The Lancaster News. Semi-Weekly. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays At Lancaster, S. C., By The Lancaster Publishing Company. Charles T. Connors, Editor. I | MJHSI'KI! r;y:,' :: \TKN One Year *1 Nl Six Months 7S Throe Month* 4" Payable In advance AOVKItTIStNO RATI>\ Ono Inch, llrst !n?,%rtlnn *V00 Koch subsequent Insertion 50 rents. For throe months or lonyer, reduced rates Professional cards, per year. H'-J Business notices. Transient Ad'-ertlsements, I?s' nntl Found. nn<1 other classified n vertlsoments not exceeding 'IX words. 'is cent* for each Insertion: I cent a word for each additional word over ? word*. Ohllti:?r|. s. Tributes of rrs"rot cards of thanks and a'l matter of a personal or political natnre to he chareed for. Advertising* rates by the column made known on application Brief correspondence on subjects of eevoral IntPPHwI Invituil Va! rdonnitclttlo far lion u ?tf correspondents H. R WVMK, Phksiiucnt. \V. r CAUTHKM. src'r and Tukas. J. M. R1DDI.G. .Ill . uttsinkss M anackil Er.lered >?t the postoHU'o at r nnonster. S or neennd-clnsR mall matter, Oct t. 1P0'\ Wednesday, October 11, 1005. I ? : i BAIL IN HOMICIDE CASES. \ Our e-teemed contemp >rary the Chester Lantern is ol tlie opinion liiat our judges are too lenient in Il'e m it'er of granting bul to parties charged with murder. It says "the law i;s it stands i s suscepiinio to a "slack interpretation," and our contemporary thinks the judges "strain it to the limit in this cli rection " A party oharaed with the com | mission of a crime is in the eyes' of the law, presumed to he innocent until he is proven amity. Why then, should a bail bond be made any larger than is necessary to injure the defendant's appes ranee for trial? When has a party in tnis sta e ^ charged wi'h murder torl'eited his bail by failure to boon hand when his case was called ? Is it / I not a fact that bail, whether lartre or small, has always had the effect of bringing the accns ed into court when wanted to answer to an indictment against him? The law does not coniein plate the pi nishmont of a party charged with minder, or a 113' vv other offence for that nntter, in advance of his conviction by a juryot his peers, as would bo the case were he denied ba 1 < r the amount made excessive, S. : ' ukm i'uv ii i ' < ssi < a i i 11 g ins nig, to jail and remaining thereuntil; Ms trial comes oil'. Tiiis is cor- , ? [tainly 11 no as a general propo-i tion. Of course in a capital case where "the proof is evident j or tin; prelumption great" the| Constitution declares that thel defendant shall not lie hailed. I v Such cases are indeed rare. m TIME FOli WHOLESALE INVEST!-j J GATION ? The removal last week by CJ ?v I Hey ward of two county treas. * urers for alleged shortages and ' Ithe report of an investigating cc^mittee showing gross miscon du&tjtnd mismanagement in tin ' financial affairs of a tbird county, following,as they do,so closely on the heels of the heels ol the revelations of rasonlity in Greenville I county and the charges of corruption made by the grand juries of Horry and Pickens against cer tain county officials, suggest the idea that the time is probably ripe for the making of a thorough investigation into the condition of public o flices generally, state as well as count}'. Oflicials who are doing their duty and whose accounts are straight would no doubt welcome such an investigation. It. would givo them an opportunity to show to the people that they are worthy of the trust, reposed in them. Only I lie incompetent and the criminally guilty would sutler by a general overhauling of the public offices in South Carolina. The charge has been frequently made that, in spite of the dispensary revenues and the enohanced value of taxable property, state and county taxes are annually increasing instead of diminishing. The charge implies either extrav agance or misappropriation of public lunds, or both. If the people's money is not being economically and judiciously used,if it is being wasted or stolen, the sooner they find it out the better. Let the legislature turn on the limelight over the entire state. The inauguration of the dispensary investigation was a step in me mini tnreeiion, oui 11 is now lime lor our lawmakers to lake anollier step?in fact, several of I hem. Appreciated Praise. We have received a number o' private loiters commendatory of the recent newspaper merger, and. though not intended for pub lication, we take the liberty of quoting from a few of them. Mr. W. W. Ball, of The News and Courier's editorial stall', clos es ii highly appreciated letter with the following paragraph: "It seems to me that the consolidation of your papers in Lancaster is what you have long needed and 1 am sure that you have now an excellent opportunity to do a class of work for which yon are well litted and for which the Review gave you no latitude" Our old friend Mr. Samuel F. Massev, of Fort Mill, writes: "1 am pleased for your sake and the people's sake at the late change in newspaperdotn* I feel that your ability will ne spurred by the prospect of a wider field iinrt less handicaps. Roth readers and yourself arc to be congratu luted ; for now there is every prospect for a bettor condition for both writer and readers." The following is from Mr. .1. H Craig, a lormer Lancastrian, now connected with the Indian Head Mills of Alabama, at Cordova : "Your first copy of the "Lanc AST Kit Nkws" just to hand, and a*< an old subscriber of the "Ledger" tint now a well wisher and a new subscriber of the New I'aper, allow me to congratulate you most heartly on your paper as a whole and make my bow to . ...... ..r. n v*mi:winw visitor to my home. "I have been h constant sub scriber of the Ledger ever since being away from home and have alwavs read its columns with interest, it being from my native county home, and now clothed under a new organization and fronting a wider field, I bespeak for the paper great success. "I will return sometime in November on a visit to friends in old Lancaster and will slip an extra dollar or two in my purse for the paper but in the meantime trust to receive same as usual." Press Comments on Lancas< ter's Dispensary Election. (Columbia State.) Lancaster, also ! The Iloupe of Lancaster unitas with the House of York. In this war, the red rose of Lancaster joins the white rose of York against Tillman and his Great Moral Institution. (Greenville Mountaineer:) Ilurrnh for Lancaster. That county votes out the G. M. I. by the largest pro rata vote yet recorded in elections under the Brice Bill. And some people ac tually thought the dispensary would win. Mr. Tillman's eloquence is being felt?against his pet. (Spartanburg Daily IleralJ.) Did Lancaster do it to get ahead of her traditional rival York? That may be an explanation. Senator Tillman spoke in Lancaster, but did not speak in Horr tr T Inoa tli n t li a tra uitulhinor tft Hi, I with the way the vote stood yes terday? Only a query now, no assertion made, hear in mind. Lancaster claims to he the han ner county of the state in the fitiht against the dispensary. Move that the pennant be award ded and suitable resolut.ons be engrossed and sent to her. "Hurrah for Lancaster," savs the enthusiastic Lancaster correspondent With Tiny Tim, "So say wo all, everyone." Narrow Escape Of l'assenger Train near Camden ?Almost Runs into a Burning Bridge. Columbia, Oct. 7.?Special to News and Courier: The Seaboard's through south bound passenger train No. 31, due here at 10:15 a. m., on the way from the North to Florida, hada thrilling escape this morning from destriic tion, through a burning bridge, spanning what is known as Jump ing Gully, 60 feet high ami 200 feet long, between Lugofif and ' Rlanai' Sifufw.ti hoqi" ( 1.-, .1 .. I L#K?IIV T ucocauti, UWCI I vailiuoil, The only warning tlfe engineer and crew had was the smoke and ll ttne they sighted 200 yards awav, as the train was rounding a curve, running forty five miles an hour. The engine was revers ed and the emergency brakes were apnlied. The engineer got his machine under control within a car length of the north side of the bridge, where the tire was concentrated and where twenty J feet had been burned out. There, was joy in that crowd of passen-1 gers, numbering about fifty, and , they are eloquent in their praise of the splendid work of Engineer I). K. Wright, and Conductor i Walter Gibson and others. Ex-Vice-President Peters Not Standing by Association. Dallas, Tex., Oct. (5.?Col. E. S. Peters, vice president of thOs Southern Cotton association, has issued a letter to turtners advising then' 'o sell their cot. ... This letter is expected to arouse criticism in the Southern Cotton association, as the officers of that organization, supported by the Farmers' union, have advised farmers to hold their cotton for 11 cents. Col. Deters says he believes that cotton will not go any higher and he predicts a big crop. Don't fail to read our column of business locals. ?The ladies of the Baptist church served meals Monday aud yei *erday in store room sou'h cf entrance to Imperial hotel. They were quite successful, realizing about $.r>0. 'Hie ladies will also servo dinner to morrow in the same place Business Notices. ?jV*A1I Notions inserted under this head at the rate of ON K CENT A WORD for each insertion. No notice to be counted less than 25 words. FOR RENT.?January 1st,the store room now occupied by Allison Bros, & McOardell. See \V T. Gregory. Oct. 10-3ti. * LOST OR STRAYED ? While in town Sept. 1Mb, last, my yellow Shepherd dog. Had been sheard. Reasonable reward for his return. A. A. Knight. REWARD. ? I will pay a reward of Five Dollars for the capture of one Walter Cunningham, alias Hunk Reddish, charged with breaking into my house and robbing same Sept. 15th, Inst. He is a young negro, black, weighs about 125 pounds. Was in ] Kershaw county when last heard] from, w . p. Hlackmon, White RlulT.I S. C. Oof. 0.1905. 2ti. Why do you order high-price Wash ing Machines? Hen net t Grocery Co, sells the Spotless. 10-4-Gt. WANTED?Those who are indebted to the Lancaster Enterprise for Subscription will please call on me end settle same, as I am anxious to Close no the business ol that paper as early as possible. A. .J. Clark, Jlgr. WANTED.? Honest, reliable A Rent to represent us in Lancaster County to assist Mr. A. H. Lindsay in the Sewing Machine business, we have a large number of Accounts to collect j on and the best machine in the world to sell and there is no better County in the State than Lancaster, S. C. to sell Sewing Machines and especially the Singer, everybody buys the Singer, you can make money working for us. We want you at once, now is the Harvest of the Season, the Farmers are ready to buy, none but an honest, reliable and hustling man need apply, ("all oil or address Singer Sewing Machine Company, Cbarvr /' 11; i> /> 1. ?? ? iwur, r* v/ . *? . I>. \yl UUh, .fI ^ T . Notice. Notice is hereby given that the tax books of the town of Lancaster, S. C., will be open for the collection of taxes on the 1st day of November, 1905, at the olllce of the town Treasurer, and all taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of December, 1905, pursuant to .Section 1 of the Supply Hill of 1905, will be subject to a penalty ot 15 per cent for the non-payment of the same when, together with cost. K. K. Wylik, Oct. 10, 1905. Mayor. Trespass Notice. Notice is hereby given to the public that tbe undersigned will prosecute to the full extent of the law any person or persons hereafter caught cutting timber, riding, walking, driving, drilling, hunting or otherwise trespa-sing on their lands in Indian Land Township, Lancaster County, S. C. J. Z. Ilowey, .1 A. Hell, A. P. Spratt, Mrs. S. .1. Burleson, I *. M M agi ns, Kock Hill. Oct. 10,1905. The BEST is the Cheapest Town Talk Flour BENNETT GROCERY CO. MONEY TO LOAN I sin prepared, as usual, to negotiate loans, mi iinneouml t/in f. > ? w? . In ?- * A'aio aa ami upward* for flv-- years. Interest at 7 per cent, on *um.s of 11,000 00 nnd over. Under $1,000.00. 8 per cent. Interest. No brokeraso or commission charged?only a reasonable fee for nlis'riict of title R. K. W Y LI K, Attorney at -Law. The First National Bank of Lancaster, S. C., Solicit* accounts of individuals, firms and corporations, and offers to depoaitors every facility ami courtesy consistent with sound bankingInterest allowed on time deposit. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Correspondence solicited. K. M. CROXTON, Cashier, j CUAS. D. JONES, President. Professional Cards JOHN E. WELSH, DENTIST, Lancaster, S. C. Office Up stairs in Mason ic Building. DENTISTRY. DR. R. M. GALLOWAY, Surgeon Dentist. Office Up-stairs in Ganson Building. DR. R. G. ELLIOTT, Lancaster, S. C. Residence 'phone, Xn, Is7, Ollice Davis Building. cor. Main and Dunlap streets;'phone No 72 Will practice in hot h town and county. All calls, day or night, will receive prompt attention. Notice to Taxpayers. Taxes will he due and payable without penalty from October 15 to Decern her 31. innr> The tax levy for State purposes is d'v 1111119, ror ordinary county purpos. es 4'^ mills, special county purposes (I/, it C. R, R. bonds) 2 nulls, constitutional tax for school purposes 3 mills, making a total levy of 15 mills on all taxable property of the county. In School Districts Nos. 5,30, 32 and 40. there is a sptcial levy of 2 mills additional for school purposes; in District No. 24. 3 mills; Districts Nos. 12, 17 and 30, 4 mills; District No. 38, 5 mills; No. 14, 0 mills, and .\To. 40, 7 mills. In Cane Creek Township there is a special local levy of I mills for railroad purposes; (1 ill* Creek, 5 mills, and Pleasant Hill, 3 mills. There is also a tax of one dollar on each male citizen between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except ex-Confederate soldiers and sa-lors, or those who are so disabled that they cannot earn a support by manual labor. \V. C. CA ITTII F.N, Treasurer Lancaster County. Nc>: 7R58. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office Comptroller of the Currency Washington, D. C., Aug. 4, 1905. WHKRICAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The First National Hank of Lancaster", in the Town of Lancaster, in the County of Lancaster and Stale of South Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be vmii/mvv* uv-iui v. (Ill lion shall be authorized to commence the business of Hanking; NOW THKRKFORK I, Thorn, as P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The First National Hank of Lancaster", in the Town of Lancaste", in the County of Lancaster and State of South Carolina, is authorized to commence the business of Hanking rfs provided in Sec'ion Fifty one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. IN TESTIMONY YVIIKKF.OF \ witness my hand and Seal of office thisFourth day ofAugust, i90">. SFAi V T. r. Kane, Deputy an I Acting Comptroller of the Currency. O-i 0-05. LANCASTER & CHESTER RAILWAY COMPANY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY -JH, I?06. DAILY EXCEPTSUNDA" WKSTHOUND Lv LnnciiHier 330am 3 4.S p a. Lv Fori Lawn 6 -tH ? in 4 if> p u i.v iliiHcumvillo ti it in 1 no p m I - - * ... ? on a in I 41) p m Ar Cheater .7 30 a m ft 15 n m Ar Charlotte ? Sou. Ky 965 a m 7 0U~p7a Ar Columbia? Sou Rf? loiftatn EAHTIJOUNI) l,v Columbia- Sou. Rv > oft n in 3 10 p m Lv Charlotte -Sou. Hy 6 Oft . in 0 U0 p w l,v Ohe.sler 9 <* a m H li p hi m l.v Rlchburtt SMMam h iU p it ^ Lv Masromvillo a 50 a m H 45 p m l?v Kort La'^n 10 06 a m H ftfl p to Ar lutncaater 10 30 a in W 15 p m CONNECTIONS CHESTER?Southern, Seaboard, and Carolina & North-Wcatern Railway*. LANCASTER?Southern Railway. A. 1 MoLURE, Superintendent. LKROY HPKINOS. President.