40th Year PICKEXN>,. C~ FE . !1 s9j1 . 39 PIM K S I EL J Ue n o M. Rose- eive.htsce Colo -- r R1 The Origin of Roystcr l Mr. Royster believed *that succes: Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would above other considerations. This was idea Twenty-seven years ago and thi to-day; the result has been that it r< Factories to supply the demand for Roysi F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPAN FACTORES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO, N. C. COLUMBIA, S. C. SPARTANI * MACOil, GA. COLUMBUS, GA. MONTGOMER'.', ALA. BALT '&M ""SUI "EME" and BRANDS ATLANTA, GA. Vhn. h'f~'m buys fertilizer, he is providinl for a week c a month, but as long as there is need and maturing cle:rt. Unless he buys with this oi he lays himself liable to losses incide-nt to a stun fruit, and to the greater loss of IheE' ;. All ti the use of our "spre" a d -" rn Big" made of the highest class of .A.terials known to th Blood. Bone and Tankage, prepared according to our improv tnuously from the the t", seed sprouts till the crop matures. wet seasons much better than other fertilizers and keep the pla They are fin~ely ground an:d OJsolutely dry, thus insuring easy, e Ca o va rfarst de!cr for a copy of our 192 It hie can't szpply you, write uzs direct and we will promptly so you can see what cur customers say about them. Our Fertil big crops for others, give them a chance to do the same for you. *Don't be satisfied to buy "just guano," but INSIST on * "Supreme" or. "Southern Big" Brands. They arn I FOR SALE BY J. WY. Hendricks. Picken.s. S. C.; Tho~s. A. Ju i 0 DeIll, Liberty, 's.-C.; Gaines & Gassaway Mlerchi SIf 9,986 Farmers aild Plnters told you that their yields per ra -atn corn, wheat, fruit, fruit trees, peanuts and,'f e~-k crops xere great ly increased and some times a e, ey using SVirginia=Carolina F~ertilizers - and whicht they though the best and biggest crop producers -on earth--wouldn't you feel that you should, in justice .o 7yourself, try these fertilizers and get the same increased yields on your farm? We have many thousand of unasked for letters, from far mers, blessing the day they bought VIRGINIA-CAROLINA FERTILIZERS. Many of these letters are mn the Farmers' Year Book, which can be had free from your dealer. Give them a trial this year' and be convinced ~i FOLGER. T' HORNL EYA & ( [0.,gens. PienIs, S. C. OE MARK. EGISTERED. tiizers. s awaited the place quality Mr. Royster's s is his idea .quires Eight er Fertilizers. URG.s.c.1 MORE. MD. t a OKLAHOMA CiT'r ' -. t, t t meR4ANY r , o; SATNAGE p FERTILIZERS plant food for his crop-not of plant food as a sustaining e idea prominently in view, ;ed growth both in stalk and e ese losses can be avoided by P Brand Fertilizers, which are a trade. I: d methods, feed the crop con They stand the drouths and ' t in much better condition. I Ien and uniform distribution. t I Y[ear Gok mail you a copy o izers have made u ~ getig the ' * a aS good. t ulise Co., Centra . . . I _________________ ______- t Auditor's Notice. The tine fo)r main, ' r.--:- - " r t &cd te'cr :911, -1....e o- . :8-. 1.t 3 .rud :-! - Febo re.2:.h. 1:311. T' a hor oe Thr'ia (i - i-n .) Jw i ' : 1 h-:s. eitewn- pbwiIes -. n- return& E~ a:.~ T.h-nday (tin u-. n.) Jan l'' ,~ -ate,g~ e'eThrdy (. m .) Jan :9 Norr s Thu. (a. -n.) Januarv 2be U''prs i Thi . (p. i (>.) J . & 21 I Eacsiy Frto iay Wd(a. m.) Jn2 . enwo. -- r: " (p. .) Ja ?> Pross Plinsnw Thu. (. m .) Jaury2 T.'iperGin Th. (. m.) " 28 UacusMile Frid.a (a. in.) "'bur 27 Pra-rs - ekF~ (p. .) ' 1: I Pum:4:to n S . (a . m.." wbolly t ir esp4 eu. m.) r"i28 i il . . m.)IT Ferar 1 Artr -i (. m.)en Bony 1 E Caes-turda Hal! Aurli' Lr. ien oy. I fl Cokaedfalte~ all . K. of P.,f D>. G. amo )r:. C, C A. a_ smOIrI K. or n: ....a S. - And the Egg From which Was Hatch ed the Great Chartcr. Richard IPavey in "Tle Tower c: Lo'ndvn con'ects tie 1histore etiis. with the reUntg of the great chr*:: from King John. gally married to lsai1eih oz Angnd leme, fell despert;ely in love in 2i with "3Matiilda" or "M3ud." "te F'air. the bl* ;c'iful daN.:hter of Roiert. L~r Fig~wher.Thislady, reumining- de::1 to his eatrea tia<. was troa:-heri. abiduc :1 from her fat her's seat Dunniow by the %ing's order and shbit rp i cte round turret of the Wi it:. tower. Oi this Fitzwalter ma' vain atteipi- to rouse ihe people to r: volt. buit was forced to 11y to France with li, wife :d remaining h:idren. Maud nesafe in the tower, Kin;% John reinewed his '1it, bit only stiv 1eeded in driving her to utter silence, which so infuriated him that he sent er a poisoned egg for her breakfast. and she died early in 1215. A year later her remains were translated to the family vault at Dunmow. When the news of this crafty mur fer came to the ears of Fitzwalter he orthwith returned to England and liscovered to his joy that the barons ere on the point of declaring war tgainst John. He at once placed him ;elf at their head, hoping, it is said, to ombine his personal revenge with his luty as an English peer and is indeed ;upposed to have forced the king to ;ign the great charter for the express mrose of humiliating his daughter's nurdern-r. Thus from an egg was atr-hr the great charter. Whether he story 1 true or fallse, it is a enr ified histoi:-al f^ct Ihat the T:1rcns t ower a pieehe till j.' hn con ,en to acept the charter and af i;d hL. relu-taxnt wiginture to the ed. ,* Abu; a ! y a*,,r la vhen the wa ith the Uinrons was at its height and olin onre more a power. the tower gain fell into his hands, and. though he barons laid siege to it. they were epulsed by the kings men. To coin lete its strange vicissitudes during his strenuous reign the tower became n Nov. 1. 1213. the temporary court f King Louis of France. whom the ebellious barons had summoned to ssist in the adjustment of their .-rev nces. Appearing before the gates rith- a large body of men, he so com etely awed the officials that they anded over the keys without striking blow for Iheir rightful monarch. FREAKS OF A RIVER. Stream So Crooked That It Double Crosses Itself. There is :t stream in Massachusetts ailed the North river. It starts in :i ond near Hanson and runs to the sea t Scituate. It is ten miles by air line rom Hanson to Scituate, and the river forty miles long. This river is probably the most re iarkable body of water, barring the )ead sea. on this footstool and has tood more abuse and bad ianguage ban~ the Chic'ago river. When the tidk :coming in the river runs upstreami. nd not ouly that, but the upper part f it. which is fresh water. also runs p, and the spectacle of a fresh water ter be-i iin it uphill is alone enough : call :ttnision1 to itself. But there is inch more to it thnai that. The North river is noted for bening lie cne of the last Indian raid on the oast settlemenits. It is notable Cor ving given birt'h to the ship) Cohnn ia, whose i-aptalin dis:-overed and~ amed the Columubia river, and was he irst mer'enn vessel to circum avigate the world. It is notorious for aving suddenly changed its mind on :s c-ourse on~ the night of Nov. 27. 1SU8. :hen'm it moved its mouth ihree miles to le northwaird, presented the town of Iarshleld with a deep harbor, killed ree men and converted abouit 200.000O res of pr-ime meadow land into a salt Uut the chief thing about this river ifs crookedness. This river is so rooked that it double crosses itself. f you don't believe it go and see. here is one place 'in Hanover whey e y making three loops the river mo- -es oward' the sea for a distance o al 0st fifty feet and meanders about or fifteen miles in doing it.- Boston raveler. Tabernacle Shadows of /e Better Sacrifices." / This little Book is no for the ordi ary reader, but mos decidedly it is hat every advanc' d Bible Student ad earnest Chri" ian should possess ad study thorr ughly. It costs but en Cents, is il' ustrated and draws its is- is on t' e higher life from the mpes and ' -adows of Israel's typical tonemefl% Dr r and other sacrifices. ul ven earnest Christian should :e hslttle book and find in it a t eof spiritua! wealth. health d ~efresh::nent. Order it now from il Beand Tra.-t Society, 17 HiaN itreet. Brooklyn, N. -. Dice. Dice were invented niml P"~'S used for 'gawmlng purposes 1.Wu yanrsefore the Christinlu ct-a. U rertv: 4th Sund tv I a. m. ai Ist 1day nright 7:30 p. m. I Eu-hamah: 1st Sunday morn ing 1 a. Im. Ehehem : 2d Sinay 11 a. n. and 4th S'unday aft'rnoon. Gap Hill: 3d Sunday 11 a. Im. Twelve Mile: 3d %Sunday af ternoon. North Pickens Appintmants. The following are the av;ppoint ments of Rev. E. L. Thomason, Pastor of the North Pickens cir cuit for the Year of our Lord, 1911. Let everybody encourage the preacher by keeping his ap pointments in mind and giving him good congregations: Porter's Chapel 1st Sun lla. m. Friendship 1st Sun. 3 p. m. Bethel 2d Sun. 11 a. m. New Hope 2d Sun. 3 p. m. McKinnie's Chapel 2d Sun 11 a. n. Salem 4th Sun. 11 a. m. The -Imam of Sana, Seyid Yahya. has declared war against the Turks and armed bands are gathering in: the Yemen m3untains. The notorious Sheik, Beni Pasha, has joined the Imam's standard and a rising through out Yemen, a region of southwestern Arabia. is expected. Three skaters who ventured on thin ice were drowned near Lowell, Mass. William Hanccck. aged 12, lost his life in a pond. at Mothuen, and Nicholas G; McNulty, a;;ed 10. and Pat rick H. McCue, 14 years old, werc drowned in the Concord rivcr. M.c Nulty and McCue, who were playing hockey, broke through the ice to gether. William Waiker has been senter.ced by a Bibb county, Ga., jury to hanu on March 10th. ior the murder of his wife. Efforts 411 be made to oh tain a new tria for the condemne2 man. Thirty person 16 f probably fatally, artfor Ark., and Monroe Okla., when a Chi cago, Rock Island and Pacific passen ger train struck 2. cow. The injured were taken to McAlester, Okla. Charles Fogel, 2.las Andy Vicartow ski, a soldier in the Twenty-third in fantry, was arrested in Laredo, Texas, for the alleged ;murder of Nellie C. Cuine, in Kanss City. Mo., in Janu ary, 1908. 4 Patrol Offlcpr Morris captured Thomas Sanders, an escaped convict from Eastman,! at Macon. The negro offered resist3 ice and made things lively for a ti-1ne. He will be held for authorities in! Dcdge county. Miss Augusta Belasco, second daughter of JDavid Belasco, was maar ried in New York, to William Elliott. an English a'etor. The ceremony was performed a-i the Hotel Mlarie Antic nette. By a vote of 100 to-3 the Ohio Legis lature conct:Irred in the action of the Senate in agjopting the resolution pro viding for the approval of the income tax amendjmnent to the United States sconstitutieja. Two batetleships, two colliers, eight torpedo bibat destroyers and four sub marines clonstitute the naval increase program ?for next year, under action of the ifdouse cominittee on naval af fairs, atk. Washingtcr.. NU$RSING MOTHERS sho\' the beneficial ef {Scott's Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid fooa tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. FOa SAI.E BY ALL 1)hUGGISTS - /' ic., nma o-: z:-'r and this ad. for onr . :: g i,-7 D andl c.iS's Sketch-Book. .' ontr..r a Goe'l Lack ?:nnr. -1 -, r. rEv 409 Pearl St.. New Ycrk Danger in a City In New York City the num bers of persons killed by vehicles on the streets in 191a was 218, almost double the numberkilled in 1900. : >ese 90 were child ren und; years of age, as conpareaL vith 31 of like age sacrificed to traffic in 1900. Discussiug this The Durham N. C.) S- '--;nks that the con densatioc. o.)pulation and the increasing .umbe- rif vehicles: on the streets arv . -..ing the thorough fare of our cities almost as dangerous as the zone of fire in battle.. The Sun says that: "The figures seem to show that after a certain point- of density of traffic the danger of the -street increases far out of proportion to the increase'in population of the city. Although the automo bile is the chief offender, the number- of deaths due to horse driven vehicles has likewise doubled. When there are ad ded to these constant perils inci dental calamities such as perils of skyscraper construction, fall ing signs and like, it will be seen that the situation is one that will in a few years have to be dealt with by something other than idle speculation. As build ings are made higher the density of temporary population. especi ally in business and financial districts, is wonderfully increas ed. The crush has as the one means . travel only a narrow street which must accomodate also the constantly augmented streams of traffic.. Whether the solution will be elevated d!ftays, with road rules for &edestrains as .well as vehicles, ~ is of course a present conjecture but that the city of the future must make some provision for the safety of the people who make great is as evident, as that, otherwise, it must speedily reach the limit of its develop ment." The matter is a serious one and one that must be given con sideration. THEORY VS. PRACTICE. A certain Dr. C- was once reading a very strenous paper on total abstinence before a clerical club-so the story .goes the entertainer wverit out to tell his wife how many she was. to provide for ai, supper, says Harper's Magazine. "What are they doing?"~ she asked, and was told the subject of the essay, "What shall I do?" she cried. "Here Pfiave brand ied peaches, and it is too late . change." "Miake no change." said no ha:uand. It will be all right.P The essayist had the post of honor at the right of the lady cf the house. and she presented him with a dish of peaches. After a while she said t1o him, "Dr. C-, won't you allow me to give you some more of these peaches" "Thank you, he replied. They are excellent." A little later she said: 'L-r. C.--, may I not give you another peach?" "No, I thank you," he said apologetically, "but I will take a little more of the gravy." Tax Notice. * All license taxes due the city of Pickens for the year 1911, are due andz co!!eetible ont or by the .nih of Fei.reiary and must be rai Ly t~at I me. E. B. LaBoon. Mayor. J. R. Ashmore. Clerk -I..SAM.,