PLKENS SENTINEL JOURN Ientered April 23, 1903 at Pickeim, N. a econud class 'mail natter, under act of Uongreau of March 3, 1879 40th Year PICKENv. 8. C. APRIL 27, 1911. Number 4S R. C. ROBINSON &. CO. Liberty,& CS Have one of the completest and most up-to-date lines of General Merchandise Ever brought into the up-country. This stock has been bought right Every Step and will be sold the same way. Every article in our store has been carefully selected and personally inspected and we back up our goods with onr personal guarantee. Our claim, which is no idle boast, is in* that we have a better selection of General Merchandise.--More real WORTH in them---(Quality raiher than QuAntity being our motto)and at a closer profit---than the "other fellow." You know this firm; it is composed of T. N. Hunter, P. O. Wilson, J. F. Williams and R. C. Robinson, all men of integrity and business accumen, who would not do business under misrepresentation. .H OE' We have just added a complete line of Pine Furniture Is A Which we are now opening tip for your nspection. The- line embraces tull suits, ""On T e Level odd pieces, sets, beds, chairs, sofas, ta bles, etc. You can find here what you want and in any quality and pric NWe Competition doesn't al, especially invite you to inspect this line. ways make men square. It is one of the swellest and biggest Cutting corners is a shipments ever brought to Liberty. The Quality is unsurpassed and the. prices o are extremely reasonable. All we ask is T e o. makeothe thet you give this line a look. Our line ot this comprises anything S p want. All the weaves, every fash- - ioni~be colo---In canno beatshort cut successes by building the squarest shoe tha ssl ody h e~ onible color---In, fact you cannot b siplicity of this method is responsible for the w this lile.-Jaf "City. Call and look it Al - over. If~ou do not buy a dress pat- that the Craddock Shoe has jumped into tern here it is because you do not want recognize the dollar value in the Craddock Sho a dress. There is no use tor us to go one. In four shoui years the Craddock Shoe hae into rhapsodies over these goods, they is outselling shoes that have been known for thirty Ci'.DS UU IJ ,are here to speak for themselves and isimpossible to bat they talk In ioud and no uncertain tones. L er ao \ We have' p. nty of trim.nings to match. is i ossibe tind a f Our line of Dry Gooes and Notions complete in every pardicular and the fOs ladies can find here a fine line of accessories so necessary to a con. others have comfort, bi pletd-toilette. and foot pleasing qua Kdurable. It is honest inerydptm tofse making, from the tough l-ehdtne te' JUST ardwa-re. hide sole to the last .wpmftefnsigcoh L UST This shoe is so tho UISTEN D Here is a line of stuff we are particularly strong stout leathers, that on. We have bought this line to fill a "long felt without contradic MOMENT want" and here you will find anything that is usu- will wear t ally barricd in a first-class hardware stock. Don't other shoe take our ward for it but come in and see for IIyourself, you wvill be surprised at the stock. All Nobby Shoareeund shortn~ -lat ani~.3 - u t su take the above qcut- a t e hat is oly . The mery folks We simp'lty of thiovs e thd WHOi E o MiLY. Our lithe rly raka, Fay i iht ther Gil is complete i every particular a vr a sil ic recognize thesdliar we considered everything, an But tou are not e n Now here is a line we are particularly rod ol. If ere is ice, edi ri adoe s t sut a lneweloe o el o kowanthnisbu outselisoes that have be nd nown fr thityadfor-eas it is ccting--- ndng t Iress i soe o a work shoe. If you nee a o o st good Clothing --and we have taken particular )ais in the is heh v elt now is m t $3s ti11il timosile to ind i re otfomo oecm buying and selecting of this line. Our Mr. Robinson has sold aclothing for many years and has made it a particular study, and he is qualified to judge cloth, when he sees it, and what ye *e tells you about clothes can be relied on. Nobby patterns bo not forget that wei buy all kinds of courhe and the lates-styles. Good values for the prices we have put upon theh. You cannot do market )rices in cash, for saoe. Bring your stue i in better than inspect this line and buy your Spring suit here. We will treat you right and we for it. We won't ask you to tracte it out. Youcatrd anwreyuleae tr know that our line is ALL RIGHT. Nf Sect. eber e ill treat you right and give You just or ae o n e ay have, than any body in the country. ont te r s and SWe thank you for the very liberal patronage ivy us n than a ance of same in the future. Our motto is goohea pice the best Flour you ever bought at Best oancy Patent for 5k3., full paknt for all. When we ca4inot live p to this .0otto we i 475 All we ask is that you call and inspect our Ior e a We have a nobby line of hats. In our "heaver" Brand of hats at $300, we offer AYou a then, thr ftulG's ours. Yours to GFlease, rnood hat one that we will guarantee in every particular and one that will wear with any 5.oo Stto ou ever bought. We h~ave this line in all " olors, shapes and sizes. We are agents for a special line of tailo - made certnhing, that for quality, workmanship, fin We are particularly strNong on our line of slioes and we uarantee them to wear well and R p mi r o pri flS o f ]o b 1-lleather or we will give you a new pair Aint tis air We could go on quoting 4c nC o . lo rices a-d offering special bargains, but there is no use to take up space this way. just "Tho Leadino M " '* m j ber that if it can be had we've got it and the price is right e b a kn o ou t u and shat e pa th lig e an h aetsye.Godvle o h rcswehv u pnte.Yu antd aktpie i ah o ae rnIyu tf ou.W il u tadpyyucs betrta npc hi ieadbyyu prn uthr.W il ra o ih n w o t ewntas o otaei u. o a rd nwerIo lae u e