EXTRACTS FROM T??e Hon. I.nnydon t lievca' i.cttrr. Lonotince absolutely and unreservedly, during this content, all pretensions to the high honors of the Union. Fill no office under the Genera] Government except in the Legi-htivo Hal's. This will be no sacrifice, for no sop of yours will, whatever be Ins wen's, ever fill the Executive Chair until your wrongs are righted, tin'il you shall be re* sprrtrd as equals in the government, and until the withering scorn of Legislative As* ; sembliea shall banish from their floors your calumnious .accusers. I do not p.ay that you eught net to join, i even zealous'y and with a'! your nijght, in the | choice of a chief magistrate of tli" Union ; hut let it not he in support of a Font hern aspirant which, at tlrs timn will weaken, distract and mislead you. Support, always the candidate most likely to sustain your own and your country's interests. I speak rot of Carolina alone, hut of all the Southern Stales?give your whole and undivided weight to the men and the party opposed to your oppressors, and cl-itn no , in our country's more liberal and j palmy days, side by p:de in our political movements. By tfrs natural alliance, in former 1 times was the high handed power of that sarrm j people that now oppress v it, pu' (low n. This j was the policy of Jefferson, and th;s alliance' formed the great Democratic party of the j Union, That great bond is now fearfully 1 shattered and almost severed by tariff and abolition combinations, and will soon altogether parish if th-se comhmations he not j insisted. Look at the great Democratic fam. j r -i . \T ?,u ,.?! lilac* hnur ir hr>hh1pS Ijy oi llje iXUI 111 nuvi jy.i:v ..V... ,t along in a spiritless paralytic movement, I ke that of the halt and the lame; look at* the great and good old dominion, Iio.v it; has sunk and fallen, luw its glory has gone : down ; look a* your own shameless South- : ern desertions. What ic the cause of t';:? ' deplorable cond;'ion of our po'itirrf ? What is the eause of that general gloomy dip. | content and uncertainty whic'i prevail among the people concerning their political move ' mentp : of the infidelity so shamefully exhibited by their representatives, who have substitu'ed the little schemes of faction and i personal resentment for the great inte ests j of their coun'ry? Vou sec Southern Senators voting for a tariff which they themselves have repeatedly condemned and rcprobatfd, I and Western senators against the annexation of Texas, which their constituents to a man anxiously wished to acquire. Wha* is the cause of those- gloomy clouds which lower in the political t-ky ; of that fearful dread which ail gond men suffer ot a f*'al disrupt - * - - - r\ t , i.:^ tion rt our noblo institutions j i;ark as uiis picture may b?, and certainly is, exclude but a single grmip of the numerous Dramatis persona, let but the scene change so as to exclude from the stage a few bun* dred overgrown capitalists, the governors of power looms and spinning jennies, and a very sma'l number of reckless fana'ic abolitionists, and all will be light and life. We shall immediately see ih? sky brighten, and the clouds disperse. We shall discover a free, profitable and increasing commerce, feedingand maintaining a prosperous agriculitire, high prices for the produce of the soil, and cheap supplies for its cultivators, with union, harmony and traterna! love, holding together the whole people 0/the whole country. The good old Democracy triumphant, and the motly band ol Whigism?" Here a bit of biack stone and there a bit of white"?hilling its bead in feebleness and defeat. The whole Union fijurishirg and the South loyal, conten'od and lnppy. Texas bounding and strengthen ng our borders and increasing our wealth and greatness. In the name of Gowhat-fatuity has come over the pe< p'e, that they do not discover the petty and odious thraldom in which they are bound ai,d by which the grea'es? boons and blessings of I'rovidence are thr*. ened with entire subversion, and even, in effect, turned into curses. But to return from this too long but interesting digression, in which we have looked with a kind of prophetic vision, wo think, on what we hoped to see realized at no distant day. When three or four States null arise with unblenching front, and unite heartily and resolutely, others will .speedily join them, and our relief will, in all likelihood, be peaceably accomplish d and the Uni n preserved. Yet lot not this blessed hope be relied upon with too much confidence, hut anticipate a worse result and be prepared to meet if. But shall we put at hazard that Union which we so much love and honor, in which we purchased a partnership with so many sacrifices, and be forced out of it Iv thai very people by which we have heretofore defended it? it is, in my opinion, a lamenta. ble truth, that, that hazard mu-t be met, and it i6 idle and even dangerous to hesitate in avowing it as the possible result, however much we may deprecate if. There are worse evils than ui.-un:on and we tan hardly doubt that we have been long suffering under them. But, if the dissolution of the Union be a great evil, and it certainly will he so to the American people, and would be so to us, if we wer.i permitted to enjoy its benefits, the guilt and the reproach will rest upon those who wantonly provoked it, and those who wantonly have suffered it to take place. Yes, wantonly, for the Historian must record the fact, that''the sacrifice of that glorious institution which might have secured and perpetuated, to a distant posterity, the happiness, prosperity and greatness of twenty millions of people, at this time, and of more than an hundred at r.o very remote futurity, was made to gratify the inordinate avarice of a few score (not more) of great capitalists in a small secMB&v lion of the country, and the furious midiitse of a srnalier number of fanatical abo e t v i1 ? > ii. wm n?wi i jj ? ? . I litionistp, who combined together to oppress i the interests and lo destroy the peace and j happiness of the people of the Southern States, | who, to th" h'?nor of humanity? resisted and , overthrew their wicked design-3. Before God, we do not wish disunion. Let the Government be justly admitrster' ed, and we will glory in the Union and give it j ?>ur whole hearts and strength, in peace I I and war, as we have done before, when ! some of its most noisy eulogists, at the present time, were not in the ranks with us? when they were almost tn the ranks of a foreign enemy. But who has heretofore spoken of di-umon 1 whence did the odii . s term or:- J j ginafe? not surely from the South. It came j | in the chill blast of the North and East. By j i what description of p-rsons has the idea, at j I ? - K rt M ^ ' ? L f A t U A fv< ?tll K ? tl' I) P t i I rtitv I 11 lit ~y I/Vl'll JJUT. IUIIII IW ' II'. . j j man of note, what great public assembly of i the South has heretofore spoken of disunion ? i ( But among those who have recently taken it ! ( under their peculiar gu mlianship, the greatest ;, ' men they boast have tepeatedly and flippantty j ' uttered it. When the great and valuable j ; acquisition of Louisiana was made, did not | ( ! one of the most distinguished men on the fl.ior j: : cf Congress declare, that it would he followed j | by their severance from the Union," peacea~ j I bly if they could, forcibly if they inrst ?" j When the treaty for the annexation of Texas , (no le-s important than valuable) was announ; ced, their greatest men rushed forward, with i breathless haste to utter equivalent language, i Recently, one of their greatest, wisest and | j gravest legislative bodies, modestly proposed I ! to expunge from the constitution the most sacred ar icle in it, by which we were wooed into the compart, and without winch we would i have had nothing to do with it ; and what ! would this have been but actually and fai'hi lessiy perpetrating disunion ' Yet those are the people who vociferously accuse you nt the desire of disunion, when " the head and Iron' of your offending,'' does not amount to a tithe j of their own guilt. If, indeed, there be the i shadow of guilt on your part, in complaining ; of the great abuses of it, and, if under the I sore ; lflictions you suffer through its forms, j you propose to calculate the value of it and the dangers of it too, for the threatened danrrorj /0 it ,pu ini.rn slarmilfT than all WG &C I ^k V w u 1 v ,,,w,w & j tuaijy eulFor, great as that (nay bo. FOE1 SALE. A N excellent Fam !y Horse, very gentle in IsL any kind of Harness. GEO. II. DUNLAP. Sept 10 26 skersfIFs^ALES." " 7(\ V order of the Court of Ordinary, will b;1 sold at Chesterfield C. fI., on the First Monday in O'toher next, within the legal hour* ofsale. all the Roil Estate, of Henry E. Bryan, deoe'i^ed, consisting of one Tract of I-and, on the Waters of Deep Creek, adjoining the lands of Joitn M. Sellers, Jesse Gibson, John Ccpsland and the Estate of Win. Hancock, contain" ing -100 Acres, more or less. Conditions:?So much Cash as will pay the expenses of tho sale will be required on the day ' of Sale. The balance in two annua! Instalments. The purchaser will give bond and goo 1 ; security, with interest from the day of sale, and ' a mortgigo to the Ordinary if required, to secure the payment of ilic purpl.asc nmnev. ALFRED M. I.OWIiY, S. C. D. Sheriff's Ofii -e. S?>pl 10 1*6 3r^ COJ'A Zl T !tf E 51 ?115 P. DTI HE u idcrsiirncd iiavc formed a Copartner J9 ship, under the firm of J. I'. Harrai.i. j Co., and have tik-n a Store tSireo doors North : of the corner of Front ami Kersliaw?strcct?. They have recently purchased in New York, j a very heavy and desirable s'oek of Goods, and i | as every article they will offer for sale, will he j , nrtv and fresh and will ho sold at very rcasona- ' able rales, they invite the attention of dealers to j an examination of their Stock. AUG. P. LACOSTE. | | Sept 3 J.P. HARK ALL. WA.YTflD. ^ You'll hetweon 12 and 15 years of nget j /M. as an Apprentice to the Printing Business. Apply at the Office of the Farmers1 Gazette i Ap il 30 7 1 ' ~ I f^tiHE Subscriber will applv to thoer.suin'* , JL L' gislniure, lor leave to er>.ct a MILL on l Thompson's Creek. JNO. W. LEAK. ; August 13 22 3m ! j " VniCE EtEBJUCJEO. A NEW 3 ipp'y of Randolph S1I EE TING, } lik. just received, which will bo sold at reduced ; prices. L). M ALLOY. I ! May 7 8 : TSJK ? ft !?$ ?? i i-j as ~ f^WUAj receive by early arrivals, a general j ^ assortment of Seasonable Pry Goods, 1 which they off r for sale on accommodating terms. Blue Prints Black Cambric ! Fancy do. Elastic Suspenders | Muslin de Laiuc Cotton and Worsted do j | Black Alpaclia Buck Gloves Changeable do. Do. Mittens Fig trod do. Black U.S. Coves j Valencia Vestings Pongee Silk Ilk Is. i Black Satin do. Cotton and Madder do. J 1 Blue Cloth Hooks and E;cs n ? Black do. dl'u i icu D>. Cnssimoro Spool Cotton ; Corded do. Patent Thread I Siripo do. 3-4 Shirting Kentucky Jeans 7-Q S.i -cling j SatiueitK 5-4 do. ! 11?4 Wh tnoy Bhnkcts 6-4 do. | Jo-4 do. do. Hie ached do. ( Negro do. Kerseys lIo:?o do Coat and Sliirl Buttons Ac , Ac.. Ac. Sept 3 J. P. HAUUALL Si CO IIAS3)WAKE, AC. TABLR Co'lery Brass Head Andirons Pocket do. Shovel and Tongs I Collins' Axon Carolina Unas | Shing ing Hatchets Half B'rt do. Nail Hammers Bagging Needles ; Long Handle Shovels Drill Ryed do. Do .Mauuie Porks Nos. 8 & 10 Cot. Cards i Spades Do. fi Wool <10. j Twisted Trace Chains Smith's Bellows 'Common do. do. Curiy Combs j Sad Irons Horse Brushes, Coffee Mills Shoe do., Ac. Ac. For sale on accommodating terms, hy J Sept _3 J. P. I1ARRALL A CO. WOTER CLOTEII Vi. j r^^WRRD, Flashing and Saftinct Sacks w Blue Flushing and Blanket Hunting Coats | Do do and Pilot Overcoats Saltinetand Diamond no Drown and Invisible Green Cloth do Super Black do l)o do Dress Coals ? Do board, Tales, Cribs, &c., &r\ Persons wishing any of the above articles, or ether Household and Kitchen Furniture, wiil do well to call soon. GFO. II. DUXLAP. Sept 10 23 Hi Aijl 1 . "^""STILL be sold ?>n the first Monday and the (luv following in October next at Chesterfield C. fl., on writs of fieri facias, within tiio irgii hours, the following property, viz : All the defendant's interest in the real estate of Robert Carter, deceased, containing two thousand acres more or less, lying on the waters of Brown Creek adjoining the lands of John Bhkeney, A THOSE I?JES WHO fca 3 ONESTLY d'liiht llie 11(iill of the Brana 3 drcthinn System, we would enlieat thorn to ponder well upon the following farts : The loot! taken in'<> the stomach i< converted - i i?i rt,?i. II1IO UIIHJII. " 1111.11 4^,. all the ramifications ot' I lie system, nut only imparts strength an;1 continues life, bat actually creates, forms, and builds upoarh and every part of thcanimtl machine. It" tlie blood, there'ore. is pure uul healthy, i!ie hodv, which is formml from and support* <1 hy the bloo I, c innol h c* diseased Hut if?ii *r?? i?o in any part of thAoo lv any utF'Ction, such as a In e, or nicer, even a bruise, the blood circuiting through that put, lakes ii p i in fin i e m tti'rs ?r< * -'- ' ? ? -&?*?i* Executive Department, ? Columbia, 9 h S -p'., IS 14. S By Hi* Excellency JAMES II. HAMMOND, Governor and C?rnmnider.in.Chicl in and over the St ilc of South Carolina. 75^/" II ERE AS. it becomes ail Christian naV w t;on< to acknowledge, at stated periods their dependence on Almighty God ; to express their gratitude for His pas' mercies, II. II. . I I l WW I 1 and Mummy aim oevMi'.iy to implore llis messing for ; !jo fu'ure. Now, therefore, I, J.vmfs II. Hammond. Governor of the Slate ot South Carolina, do, in conformity with the established usage of this S'ate, appoint Mm FIRST THURSI)\Y IN OCTOHFIR NEX'!', to be observed as a day of Thank-givjng. Humiliation and Prayer, and invite and exhort Mir citizens of all denominations to as-omhle at their respective places of Wo-Phip, to offer up their dcvnt.or-s to G- (1 the Creator, and his son Jesus C'iri.-t, the Redeemer of the world. Given under my hand, and the s^al of the State, m Columbia, this niri'h day of Sep. temher, in the year of our Lord on" Me lipoid eight hundred and forty four, and in tin? six'y?ninth year of American Independence. I CJIKSTrRriL'L?) DISTRICT. TfoNATl!AN Ni:\VMAN. made suit to me j to grant him Letters of Administration on theunndrninistered part of the Goods and Chattols which were of Samuel Newman, deceased. These are lo cite the Kindred and Creditors of , the said deceased, that they appear in the Court j of Ordinary, to Itc hoiden at Chesterfield Court! j House on Monday the S3rd instant, to she v cause, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, the 9th Sept., 1814. T. RRYAN, O. C. D. S-pt 17 27 2t C53DJSTitICT.~ !C*T*TIIKN I). .MILLKit made suit to me j F3 to grant him Letters of Administration, i on the Goods and Chattels, which were of ' John Gnffith,, Esq., late of Lynche's Creek, J j creased. Those arc to Cite the kindred and credi- f j tors of tf?e said deceased, that they appear j in the Court of Ordinary, to be holden at i Chesterfield Court House, f>n the firMon .day in October ue\?, to shew cause why the said Administration should not b? granted. G ven under my ban 1 and seal, this 10th l Sep. 1*44. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. Sep. 17, 27 2i j SOt T 21 CAROLINA, MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Jesse IVf.otnr ar.d wife Ki'ty. Applicant", vs. j Josejdi Graves. M izilei'i Graves. John Iv- !y a nil wife Sarah. Thomas Graves ami John Graves. Defendants. ^ T appearing to inv sa'isf.iction. tint Joseph , GriVes John K ilv and vvife Sarah ml ; I I'lioni is Graves. D .'nd m's. r side wiihou' tins j Slate: I' i< I h"it f to, Or?i> red, t !i it Ihev ?!o ap- 1 I p r :nd ?>bj i't to ' he ''ivisi< n o's ili of t he Re il j Fist ate of S: ah Graves, on < r hel'n e t e s xth j clav of I); ceuihi r ne.\t, ..? tlieir consent to tiio j j same will he enter al of reco il. A. N. BRI.STOW, O. M. D. Sept 17 7 lit SOUTBI CAROLINA, M A RLR0I10UGI1 DISTRICT. B. B. Rocrers, Applicant. vs. ThompsonJGrny. j Mary Gray, J-mcs Gray Ann Gray, E'izai both Gnv, Levi Gray, William Giay, Martin i Gray. Alexander (iray and Efward Gray, | D-fondants. ! "TT'i appearing to niv satisfaction. lint Mary . | _?I Gray and Martha Gray Defendants, reside ! j wi'.hnut this State: It is therefore. On.'e ed. that i ' they do app"ar an ! object to tin* ivision or sale ! I of the Real Estate of William Gray, on ? tore i I the Ninth day of December next, or their con* : I sent to the same will I centered < f record. A. N. BRISTOW, 0< M. 0. j Sept 17 27 12t | COT TO\ OA A HOS. j rsnjUE Subscriber has just received and I JR. will keep constantly on hand a good stock j ' of Cot'on Oznahtiroe, Broivn and Bleached i I Sheetings and Shirtings, which iie will sell at j i the low est market price. D. M VLLOV. I April 10 5 if ~~^OITTII CAROll^A. ~ CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. George Evanc Applicant against Elizabeth j Evans (Widow,; John M. Evans. John Denly , and wife Sarah, Alfred Evans. Thomas M. j Evans, the Children of Louisa Usury. Win. ; Jtv/ors and wife Elizabeth, Nancy Ev.nsi and Charles Evans, Defendants f T appearing to rny satisfaction that Alfed i 5. Evans, Tiioni is M Evans and Chariest Evans, reside without this Slate. It is there- I lore Ordered, that tli *y do a j pear and object to j ti e division or sale of the Real Estate of Charles Evans deceased, on or before liie EIGHTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, or their con- | sent will he entered of record. T. BRYVN. 0. C. D. August 7 2 i 12' loloi^iTRl MEifcClSBAKTS. IIOWLAM) & C A SKIN, j AT TIIIIIR WHOLESALE ROOMS. OVER THEIR STORE, | IN CEIASS t/ES J O.V. S. C. I ^TJTOULD inform Country Merchants, visit' ' t/ w ing C!i irhston fur their supplies, that! | by l!?o 1st of September next, and throughout | he season, thev vviil havc'on hand, th'* hot assorled Siuck of DRY COODS to be found in ! tin* City. N. B. Their business Ijeing for Cash enables : them to olfer GeoJs at less than the Market ' l>: ices. Those wishing ere lit, by giving an approved acceptance or endorsement, can have such time as they wish, at our Cash prices, interest lor the lime being added. M. 20 I, X. E. CORNER of king and market sts., I i The lower fl >ur of their Store will, as usual, bo J occupied for the retail business, where Plan* j 'e s laying in their supplies, tvill tind it for their interest to call. TU ir Stock of DRESS GOODS, ot all kind, IIouso-kocping articles and Plantation (turn's, will he fo'tnd extensive, and in great va. ricty.?much hrg r linn any re'ail siorc in ha city, and at prices that cannot fail to please. August 13 22 6t WAT(15S ES A a J E YV E E 5. E il V. j largest and most splendid a s urlnicnt j _ZL of WATCHED in the city, is to be found i at the Subscribers, a ho is c?ii.?'untly receiving | al! dcsciiplions of Cold and Silver Watches, of Ih<- new< st styles. from (ho manufacturers in En. i gland, France and Switzerland, he is enabled to j oil-r a larger assuriiiionl and at much less priI ...... R >i?iI limn :tnv iithor house in America. J _ ; Gi'i'l Watches s low as *20 io *2.? o tch Watches atid Jewellery exchanged or bought. All Watches w imuted to keep goou tiiiie or tlr* money returned. Watches and Jewellery repaired in the b"*t i manner ami war:anted, by the best woikmen, | and much lower than at any phco. Gold and Si!v>*r Pencils, Gold Chains, Keys, and Ladies' Bracelets. Pitts, and Sterling Silver Spoons, Silver Cops, Forks, Jtc., tor sale very low. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewellery, Wholesale and lid ail, No. cO, Wall-st., NEW YOiiK, (up.st iirs.) July 30 20 2m coH ii A TIIK Subscriber respectfully in* fe"*rn.s his fiiistoinerH ami the pub' Nitr . air? lie generally, that lie will continue business, at his Old St.ind, curing the Sunt" mcr seison, and will be happy to receive any i orders in his line. Ho has on hand a general assortment of ! TliI M.MINGS, and is prepared to renovate second-hand Carriages, and make them nearly j as good as new. Orders lor new CARRIAGES, of every d'sI cription, will be promptly executed, and on j teims which cannot fail of giving satisfaction. ,1 HATFIELD OGDEN. May 28 U XOTfC'E. I rjSnilf"' Riptist Church at Elizabeth, Chester[ JL field District, S. C.. will apply to the next j Session of the Logielaiure to be reincorporated. Sept 3 2 3im BAGGl.ff*, ROPE A.\DTWI.\E, "0 PIECES Heavy Bagging1 | JL 1OQ coils Hale, Well am! Hed Rope 200 lbs, 3 ply Twine. For sale by | Sept 3 ' J. 1\ IIARRALE \ CO. I TO rilYSIClA^S. f prf ^R. JOHN LYNT II having purchased tlie i 1/ exclusive Right of making, using an'! I vending DR. ROBERT THOMPSON'S PATEXT APPARATUS for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri, and all other diseases of that nature, now offers it to the public ivith the greaiost confidence This Instrument has been constructed on t-cientilic principles, and to any one acquainted with tho Anatomy of the female system, und with the diseases which are sought to he relieved, the utility of this Instrument will be apparent. It has the unqualified approbation of the Medical Faculty in almost every part of the country, wheie it Ins been introduced. Physicians arc particularly requested to call and examine the Instrument, and if not fully convinced of its great utility, can be furnished with a sp ciuien for trial. For sale at Dr. J. LYNCH'S Drug Store, fit TIHI1 POJITIoS PLEAS. CI i EST 10 RFI ELD DISTRICT. David S. HarMco ads. Thrashley White Ca Sa. for Costs. rglHRASIILEY WHITE the Defendant, n b-ing confined within tlie Prison Rounds of Chesterfield District, on a Writ of Cipiasad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of David S !larl!ee; art/l ihesniil I)r?f?-ndant hnvinrr filed his Petition ill tny Officii praying for the benefit of the Act' of the General Assembly for tlio relief of Insolvent D'blots together with a Schedule of his Estate and effects : Notico is I ereby given to the Gretli'ors of the si id Defendant, and cspeciall; to David S. (I iriles, to appear at the Court of Common Picas to be ho Wen at Chcstcrfio'd C' * rt Home on the fi st .Monday (being l!ie 3d day) vf jM.uch next, to shew cause, if any.they cun, why the Estate andeff ctsnf tho said Winte should not h; assigned, and he be discharged according to the provisions of the said Act. J .NO. C. EVAN", C C. P. Cioik's Office Oiiest r- ) i* 'd C. II.. August fi*( ?1 **m i \ tsi;-: c o il Cil ES t ERFIELD DISTRICT. The State vs. Levi CasNady. Ca. Sa. for Fine ; ami Costs fF.VI CASSADV, the Defendant, b. ing A confined within the P-ison. Bounds of C.iesteifi'Id District oil a Writ of Capias ad Si islaciendiiin. at tli" suit of th- State of South ; Carolina; and die said Dc'cndanl having filed his Petition in my o!ii c, praying for the benefit of the Act of tin: General Assembly for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, together with a Schedule of iiis Estate and fleets. Notice is hereby given to ali the creditors of the said Do- | en I nit to ippear at the Com t of Common Pleas , o be holdcn at Ciie.-ti r field Court House, on the i nisi w?>iia*y toeing tii" jju.iv; in which next.. t'i shew cause, if ar?v they can. why tlie Estate and effects of the said Cassady should not ho assigned, and ho be discharged according to the provis.ons of the said Act. J NO C. EVANS, C. C. P. Cie k's OiTico, Chester ) field C. II., July )f?. f 18 3rn 1.^ THE COASTS 0.\ |?LEA?. CHESTER FIELD DISTRICT. M. &, R. Iljiley vs. E. A. Powo. Ca Si. in C.?so. EA. POW E the Defendant, being confin* lo cd within tlx Prison Poinds of Chesterfi.jld District una rit ofCapiisad S.?tisfa< ieiiduni, .at the suit, of 6l R II ibey, and tho : still Defendant havii g filed his Petition in my | ofli e praying for the benefit of the Act or the j (J.-nerai Assembly for the roli*T of Insolvent I Deb'ors, together wiih u Schedule of his Estate j :i!id effects : Notice is h -roby given to all the Credit ors of the said l)e endant, and especially to VI. & I*. 11 ii ey. to appeir at the Cou.t of CoinmQff Pleas, to be holdon at Chesterfield Ci iui fI-?uso on the First Mondiy (being the 3d day) in March iffxt. to shew cause, if any Ihcy can, why the Estate and effec'sof the said Poire, should not bo .assigned, and he ho discharged according to t!ic provisions of the said Act. JXO. C. EVANS, C. C. P. 1 Clerk's Office,-Chester* ) fie d C. If., August !3. \ 22 3m S5i) REWARD. ANAWAV, from mv Plantation, near! Bonn tlsviile, .Marlborough District, S. ! C., on the 21st of Octob r last, my Negro Fid- | low FRANK. He is 3.i years of ago, black. I about 5 li.ct 10 incites high, stout built, lias bushy I hair, but bttle beard, except on the lips and tip I of the chin, and has a noteablc scar above bis | forclua I, in the edge of hi; hair, an in :h or two | in length. lie walks softly with his face up, a though ho was looking for an object far off, and | is apt to turn his face from you when he laughs, j He is a fine field hand, and can do cojrae carpenter's work or stock plows, j Frank is affected with Abolitionism, and it is likely that lie has obtained a forged free piss, changed ids name, and is passing as a free fellow, j Any person who will arrest Frank, tyiid lodge 1 him in any safe Jail so that I get him. or deliver ) him to me at my residence, shall receivo the i above reward. CAMPBELL 5THBBS. ; July 26 19 IT?T* 'IT.,* T?a..aIIa*.'.1U AUoorooH iiflll nlonco oa U.J I ntz 1" ajr"iiuviiiu Vi/sui ywi win vv? py, and insert till forbid. NOTICE i TTS hereby given, that application will be made _?l lo the Legislature at the coming Sos* ! sion, I'or a change in the time of E crtion in the j Town ofCI.eruw, for Intcnd.;nt and Wardens August 'Si 24 XOT3CE I hereby given t!i it application will be made ' J3L at the next Session of the Legislature of ' the Stale, for I.i orpnr.it on of tlm MEN. BETTSVILLE ACADEMICAL SOCiEIY. AI. TOWNSEND, Secretary. IL nnetlsvillc, S. C., Aug. 20 23 4'm non a: bacoT 73 Q *1 & * OUNDS choice VirginJ9_ *1 y ^y ia and North Carolina I HAMS. SIDES and SHOULDERS in Store, j and for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. I July 23 19 HOTICft fS hereby given, tli.it application will be made at Ibe next Session of the legislature o I tbis State, for Incorporation of the MARL' ; BORO' MANUFACTURING COMPANY. M. TOWN SEND, Agent, i Benncltsvi'lo, S. C., Aug. 20 23 4tm SOUTH CAROLINA, MARLEOKOUGJI DISTRICT. rglOLLEI) before me, by Acne it Smith, a red J! Sorrel M ARE. appraised at >59, supposed to be between 8 and 10 years old, she has i blaze I face, with a white spot on tho inside of each i hind foot, a sear under tho right fore ancle, r.'i?n I one under the right hind ancle, a scar on the i hinder pari of the right thigh, several saddle marks on her bar k, white hair sprinkled over I her body and rump, with wind galls on every ' log. hliocl before, fourteen ami a h ilf hands high, i I he owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and t.iko her away. T. J. GILLESPIE, Magistrate. Sept 17 27 3t I>::v iiooi)?i AT FIVE PER CENT. ^?7ILLIAM A. BEECHER, 52 Heaver W (near William Street) New York, i< daily receiving from Auction all sorts of DRV GOODS, which he will sell frointhe bills at five per cent, for. Cash. The uctuil cost is always marked in figures on each article. a f.so : Goods suitable for Milliners, Merchants, Tailors. Hatters, Shoo and Stock Manufacturers. New i'oik, July 23, ID 2?n THE STATE OF SO. CAROM*A, AT a Genera! Assembly begun end iiolden at Columbia on the fourth Monday in November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight h'indred and forty three, and from Ihcnco continued by divers adjournments to the nineteenth day of December in the same year. A Bill to alter and amend the first section of the Third Article of the Constitution, Be it enacted by the Senato and llouso of Re. im'.l il.i'Au nnti/ tnnf niis4 oillir.n in A o. I jir .ivm?i*vt * V#?? mvk ??"u III v*UUM fil fin" scmbly, that tlie first section of tho third article i of the Constitution ho altered and amended to read as follows:? The judicial power shall be ested in such superior and inferior Cou'ts of Law and Equity, as the Legislature shall from t time to time direct and establish;" the judges of oaci hereafter to be elected, ?hall hold their commissions .luring uQod behaviour until they have attained (Image of sixty-five years, nut no longer; and the Jndgiif oftln- Superior Court shall nt stated times receive a compensation fur thciraerrices which sha ! be neither increased nor dirnin* i?hed during their continuance in ofiic: hut i they shall rcceivo no fee?or jM*rq' tsite of office, nor hold any otheMifike of profit or trust under this State, the United Slates, or any other powerfn the S' nate House.ihe nineteenth day of D c? m'-er, in the y*nr"eT?or Lord one thou, sand eight hundred and forty-three. We certify that th" above bill hor Keen read during the present Session three times in tho ll'Ujfc of Representative* and th.reo limes in fhe ?. Senate, and was agreed to by two thirds of both , branches of the whole R< presentation. ANoUs PATTER SOX, Speaker of the*Henan of R> preventatives. WM F. CO I.COCK, President of the Senate. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ) Columbia, June b, IF-44 ^ I do hereby certify the foregoing to In* a trun &nd li'eral copy of a Mill entitled A Bii loaltcr and auiond the fir<' section of the third mti'le of tho Const it utioii," Passed on the nineteenth day of Decern her, in the year of our Lord one thou, sand eight hundred and forty-three,aim now in ihi* Given under rnv hand and the Seal of the Slate the day and year above written. W\l. F. ARTHUR. D' puly Secretary ol Slu'c. In the Horse of Rr.phesf\tativks. ) December Ifi, 13,3. \ Rewired, That I he Cerks of the Senate and House of Representative*, (localise the B II p^ssa cd l?y this General Assembly, entitled * A Bill to alter and amend the first serfr n of the third article of the Constitution," to l>e published three months previous to the u-xt General F.lectiont fir Mcnihrs of the General Assembly, ogrcealnjr to tbe provisions of tlie Constitution. Rrsolred, That the House no concur in the Resolution. Ordered, That it be S nt to the Senate for concurrence. By orJer, T. W. Gi.OVKR, C. II R. In the Sexate. f I)?cerub:r 19, 1813 ( Rewired, Thai the Sen re do concur in the Resolution. . Oidered, That it be returned to the House of Representatives. By order, W.Vl. K .MARTIN, C. S. Tnly 2 Ifi I4t " SARDS' SARXAr VlULM, 1 For the removal and permanent cure of all Diseases arising from an impure state of 1 the Blood, or hahit of the System. WF ue read tlie history of disoroki-.s we are astonished that men live; if of cures we-are i still more astonished i bat they die. A mi yet in fact | nearly all disease* have a common origin, viz : I in the organs which prepare and modify iho blood, with a remedy, directed to ihn seal of di sease, will remove n h"siof its phenomena. It is the peculiar characteristic* of Sands* Sarsaparilla, that its searching operation reaches tiio causes of di?Ja*o, and the cures it perform* am therefore radical and thorough. 'I ho health of the human system depends almost entirely upon the slate of the blood. If the vitalising fluid I which pervades every tissue, ev?ry membrane, ' fibre, filament, gland, or oilier organ, primary i or subaiduarv: if the bodv be charm d with tlio elements of ?Jis?o;t?e, sickness nnixt be the consequence, and until the cau-es of disease exist* ing in the bloo I, are eradicated, no permanent relief can l>c expected. It is here that tho ? powerful licallh restoring proprieties of Sands' Sarsapri'la arc manifested; and tor this reason, > in Sciofula, Suit Rheum and all eruptive disease, f as well as in all d *rangements of the s< ending org-.ne, it ia considered infallible. J The following I. tter f:oin one of the most rmi. j nont physicians in thcity of Baltimore,o p csen* led with a view of showing the opinions of Physi. ! eians generally in relation to this valuable inedi* : cine.?tunny others of asirmlar tenor have i?c?'i? | received from several of tlic most distinguiscd Physicians throughout 90r country. Baltimore. Fell. 4th, I^"44. A. B. & I). Sands, lii-fithmien : I have usttl ' your Kxtract of Sarsapirilla since hs witroduc. I lion into this city. I' ?.'iv''9 me pleasure to state I have found it to answer tny most sanguine expectations. I believe it to be the Ix'st ptcparutiou of that va'nahle a tiele now in use. Willi g'eat respeet. yours. JOHN WIJITRIDCR. M. D., n FuANIFT, FOX Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, hy^^| A. B. St D. SANDS. Wholesale Druggists, Fulton street, New York. Sold also by Druggests g m rally 'hrojghon^^B the Cmted States. Price ?1 per bottle^-Sc^^H bottles for For sale in C lie raw, !>y A. M ALLOY, autho^^l ! rized Agent for the Proprietor. August G 21 lorrl