NOTICE, | [ at a meeting of the town council of 'Camden, tho following resolution was adapted: Resolved,. Tliat tlie Council shall redeem its bills or currency as soon as a regular State or National currency can be procured. By order of Council, W. K. 1IUGHSON, June Ifi?1 ' . . Clerk. NOTICE. Caitdex, June 1">. 1S6-3. 1 ALL OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OF THE CONFEDERATE States army entitled to paroles, can obtain the same by signing the Muster Rolls opcucd at - Matheson & Co.'s store. ^ gjg^Ofllco open from 10 a. in. to 2 p. m. JAMES CONNER, June'J ft 1 Brig. Gcn'l. P. A. C. S. TIP Tv T. Uri A TTCvilT Pli' IT 1 fi P K-3TTMUTl V H I? practice of medicino iu connecliou with Dr. L. M. DeSaussuue. 's June > lih SPECIAL I^OTJCE. TJrE SUBSffolBEll KEEPS. CONSTANTLY Land a fresh supply of ileal au?l Hominy in exchange or Corn. Apply at Mr. McCroighl's shop on Main street. J. ?. SUTHERLAND,' May 12 ^ Headq'rs Provisional Brigade. COLUMBIA, S. C., June 9, 18G5. GENERAL ORDER NO. 13. WHEREAS CERTAIN PERSONS * ' have announced to those colored people formerly their slaves and still remaining on their tenements that they must quit, with no v provision made or attempted for said, colored people to obtain shelter or work, it is hereby ordered that no person shall turn n|f from his place or house those colored people who have . lived with him and still desire to remain - with him and do what they can. \v Any person or persons violating this order, and turning oat from their houses tbesc people, to become paupers upon the community, will be forthwith arrested andv reported at these headquarters for trial. Cases of colored people residing on the places of their former ruas? : ?, 1- ? ?r.._:? icin, aim uuuavjug uujji jy ur ruiUSlUg 10 work with fair terms offered, will be reported for action of the military afhorities. By order of A. S. IIARTWKLL, " Brevet Brig. Gen. Official: Geo. F. McKay, Lieut, and A. A* A. G? June 19 Head'qs Provisional Brigade. * COLUMBIA, S. C., Jimetm, 1SG5. To the Frccdmen: THE TIME HAS COM^ FOB YOU ALL to do your best to show that yon arc fit to ? be free men in this great Bcpublie. Observe 3?crcdly the marriage tie. Learn to read and write. No one must leave his wife, children or aged parents while be can assist them. Thieves and Idlers and people strolling about the country will be punished. Be prudent and quiet, and orderly. If you have trouble report it to the military authorities. This year you cannot do much more tbah get a. living'for ?tan?falttafi rtn J fo mil *Via-/\ ?'11 a xl ii jvuiavima c*uv* luuoc WUi LUC bc3t pay next year who work the best now. Let no one be either proud or asfliamed of the form or color that God has given him. Be prond of the chance to do for yourselves and for each other. (Signed,) A. S. HARTWELL, Brevet Brig. Gen. . June 19. t'. Rail Road Mill. A vSTEAM MILL FOR GRINDING MEAL AND |.M". xjl grits, is now in successful operation at the lold Depot. Grinding done at all hours of tho clay. A -share of patronage is solicited. ? &:'. J- JONES, Agent. . I gf;'V May 5 t _ : _ Headq'rs Department of tfce South, ' IirLTON HEAD, S. C., May 15, IS65. GENERA L ORDERS NO. 6:?. T THE PROCLAMATION OP A. 0. MM -*- GllAlI, styling himself Governor, or South Carolina, dated at Headquarters. Columbia, South Carolina, May 2, ] 805, declaring that all subsistence stores and the property of the Confederate States within the limits of the State should he turned over and accounted for by the Agents of the State, appointed for that purpose, and directing that the subsistence and other stores shall be used for the relief of the people of the State; and the proclamation of Joseph E. Brown styling himself Governor of Georgia, .dated at the capital of that State, on the Oil day of May, 18@5, requiring the oiliccrs and members of the General Assembly to meet in extraordinary session at the Capitol, in Millcdgevilllo, on Monday, the 22d day of May, i865: and the proclamation of A. L.Allison, styling himself Acting Governor of Florida, dated at Tallahassee, on the Sth day of April, i860, giving notice and direction that an election will be held on Wednesday, the 7tli day of June, 18G3 for Governor of the State of Florida; arc, each and all of tliem declared mil and void; it having become known to me, from trust-worthy information, that the aforesaid A.G. Magrath, Joseph E. Brown and A. K. Alliso#, are disloyal to the United States having committed sundry and divers aets tot' treason against the same, in adhering to their enemies, giving tliem any aid comfort. The persons.and peoples, to whom-the proclamations hereinabove referred to have been respectively addressed, are therefore enjoined and commanded to give no heed whatever thereto, or to any orders proclamations, corninis sions or commands, emanating irom persons el-liming the right to exersisctbc functions and authority of Governor in either of the States of South Carolina, Georgia or, Florida, unless the same shall have been promulgated hv the advice or consent of feUo United States anttrnrities. II. The policy and wishes of the General Government toward the people of these States, and the method which shoifld be pursued by them in resuming or asssuming the exercise of their political rights, will doubtless be made known at an early day. It is deemed sulliciout, meanwhile, to announce that the people of the black race are free citizens of tin? United States, that it is the fixed intention of a wise and beneficent (Government to protect them in the enjoyment of their freedom and the fruits of their industry, and that it is the manifest and binding duty of all citizens, whites as well as blacks, to to make such arrangements among themselves, for compensated labor, as shall be mutually advantageous to all parties. Neither idleness nor vagrancy will be tolerated, and the Government will not extend pecuniary aid to any persons, whether white or black, who arc unwilling to help themselves. 111. District and Post Commanders throughout this Department will at once cause this order to be circulated, far and wide, by special couriers or otherwise, and will take such steps to secure cnforecmcct as may by them pc deemed necessary* Q.-A. GILMOliE, rjunc to Major ucnerai uommauaing. Headq'rs. U. States Forces, TOWN OF. CAMDEN, S. G\, June 15, 18G5. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 2. TN ORDER TO PREVENT ANY DISTURBANCE which may arise from the improper use of intoxicating liquors, it is hereby ordered that, for the present, no intoxicating liquors, will he sold or given away to any citizen or soldier, unless permission is granted from these headuuarters. Any one found guilty of disobeying this order, will not only have his goods conGscatcd, but will be subject to punishment by military law. By command of C. W. FERGUSON, .. Capt. Comd'g. Post at Camden. N ^;nc 16. _ I . I U* - , js " .. . ? .... lead'qrs. U. States Forces, TOWN OF CAifDEN, S. Q., June 15,1865. &ENERAL 'ORDERS NO. 1.. k LL CITIZENS HAVING IN THEIR possession any property that rightfully longs to the United States Government, acc rding to tlid termsvof surrender of Gen. Jos. E Johnson, C. S. A., to Gen.. W. T. Slierman, ij; S. A., will report the same to these headquarters. ( ?' , [Persons having mules, horses and wagons, ^11,-for the present, he permitted to retain t^e same for the purpose of carrying on their wbrlc; Any pcrsoflffaiiiijg to comply with this oiler within a reasonable time, will not only be deprived of any farther tisdfof said property, bit will also subject themselves to punishment 1 ' -il'f-h- T> ? i _ ( r? or military auiuoruy. -x?v eonirauuu 01 ' V- C: W. FERGUSON, Capfeun 25th 0. V. V. at Camden. June IG -W. llead'qrs U. States Forces TOWN.OF CAMDEN, SfrC.,OJWERAL ORDERS NO. 3. INFORMATION HAVING BEEN RE-" CEIVED at these headquarters of the exist' ciice of armed bands of marauders infesting the cc>intry and committing depredations on the p&ccfal citizens, it is hereby ordered that all persons composing such will he considered :w; outlaws, and if^aughtovill rcceivh the severest punishment of railjcary law. The United States Government is desirous of protecting all peaceful and law abiding citizc is, and they will confer a favor on thesehoidquartcrs, and' do justice to themselves, kw A.... infAtnnfltlAn 'lllrtlf .rtAlf'linipn In O1 4 ? UJI> uavii in th?ir" :possessicrn respecting the names and movements of such bands, and, if possible, aiding in their capture. The time has arrived when it behooves every citizen to do all in his power to assist'the military forces of the United States to restore peace and harmony throughout the laud. " . _ ?Sy order of i Capt. C. W. FERGUSON. 253i 0. V. V. I., Oonvdg U. S.Forces ' \ Town of Camden. Juno 16. " Hd'qrs. Northern District, r f DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Charleston, S. C. April 20, 1865, Ciivular to Planters&c. AJ^AfEROUS APPLICATIONS HAVE h V been made to me for information as toihe policy to be adopted on the subject of labor. All Can understand the importance of making a crop the present soason, and foresee the misery and suffering consequent upon its failure. In the present unsctlcd state of the country suad in the absence of any recognized State authorities, I find it ray duty to assume control of t^ie plantations near the military lines, andl order as follows: ? 1st The planters, after taking the ' oath of allegiance, will assemble the frcedmon (lately thcit slaves) and inform them that they arc free, and that henceforth they ranst depend upe'u their own exertions for their support. 2d. Equitablo contracts in writing will be made bv the owners of the, land with the frcodmcn for the cultivation of the land during the present year. ?. | Payment will be made in kind, and the allowance of one half the crop is recommended as fair compensation for the labor, the landlord famishing subsistence until the crop is made. These contracts will be submitted to the nearest military or naval commander for approval and'endorsement. AYlieu the above requirements are complied with, protection will be granted as far as military necessity will allow; but where no contract is made, the crop raised will be considered forfeited for the use of the laborers. Should the owners refuse to cultivate it, they will be considered as endeavoring to embarrass the Government, and the laud will be nscd for colonics of the frecdmcn l'roru the interior. JOHN P. HATCH; June 16 Brig. Gen. Commanding.. t 1 ' v. - 'V V ' ' * \ * . ' .. Headq's U. States Forces, * 'TOWN OF CAMDEN, S. C.. June 15, 1865." CIRCULAR. ' \ . . rgiHE1-FOLLOWING CIRCULAR FROM -?- Headquarters Njcirtbeni District Depart- - .ii) en t of the South fitted at Oriangeburg,- S. C., May 25,1805, published for tWe infer-1 mation and guidance of the planters of this District- By command of, C. WFERGUSON, * . Captain Coha'dg, Forces at Camden. ' ' HEADQ'RS NORTHmfDISTilCT, DEPAREMENT OF THE SOUTH, / OBAKGEDCiia, S. G, May 25, 1865. CIRCULAR. . To the Planters of Soutlt Carolina Residing t within the District: ,r" ' "Y'r.11 -n-A inuifo.l fntiincr tW nf" flrl. legiancc to the U nited States (Jovornment prescribed by the J>rcsident of tlic JJnitecPS tales, in his proclamation of December fi, 1^03, to make equitable contracts for labor with tho frecdracn. Siich contracts, approved by the commander of the nearest military post, will be considered binding on both parties, and will be enforced by the military authorities as far * as the exigences .of the service will allow. The contract will set forth iu words the freedom of tho laborer. Where the frecdman is, from age or infirmity, unable to labor and without natural protector htB suppor twill devolve upon the Parish' to which his belongs. N . * . The citizens of each Parish are requested to meet and devise some method for providing for sftch persons: and until sncb provision is made, they will remain on arid draw their sup- * port, the plantations where they now are: . fSicrnerl i 4 .TORN" P. WATflTT Brig. Gen. Commanding. Official: v . ' (Signed,) Eijuar B. Van Winkle,' Capt. and A. D. C. J June 16th The GtreaULiterary Weekly . Resumed. THIS PROPRIETORS OP THAT LONG E6TABLliSUED and popular familar journal, ?' . THK SOUTHERN FIELDrAND FIltESlDK, ' lake great pleasure in. informing its numerous friends ami patrons, that its publication will bo resumed just as soon as the mail facilities of the country will enu- ' A bio tliein to circulate the same. This is an old paper ' published for many years at Augusta, Ga., and is dovoted eutirely to rOLlTK LI TEE A TUBE. It is gem for the fireside, on ornament fortbo parlor, and an indispenaible companion to the bouscwifo and agriculturist. It is a large, eight page, sheet, bandsomejp printed with now type. Tcrnu: /. Subscription ono year, - $5,00. " six months, ------- - - 3,00. The Key Stone, OOii MONTHLY MASONIC MAGAZINE, v Will also !>ctresumed at tiic satne lime. This Mag- i a/.inc is endorsed, and recommended (o the Fraternity at largo, by tho Grand Lodge of North Carolina. As ? regards mattor and typography, it will bo eoual taanv similar publication iu the United States. * Terms: Subscription for ono year, ------- $3,00. Address, x B. SMITII & Co., Raleigh, N. C. A limitcu number of advertisements amittcd into each publication. CS^fcwspapers genoralty will plensn notice.? Excitants respectfullyi nvite&ifc* aco rora all parts of the oountrjJ I June WILL STAND. rpHE THOROUGHBRED CAST ADJ.\Sf HOUSE BUOKHILLI4KD, sfc jTiorcsi'loiw.? "fJJiinjanim Cook, 10 mile*? north of Camdeu- Fn1-' :S-o in current funds. Groom, $f.0(X May S 'ajf li.i ? For Salo. h 1.MVB HUNDRED I'OUSDS }} < ; J:.' I. i.S . ' . to suit pmchastis. Apply u udo utiicu. J *a>31 . <* - m ,A.-a