'J 2 ????????????i 1 'SATAN'S CAR: Til? Stomach Consul Frost Tells o A Chance To Work Horrors. _ Minneapolis Journal. Wn can't ?xpect the stomach to net The heartlessness o normally If tho natural avenues of slim- Qf the sea" the K; uuimuu *i* Diuviiu au it cannot, umpoee of Its r?fai?. When the bowels are rines ? was described constipated the stomach Is called upon for work beyond Its capacity and the hest iresnlt Is bloat, belching, headache, and mun who gathered d discomfort generally, and, unless the condition Is promptly relieved, serious activities for the I An effective remedy for constipation ^ esley fr rost, Ameri is sold in drug stores uuder the name Oueeustowu of Sr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It Is combination of simple laj-atlv. herbs I The lnan who for with pepsin that acts on the bowels In gentle, natural manner, without grip- i years worked night a; is ?e(* by submarine made prior to the war. when they placed sut Upon a motion by Senator Reed se's on top of the Uthe Senate eliminated a provision i submerged, leaving that the President shall have no Inetl an(I women strii power to license any enemy insur- sei1, He told of sub nnce company to carry on any bus- gleefully taking ana iness prohibited by his proclama- nian beings drowning tion of July 13 last. regulatin^ "Can you imagine enemy-owned insurance companies, crew on a submarir men and women who surrender?" he aske Vaporize Croup "Can you imagine p i J sailors torpedoing in or ixOiu i roubles night? Vapor treatments for cold troubles are "Can you imagine o better than internal medicines, as the va- irio. ? ,w . pors carry the medication direct to the t0 to" a helP,e{ flings and air passages without disturbing ^ards shore? thestomwih. - v "Rftugh work onTIi When Vick'a "Van-O-Ttub" Salve is applied over the throat and chest, these va- i 'Kainst man is cc pore, released by the heat of the body, are rough work on the inhaled with each breath. 25c. to .f 1.00. against helpless men VICKSuv^o^SALVE un,hinkab,e ..The stories (hat were not idle dream DESIIIRK INFORMATION. given by men and To Farmers of Lancaster County: own land sworn to } In some sections of the State Q0dthere is a shortage of farm labor to .. . . .. . , Germans Give No the extent that farmers are con- . . ..... ... ? , Even a rattlesnak cerned about the gathering of their . . .. ... , ,, T . , be strikes; the submi crops this fall. In other sections warning. there Is a probable surplus of labor which would be of great service to ^be s,,bmarine u* the farmers in sections showing a middle of a ship, 1 shortage of labor. The great prob. 0rs are ,ooate(1- It t"1 al.a * ling to death of the nu iu uc uvercuuit! is m?l 01 Kei_l , ,. , . . smaller craft, even th ting the farmer needing labor and . .. ? i . their sails and were the laborers together. Looking to ... . ,, ? ? rw render. have been this end the Farm Management Division of the Agricultural Kxtension . s e' re" e, , , .... . .i "In only one case Service is now listing by counties! ... .. . . ? i i pated did the submai the farmers needing help and also I .. . . .. . , . . , 1 age to a vessel. An the laborers available for work in1 .. ... I stance, after towing tl other communities. T i .. . . .. ? . some distance, the si In order that we might find out! , . ' ..... .... . , , . denly submerged. 1 the situation in this county I would . . dragged the lifeboat \ be glad for the farmers who need , . ii : ? . 'the presence of mind labor would give me the following . , .. who cut the tow rope information: _ ... . c ii. v. i The sickening storj 1. Name of farmer desiring help. J n titi_ i t. . i in 'nP ?I Lusitania ^ 2. When and how long wanted? .. ? 3. Whether men, women or hoys? ' r' r?8,.'1 e Sa'^ Number of eaeh. ''0,'ps,,a pl,ed hlEh ?.. .. . ... cord wood. He saw on 4. White or colored? , ir- , , er's breast the bodies 5. Kind of work to be done?? 6. Wages offered? fants. Should there be a surplus of labor in any community that would be lone: 'nto w available for work in some other f,inia down t.n section of the county or in some , . rh!,drftn- th.,r,y other county we would like to havejlntants 10 armn. he the following Information regarding! When the Laeoni. auch labor: i whBn Am,riM *'om 1. Name of laborer? Ilvee the aubmarlne , 2. When and how lone available? ,l,ted on ,h" 3. Whether men. women or boy.? vea"<'1 ?n'1 '?* ?>nnage 4. Kind of work they can do? waa """ ,r"u" ?' 5. Wage. expected? Mr Fr?" ??? "?? 6. How far will they go for flvln" ,art" ' him In his service a .. i ? ? .v . u aui facts about "Satan's It Is important that we have this Information as early as possible If it R ra' P 1 is to be of value.to the farmers in need of help. So I would like to WOMAN CURBS HC urge all those who need farm help The men were away nuu iiio?? wno warn 10 ao iarm horse was bad. A 1on? work to give me this Information at not "drench" in the < once. called up a neighbor Yours for service, were away?but: "W R. W. GRABBER, Colic Remedy that yo County Agent. horse's tongue," says ] K(- she came over and < Check a cough or cold In the lungs Colic Remedy on the before it develops a serious caae. and the horse was v BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP men came home. Moi is an effective remedy for all sore- rls Colic Remedy so t nesa or congestion in the lungs or cure horse colic. We air pasages. Price 25c, 50c and $1 cents a bottle on the per bottle. Sold by all dealers in Plan, medicine.?Adv. LANCASTER MERC, THE LANCASTER NET, ^ IIH Show Yon Ha ' ,h? u""""'I Corns Peel Of lf -.ho Jackal.: Th. User', aubma-j I in all of its' Corns used to pester the worli a frenzy, enduring pain, do erday by the i slicing toes, tinkering with pi h id witnntftl "CilU It* !*?? l??r Frfl li 4 "nessta _lt Kn , ?_t cry time, and without dn nicer e, int. amen- corn never grew that "Gets-It' ory. n?t get. It never irritates the never makes your toe sore, a, the alliance two drops of "Gets-It" and p . . , the corn-pain vanishes. SI i have it put)- you can peel the corn right oil or m and sent your finger and there you corn-free and happy with th the land. as smooth and corn-free as - T_?i i u.. palm. Never happened befor of Ireland has {t7 r,uegH not inii ground of 0?et n bottle of o\VN THE vivors of vesboat and then Youth s Companion, the helpless ?nP ,st?kp ofteh leads to iggling In the er?and sometimes to a fh marine sailors il does in a 8tory that the 8f pshots of hu- of war told ,n the course of dress not long ago when speaking of 'United State an American , .. , , regulations, le torpedoing . . . One hot day recently a were ready to . , ..... sat in a train with his tunic toned. Presently a sergeant our American up to hjm an(1 sapi: ??rjui the dead of that tunic! Did you never 1 by-law 217. sub-section D iur boys refus- Sergt. Winterbottom." is lifeboat to- A gentleman in the seat tapped the sergeant sternly e part of man shoulder. "How dare you is impreJienrfible ders." ho said, "with a pipe part of man niouth? Go home and rea and babies is &raph 174, section M, part IX Major Carroll." came to me that a gentleman 1 is. they were dro?Pin* white mustache ii women of our ed from ,he other side of th lefore Almigh- Major < arroll, he said "will consult by-law 31 of ... . K, he will learn that to rei Warning. a sergeant in the presence o e sings before . _ I vate is an oixense not liRtitl urines give no overlooked. I am Gen. A retired." mally aims at -+ n'here the boil- DRAFT RKSISTERS' TR eans the scald workers. The Abilene. Texas. Sept. 9.ough they cut sjX alleged members of the F ready to sur- an(j laborers' Protective Ass shattered b> wj| he placed on trial tomo federal court here, charged \ that I investl- tivities In connection with r rine give tow- ,hft selective draft. While n d in that in- jai announcement has been i he lifeboat for jH understood that the govt nbmarine sud. has asked that If any of the i [t would have found guilty of treason, th< vith It but for penalty be imposed, of the captain. The majority of the men i auicklv." ^ Minus i/i VY I CXHH. 1 of the sink- The Farmers' and Laboroi *'a? recited by tertive Association had for it; that he saw slble object the mutual be; like so much farmers. i a dead moth- ?? of her two in- When the bowels feel line able and you miss the exhll a thrust head- feeling that always follows a hen the Lusi- morning operation, a dose o ?re were 100 BINE will set you right in a three of them of hours. If taken at bedtl said: get Its beneficial effect after a went down, fast next day. Price 50c. I en lost their all dealers In medicines.?. >ommander in name of the MAIX'OLM IS ACQUIT! several times. London, Sept. 11.?Lieut, his work." las Malcolm, who was beln 1 himself with for the murder of Anton Bai is gleaned by a psuedo count, was today t Queenstown, not guilty by a Jury at the C carnival," as ley Police Court. The case has been characterized as a or passion, was tne first to >R?SK COLIC. here in which the unwrltt* as usual. The waR the sole defense, i woman could A ?oroner,? J"T had ret, old way. She verd,ct of "Justifiable hor and her men after hearln* L, t. Malcoln 'e have Farrls that he had k,I,ed u drop on the defen8e of his wife's honor Mrs. Neighbor. Ca wa" one of the moat BG Iropped Farrls al 8een ,n London ln raany 3 horse's tongue ? veil when the RUB-MY-TI2 he.rn,i: 3U-?S fcl-vSTfete: a nth K cn **m?- Am untile CO. u*ed intetuU" or external! Mi >,i)^ - ... . . ... . ^ V8 FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, "SWEAR LOYALTY TO KAI IV Resolutions Contain Open If" Against Reichstag Majorii Pence Resolution. ^ . 1 Copenhagen, Sept. 11.?Qe children as well as German w are being mobilized in the agii it Into against President Wilson's s (King, . . asiers jjuhu. a Degmnitig Das been at Harburg, near Hamburg, 1 rW a" pu^"c schools on Si participated in a demonstrate which the usual telegrams sent to Kmperor William, Chi i lor Mirhaelis and Field Marsha Hindenburg. The Roman Ca JCSj Mercantile Associations of Ger also adopted a similar resoluti (mi The Vorwaerts of Berlin ] ! cut today that the motive c conservative and pan-German pullers to utilize the American plover ! to the Pope for delivering a ty blow to the democratic >ne in ment. is steadily becoming r r;aon? L on. corn, i All the resolutions conn j JJko 1 ccr- ' with a display of strong lan count | against President W h n and IS ?v. The proclaim a readiness to hold o flesh' 11i 1 victorious peace was'oft Just ; Thev contain a more or los? on resto! Iiortly I tack on the Reichstag res ' 1 declaring it to he unreprese e too j of the neonle's wi'l. o* ?l eon your p. did i with a declaration of loyalty t today reigning dynasty, d pay The new Fatherland r' rty n & Co., mlral Tirpitz and Privy Cou' Wolgang Kapp has been fornv mmend- Vorwaerts points out, as a nt remedy game scheme to discredit I J. F. Reichstag majority and to per Chancellor Michaelis to disr the peace resolution entirely. 1'I.NK. Vorwaerts says indications lly confirm the impression thn anoth- ^"rhaelis will not disassociate ir(j as *elf from the parties oppos 'cretarv P?are based on pood will be an ad- only waiting a pood op| he was n"y *? avaiI himself of the help s arim n,ny orr,>r against the Retehsta The Bremen labor unions private Prn<0fded against the recent r unbut-1 adopted by the Bremen strode!chant KuI' which I The reP?rts received here Meu- oil which peculiarly strengthens tl , Colic piratory tract and improves the qua is OIH the blood; the glycerine in it sooth ' p heals the tender membranes of the t ; Scott's is preaoribad by the beet S| *7*?. feh. You can gut it at any drug d jr. 25c 1917. SEH ittock r ** |hH| irman 'omen made B w < liiwji von! rmMMMM .. .. ^ inouc _ _ H A ^ u? 1 Shoe P many ~2 in 1 BUck~ (p on- liquid); for Whit points **2 in 1 White Liqt ,f the i nd"2?lTM?< I lOc I note p. F. DAlJUrr < tpnnrner re THE TIME TO SI'1 cone he Tis the coward who qu it ? i fortune; ". ! e 'T < th knave who cl day; "Hii . . . j. .... ?"J !o . o. w ho *.vi~8 n , t'e, ud "n . A ! t ' ov.'? k'? oho net O the lf Ad_ e . ' ? '! t'e ?n l'fe ' ut lrilJor And tomorrow we ma >d a? dream. ouarss in nit- urine u i th(1l And lurk Is a meteor suade egard <'n,e to succeed Is w Discourage, show trac Retad-'The race '8 run on t*ie h< [t j)r And won 'twlxt the fl him-! wire0(j f , 1 cause port,.- ?OUTHER , they P. have esolu- r* Dl V OlUlg j mar. A I Iigll <* 1 <1 Si>?t in A strong fac >pula". Advantages Running \va idors-' Opportunity i. de- expenses by \v< ?ssarv Rev. J. A. I icratic ed by ?f the plying J ir the J An Ambi g and /|! XHF-needs oft nain f of the Southern I / J the upbuilding ol the i y| J The Southern Hal C End (f\ ' accorded to other*. deal- \ v*" ! Tbe Y ? unity ol lntereat that I / the railroadii to *ee p< \ ment ol railroad* w I agrncie?t to realize t 1. V / to obtain the addition! enlarged facilitle* ln< I *errtcc| and. tinally? -C OD1- To take It* niche nigh* f other great Industrie* \ right* and equal oppoi '''' i II rpu. Qn. ins of TheSoi Sixth j i had rushhorpo re the ?fw mm is- I -**" I was if tt?h if ^ J* A}" a 8e,~ f/wflSfai' y be /W 'Tf |?? sturb- Southerx ?a the ' igular , ???? feel JL Bhl In TltP% HI HfnWwH Uila||u?l re-: inst a creek, " 1 1 L L* * " * 1 hore. A 1 everal f\ DUSITK many , e business luring i roach- you fane > and | . > saa ordering ( CALL. ss? 1 1 y?ur ! R O on, or ss: LA s: cif Is I job W, pedal* 1 ** tore. | L?? rnHnuwH oliah" ia made for ertry uee. For Bleck Shoe#, H ute) and "2 in 1 Black Combination" (paote and H a Shoes, "2 in 1 White Cake" (cake) and HH lid" (liquid); for Tan Shoea, "2 in 1 Tan" (pacta) H Combination** (pacta and liquid). H Slack?White?Tan lOc I =0. of New York. Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. |B GEBEEBE1XD33I rC'KKI). Ersentiaia of Happineac. . "The Rrund essentials of happiness lit. o nus. a t*? * something to do, somcthitiR to love, and something to hope for."?Chaltatiros ca^h niers. a!f the bat r~* js away. + PROFESSIONAL CARDS to labor, ^ v fi.,,1 It n I)K. J. IlKECE FUNDERBURK, endeavor, ! Dental Surgeon. 's gleam. Office Hours: 8:30 to i2:30 A. M. 'hen others, 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. es of tire. And ^ Appointment. )me stretch, Office, 160. lag and the Residence, 16. Office over B. C. Hough. N INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE, Charlotte, N. C. Moil and Women. ; School at very reasonable rates. ulty. of City and Country, tor, electric lights, steam heat, given to students of helping to pay >rk. Write for Catalogue to Baldwin, Charlotte, N. C. J-t j ition and a Record i Yv 4 he South are identical with the needs J A 1 Kallw*rt the frowib Uul niacHot on- mr*n. ' I / : \) ilwnjr uka no firorr?no ipeciti piiriicft not \ ir ! /x the Southern Railway Company la to tee that tL^*^ I la born of co-operation between the public and 1 l?v. 3 rrfocted that fair and frank policy In the manage- \ I J J hich inrltea the confidence of f >vemmentai , X ?hat liberality of treatment which will enable it , I il capital needed for the acqaitliion of better and ident to the demand for lncreaaed and belter S J In the body politic of tha South alonyaide of J , with no more, bat with equal Ubertira equal tualtica. ithem Serves the South." i Railway System* r isslike business carrl asset. We can show 1 samples here. Before 1 elsewhere GIVE US A I PB r^1 Ah OK WORK I W WORK >I ICULARS I Drk of All Kinds I H