~ oensBotllol~iinal ALO CAITIES Some Things You Know and Some You Don't Know About Our Tons, County & People -Standard gasolene 18c ver Allon. R. E. Goodwin. FRESH BREAD, always on and at Corbin's Restaurant. -For land anywhere In Pick ns county see or write J. R ishmore, "The Land Man." -FOR SALE:-13 acre tract -f land, very good house and iarn, near Easley mill. See H. D. Couch, quick, at Easley Mill, Pasley, S. C. -I :am prepared to do your ..anning now. Will can any lav in' the week except Satur lay. All work guaranteed. A. T. Winchester. -The merchants of Pickens, have agreed to close their stores (luring the fair every day from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m., and parties wanting to purchase goods will have to be governed by this agreement. -A busines is more respect. able than what is termed loaf ing. A young man had bettei sell clams by the pailful thaii hang around public resorts, murdering time and his own reputation. -Soie peonle never hand inl an item of news for publicaton, but if we happen to miss an item in which they are interest ed they are sure to hand us a north pole stare that wouldl freeze the Lver of a polar bear. -The cotton buyers of Pick ens havg agreed not to))uy. any cotto during the fair from 11 a. mr o 3 p. nj-aiid no wagon ill thed on main street durin these hours. PleasE goveri) yourself by this rule, Mr. cotton-seller. ---When' the common earth worm is cut in two, he won't miake a fuss about it; but to the tail end wvill grow a head and to the headl end wvill grow ai tail. There will be two wvormi.s instead1 of one. Misfortune of ten dou bles our strength.. Fol'cr first-class shingles, eith * earI. or sap, see or wi'ite me forp "ices. C an dliver themit Pie ~ps or give you special p~riceA on1 Mem at t he mzill which is 2 mil inbrth of court hiduse. J. H. Elarle, Viti Pickens, S. C. -M~ change of ad of J. A. Pee l~the hustling real estate ler in North Georgia, who sold many farms to Pickens nty people. If you are look for good land at a low price ch' upl along side of him. 1 can rest assured he will t you right in ainy deals de with him -Have you any news, tell thc tor and he wvill serve it in a node. Ini case you (10 not pen to meet him, use the ,phone or the mall. You I be helping to make your vn paper of greater interest dthereby serve the communi Whatever news may inter you, must surely Interest ny others. -Among those who have re tly left Pickens for college othe following: Sidney 'uce, to Davidson; W, A. ompson, Gignilliat Christo er, J. Casey Porter and Cleo nn, to South Carolina Uni rslty, Columbia; Clifford i1s, Paul Hester and Marvin *hings, to Clemson; Misses Keith, Laura RIgdon, Lois er, Patti Major and Ruby r, to Winthrop; Mvida es, to Greenville Female loge: Tnez Morris, to Chicora %ge: Nsudie C'raig, to Black Collevo". Blocke'tono. Vn. -- There rever few "House for Rent" signs to be seen in 1 our town. 'That is proof of growth and prosperity, but also an indication that more homes 1 ought to be provided for the people who would move here, if houses could be rented.. A num bor of cozy and attractive cot tages that can be rented at a reasonable figure is what we nbed. -Every school boy knowis that a kite will not fly unless there is a string tying it down. It is just so in life. The man who is tied down by half dozen blooming responsibilities and their mother will make a higher, stronger fight than the bachelor, who having nothing to keep him steady, is always flounder ing in the mud. If you want to ascend in the world, tie yourself to somebody. -Mrs. Gus Wilson, wife of Mr. Gus Wilson, died at the home of her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robinson, in South Pickens, on last Friday, of con sumption, after a lingering ill ness. Besides her husband, she leaves brother, mother and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her untimely death. Her remains were laid to rest the day following her death in the Pickens cemetery. -Few people have any idea what an incentive it is to both teacher and scholar to know that parents and outsiders are taking a lively interest in their work. We believe the "little folks" at school appreciate such interest more perhaps than the larger ones. Still the effect is not lost on any of them, and we hope every parent will take a hint from this and place the public school on their visiting list. -Let us cultivate a pubiic spirit and talk less and work more. Encourage our local authorities in .making improve ments. Speak well, talk en couragingly of our town and its bright prospects. It is these many little considerations that makes a town grow. Nature has showered upon us her choi cest blessings, and wvith perfect unity and( effort for the good1 of our common cause, great wvill he the result. --Dnring the three (lays of the fair main street wvill be clos ed to traffic from Lewis stre(et at J. McD). Bruce's to F E. Cox's residenoe between the hiouirs of 11l a. mi. and ;3 p. mi. This is done in order ,to prevent people from gettime~ hurt or be ing in the way of any of the att ractions, which will all b:e on said1 main street. W~e hope ev erybody (vilI come to town be fore that time and be0 governed by this rule. -When you pull down the I own in which is your home,you are pulling down yourself, and when you b~uild up you are building up yourself and your neighbor. 'T.ry and banish from your' mindl the mistaken idlea that all good things are awvay oiff in some other locality. Give vour town all the praise it can legitimately bear. It certainly will (10 you no harm and will cost you nothing; and above all patronize your home institutions -Including the printing office. --Last Sunday Dr. D. L. Lander severed his relation as pastor with the Presbyterian, church. at Pickens, having al ready done the samt. at Easley. Rev. Lander is a consecrated Christian gentleman and labored faithfully for four years at this charge. HeI Is undecided as to where he will locate. While wo very much regret to see him leave wve commend him to the good people with whom he will cast his lot, feeling sure that he will be a distinct blessing to the corhmunity in which he locates. Dr. La ider', may the Lord abnaor y lss:-k.n o -Mr. A. P. Alexander, of.tho pper section of the county lost t fine mule one day last week. [t was sick for several days, but he cause of its death 'Is un cnown. -The Pickens Telephone Ex yhange is again presided over by that .charming little "hello girl," Miss Ada Bolding, who tormerly held this position here. 3he always . gave 'satisfaction while on duty, and we feel sure bhe patrons are glad that she has again accepted the job. -We call your attention to bhe ad of the Meyers-Arnold Co., f Greenville, announcing their millinery opening. Read it and all of you who-can, especial ly our lady readers, please at tend. This company handles only the best of hats, millinery, and dress goods, and will apbre clate your patronage and do all they can to merit it. Mrs. Beunah Jennings, of Pickens, is with them, and will be de lighted to see her many friends from this county in attendance. There is a habit and a delu sion among a large number of our people to go to some nearby town or city to shop, )elieving that they can purchase cheaper We think these good people may be buncoed by their own thought. Please reckon youi carfare and time, if th( latter is wort'i anything. If our town merchants try i< "soak" you or have not what you want, of course, you ar< justified to go elsewhere. But first find out by getting price and see what your home mer chants have. -John Lee, of Six-Mile, Pick ens county, was among the business visitors to' Walhalla last week and met many of hi old friends of this section. Mr Lee formerly resided in th Cheohee section of Oconee, but two years ago he moved to Pick ens county, where he purchased land and established himself aF a farmer. He reports entir< satisfaction with his new home and that he is doing well. H( has good Crops, p~ltY of stock and1 has done remrkabl3 wellI this year, niotw~ Iihstanding the vecry un f ayoralble seasons'. Keowvee Courier. Liberty Circtoit Appointments. Liberty: 4t;h Sundaty 11 a. mn and 1st Sunday night 7:30O p. mn Ra~hamah: .1st Sunday morn ing 1.1 a. mn. Bethlehem: 2d Suinday 11 a mn. and1 4th Sunday afternoon. Gap Hill: 3d Sunday 11 a. mn Fair-view, 3d Sunday after noon. T'welve Mile: '2(1 Sunday af ternloon. Notice as to Fall Term of Court On account of the illness ol Judlge J. C. Kluigh, who wvas regularl y assigned to hold th< fall Ternm, 1911, of Court al Pickens, and( no( other Juldg( ha\ying been designated to hli said1 court in the place of Judg< Klugh the regular Fall Termn ol Court, 19)11, at Pickens will niol be held. All JTurors, Grand and Petit, and1 all witnesses dlirected to ap pear ati this "ourt will pleas( take notice as it wIll niot he nec essary for you to c'ome to court to Pickens for said cour't wvhich wvould otherwise convene on 4th Monday in September, the 25th. All wiltnesses must lbe present at the opening day of culrt 01: fourthl Monday in Febru ary, 1912, iunless otherwise niotifi1e(1. A. J. B0O(, Clerk of Court, Pickens County, S. C. PICKENS, R. F. D. Miss- Minnie Hudson is spend ing the week with- relatives at Easley. Mr. and1 Mris. Lucian H-end. ricks, of the Mount Tabor sec tion, spent last Sunday witg Mr. and Mrs. John Childs. Misses Cora and Clifford Man, (in spent last Sunday aftl ' om e ses Tesie~q and1 To ipl)e .1aam of(Isy on, Ii The girl's .ieport a fine time. Mr. and Mrs Walker Roper spent Satur'day and Sunday with Mr. Earle Gilstrap. Mr. and Mrs. Luclan Hend ricks spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Martin Come forward, all you corres pondents-"Blue Lilacs," "Nice Girl," "School Girl," "Lonely Sweetheart," "-'s Darling," "Brown Eyes," and all of' you writers, I like to hear from you. I will close for fear of that dreadful waste-basket. Sweet Violet. ["Sweet Violet," nor any of the other correspondents never need fear the waste-basket here. We are always glad to hear from any and all of thern.-EDITOR. Hol For Atlanta. All you folks who have ever went on one of the Mahon & Marchbanks excursions, come on and let's go to Atlanta on next Wednesday, the 27th. This is the last excursion of the season, and a great opportunity for you to get a short outing is offered, which you, by all means, should take advantage of. The train will run from Spartanburg, and will take on passengers up to Liberty. It is scheduled to pass Easley at 9.55 and Liberty at 10.05, arriving in Atlanta at 3.45. The fare from any point in the county is $2.75. Parties from Norris, Central or Calhoun will have to come to Liberty on No. 42. Th is is the last excursion of the season to aInly point, and if you miss going you will have to wait a long time for another chance. See the agents at the various places for tickets and inform ation. - B. B. LaBoon, at Pickens, can sell you a ticket or tell you about the trip. Returning, leave Atlanta, Fri (lay morning. Sept. 29th, at 9.00 o'clock. South Carolina time, or 8.00 o'ck ck, Atlanta time. Go and see a town that brags a heap, but that is an hour slower than we are. You will never regret the fiiine or the sights voni see. Sutherland - Crenshaw. \laried, Sept. 14th. at the honme of the 1bride's parents, Miss lizabiethI Sutherland and1 Mliss Suthierhmd is 1 a (langhter ofi Mr. and Mris. Amos C. Huith (erland and Mr. Crenshawv is the son1 of Dr. a nd M r~s. J . M . Cron shawx.. Both are bea8utifn l charactersi, and their circle of vouing friends will greatly miss t hem. Eev. -~ C. Seabhorn, in his mohdest and impressivye m a nner, perfornmed the n iarriage rer(e mOnuv. Tmmflediately after the cere man iheV 1) gues~ts were inv\i ted into the dininL.rwom, whr (elight ful refreshmuenlisW we served. Mr. and Mrhs. Sutherlaind on tetafined t heir guestsa in (hat goodl old Southern style that 1lmkles onie want to stay longer and wish to go again. The vonng 1'oule received a number of beautiful and hand somo) gifts of sterling silver andl the congratulations of a host of friends and relatives. They will spend a few dlays with the groom 's paren ts and from thence to the city of At lanta for awvhile. The good wishes of many good friends go with them there and through life. May their joys last and their sorrows be fewv. * ** The Greoat God D3ank. There1* is just one oub:-r great cod bank in the world besidt s :ho.w olf Newfoundland. it lies oflr Capew .gul: bas, which Is the 5outherni tip or Af rica and southi of the Capo of Glood Ilope. Theo Aguihas platea~lu Is said to be almost a duplicate in sizo and richiness of the north eod banlis. But this la too far off, so there is little prois of its appeasing the hungry annpal'Cte of ths unekli for ond. NOTICE. Pickens, S. C., Sept 11, 1911. An examination for teachers will be held at the court house Friday October 6th. Examina tions fo begin promptly at 9 a. m. By order of State. Board of Ed ucation. R. T. Hallum, Co. Supt4 Ed. Notice ol Eleotion Notice is hereby given that an. election will be held at the City Hall, in the city of Pickens, on Saturday, Octcber 7th, during the time for holding such elec tions provided, for one alderman to fill odt the unexpired term of R. L. Hames, resigned. This election will be held un der the rules governing and pro viding for such emergencies and the managers are D. B. Finney, J. L. Thornley and W. T. Grif fin. S. B. Craig, W. F. Mauldin, Mayor. Clerk. 40 acres, j mile from court house, 1-2 cleared, balance in original oak forest, joining land of J. H. G. McDaniel, I. M. Mauldin and others. This prop erty is for sale or trade and is the prettiest place for a nice home around"Pickens. Price and terms reasonable. See H. M. Hester, "The Real Estate Man Pickens, S, C. North Pickens Appointments. The followingi are the appoint ments of Rev. E. L. Thomason, Pastor of the North Pickens cir cuit for the Year of our Lord, 1911. Let, everybody encouragt the preacher by keeping his ap pointmlents in mind and giving him good congregations: Porter's Chapel 1st Sun. 11a. m. Friendship 1st Sun.'3 p. i. Bethel 2d Sun. 11 a. i. New Hope 2d Sun. 3 p. m. ,McKinnie's Chapel 2d Sun 11 a. i. Salem 4th Sun. 11 a. in. EYETALK NO.2 Light and Sight Light renders all things visible, by) briniging pictures of them to onr' eyes. Thecn if the eyes are per feet,, we have clear' and 11com. =POOR EiVES= The Remedy ist il : \nde. hv the way. of~ getting' tie ight ghi';es, call on A.e A.b O~o.\l PRE., J. E. nOG~S w. E. re11io BOGGS & FINDL EY Lawyers Picke~ns, S. C. 18 ()1i ce )ve'Ph-'Icken ben;:.i DR. R. E. INGOLD Dentist Liberty, S. C. Practice at Central every WVednteda~s s. Castle Hall Pickens Lodge N~o. 123 K. of P., .Stated convention 8:30 p. mi,, MonI).j) eening after the 1st and -3d Sunday. Work ahead for ail the RankH. All visitors cordially in vited, By order of .J J. V'ALusy, c, C. SAM . A(I., I(. of R. andI N. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons holding claims against t he c8tote of the late J. B Freeman deceased, must present the same duly proven on or hefore the 1st day of Nov. 1011, or b,' diebarredl payment, and all persons indebtw, to t aid es1ta1te must1 make payment on~ or b-fore the abhove date to the undersigned. 1B. S. Freeman. N Is the time to bi. while you can see t the crop on it, 'Seeing o d you know what you \r sonably expect if you b Now is the time to m rangements for next year not only next year but for, future home. Now is the time to see _. H l liberal terms for a small hor It is Now is the time to see son sliowi, cheap land I have as well ament some of the best in the county. 'r 0 Farm and city property for ttur sale. A. M. Morris. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Cures Through the Blood BIaod Poison, BONE PAINS, CAN CElI,SCALY SHIN, PIMPLES Rheumatism, Eczema$ Itching Humors. B.'B B. (Botaimo Mood 1 Blood) is he only Blood Remedy that kills the poison in the blood and then pitrfie< it---ein ing a flood of pure, ric l qireot tc" the skin surface. bones. joins, aoni wherever the disesise is located. I'i this way all sores. ulcers. pimples, eruptions are healed and cured. pain. an-! nwhep of Rheumatism cease, swellings si.side. B. B. B. comiletely changes the body imto a clean healthy col-ditonn, Viving the skin the rich. r'ed hue of health. B3. 13, B. cures the w t!d case8. Try it. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM-B BB pleamant 11114 sare to Lalcomoe of ppre lotanic Igrediciatm I pit p rllet itti ettrteh1ch the Wood . H. 1. it.trotiggliens the iierves aid buIlds u the broken dowi sytem. D9rug. g14t1 $1 .00 PKIL LA IM H 11O't"'LE with diree tions-for hone cure. Sold at All Drug Stores. may be of pi'ich bt a 1 this we( know, a i WVll('eCIe'I )tt~ rh. -.(I~ I exced in, IN :\Rlit'~; (,< to te (ur best - ry in Own. lew "Rock~ Hul11" Lightesi Running, Most Stylish and Durable on Market q Patented Long-Distance Spindles, oiledl withbout removal of wheels. qlatented Side Spring. (iiStrcongest braced Body made. qNew style Seat.. q Every feature of high class make. qlihaetons, Surries, Runabouts of same High Qu'alify, I Our guarantee your protection. 'ROC HIL.I Postal Card To Us WHi kr K ; Agent To You At Once ROCK DILL BUGGY COMPANY