TE WEEKLY HERA D. NEWBERRY, S. C. W DNESDAY MOENING, AUGUST 23, 1865. t . :'A3. HENRY Sr3iR authorizes us to. say havmg been nominated for the Conventiqn, iw,serve if elected. - Re;. Saintiel Townsend; of the firm of Town sn & North, died in Philadelphia, on'the 31st .J , 1865. The "Southern Girl" who sent-a letter to Head Quarters, will confersa great favor if she will send her name so-it can be atlswered. Anonymous iers are not noticed, as military e.iquette re quires all communications to be answered. W' take pleasure in calling the attention of Shippers of Cotton:and Produce, to tle card of YoRris, UsT & Co., and reconmend them >heartily, and asfully qnalified in .every respect to attend to all-business entrusted to-.theit care. We wish them abnndant snccess. - - The Election in Richmond, The Greenville Mountaineer says: A recent order of His Excellency, President Johnson sets aside the decision of the military authorities, and the parties elected will forthwithtake the posi ians assigned them by their fellow citizcnsThis is a gratifying evidence of the strong-desire of the President to see the civil laws and usagbs,of the States in full operation. Tie Charleston Courier is anxious to see His Excellency th Governor in the Commercial'Me opoi s, for at least a few weeks. * The Courier ns Charleston would be an appropiatE ce -a time for the- Governor's headquarters: c tv is healthy, the military-au horities are nd frequent intervivws between the Coin : of' the Department and the Pr .i:io:,al o wr, .would be of great benefiP and the - e and counsel of the Governor would * he people. The interests of Charleston - oittically and commercially are hnportant. t t the,City- afArds greater,. facilities for Conoontion than Columbia. Te Cholera. - :"orthern paprs teem with accounts of the -. gious strides made by this fearful scourge. e copy from the 'Courier's. special correspon A-ter+'ible cloud looms up bofore us from the t; ehc Asiatic cholera is making rapid strides :N-r Europe, and iill be certain to lay its deadly p upon us this fall or next spring. All Europe i u. a state of alarm, and arming itself for dec nece. - Breaking out in Egypt, w ~hich seemns to ye birth to some plague every tea-years, it slay. ousands of- Mahomnedatis, on their way to .sacred city of Mecca; with this good start, -xt attacked the cities of Cairo and Alexan a:.. Ise rvages up the Nile have been fearful. sineappeared in Constantinople and along ~e 5i.n coast of -the Mediterranean. The last co:Ints left it travelling Westward, having al -adyv reaclied-Adfeoua, in Italy. In another - c,th it will be in Paris and perhapa London. Late. Northern Items. ASan Francisco dispatch of July 10, con'rcys a: startling intelligence of the Shenandoah ,late -Confederate private-er,- but now undoubtedly a >e. The whalers Edward Casey, Hector, l4, Euphi-ates, W. Thompson, Sophia Thorn. = - .rn Irish S"'ift and the Snsan, were captured - d n'dst of them burned. The bark Milo was ronderd for the purpose of taking off the crews. -kjua thought.probable she would soon destroy - - - ~ fno:er fleet numbering sixty vessels. Reports..are still conflicting in regard to- Mr. Davis' health. Hg is now allowei. to promena e. * ~n the ramparts of t,he fort, and is said by tr3e Fe-tress Monroe correspondebt. to be vigorouas hearty. r;hile a Washington report affir;ns im tg be quite feeble.. the people in t'he late municipal election,- in - d city of Richmond, Va.- - .But one solitary rebcl prisoner is no uI the diis of the government His name is Capt. WOrt z,and soon to be tried by military commission. Cnly 20U pardons had been granted up to Aug. -, while over 2000't still remain- oni fle. Gen. Joe Johnstonr has Lorwarded an.application for- par - A dispatch,from fort Laramie, 27ith, uit , says: One thousand Cheyennes, Sioux, Arrapahoes, Bin.chtcet, and a few Camanches, attacktc.Platte Bridge Station on the telegr7iph road. -The gar rison numbered 200. The-fight lasted two days, resulting disastrously to the India# The In dians de- lare they do.net wvant peace, but will - fight for all time. The Washington Star pronounces the reports of th6 impending collision 'on the RiotGrande to be untrue; as w'ell.as the story. that reinfo;ce ments have been sent to Texas to repel the en croachments of the French tro~ops. It - is quite certain the government has no knowledge of any trouble in that setion. Guerillas or Jayhawkers, or more rightly - - spe4king, highway robbers are committing terri ble depredations in tlte western portion of Texas. -Neither agesor sex are respected. Robberies and murder.are common. r WASEDxTToN, -'AUgust 15.-The President it is known from.the representations of his intimate f-riends, is determined to pursue substantially the reconstruction progr-amine thus laid down,-having reasonable evidence from all theSouth that it will be successful. Many of the accounts from: that section are exaggerated and misrepresent The true and fanorable condition of public opinion. A&the result of careful inquiry, it is believed there is an unwilling-ness on tbe part of a portion of the. Cabinet, to have Jeffersoa Davis tried for * t reason, while there is reason for' asserting that .he President is persistent.-inwhaving hi.:rbrought before a. civ il t-ibunat. Chiel Justice Chase is expecte dto arrive here . he course of a few days for cousultation with - ~ Presidenit as to the time, the nneuur and Ce whieh-shall be desinnated. The .ablest aseH n the United States are a'so being icon - d-upou the subject.-There is r fixed deter uou by-the Exeeutive that there shall be an - ute fair 4rial-by a jury of the country for nyea-on. may, in addition to the above, be as confi 'y asserted that the President has determined, - . . uon as practieable, to -aitheraw thge orders spending the privilege of the writ ofhkabeas cor LOGA ITfEZ5. MEETIN NEXT PATLRDAY.-We have been re uested"t6_state that a nieetin of the citizens of the.district 'will be held Saturday, the 26th; in this town, to learn who the candidates for the Copyent(on are, and their views. Tows EXrn.ss.-The citizcns of Newberry are informed, that Mr. E. II. Christian will be pleased toatten I to any littlejobs of hauling which may be thrown in his way. Patronize him b' all means; he is deserving, industrious and at teative. RrLETED.-Co.'s E,.I and L, of the 56th, com manded :_spcctivvly by Lieut. Tompkins, anu Captains Crossman anu i atchfbrd, returned last week to Newberry from Anderson andGreenvi!le, which latter,places we learn, are now garrisoned by colored troop: Cos. Zarnd E, have gone to Spartanburg and Union. Co. L remains here. * NEW POTATOES.-We are indebted to Ma. J. R. WI.soN, of bonrialdsiille, for a sample 'of potatoes-ot the yam species. They are decided ly large and fine for-the season. He has them foi sale in quantities of froi one to five bushels, at$l.5O in currency or $1.10 in coin, and be will deliver then at this depot. AnvET1sE3ENTs.--The follpwing new adver; "tisemit- .appe,,r this week: Gen. Orders, from Vdquartere. Morris,.Hut & Co.: Commission Merchants. Notice of Comptroller General. New Goods at M. Foot's. Notice, SpartRnbdrg Railroad.. Nickerson's Hotel, Columbia. Express Line-H. J. Epting& M.-Chapin. Furniture'for cale-Ge6. W. Olney. House to Rent-M. Foot. ROBBERIES seem to be rife. MAJ. PTER HAIR's ho,se was entered on Wednesday,night list, by a party of men in disguise, thp MAoO blindfolded and gagged, and all the specie, silver ware and jewelrya taken off The jOgues took their time at i,, remaititgJsngY i'ough to make a thorough search. A lot of bacon, sent here for sale by a lady, was taken po4ession of on Friday night, by persons supposed to'be colored. Some of the bacon was afterwards found. Tn STtEETs.-Under the new regime o 'etreets are heginning't, have a cleanly appear ance. T,he brid::ing in front of our office, so long a nuisance and dangeri,have been repaired, anti expressions of satisfacticn are general. Cot. TYLER and ADJrrANT LooMIs are indefatigable in restoring order, and the work of cleansin_ and repairing goes bravely on, and there is enough of it to do. -Some of the back streets are in a de plorable condition, bridges frail and dieadfully riekety, and unless seen to soon nay cause the break -ng of bones. Take a ride or work through the back streets gentlemen. COMMUNIcATEDJ - To THlE Cxrz):NS oF NEWBERRT DIsTRICT: -My name has been announced in the IIerfald.af the 16th inst., as a candidate for the. Convention~ to represent this district. It is well known that I was a member of the Convention ivhidh framed andl executed the Ordinance of Secession. Cir cumistan~ces have ehanged. . I nok desire to see the res'toration of the Statebe permitted -to wear any article of-the uniform proper to the U. S. Army,.under pain of fine and imprisonment. II. No person will hereafter- be _permitted to appear in public in- any article of the uniform proper to the tate army -of the so-called- "Con federate States," and the wearin of stripes, but tons or other insignia of rank or connection with said army will be held to be a iiolation of -the oath of allegiance. -]y order of LIEUT, COL. ROCKWELL TYLER, Commandant. - .HENRI B. LOOMIS, 1st 4ieut. and A. A."A. ten. HEAU-QUARTERS, 2d SUB-DISTRICT, DISTRICT OF WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA. NEN BEnY, S. C., Aug. 18, I8G5. General Orders No. 8. -4 To improve the Sanitary Condition of this . Sub-District, it is Ordered, That owners and oc'cnpiers of pro perty shall, on Tuesday and Satuiday of each week, thoroughly police the same,4nd the street in front thereof, collecting all offal) garbage, &c., and pla'cing,the same in convenient heaps for re moval, in froat of their premises. II. To defray the expenses of rpairing streets and highways, of constructing and nending bridges, 'cleaning streets, gutters and di'ains, anid other useful and" necessary ork, in and about this district, all Cotton transported.through or from this district will at once bo repgrte:. by .the ownet- or owners thereof, their factors or agents to the Ass't Provost Marshal, who will demsnd and collect a tax of. fifty cents upon each u ie, giiing such owners or agents proper certificates of the payment of the same. The r ports hereby required will indlde all cotton wliich shali have been transported through orfrom this district, siucethe .15thday of Jnly, 1865. III. Failure to comply wh the provi.ions o this order, will.subject the offenders to,fmue and imiprisontient. IV. The Ass't Pravost farshal t this -srb. district., is hereby cha rged Vith klie exectrtio: on this order. By order ofLict. C). R. TYLER, Con,dg. 1st. Lt.& Adj't.56th N. Vt Z. Y.!A . Gan: MORRIS,.ItIJT & CO. SHIP BROKEjS, *Comrnission Jor-Pg arding M;'cai te; f. ~ ~~Carlestof, S. C. d W ar 1chandic , 35. M. UfPI. fUST RlECEIVED, AND FOR SALE F.20 bale ebest (UNNY.BAGGING 40 Chils Rope, 10 bbls. C~SUGAR, . 800 lbs. best Errglish. Blue Stonc 100 bush.' s4t. - A fine lot of OTIIER GROCERIES. such a. Coffee' Can,dles, Starch,'Fig- ue, Soda ,&c,al of which ge will sell ~LOW FOR CAS. An4daso PAY THE HIGHEST .AKET PRICE for Cotton* Co.rn, Bacon, Lard, .slour, &c. -Cotton and Merchanidize of Every-Pescriptiop Received and Forwarded to any point. Personi desironis of Hauling, can' proenre Lhad almost any'time, -by applyin~gto the undersigncd.' * MAYES. MARIT Augu3tl6 34 3 - A C HL010YO0 - AND A GRE.AT VARIETY OF OTHER GUODS Which will be For[hi UNUSUALLWY LOW Fo hamarket.. Cafl soon- and judge for your. selves. * WEBB & LOVEL ACE, UNDER "HERALD" OFFICE. au124 tf F s~tbscriber bes-ev-t *.f= -zens- of Newberr ,3and .the cunty, -that he-has noW r iand c -stantly -recei ing, A choice and raried assorlnent of Irticles, liich he will Sell Lows at Wholesale aud] ta COTTON and COUNTRY PRaDU EXCHANGE for Gobs gaflA PRICE. - MELVIN-~ Assembl Street e = , )b ' - - . -- from Pefe rte - The s ritf 'Q ?' r , N-ADDRESS, delIr For sale..y Rr.. W .? e Messi. Webb &tovellce A address should .be in tha baeis of the Masonie EraternitP ake r tion as above. tHE subscriber "reasc_p aie 1 zcns.ot' # idtate ' ters pertaininh- GO'V007 !~. APPLICMJONS T~OR EON.,*' AU aplicat;ons for pnidsa'nde 1 ed sections of -theresidojlAnest ation, must be ithe peti st tne exception of ezcepi both by the .ofibscs val of thu: Proisioail !* The subscrier ilene i card as ATORLY" -F f All paper ?tb.t and 'cd is r -S4 G - $ $$ ar (je Obt .* Fun tr A- ' F . w- 4 h fssi~ rGoA by - sr T I j _ 9 rs4. ).UADb & ,J-Id.DGE -~ Set ingtis4rt 9- - u 1--43 .- - That ryi > - ~ A%D WUIWCh'-AE HA.VE AT-'LENG HIIS MA.fKETf by r VRIED STOGCK-Cnsai4g g~~~e o - Trdeserfel.Fige ritoVisa -- CSegs, ksiSer, a~s grounrd Coffe, in 4poun~ Telichesf Tmattg,in c*fns-. uf, ~ osia , ii ail e s aond -~ ~ ' & g~esrtdStar~ Peppr bri Earthenwaret-4 . Comibai~d Brnslie#; Toeoahjerfanuery Dolls, Hir-i,; Ftam, Pocket Booki4 Ti~ -Pans, : Spoonis,. Pencils, -Table. 1I*W, ogedher with miany other choice~articles which Ieannot now -teamerat, and willbe soldlow for cash. -. Aigust 1634 tf :. e4