/ ??? VV/> ^ ?>V* \3?l I ? S> Flag Flying?The Clinton Mills "( breezes under the United States flag. Clinton, a similar activity was condu< A H A break for the press?"Mister Su piece of cake as Mrs. Mildred Bom supporter of Clinton Mills activities. HI Mil Br V* i ' x2ii?w 0 v A star is made?Sue Gann carefu cake which she baked for flag raisii drafted With Pride" flag flutters in the In addition to the flag-raising ceremony in cted at Clinton Mills of Geneva. n" Editor Jim Kluttz takes time to enjoy a rer pours coffee. Kluttz has long been a V' 'iL H lly removes "star" from Crafted With Pride ng ceremony. Scenes Fi Flag Raising O mmtiflP^L r >j j H , We're interested in American-made produc Hudson tells Clinton Mills Vice President Tha< organization is doing to help the domestic text i Proclamations official?Clinton Mayor David X proclamation urging Clintonians to buy Ame Mayor Bob Dominick did likewise. The two pro to chairman Robert M. Vance. I Clinton Mills role in community?Laurens Ci Mayor David Tribble, and SCTMA Communicat ; Clinton Mills' interest and support of projects s and its affect on the community. Page 3 rom eremony L ts?Belk Vice President Grier i wiinams tne Tnings me ueiK ile industry. I Tribble places his signature on ;rican-made products. Laurens clamations were then presented V 'J* I ty Manager Paul Willette, Clinton ions Director Jan Dargan discuss uch as "Made in USA" campaign