local Exemption Board re- of ,ht' pr<" ceived orders from Adjutant General ,ion* ^or Moore at Columbia this morning June -*0' 1 . .. . ^ .4 i .._ norts to S staling 10 noin over uruuni uuyn un- til Thursday, Sept. 20th. Orders $H.500,00( were at first to send boys on Wed- Jumped tc nesday the 19th, but this gives the tho second boys a day longer to straighten up submarines their business affairs. English Gc | up food ca Miss Gladys Jones formerly 8ten-|Por,s *? ographer for the Lancaster and In ,ho twe Chester Railway Co., and social edl- Ibis yei tor of the News, has resigned and wero value has accepted a position as stenogra- was "1"' tl pher with the Sanitary Unit of the their value National Ried Cross Association at The Exp Columbia. Wo all rgeret to see Miss thftt a part Jones leave, but wish her luck In Sw?den hai her future work. Germany oi . ?q? for Swedlsl Plans are being perfected by the *be Central men of the town to give the drafted tightening boys a banquet Wednesday night in be the imi * the Mackey Opera House. Speeches tary Lanaii ^ will be iriade by some of the most prominent men of the city. A banquet Is to be served by the ladles of Johnson the Red Cross. A list of the sub- Septnmher scrlbers to this fund will he publish- Wylie M ed in the next issue of this paper. tember 121 iPIUNGS HAPPENINGS ? A prings, Sept. 13.?Prof. . _ ? arnes of Rock Hill ac- PERSONALS, by the Misses McAlpine , r came over Thurdday to ++++++++++++4 ind Mrs. Mcllwain. These Mrg w. p. Bennett left ers were classmates at for cajuden. ollege years ago and 0 agether was a renewal of Dr> c. H. Murray of Ab s and friendships. a visitor in the city, eland of Clinton, who has 0 seasons been in charge Ml88 Moutine Beaufo illinery department of Wednesday in Kershaw, anking and Mercantile 0 n in town to the delight Mnj H E. Connor ly friends here. Thursday to Holly Hill. >y Rutledge has accepted vith Springs Ranking and Harry Hirsch of New Yo Co. iting relatives in town, lie Butler of Richmond. 0 g spent part or the sum- m&a Rerry BeUe Benne elatives in town, expects Wednesday ln Columbia. 0 her home this week. accompanied by Mrs. R. ~~~? * who will be with her for Rev " " Murrhleo,, 1 visit. Mobley. her son. Wednesday from Ilatesbum Q er in order to enter J. M. Hood returned W number of our young from the Western markets ive been called to the col- ? to leav? next week. I Miss Jessie Porter lea' number is to be found for Florence to teach schoi of Messrs. Coke Bridges.! ?o? , Otis Mobley and James Mrs. James Cauthen Wednesday from Heath Sp rence Bell went to Rock r for an operation on her j Mr and Mrs Jrs w ? > I turned Wednesday from ? cissa Hilliard is at Fen. 0 nary for treatment. ,, ... ? _ . . ? . Mrs. Julia Porter is Mrs. Dan Jones of Red . , home from Wilmington, N n town for the day last . day. ?o? P. Hutson and children, d by Dr. E. F. Horton. Wayland Kelly of the C Hartsville Thursday to navy yard 9Pent the we< sister, Mrs. John Parrott. h?meh Rollings leaves in a ? to take charge of her Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wi ndrews. Fort Mill are visiting Col. Mcllwaln of Hampton- Keroy Springs. ., Is visiting his parents, ??? Trs. Mcllwain. Mr. Will | Mrs. John W. Ingram. Mi as also with them for a Ingram and Norma Cautl >cently. Tuesday In town, 'ree, formerly Miss Pearle ? s now at the home of her, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Glass Jim Crenshaw. Mrs. W. A Davis motore i Isli Parrott of Harts- lumbia Thursday. ting her grandmother, D_ Horton. Mesdames Burrell H F. Hammond returned Curtis Parker and Miss I-r rom Rock Hill, where she nf Kershaw were in town receiving treatment at shopping. nflrmary. 0 (let Mobley spent his fur- I)r and Mrs. E. C. Brash service in l amp sevier daughter, Miss Mary Kv rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. \iary Hlackwell were In tov rumet Is one of our vol- tjay shopping. 1 seems to enjoy camp ^ Misses Caroline and Joe trey Mobley of Columbia ter Jva Nesbit( ,Eva Par| for a few days recently Derrlck WiUie Reed. Mai ring upon his senior du- carnes, Pauline Marlon a University of South Caro- Unt Beaufort leave today isslon. throp College. >nte Mackey goes to Da year. HI,do Mobley. Alvln S.o- MANY TO I.K.VVF. FOU C* ibert Mobley are attend-1 at Lincoln Memorial In- ILancaster to Be Well Repre Harrogate. Tenn. Various Educational Inst if. Cauthen is In Lancas- Within the next few dayi ?ek. I lege boys and girls will Horton is in Columbia. I their respective colleges, cepted a position with leaving for college this 3 ihoe man. has ever been known, althr Mr. and Mrs. Lexie Sto- are scattered about, some 11, 1917, a son. Carolina, Georgia, North + and also In Virginia. Foll< EN KMllAIl- the names of the boys and 1 GO ON SWEDEN tng next week: . R. L. Crawford, Henry 1 That Country *45,000,- P- M- A,li8?n' R- K- A,1|8C Year Ended June SO. Moore- Joe Colburn and Wi 914,000,000 in IOI4 iins wil1 rePreaent Lancaster Una this year, t Journal. William Greene Williami ton The Exports ( oun- ^en(j jbe citadel in Charles Ising special vigilance in John King and Arthur stratlon of the export wm be Clomson this yei applied to Sweden. Each Ernest Beaty at Davidso for an export license son ^ ;o close scrutiny and in- Julian Craig and Drenr pending the settlement, wju represent Lancaster at sent embarrassing situa-|j)Ue west. S. C. the fiscal year ending Chauncey and Toy Greg I HI 4, United States ex- a | read y entered Furman wed en were valued al training to try and make ). In 1915 they had baU 8quart. $78,000,000. During Hevin Funderburk will a year of the war German University of North Cart became active and the year >vernjnent began holding Miss Pearl Coffey will rgoes, and American ex- j^ue ^est Female College eden fell to $52,000,000. Misses Pauline Marlon, < dve months ending June pjj (irace McDow, Eva P tr exports to Sweden j Porter, Caroline Port* d at $45,000,000, which Heed. Helen Derrick, Ev tree times as great as juaajta Sowell and Mary (1 in 1914. will represent Lancaster orts Council is convinced throp thlfl year of the food exports to Misses Dorothy Moore a /e gone either directly to Murchison will attend Ag r been made to substitute Decatur, Ga.. this year, h products shipped Into Miss Mary Heath Jones I 'Empires, so a general (0nd Mary Raldwin at Stan up of the embargo will Miss Katherine Wylie mediate result of Secre- tond Chatham College at ig's disclosures. ya + "Misses Margaret Cunnlni DEATHS. Sadie Wilson will atten* Renson, colored, died at Columbia. 3rd of tuberculosis. ] Miss Mary Locke Barroi cGrlff, colored, died Sep- present Lancaster at Flor th. 'aid. Red Springs, N. C. * ? SWKEDKN'8 OA8E. * Wall Street Journal. ! * International law holds that a! .* * , state cannot be at peace and at the same time be engaged in acts to I Tuesday further hostilities. A deliberate * furtherance of hostilities in the in- J ! terest of one of the belligerents is beville Is an act of war. How then, do the J facts in the Swedish case square , with the law of nations? rt spent The defence of the Swedish lega tion at Buenos Aires is a form of equivocation well known to all law. returned yers who have had any experience in [ cross-examination of witnesess. But no matter what the official says, it is J rk is vis- conclusively proved that the Swedish , government, while professinir friendship for the Entente Powers, J tt spent including the United, States, has' * been actlvulv aooioti.- n . ?..v., aaoioiiUK UCrUiailJTi | , If any man fails to sec how this V returned lending of assistance to Germany is a breach of neutrality, let him conaider how it would appear in a perednesdav 8onal case. Suppose an individual V in the United States were caught in * the act of giving Germany informs . , tion of military value, such as the ves todav j sailing of a troop ship. That would ? be giving aid and comfort to the en- * _ emy, which under our laws is trea- ' returned . , . . . ... .. , . son. and punishable with the death rings. # penalty. , The Swedish Government has ! >mith re- ,|on,, j^is same thing, materially as >umter. sisting Germany ?not openly and J honestly, but secretly. The griev expected anee of Argentina is no greater V t. C., to- than that of the allies, for Sweden 2 was furthering the enemy's effort to * prevent needed supplies from reach- ' harleston ing France and the United King- V >k-end at dom. She has directly taken part J in the war on the side of Germany, just as certainly as if she had sent V Ulams of|,ro?i)S to ,hP fleldand Mrs ) Whether this is to be met by fore j ing Sweden to fight In the open is > a question for those at the head of V uses Zula :il1:,lrs But there is one thing that ifn snpntIcpr,a'n'y should demand attention. * (Sweden is begging the United States for food and feed. She would (JKIO rock and aV? ,,S ^orROt that she lias robbed her own people in order Charged d to Co- _ . .f, to feed Germany. expecting we '? would make up the deficiency. That Philad might do with a Sweden at peace, Capt. Ms Pruesdale, nf)l witli a Sweden at war. mander ( mise Dye snme principle that makes it Prinz Ki Tuesday impossible for us to furnish Gernia- held und J r.y with food makes it necessary for United S us to exact from Sweden the full charged igton and p0nany nf belligerancy. She makes ter throi ans. Miss war Upon ua |)y helping our deelar. teacher fn T,iur8- ed enemy. We should not give richen is her aid and comfort and feed her charges while so doing. of the M Lee Forks. Helen ' Elliott BSHSBRHHHi ,nd Mou for Win- m T A _ I INew Arrive OLLEGE. I seined ui 1 Stild Dr6SS Muttons. ' m b the col. K ieave for B More are!H rear than I Attractive Serge I)r< jugh they that is most becoming to in South , , n . . Carolina I brown, plum, navy and I) iwing areiB $7.50 ;irls leav- H _ tine d: ?n, Henry I W(' ai'C justly prowl ade Jenk- DrcSSV Suits. KVCW OllC f aro jifiS * * ? (juisito lining, handsome s will at-1 in keeping with the style ton. I $25.00,' $2? Biackmon fl Our showing of (iat ar- I Cheviot Suits are unusiui n, David- ,i r \ i , ? this line. A large variety ian Craig I from the Misses' to the S Erskine, I $10.00, $12.50, $] ToVoT'l Coats the foot- fl Never before have w d the I for everv occasion, all o1 .una this I Wonderful values at B $9.51 return to I also have big sll< this year, fl <fcQ 31eo Sow- fl arks. Joe fl j jr, Willie fl Oct ? NLbet. c Motor Dresses E. Carnes!* 1 at Win- fl *nd Lucia ' B N< nes Scott H Just received a love 1 wiI1 at- and Geogette Waits. mton, Va\ will at- ? Chatham, Tciz: Robinson-( r?' Lancast a McDon- ^ The First National B We want your banking business, 1 ter liow small. We are prepared to you every accommodation consistei sound banking. Should you wish 1 money out of town, we will attend t you. We furnish you storage in o proof vault, absolutely free of char your valuable papers. We also have a writing desk eq with writing material and stationer cially set apart in our banking room customers. Deposit your savings with us and your bills by check, thereby havinj ccipt for all money paid. We do tin keeping for you. We accept your checks on outside 011 deposit without charge. We pay you four per cent inte Certificates of Deposit, compounder terly. The First National E LANCASTER, S. C. CHAS. D. JONES, President. E. M. CROXTON, V. Pres. and i.w c\i>kk m<; 1M>\I) 1 State of Ohio, City o With So,Klin* Improper j trank J^CheneT n utter Through Mails. Is senior partner of ... ,, . , , , . , | Cheney & Co., doing olphia. Sept. 11. 1. cut. j of Toledo, County a ix Tliieriohen former com-1 'hat said firm v i.x mieiuiii ii, ONI'. HUNDRED D >f the seized German raider! and every ease of Ca tel Frledrlch, was today MEDICINE^ U ' fra er $2,000 ball fo rcourt bv j Sworn to before tn< . . . 1 my presence, this 6tt tates Commissioner Long, j a. d. 1886. a. with sending improper mat- <??!> Catarrh Me, igh the mails to a school | ternally and acts thi at Saginaw. Mich. Thio JJf SffijSfa, in prison awaiting trial on F- J- CHENEY of smuggling and violation H?air? Vamliy^riHi tan White Slave Act. il of Suits, Cc ss for Fall. Da ?ssos in the now straight lines, the st; woman, in the new colors of tau lack, attractively priced at , $9.50 and to $19.50. roadcloth Suits oi our handsome collection of Fi is distinctive. Beautiful soft colors, < fur eolars and the cut is perfect. Pri< s. ).75, $35.00 and to $45.00. sardine, Tricotine, Serges, Poplins a illy large. Every new color is shown of models, adapted to every style figi touts, priced at L5.00, $17.50, $19.50 and $25.00. , Coats, Coats e shown such a variety of Coats, suit : which are correct in style and colo D, $12.50 to $40.00. owing of splendid value at fin nn W) y A*W UV/ yU?VA/? tin Dresses , original stylos in all the new fall col $9.50 to $27.50. jw Waists ly lot of Lingerie, Silk Crepe do Ch Houd Compa er's Leading Store. m ank i y u> mat- I extend it with 'o send ; o it for 5 nr fire 'j^e, for > nipped l*| y espe- I*| for our M pay all [ ] ? a re- M 3 book- M points pi rest on pi 1 quar- pj ' lank 1 Cashier. pi f Toledo, rtakes oath that he the firm of F. J. business In the City nil State aforesaid, '11! pay the sum of O'.-'.ARS for each tar:h 'hat cannot be 1 \ LI. S CATARRH NK J. CHENEY. ; n:.d subscribed In i day of December, W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Heine Is taken ln ouph the Blood on of the SyBtem. Send & CO . Toledo. O. ts. 7Bc. for cunatlpatlon. NUB >ats I ys. via pe, LUC PX" 'OS j lid in iro :ed rs. *nc s ny J