Our Oeorgia Letter Georgia Crackers Learning to Observe Thanksgiving? A Kick at Football?Record Breaking Marriage Fees? TU? t T ? " Akiw uuiiui-nuwcil contest ?The News' Views on Cotton Futures Endorsed. Thanksgiving day in Georgia passed very quietly, so far as we have been able to learn, many ol our citizens spending the day in the fields, trying to kill a few - uiiup, Home remaining at. home and spending the day quietly with their families, enjoying a big turkey dinner. Many attend ed the fool ball game in this city ? the afternoon, many coming in from towns around here in all directions. A few years ago people from the country, lots "ol them, would come to town, un 2-J# i " ? imuuiui 01 tne tact that it wa^ a holiday, exp&cting to . transact business as on other days, and find business houses closed and, consequently, had to return home and make another trip. But they are learning better now. Thanks to the rural delivery system, they are able to get the daily papors and keep posted on such I matters and Thanksgiving day finds very few country people in the city. j Sneaking of fnnthull ~ ' g n 1TD liupo the time will soon come when this game will be a thing of the past. Scarcely a game is ever played in which no injures to the players result. Twenty-four deaths for this season so far, is, we believe, the record for the ^ college foot ball teams of this ,copntry. To sit and watch a game of this nonsensical, "knock down and drag out" piece of so called amusement is enough to convince the average person that it is time for the proper authorities to call a halt on this kind of brutal sport. When we heard a preacher say once that he rode about thirty miles through cold, sleet, snow and rain to perform the marriage ceremony for a couple of couples and was paid one dollar per couple for the "performance," we thought that beat the record *for unmitigated nerve on the nart nf t U A ? ' j-??v u? 1110 iiappjf KrUUIUH. 15UI a few years later, when Dick Humphries sot married, handed the preacher fifty cents and told him he could "hand him back the change some other time," we v^-iaw he had those other fellows beat by several blocks, but that fellow mentioned in The News, who Daid tll? illRtinA r?f tho noona * " ? ^ r^v,vyv-' | the trifling sum of two cents for such an important duty, has certainly gone the limit, beyond all question. Notwithstanding the fact that the gubernatorial election in this state is yet many months ofT, the campaign is on in full blast. ^The main issue appears to be the ues(ion of disfranchisement, the question which both the Carolina* saw fit to act upon a few years age and which resulted in the disfranchisement of the negro roters. We believe tf i a ft na.mHab r\t llnMn?i? m ?|??v?mvu vi piKjymg iu^ iui war in time of peace" and hope t^tee the act pasted which will i disfranchise the negro vote in this state. We notice what you have to aay, Mr. Editor, about cotton futures and we agree with you. We have always had a rather un favorable opinion of Buch meth 1 *r oas 01 making money, bul have been in better position to see its detrimental influence, during the past four or five years. After having learned more about it, we have reached a definite conclusion that it is a demoralizing, positively dangerous and ruinous practice, in the majority of cases, according to the oues that have come under our observation. Former Lancastrian. I Macon, Ga. To Shove up Assessments. flnmnfrnllAr **-1 VV..1^UUUV1 IVldKCS a Move to Bring About Big Increase in Valuation of Property for Taxation. Columbia Record. Comtroller General Jones has addressed a circular letter to city and township boards of assessors, county auditors and county boards of equalization, which 111 - - wm nave me ettect either of revolutionizing the assessment of property in this state or of further and finally demonstrating that the auditors and the members of the boards have no intention of enforcing the very plain statutes passed by the legislature years ago looking to the assessment of property at its full "true money value" instead of on a 60 per cent, basis of a valuation arrived at through a sytem of dodging made possible by politics and wire pulling. The regular quadrennial assessment of real estate is to be made next year, the returns beginning to be made the 1st of next January. The comptroller generalafter several times failing to get the legislature to pass such laws as will make it a criminal olTense for an office to knowingly list property at less than its true value and making it perjury for a return to be made below real value, has decided to "take the bull by the horns" with this | circular letter and direct the enforcement of the law requiring property to be returned at its true value. He estimates that his directions, if carried out, will double the tax values of the state, making them over $400,000,000 instead of only $210,000,000. The comptroller general finds that at pressent property is assessed in this state at from 9 to 100 per cent, of its real value, and he points out that the small property in proportion is carrying the biggest part of the load, as it is the large property which is dodging. Of course, if the directions of the comptroller general are carried out faithfully throughout the state there will not ouly be no further state deficits. but the fiitv tr??rr? ow/t county authorities, as well as the state authorities, will have more tax money than they can spend, and the levy will have to be reduced in proportion as the assessment is raised. The Lancaster News, 8 pages twice a week, $1.60. Safe Crackers Makes a Good Haul in North Carolina Town. Kinaton Special to Charlotte Observer:?The sate in the Trenton Drug company's s'ore, at Trenton, was opened by safecrackers last _ ...(S..U UIIU' I1IUIIOY and stamps amounting to $7 50 was stolen and carried off. The burglars also paid a visit to the general merchandise store of Mr. E. J. Loft in, and after blowinu ' the sale open with nitroglycerins, j took about $160 in money. Five I hundred dollars belonging to the 1 Trenton post office, located ir the Trenton Drug company's building, was stolen and $260 belonging to the Trenton Dru>i company. The robbers work d the com Dination at that place but wciv orced to use an explosive at Mi. Loftin's place. The detonation when the gale was blown open awakened citizens but no one saw the safe crackers as they es caped. An effort was made to secure blood hounds to trail th< burglars, but ineffectually ami they got away with their booty. Suspicion rests on a white mar, aKntit in ??"?? ~f ?1 * i ^ r onin Ul WnO I1H8 been seen atound Trenton for several days, and was missing today. This stranger wa* seen lurking at the rear ot the Trenton Drug company's store Thumdav afternoon late and was also seen about noon in company with another stranger driving from Trenton to Kinston. Fifteen Cents Cotton. Is gooil for the pocket; but it takes OUK NEW DISlJOVEKY for that bafi taste in the mouth everv morninu ?ml ?>..> ? , O' **"" *""v UIU weak back, and tired dull feeling when \ou gut up The only $1.(10 liquid pieparation Rild with an absolute (?U A KANTEE with each bottle for all lllood and Skin Diseases, Nervoasnncsa, l iver and Kidney Troubles. You run no risk whatever in buying OUb. NEW DlSOOVEliY. Your druggist will sign the guarantee bold by Crawford Hros. Notice to (ill I'ertiOn?* I ndehted to the Lancaster Mercantile Co. Ad you well know, we made 9ome business changes the first of last year, and it is absolutely necessary that we must collect all past due notes and accounts I ill order to settle with the late members of our concern ; therelore, we now ask our friends, whom we have been so liberal with, to now make arrangements at once to pay us. All past due notes and accounts not settled promptly will be placed in the hands of our lawyer for collection. Yours truly, i tf Lancaster Mercantile Co. 60 YEARS' ^jl^^J^^EXPERIENCE UP? Designs rfJTTl^ Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending n sketch wid description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether en Invention la probably patentable. Communloa. tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securfngpatents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest circulation of any setentlfle toqmoj. Terms, A3 a year: four months, $L Sold by oil newsdoalero. mUNN &Co New York Branch Offlos, 826 V St, Washington, D. C. Notice to White Tochers of Lancaster County. 1 especially request all White Teachers In Lancaster county to m?ct at i/sneaster Uourt House at 11 o'clock a. m? Saturday Deo. 9th, for the purpose of organizing a Teachers Asportation, and for discussing important questions affecting the aehoola in this ooonty. I most earnestly urge that every Teachsr in the county be present at this meeting. # W. M .MOORK, Co. Supt. Ed. Wf' . MAHDLB Ca 'i Yorkville Monument Works Equipped with modern machinery and electric power. In position to furnish anything in pure Vermont Marble or Granite Monuments from the cheapest slab to the most elegant design. Write for catalogue and information. | Yorkville, S. C. -www* I HURRY! # 'XT'OU can hurry me all y( ^ I _x rr> f ^ ? stun ior your THAN j thing you can name that y J and get your orders filled co M ries, Olives, Cranberries, Cra ^ Catsup, Preserves, Saratoj ^ Cakes and Crackers, CheesGj J Dates, Citron. Just anythii ? Huyler's Cand: { j. B. MAC I W A N ? m M. The Trading F We have the Bij Cheapest Stock o! ever had. Weboi cotton was chef higher prices, f such being the c more goods than Our stock of DRESS /S NEW AND We pride oursel medium-priced 1: ING in the tow well-assorted and GENTS' FUl And at prices tin tion?quality con When you think of srfc Think of us. We carry the Btyle9 and quality. We hi Shoe for men, and Kippendo pair guaranteed. Give us a call; we welc or not. Yours, with Honest Goo Fundc I Notice of Election. KEMOLVKD by the Town Council of the Town of Lancaster in Oonncil Assembled and by the authority of the same: Ut That an election for a Mayor And six Aldermen for the Town of Lancaster to serve for the next ensuing two years is hereby ordered to take place at the Gnard Hon?e in tho town of Lancaster on Tnu. clay the l*th day of December, 11)05. 2nd 'lhttt Eugene C. Seerest, James M. Warwick and J. O. Foster are appointed managers to hold said election "Done an unci" nberry Sauce, Celery, Pickle, ^ Chips, Candies, Honey, ^ , Maccaroni, Nuts, Raisins, ^ lg you want. J 7 for De Gals. S korell j TED I nUic to Know I ggest, Hest and f Goods we have Light goods when ip, anticipating md, of course, ase, we bought usual. GOODS I COMPLETE. ves on the best ine of CLOTHn. We carry a up to-date lino ?NISHINGS. I at defy competisldered. )ES I m in an endless variety of indie the Forbash Cushion I rf 8hoe for women. Every ome you whether you buy da at Fair Prices. trburk Co. |