4' * * THE WEEKLY IIERALD Devoted to the Dissemination of General Information. VOLUME I. NEWBERRY, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY ., 1865. NUMBER 28. - ' miwo THE WEEKLY HERALD Is' PUBLISHED AT NEWBERRY C. H., :TERMS, Q1 IN SPECIE, FOR SIX MONTHS, OR $1,50 IN PROVISIONS. jPayment required invariably in advance.) Advertisements inserted at l per square, for first insertion, 50 cents for' subsequent insertions. Marr;age notices, Funeral invitations, Obituaries, and Communications of personal interest charged as advertben.ents. Public Meeting. In cdmpliance with the recommendation of a meeting of the citizens of the town of Newber ry, held on the 27th ult., a general meeting of tbe citizens of the District, was held on Monday, Sd July, at Hurd's Hall. The meeting having as-. aembled, on the pomination of Mr. Jas. Glenn, Col. J. H. Wiltiams was appointed chairman, and Henry Summer, Esq., Sec. The chaianan hav ing stated the object of the meeting,. and an nounced that it was prepared for business, on motion of Rev: Dr. Brantly a committee of fif teen was appointed by the chair to prepare busi ness fm- the meeting ; whereupon the following persons were appointed to constitute that ;coi mittee: Rev. J. J. Brantly, L. J. Jones, Jas. X. f Btxter, Isaae Hunt, Joh P. Kinard, C. H. Suber, 1 Thos. Lipscorr.b, Burr J. Ramage, Wm. Glenn, -'T. P. Slider, G. S- Cannon, Robinson Spearman, Icaac jerbert, Jas. 'air, and E. S. Keitt. .Thos. r Lipscomb having declined toserve cn the com. t 1mittee, Mr. Tbos. Duckctt was appointed in his -place.. Before the committee retired, L. J. -Jones asked leave to read, a letter from Ron. W. t W. Boyce, stating the impressions of the latter ( in reference to the feelibgs of the President of the United States towards this State; and its res toration to the Union, gathered from a personal intervie* witb hie. Excellency. Mr. Jones then 4 t .submitted a resolution in reference to W. W. Boyce, and anothcr in reference to Hon. Jas. L. Orr, which on motion, were"referred to the cont- c 'mittee, and will be found embodied in this re "port. The committee then retired, and, after consultation, reported through their- chairman, .as follows: Whereas, a meeting of the citizen; of the town of New berry was called by the Intendant, to con- t eider by what means a.general expression of the sentiments of the people of the district might be a obtaired, in reference to the statp of things which has been brcught abot't, by the termina tion of the late war and the dissolution of the a Confederate Government; and, whereas,,a meet- Ft ing 1tas peld, in pursuance of this call, on Tues- ( day, the 27th nit., at which a seiies of resolutions was adopted, and, among them, one vcpmend ing a general meeting of the people of the dis- a trict, to be held on the first Monday in July ;.and 'c whereas, in conformity with this recommenda- C tion, the present meeting has assembled, we therefore desire to give this public expression to our views. We are convinced that the objeet which has broaught us together to-day is one of vital conse quence to all; and we do.not believe it possible that:any one can fail to perceive how deeply his own welfare, and that of all most dear to him, is * involved in the action which we may take. The f object of this n:ceting is to do what lies in our 5 power, to heal the wounds which a long and dis * astrous war has inflicted on the country, and to n Testore to it law and order, and all the securities and benefits which a recogn'zed and stable gov ernent affords. -The surretider of Lee andb Johnston has been followed by the capitulation of all the rest of the organized forces called into the Geld by the late Confederate'aGovernment:. The-armDies recently arrayed against the Gor.t ernent of: the United States, have dispersed,the t soldiers have returned to their homes, and are there quietly waiting for an opportunity to re some their formcr peaceful pursuits. The appre -hension entertained by some, that, after all or ganized resistance had ceased, bands of despe-g rate men would continue the' hopeless contest,j and proloog the dreadful scenes of' blood and suffering, has happily not been realized.'- Peacet reigns throughout the whole land, and nowherea is there manifested any disposition to disturb it. But, though peacc has~ returned, the evil ef- ~ fects of the war still continue. In some portions -of the late Confederacy, these evil consequenecs . are beginning to be abated ; civil governmen~t has resumed.its sway, business is slowly reviving, and all thle political and social relations disturbedh by the war are undergoing re-adjustment. Bu in our State civil government is still suspended and the inconvenient and arbitrary substitute o military rule has taken its ph ,e; all business i at a stand still, in the absence of a circulatinf medium- in sufficient quantity for the wants of th( people ; much difficulty and embarrassment ba been produced by the sudden sundering of th( ties which -have heretofore existed between our selves and the laboring population, and the ex. pedients which have been adopted to remed3 those evils will, it is to be feared, but imperfectly accomplish this end ; and, mear.while, the rindf Df men are in! a state of painful suspense a'td anxiety. Whereas, under these circumstances, we have met to consider what course we shall adopt to remedy existing. evils, and to aver1 Dther and, perhaps, greater ones in the future, therefore, Resolved, That we regard the war as finally. at in end; that we are convinced, and believe it to )e the conviction of the whole people, that. all >pposition to the authority of the United Statee ,overnment has ceased in this district, and that here is no disposition, on the part of any one, o renew it. Resolved, That the speedy re:toration of-the tate, to the relations formerly ext ting between t and the Union and Constitution of the States, s the only means by which law and order can 'esnme their control, and prosperity bt restored. Resolved, That we are.fully prepared to see the uthorhy of the Constitution and. laws of the Jnited States restored in this State, and to give he promise of obedience to the same. required y the Government. 'Resplved, That we fully concur in the memo, ial, to the President of the United Stat'ea, adop ed by a public meeting of the citizens of Abbe -ille District, as expressing'our own sentiments .d convictions. Resolved, That; in compliance with t'e recom nendation contained in that memoriil, we appoint ,ol. J. H. Williams as a member of the poposed leputation to wait on the President, together rith the Hon. Armistead Burt, depity elect from L'ibeville Distridt. Besolved, That, in the sense of this, iecting, be Hon. W. ,W. Bovce., by his long. and, large xperience in the political af%irs of trie coutry; is discreet iudgment, and his pure patriotism, is very suitable person to be appointed Governor f Ecuth Caroliia, for the purpose of re-organ ting 'her government, and bringinc her back to the Fe4eral Union, and his appointment is arrestly but respectfully requested. Reaolved, That t'he distinguished ability, the olitical wisdom and broad patriotism of the Hon. ames L. -Orr; and his thorough knowledge df lie condition and wants. of the State of South 'aro:iuat, point him out as a very fit person to be ent on to Washington, to represent her interests, nd to urge her restoration to the Fe.ieral -Union, nd'we therefore endorse his appointment for at purpose, and urge his acceptance. eso'red, That. the newspapers df this State, rd of Augusta, peo., be requested to publish ae proceedings of this meeting, as soon as may e convenient. The report of the committee having been read, -as, on-motion of Col. Fair, unanimously adopt d. On motion, a committee of correspondence f three persons'was appointed. The committee onsisted of T. P. Slider, S. Fair, and G. DeWalt. n motion-a committee consisting of T. P. Sli er and W. W. Houseal, wasappointed' to raise inds to defray expenses of delegate to Wash ,gton. On motion, the meeting then adjourned. J. H. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Hmr SrTME R, SeC'y. Memorial. Pursuant,~ to notice, a'mass meeting.of the citi ens of Abbeville District, South Carolina, mostly .rmeirs, was held ory Wednesday, Jfune 21, 1865, rtheir Court House, -to consider their present olitical,condition, an~d to furtler the estal>lish Lent of civil government in their State. . On motion of Mr; iH. A. Fair, Hion. D. L. Ward tw, was. called to the chair, and James.C. Cal gunl appointed secretary. The chairma'n having explained the object of the ieeting,on motion of Hon. A.Burti, it was resolved at a commiLtee of fifteen be ippointed bythe chair i prepare busin.ess for the meeting, whereupon ie Tollowing gentlemen were appointed as the Lid committee, viz: Messrs. Armistead Burt, hos. C. Perrin, Thos. Thomson, J. Aigustus lack, Robt. A. Fair, James McCastan, Pat. H. radley, James Gillam, H. L. Jeffers, M. C. Tag art, W. T. Drennan, John H. Marshall, T. B. [ilford, James A. Norwood and Rev. J. N oung; who reported through their chairman, 1e foirowing mnen2orial, which was ungnimously :lopted: 'b his E:ecellene~y, Andrew Jonson, .President of the United States: he memorial of the citizens -of Abbeville.Dis trict, South Carolina, assembled.in :nass met ing, respectfully sheweth That South Carolina has laid down her 'irms, ntliies have esed int he,- borders and yet her people enjoy neither the blessings of peace nor the protection of law.' We have not, and know not any persons in this State, who have the purpose or the inclination to renew the contest in any form. The zpeedy and complete restora tion of our relations to t'.e Constitutier. of the United States and the Union, and the peace and security which they guarantee to the citizen, are our unfeigned desire and the great want of our whole country. In view of these desirable ends, we pledge, in good faith, ready and unreserved submission and obedience to all lawful authority.. The state of our exhaosted means and re sources requires the fostering care of. law and order. Parts of our State are under the incon venient restraints of military authority, whilst large sections, including that in which we live, are without. any form of government. All civil rule and rulers are suspended, and men are subject to no other restrainls than those which habit, or their own sense of propriety im poses. All experience attests that these volun tary restraints are inadequate to repress .the ra pacious and othar vicions- passions of men. Crime, ontrage and wrong at perpetrated with impunity'tlbu the peaceable and helpless. Our community depends upon voluntary and irregu lar organizations for .the protection of' persons and property, and a sense of insecurity depre,ssses the energy and disturbs the repose of our pe" ple. The efficiency of the great laboring class of he State has been seriously, and, we fear, disas trously, impaired by inconsistent military regu lations. This whole body of laborers his tren demoralized by the removal of the domestic reg ulations to which they have been accustomed, atid the failure to substitute any other discipline or govertment over them. The able-bodied men r^nd women have, in many instances, aban doned the farms upon which they were employed, leaving behind them the children and the aid to, be supported by the Ip-oprietors. In some in stances husbands have deserted their. wives and childrern, nd we have known both' fathew and mother to abandon their inf int to be cared for by others. We have not seen th" these labor ers have 3een required by any o, der to remain upon the farms and ,to labor-for the present year, or even to assi4t in making and harvesting the growing 'erps. Many of those who left the ams have taken with them. th9 _nues. and litbrses which were indispetlsable-for the ,farm work. Those who reiniin upon the farms--re g6neraiy- indisposed to iahor as they had pie vi.'usiy done, or to De br'derly and industribus. and many are loitering idly and mischievously through the country. The devastation of whole district- of our State by armies or raiding parties-removing. or de stroying every animal for labor or food, every. article for the suhsistence of man or beast, every implement and appliance of agricultui-e, has left the whole agricaftural popnlati. r the country in a most deplorable condition. Tbe"cottorcrop of the last four years has been incon,iderable, as but a small area was allowed by law to be planted: and even now the supply of the mere necessaries of life, is not only meagre everywhere, but in some districts wholly exhausted.' Thi. section is without mail fa,ilities, and its conmunications'by ilroad have been wholly 'interrupted, and are ndt tiely-soon to be restored. These evils are greatly aggravged by :the to tal absence of- any cieculating medium. Goldf and silver are posses:; s- .v but few, and by these fer in small sum.s. T - o. of cotton on hand will supply but little it ar y more money than will be necessary to pay taxes, 4nd we fear that a large r1tmiber of farma must inevitably be sold for that purpose. Tlfe growhig crop of cit. t'on ,can add but little, it is -believed tiot one' fourth of a million of bales,'to .the existing stock,. which probably does not amount to one and a half million of bales. Amongst 'the great disasters wrhich the wiise and the~ prudent amongst.us riehold in tb h ue Idiate future of our unhappy country, is a oon fict between the white and biaceraces, which there .is much in their sundered rehtions to incite, and in many. parts of our State no power of civil or uwi!itanv government toj repress. 'Tnis danger is fearfuliy~ augmented in its imminency and in its horrors, by the superior nurerical strength of th]e-blacks over the whites, and by the-fact that Ithe latter are generally being disarmed of all of fensive weajons, while many of the former arc in the possession of fire arms an'd are expert in the use of th'eml. These political, social-and industril evils have greatly paralyzed the mechanicalsand agricultural industry of our country, and sadly depressed the spirit and energies of our people. In tender consideration:whereof we crave the prompt aid of the goyernment, by remedial and 1preventive measures, to mitigate the -evils that Aiisturb -us at the present, and to 'avert' the calamities that menace ias in the future. .We pray, that o.nr legislature may be allowed to hold its usai sessions, and may have wisdom to devise measures suitable 'to the necessities of the State. That a convention of the peop?e may be assembled: thiat th3etopgress of the United States may exhibit T,he magnaniuitity and states masi hich the 'difficult posture of, affairs re ques:that the President of the United Stass may so exercise the high powers entrusted to him by the constitution and laswer as to acquire for hiuiself.imperishable renown, and for his cointry the 'blessings of peace, harmony land uniIvdralerosperity. That Courts-Federal arM State-may gain exercime wheir henefiat pawi era amongst us, erimes be restrained, oontrac;s enforced, controversies peaceaby settled, and op portunity give; for easy access to judicial autho rity. That postal facilities may be again afford ed to us. That our public offices may be re opened, and our private avocations safely and profitably resumed. And that in all respects our State Government may reassume its funcions, and the reltions of our people and State to the Constitution and Unign be speedily 're-estab lished. We recommend to our fellow citizens in' other parts of our State, ai early exposition of their views on the' subject of our deliberations. We desire that this memorial be respectfully laid be fore the President of the United States; and to give greater effect to the voice of the State,.as it may proceed from pr mary meetings, we suggest that a deputation of citizdns should, if permitted, wait upon the Presidept. We, on our part, nom inate as one of such deputation, our fellow citi zen, the Honorable Ar-nistead Burt, who is pos sessed with the sense of this meeting, and the ills we suffer, much more. fully than we have been able -te express them; and if this should be agreeable to other meetings we hope they will confirm the appointment pf Mr. Birt, and add. to him other suitable pei-sons from their respective districts or secti'ns. We recommend that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to correspond with per sons i{t other parts of the State, and invite their concurrence in the foregoing memorizl. - We request the newspapers - of this State and of Augusta, Ga., to publish this memorial as soon as may be converiie:. On motion of Mr. Jeffers, the chairman of the meeting was appointed chairman of the com mittee on correspondence, and 'essrs. Thos. C. Perrin, and Thomas Thomson were appointed of the committee by the chair. On motion the meeting adjourped, . D. L. -WARDLAW, Chairsaan. " JAs. C. CALnHous; Scretary. .coxxrNcATED.3 The Past, the Present and the Future. No State in t1' _ South h as clung with greater pertinaci,y to the Jeffersonian doctrines of '98 and '99, than Sorth Carolina. She nobly- perl led lier atl in thelr defene, she bs been. in-n' inon with her sister States of the South, van quished by the great Republican party of the North, and State Rights may be now considered defunct, and consigned to the tombs of -the Cap. ilets. THE PRESEPiT. Under these circumstances what does the pre sent require at our hands? A new- order of things imperatively demands, a new order of men, not identified with the past. Men, who are cap able of.entertaining new ideas, not eld politi cians wh'ose namys have becom8 -odious to the doninant party in Washington. If these men. love -their State, as they have always- professed they do, they will stand aside, conscious of. hav ing performed faithfully their duty to the State in the past, and their inability to serve her-in tl.e future, they will not mar her prospects by allowing themselves to be placed in nomination for olfice. THE FUTtRE. Believing as.we do in an all-wise and pver-ru ling Providence, we must bow 'in submission to -His wilL Let:us cheerfully aeeept.the new order of things, implorp His guidance,.in the new paths which have been opened up to us. Forgetting thie pist, let us im'pro~ve the present, and with a firm faith trust in1 the God of our fathers for the future. -- AN Q,LD NULLIFIER. Headquarters, UI. S. Forces, NEWBERtRY, S. C., June 26, 1885. G1eneral Order No. 2.. The following GeneraFOrder is hereby publish ed for the informiation'tf the citizens of Newber ry and vicinity: HEADQ'RS PROVISIONAL IGADE, C~lumbia, S& C., June 9, 1865 General Order No. 13. W HEREAS certain persons have announced to those colored people formerly their slaves.and still remainting on their tenements that tliey must quit,.with no provision made .or attempted for said coloiral pebple to obtain shel ter qr work,- it is'hereby ordered that no person shall torn off from his place or house those col ored people. who have ired witih him and still 'desire to remain with him and.do what they can. -Any person or persons violating this order, and turning out from their ltousesa these people, to becom~e pa,upers upon the community, will be forthwith-arrested and'reposted at these head quarters for~ trial. Cases of colored, people resi ding onr the places of their former masters, and behaving improperly or refusing to -work- with fair termis offered, will'be reported for action of the military anthorities. By order'of . A. S. HA RTWEL, lrevet Brg Gen. -Olicial : grO. F. HfeKay,Lieot: and A. A. A. G.. By command of M. MURRAY, .Capt. ('omdg. Post. Geo. W. IDns, Lieat. & Assa.-Pzdrost MarshaL July 5.