Entered April ii3? I90:t at I'lckeiiH, S. C. a* mocoikI clu?h initll mutter, under act of Congrot* of .flaroh 3, 187!) 40th Year PICKENS. 8. C.. NOV. 24 1U10. Number 27 "GO YE ALS( Matthe "Many that arc first shall be i Gil A PH culture was one < Teacher. The stony I extensively uso Ileavi vino, look in:; out for > injur assisting every way i1? the pr< Kvidemly many C'hrNtiin pee laborers in the Church of Chri faith" until we sill eoine to the St. Paul appreciated this prh tied servants of the New Cov? boseeeh men. He ye reconcile* negligent of Ids opportnnities t milium- nr;i i i iiiui a tr:i< * n :\\ ? U? God's message. lie I bus indie: Cod nor lo :i knowledge of the tin* S riptures declare that a <1 poser.. i ; attained only as a jzifi a humble, faithful, zealous al'.i mysteries of the Kingdom of (!< Tin* tilings pertaining to Cod world for a thousand years, abort iy. iltit now h is nppropi should lie known only to the (' of (!o an\i>>us to serve t!i?? T.ord. she to linn? will ho specially ;c:il ii tho T.ord for llio assistance of 1 The word "penny" hero is fr< ootiis value. Hut the value of day a laborer's wajio in proport Tho ilrnnriu* was llnv lioman s standard, tin* iiuiYl: tho Cermai shilling tho Kngllsh standard worthy of note thai In ono of tl that its excellent chisel work, j day and a ha# of meal for oa< ;i- < 1 ft > 1.11 \ . i? I I I;.* i iii :! <;. MII tiri. i f 'I. I l! l I I 111' Wei ll I . ' .'l?. i.: .it. i. ' A . . I'! !' 1 . .. i I ' !.- \ . " !' i AM .* ? , 1. ui v .1' I i 1 -i ! ; i!t i !' : 'i ! for < ; < ?? :*- * c thorn iix i ! i !(.? fill) ill;* II: . ' \ -.1 ?V< >i': Do You l>oli< M,uit I?v }wiiii i>?mipii i I ;im-litlor ?! Ill <:! n I' I'k'.'isc lx-.ir i; in inin P/CK E A nK/. - JV Distributors f tlie main Industrie# of the days of the Groat illlsltles of rali-stlne were once terraced and Ineyards. On our recent visit we noted with , revival of this oust ??n, as one of the evidences >f the Holy l.and.?Acts :{;19-21. of the Master, in that he used it in a parable, ! Church, saying. "I am the Vine, ye are the ! husbandman;" "Herein is my Father glorified, y branch in me which boa ret h fruit he pruneth j .fruit;" "10 very branch in me that ben ret h not ' I ble of 1 ln> I.:ibni'(>i'?. In full !ii>nnrH iviii? ii><^ >r from :i ?lifTi?r In the most holy j full stature of :i 111:111 in the Anointed One. 1-1 logo greatly. sayintr. Coil hath made us (piall- J Mi:ilit. So then wo. us ambassadors for Cod. i I to Cod. (;? Corinthians r?:'Ji>.i Whoever is j o servo others who manifest a hearing ear, a J spirit shows liis own laek of annrei'latlon of 1 iti s that hr? has not come to a 1 id." I's Killed lit. In its firvr.* > p m t :i toward tilt' i v. I 1 v; i*rt*iitur<\ ! *i; '<*. silid is tl>i* Iilvim* will. Hint t!;?*s(> t!l!n?H | lit:: ?*! . I'i < < t. t'<-r.!i !. (It.* sph if-in ; otliMi sons ' :i: l"i\i!i t n i ;i i jiit In I In* Kit);-.lorn c*l:tss. ; } tn In* tin* 1 *i":t'- of Intonur.l t coinpurii- 1 1'- !i "ii i rstood < *ly 1 -y -.tcli :ts linvo lnitdt* n , rill' c. Ii';-. It-'.: r,u;r,.? -Tin* sorrel of ili<* Lord ' l';n. sr.'d lit* v.il! show- lhi*tn his Covonnnt." ! - svin;i:itliy wil !i I h<* Ilivino purposes will br Trill Ii si ml tht> hrcthrrMi. And stu-h from time* | Vineyard, and will bo specially used of liconseornted people in various ways. on the Greek denarius, a silver coin of about 17 tnon<\v has so changed in recent years tbat toion to other things would bo considerable more, tandanl of that time. as the lira is the Italian > standard, the franc the French standard, the and the dollar the American ^standard. It is lie line old English cathedrals the records show ;t:p erlor to anything of today, cost "A penny a ch laborer." The parable of our lesson is ovlio ! will give all that be has agreed to all who y give more than lie lias stipulated. read, those tirst hired murmured against their any who would bo counted worthy of a share agvlnst the (liver of all (Jood. The rewarding if the harvest day and the murmuring may be ly" ??r reward would thus soeni to be something in privileges or <;.>d's people In t!ie present life. who murmur that they do not reeeive a sulJl and of Divine nehnowledgment will he thereby i> future ser\ i? e "beyond the veil." as member.' mild seem to point n warning to tho?-e of (Jod'a he Truth and who have had groat privileges of against the ble?sinvs and reward-- eoming to ere laboring for th> reward mei'Mv and not ap t' |:?bop i-; with Chrl t an 1 with the 1'ather: p i! ! to cn.r.- Pito tiie srdrll > ' life wonderfu' | lug fie I.ord. the Truth av! the hr"(hren. Tin m in t lie raiher" work and in the brethren I il'i "very new I i> ;- be glnd I >:::t a)] j s favor;*. !>!i i."s mi I i nli ghteunient ns fully, j . ny who Iia--" nm (his spirit have not ji: .. iieik-r.-u . no I hi iiitul, in hii -i ? i<-r fr tri hi ; st;:ui!|>< it>! > ill rojoUv . 11 ,\ I ' M'c ! i > . ; >| iIT j;, !? > 11 i -1 : > ;: (? w?: <-lulit iMiuirlo^ j < I i . 'i ;.o (>' ' |?.?j n:nl I lioi ! '!: i ; ii- . ! .? : r;* . V nvi'V t tic ; i' r Mi .M n >w on ' m:- j; ,, ii null' ,iin of Iho (* > nf i 1 \ iil 11'hi" ' hi Ii niril upo'i :: i , V > | :, t 11! . ! * i . 1 . . 1 ! ' l1 i iS:. v 5n t Ik' ; " " ' iij'ii l 1 Wi O ' |> i; !icii; i j . i I.P ! I !i |' .i, i'. ti i ! ; i n It. in i I 1 i i i ! ? {?I : . .i ' IV n > <-r . i- ; .. : j u i! 11- < iim li M i ' ' 'i.i it \ V' '|ir!i lien I f I ir? i ? ti /.<> *v<4 in ';ii> ."lion or your money l::i it 11)? in niil lor 'h'* liook I lie) I talks |o;-every ilise.ise. Also liexnll \\ nleh ns. . 1 1 ... ' J .him < i ?iiir K? MM- ir , [DRUG CO. &xcdUL Store ul*121HBQ8BrSKt':'S'aHH**i <4 . .< ,>,n in1 and Kidncy I 'ills. Dr. Eliot's Religion. Dr. Eliot's "simple religion:" Whosoever wrongs another in thought or in act thereby wrongs himself even more, for he robs himself of his own pence of mind. When he wrongs a fellow being ho wrongs God; wheu^he hates a fellow being he hates God. No form or amount of profession or prayer can then restore rn iii? mimi ">? til lie has righted the wrdng and in that way shown the only repentance that God will recognize. And, conversely, whoever serves a follow being thereby serves God in the only way It Is possible. , t I Stli^n'TK Slir|itlcn That a clean, nice, fr.igrai t, compound like Buckliind'it Arnica Salve will in-1 Htantly relieve a bud burn, out, 'scald, woVmd or piles, staggera skeptics. I worst awes, ulcer*, boils, felons, eczema, skin "ruptioie-, as also chapped hands, sprains mwl corns. Try it. 25c itt till IMll^4(IHI8. Notice of Application for the Appointment of Public Guardian. Notice is lu rob; niv? n dial an application to ImvH J. U NVwbeny. Probate Judge of I'nk.is county, appointed public guardian for the following named minor children - Nora Por'.er and Anbury Porter will be made to tin JiiHjje of tlie coin' of common pleas for Pi 'lien < unity or ii'iiu1 circuit Judijo at ('hnnilieiH in tbe 'l'enth Judicial e.rcuit, on a p- titioii to lil rshiiM> ini ; !.erai or it siatnentary <;iiai' me, to grant him letters of Administration of the t stii.i' ami i ITeetH of ( . lioggs These are therefore to rite and iidlii tiiish nil 'iihI singular the I'.inilrcd ami creditors of the s.-jid S. G IJoUgH decease), that they he ami appear before me, in the ' 'ourt of Pr?>ixite, to he held at Pickens on the Hth day of D.'C J010 next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show en use it liny thf.v hav?>, why tho said admih'Strniion shonhl not l>e granted. Given under my hand; this 24 day of Nov. Anno ' omini 1910. J B. NrwbKUUY. (seal J. P. P. C. Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge. Notice is hereby ^iven that 1 will make apnlicatina to J. B. Newberry, 10sq. .ludir-of 1'robote for Pickens county in ihe State of South Carolina, on the >'mv of December I'.MO or as soon thereafier as Raid application ean lie In-aiil, for leave to in ike tiii.il settlement of the e\ V'lr4 Exooutnr. Red Hot WC have 1.111<< you a lot to - ay. Our shoe t rade has heen t'd < ! hut we st ill have shoes for cloth lop and plain toes, >1. wit h<>ut < 11 , all ! at her, .<1 i I' \tin e m stand ?h<-m. cinu)m<:> \V tia \ ? a !< m < I soft si >le j ( er he!in ^hce .")?:-( tiic pair and a t..11 and hi, < . i I 1/ v w .M l'j+\ W i hive < >i 11 d| I he M ront^es K iser i\ inu n, ;ill si vies ;dhI I arc hard i<> crowd, strong as -;}? ? I $ rowans all leather and ham as ; HATS A> Or:1 lia! < oek i; e< mi piel i >, a I 2ae t^i s I. Hoy's caps 'Me 1<> .~> *J. "?<>. \\ hit \\ e llllVe a nice litt le sha\vl I ton. W< have a dandy for?1. els and ?!. Hoods 2~>, lo ;>0<\ 1>, 1 . \ \* k' I. "iX We ii.'ivr i fail blanket for 7 oiif I <>r !a iiot oii?> for ?2 (,)uilt . 1 |f> >2. \V lieu you next (! iv in?l we w ill surely sell We want all the e Keowee S ,jLt_ Good Printing Is the art of puttlntf Into another mind what is in your own. IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION It Is a means of making a favorable Impression. To have tho best results. It must be the best printing. That wo are prepared to glvo you. W A L K RIGHT IN THF TOWN f.RIFR < -""-"I Was put out of business by Printer's Ink PRINTER'S INK Will Get Business' For YOU. We Do Up to Date JOB PRINTING. M TRY US i i l n 9. n-:-x. j Ltftiei:* uu ruuny riuiiea rtie^ | ciiiaay iooKinR letter neaii wins atten- | tlon and puts tho recluietit Into a pleasant frame of mind for the letter underneath. Wc Print That Kind of Stationery. We Are Ready to Print Yours, Bargains nboiit s|)ik* ; .mil s!il) c moro j;ir I??i - K in-:!! (? >. with and i I h'.i vv Polls! shoes , rs KMOKS. i!* < iii i Ir? i ;11 2>e (In p;i i: a not h - j ('rack* r Jin k ;i! 7. .ill leather, I SIIOKS. i i Iii ? o! tin nV sImic- in lown, j alheiv. Our he;i\v work shoes I. s-;j the |?:iir. The old time i rnek lor CD CAI'S. i style? ;>11. When ee oi;r line hci 1 M'e \ on hoy. , Si I A WLS, !?\\S( IX ATOMS. ] >t I<>i 1 .">0i\ nii'ii's woo! s| to *lf>o, | ?\ lira v ami iv;I. Cor Mir. some wool I?n( llioiv coi -j I' ascim111ii 2 >'' Ik 7Scarfs .~;0 \.\l> (M'lLTS. a hot lej- one i'or?!, a warmer am! a Uiuckei-Jack for S2.f?0. < I'll! ;)t II i / 111 colli > Id lis Ilic I you on can find ;il '2,~>r ll:c do/,., Jill j ? pound, ami all Hie fries I hat und. upply Co., A-IGr Manager i :i I'K" ''F ' AVcgetablePrcparalionforAs KSialw strallalin? (hcFoodantlRcguta Unglhc Stomachs aMBowelsol Ill Promotes Digestion,Cheerful vaq?'' r| nc?s an(* Rest.Contaiiis noimcr 'a3o Opium.Morphinc norM.iu;ral. ;%r Not Narcotic. i!I _ pfgSij Ijl.. JtetipeofOhlDcSAML'HJ'milEX I6, ?! I\cvpkin Setd~ Pg ? 11 Mx-Smna * 1 JhcMte&dta- I Hil l yjn/scStrd * I toagiui. ) ItbrmSrrd- 1 ; Clardkd Si/qer 1 A nwtryteti FJann. ' A Aperfect Remedy forCcmstipa- f ifrvj < lion, Sour S to mac h. I) iar rhoca 1 Y Worms,1Convulsions.Ii'verislt ? ? ness and Loss of Sll:kp. ' FacSimile Signature of v stf sszrrrjr ;vuC< (frzffy-TMs/UV. Exact Copy of Wrapper. WRIT FC Desci intivo L 1 'THE REAL ES hox 20/J. 'lilt I- in !\ krilS / icrilc fi)'c fun! I 1 est Dr. POULTRY P, On Ti 1 )i?l y.!' ice male )out* !t< j'.s lay, to | healthy ami strong, to cur ^apes. Ol course ) on arc expi:Ucd t(? licc and loi tlicit purpose vv? k Instant Louse Kill*, r. fljH IIS llJi V4' \ OW H. A Richc mm For Infants and fShfldr#* he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the v, Signature /A)J of w SI Jr ^ X Use kF Far Over 'T* 8^ " M * V ~ ?- ? Biniiij mars TNI OKNTAUR COMPANY. NKW YORK OITY. ist of Farms fc txu&m H***9' ra 'Vvr^r 1 j v[ k Hni 1 cIi. :.. . / ( inrnium r, P. ess AN-A-CE-A rial feed I )r. I less Piniltry Pnn.ili spring, in lact iiiuin I lit; .a c not satisfied thai it lias paid iii .you iiavo ?is. make your chicks <;row last, < nolcra and roup. keep yuor p.mltay Ire from now ( I nothing better i.han ? order now. y & Son. t