Newberry W2 SPlc K SENTINE JOURNA Entered Apral 28, 1963 at Pickonsr, 14, 41. nta pAmeuqtsms mnail almtter Under act of Congre*s of March 8, 1879 40th Year PIOKENS. S. C. APRIL 20, 19.- Number 4 R. C. ROBINSON & CO Liberty, S C Have one of the compietest andamost up-to-date lines of General Merchandise Ever brought into th'e up-country. This stock has been bought right Every Step and will be -;old the s ie 'way. Every article in our store has been carefully selected an I personally inspected and we back up our goods w i our personal go trantee. Our claim, which is no idle boast, is that we have a better selection of General Merchandise--More real ; WOR1T1H in them---(Quality raiher than Quantity being our motto)and at a closer profit---than the "other fellow." You know this firm; it is composed ol T. N. Hunter, P. 0. Wilson, J. F. Williams and R. C. Robinson, all .i:n of integr ty and business accumen, who would not do busines- un lee mi-representation. We have just .ded a complete line of S H OE S * Fine Furniture Is A Step Which we are now opening up for your inspection. -th line embraces iull sulits, "O n The Level" odd pieces, sets, beds, chairs, sofas, ta bles, etc. You can find here what you want and in any quality and price. We Competition doesn't al rspecially invite you to inspect this line, ways make men square. t is one of the swellest and biggest Cutting 'corners is a shipments ever brought to Liberty. The - ri J%&A~ I&-Wk VT VA " ~ J %.%. %.~% ffLJLA A? f l ~ J S 461% I ~Quality is unsurpassed and the prices of success. Craddock are extremely reasonable. All we ask is dhet you give this line a look. Terry Co.,who make the . wonderful Craddock Our line of this comprises anything Shoe, are. undermining inl c--.Al -he weaves, every fat hort cut -successes by building the squarest shoe that is sold to-day. The very this lorne in actyol anlook bt simplicity of this method is responsible for the wonderfully remarkable way this line. in any city. Call and lo~ok it over. If you do not buy a dress pat that the Craddock Shoe has jumped into favor. You will quickly tern here it is because you do not want recognize the dollar value in the Craddock Shoe. But you are not the only - a dress. There is no use tor us to go one. In four short years the Craddock Shoe has swept the entire south. It into rhapsodies over these goods, they is outselling shoes that have been known for thirty and more years. y re tol s foud and do unertain to Leathers It is impossible to beat the Craddock Shoe for style - they talk pnt oud arndouncting tonh. 1Wand for the varieties of good styles in this line. It Our line of Dry Gooes and Notions 350 is impossible to find a tr is complete in every particular and the fortable shoes. Other shoes have style, and still 1. dih s c hr 't. in: hue of accessories so necessary to a corn- and others have comfort, but,in addition toeyepleasing pdii 10 i. and foot pleasing qualities, the Craddock Shoe is durable. It is honest in every department of shoe making,from the tough old-method-tanned steer's JUST Hardw are. hide sole to the last wipe of the finishing cloth. LISTEN This shoe is so thoroughly made, of such fine Here is a line of stuff we are particularly strong stout leathers, that the makers say and we say, A ~on. We have bought this line to fill a ,long felt wtotcnruco,"h rdokSo JS1T MOMENT want" and here you will find anything that is usu- willithou t ity .. Th erddoc any ally carried in a first-class hardware stock. Don't will wear thei same price. take our ward for it but come in and see for other shoe at yours.lf, )ou will be surprised at the stock. All leathers $3.50 & $4.00 Nobby Shoes for the Whole Family Clothing, Hats and G4 1 1n Fu I)on't take the above "cut- to man that we have shes only for the men folks. we . .~lats and ~chave Shoes foi the WHOLE FAMILY. Our line for the Grandpa, Grandma lather Moth nish ing Goods. e~r, 13oy or Girl is complete in every particular and embraces all sizes, prices and qualities. Ibuying this liew osdrdeverything,ad - a Now here is a line we are particularly proud of. If there is high pice, line we considered and bought to suit the purse. We have a line a line we love to sell or know anything about, it is clcthing--- nee hling a dress shoe or a work sh prIf youff.. any good-a t o sition, er good Clothing --and we have taken particular pains in the is the place and ow is the time to get them. buying and selecting of this line. Our Mr. Robinson has sold clothing for many years and has made it a particular study, . vesB and he is qualified to judge cloth, when he sees it, and what Co u and the he tells you about clothes can be relied on. Nobby patterns Do not forget that we buy all kinds of country produce, and shat we pay the highest and the latst styles. Good values for the prices we have put upon them. You cannot do market prices in cash, for same. Bring your stuff to us. We will buy it and pay you cash better than inspect this line and buy your Spring suit here. We will treat you right and we for it. We won't ask you to trade it out. You can trade anywhere you please. But re know that our line is ALL RIGHT. Nuf Sed. mme ewl ra o ih n ieyujs member we will treat you right and give you just as much, or a little more for any barter you S of O may have, than any body in the country. Don't take our word for this but try us and see Some of O ur Special We thank you for the very liberal patronage given us in the past and hope or a contin cance of same in the future. Our motto is good goods, cheap prices and fair treatment to We offer you the best Flour you ever bought at Best Fancy Patent for 5-35, full patent for all. When we cannot live up to this motto we VA go out of busmess. 4.75. All we ask is that you call and inspect O'ur linegtorpcsadiweantelyu We have a nobby line of hats. In our "Beaver" Brand of hats at $300, ,e ofler you a then, the fault's ours. Yours to please, good hat, one that we will guarantee in every particular and one that will wear with any 5.oo Stetson you ever bought. We have this line in all colors, shapes and sizes. We are agents for a special line of tailor made clothing, that for quality, workmanship, fin ish and material cannot be beat. The prices run from $1 2.00 up. We are particularly strong on our line of shoes and we guarantee.them to wear well and . .lO to be all leather or we will give you a new pair. Aint this fair? We could go on quoting low prices and offering special bargains, but there is no use to take up space this wa"h just remember that if it can be had' we've got it -and the price is right. .y"The Leading Merchants of this e 'I9