J FEBRUARY. 1952 j Plant Paper . . . (Continued from Page 1) If a picture you turn in does not appear that month, don't get worried. It will be used I as soon as possible and returned to you. Here are the names of all 1 plant reporters which had been named bv the deadline. Others will be published in the next issue. If you do not { know the name of the leporter 1 in your department, check with your second hand or overseer. J CLINTON PLANT Spinning No. 1, 1st shift. Mrs. Eunice Arnold- 9nH clnif* t , V, i Harry Foster; 3rd shift. James j Heaton. Spinning No. 2, 1st. Mrs. ' Jennie V. Porter; 2nd, Mrs. Lois Harmon; 3rd, Mrs. Effie Downs. Spooling, 1st. Mrs. Kr:te Riddle; 2nd. Mrs. Othella Whitmire; 3rd, Mrs. Margaret Seay, Mrs. Lillie Webb. Carding, 1st, John Bigham; 2nd. Ervin Moody; 3rd, Jack Rhodes. No. 1 Weaving, 1st. Mildred Kinard; 2nd. Mildred Campbell; 3rd, Izelle McAllister. No. 2 Weaving, 1st, Grace Wooten; 2nd. Helen Johnson; 3rd. Marv Ellen Cannon. No. 3 Weaving. 1st, Ruth Cxner; 2nd. (to be named); 3rd, Mary Huffstctler. Cloth Room. 1st. Dorsey Turner; 2nd, Eva West. Shop. 1st, Kay Mills; 2nd, Lonnie Smith; 3rd. Clinton West. LYDIA PLANT Carding, 1st, Verna Dees; 2nd, Joe Nelson; 3rd. W. T. MeElhannon. Weaving, 1st shift. No. 1 weaving, slashing, tieing-in. Dowel Satterfield; No 2 and 3, weaving, Annie Lawson; 2nd shift. No. 1, Janie Summerall; No. 2 and 3, Roberta Prince; 3rd shift. No. 1 weaving, Ruth Carter; No. 2 and 3. Evelyn Chafin. No. 1 Spinning, Spooling, 1st shift, Martha Bailey; 2nd. Henrv Young; 3rd. Jackie Williams. No. 2 Spinning, 1st shift. Pearl Queen; 2nd. Lois Phipps; 3rd, Rose Satterfield. Shop, O. C. Harris, and Cloth Room. Virginia Wilson. Church News In future issues of the paper, a separate department will be established for churche news. Turn in notices of special church services or meetings to your reporter or to the personnel department. fcntcr the newspaper name contest today! \smM inn OFFICERS OF THE KINDEF er's club at the Lydia plant are < lone Wallace, director of the Ki David Word is president and Mrs treasurer. Absent when the picturi Mrs. G. C. Parrish. secretary, and program chairman. r 4% |i< ail is* THE CALVARY BAPTIST < organization of 32 voices under t Starting off with five members, t in the past year. Organists are Mr way; pianists are Miss Alma Spill s4T&HKCC t?c Marian Mitchell, leader, reminds us that the Sunbeams, ages 4 to 8, meet Tuesday at 5 p. m. at Calvary Baptist Church. Remind your children to go . . .J. E. Braswell, Jr., president, says the Clinton Men's Club wants new members. Just get in touch with him. James Craine or Cecil VVooten ... A table tennis team from Clinton-Lvdia will take part in a state-wide tourney in Columbia March 1. Good luck . . . Teachers, community workers and office and store employees have formed a unit of BPW clubs. More about it next time. If you have reached 60 and live at Lydia, get in touch with Mrs. lone Wallace and join the "Golden Age Club" for a good time . . . The Clinton Hobby Club is making embroidered cutwork and crocheting this month. says Mrs. Elvin Holtzclaw, president. The Lydia Hobby Club is making costume jewelry and Toleware. New members are welcome . . . "The Old Maid's Club." a plav bv the Lvdia Woman's Club, was a howling success February 15 . . . The PI intnn T r? n /-I ??' o A vMinvMi luvauci d rvdduciciillJll will take a training course about March 1 under a national leader. The Deadline Keep an eye out for notice of the deadline for the next issue and all issues of the paper. Some news was left out of this issue because it was turned in too late. We are sorry but reporters have to turn in news to the overseer's desk by the deadline or it cannot be used. ? I HI JM m * JlL 1GARTEN Moth- THE CLIN1 shown with Mrs. highly active pa ndergarten. Mrs. this year is und i. Carson Neal is elected officers: ( e was made were Mrs. Alice Low Mrs. Ira Bailey. Myrtle West. M Holland (a guest THE CLINTON-LYDIA NEWS 3HURCH choir is an outstanding he direction of Mrs. Joe E. Land, he choir has made much progress s. Land and Miss Catherine Dunalers and Mrs. Alvin Trammell. Etiquette Studied By (iainpfirc (iirls Modern etiquette and proper table settings are the two special projects being under taken by the Campfire Girls at the Clinton plant, it is reported bv Mrs. Brevard Patterson. one of the Guardians of the group. This special study is in addition to the regular progress which always is being made by each girl in increasing her rank. A "Sweetheart's Day" will be a special event lor the Campfire Girls at both villages the last Saturday in February. Fathers of all the girls will be their guests at a box supper to be held in the Clinton Community Club building. Guardians of the Clinton Campfire unit are Mrs. Brevard Patterson and Mrs. Joe Cooper, assisted by Miss Corine Maye, Mrs. William Heaton and Mrs. Tom Morris. Camera Club Open To All Employees A new organization at the Clinton plant which promises to become a most valuable addition to the community is the Camera Club. The club meets the second and fourth Fridays from 7 to 9 p. m. at the community building. It is open to any employees interested in learning photography. A number of the pictures used in this issue of the Clinton-Lydia News were made by J. M. Cooper, president of the club. Officers of the club, in addition to Mr. Cooper as president. are Clark Meadows. vice-president, and E. C. Huffstetler. secretary-treasurer. 1 ^^URLS h m 'ON WOMAN'S CLUB takes a rt in all community affairs and ler the direction of these newly left to right) Mrs. Ann Trammell, re, Mrs. Milderd Kinard. Mrs. Irs. Eunice Arnold. Mrs. Hettie :). and Mrs. Nellie Howard. NEWS ITE/v SPINNING By Martha Bailey Mrs. J. W. Campbell recently visited her daughter. Mrs. Thomas Ellison. Buddy Campbell returned home with his mother for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Ellison and Mrs. Lillian Ellison were weekend guests of Mrs. Ola Saunders in Laurens. The L. A. Smiths of Arcadia visited the A. E. Smiths. Pfc. Harold L. Austin has returned to Ft. Benning after spending a leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Austin. Pvt. Paul Rnmaino Kac Iiuu WCCI1 transferred from Parris Island to Camp LeJeune. N. C. for a Marine cooking school. He is expected home soon on furlough. Artes Smith has returned home after an operation at Blalock's Clinic. Barbara McLendon is out again after being a patient at Havs Hospital. We extend our sympathy in the death of Richarc! Frank Anderson. He was a son of Rev. C. R. Anderson and the brother of Mrs. Roy Saunders. Mrs. Charles Cobb and Mrs. Harold Lawson of this community. The Benjamin Filers, Jr.. are moving to Atlanta where he will resume studies at Columbia Theological Seminarv. Mrc FlWo f-; 1- -- A'" o li ici iua in ine spooler room presented her with a lovely gift on her last dav at work. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crocker back in Clinton after living several years in Winston-Salem, N. C. The Roy Sniders and Mrs. Nell Mills visited the J. J. Sniders in Belton. The Gorge Howells visited in Union. Weekend guests of the H. H. Daltons included Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dalton of Calhoun Falls and Robert Adams and family of West Clinton. NO. 1 WEAVING^ 1st SHIFT dy ueweu frotitt We are glad to report that S. J. Whitefield is home after being a patient at Hays Hospital. Little Johnny Landford. son of the J. T. Landfords. celebrated his 5th birthdav Feb. 10. Jessie H. Prince, son of Mrs. Janie Prince, is now stationed at Fort Jackson. Mrs. Prince has another son serving with the Marines in Korea. We are glad to welcome two new residents to the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Aberoromhio anr) familv NO. 2 WEAVING. 2nd SHIFT By Roberta Prince Welcome to these new employees: Carolyn Fortsom from Greenwood; Walter Hughes from Laurens and Herman D. Thomas from Anderson Glad to have Mrs. Alice McCurrv back at work after illness. We certainly appreciate the new cloak rooms which have been added to each weave room. They provide ample room for each shift and have helped the appearance of the weave rooms. William P. McKinnon visited in Atlanta for several days. Enter the newspaper name contest today! 3 \S AT LYDIA Cpl. Robert "Bobby" McGowan and Pvt. Russell Susti have arrived in tho Static after serving with the First Marines in Korea. Both are former employees of the No. 2 weave room. FIRST SHIFT CARDING By Verner Dees Roy Snider went with his son. Harold, to Columbia where he was inducted into the air corps. Harold is now stationed at Lackland Air Base, San Antonio. Texas. We regret to report that Donald Ansel McCrevey, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy W. McCravey of the Lydia Mill died January 19. CLOTH ROOM By Virginia Wilson Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crawford visited the S. B. Crawfords in Williamston. The Jack Lollis' of Greenville visited the former's sister, Mrs. R. E. Whitmire. The Clee Blackwells of Toccoa. Ga., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hairston and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hairston. The Robert Bagwells visited the Fred Bagwells of near Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Summler spent a weekend with the P. B. Summlers in Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wofford, of Greer, visited Miss Sallie Campbell . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen and son, of Columbia. were weekend guests of the W. P. Thrifts . . . The T. R. McElveens and son attended the Orange Bowl game . . . Miss Roberta Chaney was the dinner guest of the Roy Harris' . . . Mr. and Mrs. f^pnrrTD Dnrv/J -? /^v nccu \ laucu in urangeburg. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Parrish, Jr.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams in Newberry. The Sherman Coopers visited Mrs. Sarah Hendrix in Greenville. Birthdays: Joe Lawson, Jan. 30; Harriet, daughter of Mrs. Virginia Wilson, was eight years old January 4; Martha Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Reeder, had a birthday January 31; Norma Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Penland, was one year old January 27; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deitz's son. James, celebrated his birthday January 8; Perry Parrish. January 30; Mrs. Sherman Cooper, January 29. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crawford cplpKrof or) ? uivu HICII mOIII wedding anniversary Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Parrish celebrated their second anniversary January 14 Gloria Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jackson, is recuperating from the flu. The cloth room wishes to welcome Mrs. Sarah Penland and Maxie Hipp as new employees. I.ydia ff omen Hold f~. C mt ?? "' (in The Lvdia Woman's Club held its regular monthly meeting featuring a gavel presentation on January 17 with 42 present. Miss Mary Johnson, the newly elected president, received the presiding gavel from Mrs. E. C. Burdette, the retiring president, in an impressive ceremony. Other new officers also were installed.