- - - t4t t re tz ' m Devoted to the Dissemination of General Information VOLUME I. NEWBERRY, S. C., WVEDNESDAY. JUNE .28, 1865. NUM13ER 7. THE WEEKLY 'HERALD IS PUBLISHED AT NEWBERRY C. H., TERMS, $1 IN SPECIE, FOR SIX MONTHS, OR $1,50.IN PROVISIONS. (Payment required invariably in.advanc@.) Advertisements inserted at $1 per square, for first insertion, 5W cents for subsequent insertions. Marriage notices, Funeral invitations, Obituaries, and Communications of personal interest charged as advertisements. Labt News from Abroad. From an Augusta paper of the 2?th inst. we make the following summary : In an interview between President Johnson and delegations from the Southern States, the President tells them that "if there are any of them, either the people or the politicians, who have a hope that there may be a gradual aboli tion of slavery, or a servitude in the shape of the apprentice system, they are in error, that in no contingency can.slavery ever be revived. They must dismiss that idea forever ; slavery is gone, and never to be built up again. He tells them that if there is any expecta'tion of the assump tion of the rebel debt it is absurd ; that not a - dollar will ever be recognized by the Govern ment. To this they reply that they did not ex pect or desire to pass it themselves, or ask others to pass it for them. On the question of negro suffrage he refers them to his recently announced sentimeats." Hon. M. P. Conway, radical congressman from Kansas, writes to the N. Y. Tribune as to the views of the people of Vir;inia, of which the fol'owing is an extract: " In the nest place, it is a fact that there are no longer any 'disunionists' in Virginia. The people are all for the union. Having failed in their effort for a separate government, and recog nizing that fZilure as conclusive, they accept the union without reservatiun, intending to stand by it in good tuith. The national governmenr is to be theirs and their children's forever ; and to that government, albeit they would not have volun tarily chosen it, they will btar faithful allegiance. TIhis is the exact posi.ion of ninety-nine hun dredths of the people of Virginia." The post office at Augusta has been re-opened by the U. S. authorities, and mail matter may be sent to Macon, Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, any post office in the North, or foreign countries, or any re-opened office in the United States. In accordance with instructions received from headquarters department of the South, all dis loyal per?ons in the district of Savannah will be deprived of the privileges of the United States mails. Letters, and other mail matter will be de'ivered only to thpse to whom they are ad dressed. No white civilian will be permitted to take a_etter from the post office unless they pre sent a certificate showing that he or she has sub scribed to the amnesty oath of allegiance ; an alien, ruust show by the prbper Consul that their neutrality has not been violated. Privileges per sons are strictly forbidden to receive und?r cover of their address, ma~il raatter intended for dis'loy al persons. Indictments have been found in Judge Under wood's C.ourt at Norfolk, against General Lee, Governor Wise, and some fifty others, as the Wahington Chronicle an.nounces the Judge's ar rival there with the papers. Another paper says that he is seeking the aid of Attorney General Speed ini carrying on the prosecution. Gens. Longstreet, Ewell, Corse, ex-governor Letcher and Governor'Smith are among those indicted. The Raleigh Progress says appointments are to be made in every county of "loyal" men, who will make an enrollment of votes, carefully ex. ciuding all who were "prominent in their adhe rence to the rebellion." This enrollment is to be returned to the Provisional Governor, and npon the basis thus established, delegates to a State Convention are to be electcd, and the Convention of course will provide the rest. Hon. A. H. Stephens. late Vice President o: the rebel confederacy, now at Fort Warren, is allowed to walk in the open air, from nine to ten in the forenoon, in company with an officer. His health is very feeble, and it is feared that the imprisonment is fast undermining his weak con stitution. He is kept in a room by himself, guar ded by two soldiera. Postmaster Reagan is sim i:arly guarded. Great Britain has spent seventy-five ail The Plague. A CrRtors CHAIN OF PRoPHECY.-It would ap pear that.the plague or some other fearful epi demic, has long been anticipated in Germany. The first Napoleon, who was very superstitious; as many great men have been and are, placed great reliance in the predictions of the celebrated M'dlle Lenorman, well known as a professional prophet, in Paris, for nearly forty years, and al so the confid4nt of his wife. At the Congress of Aix in Chapelle, held in 1817, when Napoleon was a captive at St. Hele na,- this same Lenorman attracted much atten tion among the sovereigns, and succeeded in .particilarly interesting the Emperor Alexandria, I of Russia, who indeed, had a strong tendency to mysticisms, and pietism, which was fostered ! by his friendly intercourse with Madame Krudener, a religious visionary, as well as an avowed seer. Lenorman and Krudener not only "told fortunes" but predicted boldly and largely, as to the events of the nations, and it cannot be denied that their mysterious sentences had weight with the masses partieularly in Germany. In 1853, a small pamphlet wai published in Germany, professing to contain a series of pro phetic revelations found among the papers of Lenormand, who had died ten years before at an advanced age. It is notorious that the publi cation excited great attention, and obtained large credence throughout Germany. It announ ced, among other events, that in the year 1853, t'aere would be a Europeln war upon Russian soil, in which the eagle and the leopard would closely hug the bear, (the elder Napoleon having always declared that the leopard not the lion, was the symbolic animal of England ;) that after peace had been rbStored, the elephant (India) would at tempt to trample down the leopard (England,) but would not succeed ; that following the war between England, Russia and France, would bo an imn:ense emigration from Germany to the West tUnited States) for many years; that the emigration would prosper in their new home, but a time would con.e when a civil war would make lae .:re that they had not left their father land : ttnt ifter the civil war had fearfully ;aged for four years, peane would be restored and re markable prosperity ensue, and that about the time the war in the' w?st had ended a fearful sickness, comnencing in Russia, would extend across the Baltic, desolate Germany, cause im mense mortality in England, and then simulta neously spreasd to The east and to the west. A FAnF!'L S -E.-A w:ild and fearful scene occurre-i at the Syracuse Depot on Monday. As the cars which made up the Oswego train were standing in the Central Depot, a loco motive, without engineer or firemen, came dashing in from the East and plunged into the ast car of the train, driving the whole train like lightning out of the Depot, a distance of twenty rods, wrecking the whole thing. The nivsteriousappearance of this wild en gine was as follows: The engine had been des patched East, and ox approaching the tunnel near Syracuse the engineer saw a wood train approaching from the East. Both engineers reversed their engines and jumped from their machines. A collision took place, smashing the locomotive coming from the East. The looomotive going East had its hind truck thrown off, but being reversed the engine started back towards Syracuse, its speed in creasing every foot until it was ruaking a speed of a mile a minute, the hind truck gone and the tender bounding into. the air, it dashed into the Oswego train, by which the escape valves were broken off, the steam rushed out, and the tank being broken the water rushed out, the phantom locomotive gave its last gasp. The crash and steam, and cries of affrighted people made up a terrible scene, but, happily, without loss of life, and it is a wonder, as the escaped engin'e, in its race, cr'ossed eleven streets, and dashed through a crowd of four hundred people. .The cause of all this was that the engine went out on thie wrong track, the right track *being out of repair owing to the flood.-. Y Paper. AFFRAY ON THE ChARLEsTON BATT'iY.-From -the Courier, of the r9th, we learn that a sensa tional affair took place on the Battery the pre vious afternoon, which greatly enlivened the scene, even if it did net add to the pleasures. Un gentellemoune d'Afrique, rejoicing in newly made and richly colored wings, cavorted in some fashion at the expense of a lady of the Cauca sian race. The sergeant, with four men on guar d at the spot, ordered the sable gentleman to va mnose, and on his refusing to obey, proceeded to arrest him. Wherekupon certain brethren came to his relief, and a generai melee was the conse qec.Brick-bats flew and blood flowed. Pri vate Jesse Rayeir was badly wounded on the head, and sundry bla'ek and" white civilians and soldiers also received the stab. Thle appearance of Gen. Hatch upon the scene arrested the con flict, which threatened no small amount of mis chief. The Courier reports another row in Charleston among the colored soldiers-:-the weapons being brick-bats only. Some of the leading jollies were arrested.-Pha~nir. IEarly religion lays the foundate of oppb ztess both in time and et.ernity. THE WRONG ANiMAL.-(rantley Brockley, the English snob and artist, tells the foliowing excruciating story of Lady Ilaggerstone's scheme to charm the Regent. ""Her ladyshin had at-her residence a minia ture far:n-yard and three little Alderney c:at tie. When the Prince and his friends had ar rived, she came forward from a side wicket a milkmaid, for the purpose of making syllabub for the Prince. She had a silver pail in one hand aid an ormamental stool in the other. Lady lfaggerstone tripped along,with ribbons flying frora her dainty little milking hat, that hung i oJie side of her graceful htad,and the smallest litie apron tied below her laced stom acher, til she came opposite his Royal High ness, to whom she dropped a really graceful curtsey. Then passing lightly over the beau tifully plaited straw, her tucked gown show ing her neat ankle,as well as her colored stock ing, she placed her stool and pail convenient for use. Leaning against the flank of one of the crossest looking of the Alderness, she was attempting to commence her rustic labors, but not having selected the right sex, the offended animal did not seem to fancy the performance, for he lirst kicked out, then trotted aw ay, nearly upsetting stool, pail, and Lady Hag gerstore, who, covered with confusion, made ihasty retreat to her litle dairy, whence she did not appear again. FACTS ON ADVERTISING.-The :;dvei'tisements in an ordinary nunlber of the London Times exceed 2,500, the annual advertising bills of one London firm are said to amount '300, 000 ; and three others are mentioned who each annually expend for the same purpose, $50,000. The expense of advertising the eight editions of the Encyclopaedia I3rittanica, is said to have been $15,000. It is trsserted that $10,000,000 a year are expended in England in extra advertisirig, by circulars, handhiils, and placards. In large cities, nothing is more common th:in to sei large busine"s establishments, which seem to have an immense advantage over all compe:i tors by the wealth, experience and prestige they h:'- acquired, drop gradually out of public view, an:d be succeeded by firms of a smaller capital, m ore eneryrv, and more deter mination to have the fact that they sell such and such commdrnoitizs k:nown from one end of the land to the other. l:a other words the new establishments advertise ; the oki die' of dignity. The former aie ravenous to pass out of obscurity into publicity ; the latter believe that their publicity is so obvious that it can not be obscured. The first understand that they must thrust themselves on public atten tion or be disrarded ; the second having once obtained public attention, suppose they have arrested it permanently while in fact nothing is more characteristic of the worid than the ease with which it forgets. THE EMIGRATTON TO Ti SoiT.-While there is a great deal of talk about the Mexican emigration scheme, the departure of hundreds of persons from the North to cities of the South goes steadily and quietly on, profession abmen, mechanics, and indeed men represen ting every department of industry, are hurry ing.outhward to try their fortunes. Rich mond, Charleston, Savannah, Norfolk, Mobile, New Orleans and the other principal cities of the South are the chief attraction, but as soon as the war shall have actually closed many of these pilgrims will make their way to the in Iterior. On Saturday we were irformed that an advertising firm newly established in this city received $3,800 to pay for advertisements to be inserted in Southern papers. It is stated that the demand for carpenters in the South 'is already greater than the sepply, while ma sons, plumnbers, wheelwrights and painters are very scarc.-ng York C ;onuucreial and IAdecriiser. StensRxRT TRENHoL.-Secretary Trenholmn left here 6 e'elock Satn~rday evening, on board the steamer Wmn. P'. Clyde. for Port Royal. It is believed he is to be contined in Fort Pulaski. The demonstrations of respect and sympathy for this urfortunate but noble hearted gentleman and public ipirited citizen of' Charleston, siney h-is arrival here, have been universal. -The grief among the poorer classes, to whom he has al ways been a benafactor, was intense. A petition to I'redldent Johnson for the special pardon of Mr. Tranholm was drawn up, and .has been very extens rely signed. Lieut. Savers, of the 56th New York,'accompained Mr. Trenholm to Port Royal.-CLharleston Couier, 1 0t.. On the 3d inst., the Government steame-rT tram SRandy, from Fortress M"onroe, hav"g on board ;-imes A. Seddor, late rebel Emeta--y of War ;Judge Campbel, formrer!y o~bel Assitant Secretary otf War and one of the H{amptonu Roaids Peace Commrissioniers ;and R. M. T. lIurter. late one of the rebel Senator e from Virginia, arrivedi at Fort Pulaski, Savannahb River. io which str hold these men worn eommitted to await thci> triJ for traw. .' Ywk /I d P'1 Robberies in New York city are getting frequent'again. Some of recent occurrence have been of the boldest character, reminding one of the old stories of ancient burglars. A trio of thieves entered a house by the cellar grating one :1;ght recently, gathered about a thousand dollars' wortb of siver, then spread the tah)e in the dining room, broke into the wine celler, an.d had two hoirs spree ere their noise awoke the inmates. Another trio went to the house of a gentleman and he answered the door-bell in person. The robbers seizrd him, tied and gagged him in his' own front hall, and then leisurely ransacked his premises t:4ing off three thousand dollars in gold and one thousand dollars in greenbacks, coolly retiring from the front door, leaving the gen tieman helpless with a polite "good bye old pellow." The last novelty from Germany is a musical' bed,which receives the weary body and imme diatei laps it in Elv!um.' It is an invention of a mechanic in Bohemia, and is so constructed that, by means of hidden mechainism, a t ress ure upon the bed causes'a soft and gentle air of Auber-to he played, which continues long enough to lull the most wakeful to sleep. At the head is a clock, the hand of which being placed z the hour the sleeper wishes to rise; when the time arrives, tho bed plays a march of Spontoni, with drums and cymbals, and ia short, with roise enough to rouse the seven sleepers. MEETINGS.-A meeting of the, people of St. George's (Dorchester) was held on the 15th at. Rods' Station. Resolutions were passed expres sin, the desire of the citizens to return to 'the Inited States.' R. J. Limehouse and D. W. Shu ler were nominated as delegates to a convention of the people of the State. A meeting of citizens of Orangeburg, with the view to reconstruction of the Union, passed the usual resolutions to this effect. A pasart story is told of a rather aged lI dy who has recently warried a youngand fast. mu, guitting him at the station when he was going en roy@ge for some private aiairs. Af ter an embrace of the most loving cbaracter, she pit her head into the carriage and said, "(.her Charles remember that you ar mar ried." To which he replied, "ChereCaoliae,, I-will make a nemorandum of it.''and at once tied a knot in his handkerchief. 'Ye who write for a busy age,' says a late author, -speak quick, use short sentences, never stop the r ;ader with a long or ambiguous word,but let the stre:mof thought flow right, and men will dink it like water.' 'A tremen dous thought may be packed into a cannon ball, and, like that prrjectile, cut down all before it. Pack your thoughts close together.' There is a new system of instruction in France, by which people learn to read in a remarkable short space of time. It is called the Lefforian s'ysterm, from Leffore, the inven-. tor. Twenty four soldiers who never knew a let,er of the alphabet learned to read fluently in icss than a month, and one of them read at the end of the tenth lesson. An Easter egb for the Spanish i,nfanta,was recently made in Paris; it cost 20,000f; it was made of white enamel. On the ineide the text of St. Math ew, describing the Resurrec tion, wais enameied, arnd a cock, whe, the egg was opened, would sing twelve different airs from favorite op-eras. An officer, in garrison at Lille, has given a dinner to some friends, at which the princi pal dish was the roasted shoulder of a lion, killed by M. C'haThad, the flavor of highly pickled wild boar, and was eaben, we bear, with much relish by the guests. IMPRTAxT TREAT.-The Columnbian Gov ernment has granted in perpetuity to the United States Government the exclusive priv ilege of usin.g the Panama Railroadl for milita ry, naval and other governmental purposes, other nations can only use it comnmer cially. A writer in the Economist Beige asserts~ that France alone, during the war from 1791 to 1814,.raised and consumed 4,5(T5,000 men. The conscriptions of Napoleon amounted to 2,270.000. Benjamin F. Wade, .James R. Doolittle and Simon Cameron have jointly purchased one of the gr'eat cotton plantations.of South Caro lina. Socakm to old men of the post-to the mid die -ged of the presc'nt-and to the young of the future. A s nert tme is to the rose,. so is good nature to the'lovely. !il naunre renders the prettiest, face disagreeable. In-T." don the-r have i collecs for cooks, w~hore dilo,ms art' given to assid'ous stu