PROGRAMME FOR THE FAIR. FRIDAY. Gates open at 9 o'clock A. t%. From 10 till 11 a display in the arena of the premium saddle horses. From 11 till 2 the same by the sin gle and double harness horses. At 2 P. M. the premiums will be awarded from the Executive Stand, at the conclusion of which the Fair will close. At 3.30 P. M. a meeting of the Society will be held for the election of officers for ensuing year. Each morning of the week, from 9 till 10 o'clock, will be devoted by the respective Committees to plowing wat ches and tests of all kinds of imple ments. Plowmen are expected to fur nish their own teams. Committees will meet at the Secre. tary's office at 9 o'clock of each day. Animals may be exhibited under more than one class at the same Fair. PRICE OF ADMISSION. Adults 50 ets.; children under 12 years 25. Coaches, carriages, wagons, &c. (in mates paying for personal admission,) 50 cents; buggies and saddle-horses, 25 cents. Delegates from Agricultural Socie ties, reporters, &c., will receive a ticket upon application at the Secretary's office, which will entitle them to the privileges of the grounds during the Fair. Fare to the State Fair. The following are the rates from stations in this Couuty to the State Fair in Columbia, which begins the 11th of November and closes the 14th. Forround trip tickets: Pomaria, $1.30; Prosperity, $1.60; Newberry, $1 .90 ; Chappell's, $2.60. Tickets on sale from the 8th to the 13th of Novem ber, good to return till the 18th of November, inclusive. As to excursion trains from New-. berry, we have received the following from Jabez Norton, Jr., Gen. Ticket Agt. of the G. & C. R.. R.: "Unless some unforeseen circumstance arises to prevent, we will run the excursion train between Newberry and Colum bia. We cannot yet name the days or the schedule-but probably each day-leaving Newberry early in the morning and returning in the even ing." We will keep our readers informed. M1ACARONI WVITH EGGs.-Break half a pound of niaearoni into short bits; cook tender in boiling, salted water ; drain well ; put into a deep dish and pour over it a cupful of drawn butter in which have been stirred two beaten eggs, and two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, with salt and pepper. Loosen the macaroni to allow the sauce to penetrate the mass. Serve with more grated cheese. Establishedl f unenhanged 1857. jl 1,879. M. FOOT & SON. Attention is respectfully called to our large and well Selected stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, TWEEDS, CASSIMERES, TRTMMINGS, NO TIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHIG, FURNITURE, GROCERIES, &c. THE ABOVE GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT LIVING PRICES! x Graniteville Shirtings, Sheetings and Drillings to Consumers and Farmers at Manufacturers' priees. Aa- 1f you study your interest you will conic and examine our btock belore pur chasing cisewhere. Awr Country produce bought at highest prices. MILLINERY and FANCY OODS. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FA L L 0 P E N IN .' M[s, Sophia M, Redus Respectfully informs her friends and the ladies generally, that her stock is now full and complete, to which attention is called. Ladies' and Children's Hats TRIMMED TO ORDER. FANCY TRIIMMINGS, CORSETS, VEIL ING, RIBBONS, RUCHINGS AND TIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Store Next to Dr. PelhaWs. FANT & McWHIRTER, NO. 2 MOLLOHON ROW. (Accessible either from Caldwell or Pratt Streets.) Thanking our friends and patrons for past patronage, we respectfully invite them to call and examine our large and well assort ed stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, Fine,Whiskeys and Brandys. They will be cordially welcomed by our Messrs. E. .M. Evans, G. B. McWhirter and E. Stoddard. Mr. I. N. Gary is t o be found at our house buying Cotton at highest prices. The Largest and Best Stock -OF STATIONER~Y. Paper and Envelopes ot aill kinds, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Ink-stands, Clips. Files, Paper Fasteners, Erasers, Rubber Bands, Slates. Bibles, large and small, Bymnn Books, School Books, Picture Books, Miscellaneous Books. Novels, Writing Desks, Backgam mon Boards, Alb)umns. Papetoric, Games. And many other useful articles. T HOS. F. -GR ENEKER, 130,K STORtE-IIERALD BUIiLDING. COPPOCK & JOHNSON, jDEALERS IN HARDWAI CUTLRY. Silver Plated Table Knives and Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, all guaranteed plated on White 3Nctal. Double Barrel Slot Guns, breach and muzzle loading. Hollow Ware. Wagon and Buggy Material, such as Itims, Wheels, Spokes, &c., Wagon and Biugry Harness, at living prices. BUGGIES, top and no top, the best ever offered in this County for the money. Also, the STUDEBAKER WAGON, one. two, three and four horse, the best wagon M-W1C, guaranteed for 12 montls any breakagu in that tinie rertairfut free of charge. BROWN & KIBER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, FAMILY and PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Farmers and others are invited to call and examine stock and prices, and we guar antee satisfaction. NEWBERRY, S. C. B. I. RIMGE & SON, ON THE MOWER CORNER, . Invite attention to their large and choice stock of FAMILY IIROCERIE, -A ND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Farmers and others will do well to call and examine quality and prices in Woolen Goods, White Goods, Shoes, Hats, &c. EVEEYTHING OF THE BEST AND MAEK ED LOW DOWN. 0. B. BuTER & 00. STEAM MILL, (NEAR PEP'OT.) MACHINE, BILA(iSMITHi AM] WHEELWRIGHT WORK D)ONE QUJ.CiLY AND ClUbEAPLY. -N vsorleand competet workmer A GoOD Wo3AN.-A good woman neVer gi-ows old. Years may go over. her head, but if benevolence and vir tue dwell in her heart she is as cheer ful as when the spring of life first opened to her view. When we look upon a good woman, we never think of her age. She looks as charming as when the rose of youth first bloomed upon her cheek. That rose has not faded yet ; it never will fade. In her neighborhood she is the friend aiid benefactor, in the church the devout worshiper and exemplary Christiana Who does not love and respect the woman who has passed her days in acts of kindness and mercy-who has been the friend of man and God whose whole life has been a scene ,of kindness and love, a devotion of love and religion ? We repeat, such a wo man cannot grow old. She will always be fresh and buoyant in spirits, and active in humble deeds of mercy and benevolence If a young lady desires to retain the bloom and beauty of youth, let her not yield to the sway of fashion and folly; let her love truth and virtue; and to the close of life she will retain those feelings which now make life appear a garden of sweets ever fresh and new. VERY RicH.-He had been sitting still so long that the mother expected to find him asleep when she looked around and asked : "Well, Harry, what are you think ing of?" "Ma, are we very rich ?" he solemn ly inquired, by way of reply. ' "In one way we are," she said, "your father says he values me at three million dollars, you at two mil lion, and the baby at one." That closed the conversation on that subject, but next morning, as Harry was gettfng on his overcoat, he examined the new patch which had been added, and coolly observed : "Well, I think father had better sell off about half of you or the whole of the baby and get the rest of us some decent duds to put on." EARLY RISING AND BEAUTY.--The early morning hours have a potent effect on the complexion, and it is bet ter to see the sun rise, and sleep in the middle of the day if one must to secure the necessary sleep. The pure morniug air has a tonic effect on the nerves and the circulation of the blood. Of course, the out-door air is what is needed. If too cold, plant yourself at the sunniest w.adow. American women need more work in the open air, if it is only that afforded by bal conies. BEGINNING THlE DAY ARIGHT-It is very desirable that every day be bgnright rather than wrong. Be eunI right and it is pretty sure o en -ight We kiv the father oaf a large family who always comes to the br-eak fast' table with a smile, and who wakes up good nature in every child before the weal is over, which lasta gnrally all day.