THE. WEEKLY HERALD. NE iBERRY, S. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULy 5, 1865. Notice the CROSS-MAaK! It signifies that yoir.subscription is out rnearly so. % And that when it is out the paper will be sent no rore. Bearl'in ixund, and; ityou" wish to renew see terms on fitstpaae. r ? The printing office advertised for sale, is the "Walhatla Banner," in Pickens District ; not the Herald, as some spppose. " The attention of our readers is invited to niportant military orders, from the commandant of this post, to be found in another column. (g A "Biographical Sketch of. the late Chief Justice O'Neall," will appear in our next paper. This paper will alfte be worth the sub scription. Those seeing the cross-mark will do well to renew at once if they wish to secure a - copy of this interesting biography. Anderson Intelligencer. This exeelleni sheet having recovered from the -a a effects of Stoneman's raid, is again disseminating useful intelligence to its large circle of readers. Who is to blame, friend Hoyt, for the non-arri val of the Intelligencer at thipffice. Errats. ' In the notice ,of the preliminary meeting, last week, two errors occurred in the remarks-offered by Rev. J. J. Brasdy. The words "proud" and "free" acceptance, &c,. should have read 'fiank' and 'full'. The error was in the printer-the penmanship being delicate, in the haste to put it up. the errors oecurred. We publish the ire amble as corrected "The war which for the past four years has ravaged the country, aZ4 iiflicted great los and ijry on the people, being now -over, and the country ' left in an eahansted and suffering condit;ou, it es ti , - as a people, to concert and adopt aucei measures as may promise to de. liver the country; as seedily as possible, from its present condition of eibarrassment and dis tress. And .whereas, in the Judgment of this meeting, the cdurr di action which promises mst.e bectually to bring about this result is a fraakabd -full acceptapce on the part of the ". people, o(the state of 4dn p which the disastrous ermnati's of the war brought upon us, and trp a'sognition, without reserve, of the authority " of the Constitutio:t and laws of the United States, and the-expression 4f oe readiness henceforth to act the part of good citizens." Wasted Ioence. frow speouraging it is to the preacher, after a week's labor, mental and physical, in preparing his Sunday sermon,:to -stand before a nodding, listless congregation; and break unto them the bread of life. Pearls thrown away, .bread cast * upon the.waters, never to return, or lovs labor lost; what is more trying, more humniliating ? how many there are who lose every v:ord that is * ~ uttered, who hear hia voice, know when hescomn -*menbes, and sit as if on tho'rns'till he closes, who cannot repeat the text,five inutes afrer its read, or tell:the book, chapter'or verse fr'om which it is taken. -A remarkable illustrgtion of this~ fact was exhibited ot last Sabbath. A party of eight * -or ten met at a neighbor's house, after service ; a variety of topics were discussed ; conversation * lagging, the morning's serneon was introduced * and the remark made th'.t it was a fine one. Uni fortunately for the credit of the party it was a-k ed, "#1bat was the text ?" With shIameee confess * no one co'uld answer, not one remembered what it was, or where from. Those who "sat under the droppings," and were refreehed, will know where~ the allusion points, by being.'told that the text as found in Phillippiane, 2d ebap. 16th ferse, *- reads "Holding forth, the word of life" .And well was it held forth, but its beams failed of en tgre effedt upon the inattentive and the nolders. Did we have to preach, we'd stir them up every * few minutes by shouting, wake ye sleepers, watch sagn what of the night ? Ag is exeusable, if ideiory is- trea,eherous, or the eyes grow heavy, but for the y'oung there is no- excus9. RIloRGAiZTIoN -The work qf re-organizaticn of the states is being~ pushed rapidly forward. TN fellowing have elee,ted regular governors : 'Kentucky, Thopnas F.. Bramlette: Maryland, * Ihomas Swann;.Tennessee, William G. Browniow; * Virginia, Francis H.'Pierpoink.llissouri, Thomas * C. Flsteher; Arkansas, John Mui phy; Louisiaria, Jamies M. Wells., The President has ap'poited the following Provisiona'l torernorh for the following States. North Carofm~a,Winiam~ W. Holden; Georgia, James Jehnso'n ; Iliesissi'ppi, William L. Sharkey ; Texas, Andrew J. Hamilton ; Alabama, .Wm. E Pasns. Pro innai Governors are yet to be appointed * for l$lites of South Carolina and Florida. W e-Iarn from Ir; Westmoreland, of Gree-? - 12ed'hat a bana of woodsmen arc committing Sodliraesupon the citizens, arresting some, mur dering others, arA plundering. ''Col. Hamighton hea giinnt orders to have the band dispersed. to the Bemory of Col. Rutherford. BY W. 0. T. When war's dark cloid rose o'er his land, -He roved in distant climes, Where art snd science chasten life, And.ccurch bels,tr,l.t{i r chines. The charms of peaee lay iihis grasp, AnI joy without a care : But, ah ! "twas 'neath a foreign sky, His loved onesocere not there! His country calls-to her kPha.stes, For her girds on his sword, And nobly rn'shes to the field To met the invading horde The foernen fly, the victory's won; Green laurels-crown his brow, And thoagh.his'blood bedews the ground, His heart is joyful now. The clash of arms awhile does cease, Awhile our hero rests, And at the feet of beauty's queen, He pleads loves' fond requests. A sigh,,a blast, her heart is his! -Ah! happiness supreme ! Hi3 hopes are crowned, the goal is wor, Fulfilled his wildest dream, But oh! again war's horrid'din Resounds -hroughout his land, And in the battles firm array, How proudly he does stand ! A shout, a charge 'mid cannon's roar' And shrieks of bursting shelt, - The day was ours-but sad the cost - ror here our Drayton fell! As hero lived-as one he died, And fell with g lory.crowned Fond sisters weep a brother slain, Heart breaking sobs rgsou4d. A father's soul with grief is wrung, Bis darling boy'is gone The pride of fife death stole-away And lefi their hearts forlorn. - And she, who gained his youthful love, And crowned his manhood's joy, The keenest pangs the wretched feel Arg her's without ailor. She loves not life unshared with him To whom she gave her trust, But shrouds.b er soul in darkest gloom Till dust returns to dust. Weep not dear on'es, 'twas God's decree - That tore him from thine arms, To dwell serene in spirit worlds. ' -Where come not deati's alarms. - Again ye'll meet to prrt no mbro No more! a-b! bTsinpcomne ! . Angel,c harps for'e'er ;ye'll sound, And joy shail be your theme. *Conirrr'EE/ORM wsrNG'oN.. eloW will be found,the nathes of the gentlemep appointed by the citizens of Charleston tovisit the Pres ident of the United States n'iad present their petition for a Provid'ional Governor for our State, also pysying for the release from paro!e of Ex-Gov. Aiken. Judge. E}dward Frost is Ch'iirman of this Committee a same endeared to. every Carolinian fbr his eminent legal abil ity anud goodnestof-heart. We hope the (ghi respectafbility -of the gentiemen composing this Committee will hav;e its weight,- and his Erg.eUmncy' wilt grant the: earnest prayer of our people for civil government. The follow ing are the names of the Commit tee : Edward Frost, Charman :L. E. Holmes, D. L. McKay, J. D. RStihrs W. Way,A. F. Raventel, Cartenmyer, W.H. Gilliland, J. J. ge Cre,A- J. WVhite, G..-W. Williams, Rev. J. B. Seabroolk, J. A. Yates, W. J. Gtyer, L., T. Potter. A number of the- Committee leave to-day on the stpamer Aiba'mbra, and the rc nmainder will leave.on the stearmship Arago. - [UCharleston Courier, Yith. - The South Carolina DelegationQ which ara rived iraWashiington on Monday, the 19th June, had an iratei-v'iew wiith the Presiden't on the,22d. They met with a satisfactory ecteption1. MIsTERED oUT.--Generals Butler, , Bankts and Heintzelm:tn, neglecting to send in their esignations ori or before the 16th inst., were mustered out of service &Friday last. .Look out for your commas~. The Chief Con, stable ,of a Canadian village' certified that he had arrested a man -"for attempting to marry his wife, being alive." A German writer says a young girl is a fishing rod ; the eyes are the hooks, the smile the bait, the lo.ver tb.e gudgeon, and iharriage the batter inwhvichi he is fried. - - The French Government has resolved to expedite the plans' of iriigating the lar.ds by canals, in order fo gite the eultivation of cot to'n mn Algeria 'complete developnm'ent. Tas GRAsoD Rzv'Iw.-The army at Wash ington was twe miles long, -marching sixty abreast. Some planters'-are trying- to raise cedton in California. LOCAL TES. BAD LUcK.-Occupyiig 'an elevation, (seconii story,) vie get the scent of all that is floating.on the air, in -this immediate eighborhood, be it good, bad or indifferent, sweet as roses 'in May, or foul as an aggravated accutmulation of villain ous compounds, which latter is sometimes the case: During the last. dayortwp,'a strange smell .differing somewhat from Confederatc smells, has regaled our olfactories, bringing t'o memory cod fish, herrings, mackerel and cheese, and if our nose is what it used to be, somebody has these articles secreted. Who is it ? SALE.DAY.-An unusally large gathering filled our streets on Monday, every body was here, be sides "a few old faces from Limerick rates," together with "the old ana young, the deaf and dumb, the waddling, twaddling, limping, ,skimp ing," and not a few of the "light, b'risk and airy," attracted no doubt by the hope of -seeing a large turn out of the "lords of creation," not strange by the way "for the shovel and tongs to each other belongs, and the kettle sings. songs, full of family glee," so let the little ones have their way. The day passed off quietly in spite of 'barley-corn,' and the meeting w:s largely, attended. DESERVTD.-A t$te axiom, and worthy of all -cceptatioa is, .that.we "render unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's," and we feel aapleasure in saying what every one by this time knows, that this conmunity has been highly favored in its present military command. The commandant of this post, Capt. M. Murray, and Lt. G. IV.Iden, Assistant Provost Marshal, have by their urban ity, and gentlemanly deportment, and their man ifest desire to please,, universaly - gained the good will and opinion of our citizens. La*, or. der and quiet, pervades all grades of society, and with a-confidence and- satisfaption in thigs as. they are, we have room for a large hope-in the future. THE NEw SToRE under Martin's Hotel is the, .centre of attraction just now, - and we would ad vise all persons, the ladies very especially, to look in and see a sight well worth their attention. The stock is well assorted, and the proprietor clever enough-to give*a good bargain. - IT is gratifyng to know that our friend. FooT is still 'kicking,' some thought he had given u~p his earthly interest, but its a mistake, call at !is old stard and be convinced, and at the same tit-e you will see a fine assortment of goods I'o a gentleman wants a nice, coz, snug, pleas ant place to take his 'grub' at, let him call here, and we warrant he. willi never sigh for a change any nore, if he accepts the chance offered. OBIT UA RY. Dep.ted thi transitory life on the morning of the 25th ult., of cho6lera infantu'm, RrcinIL oNG, infant.son of W~. R. .and A. Sh J:Morris, ae 6 months and 16 days. a "Super1little children to comq' unto me. and fot7Md them not, for of suck is the kingdom of1e-ave?'~ j"The spoiler set the seal, of silence, but ther beam'ed a smile so'fixed. so h'oly, from that che-: rub brow,- death gazed and left it therd.- He dared not steal-t'he signet ring of heaven." LokCHEAP GOODS. Lokfor the New Goods, a.t the New Store, under Martin's llotel3 on. Main Street. PRIVATE BOAR.D. TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN, can procure Board, without lodging, in a' private family. Appilyat this office. July.5 28 tf RO ypremises a Ied .pnd white cow and cf.'The marks on cow right 'ear, croppeW] andslit; left car s!it. .'Also, .a red and white bull yearling, with the same marks. A reward of ten dollars will be paid for their delivery at Mr. Scott's house, New berry. July 5 J. B. LAsSALLE. Baptist State Convention of South Carolina. r?PHE XEXT -ANNUA L MEETING c f this body -1. will be held with the Cross Roads Baptist. Church, near Chappell's Depot, on Friday, before the fifth Sanhday in July next. Delegates com ing by the Greenville Railroad will be met by covyacsat Chappells. J. M.. C. BREAKER, Secretary. Important Notice.. Twill exchange four bushels coarse Liverpool .LSalt for one barrel of Flour ; and one bushel Slt for two of corn ; and will also purchase Wheat for which I will pay- the Market Price in cash..' A. HARRIS. T--- ne d . -f. T HE F t#ST 3 OF - anT oi7IIMW AND SHOES. ...S 9 DIRECT FROM! NEW YORK, FOR SALB OR BARTER, UNDER MARTIN'S HOTEL, MAIN STREET. LEONARD J. HAAS, July 52$tf Headquarters,.U. S. Forees, NEWBERRY, S. C., June 28,-1865. General Orders No. 3. THE following Circular is Itesby, published for the information and guidance of citizena.o Newberry and vicinity : HEADQUARTERS, NORTHERNDISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUT$, Charleston, S. C., April 25, 1865. CtrciZar to Planters, etc. ' - N UNEROUS applications have been made to me for information as to ,tie policy to be adopted on the subject. of labor. All. can understand the importance of making a crop the present seaeson, and foresee the inisery and suffering consequent upon its failure. In the present unsettled state of the country, * and,in the absence of any recogrnized State an thoritiQs, I find it my dut' to assume control of the pt;ntations near the military liaes, and order'. as follows; - 1st. The planters, after taking the oath of. a. legiance, will assemble the freedmet (lately their' stives) and inform them that free, and that hentcfor;h they thust depend upon their own exertions for their support. . - 2d. Equitable contracts in writing T It be mada by the ossners of the land with the freedmen for the cultivation of-the land during -the presedt year. - - Payment will be made in kind, and the allow ance of one half the crop is recommended aS'fair -compensation for the labor, the landlord, fur nishing suhsistence until the grop is gatheted. These contracts will be submitted to the near- * est military or- naval commander for. apprdval and endorseinent. . - . ' Wien the above requirements are compHed with, protection will oe granted as far as iiilitr ry necessity will allow ; but .where no contract is made, the crop raised will be considered for feted for the use of the laborera. Sbotild .the owners refusd to cultivate it, they will,be consid ered as endeavot'ing to eiubarrass the Govern-. ment, and tbe -land will be used" for colonies- of freedimen from the interipx' JOHIN P. HATCH, . Brig. Gor. CommandinDg. By command of -- 'M. MURR AY, Cept. -Comdg. Post. Geo.-W. IDFEN,Lieut.& Ass't. Provost Marshal. ' Jelv 5. . -- EEADQUART ESS, U. S. F)RCE7 -CIT 0r COLoUK[, S. C., - June 24, 4.865. General Orders .Yo'6. HiE ATTENTION'OF CITIZENS OF NEW ..berrvand vicinity is cialed to the follow - ing extracts of a General Order bublished from Headquarters Provigional, Columbia,S.C. Such citizens will comply wit frthe order by re porting all Gdvernmenat P.roperty in their p9sses sion to Captain M. Murray,~ Comd'g UT. S.Yorces, at Newberry : "ILD'QRs FIrs-r Paot. SarIOAn, "Columbia, s.-o., June 22, 1865... "General Orders No--.' ': .' - I. All persons liavinig in' their possessio'i any property belonging to the Confederate and State pverniments,. o' any person knowing the loca tion of any such property, will forthwith report, the same, with an exact statement and -invento-: ry, to the Comd'g officer; here:- failiag 4oilo which, they will incur the extreme per4hy of the. By order of - A. S. Z1ARTWELL,O -Brevet Brig. Gent. "(Signedi) GEO. F. McKAY, 1st Lt. & A.A.A.G. By order of -- LTAOL. 'N. HAUGH TOK, 25th O.Y.V.I. - - Conm'd'g Post. JOHN. WALTON, June 27 4t - Lt. & Pdst Ahdjt. Just 1Received. A WELL selicted stoo~k of DRY GOODS, .Gents' Furnishing .Goode, consisting of Calico, -Linen, Lawn, Shaker goods, Ladies flose,. Gents' j Hosct Gloves, Neck Ties, Cigasra, &. For Sale at M. Foote's Stove,' Main Street(Newberi-y C. H., S. C. June 28 27-4f - FOR SALE ACOMPLETE PRINTING OFFICE. 'Th APress, Type arid appurtenances, are all in' good order. Als6 an extra font of long primer, about 400 lbs. A good opportunity for- a put' thaser is here presen.ted. A pply at this office.' June 21 26 3;