4G4 Pl KEN SENE EYtered Aarl 9. 3903 Mt Pickens, . s, Vo as secondeInes mail Aatt er Act of1, 191. Of Naiies 3.-87 41st Yeae PICKENS. S. 0.. AUGF78T 31, 1911. LIBERTY. **School days are rapidly ap Vproaching. Many intend going to school here, while some will be'off to college hustling for an education, which is a very important thing to hustle for these days. .John Gilstrap, who lives east of . here, is very ill, suffering from a paralytic stroke. Mr. Bud Burgess was kicked on his abdomen' by a horse Sun day 1morning, from the effects of which he died late the same -afternoon. He was buried Mon _day morning at Six-and-Twenty onArtdi, in Anderson county, near where he-was raised. -We understand- there was a I -shooting scrap at Norris, Satur , day evening, in which two ne pgroes were shot, one with a shotgun and the other with a t pistol. The former was seri ously hurt, while the latter was r not i njured, and escaped. .Two brick stores are under -way here. M. A. Boggs and W..- S. Chapman are having the -work done. When completed it will be another ste)) toward imaking the east side of Iecond street a solid bl)ock. Fodder-pulling is now on and cotton-picking has conimenced. .S. W1. O'Dell brought to thisl market on the 126th the first new bale, which he sold to T. N. Hunter for 124c. Liberty wVent t0 the front with the first new bale in the county last year. WX"hat has she done on that line this year?-this one, about 27 f days earlier than last year. We 0 take it for granted that Liberty is again in the front. C. Mexican W Vliar.. ~9 "How many South Carolina C veterans of the Mexican war sur~ive?" The question came up in conversition at the state house with Mr. W. 1). McLaurn, C ,late land agent, and as a result he and a newspaper man dropped in to Mr. A. S. Salley, Jr., a secIetary of the State Historical t conmission, says the Columbia 0 Record. Mr. Salley said that he under- t stpod there were four Mexican 0 war survivors, all veterans of t the Palmetto regiment: James N Alfred McKee. Easley; Matthew If B. -Stanley, Marion county: Joseph Culbreath, Jontn, nd ~ J., J. Martin, now living at East C Point, Ga. It is p)ossible there an others, andl if so it is hoped ( the publication of this article ~ will bring the fact to public a notice. It was the Palmetto regiment c which captured' the works of Santa Anna at Cherubusc'o- t '-dich is not Cherub~usco, by the ~ way. In f'hat attack the regi ment lost both Col. Pierce M. Butler' and Lieut. -Col. Dickin son, and Major Gladden was badly wvounded. The negro body-servant who br ught Lieut. -Col. D)ickinson 'sI bofly b~ack to the family home in Kershaw county died only a short time ago, ,and was buriedI with honors at Camden. There are a number of Mexi can war soldiers surwiving in different parts of~ the country, co ncerning i m it is mistak Ingly thought they wer'e mem 1)ers of the Palmetto regiment, when in fact theynvere mem.. Der's of another South Carolina reginment, r'ecA'ruited later, which (lid not see service afield, the rx closing just as they reached Vera Cruz. Maxcy Gregg was Ilutenant-co1lnel. Out in Hunnewell, Kansas, neeis a woman mayor who seems to wish that she could get b~ack to her knitting. MARIETTA, ROUTE 2. Mr. W. M. Jones and daugh ter, Miss Leila, were pleasani visitors to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jones Saturday night. Mrs. Jessie Hendricks visited Mrs. H. L. Jones Sunday after [loon. Mrs. J. L. Phillips, who has been % ery ill with fever is soie better at this writing. Misses Janie and Ada Ander ;on visited Miss Minnie McJun cin last week. Mr, Eugene Hinton of the Mt. Jarmel section visited in this iection recntly. Mrs. W. M. Jones visited Mrs. 5unnie Stansell last week. Mrs. Willie Hendrix and laughter, Mrs. Eva Turner of Pasley, were in the Table Moun ain section Sunday. There was a baptizing at Mt. [abor Sunday there being seven andidates to whom the ordi iance was to be administered. Miss Leila Jones visited the )acusville people (1u ring the )rotracte(d meeting;' a t Praters Jreek church, Well, for fear this should find ts way into the waste basket I Vill close. Come on -ll of you ornsponidenlts. Pickle. *The Old Cotton-Planter." The subject chosen is crop o1nditiolls in Collin counity, Lexas. An olt resident and wealthy armer asserts that this is the :reatest drouth i forty-four ears. In a period of eight years, in luding the two dryest in 1886 0 at887. a tenant farmer on ay farm aVeraged seven-eighths f a bale per acre and forty ushels corn per acre and about orty bushels oats: I kept a ree rd of his cropping, and there ore can speak advisedly. While the yield on my farm, mong my twelve tenants and heir families, equaling seventy ne in number, has not averaged uite three -fourths of a bale and hir'ty-five bushels corn. strictly n the share system, yet this is lie only year in the past ten -ears that corn was a total ailure. The present prospect bids fair or from one-half to one-third .a bale of cotton per' acre. The loss of a corn crop to )ollin county, Texas, is not asily estimated, and therefore matter 'which we farmeurs aust (10 the hest we can to tide >ver its serious loss until 1912. We hope at least to raise (cot on eniough to pay~ our1 taxes and1( o buy 'ornU enough to feed our ()ams) and eat flour1 bread,w~hich s cheaper. U~nder' the ne customis and vays thie. fraternal feeling is reater', and much aid ('an be giveni under the co-operative lan as exists in 'the Farmers' Union and Woodmen of the World. Thlere has been a goodl deal of low-peas, milo maize and Kaftir Jorn'I planted, w.hich, with sea ;onable rains, will give us ample >r'eadstuffs. Besides, there is plenty money seeking inlvestments in Texas. which in a measure help the Carmers ouI in their loss of a 3orn crop, Aaron Coffee, "The Did Cotton-Planter." - McKin ney (T'ek.) Cor'. H-ome & Farm. Abbeville. Anderson and Easley, Mr. M. N. PalIterson. of this city wvill leave this afternoon for New York, where he goes in the interest of the proposed Abbeville, Anderson & Easley trolley line. This is the second trip 3&'. Patterson has made north i the interest of this proposed liin, and while there is nothing as yet to be given oub for pubika tion, there is every reason to be lieve that the chances, for what is just at this time a projeet, will really materialize. Mr. Patterson is, a very modest man and fully realizes that he will have much. to. contend. with in interesting Noutibhern capital in this enterprise. There is no.question,.however, but what he has sacceeded: re markably wellI so fain. Any one at all familiar with the section of the-country thro' which Mr. Patterson hopes. to have the line built cannot but realize that it is one of the most fertile and mroductiwe sections, of Anderson county. It is- prima rily an agricultural. section. The farms are all well cutivated and by the most modern methods. The farmers are all- prospercus and are anxious for lbetter'trans portation facilities. Many of the most substantial ones have unhesi.tatingly ex pressed their desire for such a line as the proposed one, and stated that they would give whatever financial aid was within their power to make the project a reality, and they are in a )osition to gLve. very sub stantial assistance. Mr. Patterson's efforts may prove fruitless, and. yet there is every reason to-believe that they wvill not. Besides-, t is only a questien of time until such a line will be built.. Conditions in the section of country referred. to have reached that point where- there must be better transportation facilities., The people are demanding such, and with that desire and the money that they can con iWnd they cannot but get the relief they seek.--Anderson Mtail One On. the Senator. rhe- deafness of Senatox-r Me Enery,. of Louisiana, is well known.. He is able to hear but little of the senate debates,. and is obliged frequently to- ask for information as to pendi ques tions before voting. One day one of thc Washing ton correspondents, desiriing to see the senator on business, sernt iin his card. Senator- McEnery cameb out into the lobby, and~ the corresponident, placing his mouth at the statesm'an's ear, hawled out: "Senator, have vou got any news?"' A look of astonishment came over McEnerv 's face, Putting his hand in his pocwket he pulled out a e~gar, and handing it to the newspaper man,stalked back into the senate. H1-e went over to the seat of the late Senator Pettus, of Alabama, and said: "'Some of these ne wspaper fel lows are mighty funny in their ways. One of them (cailed me out just now and asked me for a cigar." -Washington Post. I A Pair of Clingers. The preachers fuss, A nd still John Astor Wont let, go. IAnd wve believe Tlruth must be right in John's place we'd 1Hang on as tight. eline, wve trowv, We'd hang on, too Think of that dough! --Houston Post. New York is now a city of five million souls, and nearly all of them nenid aving. A LynOhing. A lynching in Pennsylvania does not excuse a similar exhi bition of 1awlessness in South Carolia ox'anywhere else . But it must be.said in theIorn line of Southern lynchirgs, a list much longer than we would have It be;'there is none-that reaches in atrocity the burning alive of the negro at (oates ville, Pa. The wretoh had shot andikill ed a policeman who was trying to arrest him. He had not ooni mitted the-nameless crine for which alone in the South lynch ing was for many years- the penalty. When his attempt to eseape was about to end in failure -the negro haditried to committsui+ cide, shooting himself in, the mouth. He was evidently a desperate -character. Taken to, the hospital sothat his wound&, might be treated,. instead of. to the jail, he was, bound toithe bed in ordor, that lie might not escape. The mob stormed the defense less hospital, not a guarded jail. They did not take out a kick n<, ighting prisoler, n1or Oven mIe O (owed by fear, but a man. JOuld, hand aid oot. holples. They did not hang him to a ;ree and, shoot him fuliof holias, is is. the approved. lynching ashion.. but they put. the bed in i pile- of grass and tra.w and ,et firb to the pilw. with. the iving. negro strapped.to - the-bed. He was burned to death-the nest horrible of deaths.and. per iaps.the most painful. At any rate, it was, the Indi min ception of4 extreme crn aty,. the extremni- of torture in ill lands and in all ages, They say thoie were. a thou ;andvl men in tha-mobe that they mene blindfold ad with handker !hiiefs, and that they may never )e- known, though. the usual 'rominent eitizens" were pres at and paricpated, All of which. 'has a familian Ound. In Okkebhoma,. which is not 'so ar from hndian days as 'he ommonwealth of Willam ? enn, :n- Oklahoma the saime lay--nd that was unday--a nob aLso. burned a negro, but hey killed him first, and he vas accused not of murder', but >f a crinu+ against a wvomani. If there he any degrees in awlessness, the O)klahioma out age wvas niot as heinou)fs as the >ther'. Rut af ter all, ~overy lynching , md all lynchlugs carry the same lesson. When men permit their pri rneval p)assions to have full play, w-heni tthey become as the beasts and forgetting lawv, for gett ing con vention, forgetting human rights, take into their ownI hands the wreaking of von - geance, the result is dograda tion and nothing else.-Columi bia Record., The Dog Man's Best Friend. Man's best friend in dumb) an inmal creation is the dlog. Some there may be who wvill dispute the assertion, for there are men who hate dlogs. It is beCcaulse they do not und~erstand thenm, have never made an effort to undm~erstanid them, or have never giv'en theum a chance to prove their friendship. Many vear's ago we read the late Senator Vest's tribute to dogs. Col. Jimu Nevin, of the Rome (Ga.) ribune,11 ~C reetly referred to this tribute by the eloquent Missourlan, and tells how the distinguished states man came to deliver it.' A.the story runs the -noted Miseenrian waseattendin.i court in ani interior MissourI i town, andV while waiiag for - the trial of a ease whiohnhe. was- ixter, ested in, was tugesiby -thetattorv neys, Ln a dog oae to help them. Woluminous, evidence- vx.as,in trodtwed to show thatthe.de fend'ant had shot the d16 ir maIke, whilot other.- evidonce won't to show that the.do had attacked the dRdoendant. . West took no-part in the-trial anl not dispceedl to -speakk .the atbowneys, however, urged him. B'eing thus, urged, he arose, scanned the face of every jury man for a monment, and saidd: "AGentlememrol the Juy'-Thj beat friend au, man has-4n -the word may tuvn against him and become his emmy; ,his, sen O daughter that he ha.* rearad; wiith loving:.amre may prove nm. gmratetul; these who ara -nearvest: a-nd dearest -to us, those.-whi. we trust with our hapmwiess and er good mame iay become traifors to. this faith.. Tho toney thb- a man hasi -i a.ay lose; it flifim' away romI him,. perhaps wh-Aeni he needs it iost. A man'- ieputation :.nay be sac rificed in. a, mnoment Zdill-cosid, ered aclion.. The people. are pro:e to fall on their hiees to do us honor w'he(l success is with us, may be the first to throw AstMone of . nal il en failure settles its (vud upon or heads "The-one absoittely umnselsh frienaithat a nxiuican lww in this selfifsh Oieia the, no. that nevcor deserts hiftn, the one- that nevayr proves umgauiiW or treherous, is his dog. iman's dog-stands by him in prosperity and' in poverty;.in hoaibi and in siokness. 11. will s'ep, on the cAMd ground, whore, at wintry winds blow.-, He. willl kiss the hand that has no food. to offer, he will lick to -wounds and scees ;hhat come iencowater with, the roughness. of bldie world, He guards thi-slieol, of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When alliobbom- friemds desert, he remiains. When riches take wings and: uitijttation falls to pieces,. he. its.- constant in his love as.the smi is in its. journey through, the. heavens. "I Q missicatune drives the mas ter forth aii outcast in the world, friend less and homeless, the fa~IJil dog asks nohigher priv ilege than that of acconmpanyving him to guard him against his "'Andi when the last scene i4 all comes, and death takes *3be master ini its emblrace and~ his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friend(s pursuel~ their way,. thero by the graveside will the nioble dog be0 found1, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, hut openl in alert watchfulness, faith ful and true, even in death." Vest sat diown. Hie had spoken in a low voice, wvithout a gesture. He made no refer' enice to the evidence( or1 the merits of the case. When he finished judge andl jury were wiping their eyes. The juriy filed ont, bult soon retulrnied with a verdict of $.500) for the plai tiff, whose dlog was shot. It was Said that some of the jurors wanted lo hang tihe di fendan t. The True Sentiment, Ex-Gov. and( U. S. Seniator elect Vardaman, of~ M ississi ppi, was asked by a ne wspaper mian: "'What is your opinion of the peace pact between the United States, France and England?"' Mr. Varnimn ,...,ii. "War is baibavic. The imi - poveuishment of' the toiling milA. Iions for the maltenance of atuntes- and mios is.a:cetjnir diebim of our ither in the re ligion of the Ptinee of,: Beace. 7stamps us a worMii ofliam and "I believe im:f ai army largel .nouglk to do pollbe-duty ,h, timne pf peace, a navvsebrong enough to-protect legiti.ati.interesto -in fumigm waters. "If the:United States would Pody tierth In 'tw-matioinal. life nore of the Divine-spirit of the Goldent Rule Aid.I. less, -cf-r the. danmiaMe spirittof.: the, rmleof gold,. it would leadi the world-to P place of moivi exaltation 'where internatiomal, disputes wouhli be settledt. by. aobitki'ai. lion. rakhor thun; by fowe. of "DirVTPoitics.". W- had noksem the Jolkw. ilig. paxagraphb otm the COlleton Ptoiss. and Standard until-we saw it reprint4dilia, the Obso-rvei-' o.ff* Tisasday: : "Bit why notiice tho-vapor ings e#a goxrno;r wNhcse.syi ;pathies are f ith :ihe licp per e-ol m t i lntouti. of thi-sitate .I goeirnor ''..hO. is rejorted to have stoppe:4 mt; a bll tiger a nd treated a (toierie ei'. friends the-morning:*ho mus ina gtrated as the chief omecutive a'Ilicre of: the soveri4 state Soitli Catin ila."''* Just how :uty reputLtAe la'vs. paper in .n-di1b Carolina coul(d pia~lai surAh, a, reppat-: ian th-e flist instanqes. wye camlot uider Lt4and, andi we are- sure the Obsierver ()aimMl not hative observ ed the pamagraph casely,. or. it, certainIy\.-.onldI nott-vea led itself bo. give thm. paragraph fu nrther. camrency., It was 1iown tozeaver.y news,. paper man, in Sc4th Chmlina, and mQodertiainil.1 to our- New. berry (ofxntempoUvry,, taab Mr. Blease. got, up .Vuti off a berd. of serioun.ehss to-go to Colnnuhia to take the oath of offkee.. It oktght. to oolmlm. withuhlh the easy recollection of e(Very news paper man in South. Carolina thatih.e 'm oillpallioal by Iis iphyician,. Iv.. W. G... Ul1musen.1,1 and that Dr. Hloiseal romained ith. him ini( 1aunha until afer- the. anth ot otice was taken. b ing i support the. governort up the hall1 of the. .se15 ot f tepresatatives on .s way to it' spe1aker's stan~d in. take the oath. If the govemnor hadt b~eenl. so, incli4 d,.' it outght to comfe w V)hi.m tihe easy5 rOcollec'tion of e'very newspaperh('1 m)anI ini thet stato that it would hmave' bseen .a phy.. ical imIpossibility for (lhet gov ernort~ to have visi ted(~ ao hiid tiger that morning. We canl see no (xcuse for the pubhlienition of any such report. It is no wonder that Mr. Blease shonld be omhitterevd against; a pr'ess that wvould in, duilge in such warfare: and what is o.tf far more vital im p~ortan(e, it 1s no( wonderO that the popeI are't comning to pa~y so lit tle attenition to what app1ears in the newspaperis inl rogard to p~ulic mlenl, andi that the pr'ess has lost so muhlch of its inifluience in shaping the' polley of the. 'state. -Newherry HferaIld and INews. We wish to thank the goodl Peo(ple who so kindly helped us ini tiht si(ckness and( death of our dear 1mnother, Mrs. Catherine Mauildin. May the great God above he with them through temptation and~ sorrowv, and that being faithful over a few things Gohd will make them rulers over many things, is our prayer.